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A mechanism of activation of protein biosynthesis in hepatocytes was proposed as effected by the conditioned medium of nonparenchymal liver cells incubated in the presence of high density lipoproteins, cortisol, and lipopolysaccharides. It was found that the increase in the biosynthesis rate was associated with the formation of the tetrahydrocortisol–apolipoprotein A-I (THC–apoA-I) complex in macrophages, which display 5- and 5-reductase activity and are constituents of nonparenchymal liver cell. Using the small-angle X-ray scattering technique, it was shown that the THC–apoA-I–eukaryotic DNA interaction may break hydrogen bonds between pairs of complementary nucleic bases and cause the formation of single-stranded DNA fragments capable of binding to DNA-dependent RNA polymerase. The interaction is highly cooperative and has a saturating mode, up to six enzyme molecules being bound per DNA molecule.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) spectra, fluorescence spectra, electrochemistry, and the thermodynamic method were used to discuss the interaction mode between the inclusion complex of hematoxylin with β-cyclodextrin and herring sperm DNA. On the condition of physiological pH, the result showed that hematoxylin and β-cyclodextrin formed an inclusion complex with binding ratio nhematoxylin:nβ-cyclodextrin = 1:1. The interaction mode between β-cyclodextrin-hematoxylin and DNA was a mixed binding, which contained intercalation and electrostatic mode. The binding ratio between β-cyclodextrin-hematoxylin and DNA was nβ-cyclodextrin -hematoxylin:nDNA = 2:1, binding constant was K? 298.15K = 5.29 × 104 L·mol?1, and entropy worked as driven force in this action.  相似文献   

A morin–zinc(II) complex (MZ) was synthesized and its interaction with bovine serum albumin (BSA) were studied by molecular spectroscopy including fluorescence emission spectra, UV-visible spectra, circular dichroism (CD) spectra, three-dimensional fluorescence spectra, and synchronous fluorescence spectra. The interaction mechanism of BSA and MZ was discussed by fluorescence quenching method and Förster non-radiation energy transfer theory. The thermodynamic parameters ΔH θ, ΔG θ, ΔS θ at different temperatures were calculated and the results indicate the interaction is an exothermic as well as entropy-driven process. Hydrogen bond forces played the most important role in the reaction. The fluorescence probe experiment showed that the binding site of MZ is in subdomain IIA of BSA and the distance between BSA and MZ is 3.17 nm at normal body temperature. The conformation changes of BSA in presence of MZ were investigated by CD spectra and three-dimensional fluorescence spectra.  相似文献   

Methods including spectroscopy, electronic chemistry and thermodynamics were used to study the inclusion effect between γ-cyclodextrin (CD) and vitamin K3(K3), as well as the interaction mode between herring-sperm DNA (hsDNA) and γ-CD-K3 inclusion complex. The results from ultraviolet spectroscopic method indicated that VK3 and γ-CD formed 1:1 inclusion complex, with the inclusion constant Kf = 1.02 × 104 L/mol, which is based on Benesi–Hildebrand's viewpoint. The outcomes from the probe method and Scatchard methods suggested that the interaction mode between γ-CD-K3 and DNA was a mixture mode, which included intercalation and electrostatic binding effects. The binding constants were K θ25°C = 2.16 × 104 L/mol, and Kθ37°C = 1.06 × 104 L/mol. The thermodynamic functions of the interaction between γ-CD-K3 and DNA were ΔrHmθ = ?2.74 × 104 J/mol, ΔrSmθ = 174.74 J·mol?1K?1, therefore, both ΔrHmθ (enthalpy) and ΔrSmθ (entropy) worked as driven forces in this action.  相似文献   


Interaction of yeast tRNAPhe with oligodeoxyribonucleotides (ONs), complementary to the nucleotides 62–76 was investigated. Results of gel-mobility shift assay and RNase A probing evidence that the ONs containing the sequence complementary to the tRNA ACCA end can easily invade the hairpin structure under physiological conditions. The limiting step of association process is the tRNA unfolding.  相似文献   

This study is a continuation of a series of papers dealing with topotecan interaction with double-stranded polydeoxyribonucleotides. We showed earlier that topotecan molecules form dimers in solution at concentration above 10–5(per base pair). Topotecan interaction with calf thymus DNA in solutions of low ionic strength was studied by fluorescence, circular dichroism, and linear flow dichroism. The data obtained indicate that topotecan forms two types of complex with DNA, DNA molecules combining with each other during formation of one of these complexes. The association constant of two topotecan-filled DNA molecules with each other was estimated at 104M–1(per base pair) in 1 mM sodium cacodylate buffer, pH 6.8, at 20°C. A possibility of modulation of DNA topoisomerase I activity by topotecan due to complexation with several sites of a supercoiled DNA molecule is discussed.  相似文献   

