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Hemostasis and thrombosis (blood clotting) involve fibrinogen binding to integrin alpha(IIb)beta(3) on platelets, resulting in platelet aggregation. alpha(v)beta(3) binds fibrinogen via an Arg-Asp-Gly (RGD) motif in fibrinogen's alpha subunit. alpha(IIb)beta(3) also binds to fibrinogen; however, it does so via an unstructured RGD-lacking C-terminal region of the gamma subunit (gammaC peptide). These distinct modes of fibrinogen binding enable alpha(IIb)beta(3) and alpha(v)beta(3) to function cooperatively in hemostasis. In this study, crystal structures reveal the integrin alpha(IIb)beta(3)-gammaC peptide interface, and, for comparison, integrin alpha(IIb)beta(3) bound to a lamprey gammaC primordial RGD motif. Compared with RGD, the GAKQAGDV motif in gammaC adopts a different backbone configuration and binds over a more extended region. The integrin metal ion-dependent adhesion site (MIDAS) Mg(2+) ion binds the gammaC Asp side chain. The adjacent to MIDAS (ADMIDAS) Ca(2+) ion binds the gammaC C terminus, revealing a contribution for ADMIDAS in ligand binding. Structural data from this natively disordered gammaC peptide enhances our understanding of the involvement of gammaC peptide and integrin alpha(IIb)beta(3) in hemostasis and thrombosis.  相似文献   

The leukocyte integrin alpha(M)beta(2) (Mac-1, CD11b/CD18) is a cell surface adhesion receptor for fibrinogen. The interaction between fibrinogen and alpha(M)beta(2) mediates a range of adhesive reactions during the immune-inflammatory response. The sequence gamma(383)TMKIIPFNRLTIG(395), P2-C, within the gamma-module of the D-domain of fibrinogen, is a recognition site for alpha(M)beta(2) and alpha(X)beta(2). We have now identified the complementary sequences within the alpha(M)I-domain of the receptor responsible for recognition of P2-C. The strategy to localize the binding site for P2-C was based on distinct P2-C binding properties of the three structurally similar I-domains of alpha(M)beta(2), alpha(X)beta(2), and alpha(L)beta(2), i.e. the alpha(M)I- and alpha(X)I-domains bind P2-C, and the alpha(L)I-domain did not bind this ligand. The Lys(245)-Arg(261) sequence, which forms a loop betaD-alpha5 and an adjacent helix alpha5 in the three-dimensional structure of the alpha(M)I-domain, was identified as the binding site for P2-C. This conclusion is supported by the following data: 1) mutant cell lines in which the alpha(M)I-domain segments (245)KFG and Glu(253)-Arg(261) were switched to the homologous alpha(L)I-domain segments failed to support adhesion to P2-C; 2) synthetic peptides duplicating the Lys(245)-Tyr(252) and Glu(253)-Arg(261) sequences directly bound the D fragment and P2-C derivative, gamma384-402, and this interaction was blocked efficiently by the P2-C peptide; 3) mutation of three amino acid residues within the Lys(245)-Arg(261) segment, Phe(246), Asp(254), and Pro(257), resulted in the loss of the binding function of the recombinant alpha(M)I-domains; and 4) grafting the alpha(M)(Lys(245)-Arg(261)) segment into the alpha(L)I-domain converted it to a P2-C-binding protein. These results demonstrate that the alpha(M)(Lys(245)-Arg(261)) segment, a site of the major sequence and structure difference among alpha(M)I-, alpha(X)I-, and alpha(L)I-domains, is responsible for recognition of a small segment of fibrinogen, gammaThr(383)-Gly(395), by serving as ligand binding site.  相似文献   

