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The ultrastructure of the glandular trichomes and secretory ducts of Grindelia pulchella was studied. Plastids, mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum are involved in the secretory process of both, trichomes and ducts. A special tissue with “transfer cells” is associated with the duct epithelial cells. The secretion is produced in the transfer cells and then is transferred to the duct epithelial cells where it accumulates in the vacuoles. The occurrence of cavities within the cell walls of the trichome cells and duct epithelial cells is described. The secretion is accumulated between the cell wall and the cuticle of these cells. When the cuticle is broken the secretion is released. We conclude that granulocrine secretion operates in this species.  相似文献   

The morphology and distribution of leaf trichomes of Tetradenia riparia were studied using light and scanning microscopy. Three morphologically distinct types of trichomes were observed on T. riparia leaf surfaces: glandular capitate (short and long stalked), peltate and non-glandular. The glandular and non-glandular trichomes were present in abundance on both the adaxial and abaxial surfaces. Young leaves were densely covered with trichomes; however, the density of trichomes decreases progressively with leaf maturity. This suggests that the trichomes are established early in leaf differentiation and their density decreases with leaf development and age.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of 19 accessions of Salvia officinalis from the genebank Gatersleben (Germany) was analyzed with SNP and SSR markers developed from EST sequences of Salvia fruticosa. Analyzes were performed exclusively with HRM (high resolution melt analysis), the alleles were identified applying a beforehand developed strategy for codominant markers. Nine polymorphic markers (PIC between 0.12 and 0.61) were used for a complete allele scan in the sample set of 190 individuals from 19 accessions. AMOVA stated 51% of variance between the populations and 49% within. Principal component analysis showed a main bulk of closely related accessions, which have substantial heterogeneity within themselves. However, some populations, especially two from Romania, were clearly distant. This is in accordance to phytochemical results of the same sample set, where the Romanian populations were distant due to an exotic chemotype of the essential oil. Cluster analysis revealed connections between groups of accessions in detail.  相似文献   

The morphology, anatomy and distribution of glandular trichomes on the aerial organs of Salvia smyrnea L. endemic to Turkey have been investigated with light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). This species is evaluated in endangered (EN) category. Two morphologically distinct types of glandular trichomes were determined. Various types of capitate glandular trichomes consist of a 1–4 celled base, a 1–8 stalk celled or no stalk and a uni- or bicellular head.  相似文献   

In this study, the anatomical features of the leaf and stem, besides the pollen and nutlet characteristics of Teucrium sandrasicum are investigated. T. sandrasicum, belonging to sect. Teucrium, is an endemic perennial herb growing on serpentine around Muğla province. The anatomical studies on T. sandrasicum revealed that the stem shares the general characteristics of the Labiatae family. The leaves clearly exhibit xeromorphy due to features such as the distribution of stomata on the lower surface (hipostomatic), the occurrence of guard cells below the epidermis (xeromorphic type), inrolled margins, thick cuticle layer, thick outer epidermal cell wall, a high density of trichomes and thick palisade layer of the mesophyll. The anatomical studies showed that the upper epidermal cells of the leaf include many spherocrystals. The pollen grains are prolate, medium in size, 3-colpate with verrucate ornamentation. The nutlets are ellipsoid with a reticulate-verrucate surface. The results have proven that T. sandrasicum is different from the other species of the sect. Teucrium because of the branched trichomes on the stem and the lack of eglandular trichomes on the nutlets.  相似文献   