The interaction of DNA polymerase purified from eggs of the teleost fish Misgurnus fossilis (loach) with DNA duplexes with single-strand gaps of 1-13 nucleotides was studied. In the absence of template-restricting DNA, the enzyme elongated primers on single-stranded DNA templates in a distributive manner. However, in the presence of the proximal 5"-terminus restricting the template, the enzyme activity significantly increased. In this case, the enzyme was capable of processive synthesis by filling gaps of 5-9 nucleotides in DNA duplexes. These data indicate that DNA polymerase can interact with both the 3"- and 5"-termini located upstream and downstream from the gap. Analysis of the complexes formed by DNA polymerase and different DNA substrates by electrophoretic mobility shift assay confirmed the assumption that this enzyme can interact with the proximal 5"-terminus restricting the gap. DNA polymerase displayed much higher affinity in duplexes with gaps of approximately 10 nucleotides compared to the standard template–primer complexes. Maximal affinity was observed in experiments with DNA substrates containing unpaired 3"-tails in primers. The results of this study suggest that DNA polymerase exerts high activity in the cell nuclei during repair of DNA intermediates with single strand gaps and unpaired 3"-termini.  相似文献   

N10-alkylated 2-bromoacridones are a novel series of potent antitumor compounds. DNA binding studies of these compounds were carried out using spectrophotometric titrations, Circular dichroism (CD) measurements using Calf Thymus DNA (CT DNA). The binding constants were identified at a range of K = 0.3 to 3.9 × 105 M?1 and the percentage of hypochromism from the spectral titrations at 28–54%. This study has identified a compound 9 with the good binding affinity of K = 0.39768 × 105 M?1 with CT DNA. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations have investigated the changes in structural and dynamic features of native DNA on binding to the active compound 9. All the synthesized compounds have increased the uptake of Vinblastine in MDR KBChR-8-5 cells to an extent of 1.25- to1.9-fold than standard modulator Verapamil of similar concentration. These findings allowed us to draw preliminary conclusions about the structural features of 2-bromoacridones and further chemical enhancement will improve the binding affinity of the acridone derivatives to CT-DNA for better drug–DNA interaction. The molecular modeling studies have shown mechanism of action and the binding modes of the acridones to DNA.  相似文献   

The x-ray crystal structure of the thiostrepton resistance RNA methyltransferase (Tsr)·S-adenosyl-l-methionine (AdoMet) complex was determined at 2.45-Å resolution. Tsr is definitively confirmed as a Class IV methyltransferase of the SpoU family with an N-terminal “L30-like” putative target recognition domain. The structure and our in vitro analysis of the interaction of Tsr with its target domain from 23 S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) demonstrate that the active biological unit is a Tsr homodimer. In vitro methylation assays show that Tsr activity is optimal against a 29-nucleotide hairpin rRNA though the full 58-nucleotide L11-binding domain and intact 23 S rRNA are also effective substrates. Molecular docking experiments predict that Tsr·rRNA binding is dictated entirely by the sequence and structure of the rRNA hairpin containing the A1067 target nucleotide and is most likely driven primarily by large complementary electrostatic surfaces. One L30-like domain is predicted to bind the target loop and the other is near an internal loop more distant from the target site where a nucleotide change (U1061 to A) also decreases methylation by Tsr. Furthermore, a predicted interaction with this internal loop by Tsr amino acid Phe-88 was confirmed by mutagenesis and RNA binding experiments. We therefore propose that Tsr achieves its absolute target specificity using the N-terminal domains of each monomer in combination to recognize the two distinct structural elements of the target rRNA hairpin such that both Tsr subunits contribute directly to the positioning of the target nucleotide on the enzyme.RNA modifications and the enzymes that catalyze their formation are critical for cellular viability. Certain RNA modifications are extremely well characterized, such as CCA addition and amino acylation of the 3′-ends of tRNA, and the contributions of some nucleotide modifications to the creation of specific functional tRNA structures (13). Although the single most common nucleotide modification is pseudouridine, by far the most abundant type of RNA chemical modification is methylation (4). A vast array of unique mono-, di-, and trimethylations of each RNA base and/or ribose sugar 2′-OH is possible, and important new functions for these modifications continue to emerge. In ribosomal RNA (rRNA),2 for example, modifications cluster in functionally critical regions where methylation may act as a checkpoint in ribosome subunit assembly (5), influence the process of translation (6), and alter resistance to certain antibiotics (7, 8).RNA methylation is catalyzed by members of two classes (I and IV) of S-adenosyl-l-methionine (AdoMet)-dependent RNA methyltransferase (MTase) enzymes (9). In bacteria, rRNA methylations are incorporated by both “housekeeping” MTases and those that confer resistance to antibiotics. Although members of the former group are often highly conserved, the latter are generally only found in the antibiotic-producing strain as one mechanism of defense against self-intoxication (10). However, several instances of antibiotic resistance MTase genes in non-producer strains, including pathogenic bacteria, have been identified, and it is clear that these genes are mobile resistance determinants, usually obtained by lateral gene transfer.Several classes of antibiotics target the conserved centers on the ribosome, altering or blocking critical steps in translation such as decoding and peptidyl transfer, to exert their bactericidal effect (11). RNA MTases have been identified as clinically significant resistance determinants to a number of these, including the aminoglycoside (Arm MTase) and erythromycin (Erm MTase) antibiotics (12, 13). Another functionally critical ribosome domain, the factor binding site (or “GTPase” center), is also the target for a family of thiazole-containing peptide antibiotics (14), which includes thiostrepton. These antibiotics have been important biochemical tools for studies of ribosome function but are of limited clinical use due to their poor aqueous solubility. Thiostrepton is, however, used in veterinary medicine, and recent studies suggest it may have application in development of novel antimalarial and anticancer strategies (15, 16). The minimal rRNA sequence for interaction of thiostrepton is a highly conserved, independently folded 58-nucleotide rRNA domain that is also bound by ribosomal protein L11. Resistance to thiostrepton can result from mutations in the N-terminal domain of L11 or its entire absence, whereas mutation of the target nucleoside (A1067) confers far greater resistance (1719). In the thiostrepton producer Streptomyces azureus the thiostrepton resistance MTase (Tsr) catalyzes the 2′-O-methylation of A1067 resulting in specific and total resistance to thiostrepton (20).Here we present the crystal structure of Tsr in complex with AdoMet. The structure definitively places Tsr into the SpoU/TrmD (SPOUT) family of enzymes and provides the basis for modeling the Tsr·rRNA recognition process.  相似文献   


