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角属于动物颅骨附属物,为反刍动物所特有。牛(Bos taurus)、绵羊(Ovis aries)角的表型包括野生型两角表型、人工驯化的无角表型、畸形角等多种。牛和绵羊是阐明角的质量性状和数量性状之间的关系以及质量性状的多基因调控机制等方面的理想动物模型。近年来,对角性状研究不断深入,在阐明新器官起源进化、自然选择、性别选择和人工选择对角表型的影响等方面取得了一系列进展。本文详细介绍了角的研究概况、多角表型遗传定位、无角位点基因遗传定位和畸形角等,并对目前牛和绵羊角的遗传机制及存在的问题进行了分析,以期为反刍动物角性状和其他特异性性状遗传机制研究提供参考。  相似文献   

动物生活史进化理论研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了生活史性状、生活史对策、权衡、适合度及进化种群统计学等动物生活史进化领域的进展。权衡是生活史性状之间相互联系的纽带,分为生理权衡与进化权衡。适合度是相对的,与个体所处的特定环境条件有关,性状进化与适合度之间关系紧密。适合度是生活史进化理论研究的焦点。探讨动物生活史对策的理论很多,影响最大的是MacArthur和Wilson提出的r对策及K对策理论。随年龄的增长,动物存活率及繁殖率逐步下降的过程,称为衰老;解释衰老的进化理论主要有突变-选择平衡假设和多效对抗假设。进化种群统计学将种群统计学应用于生活史进化研究,为探讨表型适合度的进化提供了有效的手段。将进化种群统计学、数量遗传学及特定种系效应理论进行整合,建立完整的动物生活史进化综合理论体系,是当代此领域的最大挑战。  相似文献   

水稻QTL分析的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
何风华 《西北植物学报》2004,24(11):2163-2169
水稻许多重要的性状是由多基因控制的数量性状,经典的数量遗传学只能把数量性状作为一个整体进行研究。近年来.高密度分子标记连锁图的构建和有效的生物统计学方法的发展使人们对数量性状遗传基础的研究出现了革命性的变化。通过对不同群体内的个体或品系的分子标记基因型和表型数据的共分离分析,能对QTL进行检测和定位。本文对QTL定位的原理和方法进行了介绍,从QTL的数目和效应、上位性效应、QTL基因型与环境的互作、相关性状的QTL以及个体发育不同阶段的QTL等方面对水稻QTL分析的研究进展进行了综述。水稻基因组测序计划已经完成,本文还对基因组时代水稻QTL精细定位和克隆的方法进行了探讨,对QTL分析在水稻育种中的应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

转基因动物的基础与应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
转基因动物研究的基础:1.经典遗传学:揭示了遗传基因的染色体几何位点与生物表型性状的形式对应关系。生物个体体现为物种内全套基因不同等位基因的组合。2.分子遗传学:阐明了基因到性状是核酸到蛋白的信息流调控过程,即操作结构模型和中心法则的研究范畴。3.结构遗传学:基因组结构(遗传语法)、功能(发育调控)与演变(物种进化)过程构成物种进化与发育自组织的结构遗传学基础。进化是基因组的信息化增长结构化分层、  相似文献   

植物QTL分析的理论研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
数量性状的表型是由数量性状基因座 ( Quantitative trait locus,QTL)和环境效应共同作用的结果。传统的数量遗传学采用统计学的方法由一级统计量和二级统计量描述处理 QTL的复合作用 ,估计各种遗传参数 (例如遗传力、遗传相关、遗传进度、有效因子数等 ) ,用于指导遗传育种实践。然而 ,在传统的数量遗传学分析中 ,往往假设数量性状受微效多基因控制 ,这些基因具有相同的并且是较微小的效应 ,所估计的遗传参数反映的是数量性状多基因系统的整体特征 ,其理论方法不能用于追踪研究和描述单个数量性状基因的作用。近年来 ,由于分子生物学技…  相似文献   

多基因抗性的QTL作图及其在作物持久性抗病育种上的应用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
QTL作图已成为解析生物复杂性状遗传基础和基因座之间互作机制的一种有效的研究工具。多基因抗性没有明显的生理小种特异性,一般表现为数量性状。多基因抗性的QTL作图在植物持久性抗病育种中有重要的应用价值,有助于分离到广谱性抗病基因。从作图群体(F1、F2、DH、RIL、BIL和NIL)构建、抗性表型测定和标记辅助育种等方面论述了多基因抗性QTL作图的最新研究进展。  相似文献   

