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物种分布模型通常用于基础生态和应用生态研究,用来确定影响生物分布和物种丰富度的因素,量化物种与非生物条件的关系,预测物种对土地利用和气候变化的反应,并确定潜在的保护区.在传统的物种分布模型中,生物的相互作用很少被纳入,而联合物种分布模型(JSDMs)作为近年提出的一种新的可行方法,可以同时考虑环境因素和生物交互作用,因而成为分析生物群落结构和种间相互作用过程的有力工具.JSDMs以物种分布模型(SDMs)为基础,通常采用广义线性回归模型建立物种对环境变量的多变量响应,以随机效应的形式获取物种间的关联,同时结合隐变量模型(LVMs),并基于Laplace近似和马尔科夫蒙脱卡罗模拟的最大似然估计或贝叶斯方法来估算模型参数.本文对JSDMs的产生及理论基础进行归纳总结,重点介绍了不同类型JSDMs的特点及其在现代生态学中的应用,阐述了JSDMs的应用前景、使用过程中存在的问题及发展方向.随着对环境因素与多物种种间关系研究的深入,JSDMs将是今后物种分布模型研究的重点.  相似文献   

物种分布模型的发展及评价方法   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
物种分布模型已被广泛地应用于以保护区规划、气候变化对物种分布的影响等为目的的研究。回顾了已经得到广泛应用的多种物种分布模型,总结了评价模型性能的方法。基于物种分布模型的发展和应用以及性能评价中尚存在的问题,本文认为:在物种分布模型中集成样本选择模块能够避免模型预测过程中的过度拟合及欠拟合,增加变量选择模块可评估和降低变量之间自相关性的影响,增加生物因子以及将物种对环境的适应性机制(及扩散行为特征)和潜在分布模型进行结合,是提高模型预测性能的可行方案;在模型性能的评价方面,采用赤池信息量可对模型的预测性能进行客观评价。相关建议可为物种分布建模提供参考。  相似文献   

钟明  侍昊  安树青  冷欣  李宁 《生态科学》2016,35(4):205-209
生境是生物出现的环境空间, 开展野生动物的生境适宜性评价和生境破碎化研究, 有助于濒危动物的保育。随着生态学科的发展, 多元统计分析、景观生态学和3S 技术被用于生境适宜性评价中, 使其研究结果广泛应用于生境质量评估、生境承载力分析、物种潜在分布预测和物种濒危机制评价等方面。然而研究对象基础资料的缺乏和研究时间较短常局限生境适宜性评价研究继续深入。生境破碎化研究常集中在破碎化现状及其对生物的影响。时空尺度的扩展和研究方向的分化应是今后生境破碎化研究的发展趋势。  相似文献   

物种分布模型(SDMs)通过量化物种分布和环境变量之间的关系,并将其外推到未知的景观单元,模拟、预测地理空间中生物的潜在分布,是生态学、生物地理学、保护生物学等研究领域的重要工具.然而,目前物种分布模型主要采用非生物因素作为预测变量,由于数据量化和建模表达困难,生物因素特别是种间作用在物种分布模型中常被忽略,将种间作用...  相似文献   

中国植物分布模拟研究现状   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
在过去的20年里, 物种分布模型已广泛应用于动植物地理分布的模拟研究。该文以植物物种分布模拟为例, 利用中国知网、维普网以及Web of Science文献数据库的检索与统计, 分析了2000-2018年间, 中国研究人员利用各种物种分布模型对植物物种分布模拟研究的发文量、模拟模型、物种类型、数据来源、研究目的等信息。最终共收集到366篇有效文献, 分析表明2011年以来中国的物种分布模型应用发展迅速, 且以最近5年最为迅猛, 在生态学、中草药业、农业和林业等行业部门应用广泛。在使用的33种模型中, 应用最广的为最大熵模型(MaxEnt)。有一半研究的环境数据仅包含气候数据, 另一半研究不仅包含气候数据还包括地形与土壤等数据; 环境及物种数据的来源多样, 国际及本土数据库均得到使用。模拟涉及有明确清单的562个植物种, 既有木本植物(52.7%), 也有草本植物(41.8%), 其中中草药、果树、园林植物、农作物等占比较高。研究目的主要集中在过去、现在和未来气候变化对植物种分布的影响及预测, 以及物种分布评估与生物多样性评价(包括入侵植物风险评估)两大方面。预测物种潜在分布范围与气候变化影响等基础研究, 与模拟物种适生区与推广种植等应用研究并重, 物种分布模型在生态学与农业、林业和中草药业等多学科、多行业开展多种应用, 多物种、多模型和多来源数据共同参与模拟与比较, 开发新的机理性物种分布模型, 拓展新的物种分布模拟应用领域, 是今后研究的重点发展方向。  相似文献   

