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我国自2009年起探索和推动注册医师多点执业。该项政策实施以来,执业医师具有多点执业资格而未能开展多点执业的仍然为数甚多,政策实施进展相对缓慢,对分级诊疗制度建设和社会办医等改革产生了一定程度的迟滞性影响。本文重点剖析现行医师多点执业政策实施过程中的人事管理制度、薪酬分配制度、医院补偿机制等制度性约束,以期为完善医师多点执业政策提供有用参考。  相似文献   

随着2009年新医改政策的实施,探索医师多点执业成为医改的一大亮点,有关其利弊的争论众说纷纭。在现行的医疗环境下,实施医师多点执业势必会带来诸多积极影响,然而也存在不利因素。立足于我国执业医师现状,对医师多点执业利弊进行了综合分析,为政策的贯彻落实提供参考依据。  相似文献   

目的 通过问卷调查研究分析患者对目前北京市医师多点执业政策的认知和需求情况。方法 在北京地区8家医疗机构内,对959名就诊患者进行问卷调查,统计并分析患者人群对医师多点执业政策的评价。结果 患者人群对医师多点执业政策的总体支持率较高,达到77.0%。结论 医师多点执业政策是一项利国利民的好政策,不过尚需进一步完善并且有效地实施,才能取得好的成效。  相似文献   

通过二手资料和对利益相关者访谈方法,了解深圳市医师多点执业政策变迁、实施现状,分析其政策困境为:各方对政策目标认识存在差异和配套政策不完善,制度障碍为单位人身份的无形约束、行政管制的直接控制以及利益和观念艰难的转变,最后认为政策制定应关注医师多点执业的权利理念、实施简政放权、转变观念以及开展综合改革等。  相似文献   

目的 构建我国医师多点执业制度实施困境的多级递阶结构模型,阐释各阶层间的内在逻辑,旨在为完善医师多点执业制度提供建设性策略。方法 采用文献法辅助4位卫生政策与管理专家核检,总结并归纳当前我国医师多点执业制度实施进程中的制约因素。采用解释结构模型方法解构各影响因素间的层级关系及传导环路。结果 我国医师多点执业制度实施困境的12类制约因素存在一个“四阶梯结构”与“一条传导环路”。直接因素为“医生积极性不足”及“个人利益受损威胁”,深层要素是“宏观政策的调控力不足”,通过“政策—制度—组织—个体”逐级递阶掣肘我国医师多点执业制度实施进程。结论 我国医师多点执业制度必须根植于“政策与立法”的双向保障,依赖于“制度与组织”的全面建设,才能实现“组织与个体”的协同共赢。  相似文献   

医师多点执业试点工作正在各地逐步推开。文章依据国家新医改政策,以医师多点执业为基点,对医师多点执业现状和对医疗卫生系统的运行管理可能带来的影响进行综合分析,结合医疗单位的实际,提出意见建议。  相似文献   

目的 明确我国医师多点执业的现状,并进行政策问题确认。方法 定性研究与定量研究相结合。结果 当前我国医师多点执业尚处于试点推行阶段,各方反响不一;政策的推行面临一系列诸如人事制度、医疗质量保障和医疗争议追究等体制、机制上的政策问题。结论 推行医师多点执业政策是优化资源配置、调动医务人员的积极性、推动公立医院改革的重要举措,但需夯实基础、合理规划、加强监督,逐步深化人事制度改革,促进政策的稳步推行。  相似文献   

医师执业模式是国家医疗卫生体系的一个重要体现。目前,我国医师执业模式较为单一,多点执业进展缓慢,不利于我国医药卫生体制改革的进一步深化。本文通过国内外医师执业模式比较中发现,我国在医师培养、资质认定、法律保障、保险体系、医师监督管理等方面较国外发达国家有较大差距,建议我国从医师监督管理、法律保险、人事制度改革等方面加快完善多点执业配套制度,为我国深化医药卫生体制改革提供助力。  相似文献   

在医师多点执业试点地区扩展至所有省份的背景下,对前阶段医师多点执业试点地区的推进情况进行了总结,发现医师申请多点执业的积极性不高,总的局面依然没有打开,通过对所存在问题的分析,提出对策建议供参考。  相似文献   

医师多点执业从理论上通过调动医疗人力资源最大限度地满足基层社区患者医疗服务需求,调动医师主动参与基层卫生服务,合理使用医疗资源,并在医疗联合体基础上,逐步实现分级诊疗。但是公立医疗机构现行体制和运行机制不支持医师多点执业。本文对医师多点执业与公立医疗机构现行体制和运行机制关系予以讨论。  相似文献   

目的 探讨医药分开政策对医院经营效益所产生的影响。方法 运用对比研究及半结构式访谈法对广东省深圳市6家试点公立医院的经营效益状况进行分析。结果 医药分开政策实施后深圳市试点城市公立医院药品收入减少,医院业务收入增加;大型三甲医院及专科医院门急诊人次及住院人次、收支结余率均增加,基层医院则减少;试点城市公立医院次均门诊费用及次均住院费用均上升。结论 医药分开政策在一定程度上优化收入结构,但医疗费用过高问题仍然突出,仍需完善补偿机制。  相似文献   

