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The application of electrospray ionization (ESI) ion trap mass spectrometry (MS) to the analysis of short tandem repeats (STRs or microsatellites) is described. Several equine dinucleotide STR loci were chosen as a model system to evaluate ESI ion trap as a routine instrument for rapid and reliable genoytping. With the use of specific primers STR loci were amplified from different blood samples having allele sizes between 60 and 100 bp. A new purification method based on reversible binding of PCR products to magnetic particles has proven to be directly compatible with ESI ion trap MS analysis. The sense and antisense strands of the PCR products with concentrations of ~100 fmol/µl were measured with a mass accuracy of 0.01%. The simplicity of the purification method and the capability for automated handling together with the precise sizing of PCR products by ESI ion trap MS facilitate the large scale analysis of polymorphic STRs. Moreover, mixtures of different allele length as obtained for heterozygous samples could accurately be assigned as well as a C→G switch between the two strands of a PCR product.  相似文献   

Hulme AN  McNab H  Peggie DA  Quye A 《Phytochemistry》2005,66(23):2766-2770
The electrospray ionisation mass spectra of the neoflavanoids brazilin and hematoxylin are reported in both their reduced (1 and 2, respectively) and their oxidised forms (3 and 4, respectively). In the reduced forms, breakdown pathways under collision induced decomposition (CID) conditions produce fragments characteristic of rings A and C; in their oxidised forms, the fragments are characteristic of rings B and D. The structural assignments of the fragments are substantiated by recording the spectra after deuterium exchange at the hydroxyl groups.  相似文献   

Pulsed positive ion-negative ion chemical ionization mass spectra of O-glucosyl-zeatin and -dihydrozeatin, their ribosides, and their N-9 2-cyanoethyl and 2-chloro-2-cyanoethyl derivatives are reported. By methods based on these spectra, the levels of the glucosides were determined in soybean (Glycine max) leaves.  相似文献   

Lipids and proteins in multiple sclerosis white matter   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Abstract— Quantitative analyses of white matter from four brains of patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) and four control brains were carried out for total and soluble proteins, individual lipid fractions, and their corresponding fatty acids. In three specimens from two of the MS brains there were reductions of cerebrosides and of the C20:1 acid in the ethanolamine glycerophosphatide (EGP) fraction and a slight increase of tetraenes and trienes, while all other components were present in concentrations similar to those in the controls. In three other samples from two of the MS brains, galactolipids were deficient to a greater extent than cholesterol, EGP or CGP (choline glycerophosphatide), while proteins were within the control range. In samples where thinning of myelin was observed in Luxol-blue stained sections, there were proportional decreases of all components. The percentage of C20:1 acid in the EGP fraction was reduced in two of three myelin preparations from corresponding samples of MS white matter, and that of C24:1 acid in the cerebroside fraction was reduced in all three MS myelin preparations when compared with the two controls. The data suggest that inadequacy of the fatty acid elongation process together with deficits of cerebrosides represent one of the early biochemical lesions in the white matter of the MS brain.  相似文献   

Jörg Ziegler  Steffen Abel 《Amino acids》2014,46(12):2799-2808
A new method for the determination of amino acids is presented. It combines established methods for the derivatization of primary and secondary amino groups with 9-fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl chloride (Fmoc-Cl) with the subsequent amino acid specific detection of the derivatives by LC–ESI–MS/MS using multiple reaction monitoring (MRM). The derivatization proceeds within 5 min, and the resulting amino acid derivatives can be rapidly purified from matrix by solid-phase extraction (SPE) on HR-X resin and separated by reversed-phase HPLC. The Fmoc derivatives yield several amino acid specific fragment ions which opened the possibility to select amino acid specific MRM transitions. The method was applied to all 20 proteinogenic amino acids, and the quantification was performed using l-norvaline as standard. A limit of detection as low as 1 fmol/µl with a linear range of up to 125 pmol/µl could be obtained. Intraday and interday precisions were lower than 10 % relative standard deviations for most of the amino acids. Quantification using l-norvaline as internal standard gave very similar results compared to the quantification using deuterated amino acid as internal standards. Using this protocol, it was possible to record the amino acid profiles of only a single root from Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings and to compare it with the amino acid profiles of 20 dissected root meristems (200 μm).  相似文献   