太平洋丽龟作为被国际自然保护联盟(IUCN)认定的脆弱物种,近年来备受关注。为了解当前及未来气候情景条件下太平洋丽龟的分布及其变化,本研究利用其发现记录和8个环境预测变量(包括深度、离岸距离、平均初级生产力、最小初级生产力、海表平均温度、海表最小温度、海表平均盐度、海表最小盐度),构建了组合物种分布模型(Ensemble SDM)对其潜在栖息地分布进行预测,并利用曲线下面积(AUC)和真实技巧统计(TSS)值评估模型的准确性。结果表明:AUC和TSS值分别为0.96和0.81,表明组合模型具有较好的预测性能;海洋表面温度和盐度是决定太平洋丽龟分布最重要的两个预测变量,适宜温度为23~29℃,适宜盐度<34;当前环境条件下太平洋丽龟分布范围在30°N—25°S;在未来气候情景条件下,该物种的分布范围将减少,特别是在2100s RCP85气候情境下,其适宜生存范围将减少28%。模型验证结果显示,模型准确性较高,能对太平洋丽龟在当前和未来气候情景下的分布做出较为准确的预测。本研究可为制定更加合理的保护措施和管理策略提供数据参考。  相似文献   

生态廊道具有维持或恢复生态连通性的功能,对于连接生物栖息地、保护物种多样性具有重要意义。现有的生态廊道研究主要集中于陆地,而海洋生态系统具有水体广泛连通、缺乏直观的景观斑块等特点,导致海洋生态廊道的研究成为长期以来的科学难题。以栖息地位于厦门湾的国家一级保护动物中华白海豚(Sousa chinensis)为对象,尝试基于物种分布模型和最小成本路径分析法建立海洋生态廊道的识别方法。研究采用物种分布模型识别厦门湾内中华白海豚的适宜生境分布区和节点,并利用模型产出的生境适宜性结果生成海洋中的阻力表面,模拟计算节点与节点间在阻力表面上的最小成本路径,从而生成物种扩散网络。研究结果显示,厦门湾中华白海豚的分布主要受到航道距离、到岸线距离和叶绿素浓度三项因素的影响,主要适宜生境位于西海域至九龙江口和大嶝海域。潜在的核心生态廊道面积93.19km2,次级生态廊道面积170.41km2,九龙江口-鼓浪屿南侧-黄厝-大小嶝岛沿线可能是厦门湾中华白海豚的主要迁移路线。在此基础上,从用海空间重叠和桥梁影响两方面开展了人类活动对廊道的干扰评估。评估结果显示旅游活动和...  相似文献   

尺度是生态学中的一个核心问题,基于多尺度更能抓住物种一环境之间关系.生境适宜性模型可以定量并多尺度研究物种一环境关系,被广泛应用于野生动物生境适宜性评价中.本文以丹顶鹤(Grus japonensis)为研究对象,以其迁徙和越冬的重要地区--黄河三角洲自然保护区为研究区域,应用二项逻辑斯谛回归模型,并结合地理信息系统和遥感技术,在10-1,500 ha之间,通过变换空间尺度大小构建了10个空间尺度下丹顶鹤生境适宜性模型.通过检测尺度对模型构建的影响,选择最佳模型开展丹顶鹤生境适宜性分析和评价.尺度影响分析结果表明:环境因子的拟合能力和模型的预测精度均存在尺度效应,空间尺度为50 ha时的单尺度模型为最佳单尺度模型,多尺度模型优于所有单尺度模型.模型分析结果表明:丹顶鹤适宜生境占保护区总面积的25%以上,且大部分适宜生境分布在自然保护区南部,自然保护区北部由于缺乏淡水来源,适宜生境较少.为有效保护丹项鹤生境,建议加强保护区湿地生境监测、评价和规划.以及对人为干扰活动进行监督和管理.  相似文献   

