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The location of the phospholipase C beta 1-isoform (PLC-beta 1) in the mouse oocyte and its role in the resumption of meiosis were examined. We used specific monoclonal antibodies to monitor the in vitro dynamics of the subcellular distribution of the enzyme from the release of the oocyte from the follicle until breakdown of the germinal vesicle (GVBD) by Western blotting, electron microscope immunohistochemistry, and confocal microscope immunofluorescence. PLC-beta 1 became relocated to the oocyte cortex and the nucleoplasm during the G2/M transition, mainly in the hour preceding GVBD. The enzyme was a 150-kDa protein, corresponding to PLC-beta 1a. Its synthesis in the cytoplasm increased during this period, and it accumulated in the nucleoplasm. GVBD was dramatically inhibited by the microinjection of anti-PLC-beta1 monoclonal antibody into the germinal vesicle (GV) only when this accumulation was at its maximum. In contrast, PLC-gamma 1 was absent from the GV from the time of release from the follicle until 1 h later, and microinjection of anti-PLC-gamma 1 into the GV did not affect GVBD. Our results demonstrate a relationship between the relocation of PLC-beta 1 and its role in the first step of meiosis.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that the adenosine analog 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-1-beta-d-ribofuranoside (AICAR), an activator of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), stimulates an increase in AMPK activity and induces meiotic resumption in mouse oocytes [Downs, S.M., Hudson, E.R., Hardie, D.G., 2002. A potential role for AMP-activated protein kinase in meiotic induction in mouse oocytes. Dev. Biol, 245, 200-212]. The present study was carried out to better define a causative role for AMPK in oocyte meiotic maturation. When microinjected with a constitutively active AMPK, about 20% of mouse oocytes maintained in meiotic arrest with dibutyryl cAMP (dbcAMP) were stimulated to undergo germinal vesicle breakdown (GVB), while there was no effect of catalytically dead kinase. Western blot analysis revealed that germinal vesicle (GV)-stage oocytes cultured in dbcAMP-containing medium plus AICAR possessed elevated levels of active AMPK, and this was confirmed by AMPK assays using a peptide substrate of AMPK to directly measure AMPK activity. AICAR-induced meiotic resumption and AMPK activation were blocked by compound C or adenine 9-beta-d-arabinofuranoside (araA, a precursor of araATP), both inhibitors of AMPK. Compound C failed to suppress adenosine uptake and phosphorylation, indicating that it did not block AICAR action by preventing its metabolism to the AMP analog, ZMP. 2'-deoxycoformycin (DCF), a potent adenosine deaminase inhibitor, reversed the inhibitory effect of adenosine on oocyte maturation by modulating intracellular AMP levels and activating AMPK. Rosiglitazone, an anti-diabetic agent, stimulated AMPK activation in oocytes and triggered meiotic resumption. In spontaneously maturing oocytes, GVB was preceded by AMPK activation and blocked by compound C. Collectively, these results support the proposition that active AMPK within mouse oocytes provides a potent meiosis-inducing signal in vitro.  相似文献   

After a long period of quiescence at dictyate prophase I, termed the germinal vesicle (GV) stage, mammalian oocytes reenter meiosis by activating the Cdc2–cyclin B complex (maturation-promoting factor [MPF]). The activity of MPF is regulated by Wee1/Myt1 kinases and Cdc25 phosphatases. In this study, we demonstrate that the sequestration of components that regulate MPF activity in distinct subcellular compartments is essential for their function during meiosis. Down-regulation of either Wee1B or Myt1 causes partial meiotic resumption, and oocytes reenter the cell cycle only when both proteins are down-regulated. Shortly before GV breakdown (GVBD), Cdc25B is translocated from the cytoplasm to the nucleus, whereas Wee1B is exported from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. These movements are regulated by PKA inactivation and MPF activation, respectively. Mislocalized Wee1B or Myt1 is not able to maintain meiotic arrest. Thus, cooperation of Wee1B, Myt1, and Cdc25 is required to maintain meiotic arrest and relocation of these components before GVBD is necessary for meiotic reentry.  相似文献   