Pollen grains of 30 taxa of the genus Salvia, belonging to sections Salvia, Horminum, Drymosphace, Plethiosphace and Hemisphace from Turkey were examined by light (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Detailed pollen morphological characteristics are provided for these taxa. Among the studied taxa, S. verticillata subsp. verticillata from sect. Hemisphace has the smallest pollen grains, and S. pachystachys from sect. Salvia possesses the largest ones. The basic shape of the pollen grains in most taxa is suboblate, oblate-spheroidal or prolate-spheroidal. However subprolate pollen grains are recorded for S. macrochlamys from sect. Salvia. The grains are hexacolpate in all taxa, but in S. recognita from sect. Salvia also octacolpate pollen was found. Three distinct exine sculpturing types exist, reticulate-perforate (the common type), reticulate-granulate and bireticulate. The reticulate-perforate and bireticulate sculpturing patterns can be divided into subtypes based on the number of perforations and the number of secondary lumina in each primary lumen. Pollen morphological characteristics of the taxa studied are compared and discussed on the basis of taxonomical concepts. In some cases, these characters are useful in distinguishing the sections. For instance, the presence of 1-2 large central secondary lumina per primary lumen is a significant character of sect. Horminum separating it from the other sections. As well, the presence of holes on colpus membrane ornamentation can be used as a diagnostic taxonomic character for sectional division between sect. Hemisphace and others. S. ballsiana from sect. Salvia is clearly distinct from the other taxa examined by its unique pollen morphology. Further, for several macromorphologically similar taxa pollen structures provide additional evidence to delimite them from each other.  相似文献   

Four polysaccharides were extracted from Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge using hot water, ultrasonic, alkali, and enzyme methods. Preliminary structural characterization was conducted by physicochemical property, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analyses. Antioxidant activities against 2,2-diphenyl-1-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH), hydroxyl, and superoxide radicals were also evaluated. The physicochemical property analysis indicated the identicalness of the polysaccharide indices obtained by the hot water and ultrasonic methods. The indices obtained by the alkali and enzyme methods were significantly different. The FTIR spectra revealed the general characteristic absorption peaks of the four polysaccharides. The SEM images demonstrated significant differences in the surface features of the different polysaccharides. The antioxidant activity assay revealed the significant antioxidant activities of three polysaccharides. Overall, the polysaccharides from S. miltiorrhiza Bunge may have potential applications in the medical and food industries.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of septa and septum-associated septal pore caps are important taxonomic markers in the Agaricomycotina (Basidiomycota, Fungi). The septal pore caps covering the typical basidiomycetous dolipore septum are divided into three main phenotypically recognized morphotypes: vesicular-tubular (including the vesicular, sacculate, tubular, ampulliform, and globular morphotypes), imperforate, and perforate. Until recently, the septal pore cap-type reflected the higher-order relationships within the Agaricomycotina. However, the new classification of Fungi resulted in many changes including revision of existing and addition of new orders. Therefore, the septal pore cap ultrastructure of more than 325 species as reported in literature was related to this new classification. In addition, the septal pore cap ultrastructures of Rickenella fibula and Cantharellus formosus were examined by transmission electron microscopy. Both fungi have dolipore septa associated with perforate septal pore caps. These results combined with data from the literature show that the septal pore cap-type within orders of the Agaricomycotina is generally monomorphic, except for the Cantharellales and Hymenochaetales.It appears from the fungal phylogeny combined with the septal pore cap ultrastructure that the vesicular-tubular and the imperforate type both may have arisen from endoplasmic reticulum. Thereafter, the imperforate type eventually gave rise to the perforate septal pore cap-type.  相似文献   

Two fossil taxa Tubulifloridites antipodica and T. viteauensis recovered from the Eocene Knysna Lignite of South Africa were examined with scanning (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The details of their sculpturing and wall structure are similar to the same species of fossil dispersed pollen taxa recovered from southwestern Africa and South America. Fifteen species of the woody South African taxa, Brachylaena (9 species) and Tarchonanthus (6 species) were investigated with SEM and TEM. All of the taxa are tricolporate, spherical to slightly prolate, microechinate to echinate and have a bilayered columellate infrastructure, except B.ilicifolia, which has a single columellate infrastructural level with the “granularization” of the outer portion of the infrastructural layer or the inner layer of the tectum. There is a similar distribution of plesiomorphic and derived pollen characters in a number of aster subfamilies and tribes suggesting a similar evolutionary progression of pollen, and pollen wall character evolution was occurring synchronously in a variety of aster subfamilies during the middle Tertiary and that these unique pollen features may be important to the evolution and diversification of the Asteraceae.  相似文献   