基于遥感实现物种和环境变量时间同步性的生境适宜性建模 遥感是一种有效获取大规模现实数据的技术方法。我们旨在生境适宜性建模中基于遥感实现物种与环境变量之间的时间同步性,并提取与物种实际生长相关的变量,为物种管理提供更有效的参考。本研究以入侵中国的豚草(Ambrosia artemisiifolia)为例,开展生境适宜性建模,温度和降水变量分别依据中分辨率成像光谱仪(MODIS)提供的地表温度和气象站点数据计算;此外,本研究还包括直接影响豚草生长或繁殖的其他变量,如前一年花期的相对湿度和有效紫外辐射。选择随机森林模型开展生境适宜性建模,根据采样时间,把环境变量和样本分为4个时间段(1990–2000、2001–2005、2006–2010和2011–2016),同时对基于RS (1990–2016)和WorldClim (1960–1990)的长时间序列的变量也进行建模。结果显示,从遥感提取环境变量开展生境适宜性建模是可行的,而且比基于WorldClim变量预测结果更准确。1990–2000年和2006–2010年豚草的潜在分布面积小于2001–2005年和2011–2016年,影响豚草生长和繁殖的重要环境变量包括最干旱月降水量(bio14)、降水变异系数(bio15)、前一年花期的相对湿度和有效紫外辐射。我们的研究结果表明,实现物种与环境变量的时间同步性提高了豚草潜在分布的预测精度,在生境适宜性建模(尤其为一年生物种)中应予以考虑。本研究为管理和预防豚草入侵扩散提供了重要参考。  相似文献   

极小种群植物扣树(Ilex kaushue S. Y. Hu)是分布于中国南方的特有树种,易受到气候变化的影响。为加强扣树的保护,有必要研究气候变暖背景下其生境适宜性范围的变化。通过对10种物种分布模型的预测精度进行对比,选择3种预测性能较好的物种分布模型(GBM、MaxEnt和RF)的平均值来评估气候变暖对扣树生境适宜性的影响。当前气候下扣树适宜生境区的预测结果表明,扣树的分布较为集中,最冷月最低温度(bio6)、降雨量季节性变化(bio15)和最干旱月降雨量(bio14)对模型贡献最大,说明扣树对温度和降水较为敏感。在未来气候情景下,扣树的生境适宜区呈现向北迁移的趋势,适宜分布范围存在不同程度的缩小;预测到2070年,随着温室气体排放增加,扣树的适生范围由RCP2.6情景下的92.70%缩小到RCP8.5情景下的51.52%,特别是在低纬度的海南省, 4种情景的平均适生生境缩减了93.67%。因此,在制定极小种群植物扣树的保护策略时应考虑气候变暖的影响。  相似文献   

Species distribution models (SDMs) are important management tools for highly mobile marine species because they provide spatially and temporally explicit information on animal distribution. Two prevalent modeling frameworks used to develop SDMs for marine species are generalized additive models (GAMs) and boosted regression trees (BRTs), but comparative studies have rarely been conducted; most rely on presence‐only data; and few have explored how features such as species distribution characteristics affect model performance. Since the majority of marine species BRTs have been used to predict habitat suitability, we first compared BRTs to GAMs that used presence/absence as the response variable. We then compared results from these habitat suitability models to GAMs that predict species density (animals per km2) because density models built with a subset of the data used here have previously received extensive validation. We compared both the explanatory power (i.e., model goodness of fit) and predictive power (i.e., performance on a novel dataset) of the GAMs and BRTs for a taxonomically diverse suite of cetacean species using a robust set of systematic survey data (1991–2014) within the California Current Ecosystem. Both BRTs and GAMs were successful at describing overall distribution patterns throughout the study area for the majority of species considered, but when predicting on novel data, the density GAMs exhibited substantially greater predictive power than both the presence/absence GAMs and BRTs, likely due to both the different response variables and fitting algorithms. Our results provide an improved understanding of some of the strengths and limitations of models developed using these two methods. These results can be used by modelers developing SDMs and resource managers tasked with the spatial management of marine species to determine the best modeling technique for their question of interest.  相似文献   