Twelve naturally occurring glucosinolates displaying alkenyl, hydroxylated, methylsulphinyl, aromatic and indole side chains were investigated by both negative and positive ion electrospray ionisation-tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MS/MS). In order to resolve the MS/MS spectra obtained from the anion and cation molecular ions of glucosinolates, the different fragments were investigated by MSn experiments using an ion trap spectrometer. The MS3 spectra obtained permitted possible fragmentation schemes to be proposed. These were supported by accurate mass measurements of some characteristic diagnostic ions with the help of a quadrupole time-of-flight instrument. The negative ion ESI-MS/MS behaviour of the different glucosinolates investigated in this study confirmed previously described patterns and revealed new interesting structural informative fragments. Some are common to all the glucosinolates and others are highly specific for a type of variable side chain. The positive ion ESI-MS/MS fragments obtained from the [MNa+Na]+ or [MK+K]+ molecular ions did not provide complementary specific diagnostic ions. Nevertheless, when compared with the negative ion mode, the daughter ions appeared more homogenous and with a better relative abundance for all of the 12 compounds studied. Moreover, the positive ion mode appeared to be more efficient than the negative mode for the study of methoxylated glucosinolates and should be useful to detect the glucosinolates present as organic salts in crude plant extracts.  相似文献   

An immunoadjuvant saponin fraction from Quillaja brasiliensis leaves was investigated by direct infusion and liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization ion trap multiple-stage mass spectrometry in negative ion mode (DI-ESI-IT-MSn and LC-ESI-IT-MSn). The aglycone and the sequence of the oligosaccharide residues at C-3 and C-28 were characterized based on MS2 and MS3 experiments of the [MH] ions. According to their [MH] ions, characteristic product ions and retention times, 27 bidesmosidic saponins, bearing four types of triterpenic aglycones, were tentatively identified.  相似文献   

We developed a high-performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (HPLC/MS) method for the identification and quantification of anandamide, an endogenous cannabinoid substance, and other fatty acid ethanolamides (AEs) in biological samples. Using a mobile-phase system of methanol/water and gradient elution, we achieved satisfactory resolution of all major AEs, including anandamide, palmitylethanolamide (PEA), and oleylethanolamide (OEA). Electrospray-generated quasi-molecular species were used as diagnostic ions and detected by selected ion monitoring (SIM). Synthetic deuterium-labeled AEs were used as internal standards, and quantification was carried out by isotope dilution. A linear correlation (r2 = 0.99) was observed in the calibration curves for standard AEs over the range 0-0.5 nmol. Detection limits between 0.1 and 0.3 pmol per sample and quantification limits between 0.5 and 1.2 pmol per sample were obtained. The method was applied to the quantification of anandamide, PEA, and OEA in plasma prepared from rat blood collected either by cardiac puncture or by decapitation. After cardiac puncture, AE levels were in the low-nanomolar range: anandamide, 3.1 +/- 0.6 pmol/ml; PEA, 9.4 +/- 1.6 pmol/ml; OEA, 9.2 +/- 1.8 pmol/ml (mean +/- SE, n = 9). By contrast, after decapitation AEs were dramatically elevated (anandamide, 144 +/- 13 pmol/ml; PEA, 255 +/- 55 pmol/ml; OEA, 175 +/- 48 pmol/ml). Thus, disruptive procedures of blood collection may result in gross overestimates in the concentrations of circulating AEs.  相似文献   

