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In Martinique, self-identified gay men often tell each other stories about gay communities in other societies. France and Martinique are central characters in these stories but their presence is largely negative: life in the former is criticized for its economic or racial hardships and life in the latter is criticized for homophobia, hypocrisy, and smallness, creating a frustrating catch-22 for these men. However, in these narratives Quebec often emerges as an ideal destination of racial and sexual freedom. In this paper, I argue that Quebec is signified as utopic in terms that are antithetical and therefore profoundly connected to impressions of social life in France and Martinique. At the same time, however, I maintain that these narratives also reveal common threads in the African-pan-American diasporic experience. Furthermore, these men's experiences of "gay" life in other countries demonstrate their awareness of a "global gay" identity, albeit one that is commercially and ideologically centered in Euro-American societies, [homosexuality, Martinique, transnationalism, diaspora, race]  相似文献   

Microbiological scientists around the world often have only a vague notion about the nature of the international organization with which their national microbiological societies are affiliated. This article provides answers to questions that are usually raised about IUMS; it is reproduced with permission from Microbiological Sciences.  相似文献   

Planning future policy for medicines poses difficult problems. The main players in the drug business have their own views as to how the world around them functions and how the future of medicines should be shaped. In this paper we show how a scenario analysis can provide a powerful teaching device to readjust peoples'' preconceptions. Scenarios are plausible, not probable or preferable, portraits of alternative futures. A series of four of alternative scenarios were constructed: "sobriety in sufficiency," "risk avoidance," "technology on demand," and "free market unfettered." Each scenario was drawn as a narrative, documented quantitatively wherever possible, that described the world as it might be if particular trends were to dominate development. The medical community and health policy markers may use scenarios to take a long term view in order to be prepared adequately for the future.  相似文献   

This article analyzes how Venezuelan public health officials collaborated with journalists in producing information about cholera in January-December 1991. It uses Michael Warner's (2002) observation that such public discourse involves a contradiction: it must project the image of reaching an actually existing public at the same time that it creates multiple publics as it circulates. The analysis explores the language ideologies that hide complex sets of practices, networks, and material conditions that shape how public discourses circulate. At the same time that epidemiologists targeted poor barrio residents, street vendors of food and drink, and indigenous people as being "at high risk," health education messages pictured women in well-equipped kitchens demonstrating cholera prevention measures. The gap between these ideal audiences and the discrepant publics created by their circulation limited the effectiveness of prevention efforts and created a substantial chasm between public health institutions and the publics they sought to reach.  相似文献   

With an increasing human population and environmental degradation, the world faces a major problem in providing adequate animal based proteins. Many traditional societies have used or still use insects as a protein source, while westernized societies are reluctant to use insects, despite being the major consumers of animal proteins. We now need to consider insects as a source of food for humans in a manner that acknowledges both the role of entomophagy in indigenous societies and the need for westernized societies to reduce the size of their environmental footprint with regard to food production. The situation on continents such as Africa, Asia, and Central and South America has some parallels to Australia in that there are two forces in operation: the sustainable traditional use of edible insects and the "westernization" of these societies leading to a movement away from entomophagy. However, the potential to reach a compromise is greater in these continents because entomophagy is already accepted. The major challenges will be establishing sustainable production systems that include food safety and security as well as environmental protection. Whether this will happen or not will depend upon: (i) a major change in attitude in westernized societies towards entomophagy; (ii) pressure to conserve remaining habitats in a sustainable manner; (iii) economic impetus to develop food production systems that include insects; and (iv) an acknowledgement that achieving adequate nutrition on a global basis will involve different diets in much of the developed world.  相似文献   

Although multiple concepts of time can be found in psychiatric discourses and practices, the notion of time as an absolute category seems to predominate. In particular, the notion of “chronicity” implies the persistence of symptoms over the temporal course of a disease, thereby following a logic that conceptualizes time as an objective and universal measure. I argue that such a notion of time impedes the development of patients and the metrics by which to map change. This article, therefore, aims to present a different concept of time that should enable dealing with "chronic" mental illness in more flexible and creative ways. A case study of an everyday psychiatric routine is presented, followed by an in-depth analysis of its temporal implications. I conceptualize the notion of time as an extended field, being relationally and intersubjectively structured and linked to performed activities. Such a notion of time needs to be seen as a flexible and fluid matrix that possesses the character of an event-oriented and productive space. This conception favors an individualized temporality of change, suggesting concrete therapeutic procedures that can be implemented in clinical practice.  相似文献   

Shahzad Q 《Bioethics》2007,21(8):413-418
The notion of 'playing God' frequently comes to fore in discussions of bioethics, especially in religious contexts. The phrase has always been analyzed and discussed from Christian and secular standpoints. Two interpretations exist in the literature. The first one takes 'God' seriously and playing 'playfully'. It argues that this concept does state a principle but invokes a perspective on the world. The second takes both terms playfully. In the Islamic Intellectual tradition, the Sufi concept of 'adopting divine character traits' provides a legitimate paradigm for 'playing God'. This paradigm is interesting because here we take both terms 'God' and 'playing' seriously. It is significant for the development of biomedical ethics in contemporary Islamic societies as it can open new vistas for viewing biotechnological developments.  相似文献   