Species distribution models (SDMs) are statistical tools to identify potentially suitable habitats for species. For SDMs in river ecosystems, species occurrences and predictor data are often aggregated across subcatchments that serve as modeling units. The level of aggregation (i.e., model resolution) influences the statistical relationships between species occurrences and environmental predictors—a phenomenon known as the modifiable area unit problem (MAUP), making model outputs directly contingent on the model resolution. Here, we test how model performance, predictor importance, and the spatial congruence of species predictions depend on the model resolution (i.e., average subcatchment size) of SDMs. We modeled the potential habitat suitability of 50 native fish species in the upper Danube catchment at 10 different model resolutions. Model resolutions were derived using a 90‐m digital‐elevation model by using the GRASS‐GIS module r.watershed. Here, we decreased the average subcatchment size gradually from 632 to 2 km2. We then ran ensemble SDMs based on five algorithms using topographical, climatic, hydrological, and land‐use predictors for each species and resolution. Model evaluation scores were consistently high, as sensitivity and True Skill Statistic values ranged from 86.1–93.2 and 0.61–0.73, respectively. The most contributing predictor changed from topography at coarse, to hydrology at fine resolutions. Climate predictors played an intermediate role for all resolutions, while land use was of little importance. Regarding the predicted habitat suitability, we identified a spatial filtering from coarse to intermediate resolutions. The predicted habitat suitability within a coarse resolution was not ported to all smaller, nested subcatchments, but only to a fraction that held the suitable environmental conditions. Across finer resolutions, the mapped predictions were spatially congruent without such filter effect. We show that freshwater SDM predictions can have consistently high evaluation scores while mapped predictions differ significantly and are highly contingent on the underlying subcatchment size. We encourage building freshwater SDMs across multiple catchment sizes, to assess model variability and uncertainties in model outcomes emerging from the MAUP.  相似文献   

Species reliant on both the terrestrial and marine realms present a challenge for conventional species distribution models (SDMs). For such species, standard single‐realm SDMs may omit key information that could result in decreased model accuracy and performance. Existing approaches to habitat suitability modeling typically do not effectively combine information from multiple realms; this methodological gap can ultimately hamper management efforts for groups such as seabirds, seals, and turtles. This study, for the first time, jointly incorporates both terrestrial information and marine information into a single species distribution model framework. We do this by sampling nearby marine conditions for a given terrestrial point and vice versa using parameters set by each species’ mean maximum foraging distance and then use standard SDM methods to generate habitat suitability predictions; therefore, our method does not rely on post hoc combination of several different models. Using three seabird species with very different ecologies, we investigate whether this new multi‐realm approach can improve our ability to identify suitable habitats for these species. Results show that incorporating terrestrial information into marine SDMs, or vice versa, generally improves model performance, sometimes drastically. However, there is considerable variability between species in the level of improvement as well as in the particular method that produces the most improvement. Our approach provides a repeatable and transparent method to combine information from multiple ecological realms in a single SDM framework. Important advantages over existing solutions include the opportunity to, firstly, easily combine terrestrial and marine information for species that forage large distances inland or out to sea and, secondly, consider interactions between terrestrial and marine variables.  相似文献   

Species distribution models (SDMs) project the outcome of community assembly processes – dispersal, the abiotic environment and biotic interactions – onto geographic space. Recent advances in SDMs account for these processes by simultaneously modeling the species that comprise a community in a multivariate statistical framework or by incorporating residual spatial autocorrelation in SDMs. However, the effects of combining both multivariate and spatially-explicit model structures on the ecological inferences and the predictive abilities of a model are largely unknown. We used data on eastern hemlock Tsuga canadensis and five additional co-occurring overstory tree species in 35 569 forest stands across Michigan, USA to evaluate how the choice of model structure, including spatial and non-spatial forms of univariate and multivariate models, affects ecological inference about the processes that shape community composition as well as model predictive ability. Incorporating residual spatial autocorrelation via spatial random effects did not improve out-of-sample prediction for the six tree species, although in-sample model fit was higher in the spatial models. Spatial models attributed less variation in occurrence probability to environmental covariates than the non-spatial models for all six tree species, and estimated higher (more positive) residual co-occurrence values for most species pairs. The non-spatial multivariate model was better suited for evaluating habitat suitability and hypotheses about the processes that shape community composition. Environmental correlations and residual correlations among species pairs were positively related, perhaps indicating that residual correlations were due to shared responses to unmeasured environmental covariates. This work highlights the importance of choosing a non-spatial model formulation to address research questions about the species–environment relationship or residual co-occurrence patterns, and a spatial model formulation when within-sample prediction accuracy is the main goal.  相似文献   