Correlated nuclear and cytoplasmic reorganizations during the 14 hr of reactivated meiosis in vivo and in vitro were examined in the laboratory mouse. Observations of living oocytes by differential interference contrast microscopy, and by fluorescent microscopy with nontoxic mitochondrial and DNA-specific probes, enabled us to determine that the major cytoplasmic reorganization involved two mitochondrial translocations associated with two stages of nuclear maturation. These observations were confirmed at the fine structural level by parallel transmission electron microscopy. Mitochondria translocate to the perinuclear region during formation of the first metaphase spindle and subsequently disperse during abstriction of the first polar body. Determinations of frequency of maturation in more than 2,900 normal oocytes, and in more than 1,100 oocytes in which germinal vesicle breakdown was reversibly inhibited, indicated that mitochondrial redistributions are a normal and probably necessary feature of reactivated meiosis in the laboratory mouse. We suggest that these two rapid translocations serve to concentrate mitochondria for localized activities that require elevated levels of adenosine triphosphate.  相似文献   

Phytochromes in seed plants are known to move into nuclei in a red light-dependent manner with or without interacting factors. Here, we show phytochrome relocation to the nuclear region in phytochrome-dependent Adiantum capillus-veneris spore germination by partial spore-irradiation experiments. The nuclear or non-nuclear region of imbibed spores was irradiated with a microbeam of red and/or far-red light and the localization of phytochrome involved in spore germination was estimated from the germination rate. The phytochrome for spore germination existed throughout whole spore under darkness after imbibition, but gradually migrated to the nuclear region following red light irradiation. Intracellular distribution of PHY-GUS fusion proteins expressed in germinated spores by particle bombardment showed the migration of Acphy2, but not Acphy1, into nucleus in a red light-dependent manner, suggesting that Acphy2 is the photoreceptor for fern spore germination.  相似文献   

Mammalian cyclin A1 is prominently expressed in testis and essential for meiosis in the male mouse, however, it shows weak expression in ovary, especially during oocyte maturation. To understand why cyclin A1 behaves in this way in the oocyte, we investigated the effect of cyclin A1 overexpression on mouse oocyte meiotic maturation. Our results revealed that cyclin A1 overexpression triggered meiotic resumption even in the presence of germinal vesicle breakdown inhibitor, milrinone. Nevertheless, the cyclin A1-overexpressed oocytes failed to extrude the first polar body but were completely arrested at metaphase I. Consequently, cyclin A1 overexpression destroyed the spindle morphology and chromosome alignment by inducing premature separation of chromosomes and sister chromatids. Therefore, cyclin A1 overexpression will prevent oocyte maturation although it can promote meiotic resumption. All these results show that decreased expression of cyclin A1 in oocytes may have an evolutional significance to keep long-lasting prophase arrest and orderly chromosome separation during oocyte meiotic maturation.  相似文献   

Freshly ovulated (12 hr post hCG) F1 (C57BL/6 x CBA) hybrid mouse oocytes were parthenogenetically activated by repetitive elevation of Ca2+ induced by carefully controlled electrical pulses. Different patterns of stimulation were employed to examine the role of repetitive calcium changes on meiotic resumption and pronuclear development. In the first series of experiments oocytes received 33 electrical pulses of 1.8 kV/cm delivered every 4 min. The pulse duration decreased according to a negative exponential equation from a 900-microseconds first pulse to give a total pulse duration of 18.721 msec. The strength of calcium stimuli was varied by changing the concentration of CaCl2 in the medium. Ninety-eight percent of the oocytes stimulated with 12 microM calcium extruded the second polar body by the end of treatment and 92% completed pronuclear formation between 3.5 and 8 hr after the first pulse. For higher or lower Ca2+ concentrations the proportion of oocytes developing pronuclei decreased; the timing of pronuclear formation was retarded and the majority of oocytes failed to form a pronucleus after extrusion of the second polar body. In the second series of experiments, the strength of the calcium stimuli was modulated by changing the duration of the 33 electrical pulses given in the presence of 12 microM calcium. By increasing the total pulse duration to 33.958 msec, 100% of the oocytes activated and completed pronuclear formation between 3 and 5 hr after the first electric pulse. Stimulation protocols of lower total pulse duration (less than 18.721 msec) gave rise to high rates of partial activation (up to 95%). Examination of these partially activated oocytes showed metaphases with haploid sets of chromatids characteristic of third meiotic metaphase arrest. The results indicate that repetitive calcium stimuli can regulate the rate and extent of meiotic resumption and the time course of pronuclear formation during mouse oocyte activation. They suggest that meiotic resumption in mammalian oocytes is regulated by the amplitude and frequency of cytosolic calcium oscillations induced by the activating stimulus.  相似文献   