蚜虫的表型可塑性及其遗传基础   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
陈倩  沈佐锐  王永模 《昆虫学报》2006,49(5):859-866
表型可塑性(phenotypic plasticity)是有机体在适应生物或非生物环境时呈现不同表型的能力,并且有遗传基础。蚜虫是农林业的重要经济害虫,易受外部环境因素和自身遗传因素的影响而表现出表型的可塑性。本文综述了外部环境因素(如寄主植物、温度、光照、天敌等)的变异对蚜虫表型的影响。总体来说,蚜虫表型会因寄主植物的种类、品系以及发育阶段和营养状况的不同而有所差异; 温度变化对不同蚜虫种类的生殖力、生存力以及有翅蚜产生与否有极大影响。研究人员利用RAPD-PCR、微卫星等分子遗传标记确认寄主植物和温度是造成蚜虫种群遗传分化的重要因素。就内部因素而言,不同的蚜虫种类以及同一种蚜虫的不同克隆系在表型和遗传进化上也有不同程度的差异,在蚜虫受外界条件影响的不同虫态以及不同体色克隆系、不同生活周期的类群之间, 其生物学、生态学和遗传学都有所差异。分析上述各个因素对蚜虫表型可塑性的影响,对于蚜虫的生态进化研究和有效治理蚜害均有重要意义。本文在最后讨论了还有必要深入研究的诸多问题,如表观遗传调控,包括DNA甲基化、基因所在的核小体上的组蛋白的共价修饰和染色质重塑、siRNA介导的基因沉默以及微RNA(microRNA 或 miRNA)调控的基因表达变化等,又如有翅蚜的表型和遗传学研究,以及全球气候变化对蚜虫的生态进化的影响等问题。  相似文献   

基因互作与基因型判定的代数方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
如何根据子代的表型判断基因互作的形式以及确定亲代的基因型,是遗传学上重要的也是困难的问题.本文在完全显性及不考虑非遗传因素的条件下,利用文[1]给出了解决上述问题的代数方法.在应用上,要比以往的方法更为优越.  相似文献   

利用双单倍体群体剖析水稻产量及其相关性状的遗传基础   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
主效QTL、上位性效应和它们与环境的互作(QE)都是数量性状的重要遗传因素。利用籼粳交珍汕97/武育粳2号F1植株上的花药进行组织培养得到的190个双单倍体群体和179个微卫星标记,通过两年两重复田间试验,采用混合线性模型方法分析了9个控制水稻产量及其相关性状的遗传效应,得到57个主效QTL,41对上位性互作,8对QTL与环境的互作和7对上位性效应与环境的互作。单个主效QTL解释这些性状1.3%~25.8%的表型方差。各性状QTL的累积表型贡献率达11.5%~66.8%。大多数性状之间具有显著的表型相关性,相关性较高的性状之间常具有较多共同或紧密连锁的QTL。结果表明,基因的多效性或紧密连锁可能是性状相关的重要遗传基础。  相似文献   

植物分子群体遗传学研究动态   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王云生  黄宏文  王瑛 《遗传》2007,29(10):1191-1191―1198
分子群体遗传学是当代进化生物学研究的支柱学科, 也是遗传育种和关于遗传关联作图和连锁分析的基础理论学科。分子群体遗传学是在经典群体遗传的基础上发展起来的, 它利用大分子主要是DNA序列的变异式样来研究群体的遗传结构及引起群体遗传变化的因素与群体遗传结构的关系, 从而使得遗传学家能够从数量上精确地推知群体的进化演变, 不仅克服了经典的群体遗传学通常只能研究群体遗传结构短期变化的局限性, 而且可检验以往关于长期进化或遗传系统稳定性推论的可靠程度。同时, 对群体中分子序列变异式样的研究也使人们开始重新审视达尔文的以“自然选择”为核心的进化学说。到目前为止, 分子群体遗传学已经取得长足的发展, 阐明了许多重要的科学问题, 如一些重要农作物的DNA多态性式样、连锁不平衡水平及其影响因素、种群的变迁历史、基因进化的遗传学动力等, 更为重要的是, 在分子群体遗传学基础上建立起来的新兴的学科如分子系统地理学等也得到了迅速的发展。文中综述了植物分子群体遗传研究的内容及最新成果。  相似文献   

1. Efforts to understand the links between evolutionary and ecological dynamics hinge on our ability to measure and understand how genes influence phenotypes, fitness and population dynamics. Quantitative genetics provides a range of theoretical and empirical tools with which to achieve this when the relatedness between individuals within a population is known.
2. A number of recent studies have used a type of mixed-effects model, known as the animal model, to estimate the genetic component of phenotypic variation using data collected in the field. Here, we provide a practical guide for ecologists interested in exploring the potential to apply this quantitative genetic method in their research.
3. We begin by outlining, in simple terms, key concepts in quantitative genetics and how an animal model estimates relevant quantitative genetic parameters, such as heritabilities or genetic correlations.
4. We then provide three detailed example tutorials, for implementation in a variety of software packages, for some basic applications of the animal model. We discuss several important statistical issues relating to best practice when fitting different kinds of mixed models.
5. We conclude by briefly summarizing more complex applications of the animal model, and by highlighting key pitfalls and dangers for the researcher wanting to begin using quantitative genetic tools to address ecological and evolutionary questions.  相似文献   