Species distribution models (SDMs) largely rely on free-air temperatures at coarse spatial resolutions to predict habitat suitability, potentially overlooking important microhabitat. Integrating microclimate data into SDMs may improve predictions of organismal responses to climate change and support targeting of conservation assets at biologically relevant scales, especially for small, dispersal-limited species vulnerable to climate-change-induced range loss. We integrated microclimate data that account for the buffering effects of forest vegetation into SDMs at a very high spatial resolution (3 m2) for three plethodontid salamander species in Great Smoky Mountains National Park (North Carolina and Tennessee). Microclimate SDMs were used to characterize potential changes to future plethodontid habitat, including habitat suitability and habitat spatial patterns. Additionally, we evaluated spatial discrepancies between predictions of habitat suitability developed with microclimate and coarse-resolution, free-air climate data. Microclimate SDMs indicated substantial losses to plethodontid ranges and highly suitable habitat by mid-century, but at much more conservative levels than coarse-resolution models. Coarse-resolution SDMs generally estimated higher mid-century losses to plethodontid habitat compared to microclimate models and consistently undervalued areas containing highly suitable microhabitat. Furthermore, microclimate SDMs revealed potential areas of future gain in highly suitable habitat within current species’ ranges, which may serve as climatic microrefugia. Taken together, this study highlights the need to develop microclimate SDMs that account for vegetation and its biophysical effects on near-surface temperatures. As microclimate datasets become increasingly available across the world, their integration into correlative and mechanistic SDMs will be imperative for accurately estimating organismal responses to climate change and helping environmental managers tasked with spatially prioritizing conservation assets.  相似文献   

Habitat suitability estimates derived from species distribution models (SDMs) are increasingly used to guide management of threatened species. Poorly estimating species’ ranges can lead to underestimation of threatened status, undervaluing of remaining habitat and misdirection of conservation funding. We aimed to evaluate the utility of a SDM, similar to the models used to inform government regulation of habitat in our study region, in estimating the contemporary distribution of a threatened and declining species. We developed a presence‐only SDM for the endangered New Holland Mouse (Pseudomys novaehollandiae) across Victoria, Australia. We conducted extensive camera trap surveys across model‐predicted and expert‐selected areas to generate an independent data set for use in evaluating the model, determining confidence in absence data from non‐detection sites with occupancy and detectability modelling. We assessed the predictive capacity of the model at thresholds based on (1) sum of sensitivity and specificity (SSS), and (2) the lowest presence threshold (LPT; i.e. the lowest non‐zero model‐predicted habitat suitability value at which we detected the species). We detected P. novaehollandiae at 40 of 472 surveyed sites, with strong support for the species’ probable absence from non‐detection sites. Based on our post hoc optimised SSS threshold of the SDM, 25% of our detection sites were falsely predicted as non‐suitable habitat and 75% of sites predicted as suitable habitat did not contain the species at the time of our survey. One occupied site had a model‐predicted suitability value of zero, and at the LPT, 88% of sites predicted as suitable habitat did not contain the species at the time of our survey. Our findings demonstrate that application of generic SDMs in both regulatory and investment contexts should be tempered by considering their limitations and currency. Further, we recommend engaging species experts in the extrapolation and application of SDM outputs.  相似文献   

Species distribution models (SDMs) are increasingly applied in conservation management to predict suitable habitat for poorly known populations. High predictive performance of SDMs is evident in validations performed within the model calibration area (interpolation), but few studies have assessed SDM transferability to novel areas (extrapolation), particularly across large spatial scales or pelagic ecosystems. We performed rigorous SDM validation tests on distribution data from three populations of a long-ranging marine predator, the grey petrel Procellaria cinerea, to assess model transferability across the Southern Hemisphere (25-65°S). Oceanographic data were combined with tracks of grey petrels from two remote sub-Antarctic islands (Antipodes and Kerguelen) using boosted regression trees to generate three SDMs: one for each island population, and a combined model. The predictive performance of these models was assessed using withheld tracking data from within the model calibration areas (interpolation), and from a third population, Marion Island (extrapolation). Predictive performance was assessed using k-fold cross validation and point biserial correlation. The two population-specific SDMs included the same predictor variables and suggested birds responded to the same broad-scale oceanographic influences. However, all model validation tests, including of the combined model, determined strong interpolation but weak extrapolation capabilities. These results indicate that habitat use reflects both its availability and bird preferences, such that the realized distribution patterns differ for each population. The spatial predictions by the three SDMs were compared with tracking data and fishing effort to demonstrate the conservation pitfalls of extrapolating SDMs outside calibration regions. This exercise revealed that SDM predictions would have led to an underestimate of overlap with fishing effort and potentially misinformed bycatch mitigation efforts. Although SDMs can elucidate potential distribution patterns relative to large-scale climatic and oceanographic conditions, knowledge of local habitat availability and preferences is necessary to understand and successfully predict region-specific realized distribution patterns.  相似文献   

