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通过对临床专业学位研究生培养与住院/专科医师培训模式的比较研究,尝试对两者进行同一化管理,将利于量化临床型研究生临床能力培养情况,提高招生吸引力,利于挑选优秀临床型研究生,与住院医师规范化培训对象招录工作相衔接。  相似文献   

医学生沟通项目正日益向正式的沟通课程之外延伸,并整合到实习医师、住院医师培训项目以及其他床旁或门诊教学中。医学生沟通能力的标准化、个体化的培养,有助于医学生建立良好的医患沟通模式,保持健康、和谐的医患关系。  相似文献   

住院医师规范化培训是医学生向医生转变的必修科目,也是住院医师向高层次医师迈进的必由之路,对于提高住院医师临 床技能及完善医疗水平极为重要。目前,我国住院医师规范化培训存在很多弊端,相关管理体系缺乏统一、完善的评价标准。因 此,建立一个完善的住院医师规范化培训管理体系是我们应该重视的问题。本文结合医院临床教学实习所积累的经验,并学习借 鉴发达国家及地区对住院医师规范化培训管理制度的优点与长处,探索建立住院医师规范化培训管理体系的新方法,旨在促进 住院医师规范化培训工作的持续发展。  相似文献   

目的 研究临床型研究生培养与住院医师培训相结合的可能性。方法 对上海某三级甲等医院临床型研究生和部分临床带教老师进行问卷调查。结果 对于临床型研究生培养纳入住院医师培训,对其临床能力培养是否有帮助和对就业是否有帮助,带教老师和学生之间看法具有显著差异(P <0.05);临床型研究生医师资格被带教老师和学生认为是存在的障碍第一位;带教老师认为临床型研究生培养纳入住院医师规范化培训有必要的比例明显高于学生。结论 从经济上、技术上、组织管理和社会影响进行分析,临床型研究生培养与住院医师培训相结合有其可行性,两条途径的临床能力培训并轨后,将利于统一的专科医师准入制度的建立。  相似文献   

住院医师规范化培训是培养医药卫生人才的重要举措,也是医学继续教育的重要组成部分。我院临床病理科专业基地结合本学科特点,逐步建立了临床病理医师规范化培训体系。学员入科前首先进行岗前培训,了解各项工作制度及流程,并明确整个规范化培训过程中的工作目标及工作计划。科室采用"导师负责制",并实施"轮转式"的专业导师带教模式,引导住院医师全面发展。在专业培养及带教模式方面采用渐进式、系统性的分层培养模式,考核突破创新,对考核提前达标的学员,可提前进入下一培养阶段,反之则延长培训时间直至达标为止。推行科研导师制,通过结对帮扶的形式,帮助并指导住院医师将临床科研能力与提高病理诊断水平相结合。制定科研奖励政策,进一步提高科研积极性。在带教管理上,以内在激励为主要的人文理念,在带教过程中融入人文关怀,提高学员的医德医风与人文精神。  相似文献   

住院医师是医院人才梯队建设的基础。完善临床住院医师规范化培训工作,是提高青年医师综合素质的重要途径,对培养高层次的医学人才起着承上启下的作用。针对住院医师规范化培训与在职研究生教育中的衔接不畅、评估考核机制不善、政策落实不力以及软硬件设施急需提高等问题,提出了实现二者的有效衔接,通过完善评估机制、配套设施和服务体系,以期探索出完善医师培养方法并提高青年医师综合素质的新途径。  相似文献   

冯炜 《蛇志》2016,(2):247-248
正临床医学是一门实践性较强的应用学科,临床实践教学是医学教学工作的重中之重,实习医师临床实践能力的培养是医学教育的重要组成部分,是提高医学人才质量的关键环节[1]。本文结合肾内科临床教学经验,对如何提高肾内科医学本科生临床实践能力进行初步探讨分析如下。1医学生临床实践能力培养的重要性临床实习是医学教育过程中的重要环节,也是医学生将临床理论知识运用到临床实践的重要时期。临床实践能力  相似文献   

住院医师规范化培训是培养具有独立执业能力和高超临床技能的专业医学人才的重要环节。通过对3年来口腔颌面外科住院医师规范化培训教学工作经验的总结,根据现代医学素质教育理念,结合口腔颌面外科的学科特点,探讨更加适合口腔住院医师规范化受训人员的教学方法,以促进受训住院医师临床实践综合能力的提高。我们在规范化培训中按纲施训,从转变临床思维模式、强调学习自主性、加强临床基本技能训练、注重人文思想的渗透等多方面入手,针对临床实践中的薄弱环节进行培训,为培养高素质医学人才奠定了基础,取得了教与培的满意效果。  相似文献   




神经外科学专科性强,概念抽象,内容庞杂,教学难度相对较高。住院医生规范化培训是医学教育的重点,也是保证专科医师的医疗服务质量和医疗安全的有效途径。我们在教学实践中,将传统教学与规范化培训相结合,基础知识与临床操作并重,逐渐形成了一套系统化的职业教育方法。本文针对神经外科监护室工作的特点,总结教学经验和方法,为医学院校开展住院医师规范化培训提供可借鉴的方法。  相似文献   