The study of evolutionary quantitative genetics has been advanced by the use of methods developed in animal and plant breeding. These methods have proved to be very useful, but they have some shortcomings when used in the study of wild populations and evolutionary questions. Problems arise from the small size of data sets typical of evolutionary studies, and the additional complexity of the questions asked by evolutionary biologists. Here, we advocate the use of Bayesian methods to overcome these and related problems. Bayesian methods naturally allow errors in parameter estimates to propagate through a model and can also be written as a graphical model, giving them an inherent flexibility. As packages for fitting Bayesian animal models are developed, we expect the application of Bayesian methods to evolutionary quantitative genetics to grow, particularly as genomic information becomes more and more associated with environmental data.  相似文献   

CONTENTS: Summary 752 I. Introduction 752 II. Will migration be enough? 753 III. Can adaptation proceed fast enough? 754 IV. Fitness links demographic and evolutionary processes 755 V. Experimental studies: what do they tell us and how can we improve them? 756 VI. Predicting evolutionary change based on genetic variation and natural selection 757 VII. The chronosequence approach 758 VIII. Resurrection of ancestral propagules 759 IX. The mean and variance in fitness, a link between genetics and demography 760 X. Conclusions 762 Acknowledgements 762 References 762 SUMMARY: Evolution proceeds unceasingly in all biological populations. It is clear that climate-driven evolution has molded plants in deep time and within extant populations. However, it is less certain whether adaptive evolution can proceed sufficiently rapidly to maintain the fitness and demographic stability of populations subjected to exceptionally rapid contemporary climate change. Here, we consider this question, drawing on current evidence on the rate of plant range shifts and the potential for an adaptive evolutionary response. We emphasize advances in understanding based on theoretical studies that model interacting evolutionary processes, and we provide an overview of quantitative genetic approaches that can parameterize these models to provide more meaningful predictions of the dynamic interplay between genetics, demography and evolution. We outline further research that can clarify both the adaptive potential of plant populations as climate continues to change and the role played by ongoing adaptation in their persistence.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The overall goal of this paper is to construct an overview of the genetic basis for flower size evolution in Silene latifolia. It aims to examine the relationship between the molecular bases for flower size and the underlying assumption of quantitative genetics theory that quantitative variation is ultimately due to the impact of a number of structural genes. SCOPE: Previous work is reviewed on the quantitative genetics and potential for response to selection on flower size, and the relationship between flower size and nuclear DNA content in S. latifolia. These earlier findings provide a framework within which to consider more recent analyses of a joint quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis of flower size and DNA content in this species. KEY RESULTS: Flower size is a character that fits the classical quantitative genetics model of inheritance very nicely. However, an earlier finding that flower size is correlated with nuclear DNA content suggested that quantitative aspects of genome composition rather than allelic substitution at structural loci might play a major role in the evolution of flower size. The present results reported here show that QTL for flower size are correlated with QTL for DNA content, further corroborating an earlier result and providing additional support for the conclusion that localized variations in DNA content underlie evolutionary changes in flower size. CONCLUSIONS: The search image for QTL should be broadened to include overall aspects of genome regulation. As we prepare to enter the much-heralded post-genomic era, we also need to revisit our overall models of the relationship between genotype and phenotype to encompass aspects of genome structure and composition beyond structural genes.  相似文献   

Genetic factors underpinning phenotypic variation are required if natural selection is to result in adaptive evolution. However, evolutionary and behavioural ecologists typically focus on variation among individuals in their average trait values and seek to characterize genetic contributions to this. As a result, less attention has been paid to if and how genes could contribute towards within‐individual variance or trait ‘predictability’. In fact, phenotypic ‘predictability’ can vary among individuals, and emerging evidence from livestock genetics suggests this can be due to genetic factors. Here, we test this empirically using repeated measures of a behavioural stress response trait in a pedigreed population of wild‐type guppies. We ask (a) whether individuals differ in behavioural predictability and (b) whether this variation is heritable and so evolvable under selection. Using statistical methodology from the field of quantitative genetics, we find support for both hypotheses and also show evidence of a genetic correlation structure between the behavioural trait mean and individual predictability. We show that investigating sources of variability in trait predictability is statistically tractable and can yield useful biological interpretation. We conclude that, if widespread, genetic variance for ‘predictability’ will have major implications for the evolutionary causes and consequences of phenotypic variation.  相似文献   