In this article, I focus on unintended pregnancy as a means to interrogate the intersections of abortion and prenatal discourses in the United States, and the ways in which these discourses assume certain kinds of moral, liberal subjects. Using media material, congressional legislation, public health policy, and ethnographic data from South Florida (2004-06), I trace how these discourses assume that women will behave in "rational," "responsible" ways to plan their reproductive futures, and how these assumptions intersect with Haitian women migrants' lived experiences in South Florida. My research illustrates how decisions about family planning are situated within particular local moral worlds, where gender relations, religion, power, and desires for children inform women's everyday lives.  相似文献   



The aim of this study was to examine whether exposure to human suffering is associated with negative changes in perceptions about personal health. We further examined the relation of possible health perception changes, to changes in five discrete emotions (i.e., fear, guilt, hostility/anger, and joviality), as a guide to understand the processes underlying health perception changes, provided that each emotion conveys information regarding triggering conditions.


An experimental group (N = 47) was exposed to images of human affliction, whereas a control group (N = 47) was exposed to relaxing images. Participants in the experimental group reported more health anxiety and health value, as well as lower health-related optimism and internal health locus of control, in comparison to participants exposed to relaxing images. They also reported more fear, guilt, hostility and sadness, as well as less joviality. Changes in each health perception were related to changes in particular emotions.


These findings imply that health perceptions are shaped in a constant dialogue with the representations about the broader world. Furthermore, it seems that the core of health perception changes lies in the acceptance that personal well-being is subject to several potential threats, as well as that people cannot fully control many of the factors the determine their own well-being.  相似文献   

In her final fragmentary novel Sanditon, Jane Austen develops a theme that pervades her work from her juvenilia onward: illness, and in particular, illness imagined, invented, or self-inflicted. While the “invention of odd complaints” is characteristically a token of folly or weakness throughout her writing, in this last work imagined illness is also both a symbol and a cause of how selves and societies degenerate. In the shifting world of Sanditon, hypochondria is the lubricant for a society bent on turning health into a commodity. As a result, people’s rationality and their moral character come under attack. Catherine Belling’s recent subtle study, A Condition of Doubt: The Meanings of Hypochondria, unveils hypochondria’s discursive and cultural character. Running sharply against the tenor of Austen’s treatment, however, she argues in defense of the rationality of hypochondriacs; the notion that the condition may involve morally significant defects is not entertained; any connection to the commercialization of health care is muted. Here, I contrast Austen’s morally and epistemically negative rendering of her hypochondriacal characters in Sanditon with Belling’s efforts to create a sympathetic understanding of people with hypochondria. I will argue that, despite time gaps and genre differences, joint consideration of these texts can help bioethicists better appreciate how medicine can intensify, pathologize, and exploit anxieties about illness and death, thus adding to the challenges of living well in the face of mortality and morbidity.  相似文献   

As the world struggles through the COVID-19 pandemic, we should also be asking what systems-level measures will be needed to prevent this or even worse disasters from happening in the future. We argue that the pandemic is merely one of potentially myriad and pleiomorphic future global disasters generated by the same underlying dynamical system. We explain that there are four broad but easily identifiable systemic, pathologically networked conditions that are hurtling civilization toward potential self-destruction. As long as these conditions are not resolved, we should consider catastrophe as an inevitable emergent endpoint from the dynamics. All four conditions can be reversed with collective action to begin creating an enduring and thriving post- COVID-19 world. This will require maximal application of the precautionary principle.  相似文献   

"The twentieth century will be remembered chiefly, not as an age of political conflicts and technical inventions, but as an age in which human society dared to think of the health of the whole human race as a practical objective." Arnold Toynbee, British historian. Individuals throughout the world often view the passage of a new year as a time for re-evaluation of personal and/or professionals goals. The new millennium offers the dental profession a chance to view the future and observe the challenges and opportunities facing it. Professor Toynbee's observation is particularly poignant when one considers the improvements in oral health made in the last 100 years. Caries, once considered a ubiquitous oral disease, has been prevented in some children in developed countries. Research on periodontal disease continues to identify risk factors and the pathobiological mechanisms underlying the disease. Concurrently the population of the world is aging presenting new opportunities for improving oral health. In this paper the data on aging, chronic diseases and oral health is largely from the US but reflects to varying degrees other industrial countries. By integrating these demographic, epidemiologic and biologic data, one can paint a portrait of the future dental patient and their oral health needs. From this portrait, dental professionals can identify leadership opportunities to improve the oral health of an aging world population.  相似文献   

In an increasingly human-dominated world, more realistic, holistic and durable linkages need to be created for protected areas (PAs), for the sake of long-term conservation of species and habitats, and of ecosystem goods and services for serving the local people, as well as societies at large. In conjunction, geographical, physical and biological concepts of linkages need to be extended to embrace socio-economic factors. This paper develops a conceptual approach to this task, employing the nascent notions of ‘emerging ecosystems’, restoring natural capital and ‘socio-ecological systems’. We employ the value notion generally used by economic science, i.e. monetary value, as a conceptual tool in the unavoidable assessment process that modern societies must undertake to decide about conserving or restoring PAs, and ecosystems in general. We also draw attention to the importance of ecological and socio-economic thresholds of irreversibility in the evaluation and decision-making process concerning PAs and their linkages with other PAs, and especially with the unprotected world beyond their boundaries.  相似文献   

