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??????? 目的 基于对医生告知行为的调查,发现目前临床中存在的医疗告知行为方面的不足。方法 采用随机抽样的方式对217名医务人员进行医疗告知行为情况的调查。结果 医疗机构在医疗告知方面存在缺陷:医疗告知主体高年资医师参与度不高;医疗告知对象主要是患者的近亲属,而不是患者本人;医疗告知注重风险告知,而忽视了对患者病情及医疗方案等内容的告知。结论 目前临床工作中在医疗告知方面不足,医疗机构应该通过完善制度、培训医师及管理部门加强监管等方面来保障医疗知情告知起到其应有的作用。  相似文献   

精神科工作场所暴力相较于其他医疗科室工作场所暴力而言,具有发生频率高、危害程度重、防范难度大的特点。在科学界定精神科工作场所暴力内涵的基础上,分析了我国精神科工作场所暴力防范中存在的现实困境,在借鉴美国精神科工作场所暴力防范相关理论的基础上,提出构建完备的防范体系、引入并推广有效评估工具、建立系统化应急措施的防范对策,以期对我国精神科工作场所暴力防范提供有益参考。  相似文献   

目的 探讨通过加强卫生监督推进医疗机构提高医疗安全质量。方法 抽取上海市长宁区内二甲以上综合医院运转病历,从住院病历基本书写项目,有创操作记录、特殊检查、特殊治疗、病危(重)等告知,手术病历相关内容,医疗安全相关制度执行情况等4个方面进行督查评估。结果 抽查病历124份,手术病历涉及普外科等4个专业;涵盖“有创操作、特殊检查、特殊治疗、病危(重)告知”等项目的病历涉及心内科等5个专业,均存在问题。结论 对易发生问题的专业进行广覆盖、常态化的医疗安全监管是促使医疗机构提高医疗质量的有效手段。  相似文献   




律师见证已经被成熟应用于术前知情告知及医疗赔偿协议签署等重大医疗活动,为医院管理乃至公立医院改革提供了有效的法制保障。但从法律角度分析,律师医疗见证存在一些问题,尚需要加以改进。  相似文献   

过度医疗与患者知情同意侵权是《中华人民共和国侵权责任法》规定的两种独立的医疗侵权行为。过度医疗是一种由于医师在对患者疾病治疗过程中,实施了明显超过疾病治疗实际所需的诊疗措施,而导致患者合法权益严重受损的医疗侵权行为。患者知情同意侵权行为则泛指医师在医疗过程中,由于实施了违法告知说明义务而导致患者合法权益损害的医疗侵权行为。过度医疗中由于医师履行告知义务的违法性与患者知情同意侵权行为产生竞合。这一结论不仅有利于《中华人民共和国侵权责任法》第六十三条的法律适用,同时也为患者提供了另一法律救济途径。  相似文献   

随着公众法律意识的增强,患者在就医过程中,法律意识越来越高,加之网络的普及,患者及家属对疾病的认识不断增加,对医疗工作人员的素质、临床诊疗及护理水平、医疗服务均有了更高的期望;医疗纠纷事件的频频出现,医患矛盾不断激化,医护人员临床工作压力加大,在心血管内科病人中实施护理告知程序,通过患者入院、住院期间、出院实施护理告知,密切了护患关系,提高了护士的理论水平和沟通能力,有效的提高护理质量,保证护理安全,减少护患纠纷,真正使患者得到安全、有序、优质的服务。  相似文献   

目的:分析总结精神科工娱疗管理中存在的职业风险因素,并探讨其产生的危害。方法:对我院精神科工娱疗管理中存在的职业风险因素进行分析。结果:造成护士人身伤害的主要原因为暴力攻击和噪音危害,造成心理伤害风险因素,安全无法保障,工作压力大、学习压力大、社会地位低等。结论:要降低精神科护士的执业风险,除了度患者进行有效治疗之外还应当提升护士的自我防护能力,给予更多的关怀。  相似文献   

