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A highly localised new species from the Cederberg Mountains near Wuppertal in the Western Cape Province is described. Annesorhiza asparagoides B.-E. Van Wyk, collected for the first time in 2009, differs from all other species of Annesorhiza (and the closely related Chamarea) in the unusual leaf structure, with crowded, subsessile, acicular leaf segments, resulting in dense, bottlebrush-like pinnae. The new species has a cluster of 10 or more slender roots, small (< 150 mm long), sparsely hairy leaves and small (± 8 mm long), oblong, conspicuously ribbed, homomericarpic fruits.  相似文献   

The new species, Annesorhiza calcicola Magee and J.C. Manning, is described. It is known only from a few limestone outcrops around Jacobsbaai on the Saldanha Peninsula on the West Coast of South Africa. The species differs from all others in the genus in its small stature (inflorescence less than 0.3 m and leaves less than 150 mm long), the hysteranthous, pilose leaves which are completely absent at flowering (in the other species dead or dying at flowering and usually glabrous), the greyish-black, pilose inflorescence (yellowish-brown and glabrous in the other species) and the smaller homomericarpic fruit less than 5 mm long.  相似文献   

The genus Pimpinella L., with about 170–180 species in the world, is one of the largest genera of the family Apiaceae (Umbelliferae). Based on the Flora Iranica treatment, this genus has 25 species in the Iranian plateau, including 19 species in Iran, and six of those (P. tragioides, P. deverroides, P. pastinacifolia, P. anisactis, P. khorasanica and P. khayyamii) are endemic.  相似文献   

The new species Pelargonium elandsmontanum is a local endemic from Elandsberg Nature Reserve near Malmesbury in the Western Cape Province, South Africa. One of six species of sect. Hoarea with just the posterior two petals developed, it resembles P. ternifolium in its trifoliolate leaves and pink petals but is distinguished from that species by the short, stout petioles, rhombic, acute leaflets with the upper surface glabrous or with spreading hairs (vs cuneate, apically incised leaflets with both surfaces adpressed-hairy), and five (vs four) fertile stamens.  相似文献   

Combretum stylesii O.Maurin, Jordaan & A.E.van Wyk, a liana or slender tree with scrambling branches from the Tugela River Valley (KwaZulu-Natal), South Africa, is described. Molecular data supports its placement in subgenus Combretum section Ciliatipetala with its closest relative Combretum edwardsii. The new species differs from C. edwardsii in having, amongst others, a single mature leaf form, leaves softly textured, with whitish hairs, often with drooping habit, shorter leaf petioles (less than 5 mm), and less complex 8-celled leaf scales. A key to the species and infraspecific taxa of section Ciliatipetala in the Flora of southern Africa region is provided.  相似文献   

A new species of woody Apiaceae, Polemanniopsis namibensis B-E. Van Wyk, A. Burke & C. Mannheimer, is described. The species is allied to Polemanniopsis marlothii but differs in the much smaller habit of (up to 0.6 m vs 1.5–4 m in Polemanniopsis marlothii), the white or greyish colour of the twigs (brown in Polemanniopsis marlothii), the 3-foliolate leaves (predominantly 5-foliate in Polemanniopsis marlothii), the smaller inflorescences with persistent involucral bracts (caducous in Polemanniopsis marlothii) and anatomical details of the leaves. The species is endemic to Namibia and is known only from a localised area in the southern Namib desert near Lüderitz, where it is relatively common.  相似文献   

The new species Polhillia ignota Boatwr. is described. This species is known only from two collections, one between Vredenburg and Saldanha and the other close to Porterville. The new species is most similar to P. obsoleta, which is known only from a few localities around Worcester, in its narrow, sericeous leaflets and flowers of equal size, but differs in its flattened mature leaves with larger leaflets (up to ± 12 mm long), longer pseudo-peduncles (up to ± 15  mm long), denser inflorescences (with up to four flowers), shorter pedicels (1–2 mm long) and non-auriculate wing- and keel petals.  相似文献   

Three new species of the genus Trachyandra are described, T. hantamensis Boatwr. & J.C.Manning, T. kamiesbergensis Boatwr. & J.C.Manning and T. sanguinorhiza Boatwr. & J.C.Manning. These species form part of a group of morphologically similar species referred to here as the T. thyrsoidea group and are distinguished by their generally small stature, filiform leaves (except for T. tortilis), and simple or shortly branched racemes of patent flowers with maculate tepals. Many of the species in the group have roots that contain abundant anthraquinones, visible as a red substance below the outer skin of the roots, and which is soluble in alcohol, thus often staining herbarium papers purple. A synopsis of the eight species that comprise the T. thyrsoidea group is presented, with maps of each species and illustrations of those described as new.  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers are reported for 12 species from nine genera of South African Umbelliferae, of which seven species and one genus (Itasina) are recorded for the first time. A detailed list of all published chromosome counts for southern African species is also presented, together with a review of the literature. The new data obtained are briefly discussed in the context of the taxonomy and relationships of local Umbelliferae. The counts agree with previous reports except that Annesorhiza appears to have 2n = 22, with or without one additional B-chromosome, and not 2n = 24 as reported in the literature. The number for Itasina (2n = 24) is of considerable interest and indicates that a detailed chromosome study of the South African genera Annesorhiza and Chamarea may yield valuable taxonomic information.  相似文献   