The platelet integrin alphaIIbbeta3 is representative of a class of heterodimeric receptors that upon activation bind extracellular macromolecular ligands and form signaling clusters. This study examined how occupancy of alphaIIbbeta3's fibrinogen binding site affected the receptor's solution structure and stability. Eptifibatide, an integrin antagonist developed to treat cardiovascular disease, served as a high-affinity, monovalent model ligand with fibrinogen-like selectivity for alphaIIbbeta3. Eptifibatide binding promptly and reversibly perturbed the conformation of the alphaIIbbeta3 complex. Ligand-specific decreases in its diffusion and sedimentation coefficient were observed at near-stoichiometric eptifibatide concentrations, in contrast to the receptor-perturbing effects of RGD ligands that we previously observed only at a 70-fold molar excess. Eptifibatide promoted alphaIIbbeta3 dimerization 10-fold more effectively than less selective RGD ligands, as determined by sedimentation equilibrium. Eptifibatide-bound integrin receptors displayed an ectodomain separation and enhanced assembly of dimers and larger oligomers linked through their stalk regions, as seen by transmission electron microscopy. Ligation with eptifibatide protected alphaIIbbeta3 from SDS-induced subunit dissociation, an effect on electrophoretic mobility not seen with RGD ligands. Despite its distinct cleft, the open conformer resisted guanidine unfolding as effectively as the ligand-free integrin. Thus, we provide the first demonstration that binding a monovalent ligand to alphaIIbbeta3's extracellular fibrinogen-recognition site stabilizes the receptor's open conformation and enhances self-association through its distant transmembrane and/or cytoplasmic domains. By showing how eptifibatide and RGD peptides, ligands with distinct binding sites, each affects alphaIIbbeta3's conformation, our findings provide new mechanistic insights into ligand-linked integrin activation, clustering and signaling.  相似文献   

Integrins are the major receptor type known to facilitate cell adhesion and lamellipodia formation on extracellular matrix proteins. However, collagen-related peptide and thrombin have recently been shown to mediate platelet lamellipodia formation when presented as immobilized surfaces. The aims of this study were to establish if there exists a role for the platelet integrin alpha(IIb)beta(3) in this response; and if so, whether signalling from the integrin is required for lamellipodia formation on these surfaces. Real-time analysis was used to compare platelet morphological changes on surfaces of fibrinogen, collagen-related peptide or thrombin in the presence of various pharmacological inhibitors and platelets from 'knockout' mice. We demonstrate that collagen-related peptide and thrombin stimulate distinct patterns of platelet lamellipodia formation and elevation of intracellular Ca(2+) to that induced by the integrin alpha(IIb)beta(3) ligand, fibrinogen. Nevertheless, lamellipodia formation on collagen-related peptide and thrombin is dependent upon engagement of alpha(IIb)beta(3), consistent with release of alpha(IIb)beta(3) ligand(s) from platelet granules. However, the requirement for signalling by the integrin on fibrinogen can be bypassed by the addition of thrombin to the solution. These observations reveal a critical role for alpha(IIb)beta(3) in forming lamellipodia on collagen-related peptide and thrombin which is dependent on its ability to function as an adhesive receptor but not necessarily on its ability to signal. These results suggest that integrins may play an important role in lamellipodia formation triggered by nonintegrin ligands in platelets and possibly in other cell types.  相似文献   

Yokoyama K  Zhang XP  Medved L  Takada Y 《Biochemistry》1999,38(18):5872-5877
Integrin alpha v beta 3, a widely distributed fibrinogen receptor, recognizes the RGD572-574 motif in the alpha chain of human fibrinogen. However, this motif is not conserved in other species, nor is it required for alpha v beta 3-mediated fibrin clot retraction, suggesting that fibrinogen may have other alpha v beta 3 binding sites. Fibrinogen has conserved C-terminal domains in its alpha (E variant), beta, and gamma chains (designated alpha EC, beta C, and gamma C, respectively), but their function in cell adhesion is not known, except that alpha IIb beta 3, a platelet fibrinogen receptor, binds to the gamma C HHLGGAKQAGDV400-411 sequence. Here we used mammalian cells expressing recombinant alpha v beta 3 to show that recombinant alpha EC and gamma C domains expressed in bacteria specifically bind to alpha v beta 3. Interaction between alpha v beta 3 and gamma C or alpha EC is blocked by LM609, a function-blocking anti-alpha v beta 3 mAb, and by RGD peptides. alpha v beta 3 does not require the HHLGGAKQAGDV400-411 sequence of gamma C for binding, and alpha EC does not have such a sequence, indicating that the alpha v beta 3 binding sites are distinct from those of alpha IIb beta 3. A small fragment of gamma C (residues 148-226) supports alpha v beta 3 adhesion, suggesting that an alpha v beta 3 binding site is located within the gamma chain 148-226 region. We have reported that the CYDMKTTC sequence of beta 3 is responsible for the ligand specificity of alpha v beta 3. gamma C and alpha EC do not bind to wild-type alpha v beta 1, but do bind to the alpha v beta 1 mutant (alpha v beta 1-3-1), in which the CYDMKTTC sequence of beta 3 is substituted for the corresponding beta 1 sequence CTSEQNC. This suggests that gamma C and alpha EC contain determinants for fibrinogen's specificity to alpha v beta 3. These results suggest that fibrinogen has potentially significant novel alpha v beta 3 binding sites in gamma C and alpha EC.  相似文献   