Trichomes of 37 taxa of the genus Stachys and one species of Sideritis (S. montana) were examined using light and scanning electron microscopy. The indumentum shows considerable variability among different species, but is constant among different populations of one species, and therefore, affords valuable characters in delimitation of sections and species. The characters of taxonomic interest were presence of glandular and non-glandular trichomes, thickness of the cell walls, number of cells (unicellular or multi-cellular), presence of branched (dendroid) trichomes, presence of vermiform trichomes, orientation of trichomes in relation to the epidermal surface, curviness of trichomes, and presence of papillae on trichome surface. Two basic types of trichomes can be distinguished: glandular and non-glandular trichomes. The glandular trichomes can in turn be subdivided into subtypes: stalked, subsessile, or sessile. The stalks of the glandular trichomes can be uni- or multi-cellular. Simple unbranched and branched trichomes constitute two subtypes of non-glandular trichomes. Our data do not provide any support for separation of Sideritis from Stachys. The following evolutionary trends are suggested here for Stachys: vermiform trichomes with stellate base are primitive against vermiform trichomes with tuberculate base, long vermiform trichomes are primitive against the short simple trichomes, appressed trichomes are advanced against spreading ones, and loss of glandular trichomes is advanced against their presence. Overall, trichome micromorphology is more useful in separation of species within sections rather than characterizing large natural groups known as sections, except for few cases.  相似文献   

Starch grains are a ubiquitous component of plants that have been used in tandem with phytoliths, pollen, and macrofossils to reconstruct past floral diversity. This tool has yet to be fully explored for aquatic plants, specifically seagrasses, which lack phytoliths and are rarely preserved as macrofossils or pollen. If starch grains in seagrasses are morphologically distinct, this method has the potential to improve seagrass identification in the fossil record in such cases where its starch is preserved (e.g. scratches and occlusal surfaces of tooth enamel from seagrass consumers). The goals of this study were twofold: (1) to determine if starch is present in seagrass material and (2) to assess how starch grain morphology differs between different seagrasses.This study focused on four abundant and ecologically distinct seagrasses from the Caribbean: Halodule wrightii, Ruppia maritima, Syringodium filiforme, and Thalassia testudinum. Starch grains were observed in all species except S. filiforme. Grains from H. wrightii are typically observed in side-on orientation, are sub-round to angular, and are fairly small (3-19 μm, end-on). Grains of R. maritima are small spherical grains (4-8 μm) that have a centric hilum and a straight extinction cross with a median angle between the arms of 90°. Grains from T. testudinum are large (9-31 μm, end-on), conical in side-on and round/sub-round in end-on orientation, have a slightly eccentric hilum with an obvious particle, and prominent lamellae.Visual assessment and comparative statistics demonstrate that the morphology of starch grains from T. testudinum, R. maritima, and H. wrightii are significantly different. With more extensive research, there is potential for the positive identification of starch grains from an unknown seagrass. The ability to identify seagrass from starch grains could facilitate the identification of seagrasses in the fossil record and supply information on seagrass evolution and distribution, climate effects on seagrass distribution, and the diets of seagrass consumers.  相似文献   

Torrubiella is a genus of arthropod-pathogenic fungi that primarily attacks spiders and scale insects. Based on the morphology of the perithecia, asci, and ascospores, it is classified in Clavicipitaceae s. lat. (Hypocreales), and is considered a close relative of Cordyceps s. 1., which was recently reclassified into three families (Clavicipitaceae s. str., Cordycipitaceae, Ophiocordycipitaceae) and four genera (Cordyceps s. str, Elaphocordyceps, Metacordyceps, and Ophiocordyceps). Torrubiella is distinguished morphologically from Cordyceps s. lat. mainly by the production of superficial perithecia and the absence of a well-developed stipitate stroma. To test and refine evolutionary hypotheses regarding the placement of Torrubiella and its relationship to Cordyceps s. lat., a multi-gene phylogeny was constructed by conducting ML and Bayesian analyses. The monophyly of Torrubiella was rejected by these analyses with species of the genus present in Clavicipitaceae, Cordycipitaceae, and Ophiocordycipitaceae, and often intermixed among species of Cordyceps s. lat. The morphological characters traditionally used to define the genus are, therefore, not phylogenetically informative, with the stipitate stromata being gained and/or lost several times among clavicipitaceous fungi. Two new genera (Conoideocrella, Orbiocrella) are proposed to accommodate two separate lineages of torrubielloid fungi in the Clavicipitaceae s. str. In addition, one species is reclassified in Cordyceps s. str. and three are reclassified in Ophiocordyceps. The phylogenetic importance of anamorphic genera, host affiliation, and stipitate stromata is discussed.  相似文献   