Lewis histo-blood group antigens are one of the major classes of biologically active oligosaccharides. In this work, underivatized Lewis blood groups were studied by electrospray tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MSn) in the positive mode with three different mass analyzers: Q-TOF (quadrupole time-of-flight), QqQ (triple quadrupole), and LIT (linear ion trap). It was observed that, under collision-induced fragmentations, type 1 Lewis antigens (Lea and Leb) could be distinguished from type 2 (Lex and Ley) on the basis of specific fragmentations of the GlcNAc unit. Whereas O-4-linked sugars of the GlcNAc are lost as residues, the O-3-linked sugars undergo fragmentation both as sugar units and as sugar residues (unit −18 Da). Type 2 Lewis antigens also showed a characteristic cross-ring cleavage 0,2A2 of the GlcNAc. As a result, the product ions at m/z 388 and 305, characteristic of Lex, and m/z 372, characteristic of Lea, are proposed to distinguish the trisaccharide isomers Lex/Lea. Also, the product ions at m/z 534 and 305, characteristic of Ley, and m/z 372, characteristic of Leb, are proposed to distinguish the tetrasaccharide isomers Leb/Ley. These diagnostic fragment ions were further applied in the identification of Lewis type 2 antigens (Lex and Ley) in the lipopolysaccharide of the human gastric pathogen, Helicobacter pylori.  相似文献   

In view of the significance of Asn deamidation and Asp isomerization to isoAsp at certain sites for protein aging and turnover, it was desirable to challenge the extreme analytical power of electrospray tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MS/MS) for the possibility of a site-specific detection of this posttranslational modification. For this purpose, synthetic L-Asp/L-isoAsp containing oligopeptide pairs were investigated by ESI-MS/MS and low-energy collision-induced dissociation (CID). Replacement of L-Asp by L-isoAsp resulted in the same kind of shifts for all 15 peptide pairs investigated: (1) the b/y intensity ratio of complementary b and y ions generated by cleavage of the (L-Asp/L-isoAsp)-X bond and of the X-(L-Asp/L-isoAsp) bond was decreased, and (2) the Asp immonium ion abundance at m/z 88 was also decreased. It is proposed that the isoAsp structure hampers the accepted mechanism of b-ion formation on both its N- and C-terminal side. The b/y ion intensity ratio and the relative immonium ion intensity vary considerably, depending on the peptide sequence, but the corresponding values are reproducible when recorded on the same instrument under identical instrumental settings. Thus, once the reference product ion spectra have been documented for a pair of synthetic peptides containing either L-Asp or L-isoAsp, these identify one or the other form. Characterization and relative quantification of L-Asp/L-isoAsp peptide mixtures are also possible as demonstrated for two sequences for which isoAsp formation has been described, namely myrG-D/isoD-AAAAK (deamidated peptide 1-7 of protein kinase A catalytic subunit) and VQ-D/isoD-GLR (deamidated peptide 41-46 of human procollagen alpha 1). Thus, the analytical procedures described may be helpful for the identification of suspected Asn deamidation and Asp isomerization sites in proteolytic digests of proteins.  相似文献   

A method of accurate mass determination of phosphoramidites is described. The commonly used methanol/water/acid system was replaced by LiCl-containing acetonitrile and the concentrations of LiCl, poly(ethylene glycol), and phosphoramidite samples were optimized.  相似文献   

A series of underivatized sulfoglycolipids (SM4g, lyso-SM4g, SM4s, SM3, SM2, SB2, and SB1a) from various tissues were analyzed by both positive (POS-SI-MS) and negative (NEG-SI-MS) secondary ion mass spectrometry. By POS-SI-MS were detected the molecular ions of sulfoglycolipids in the form with sodium or potassium together with some fragment ions useful for the carbohydrate sequence determination. The analysis of monosulfogangliotriaosyl- or monosulfogangliotetraosylceramide and bis-sulfoglycolipid was difficult due to noise in the high mass region. On the other hand, NEG-SI-MS of sulfoglycolipids gave more intense signals from molecular ion of (M-H)- for monosulfoglycolipids and [M-H+Na)-H)- for bis-sulfoglycolipid. Many fragment ions useful for the elucidation of the carbohydrate sequences were also obtained with significant intensities. The fragmentation was assessed to occur at the glycosidic linkages to form ions of the oligosaccharides with or without ceramide. These ions were useful for sugar sequencing and also for distinguishing the differences in the position of the sulfate group. The intensities of saccharide ions without sulfate were lower than those with sulfates. In the case of SB2 and SB1a, containing 2 mol of sulfate ester groups, the molecular ion was detected as [M-H+Na)-H)-. Also, fragment ions with 2 mol of sulfate were detected as the sodium-additive form. It was concluded that NEG-SI-MS is a very useful technique for the structural elucidation of higher sulfoglycolipids.  相似文献   