医疗损害指因医疗机构及其医务人员的故意或过失(即医疗过错),造成就医患者身体上或精神上的损害结果。医疗损害鉴定是指医疗机构及其医务人员在日常医疗行为中存在法定过错并造成患者人身损害而导致的医疗损害民事诉讼,人民法院针对医疗技术的高风险、高技术等问题对外委托的鉴定。其内容主要针对医疗行为整个过程的审查和分析,对照卫生行政法规、部门规章诊疗护理规范及常规,判定医师有无过错,医疗过错行为与损害结果之间是否存在因果关系,医疗过错行为在损害结果中的责任程度以及人体损伤残疾程度等方面。  相似文献   

归纳、总结健康医疗可穿戴设备采集的数据内容,重点绘制健康医疗可穿戴设备的数据流动环节,并将数据流动划分为采集、上传、集成交互以及信息反馈等主要环节,并分析各主要环节中以及其他方面存在及潜在的数据安全与隐私问题,希望能为健康医疗可穿戴设备的数据隐私保护机制提供不同角度的理论参考。  相似文献   

Privacy and disclosure in medical genetics examined in an ethics of care   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Wertz DC  Fletcher JC 《Bioethics》1991,5(3):212-232
The progress of genetic knowledge magnifies existing ethical problems in medical genetics. Among the most troubling types of problems -- for medicine, patients, and the larger society -- are those of privacy and disclosure. Examples of the range of problems involving privacy and disclosure are: 1) disclosure of false paternity to an unsuspecting husband; 2) disclosure of a patient's genetic make-up to his or her unknowing spouse; 3) disclosure of information, against a patient's wishes, to relatives at genetic risk; 4) disclosure of ambiguous test results; 5) disclosure of adventitious nonmedical information, e.g., fetal sex; and 6) disclosure to institutional third parties, such as employers and insurers....  相似文献   

Giving adequate diagnostic information is considered to be fundamental in dementia care. An important question is how the diagnostic disclosure in dementia actually takes place. The aim of this explorative ethnographic study was therefore to provide insight into the disclosure practice of medical specialists. For this study, 22 interviews performed by seven medical specialists were analyzed.The results of this study show that the observed doctors are direct and explicit in disclosing the diagnosis. Actual (medical) information about the diagnosis and the performed investigations is provided. The main areas for improvement are involving the patient in the conversation, align your language to the lifeworld of the patient and his/her significant other(s), avoiding the use of medical jargon, discussing the consequences of the diagnosis for daily life, and explicitly recognizing the emotional and existential challenges associated with the disclosure. In providing further information, doctors could discuss emotional and existential support more specifically.  相似文献   

Protecting the confidentiality of medical information has been an issue of great interest in the fields of bioethics, public policy, and law. Few empirical studies have addressed patient experiences and attitudes toward disclosure of private medical information in multiple contexts such as health insurance, employment, and the family. Furthermore, it is unclear whether differences exist in experiences and attitudes about privacy between those living with a serious medical condition versus those who have a child with a medical condition. The study sought to determine whether attitudes and experiences related to medical privacy and confidentiality differ between affected adults and parents of affected children. Interviews were conducted with 296 adults and parents of children with sickle cell disease (SCD), cystic fibrosis (CF), or diabetes mellitus (DM). This cross-sectional study collected data regarding their experiences, attitudes, and beliefs concerning medical privacy and confidentiality. Multinomial logistic regression analysis was conducted on quantitative data. Qualitative analysis was conducted on data from open-ended response items. Parents disclose their child's diagnosis to others more often than affected adults disclose their own disease status. Parents are less likely than affected adults to regret their disclosure, to hope others do not find out, to have been pressured to share information, and to be asked about their disease by employers. Affected adults express greater concern about disclosure, a greater prevalence and greater fear of discrimination, and experience greater pressure from family members to disclose. Clinicians and researchers working with these populations should consider these differences in privacy and disclosure. Further study is necessary to examine the implications of these differences in attitudes and experiences concerning insurance, employment, and social interactions among persons with these conditions.  相似文献   

