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A model flap was developed in the rat which allowed us to quantitate microcirculatory blood flow within a flap, and to correlate the flow with the length of flap eventually surviving. A critical flow of 0.02 and 0.03 ml/min/gm (measured during the first 24 hours after flap elevation by radioactive microspheres) appears to be necessary for tissue survival. Reserpine, in a dose of 5 mg/kg, did not increase blood flow in the flap or the length of flap surviving in this model.  相似文献   

A paradoxical microcirculatory constriction has been observed in hearts of patients with ischemia, secondary to coronary stenosis. Here, using the isolated mouse heart (Langendorff), we examined the mechanism of this response, assuming involvement of nitric oxide (NO) and endothelin-1 (ET-1) systems. Perfusion pressure was maintained at 65 mmHg for 70 min (protocol 1), or it was reduced to 30 mmHg over two intervals, between the 20- and 40-min marks (protocol 2) or from the 20-min mark onward (protocol 3). In protocol 1, coronary resistance (CR) remained steady in untreated heart, whereas it progressively increased during treatment with the NO synthesis inhibitor N(G)-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) (2.7-fold) or the ET(A) antagonist BQ-610 (2.8 fold). The ET(B) antagonist BQ-788 had instead no effect by itself but curtailed vasoconstriction to BQ-610. In protocol 2, hypotension raised CR by 2.2-fold. This response was blunted by reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavengers (mannitol and superoxide dismutase plus catalase) and was converted into vasodilation by l-NAME, BQ-610, or BQ-788. Restoration of normal pressure was followed by vasodilation and vasoconstriction, respectively, in untreated and treated preparations. In protocol 3, CR progressively increased with hypotension in the absence but not presence of L-NAME or BQ-610. We conclude that the coronary vasculature is normally relaxed by two concerted processes, a direct action of NO and ET-1 curtailing an ET(B2)-mediated tonic vasoconstriction through ET(A) activation. The negative feedback mechanism on ET(B2) subsides during hypotension, and the ensuing vasoconstriction is ascribed to ET-1 activating ET(A) and ET(B2) and reactive nitrogen oxide species originating from ROS-NO interaction.  相似文献   

The morphological analysis of the state of the heart during hypertermal perfusion with different conservants reveals clear dependence of the microcirculation and the activity of the heart upon the type of the conservant. Perfusion with a salt solution and hemodilution is accompanied by pronounced disorders in microcirculation and unsatisfactory parameters of the cardiac activity. Conservation with cryoprecipitated plasma is characterized by comparatively less microcirculatory disorders, but fails to give a reliable safety of the heart. When using medium 199, changes in microcirculation were found to be minimal and parameters of cardiac activity were satisfactory. In the complex of non-specific changes in microcirculatory vessels the maximum structural lability was revealed in blood capillaries and vessels of the postcapillary-venular link.  相似文献   

It is thought that every cell in the body expresses the vitamin D receptor, and therefore vitamin D may play a role in health and homeostasis of every organ system, including skeletal muscle. Human, animal, and cell culture studies have collectively shown that vitamin D affects muscle strength and function. Vitamin D functions in a plethora of cellular processes in skeletal muscle including calcium homeostasis, cell proliferation, cell differentiation, fiber size, prevention of fatty degeneration, protection against insulin resistance and arachidonic acid mobilization. These processes appear to be mediated by several signaling pathways affected by vitamin D. This review aims to explore the effects of vitamin D on skeletal muscle in each model system and to delineate potential cell signaling pathways affected by vitamin D.  相似文献   

Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a severe progressive muscular disorder caused by reading frame disrupting mutations in the DMD gene, preventing the synthesis of functional dystrophin. As dystrophin provides muscle fiber stability during contractions, dystrophin negative fibers are prone to exercise-induced damage. Upon exhaustion of the regenerative capacity, fibers will be replaced by fibrotic and fat tissue resulting in a progressive loss of function eventually leading to death in the early thirties. With several promising approaches for the treatment of DMD aiming at dystrophin restoration in clinical trials, there is an increasing need to determine more precisely which dystrophin levels are sufficient to restore muscle fiber integrity, protect against muscle damage and improve muscle function.To address this we generated a new mouse model (mdx-Xist Δhs) with varying, low dystrophin levels (3–47%, mean 22.7%, stdev 12.1, n = 24) due to skewed X-inactivation. Longitudinal sections revealed that within individual fibers, some nuclei did and some did not express dystrophin, resulting in a random, mosaic pattern of dystrophin expression within fibers. Mdx-Xist Δhs, mdx and wild type females underwent a 12 week functional test regime consisting of different tests to assess muscle function at base line, or after chronic treadmill running exercise. Overall, mdx-Xist Δhs mice with 3–14% dystrophin outperformed mdx mice in the functional tests. Improved histopathology was observed in mice with 15–29% dystrophin and these levels also resulted in normalized expression of pro-inflammatory biomarker genes, while for other parameters >30% of dystrophin was needed. Chronic exercise clearly worsened pathology, which needed dystrophin levels >20% for protection. Based on these findings, we conclude that while even dystrophin levels below 15% can improve pathology and performance, levels of >20% are needed to fully protect muscle fibers from exercise-induced damage.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to understand how 14 days of weightlessness alters the cellular properties of individual slow- and fast-twitch muscle fibers in the rhesus monkey. The diameter of the soleus (Sol) type I, medial gastrocnemius (MG) type I, and MG type II fibers from the vivarium controls averaged 60 +/- 1, 46 +/- 2, and 59 +/- 2 microm, respectively. Both a control 1-G capsule sit (CS) and spaceflight (SF) significantly reduced the Sol type I fiber diameter (20 and 13%, respectively) and peak force, with the latter declining from 0.48 +/- 0.01 to 0.31 +/- 0.02 (CS group) and 0.32 +/- 0.01 mN (SF group). When the peak force was expressed as kiloNewtons per square meter (kN/m(2)), only the SF group showed a significant decline. This group also showed a significant 15% drop in peak fiber stiffness that suggests that fewer cross bridges were contracting in parallel. In the MG, SF but not CS depressed the type I fiber diameter and force. Additionally, SF significantly depressed absolute (mN) and relative (kN/m(2)) force in the fast-twitch MG fibers by 30% and 28%, respectively. The Ca(2+) sensitivity of the type I fiber (Sol and MG) was significantly reduced by growth but unaltered by SF. Flight had no significant effect on the mean maximal fiber shortening velocity in any fiber type or muscle. The post-SF Sol type I fibers showed a reduced peak power and, at peak power, an elevated velocity and decreased force. In conclusion, CS and SF caused atrophy and a reduced force and power in the Sol type I fiber. However, only SF elicited atrophy and reduced force (mN) in the MG type I fiber and a decline in relative force (kN/m(2)) in the Sol type I and MG type II fibers.  相似文献   

A recent surge in lymphangiogenesis research has led to a greater understanding of lymphatic endothelial cell biology. However, a general understanding of lymphatic muscle cell biology lags far behind its endothelial counterpart. Lymphatics at the level of the collecting vessels and higher contain muscular walls capable of both tonic and phasic contractions, which both generate and regulate lymph flow. Because lymphatic contraction is crucial to lymphatic function, a solid understanding of lymphatic muscle development and function is necessary to understand lymphatic biology. This review summarizes the current body of lymphatic muscle research and addresses important questions that are currently unanswered.  相似文献   