Nitrilotriacetic acid has been routinely used in protein purification for its high affinity for His-tagged protein in the presence of Ni2+. Here we reported a type of nitrilotriacetic acid chip (NTA-chip) prepared by transferring NTA-DOGS containing a lipid monolayer to a 50 nm thick gold layer deposited on a glass slide. The surface binding ability of His-tagged protein and regeneration of NTA chip were characterized using a synthetic polypeptide P1 (His-His-His-His-His-His--aminohexanoic-Gly-Gly-Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser). The effect of divalent cations on integrin binding affinity for RGD ligand was investigated after P1 had been immobilized onto the sensor chip. The results show that the NTA-chip is a useful tool to immobilize His-tagged protein on the chip surface, and can provide a functional orientation for further investigation. The results also show that removing of Ca2+ bound on low affinity sites or adding of Mn2+ can increase the binding ability of integrin.  相似文献   

The spatial relationship between the binding sites for two cyclic peptides, cyclo(S,S)KYGCRGDWPC (cRGD) and cyclo(S,S)KYGCHarGDWPC (cHarGD), high affinity analogs for the RGD and HLGGAKQAGDV peptide ligands, in integrin alphaIIbbeta3 (GPIIb-IIIa) has been characterized. For this purpose, cRGD and cHarGD were labeled with fluorescein isothiocyanate and tetramethylrhodamine 5-isothiocyanate, respectively. Both cyclic peptides were potent inhibitors of fibrinogen binding to alphaIIbbeta3, particularly in the presence of Mn2+; IC50 values for cRGD and cHarGD were 1 and <0.1 nM in the presence of Mn2+. Direct binding experiments and fluorescence resonance energy transfer analysis using the purified receptor showed that both peptides interacted simultaneously with distinct sites in alphaIIbbeta3. The distance between these sites was estimated to be 6.1 +/- 0.5 nm. Although cRGD bound preferentially to one site and cHarGD to the other, the sites were not fully specific, and each cyclic peptide or its linear counterpart could displace the other to some extent. The binding affinity of the cHarGD site was dramatically affected by Mn2+. cRGD, but not cHarGD, bound to recombinant beta3-(95-373) in a cation-dependent manner, indicating that the cRGD site is located entirely within this fragment. With intact platelets, binding of c-RGD and cHarGD to alphaIIbbeta3 resulted in distinct conformational alterations in the receptor as indicated by the differential exposure of ligand-induced binding site epitopes and also induced the opposite on membrane fluidity as shown by electron paramagnetic resonance analyses using 5-doxylstearic acid as a spin probe. These data support the concept the two peptide ligands bind to distinct sites in alphaIIbbeta3 and initiate different functional consequences within the receptor itself and within platelets.  相似文献   

The leukocyte integrin alphaMbeta2 (Mac-1) is a multiligand receptor that mediates a range of adhesive reactions of leukocytes during the inflammatory response. This integrin binds the coagulation protein fibrinogen providing a key link between thrombosis and inflammation. However, the mechanism by which alphaMbeta2 binds fibrinogen remains unknown. Previous studies indicated that a model in which two fibrinogen gammaC domain sequences, P1 (gamma190-202) and P2 (gamma377-395), serve as the alphaMbeta2 binding sites cannot fully account for recognition of fibrinogen by integrin. Here, using surface plasmon resonance, we examined the interaction of the ligand binding alphaMI-domain of alphaMbeta2 with the D fragment of fibrinogen and showed that this ligand is capable of associating with several alphaMI-domain molecules. To localize the alternative alphaMI-domain binding sites, we screened peptide libraries covering the complete sequences of the gammaC and betaC domains, comprising the majority of the D fragment structure, for alphaMI-domain binding. In addition to the P2 and P1 peptides, the alphaMI-domain bound to many other sequences in the gammaC and betaC scans. Similar to P1 and P2, synthetic peptides derived from gammaC and betaC were efficient inhibitors of alphaMbeta2-mediated cell adhesion and were able to directly support adhesion suggesting that they contain identical recognition information. Analyses of recognition specificity using substitutional peptide libraries demonstrated that the alphaMI-domain binding depends on basic and hydrophobic residues. These findings establish a new model of alphaMbeta2 binding in which the alphaMI-domain interacts with multiple sites in fibrinogen and has the potential to recognize numerous sequences. This paradigm may have implications for mechanisms of promiscuity in ligand binding exhibited by integrin alphaMbeta2.  相似文献   