BackgroundThere is a continuous and dynamic discussion on artificial intelligence (AI) in present-day society. AI is expected to impact on healthcare processes and could contribute to a more sustainable use of resources allocated to healthcare in the future. The aim for this work was to establish a foundation for a Swedish perspective on the potential effect of AI on the medical physics profession.Materials and methodsWe designed a survey to gauge viewpoints regarding AI in the Swedish medical physics community. Based on the survey results and present-day situation in Sweden, a SWOT analysis was performed on the implications of AI for the medical physics profession.ResultsOut of 411 survey recipients, 163 responded (40%). The Swedish medical physicists with a professional license believed (90%) that AI would change the practice of medical physics but did not foresee (81%) that AI would pose a risk to their practice and career. The respondents were largely positive to the inclusion of AI in educational programmes. According to self-assessment, the respondents’ knowledge of and workplace preparedness for AI was generally low.ConclusionsFrom the survey and SWOT analysis we conclude that AI will change the medical physics profession and that there are opportunities for the profession associated with the adoption of AI in healthcare. To overcome the weakness of limited AI knowledge, potentially threatening the role of medical physicists, and build upon the strong position in Swedish healthcare, medical physics education and training should include learning objectives on AI.  相似文献   

目的 了解河北省乡镇卫生院招聘执业医师项目的实施现状及问题,探索农村卫生机构吸引、稳定人才的长效机制。方法 对河北省张家口等市开展的乡镇卫生院招聘执业医师项目进行调研,主要通过调阅文件资料、个人深入访谈等方式收集资料。结果 受聘执业医师的各项政策基本得到了落实,受聘执业医师在卫生院发挥了重要作用,各方对执业医师评价较高。结论 为改善项目效果,应加大项目的督导力度、为受聘执业医师制定系统的培训计划并逐步提高待遇等。  相似文献   

目的 进一步明确医药分开政策目的及策略。方法 采用文献回顾性研究法,对医药利益链条及其形成原因,以及解决策略进行系统性地总结和分析。结果 现有研究一是认为医疗服务提供方拥有垄断地位造成利益链条存在,因而提出消除垄断;二是认为扭曲的“白色”或不良的“灰色”激励机制造成利益链条存在,因而提出完善“白色”或消除“灰色”激励机制的综合策略。结论 医药利益链条产生更深层次的原因是,非营利性的公立医疗机构不合理地追求经济利益,医生采用不合理方式追求部分合理经济利益。因此,医药分开目的应是让公立医疗机构真正成为非营利机构,使医生依靠技术获得合理的经济回报,让公立医疗机构、医生、政府、患者、药品企业及流通商间激励相容。建议采用外部补偿和内部薪酬制度为重点的综合改革策略,形成各利益相关方激励相容的良好局面,自然消除公立医疗机构、医生与药品销售间利益链条。  相似文献   

Background: The medical profession has undergone a significant demographic change, with a dramatic increase in the number of women applying to medical school and practicing medicine.Objectives: In recognition of the changing demographics in the medical profession, the American Medical Association's Women Physicians Congress (AMA-WPC) conducted a members' survey to identify the issues affecting women physicians and to ascertain certain practice characteristics.Methods: In 2008, an e-mail survey link was sent to a randomly selected nationwide sample of 4992 WPC members, and a second, identical survey was sent to 596 female AMA members, utilizing the Epocrates database (Epocrates, Inc., San Mateo, California). Two e-mail reminders were sent for the first survey, which had a 15% response rate. A quota of 148 physicians was received within 4 days and was utilized to interpret results from the second survey.Results: Achieving work-life balance was a significant concern for 91% of the respondents (n = 884). Half of the respondents believed that pay is gender neutral, and 28% indicated that they were “somewhat or very concerned about sexual harassment”. When queried regarding practice patterns, 29% of respondents indicated that they had worked part-time at some point during their careers.Conclusions: In this survey, women physicians indicated that gender pay disparity and sexual harassment remain important issues in the medical profession. Less than a third of respondents had ever worked part-time, which should be a consideration for physician workforce studies. Barriers to part-time practice may exist.  相似文献   

??????? 目的 基于对医生告知行为的调查,发现目前临床中存在的医疗告知行为方面的不足。方法 采用随机抽样的方式对217名医务人员进行医疗告知行为情况的调查。结果 医疗机构在医疗告知方面存在缺陷:医疗告知主体高年资医师参与度不高;医疗告知对象主要是患者的近亲属,而不是患者本人;医疗告知注重风险告知,而忽视了对患者病情及医疗方案等内容的告知。结论 目前临床工作中在医疗告知方面不足,医疗机构应该通过完善制度、培训医师及管理部门加强监管等方面来保障医疗知情告知起到其应有的作用。  相似文献   

The independent diagnosis and treatment of mental and nervous disorders according to California law constitutes practicing medicine. By this yardstick, an increasing number of clinical psychologists are entering the private practice of medicine. The medical profession has not provided through its leadership the opportunity for clinical psychologists to utilize their skills in a legitimate and supervised way in the treatment of private patients, nor has the medical profession taken sufficient interest in modern methods of treating patients with psychogenic disorders. If the psychiatric team is a feasible and practical approach to spreading the base of psychiatric treatment in hospitals and clinics, it should be applicable to private practice settings too. In the team setting, the psychologist can render great assistance to the physician in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with psychogenic disorders without compromising the principle that the primary responsibility for the patient is the physician's. By virtue of his training and experience, it is the psychiatrist who is best qualified to supervise the work of the psychologist; and until such time as the medical profession is better acquainted with psychotherapeutic techniques, the employment of psychologist assistants should be (according to good medical practice) left to the psychiatrist. The need for some regulation of the use of the title "psychologist" is increasing in order to protect the public from quacks who pose as psychologists. However, any law which is directed toward elimination of the quack should specifically define psychotherapy and contain provisions for its use under adequate medical supervision. The medical profession is obligated to take its traditional role in providing the best possible treatment for patients who are in need of it, and psychotherapy is an inherent part of treatment.  相似文献   

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