Meiosis activating sterol, produced directly by lanosterol 14-α-demethylase (CYP51) during cholesterol biosynthesis, has been shown to promote the initiation of oocyte meiosis. However, the physiological significance of CYP51 action on oocyte meiosis in response to gonadotrophins’ induction remained to be further explored. Herein, we analyzed the role of CYP51 in gonadotrophin-induced in vitro oocyte maturation via RNA interference (RNAi). We showed that although both luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) significantly induced meiotic resumption in follicle-enclosed oocytes (FEOs), the effect of LH on oocyte meiosis resumption in FEOs was weaker than FSH. Moreover, both FSH and LH were able to upregulate CYP51 expression in cultured follicular granulosa cells when examined at 8 h or 12 h posttreatments, respectively. Interestingly, whereas knockdown of CYP51 expression via small interference RNA (siRNA) moderately blocked (23% reduction at 24 h) FSH-induced oocyte maturation [43% germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) rate in RNAi vs. 66% in control, P < 0.05] in FEOs, similar treatments showed no apparent effects on LH-induced FEO meiotic maturation (58% GVBD rate in RNAi vs. 63% in control, P > 0.05). Moreover, the results in a cumulus-enclosed oocytes (CEOs) model showed that approximately 30% of FSH-induced CEOs’ meiotic resumption was blocked upon CYP51 knockdown by siRNAs. These findings suggest that FSH, partially at least, employs CYP51, and therefore the MAS pathway, to initiate oocyte meiosis.  相似文献   

Fertilization triggers activation of a series of pre‐programmed signal transduction pathways in the oocyte that establish a block to polyspermy, induce meiotic resumption, and initiate zygotic development. Fusion between sperm and oocyte results in rapid changes in oocyte intracellular free‐calcium levels, which in turn activate multiple protein kinase cascades in the ooplasm. The present study examined the possibility that sperm–oocyte interaction involves localized activation of oocyte protein tyrosine kinases, which could provide an alternative signaling mechanism to that triggered by the fertilizing sperm. Confocal immunofluorescence analysis with antibodies to phosphotyrosine and phosphorylated protein tyrosine kinases allowed detection of minute signaling events localized to the site of sperm–oocyte interaction that were not amenable to biochemical analysis. The results provide evidence for localized accumulation of phosphotyrosine at the site of sperm contact, binding, or fusion, which suggests active protein tyrosine kinase signaling prior to and during sperm incorporation. The PYK2 kinase was found to be concentrated and activated at the site of sperm–oocyte interaction, and likely participates in this response. Widespread activation of PYK2 and FAK kinases was subsequently observed within the oocyte cortex, indicating that sperm incorporation is followed by more global signaling via these kinases during meiotic resumption. The results demonstrate an alternate signaling pathway triggered in mammalian oocytes by sperm contact, binding, or fusion with the oocyte. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 80: 260–272, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Meiosis of trisomy 21 in the human pachytene oocyte   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Association modalities of the three 21 chromosomes were studied during pachytene in three trisomy 21 fetuses whose chromosomal constitution was identified following amniocentesis. -- Three classes of images were observed: a trivalent, a trivalent presenting an important asynaptic region of the long arm, and a bivalent accompanied by a univalent. Such behaviour is analagous to that observed in all trisomic organisms. -- We have been able to establish the sequence of chromomeres, whose number varies from 9 to 14 according to the state of contraction in the 21 chromosome. Each band is thus subdivided into several sub-bands: at maximal elongation 2 sub-bands for band p11, 4 for q21 and 3 for q222. In addition, the interchromomeric clear bands q221 and q223 are also subdivided by the presence of a very small chromomere. In this way, the G-bands visible on mitotic metaphase chromosomes result from the compression together of several chromomeres whose individuality disappears as chromosomal condensation increases with progression of prophase.  相似文献   

Xenopus oocytes are arrested at the G2/prophase boundary of meiosis I and enter meiosis in response to progesterone. A hallmark of meiosis is the absence of DNA replication between the successive cell division phases meiosis I (MI) and meiosis II (MII). After the MI-MII transition, Xenopus eggs are locked in metaphase II by the cytostatic factor (CSF) arrest to prevent parthenogenesis. Early Mitotic Inhibitor 1 (Emi1) maintains CSF arrest by inhibiting the ability of the Anaphase Promoting Complex (APC) to direct the destruction of cyclin B. To investigate whether Emi1 has an earlier role in meiosis, we injected Xenopus oocytes with neutralizing antibodies against Emi1 at G2/prophase and during the MI-MII transition. Progesterone-treated G2/prophase oocytes injected with anti-Emi1 antibody fail to activate Maturation Promoting Factor (MPF), a complex of cdc2/cyclin B, and the MAPK pathway, and do not undergo germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD). Injection of purified ?90 cyclin B protein or blocking anti-Emi1 antibody with purified Emi1 protein rescues these meiotic processes in Emi1-neutralized oocytes. Acute inhibition of Emi1 in progesterone treated oocytes immediately after GVBD causes rapid loss of cdc2 activity with simultaneous loss of cyclin B levels and inactivation of the MAPK pathway. These oocytes decondense their chromosomes and enter a DNA replication phase instead of progressing to MII. Prior ablation of Cdc20, addition of methyl-ubiquitin, or addition of indestructible ?90 cyclin B rescues the MI-MII transition in Emi1 inhibited oocytes.  相似文献   