The interaction between the leukocyte integrin alpha(M)beta(2) (CD11b/CD18, Mac-1, CR3) and fibrinogen mediates the recruitment of phagocytes during the inflammatory response. Previous studies demonstrated that peptides P2 and P1, duplicating gamma 377-395 and gamma 190-202 sequences in the gamma C domain of fibrinogen, respectively, blocked the fibrinogen-binding function of alpha(M)beta(2), implicating these sequences as possible binding sites for alpha(M)beta(2). To determine the role of these sequences in integrin binding, recombinant wild-type and mutant gamma C domains were prepared, and their interactions with the alpha(M)I-domain, a ligand recognition domain within alpha(M)beta(2), were tested. Deletion of gamma 383-411 (P2-C) and gamma 377-411 produced gamma C mutants which were defective in binding to the alpha(M)I-domain. In contrast, alanine mutations of several residues in P1 did not affect alpha(M)I-domain binding, and simultaneous mutations in P1 and deletion of P2 did not decrease the binding function of gamma C further. Verifying the significance of P2, inserting P2-C and the entire P2 into the homologous position of the beta C-domain of fibrinogen imparted the higher alpha(M)I-domain binding ability to the chimeric proteins. To further define the molecular requirements for the P2-C activity, synthetic peptides derived from P2-C and a peptide array covering P2-C have been analyzed, and a minimal recognition motif was localized to gamma(390)NRLTIG(395). Confirming a critical role of this sequence, the cyclic peptide NRLTIG retained full activity inherent to P2-C, with Arg and Leu being important residues. Thus, these data demonstrate the essential role of the P2, but not P1, sequence for binding of gamma C by the alpha(M)I-domain and suggest that the adhesive function of P2 depends on the minimal recognition motif NRLTIG.  相似文献   

Adhesive interactions of platelet integrin alpha(IIb)beta3 with fibrinogen and fibrin are central events in hemostasis and thrombosis. However, the mechanisms by which alpha(IIb)beta3 binds these ligands remain incompletely understood. We have recently demonstrated that alpha(IIb)beta3 binds the gamma365-383 sequence in the gammaC-domain of fibrin(ogen). This sequence contains neither the AGDV nor the RGD recognition motifs, known to bind alpha(IIb)beta3, suggesting the different specificity of the integrin. Here, using peptide arrays, mutant fibrinogens, and recombinant mutant gammaC-domains, we have examined the mechanism whereby alpha(IIb)beta3 binds gamma365-383. The alpha(IIb)beta3-binding activity was localized within gamma370-381, with two short sequences, gamma370ATWKTR375 and gamma376WYSMKK381, being able to independently bind the integrin. Furthermore, recognition of alpha(IIb)beta3 by gamma370-381 depended on four basic residues, Lys373, Arg375, Lys380, and Lys381. Simultaneous replacement of these amino acids and deletion of the gamma408AGDV411 sequence in the recombinant gammaC-domain resulted in the loss of alpha(IIb)beta3-mediated platelet adhesion. Confirming the critical roles of the identified residues, abnormal fibrinogen Kaiserslautern, in which gammaLys380 is replaced by Asn, demonstrated delayed clot retraction and impaired alpha(IIb)beta3 binding. Also, a mutant recombinant fibrinogen modeled after the naturally occurring variant Osaka V (gammaArg375 --> Gly) showed delayed clot retraction and reduced binding to purified alpha(IIb)beta3. These results identify the gamma370-381 sequence of fibrin(ogen) as the binding site for alpha(IIb)beta3 involved in platelet adhesion and clot retraction and define the new recognition specificity of this integrin.  相似文献   