Quantification of 1-O-alkyl-2-lyso-sn-3-glycero-phosphocholine (lysoPAF) and determination of the different molecular species released by cells has been hampered by the molecules's lack of intrinsic bioactivity, unavailability of a suitable internal standard, and reliance on derivatives requiring electron impact techniques. We have synthesized trideuterated internal standards (labeled on the terminal carbon of the alkyl chain) for both C16:0 and C18:0 lysoPAF. Using these standards, we isolated and quantified lysoPAF released from A23187-stimulated human neutrophils and rat alveolar macrophages. Extracted lysoPAF was purified by solid-phase extraction and thin-layer chromatography. The polar phosphorylcholine group was removed with 29 M HF or phospholipase C. The two free hydroxyl groups were derivatized with pentafluorobenzoyl chloride. The resultant bis-pentafluorobenzoyl derivative, analyzed by gas chromatography/electron capture negative ion mass spectrometry, underwent substantial fragmentation. Lowering of the ion source temperature resulted in a dramatic increase in signal-to-noise ratio, with the vast majority of the ion current carried in the molecular anion. Stimulated neutrophils released 16.3 and 10.2 ng/10(6) cells of C16:0 lysoPAF and C18:0 lysoPAF, respectively. Rat macrophages synthesized 15.9 ng/10(6) cells of C16:0 lysoPAF, but C18:0 lysoPAF was variably detected at low levels. We conclude that use of the bispentafluorobenzoyl ester derivative of lysoPAF allows facile quantification of this autacoid metabolite in biological matrices.  相似文献   

The capabilities of electrospray ionization mass spectrometry are demonstrated for monitoring the flux of metal ions out of and into the metalloprotein rabbit liver metallothionein and, in one example, chlorambucil-alkylated metallothionein. Metal ion transfers may be followed as the reactions proceed in situ to provide kinetic information. More uniquely to this technique, metal ion stoichiometries may be determined for reaction intermediates and products. Partners used in these studies include EDTA, carbonic anhydrase, a zinc-bound hexamer of insulin, and the core domain of bacteriophage T4 gene 32 protein, a binding protein for single-stranded DNA.  相似文献   

An analytical method to identify and determine benzphetamine (BMA) and its five metabolites in urine was developed by liquid chromatography–electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (LC–ESI–MS) using the solid-phase extraction column Bond Elut SCX. Deuterium-labeled compounds, used as internal standards, were separated chromatographically from each corresponding unlabeled compound in the alkaline mobile phase with an alkaline-resistant ODS column. This method was applied to the identification and determination of BMA and its metabolites in rat urine collected after oral administration of BMA. Under the selected ion monitoring mode, the limit of quantitation (signal-to-noise ratio 10) for BMA, N-benzylamphetamine (BAM), p-hydroxybenzphetamine (p-HBMA), p-hydroxy-N-benzylamphetamine (p-HBAM), methamphetamine (MA) and amphetamine (AM) was 700 pg, 300 pg, 500 pg, 1.4 ng, 6 ng and 10 ng in 1 ml of urine, respectively. This analytical method for p-HBMA, structurally closer to the unchanged drug of all the metabolites, was very sensitive, making this a viable metabolite for discriminating the ingestion of BMA longer than the parent drug or other metabolites in rat.  相似文献   