花色变异的分子基础与进化模式研究进展   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
近年来国际上风行的生态学与进化生物学的学科整合已成为生物学发展的一个趋势.寻找适合的生物学系统来进行从表型到基因型的综合研究是推动这一整合向纵深发展的一项必要的和带探索性的工作.被子植物花色的形成机理和有关代谢途径上的结构和调控基因在若干模式植物中已有相当了解,使花色成为适合生态与进化生物学研究的一个首选性状,为进一步了解野生种中花色的形成机制奠定了基础.本文着重介绍旋花科(Convolvulaceae)番薯属(Ipomoea)花青素代谢途径的分子遗传学、生物化学和生态学工作,试图从多学科的角度提供有关花色自然变异的知识背景,并指出未解决的生物学问题和预期今后可能出现的发展.  相似文献   

近年来国际上风行的生态学与进化生物学的学科整合已成为生物学发展的一个趋势。寻找适合的生物学系统来进行从表型到基因型的综合研究是推动这一整合向纵深发展的一项必要的和带探索性的工作。被子植物花色的形成机理和有关代谢途径上的结构和调控基因在若干模式植物中已有相当了解,使花色成为适合生态与进化生物学研究的一个首选性状, 为进一步了解野生种中花色的形成机制奠定了基础。本文着重介绍旋花科(Convolvulaceae)番薯属(Ipomoea)花青素代谢途径的分子遗传学、生物化学和生态学工作, 试图从多学科的角度提供有关花色自然变异的知识背景, 并指出未解决的生物学问题和预期今后可能出现的发展。  相似文献   

Understanding the genetics of how organisms adapt to changing environments is a fundamental topic in modern evolutionary ecology. The field is currently progressing rapidly because of advances in genomics technologies, especially DNA sequencing. The aim of this review is to first briefly summarise how next generation sequencing (NGS) has transformed our ability to identify the genes underpinning adaptation. We then demonstrate how the application of these genomic tools to ecological model species means that we can start addressing some of the questions that have puzzled ecological geneticists for decades such as: How many genes are involved in adaptation? What types of genetic variation are responsible for adaptation? Does adaptation utilise pre-existing genetic variation or does it require new mutations to arise following an environmental change?  相似文献   

The lethal mutagenesis hypothesis states that within-host populations of pathogens can be driven to extinction when the load of deleterious mutations is artificially increased with a mutagen, and becomes too high for the population to be maintained. Although chemical mutagens have been shown to lead to important reductions in viral titres for a wide variety of RNA viruses, the theoretical underpinnings of this process are still not clearly established. A few recent models sought to describe lethal mutagenesis but they often relied on restrictive assumptions. We extend this earlier work in two novel directions. First, we derive the dynamics of the genetic load in a multivariate Gaussian fitness landscape akin to classical quantitative genetics models. This fitness landscape yields a continuous distribution of mutation effects on fitness, ranging from deleterious to beneficial (i.e. compensatory) mutations. We also include an additional class of lethal mutations. Second, we couple this evolutionary model with an epidemiological model accounting for the within-host dynamics of the pathogen. We derive the epidemiological and evolutionary equilibrium of the system. At this equilibrium, the density of the pathogen is expected to decrease linearly with the genomic mutation rate U. We also provide a simple expression for the critical mutation rate leading to extinction. Stochastic simulations show that these predictions are accurate for a broad range of parameter values. As they depend on a small set of measurable epidemiological and evolutionary parameters, we used available information on several viruses to make quantitative and testable predictions on critical mutation rates. In the light of this model, we discuss the feasibility of lethal mutagenesis as an efficient therapeutic strategy.  相似文献   

A major direction of current and future biological research is to understand how multiple, interacting functional systems coordinate in producing a body that works. This understanding is complicated by the fact that organisms need to work well in multiple environments, with both predictable and unpredictable environmental perturbations. Furthermore, organismal design reflects a history of past environments and not a plan for future environments. How complex, interacting functional systems evolve, then, is a truly grand challenge. In accepting the challenge, an integrative model of evolutionary covariance is developed. The model combines quantitative genetics, functional morphology/physiology, and functional ecology. The model is used to convene scientists ranging from geneticists, to physiologists, to ecologists, to engineers to facilitate the emergence of body shape in fishes as a model system for understanding how complex, interacting functional systems develop and evolve. Body shape of fish is a complex morphology that (1) results from many developmental paths and (2) functions in many different behaviors. Understanding the coordination and evolution of the many paths from genes to body shape, body shape to function, and function to a working fish body in a dynamic environment is now possible given new technologies from genetics to engineering and new theoretical models that integrate the different levels of biological organization (from genes to ecology).  相似文献   

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