Assessing the condition of an ecosystem to ascertain its health presupposes that we can diagnose pathological states in system measures. Frequently this means comparing current conditions to reference states, either historical or other sites, which also exhibit some natural range of variation. In the Fraser River, a 9th order river on the west coast of Canada, and one of the most productive salmon rivers in the world. we have studied assemblages of fish and benthos to assess ecosystem health. The biggest challenge to using species composition and abundance measures as indicators of system condition is the absence of appropriate reference conditions in many instances. There are few unperturbed rivers of large size in western North America, and indeed in much of the world, with which to compare the Fraser River or any other large river ecosystem. Multiple insults from point and non-point sources make it difficult to isolate factors from natural longitudinal changes in terms of their effects on river biota. Potential solutions include analysis of fragmentary historical data, making comparisons with other large rivers, and conducting extensive surveys within the basin to account for spatial gradients. An absolute diagnosis of ecosystem health of large rivers in natural science terms is unlikely, and otherwise will depend on relative changes through time assuming these can be isolated from natural variation and local effects. Definition of health for large, riverine ecosystems remains largely a case of expert opinion and weight of evidence rather than a testable hypothesis.  相似文献   

How should healthcare systems prepare to care for growing numbers and proportions of older people? Older people generally suffer worse health than younger people do. Should societies take steps to reduce age‐related health inequalities? Some express concern that doing so would increase age‐related inequalities in healthcare. This paper addresses this debate by (1) presenting an argument in support of three principles for distributing scarce resources between age groups; (2) framing these principles of age group justice in terms of life stages; and (3) indicating policy implications that merit further attention in light of rapidly aging societies.  相似文献   

A major issue for persons treating and managing adult-onset diabetes (NIDDM) is the "problem of compliance." I consider the clinical encounter in the overall context of diabetes management as a punctuated experience focused on the cultivation of an ideal self whose "technologies" and "ethics of self-care" mimic a capitalist logic that links self-discipline, productivity, and health. Both clinicians and their patients share and identify with many of the cultural referents and social values that circulate through medical advice and practice. However, using individual examples, I show how this shared logic can produce idiosyncratic regimes of self-care and clinical practice that result in hybrid medical practices incorporating differing objectives and emphases concerned with a tolerable present or an ideal future. Rather than organizing principles for research and medical practice, I suggest that medical compliance and noncompliance should be considered part of the rhetoric to be explained within the regimes of a pursuit of health.  相似文献   

While large populations in the third world are enduring famine, much of the developed world is undergoing an obesity epidemic. In addition to reflecting an unbalanced distribution of food, the "epidemic of overabundance" is ironically leading to a decrease in the health and longevity of the obese and improperly nourished in the first world. International consortia, such as the European Nutrigenomics Organization (NuGO), are increasing our knowledge of nutrientgene interactions and the effects of diet and obesity on human health. In this review, we summarize both previous and ongoing nutrigenomics studies in Drosophila and we explain how these studies can be used to provide insights into molecular mechanisms underlying nutrigenomics in humans. We will discuss how quantitative trait locus (QTL) experiments have identified genes that affect triglyceride levels in Drosophila, and how microarray analyses show that hundreds of genes have altered gene expression under different dietary conditions. Finally, we will discuss ongoing combined microarray-QTL studies, termed "genetical genomics," that promise to identify "master modulatory loci" that regulate global responses of potentially hundreds of genes under different dietary conditions. When "master modulatory loci" are identified in Drosophila, then experiments in mammalian models can be used to determine the relevance of these genes to human nutrition and health.  相似文献   

Recently, there has been a growing recognition that any research conducted with those that suffer should definitely be critical of the continuing policy of group equalizing, either in relation to ones ethnicity or any other salient parameter. However, it is seldom that this critical knowledge is applied from "outsiders" when a negation and re-evaluation of history, especially concerning the medical systems and their historical development within nations and populations, is used. The propositions within this paper are given on the basis of knowledge gained in the course of a long-term study dedicated to the exiled in Croatia, and are tightly linked to theoretical perspectives of critical medical anthropology, yet exceed its limits. Critical medical anthropologists deeply engage in ongoing debates that stress how there needs to be more understanding of the necessity to study the wider social context of any population we approach and analyze. However, the knowledge about wider social contexts is unachievable without the new grounds of dialogue being created between professionals and researchers of all disciplines and equally--regardless whether they are "insiders" or "outsiders" to the problem in focus. The knowledge about developments in developing countries, and especially of countries in post-war transition cannot be solely built on strategies of globality and theoretical explorations disconnected from people and their experiences on ground, especially when they concern the delicate issues of social and health care. Hopingly, the given examples in this paper will add to dialogues of corrective kind that should be raised more often.  相似文献   

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