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Where orangethroat darters (Etheostoma: Ceasia) and rainbow darters (Etheostoma caeruleum) co-occur, males prefer conspecific over heterospecific females. The cues males use to identify conspecific females remain unclear. We conducted behavioral trials to ask whether chemical cues function in conspecific recognition. We found that males from three orangethroat darter species preferentially associate with female scent over a control. Our results support the use of olfaction in conspecific identification in the orangethroat clade and contribute to our understanding of signals that may facilitate species recognition and underlie the evolution of behavioral isolation.  相似文献   

The characterization and frequency of occurrence of ultrasonic vocalizations produced by females rats (Rattus norvegicus) during copulation were investigated. By devocalizing one member of a male-female pair, it was demonstrated that female rats produce complex, brief 40–70-kHz vocalizations during copulation. These calls shared common structural characteristics with those produced by males and occurred with similar frequency. The female-produced vocalizations were controlled by a hormone-sensitive mechanism; ovariectomized females exhibited few, if any, vocalizations without exposure to ovarian hormones. The implications of these findings are discussed with respect to previous results and to the role of these vocalizations in rodent communication.  相似文献   

We investigated the induction of aggregate formation in the freshwater bacterium Sphingobium sp. strain Z007 by growth state and protistan grazing. Dialysis bag batch culture experiments were conducted in which these bacteria were grown spatially separated from bacteria or from co‐cultures of bacteria and predators. In pure cultures of Sphingobium sp. strain Z007, the concentrations of single cells and aggregates inside and outside the dialysis membranes developed in a similar manner over 3 days of incubation, and the proportions of aggregates were highest during the exponential growth phase. Cell production of Sphingobium sp. strain Z007 was enhanced in the presence of another isolate, Limnohabitans planktonicus, from an abundant freshwater lineage (R‐BT065) outside the bags, and even more so if that strain was additionally grazed upon by the bacterivorous flagellate Poterioochromonas sp. However, the ratios of single cells to aggregates of Sphingobium sp. strain Z007 were not affected in either case. By contrast, the feeding of flagellates on Sphingobium sp. strain Z007 outside the dialysis bags led to significantly higher proportions of aggregates inside the bags. This was not paralleled by an increase in growth rates, and all cultures were in a comparable growth state at the end of the experiment. We conclude that two mechanisms, growth state and the possible release of infochemicals by the predator, may induce aggregate formation of Sphingobium sp. strain Z007. Moreover, these infochemicals only appeared to be generated by predation on cells from the same species.  相似文献   

We examined whether ultrasonic vocalizations facilitate social learning of food preferences in female Norway rats, Rattus norvegicus. Females produced ultrasonic vocalizations at higher rates when they were reunited with a familiar conspecific if one member of the reunited pair had eaten an unfamiliar food while the pair members were separated. However, the influence of demonstrator rats on food choices of their observers was as great in pairs of rats that had been devocalized surgically as it was in sham-operated controls. The latter result is not consistent with the hypothesis that ultrasonic vocalizations facilitate social learning of food preferences in Norway rats.  相似文献   

Parthenogenesis has been observed in several elasmobranch species, primarily in public aquaria. The majority of cases of parthenogenesis have occurred either when females were held without males or once a male was removed from a female's habitat. Here we report a second instance of parthenogenesis in a zebra shark female that was housed with conspecific mature males. This study calls into question the conditions under which elasmobranch females undergo parthenogenesis.  相似文献   

Experimental evidence shows that oviposition in Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Mulsant (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) is deterred by the presence of conspecific larvae. A similar deterrent effect is also recorded when females are tested in an experimental set up that previously housed conspecific larvae. It is shown that an oviposition-deterring pheromone is associated with the abundant wax filaments produced by the larvae of C. montrouzieri.  相似文献   

A sequence of three experiments investigated whether ovariectomy affects the production and/or excretion of a pheromone from grouped female mice which delays puberty in young females. The first two experiments demonstrated that ovariectomy does not influence the presence of the puberty-delaying pheromone in either excreted or bladder urine of group-caged females. The third experiment showed that the blocking effect associated with the urethras of singly caged female mice which inhibits the activity of the maturation-delaying pheromone is not affected by ovariectomy.  相似文献   