Coupling of phosphorous acid in automated DNA synthesis using H-phosphonate methodology leads to 5′-5′ linked dimers and 5′-H-phosphonates. The yield is dependent on the phosphorous acid concentration, chain length of the oligomer, and pore size of the support. 5′-Phosphate oligomers are obtained from the H-phosphonate oligomers by silylation and oxidation.  相似文献   

REV1 is a DNA damage tolerance protein and encodes two ubiquitin-binding motifs (UBM1 and UBM2) that are essential for REV1 functions in cell survival under DNA-damaging stress. Here we report the first solution and X-ray crystal structures of REV1 UBM2 and its complex with ubiquitin, respectively. Furthermore, we have identified the first small-molecule compound, MLAF50, that directly binds to REV1 UBM2. In the heteronuclear single quantum coherence NMR experiments, peaks of UBM2 but not of UBM1 are significantly shifted by the addition of ubiquitin, which agrees to the observation that REV1 UBM2 but not UBM1 is required for DNA damage tolerance. REV1 UBM2 interacts with hydrophobic residues of ubiquitin such as L8 and L73. NMR data suggest that MLAF50 binds to the same residues of REV1 UBM2 that interact with ubiquitin, indicating that MLAF50 can compete with the REV1 UBM2–ubiquitin interaction orthosterically. Indeed, MLAF50 inhibited the interaction of REV1 UBM2 with ubiquitin and prevented chromatin localization of REV1 induced by cisplatin in U2OS cells. Our results structurally validate REV1 UBM2 as a target of a small-molecule inhibitor and demonstrate a new avenue to targeting ubiquitination-mediated protein interactions with a chemical tool.  相似文献   

Enkephalins (Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe-Met/Leu) are opioid peptides with proven antinociceptive action in organism. They interact with opioid receptors belonging to G-protein coupled receptor superfamily. It is known that these receptors are located preferably in membrane rafts composed mainly of sphingomyelin (Sm), cholesterol (Cho), and phosphatidylcholine. In the present work, using Langmuir’s monolayer technique in combination with Wilhelmy’s method for measuring the surface pressure, the interaction of synthetic methionine–enkephalin and its amidated derivative with 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC), Sm, and Cho, as well as with their double and triple mixtures, was studied. From the pressure/area isotherms measured, the compressional moduli of the lipids and lipid–peptide monolayers were determined. Our results showed that the addition of the synthetic enkephalins to the monolayers studied led to change in the lipid monolayers characteristics, which was more evident in enkephalinamide case. In addition, using Brewster angle microscopy (BAM), the surface morphology of the lipid monolayers, before and after the injection of both enkephalins, was determined. The BAM images showed an increase in surface density of the mixed surface lipids/enkephalins films, especially with double and triple component lipid mixtures. This effect was more pronounced for the enkephalinamide as well. These observations showed that there was an interaction between the peptides and the raft-forming lipids, which was stronger for the amidated peptide, suggesting a difference in folding of both enkephalins. Our research demonstrates the potential of lipid monolayers for elegant and simple membrane models to study lipid–peptide interactions at the plane of biomembranes.  相似文献   