医学影像诊断报告是正确行使医疗行为和保证医疗质量的依据,书写高质量的医学影像学诊断报告是医学生及住院医师必须掌握的一项基本功和基本技能。本文将结合我院长期的医学生及住院医师临床教学经验和实际,以神经系统影像报告为例,从医学影像诊断报告的重要性、医学生及住院医师医学影像诊断报告技能教学的现状、规范化医学影像报告书写技能的培养、评估、反馈和评价进行探讨,以期在医学生和住院医师的培养中提高其临床技能,供广大同道在医学教育与实践中借鉴和改进。  相似文献   

B Cujec  T Oancia  C Bohm  D Johnson 《CMAJ》2000,162(5):637-640
BACKGROUND: Studies of career and parenting satisfaction have focused separately on medical students, residents and practising physicians. The objective of this study was to compare satisfaction across a spectrum of stages of medical career. METHODS: A survey of incoming medical students, current medical students, residents and physician teachers at the University of Saskatchewan was conducted in the spring of 1997. Response rates were 77% (43/56), 81% (177/218), 65% (134/206) and 39% (215/554) respectively. Factors assessed in the stepwise regression analysis were the effect of sex, parenting and level of training on the likelihood of recommending parenting to medical students or residents, and on parenting dissatisfaction, job dissatisfaction, career dissatisfaction and the importance of flexibility within the college program to accommodate family obligations. RESULTS: More male than female physician teachers had partners (92% v. 81%, p < 0.01) and were parents (94% v. 72%, p < 0.01). Female physician teachers spent equal hours per week at work compared with their male counterparts (mean 52 and 58 hours respectively) and more than double the weekly time on family and household work (36 v. 14 hours, p < 0.01). Physician teachers were the most likely respondents to recommend parenting to residents and their peers. Residents were the most dissatisfied with their parenting time. At all career stages women were less likely than men to recommend parenting, were more dissatisfied with the amount of time spent as parents and were more likely to regard flexibility within the college program as beneficial. There were no sex-related differences in job dissatisfaction and career dissatisfaction. However, married women were more dissatisfied with their jobs than were married men. Job dissatisfaction was greatest among medical students, and career dissatisfaction was greatest among residents. INTERPRETATION: The optimal timing of parenthood appears to be upon completion of medical training. Women were less likely to recommend parenting, less satisfied with the time available for parenting and more likely to value flexibility within the college program to accommodate family needs. These differences did not translate into women experiencing more job or career dissatisfaction.  相似文献   

An important part of training the next generation of physicians is ensuring that they are exposed to the integral role that research plays in improving medical treatment. However, medical students often do not have sufficient time to be trained to carry out any projects in biomedical and clinical research. Many medical students also fail to understand and grasp translational research as an important concept today. In addition, since medical training is often an international affair whereby a medical student/resident/fellow will likely train in many different countries during his/her early training years, it is important to provide a learning environment whereby a young medical student experiences the unique challenges and value of an international educational experience. This article describes a program that bridges the gap between the basic and clinical research concepts in a unique international educational experience. After completing two semester curricula at Alfaisal University in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, six medical students undertook a summer program at St. Boniface Hospital Research Centre, in Winnipeg, MB, Canada. The program lasted for 2 mo and addressed advanced training in basic science research topics in medicine such as cell isolation, functional assessment, and molecular techniques of analysis and manipulation as well as sessions on the conduct of clinical research trials, ethics, and intellectual property management. Programs such as these are essential to provide a base from which medical students can decide if research is an attractive career choice for them during their clinical practice in subsequent years. An innovative international summer research course for medical students is necessary to cater to the needs of the medical students in the 21st century.  相似文献   

All physicians, at some point in their career, are responsible for the education of their peers and junior colleagues. Although medical students are expected to develop clinical and research skills in preparation for residency, it is becoming clear that a student should also be expected to develop abilities as a teacher. A handful of institutions have student-as-teacher programs to train medical students in education, but most students graduate from medical school without formal training in this area. When such a program does not exist, medical students can gain experience in education through participation in peer teaching, course design, educational committees, and medical education scholarship. In doing so, they attain important skills in the development, implementation, and evaluation of educational programs. These skills will serve them in their capacity as medical educators as they advance in their careers and gain increasing teaching responsibility as residents, fellows, and attending physicians.  相似文献   

目的:调查我院专科医师培训开展的整体情况,为继续做好专科医师培训工作提供依据。方法:随机调查我院参与普通专科医师培训轮转科室的指导教师,发放自制调查表。结果:90%以上导师认为科室带教质量高;48.78%导师认为临床科室应为学员每月发放1000元以上生活补助;60.98%导师认为硕士研究生普通专科医师培训时间应为二年;60%以上导师认为应着重硕士研究生临床操作技能、医患沟通能力、病历书写能力及阅片能力等方面能力的培训;50%以上导师认为目前培训中存在的主要问题是生活无保障;图书馆国内外最新文献不足;监管力度不强;临床技能培训针对性不强等。结论:我院开展普通专科医师培训整体情况较好。但仍存在很多问题,在今后的培训过程中应继续为学员的生活提供更多保障,继续加强管理监督,保证培训按计划、按质量完成。  相似文献   