R. M. Speed 《Chromosoma》1982,85(3):427-437
The identification and progression of the prophase stages of meiosis in the mouse foetal ovary are reported, from d 13 of gestation to d 1 postpartum. Air-dried Giemsa-stained oocyte preparations are compared with surface-spread silver-stained cells. The latter method allows a more detailed quantitative analysis of the pachytene stage. Numbers of synaptonemal complexes can be counted, and the degree of synapsis determined. The progression of cells appears to be relatively synchronous, in agreement with previous reports. The activity of nucleolar organisers, in particular one associated with the shortest synaptonemal complex (chromosome No. 19) is described. At late pachytene the lateral elements of the No. 19 bivalent desynapse precociously with apparent nucleolar involvement.  相似文献   

Meiosis in the foetal mouse ovary   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A systematic search for chromosome pairing defects in foetal mouse oocytes has been carried out in two different strains (Swiss and CBA/Ca) over days 15–19 of gestation and on day 1 post-partum. The aim was to seek direct cytological evidence for a production line of oocyte development, or the occurrence of pairing anomalies at meiotic prophase that might lead, in the adult female, to nondisjunction at anaphase I. No evidence for either was found. The data argue against the production line hypothesis as the basis for maternal age-related increases in aneuploidy in the mouse. Attempts to analyse chiasmata in oocytes at diplotene were unsuccessful.  相似文献   

Summary H3-uridine was injected into the abdomen ofD. melanogaster andD. immigrans and after 10, 30, 60 and 120 min of incorporation, the ovaries were prepared for autoradiography. The oocyte nucleus was found to synthesize RNA during a short period of vitellogenesis (stage 10A). Ultrastructural studies of the oocyte nucleus were made at the stage active in RNA synthesis and many electron-dense structures were found to appear at this time. Since none of these structures resembled nucleoli in fine structure, it is suggested that the RNA synthesized is non-ribosomal. Other ultrastructural modifications of the oooyte nucleus are presented and discussed.
Zusammenfassung H3-Uridin wurde in die Abdomina vonDrosophila melanogaster undDrosophila immigrans injiziert, und nach 10, 30, 60 und 120 min wurden die Ovarien für Autoradiographie präpariert. Es wurde gefunden, daß der Oozytenkern während einer kurzen Periode der Vitellogenese (Stadium 10A) RNS synthetisiert. Der Oozytenkern dieses Stadiums wurde elektronenmikroskopisch untersucht. Es zeigte sich, daß während dieses Stadiums elektronendichte Strukturen erscheinen. Keine dieser Strukturen sieht Nukleolen ähnlich in der Feinstruktur. Es wird deshalb angenommen, daß die synthetisierte RNS nicht ribosomale RNS ist. Auch andere feinstrukturelle Modifikationen wurden im Oozytenkern gefunden und werden hier beschrieben.

The authors wish to acknowledge the support of the National Science Foundation, Grants GB-5155, GB-5780 and GB-7980.  相似文献   

The signaling pathway by which luteinizing hormone (LH) acts on the somatic cells of vertebrate ovarian follicles to stimulate meiotic resumption in the oocyte requires a decrease in cAMP in the oocyte, but how cAMP is decreased is unknown. Activation of Gi family G proteins can lower cAMP by inhibiting adenylate cyclase or stimulating a cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase, but we show here that inhibition of this class of G proteins by injection of pertussis toxin into follicle-enclosed mouse oocytes does not prevent meiotic resumption in response to LH. Likewise, elevation of Ca2+ can lower cAMP through its action on Ca2+-sensitive adenylate cyclases or phosphodiesterases, but inhibition of a Ca2+ rise by injection of EGTA into follicle-enclosed mouse oocytes does not inhibit the LH response. Thus, neither of these well-known mechanisms of cAMP regulation can account for LH signaling to the oocyte in the mouse ovary.  相似文献   