Aim Species distribution models (SDMs) have been used to address a wide range of theoretical and applied questions in the terrestrial realm, but marine‐based applications remain relatively scarce. In this review, we consider how conceptual and practical issues associated with terrestrial SDMs apply to a range of marine organisms and highlight the challenges relevant to improving marine SDMs. Location We include studies from both marine and terrestrial systems that encompass many geographic locations around the globe. Methods We first performed a literature search and analysis of marine and terrestrial SDMs in ISI Web of Science to assess trends and applications. Using knowledge from terrestrial applications, we critically evaluate the application of SDMs in marine systems in the context of ecological factors (dispersal, species interactions, aggregation and ontogenetic shifts) and practical considerations (data quality, alternative modelling approaches and model validation) that facilitate or create difficulties for model application. Results The relative importance of ecological factors to be considered when applying SDMs varies among terrestrial and marine organisms. Correctly incorporating dispersal is frequently considered an important issue for terrestrial models, but because there is greater potential for dispersal in the ocean, it is often less of a concern in marine SDMs. By contrast, ontogenetic shifts and feeding have received little attention in terrestrial SDM applications, but these factors are important to many marine SDMs. Opportunities also exist for applying more advanced SDM approaches in the marine realm, including mechanistic ecophysiological models, where water balance and heat transfer equations are simpler for some marine organisms relative to their terrestrial counterparts. Main conclusions SDMs have generally been under‐utilized in the marine realm relative to terrestrial applications. Correlative SDM methods should be tested on a range of marine organisms, and we suggest further development of methods that address ontogenetic shifts and feeding interactions. We anticipate developments in, and cross‐fertilization between, coupled correlative and process‐based SDMs, mechanistic eco‐physiological SDMs, and spatial population dynamic models for climate change and species invasion applications in particular. Comparisons of the outputs of different model types will provide insight that is useful for improved spatial management of marine species.  相似文献   

Spatial distribution and habitat selection are integral to the study of animal ecology. Habitat selection may optimize the fitness of individuals. Hutchinsonian niche theory posits the fundamental niche of species would support the persistence or growth of populations. Although niche‐based species distribution models (SDMs) and habitat suitability models (HSMs) such as maximum entropy (Maxent) have demonstrated fair to excellent predictive power, few studies have linked the prediction of HSMs to demographic rates. We aimed to test the prediction of Hutchinsonian niche theory that habitat suitability (i.e., likelihood of occurrence) would be positively related to survival of American beaver (Castor canadensis), a North American semi‐aquatic, herbivorous, habitat generalist. We also tested the prediction of ideal free distribution that animal fitness, or its surrogate, is independent of habitat suitability at the equilibrium. We estimated beaver monthly survival probability using the Barker model and radio telemetry data collected in northern Alabama, United States from January 2011 to April 2012. A habitat suitability map was generated with Maxent for the entire study site using landscape variables derived from the 2011 National Land Cover Database (30‐m resolution). We found an inverse relationship between habitat suitability index and beaver survival, contradicting the predictions of niche theory and ideal free distribution. Furthermore, four landscape variables selected by American beaver did not predict survival. The beaver population on our study site has been established for 20 or more years and, subsequently, may be approaching or have reached the carrying capacity. Maxent‐predicted increases in habitat use and subsequent intraspecific competition may have reduced beaver survival. Habitat suitability‐fitness relationships may be complex and, in part, contingent upon local animal abundance. Future studies of mechanistic SDMs incorporating local abundance and demographic rates are needed.  相似文献   

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