Integrin alpha(v)beta(3) recognizes fibrinogen gamma and alpha(E) chain C-terminal domains (gammaC and alpha(E)C) but does not require the gammaC dodecapeptide sequence HHLGGAKQAGDV(400-411) for binding to gammaC. We have localized the alpha(v)beta(3) binding sites in gammaC using gammaC-derived synthetic peptides. We found that two peptides GWTVFQKRLDGSV(190-202) and GVYYQGGTYSKAS(346-358) block the alpha(v)beta(3) binding to gammaC or alpha(E)C, block the alpha(v)beta(3)-mediated clot retraction, and induce the ligand-induced binding site 2 (LIBS2) epitope in alpha(v)beta(3). Neither peptide affects fibrinogen binding to alpha(IIb)beta(3). Scrambled or inverted peptides were not effective. These results suggest that the two gammaC-derived peptides directly interact with alpha(v)beta(3) and specifically block alpha(v)beta(3)-gammaC or alpha(E)C interaction. The two sequences are located next to each other in the gammaC crystal structure, although they are separate in the primary structure. Asp-199, Ser-201, Gln-350, Thr-353, Lys-356, Ala-357, and Ser-358 residues are exposed to the surface. This suggests that the two sequences are part of alpha(v)beta(3) binding sites in fibrinogen gammaC domain. We also found that tenascin C C-terminal fibrinogen-like domain specifically binds to alpha(v)beta(3). Notably, a peptide WYRNCHRVNLMGRYGDNNHSQGVNWFHWKG from this domain that includes the sequence corresponding to gammaC GVYYQGGTYSKAS(346-358) specifically binds to alpha(v)beta(3), suggesting that fibrinogen and tenascin C C-terminal domains interact with alpha(v)beta(3) in a similar manner.  相似文献   

The platelet integrin receptor alphaIIbbeta3 plays a critical role in thrombosis and haemostasis by mediating interactions between platelets and several ligands but primarily fibrinogen. It has been shown previously that the YMESRADR KLAEVGRVYLFL (313-332) sequence of the alphaIIb subunit plays an important role in platelet activation, fibrinogen binding and alphaIIbbeta3-mediated outside-in signalling. Furthermore, we recently showed that the 20-residue peptide (20-mer) alphaIIb 313-332, is a potent inhibitor of platelet aggregation and fibrinogen binding to alphaIIbbeta3, interacting with fibrinogen rather than the receptor. In an effort to determine the sequence and the minimum length required for the biological activity of the above 20-mer, we synthesized seven octapeptides, each overlapping by six residues, covering the entire sequence and studied their effect on platelet activation as well as fibrinogen binding to activated platelets. We show for the first time that octapeptides containing the RAD sequence are capable of inhibiting platelet aggregation and secretion as well as fibrinogen binding to the activated alphaIIbbeta3, possibly interacting with the ligand rather than the receptor. This suggests that the RAD sequence, common to all the inhibitory peptides, is critical for their biological activity. However, the presence of the YMES sequence, adjacent to RAD, significantly increases the peptide's biological potency. The development of such inhibitors derived from the 313-332 region of the alphaIIb subunit may be advantageous against the RGD-like antagonists as they could inhibit platelet activation without interacting with alphaIIbbeta3, thus failing to further induce alphaIIbbeta3-mediated outside-in signalling.  相似文献   

Glycoprotein (GP) IIb-IIIa is the major fibrinogen receptor on platelets and participates in platelet aggregation at the site of a wound. Integrin alpha v beta 3, which contains an identical beta-subunit, is expressed on endothelial cells and also serves as a fibrinogen receptor. Here, we demonstrate by several criteria that purified GPIIb-IIIa and integrin alpha v beta 3 bind to distinct sites on fibrinogen. First, a plasmin-generated fragment of fibrinogen lacking the RGD sequence at residues 572-574 retained the ability to bind GPIIb-IIIa, but failed to bind integrin alpha v beta 3. Second, a monoclonal antibody which exclusively recognizes the RGD sequence at fibrinogen A alpha chain residues 572-574 abolished interaction between integrin alpha v beta 3 and fibrinogen, but had only a minimal effect on fibrinogen binding to GPIIb-IIIa. Finally, we show that the difference in recognition of sites on fibrinogen by these two integrins is probably a consequence of their remarkably different ligand binding properties. Peptides corresponding to fibrinogen gamma chain residues 400-411 effectively blocked RGD sequence and fibrinogen binding by GPIIb-IIIa, but had no effect on the ability of integrin alpha v beta 3 to bind these ligands. We also show that integrin alpha v beta 3 has a higher affinity than GPIIb-IIIa for a synthetic hexapeptide containing the RGD sequence. In fact, this RGD-containing peptide was 150-fold more effective at blocking fibrinogen binding to integrin alpha v beta 3 than to GPIIb-IIIa. Collectively, our results demonstrate that integrins alpha v beta 3 and GPIIb-IIIa display qualitative and quantitative differences in their ligand binding properties, as is evident by their ability to interact with synthetic peptides. The ultimate result of these differences is the recognition of distinct sites on fibrinogen by the two integrins. These observations may have relevance in the processes of hemostasis and wound healing.  相似文献   