Avazeri N  Denys A  Lefèvre B 《Biochimie》2006,88(11):1823-1829
The aim of this study was to determine in vitro whether lead has a direct cytotoxic effect on the female gamete or through its surrounding somatic cells. We had previously demonstrated that it partly accumulates in the mouse ovary and induces follicle and oocyte apoptosis. The data reported here demonstrate for the first time that low levels of Pb(NO3)2 (相似文献   

Accurate chromosome segregation in meiosis requires dynamic changes in chromatin organization. In Drosophila melanogaster, upon completion of recombination, meiotic chromosomes form a single, compact cluster called the karyosome in an enlarged oocyte nucleus. This clustering is also found in humans; however, the mechanisms underlying karyosome formation are not understood. In this study, we report that phosphorylation of barrier to autointegration factor (BAF) by the conserved kinase nucleosomal histone kinase-1 (NHK-1; Drosophila Vrk1) has a critical function in karyosome formation. We find that the noncatalytic domain of NHK-1 is crucial for its kinase activity toward BAF, a protein that acts as a linker between chromatin and the nuclear envelope. A reduction of NHK-1 or expression of nonphosphorylatable BAF results in ectopic association of chromosomes with the nuclear envelope in oocytes. We propose that BAF phosphorylation by NHK-1 disrupts anchorage of chromosomes to the nuclear envelope, allowing karyosome formation in oocytes. These data provide the first mechanistic insight into how the karyosome forms.  相似文献   

Protein kinase C (PKC) and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) in cumulus cells are involved in FSH-induced meiotic resumption of cumulus-enclosed oocytes (CEOs), but their regulation and cross talk are unknown. The present experiments were designed to investigate 1) the possible involvement of MAPK cascade in PKC-induced meiotic resumption; 2) the regulation of PKC on MAPK activity in FSH-induced oocyte maturation; and 3) the pattern of PKC and MAPK function in induced meiotic resumption of mouse oocytes. PKC activators, phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) and 1-oleoyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycerol (OAG), induced the meiotic resumption of CEOs and activation of MAPK in cumulus cells, whereas this effect could be abolished by PKC inhibitors, calphostin C and chelerythrine, or MEK inhibitor U0126. These results suggest that PKC might induce the meiotic reinitiation of CEOs by activating MAPK in cumulus cells. Both PKC inhibitors and U0126 inhibited the FSH-induced germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) of oocytes and MAPK activation in cumulus cells, suggesting that PKC and MAPK are involved in FSH-induced GVBD of mouse CEOs. Protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide (CHX) inhibited FSH- or PMA-induced oocyte meiotic resumption, but not the MAPK activation in cumulus cells. FSH and PKC activators induced the GVBD in denuded oocytes cocultured with cumulus cells in hypoxanthine (HX)-supplemented medium, and this effect could be reversed by U0126. Thus, when activated by FSH and PKC, MAPK may stimulate the synthesis of specific proteins in cumulus cells followed by secretion of an unknown positive factor that is capable of inducing GVBD in oocytes.  相似文献   

We have examined the potential role of fatty acid oxidation (FAO) in AMP‐activated protein kinase (AMPK)‐induced meiotic maturation. Etomoxir and malonyl CoA, two inhibitors of carnitine palmitoyl transferase‐1 (CPT1), and thus FAO, blocked meiotic induction in dbcAMP‐arrested cumulus cell‐enclosed oocytes (CEO) and denuded oocytes (DO) by the AMPK activator, AICAR. C75, an activator of CPT1 and FAO, stimulated meiotic resumption in CEO and DO. This effect was insensitive to the AMPK inhibitor, compound C, indicating an action downstream of AMPK. Palmitic acid or carnitine also promoted meiotic resumption in DO in the presence of AICAR. Since C75 also suppresses the activity of fatty acid synthase (FAS), we tested another FAS inhibitor, cerulenin. Cerulenin stimulated maturation in arrested oocytes, but to a lesser extent, exhibited significantly slower kinetics and was effective in CEO but not DO. Moreover, etomoxir completely blocked C75‐induced maturation but was ineffective in cerulenin‐treated oocytes, suggesting that the meiosis‐inducing action of C75 is through activation of FAO within the oocyte, while that of cerulenin is independent of FAO and acts within the cumulus cells. Finally, we determined that long chain, but not short chain, fatty acyl carnitine derivatives were stimulatory to oocyte maturation. Palmitoyl carnitine stimulated maturation in both CEO and DO, with rapid kinetics in DO; this effect was blocked by mercaptoacetate, a downstream inhibitor of FAO. These results indicate that activation of AMPK stimulates meiotic resumption in mouse oocytes by eliminating a block to FAO. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 76: 844–853, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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