The fruits of 10 species of Solanum sect. Acanthophora were studied. Cross and/or longitudinal and/or tangential microtome sections, stained mostly with astra blue/basic fuchsin, were made for microscopic examination. Three different kinds of cells were found in the epidermis, immediately below which a hypodermis, consisting in any of four types of structures, was always found. The mesocarp exhibits two histologically differentiated zones, an external one (formed by normal or spongy parenchyma, according to the species), and an internal one, commonly juicy, and with proliferations among the seeds. The diagnostic value of all these structures is assessed. Morpho-anatomical information is used to define fruit types beyond the berry, traditionally described for Solanum, and the probable dispersal syndrome related to them is discussed. Fruit similarities are slightly noticeable in several cases, while differences may be the result of their sexual system – which affects specially the size – and their histology, which is related to the dispersal syndrome. The comparison of our data with previous molecular phylogeny of the section suggests that a significant morphological variation is not associated with significant DNA sequence changes.  相似文献   

Juan Chen  Nian-He Xia 《Flora》2011,206(5):458-467
In order to find new non-molecular evidence to support the phylogenetic and taxonomic position, pollen grains of 20 populations of 16 species of Chinese Curcuma L. and Boesenbergia Kuntz (Zingiberaceae) were investigated under SEM and TEM. The pollen grains are spherical and ovoid, nonaperturate. The pollen wall is composed of a very thin exine and a thick intine. The exine is psilate or echinate. The intine consists of two layers, i.e., a thick, channeled layer (exintine) and an inner homogenous layer (endintine). The results reveal morphological congruence between the pollen grains of species of Curcuma, which according to DNA sequence data appears to be a polyphyletic genus. However the uniform pollen morphology in Curcuma provides no evidence to divide this genus into separate taxonomic entities. Our results on pollen morphology also do not provide any additional evidence to either unite or segregate Boesenbergia albomaculata and Curcumorpha longiflora in the same genus and demonstrate that more taxonomic data on the genus Boesenbergia and its relatives are needed before a final decision can be made.  相似文献   

In April and May 2010, a natural population of Cerinthe major (Boraginaceae-Lithospermeae) was investigated with regard to: floral morphology, phenology, sexual receptivity during anthesis, the production of nectar and its sugar and amino acid content. The pollinator array of this species was also investigated. Cerinthe major has showy, pentamerous, hermaphroditic flowers with a deep yellow corolla tube arranged on numerous scorpioid inflorescences. Nectar and pollen are the main floral rewards for pollinators. The arrangement of stamens limits access to nectar and promotes pollen loading onto pollinator bodies as they force their way towards the source of nectar. By limiting the direct exposure of nectar to the environment, the corolla tube and the arrangement of anther filaments seemingly protect nectar from evaporation resulting from high temperatures and low relative humidity during flower anthesis. The green, annular nectary located at the base of the ovary lobes is composed of a very thin epidermis enclosing a dense mass of parenchyma. The epidermis lacks stomata, and the thin cuticle has an irregular surface. The parenchyma cells do not store starch during the pre-secretory stage, suggesting that immediate photosynthesis is the most likely source of nectar carbohydrates. Generally, anthesis lasts 4–5 days; the gynoecium becomes fully receptive on the second day and this is synchronous with anther dehiscence. Since nectar production begins during the bud stage, a substantial volume is available for flower visitors at anthesis. Nectar production decreases drastically in senescent flowers and, if not consumed, the nectar can be re-absorbed. Analysis of sugars revealed a sucrose-dominant nectar (sucrose = 93.18 ± 1.35%). Proline, GABA, taurine, leucine, citrulline and alanine were the main amino acids present and are probably implicated in pollinator flight performance.  相似文献   

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