The retinol dehydrogenase Rdh10 catalyzes the rate-limiting reaction that converts retinol into retinoic acid (RA), an autacoid that regulates energy balance and reduces adiposity. Skeletal muscle contributes to preventing adiposity, by consuming nearly half the energy of a typical human. We report sexually dimorphic differences in energy metabolism and muscle function in Rdh10+/− mice. Relative to wild-type (WT) controls, Rdh10+/− males fed a high-fat diet decrease reliance on fatty-acid oxidation and experience glucose intolerance and insulin resistance. Running endurance decreases 40%. Rdh10+/− females fed this diet increase fatty acid oxidation and experience neither glucose intolerance nor insulin resistance. Running endurance increases 220%. We therefore assessed RA function in the mixed-fiber type gastrocnemius muscles (GM), which contribute to running, rather than standing, and are similar to human GM. RA levels in Rdh10+/− male GM decrease 38% relative to WT. Rdh10+/− male GM increase expression of Myog and reduce Eif6 mRNAs, which reduce and enhance running endurance, respectively. Cox5A, complex IV activity, and ATP decrease. Increased centralized nuclei reveal existence of muscle malady and/or repair in GM fibers. Comparatively, RA in Rdh10+/− female GM decreases by less than half the male decrease, from a more modest decrease in Rdh10 and an increase in the estrogen-induced retinol dehydrogenase Dhrs9. Myog mRNA decreases. Cox5A, complex IV activity, and ATP increase. Centralized GM nuclei do not increase. We conclude that Rdh10/RA affects whole body energy use and insulin resistance partially through sexual dimorphic effects on skeletal muscle gene expression, structure, and mitochondria activity.  相似文献   

Malacologists often assume that ornamentation on snail shells is functional, and therefore adaptive. I conducted the first comprehensive test of the widely accepted hypothesis that columellar folds, a type of internal ornamentation, enhance the performance of the columellar muscle, which attaches the snail to its shell. Careful dissections of live, non-relaxed specimens reveal that the physical attachment between the columellar muscle and the columella is not restricted to a small, circular patch located deep within the shell. Instead, the attachment is long and narrow, extending approximately a full whorl along the length of the columella. I developed a novel technique for preparing three-dimensional reconstructions from photographs documenting the dissections. These reconstructions were then used to measure four parameters that describe the muscle: (1) the surface area of the physical attachment between the muscle and columella, (2) the total contact area between the muscle and the columella, (3) the depth of attachment, and (4) the length of attachment. None of these parameters differed significantly between species with and without folds. In light of the biomechanics of muscular hydrostats, values of the first parameter indicate that columellar folds probably do not guide the columellar muscle as the animal moves in and out of its shell. Values of the other parameters indicate that columellar folds neither increase an animal's ability to maneuver its shell nor facilitate deeper withdrawal. These results, and the fact that folds have evolved convergently several times, might indicate that folds are an easily evolvable solution to many functional problems, none of which are currently understood.  相似文献   

Repeated exposure to brief periods of hypoxia leads to pathophysiological changes in experimental animals similar to those seen in sleep apnea. To determine the effects of such exposure on oxygen levels in vivo, we used an optical method to measure PO2 in microcirculatory vessels and tissue of the rat cremaster muscle during a 1-min step reduction of inspired oxygen fraction from 0.21 to 0.07. Under control conditions, PO2 was 98.1 +/- 1.9 Torr in arterial blood, 52.2 +/- 2.8 Torr in 29.0 +/- 2.7-microm arterioles, 26.8 +/- 1.7 Torr in the tissue interstitium near venous capillaries, and 35.1 +/- 2.6 Torr in 29.7 +/- 1.9-microm venules. The initial fall in PO2 during hypoxia was significantly greater in arterial blood, being 93% complete in the first 10 s, whereas it was 68% complete in arterioles, 47% at the tissue sites, and 38% in venules. In the 10- to 30-s period, the fall in normalized tissue and venular PO2 was significantly greater than in arterial PO2. At the end of hypoxic exposure, PO2 at all measurement sites had fallen very nearly in proportion to that in the inspired gas, but tissue oxygen levels did not reach critical PO2. Significant differences in oxyhemoglobin desaturation rate were also observed between arterial and microcirculatory vessels during hypoxia. In conclusion, the fall in microcirculatory and tissue oxygen levels in resting skeletal muscle is significantly slower than in arterial blood during a step reduction to an inspired oxygen fraction of 0.07, and tissue PO2 does not reach anaerobic levels.  相似文献   