Lishko VK  Kudryk B  Yakubenko VP  Yee VC  Ugarova TP 《Biochemistry》2002,41(43):12942-12951
Fibrinogen is a ligand for leukocyte integrin alpha(M)beta2 (CD11b/CD18, Mac-1) and mediates adhesion and migration of leukocytes during the immune-inflammatory responses. The binding site for alpha(M)beta2 resides in gammaC, a constituent subdomain in the D-domain of fibrinogen. The sequence gamma383-395 (P2-C) in gammaC was implicated as the major binding site for alpha(M)beta2. It is unknown why alpha(M)beta2 on leukocytes can bind to immobilized fibrinogen in the presence of high concentrations of soluble fibrinogen in plasma. In this study, we have investigated the accessibility of the binding site in fibrinogen for alpha(M)beta2. We found that the alpha(M)beta2-binding site in gammaC is cryptic and identified the mechanism that regulates its unmasking. Proteolytic removal of the small COOH-terminal segment(s) of gammaC, gamma397/405-411, converted the D100 fragment of fibrinogen, which contains intact gammaC and is not able to inhibit adhesion of the alpha(M)beta2-expressing cells, into the fragment D98, which effectively inhibited cell adhesion. D98, but not D100, bound to the recombinant alpha(M)I-domain, and the alpha(M)I-domain recognition peptide, alpha(M)(Glu253-Arg261). Exposure of the P2-C sequence in fibrinogen, D100, and D98 was probed with a site-specific mAb. P2-C is not accessible in soluble fibrinogen and D100 but becomes exposed in D98. P2-C is also unmasked by immobilization of fibrinogen onto a plastic and by deposition of fibrinogen in the extracellular matrix. Thus, exposure of P2-C by immobilization and by proteolysis correlates with unmasking of the alpha(M)beta2-binding site in the D-domain. These results demonstrate that conformational alterations regulate the alpha(M)beta2-binding site in gammaC and suggest that processes relevant to tissue injury and inflammation are likely to be involved in the activation of the alpha(M)beta2-binding site in fibrinogen.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Integrin alphaIIbbeta3 mediates platelet adhesion and aggregation and plays a crucial role in thrombosis and hemostasis. alphaIIbbeta3 is expressed in a low affinity state on resting platelets. Upon platelet activation, alphaIIbbeta3 shifts to a high affinity conformation that efficiently binds its ligands. On human platelets, the high affinity conformation of alphaIIbbeta3 is detected by the monoclonal antibody (mAb), PAC-1. However, a reagent with binding specificity to high affinity mouse alphaIIbbeta3 has not been described so far. METHODS: A novel rat mAb directed against mouse alphaIIbbeta3 (JON/A) was generated and characterized. JON/A was conjugated with fluorescein isothiocyanate (JON/A(FITC)) or with R-phycoerythrin (JON/A(PE)) and used for flow cytometric analysis of mouse platelets. RESULTS: Although JON/A(FITC) bound to resting and activated platelets, virtually no binding of the larger JON/A(PE) to resting platelets was detectable. However, strong binding of JON/A(PE) occurred on platelet activation in a dose-dependent manner. Binding of JON/A(PE) required extracellular free calcium and was irreversible, thereby stabilizing the high affinity conformation of alphaIIbbeta3. CONCLUSION: JON/A(PE) is the first tool for direct assessment of integrin alphaIIbbeta3 activation in mice. Furthermore, JON/A(FITC) and JON/A(PE) provide the first examples of fluorescent antibody derivatives with identical antigenic specificity that allow the discrimination between the resting and the activated state of an integrin.  相似文献   