目的:调查我院专科医师培训开展的整体情况,为继续做好专科医师培训工作提供依据。方法:随机调查我院参与普通专科医师培训轮转科室的指导教师,发放自制调查表。结果:90%以上导师认为科室带教质量高;48.78%导师认为临床科室应为学员每月发放1000元以上生活补助;60.98%导师认为硕士研究生普通专科医师培训时间应为二年;60%以上导师认为应着重硕士研究生临床操作技能、医患沟通能力、病历书写能力及阅片能力等方面能力的培训;50%以上导师认为目前培训中存在的主要问题是生活无保障;图书馆国内外最新文献不足;监管力度不强;临床技能培训针对性不强等。结论:我院开展普通专科医师培训整体情况较好。但仍存在很多问题,在今后的培训过程中应继续为学员的生活提供更多保障,继续加强管理监督,保证培训按计划、按质量完成。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether the occurrence of accidental blood-borne pathogen exposure incidents in medical students and residents in training varies during the 24 h. A retrospective review of reported exposures was conducted in a large urban teaching institution--the University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston--between November 1993 and July 1998. Professional level (year of student or level of resident), time of exposure, means/route of exposure (needle stick, laceration, or splash), and type of medical service were recorded. Analysis of the clock time of the 745 reported blood-borne pathogen exposures showed they occurred more frequently during the day than night. Over the nearly 5-year span, 531 incidents took place between 06:00 and 17:59 in comparison to only 214 between 18:00 and 05:59. To account for the day-night difference in medical student and resident hospital staffing, the data were reexpressed as exposure rates, that is, in terms of the number of events per hour per 1000 medical students and residents. Based on the total number of reported exposures over the almost 5-year span of data collection, the average rate was 40 accidents per hour per 1000 doctors in training during the 12 h daytime span (6:00-17:59). It was 50% greater at night (18:00-05:59), with 60 incidents per hour per 1000 doctors in training. The day-night difference in rate of exposures was statistically significant (p < .04). The relative risk ratio for residents and students when working during the day shift compared to working the night shift was 0.67. This means that doctors in training are at a 1.50 higher risk of sustaining a blood-borne pathogen exposure when working nights than when working days.  相似文献   



Disaster is a serious public health issue. Health professionals and community residents are main players in disaster responses but their knowledge levels of disaster medicine are not readily available. This study aimed to evaluate knowledge levels and training needs of disaster medicine among potential disaster responders and presented a necessity to popularize disaster medicine education.


A self-reporting questionnaire survey on knowledge level and training needs of disaster medicine was conducted in Shanghai, China, in 2012. A total of randomly selected 547 health professionals, 456 medical students, and 1,526 local residents provided intact information. The total response rate was 93.7%.


Overall, 1.3% of these participants have received systematic disaster medicine training. News media (87.1%) was the most common channel to acquire disaster medicine knowledge. Although health professionals were more knowledgeable than community residents, their knowledge structure of disaster medicine was not intact. Medical teachers were more knowledgeable than medical practitioners and health administrators (p = 0.002). Clinicians performed better than public health physicians (p<0.001), whereas public health students performed better than clinical medical students (p<0.001). In community residents, education background significantly affected the knowledge level on disaster medicine (p<0.001). Training needs of disaster medicine were generally high among the surveyed. ‘Lecture’ and ‘practical training’ were preferred teaching methods. The selected key and interested contents on disaster medicine training were similar between health professionals and medical students, while the priorities chosen by local residents were quite different from health professionals and medical students (p<0.001).


Traditional clinical-oriented medical education might lead to a huge gap between the knowledge level on disaster medicine and the current needs of disaster preparedness. Continuing medical education and public education plans on disaster medicine via media should be practice-oriented, and selectively applied to different populations and take the knowledge levels and training needs into consideration.  相似文献   

林华  詹淑琴  刘爱华  王玉平  贾建平 《生物磁学》2013,(27):5374-5376,5329
:新形势下我国医学教育提出了培养高素质创新人才的要求,医学研究生的培养是医学生培养的最高层次。随着神经病学及其亚专业的迅猛发展,不仅对研究生的临床和科研水平提出了严峻的挑战,而且要求研究生在某一专业领域有较高的造诣。因此,对研究生进行专业特色培养是值得探索的新课题。本研究对我校神经内科研究生专业特色培养的系列探索与实践进行了总结。实践表明,我校神经内科研究生专业特色培养教学改革已取得明显成效:探索出一套行之有效的研究生专业特色培养的新模式,建立并完善了研究生培养中高素质专业人才的质量保障体系,强化了研究生的专业特色。为国内高等医学院校研究生培养模式提供了有价值的参考。  相似文献   

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