A sequence of three experiments investigated whether adrenalectomy affects a pheromone from grouped female mice which delays puberty in young females. The first two experiments demonstrated that the presence of the adrenal glands is a necessary condition for production and/or excretion of the puberty-delaying pheromone in excreted and bladder urine. The third experiment showed that a blocking effect associated with the urethras of singly caged female mice which inhibits the activity of the maturation-delaying pheromone is not affected by adrenalectomy.  相似文献   

Female carriers of the T(5;12)31H reciprocal translocation had an average reduction of 73% in oocyte numbers compared with normal litter mates, which was of a magnitude similar to the reduction in sperm counts of male carriers. Analysis of synaptonemal complexes showed that the translocated chromosomes appeared as quadrivalents, or trivalents and univalents, or bivalents in both sexes. Quadrivalents were of three types: fully synapsed, with asynapsis confined to breakpoints, and with unsynapsed ends. There was more pairing in spermatocytes than in oocytes: 37% of spermatocytes, but only 14% of oocytes, contained a fully synapsed quadrivalent, and trivalents were also more frequently fully synapsed in spermatocytes. When these results are compared with those previously obtained for other chromosome anomalies, it becomes evident that there are considerable differences in chromosome pairing between males and females, and that different chromosome rearrangements differ in the relative amount of pairing failure occurring in male and female carriers.  相似文献   

CF-1 female mice were subjected to 24 or 48 h of food deprivation beginning when they were in estrus or diestrus, or when they were 2 or 12 days pregnant, or on Days 2 or 12 of lactation. Ovulation was delayed by a week or more when 48 h of food deprivation was initiated when the female was in diestrus; lesser delays occurred when food deprivation began in estrus. There was little effect of acute food deprivation on pregnancy. Most females deprived of food beginning on Day 2 of lactation ate their young, but females deprived on Day 12 of lactation rarely did so. These results are discussed in terms of the complexity of interacting factors that determine the degree to which each stage of the female's reproductive cycle is susceptible to disruption by acute food deprivation.  相似文献   

Researchers and managers have used the tendency of some species of birds to settle near conspecifics (i.e., conspecific attraction) to help establish or reestablish species of conservation concern in targeted habitats. However, most studies of conspecific attraction as a recruitment tool have been conducted with either migratory or colonial-breeding species, and less is known about the possible importance of conspecific attraction for resident species. In 2017 and 2018 in Louisiana, we examined the possible use of conspecific attraction as a management tool for Northern Bobwhites (Colinus virginianus), game birds that are year-round residents. We used an alternating split experimental design across years where Northern Bobwhite vocalizations were broadcast at half of our study sites during the first year of our study and the other half were controls. The following year, experimental sites became controls, and controls became experimental sites. We also assessed land cover at each site to determine if variation in habitat composition at small spatial scales influenced bobwhite presence. We detected six times more Northern Bobwhites at treatment sites (sites with playback) than control sites and found a positive association between the proportion of grass cover and bobwhite presence. These results suggest that a non-migratory, resident species may select breeding locations based, at least in part, on the presence of conspecifics, and that playback of their calls could be incorporated into management plans. Playing back conspecific calls in early spring when Northern Bobwhites are likely searching for breeding locations may facilitate colonization and allow individuals to find locations where managers are attempting to restore their populations.  相似文献   

Research on reproductive isolation in African cichlid fishes has largely focused on the role of nuptial colours, but other sensory modes may play an important role in mate choice. Here, we compare the relative importance of visual and olfactory cues in mate recognition by females of a Lake Malawi cichlid species. Female Pseudotropheus emmiltos were given a choice of spawning next to a conspecific male or a male of the closely-related sympatric Pseudotropheus fainzilberi. Significant preference for conspecific males only occurred when olfactory cues were present. This suggests that divergence of olfactory signals may have been an important influence on the explosive radiation of the East African species flock.  相似文献   

Insects deciding whether to approach and join a group of conspecifics may utilize olfactory and auditory signals, or cues, from that group as indicators of its size or the suitability of its shelter. Here we show (1) that German cockroaches, Blattella germanica L. (Dictyoptera: Blattellidae), in groups wing‐fan; (2) that the incidence of wing‐fanning (WF) increases proportionately to group size; and (3) that gravid females utilize auditory cues associated with WF behaviour when they decide whether or not to enter a shelter. In binary choice arena bioassays, proportionately more gravid females avoided shelters associated with play‐back of high‐incidence male‐ or female‐produced WF sound, indicating a high‐density group of conspecifics, but sought shelters associated with play‐back of low‐incidence WF sound, indicating a low‐density group of conspecifics. These auditory cues seem to convey information on group size or density, avoid sensory fatigue in enclosed environments, and allow sonotactic orientation to the group's location.  相似文献   