A new species, Isolepis namaquana Muasya & J.Viljoen, is described and illustrated. It is known from two localities in Namaqualand: near Kamieskroon and at the foot of the Matsikammaberge, where it grows in ephemeral wetlands. The tufted annual species is diagnosed by floral and fruit characters including glume size, bifid stigma and colliculate nutlet surface ornamentation.  相似文献   

The genus Psednotrichia (Asteraceae–Senecioneae) is endemic to Angola and currently consists of two annual species, P. xyridopsis (O. Hoffm.) Anderb. & P. O. Karis, and P. newtonii (O. Hoffm.) Anderb. & P. O. Karis. A perennial member of the genus was collected on a recent field trip to Angola, and is here described as P. perennis N. G. Bergh & B. Nord., sp. nov. A key to the three species is provided.  相似文献   

Two new species of Gazania Gaert. (Asteraceae, tribe Arctotideae) from the Greater Cape Floristic Region of South Africa are described. Gazania lanata Magee & Boatwr., a local endemic of dolomite lenses near Robertson, is distinguished by the spatulate to sublyrate, simple or weakly pinnatilobed leaves, the bristle-like hairs along the inflorescence and the densely lanate vestiture of the young growth and involucre. Gazania splendidissima Mucina, Magee & Boatwr. from the arid Namaqualand coast between Port Nolloth and Hondeklipbaai, is distinguished by the suffrutescent habit, semi-succulent leaves with a densely mealy uppermost surface, and prominently maculate involucre. An updated key to the now 18 recognised Gazania species is provided to facilitate identification of these and existing taxa in the genus.  相似文献   

Botryosphaeriaceae represents an important and diverse family of latent fungal pathogens of woody plants. We address the question of host range of these fungi by sampling leaves and branches of four native South African trees, including Acacia karroo (Fabaceae), Celtis africana (Cannabaceae), Searsia lancea (Anacardiaceae), and Gymnosporia buxifolia (Celastraceae). Two new species of the Botryosphaeriaceae, namely Tiarosporella africana sp. nov. and Aplosporella javeedii sp. nov. were identified, together with five known species, including Neofusicoccum parvum, Neofusicoccum kwambonambiense, Spencermartinsia viticola, Diplodia pseudoseriata, and Botryosphaeria dothidea. Most Botryosphaeriaceae occurred on more than one host. With the exception of S. lancea, which was infected by A. javeedii all the hosts were infected by more than one Botryosphaeriaceae species. Collectively, the results suggest that some intrinsic host factors, possibly combined with local environmental conditions, affect the distribution and co-infectivity of various hosts by the Botryosphaeriaceae. This would counteract the general ability of a species in the Botryosphaeriaceae to infect a broad range of plants. The combination of host and environmental factors might also explain why some Botryosphaeriaceae with apparently broad host ranges, are found on different suites of hosts in different areas of the world.  相似文献   

Two fossil taxa Tubulifloridites antipodica and T. viteauensis recovered from the Eocene Knysna Lignite of South Africa were examined with scanning (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The details of their sculpturing and wall structure are similar to the same species of fossil dispersed pollen taxa recovered from southwestern Africa and South America. Fifteen species of the woody South African taxa, Brachylaena (9 species) and Tarchonanthus (6 species) were investigated with SEM and TEM. All of the taxa are tricolporate, spherical to slightly prolate, microechinate to echinate and have a bilayered columellate infrastructure, except B.ilicifolia, which has a single columellate infrastructural level with the “granularization” of the outer portion of the infrastructural layer or the inner layer of the tectum. There is a similar distribution of plesiomorphic and derived pollen characters in a number of aster subfamilies and tribes suggesting a similar evolutionary progression of pollen, and pollen wall character evolution was occurring synchronously in a variety of aster subfamilies during the middle Tertiary and that these unique pollen features may be important to the evolution and diversification of the Asteraceae.  相似文献   

A new species of scorpion of the genus Neoscorpiops Vachon, 1980 is described from Northern Maharashtra. Neoscorpiops maharashtraensis sp. nov. is a medium-sized scorpion species ranging from 36 to 42 mm. Carapace, mesosoma and metasoma brown, legs and telson yellow; pedipalp in a shade of brown with carinae dark drown to black. Granulation on carapace coarse, with a few smooth patches; on mesosoma, which is restricted to the posterior half. Anterior margin of carapace with a moderately deep “U”-shaped emargination medially lacking elevated edges. Pectines well developed 7/7. Trichobothria on patella ventral 13–16. Pedipalp chela narrow and elongate in males, length-to-width ratio in males is 4.86–5.05.  相似文献   

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