Myosin is an asymmetric protein that comprises two globular heads (S1) and a double-stranded alpha-helical rod. We have investigated the effects of urea and the methylamines trimethylamine oxide (TMA-O) and glycine betaine (betaine) on activity and structure of skeletal muscle myosin. K(+) EDTA ATPase activity of myosin was almost completely inhibited by urea (2M); TMA-O stimulated myosin activity, whereas betaine had no effect. When combined with urea (0-2M), TMA-O or betaine (1 M) effectively protected the ATPase activity of myosin against inhibition. Intrinsic fluorescence measurements showed that in urea or TMA-O (0-2M), there were no shifts in the center of mass of the fluorescence spectrum of myosin, despite a decrease in fluorescence intensity. However, these osmolytes at concentrations above 2M produced a red shift in the emission spectrum. Betaine alone did not alter the center of mass at any concentration tested up to 5.2M. Thus, modifications in ATPase activity induced by low concentrations of solutes (<2M) are not directly correlated with the modifications in myosin structure detected by fluorescence. Both methylamines (>or=1M) were also able to protect myosin structure against urea-induced effects (2-8M). Protection was not observed for S1, supporting the hypothesis that these osmolytes have a biphasic effect on myosin: at lower concentrations there is an effect on the globular portion (S1), and at higher concentrations there is an effect on the coiled-coil (rod) portion of myosin.  相似文献   

Coffee polyphenols (CPPs), including chlorogenic acid, exert various physiological activities. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of CPPs on skin properties and microcirculatory function in humans. In this double-blind, placebo-controlled study, 49 female subjects with mildly xerotic skin received either a test beverage containing CPPs (270 mg/100 mL/day) or a placebo beverage for 8 weeks. The ingestion of CPPs significantly lowered the clinical scores for skin dryness, decreased transepidermal water loss, skin surface pH, and increased stratum corneum hydration and the responsiveness of skin blood flow during local warming. Moreover, the amounts of free fatty acids and lactic acid in the stratum corneum significantly increased after the ingestion of CPPs. These results suggest that an 8-week intake of CPPs improve skin permeability barrier function and hydration, with a concomitant improvement in microcirculatory function, leading to efficacy in the alleviation of mildly xerotic skin.  相似文献   

The effects of performing light eccentric exercise (LB) during the period of recovery from a heavy eccentric exercise bout (HB) were studied. An experimental and a control group, each consisting of nine college age volunteers (seven women, two men) performed two HB--HB1 and HB2--14 days apart, using the elbow flexor and extensor muscles of one arm. The experimental group performed an additional LB on the day following the first HB. HB1 resulted in muscle soreness, muscle weakness, changes in elbow joint flexibility, and large delayed increases in serum creatine kinase (CK) activity. The HB2 produced smaller changes in all parameters, indicating that adaptation to the effects of eccentric exercise had occurred in the muscle. The LB did not alter muscle soreness, strength or elbow flexibility, but did reduce or delay CK activity increase after HB1. The LB had no apparent effect on adaptation to HB2.  相似文献   

I Baskakov  A Wang    D W Bolen 《Biophysical journal》1998,74(5):2666-2673
Trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO) in the cells of sharks and rays is believed to counteract the deleterious effects of the high intracellular concentrations of urea in these animals. It has been hypothesized that TMAO has the generic ability to counteract the effects of urea on protein structure and function, regardless of whether that protein actually evolved in the presence of these two solutes. Rabbit muscle lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) did not evolve in the presence of either solute, and it is used here to test the validity of the counteraction hypothesis. With pyruvate as substrate, results show that its Km and the combined Km of pyruvate and NADH are increased by urea, decreased by TMAO, and in 1:1 and 2:1 mixtures of urea:TMAO the Km values are essentially equivalent to the Km values obtained in the absence of the two solutes. In contrast, values of k(cat) and the Km for NADH as a substrate are unperturbed by urea, TMAO, or urea:TMAO mixtures. All of these effects are consistent with TMAO counteraction of the effects of urea on LDH kinetic parameters, supporting the premise that counteraction is a property of the solvent system and is independent of the evolutionary history of the protein.  相似文献   

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