Gordon EJ  Daugherty CK 《Bioethics》2003,17(2):142-168
The disclosure of prognosis to terminally ill patients has emerged as a recent concern given greater demands for patient involvement in medical decision-making in the United States. As part of the informed consent process, American physicians are legally and ethically obligated to provide information to such patients about the risks, benefits, and alternatives of all available treatment options including the use of experimental therapies. Although not legally required, the disclosure of a terminal prognosis is ethically justified because it upholds the principle of self-determination and enables patients to make treatment decisions consistent with their life goals. To understand oncologists' attitudes about disclosing prognostic information to cancer patients with advanced disease, we interviewed fourteen oncologists and conducted one focus group of medical fellows. Although oncologists reported to disclose prognosis in terms of cancer not being curable, they tend to avoid using percentages to convey prognosis. Oncologists' reported reluctance to disclosing prognosis was conveyed through the use of metaphors depicting the perceived violent impact of such information on patients. Oncologists' reluctance to disclose prognosis and preserve patient hope are held in check by their need to ensure that patients have 'realistic expectations' about therapy. We discuss these data in light of the cultural, ethical, and legal dimensions of prognosis disclosure, patient hope and the doctor–patient relationship, and recommend ways to enhance the communication process.  相似文献   

To provide a basis for international discussion of ethical problems, we studied responses of medical geneticists in 18 countries to questionnaires about 14 clinical cases and five screening situations. Of 1,053 asked to participate, 677 (64%) responded. There was greater than or equal to 75% consensus on five cases involving (1) disclosure of (1) conflicting diagnostic findings, (2) disclosure of ambiguous results, (3) disclosure of controversial interpretations, (4) protection of mother's confidentiality in cases of false paternity, and (5) nondirective counseling about 45,X and XYY syndrome. A majority (51%-60%) would disclose the diagnosis to relatives at risk for Huntington disease or hemophilia A, against the patient's wishes; would disclose which parent carries a translocation causing Down syndrome; and would disclose XY genotype in a female. As reproductive options for patients with disorders not diagnosable prenatally, 84% would discuss artificial insemination by a donor, 66% would discuss in vitro fertilization with donor egg, and 46% would discuss surrogate motherhood. In all, 85% would perform prenatal diagnosis for (or would refer) parents who refuse abortion, 75% for maternal anxiety, and 42% for selection of fetal sex. Screening questions showed that 72% believed that workplace screening should be voluntary and that results should be confidential.  相似文献   

The strong value in American medical practice placed on the disclosure of terminal illness conflicts with the cultural beliefs of many recent refugees and immigrants to the United States, who often consider frank disclosure inappropriate and insensitive. What a terminally ill person wants to hear and how it is told are embedded in culture. For Ethiopians, "bad news" should be told to a family member or close friend of the patient who will divulge information to the patient at appropriate times and places and in a culturally approved and recognized manner. Being sensitive to patients'' worldviews may reduce the frustration and conflict experienced by both refugees and American physicians.  相似文献   

This article describes one hospital's development of a proactive, patient centered program, which emphasizes total honesty in dealing with all aspects of patient care. This process includes the full and timely disclosure of errors which affect the patient's health and well being. The article describes the process by which the medical facility identifies errors and works with healthcare providers to arrive at a consensus on the management of these errors. Included is a step by step analysis of how disclosure can be successfully accomplished.  相似文献   

Medical error is an inevitable occurrence that stresses the relationship between healthcare professionals and their patients. The number of errors is shocking; so too, is the revelation that few medical errors are routinely disclosed. When healthcare providers fail to inform patients of harm-causing medical error, then trust in the patient/provider relationship is broken and many ethical challenges surface. To successfully restore trust and perhaps lower liability costs, healthcare providers must avoid pointing fingers and adopt a policy of honesty and full disclosure.  相似文献   

As pollution emitters and energy users, firms are important causes of environmental problems, making it increasingly vital for them to strengthen their environmental management and information disclosure policies. However, firms doubt whether it pays to be green and whether it is worthwhile to disclose their environmental information, and there are hot debates on these questions in the literature. This paper analyzes the relationships among corporate environmental performance, environmental information disclosure, and financial performance in China, which witnessed rapid growth at the price of environmental degradation. With 950 observations from 475 Chinese listed companies between 2013 and 2014, we find a U-shaped nonlinear relationship between corporate environmental performance and environmental disclosure, an insignificant relationship between environmental performance and financial performance, and a negative relationship between environmental disclosure and financial performance, which is different from most findings in developed countries. The aforementioned results imply that Chinese firms have few motivations to disclose environmental information or improve environmental performance; therefore, mandatory disclosure of environmental information is necessary, and proper environmental policy should be made to punish environmental violations and encourage better environmental performance.  相似文献   

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