Thermodynamics of interaction of phthalocyanine‐oligonucleotide conjugates with single‐ and double‐stranded DNA resulting in formation of duplexes and triplexes was measured by UV melting method. It was shown that a phthalocyanine moiety of conjugates stabilized the formation of duplexes and triplexes.  相似文献   

Spectroscopic (IR, UV, CD and fluorescence) and thermal denaturation studies of native calf thymus DNA, DNAMgATP2− and DNAMg2+ have been carried out in aqueous KBr medium (introduced by the present authors as a very effective solvent for DNA). The IR data recorded for the systems indicate that MgATP2− binds to the N7 and C6O of the guanine residue of DNA forming a five-membered chelate ring. The data also suggest that despite binding to the guanine bases, Mg2+ binds more strongly to the phosphate moiety of DNA. Solution CD spectra of DNA, DNAMgATP2− and DNAMg2+ indicate that in each case DNA exists in the B conformation. Thin-film CD studies reveal that irrespective of the relative humidity conditions, pure DNA as well as that after interaction with Mg2+ show a structural transition B → C, conformationally, although belonging to the B family. A similar study shows that DNA on interaction with MgATP2− assumes a more packed conformation (B)n giving rise to a ψ spectrum. Steady-state as well as dynamic fluorimetric studies clearly indicate that MgATP2− does not intercalate between CGGC base pairs. The thermal denaturation studies support the IR data with respect to the metal binding sites and the mode of binding in both cases.  相似文献   

Chloroethyl nitrosoureas constitute an important family of cancer chemotherapeutic agents, used in the treatment of various types of cancer. They exert antitumor activity by inducing DNA interstrand cross-links. Semustine, a chloroethyl nitrosourea, is a 4-methyl derivative of lomustine. There exist some interesting reports dealing with DNA-binding properties of chloroethyl nitrosoureas; however, underlying mechanism of cytotoxicity caused by semustine has not been precisely and completely delineated. The present work focuses on understanding semustine–DNA interaction to comprehend its anti-proliferative action at molecular level using various spectroscopic techniques. Attenuated total reflection–Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy is used to determine the binding site of semustine on DNA. Conformational transition in DNA after semustine complexation is investigated using circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy. Stability of semustine–DNA complexes is determined using absorption spectroscopy. Results of the present study demonstrate that semustine performs major-groove-directed DNA alkylation at guanine residues in an incubation-timedrug-concentration-dependent manner. CD spectral outcomes suggest partial transition of DNA from native B-conformation to C-form. Calculated binding constants (Ka) for semustine and lomustine interactions with DNA are 1.53?×?103 M?1 and 8.12?×?103 M?1, respectively. Moreover, molecular modeling simulation is performed to predict preferential binding orientation of semustine with DNA that corroborates well with spectral outcomes. Results based on comparative study of DNA-binding properties of semustine and lomustine, presented here, may establish a correlation between molecular structure and cytotoxicity of chloroethyl nitrosoureas that may be instrumental in the designing and synthesis of new nitrosourea therapeutics possessing better efficacy and fewer side effects.  相似文献   

Cyanobacteria and eukaryotic algae are important primary producers in a variety of environments, yet their distribution and response to environmental change in saline lakes are poorly understood. In this study, the community structure of cyanobacteria and eukaryotic algae in the water and surface sediments of six lakes and one river on the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau were investigated with the 23S rRNA gene pyrosequencing approach. Our results showed that salinity was the major factor controlling the algal community composition in these aquatic water bodies and the community structures of water and surface sediment samples grouped according to salinity. In subsaline–mesosaline lakes (salinity: 0.5–50 g L?1), Cyanobacteria (Cyanobium, Synechococcus) were highly abundant, while in hypersaline lakes (salinity: >50 g L?1) eukaryotic algae including Chlorophyta (Chlorella, Dunaliella), Bacillariophyta (Fistulifera), Streptophyta (Chara), and Dinophyceae (Kryptoperidinium foliaceum) were the major members of the community. The relative abundance ratio of cyanobacteria to eukaryotic algae was significantly correlated with salinity. The algae detected in Qinghai–Tibetan lakes exhibited a broader salinity range than previously known, which may be a result of a gradual adaptation to the slow evolution of these lakes. In addition, the algal community structure was similar between water and surface sediment of the same lake, suggesting that sediment algal community was derived from water column.  相似文献   

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