Differences in long-chain hydrocarbon mixtures among reproductive and nonreproductive individuals have been often revealed in social insects. However, very few papers demonstrated that these signatures actually act as contact pheromones used by nonreproductive to recognize the presence of a related queen in the colony. Cuticular and glandular hydrocarbons of Polistes paper wasps have been extensively studied, but, until now, the perception and recognition of such cues was not demonstrated. In this paper, we show, for the first time in Vespidae, that Polistes gallicus workers distinguish nestmates from alien individuals and queens from workers by the hydrocarbon mixtures of the Van der Vecht organ secretion (VVS). We also demonstrated that stroking behavior (a peculiar behavior of Polistes by which queens probably lay VVS on the nest) acts as an inhibitor of ovarian development in workers.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that a variety of animals including humans are sensitive to social cues from others and shift their attention to the same objects attended to by others. However, little is known about how animals process conspecifics'' and another species'' actions, although primates recognize conspecific faces better than those of another species. In this study, using unrestrained eye-tracking techniques, we first demonstrated that conspecific social cues modulated looking behaviours of chimpanzees more than human cues, whereas human observers were equally sensitive to both species. Additionally, first pass gaze duration at the face indicates that chimpanzees looked at the chimpanzees'' face longer than the human face, suggesting that chimpanzees might extract more referential information from a conspecific face. These results also imply that a unique ability for extracting referential information from a variety of social objects has emerged during human evolution.  相似文献   

Courtship vocalizations of male songbirds can profoundly enhance the reproductive physiology and behavior of conspecific females. However, no study has fully investigated the selectivity of conspecific song effects on reproductive development in birds. We studied the effects of conspecific and heterospecific song on reproductive development in domesticated (canaries) and wild songbirds (song sparrows). As expected, conspecific song enhanced follicular development. Unexpectedly, however, birds exposed to heterospecific song also underwent enhanced follicular development (compared to birds exposed to no song); conspecific and heterospecific songs were equally effective in enhancing ovarian development. In canaries exposed to 18L:6D, conspecific song induced oviposition earlier and at a greater frequency than in heterospecific and no song groups, with the fewest eggs being laid in the no song group. These results indicate that conspecific and heterospecific male song can enhance reproductive activity in female songbirds. Whether or not activation of the reproductive axis in female songbirds by heterospecific song occurs in the wild remains unclear. It is also unclear as to whether the ability of the reproductive axis to respond to heterospecific song performs a specific function, or whether it is simply a consequence of greater selection pressure acting upon behavioral responses to song.  相似文献   

Gastropods represent a challenge in the understanding of alarm signalling. We studied predator avoidance (climbing behaviour) of the marine snail Tegula funebralis in laboratory experiments. Snails were exposed to crude extract of conspecifics, and to water conditioned by actively feeding or non-feeding predatory crabs. Crabs had previously been maintained on different diets, and were accordingly labelled by chemical cues of various origins. Tegula -extract alone released climbing behaviour in May, but not in June. However, during both these months, snails responded to chemical cues from crabs that were actively feeding on Tegula . Crabs labelled by Tegula -diet, and actively feeding on Tegula , also caused more climbing responses compared to crabs labelled by other diets. Chemical cues derived from crabs actively feeding on another snail species, or from non-feeding crabs, did not induce snail climbing no matter the previous feeding history of the predators. When snails received Tegula -extract combined with water conditioned with a non-feeding, Tegula -labelled crab, no climbing occurred. However, when the non-feeding, Tegula -labelled crab was present in the solution of Tegula -extract, moderate climbing responses were obtained. The results imply that climbing responses of T. funebralis are in general caused by the action of a two-component system. This system seems to be a mixture of chemical cues leaking from the tissue of conspecifics when being eaten, and latent conspecific chemicals that are modified in crabs and presumably released with the urine of chemically labelled predators. The modified chemical labels appear to be fully released by crabs when feeding, and moderately released when detecting food. The responses obtained in May with crude extract alone may result from a seasonal change in alarm signalling properties, or a change in behavioural responsiveness of snails exposed to a variable predator regime.  相似文献   

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