An accurate, rapid, and versatile method for the analysis of enzyme kinetics using electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) has been developed and demonstrated using fucosyltransferase V. Reactions performed in primary or secondary amine-containing buffers were diluted in an ESI solvent and directly analyzed without purification of the reaction products. Decreased mass resolution was used to maximize instrument sensitivity, and multiple reaction monitoring (MRM), in the tandem mass spectrometric mode, was used to enhance selectivity of detection. The approach allowed simultaneous monitoring of multiple processes, including substrate consumption, product formation, and the intensity of an internal standard. MRM gave an apparent K(m) for GDP-L-fucose (GDP-Fuc) of 50.4 +/- 5.5 microM and a k(cat) of 1.46 +/- 0.044 s(-1). Under the same conditions, the conventional radioactivity-based assay using GDP-[U-(14)C]Fuc as substrate gave virtually identical results: K(m) = 54.3 +/- 4.6 microM and k(cat) = 1.49 +/- 0.039 s(-1). The close correlation of the data showed that ESI-MS coupled to MRM is a valid approach for the analysis of enzyme kinetics. Consequently, this method represents a valuable alternative to existing analytic methods because of the option of simultaneously monitoring multiple species, the high degree of specificity, and rapid analysis times and because it does not rely on the availability of radioactive or chromogenic substrates.  相似文献   

The mechanical properties of tissues are increasingly recognized as important cues for cell physiology and pathology. Nevertheless, there is a sparsity of quantitative, high-resolution data on mechanical properties of specific tissues. This is especially true for the central nervous system (CNS), which poses particular difficulties in terms of preparation and measurement. We have prepared thin slices of brain tissue suited for indentation measurements on the micrometer scale in a near-native state. Using a scanning force microscope with a spherical indenter of radius ~20 μm we have mapped the effective elastic modulus of rat cerebellum with a spatial resolution of 100 μm. We found significant differences between white and gray matter, having effective elastic moduli of K=294±74 and 454±53 Pa, respectively, at 3 μm indentation depth (ng=245, nw=150 in four animals, p<0.05; errors are SD). In contrast to many other measurements on larger length scales, our results were constant for indentation depths of 2–4 μm indicating a regime of linear effective elastic modulus. These data, assessed with a direct mechanical measurement, provide reliable high-resolution information and serve as a quantitative basis for further neuromechanical investigations on the mechanical properties of developing, adult and damaged CNS tissue.  相似文献   

Neutral oligosaccharides were fluorescently conjugated with 7-amino-1, 3-naphthalenedisulfonic acid. A mixture of fluorescently labeled chitobiose, chitotriose, and chitotetrose were successfully separated by preparative capillary electrophoresis (CE) and the individual components characterized by electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (ESI-MS). By combining fluorescent labeling with CE, the use of highly specific exoglycosidases and ESI-MS, a more structurally complex N-linked glycan was analyzed.  相似文献   

Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry with delayed ion extraction (DE MALDI-TOF MS) was applied for the first time for the quantitation of sulfatide content in serum at the picomole level. The total lipids extracted by n-hexane:isopropanol (3:2, v/v) from 100 microliter of serum were saponified to convert sulfatide to its lyso form, and then the lysosulfatide was directly determined using DE MALDI-TOF MS in the presence of other degraded lipids. Hydrogenated N-acetyl lysosulfatide was used as an internal standard. The relative peak height of sulfatide was calculated and plotted versus its contents. This plot showed linearity between 2 pmol and 1 nmol of sulfatide (regression coefficient r > 0.95). Sulfatide contents of normal human sera and rabbit serum were quantitated by this method. The results corresponded well to the reported data determined by gas-liquid chromatography. This new approach was found to be sensitive, convenient, and reliable. It is expected to be applied to quantitate sulfatide from other small amounts of body fluids or tissues and to clinical examination. It is also expected to be applicable to quantitate other glycosphingolipids.  相似文献   

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