The human fibrinogen gamma-chain C-terminal segment functions as the platelet integrin binding site as well as the Factor XIIIa cross-linking substrate and thus plays an important role in blood clot formation and stabilization. The three-dimensional structure of this segment has been determined using carrier protein driven crystallization. The C-terminal segment, gamma-(398-411), was attached to a linker sequence at the C-terminus of glutathione S-transferase and the structure of this fusion protein determined at 1.8 A resolution. Functional studies of the chimeric protein demonstrate that the fibrinogen sequence in the presence of the carrier protein retains its specific functions as ligand for platelet integrin alpha(IIb)beta3 (gpIIb/IIIa) and as a cross-linking substrate for Factor XIIIa. The structure obtained for the fibrinogen gamma-chain segment is not affected by crystal packing and can provide the missing links to the recently reported model of cross-linked fibrin.  相似文献   

We used electron tomography to determine the three-dimensional (3D) structure of integrin alphaIIbbeta3 in the active state. We found that we obtained better density maps when we reconstructed a 3D volume for each individual particle in the tilt series rather than to extract the particle-containing subvolumes from a 3D reconstruction of the entire specimen area. The 3D tomographic reconstructions of 100 particles revealed that activated alphaIIbbeta3 adopts many different conformations. An average of all the individual 3D reconstructions nicely accommodated the crystal structure of the alphaVbeta3 headpiece, confirming the locations assigned to the alpha- and beta-subunit in the density map. The most striking finding of our study is the structural flexibility of the lower leg of the beta-subunit as opposed to the conformational stability of the leg of the alpha-subunit. The good fit of the atomic structure of the betaI domain and the hybrid domain in the active state showed that the hybrid domain swings out, and most particles used for tomography are in the active state. Multivariate statistical analysis and classification applied to the set of 3D reconstructions revealed that more than 90% reconstructions are grouped into the classes that show the active state. Our results demonstrate that electron tomography can be used to classify complexes with a flexible structure such as integrins.  相似文献   

Integrin alphaIIb, a well-known marker of megakaryocyte-platelet lineage, has been recently recognized on hemopoietic progenitors. We now demonstrate that integrin alphaIIbbeta3 is highly expressed on mouse and human mast cells including mouse bone marrow-derived mast cells, peritoneal mast cells, and human cord blood-derived mast cells, and that its binding to extracellular matrix proteins leads to enhancement of biological functions of mast cells in concert with various stimuli. With exposure to various stimuli, including cross-linking of FcepsilonRI and stem cell factor, mast cells adhered to extracellular matrix proteins such as fibrinogen and von Willebrand factor in an integrin alphaIIbbeta3-dependent manner. In addition, the binding of mast cells to fibrinogen enhanced proliferation, cytokine production, and migration and induced uptake of soluble fibrinogen in response to stem cell factor stimulation, implicating integrin alphaIIbbeta3 in a variety of mast cell functions. In conclusion, mouse and human mast cells express functional integrin alphaIIbbeta3.  相似文献   

The regulated ability of integrin alphaIIbbeta3 to bind fibrinogen plays a crucial role in platelet aggregation and hemostasis. We have developed a model system based on laser tweezers, enabling us to measure specific rupture forces needed to separate single receptor-ligand complexes. First of all, we performed a thorough and statistically representative analysis of nonspecific protein-protein binding versus specific alphaIIbbeta3-fibrinogen interactions in combination with experimental evidence for single-molecule measurements. The rupture force distribution of purified alphaIIbbeta3 and fibrinogen, covalently attached to underlying surfaces, ranged from approximately 20 to 150 pN. This distribution could be fit with a sum of an exponential curve for weak to moderate (20-60 pN) forces, and a Gaussian curve for strong (>60 pN) rupture forces that peaked at 80-90 pN. The interactions corresponding to these rupture force regimes differed in their susceptibility to alphaIIbbeta3 antagonists or Mn2+, an alphaIIbbeta3 activator. Varying the surface density of fibrinogen changed the total binding probability linearly >3.5-fold but did not affect the shape of the rupture force distribution, indicating that the measurements represent single-molecule binding. The yield strength of alphaIIbbeta3-fibrinogen interactions was independent of the loading rate (160-16,000 pN/s), whereas their binding probability markedly correlated with the duration of contact. The aggregate of data provides evidence for complex multi-step binding/unbinding pathways of alphaIIbbeta3 and fibrinogen revealed at the single-molecule level.  相似文献   

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