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Chloroplast glutathione reductase: Purification and properties   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Glutathione reductase was partially purified from isolated pea chloroplasts ( Pisum sativum L. cv. Progress #9). A 1600-fold purification was obtained and the purified enzyme had a specific activity of 26 μmol NADPH oxidized (mg protein)−1 min−1. The enzyme had a native molecular weight of approximately 156 kdalton and consisted of two each of two subunits of about 41 and 42 kdalton. The Km for oxidized glutathione was 11 μ M and the Km for NADPH was 1.7 μ M . Enzyme activity was affected by the ionic strength of the assay medium, and maximum activity was observed at an ionic strength of between 60 and 100 m M . The enzyme was inactivated by sulfhydryl modifying reagents and the presence of either oxidized glutathione or NADPH affected the extent of inactivation. Chloroplast glutathione reductase probably serves in the removal of photosynthetically derived H2O2 by reducing dehydroascorbate for ascorbate-linked reduction of H2O2. Intermediates of this reaction sequence, dehydroascorbate, ascorbate, reduced glutathione, and NADPH had no effect on enzymic activity.  相似文献   

Inhibition of glutathione disulfide reductase by glutathione   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Rat-liver glutathione disulfide reductase is significantly inhibited by physiological concentrations of the product, glutathione. GSH is a noncompetitive inhibitor against GSSG and an uncompetitive inhibitor against NADPH at saturating concentrations of the fixed substrate. In both cases, the inhibition by GSH is parabolic, consistent with the requirement for 2 eq. of GSH in the reverse reaction. The inhibition of GSSG reduction by physiological levels of the product, GSH, would result in a significantly more oxidizing intracellular environment than would be realized in the absence of inhibition. Considering inhibition by the high intracellular concentration of GSH, the steady-state concentration of GSSG required to maintain a basal glutathione peroxidase flux of 300 nmol/min/g in rat liver is estimated at 8-9 microM, about 1000-fold higher than the concentration of GSSG predicted from the equilibrium constant for glutathione reductase. The kinetic properties of glutathione reductase also provide a rationale for the increased glutathione (GSSG) efflux observed when cells are exposed to oxidative stress. The resulting decrease in intracellular GSH relieves the noncompetitive inhibition of glutathione reductase and results in an increased capacity (Vmax) and decreased Km for GSSG.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The enzyme was rapidly inactivated by NAD(P)H, GSH, dithionite or borohydride, while activity increased in the presence of NAD(P)+ or GSSG. NADH was more efficient for inactivation than NADPH. Redox inactivation required neutral or alkaline pH, was maximal at pH 8.5, and depended on the presence of metal cations.
  • 2.2. GSSG and dithiothreitol fully protected the enzyme from inactivation at concentrations stoichiometric with NAD(P)H. Ten-fold higher ferricyanide or GSH concentrations were required to obtain partial protection. NAD+ or NADP+ were quite ineffective.
  • 3.3. GSSG fully reactivated the inactive enzyme at 38°C and neutral to acidic pH (5.5–7.5). Reactivation by dithiothreitol was accomplished in short periods of time at pH 8.5 although the activity was progressively lost afterwards. Ferricyanide and GSH also reactivated the enzyme to different extents.

The two nucleotide-binding domains of the flavo-enzyme glutathione reductase have similar chain folds. In order to evaluate whether the observed similarity is significant or not, a mean distance between both chains after best overlay was calculated. Insertions and deletions were taken into account. The significance of the observed similarity was then derived from the corresponding mean distance by evaluating the probability that such a distance is found by chance. This probability was determined from the distribution of mean distances between randomly generated chain folds. Care was taken to ensure that the simulated chain folds fit natural ones as well as possible. The resulting significance for the two domains of glutathione reductase is of the order of 106, which indicates an evolutionary relationship; that is, a gene duplication.  相似文献   

Glutathione reductase from S. cerevisiae (EC catalyzes the NADPH oxidation by glutathione in accordance with a "ping-pong" scheme. The catalytic constant kcat) is 240 s-1 (pH 7.0, 25 degrees C); kcat for the diaphorase reaction is 4-5 s-1. The enzyme activity does not change markedly at pH 5.5-8.0. At pH less than or equal to 7.0, NADP+ acts as a competitive inhibitor towards NADPH and as a noncompetitive inhibitor towards glutathione. NADP+ increases the diaphorase activity of the enzyme. The maximal activity is observed, when the NADP+/NADPH ratio exceeds 100. At pH 8.0, NADP+ acts as a mixed type inhibitor during the reduction of glutathione. High concentrations of NADP+ also inhibit the diaphorase activity due to the reoxidation of the reduced enzyme by NADP+ at pH 8.0. The redox potential of glutathione reductase calculated from the inhibition data is--306 mV (pH 8.0). Glutathione reductase reduces quinoidal compounds in an one-electron way. The hyperbolic dependence of the logarithm of the oxidation constant on the one electron reduction potential of quinone is observed. It is assumed that quinones oxidize the equilibtium fraction of the two-electron reduced enzyme containing reduced FAD.  相似文献   

Glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase activities were measured in whole rat brains at selected ages from birth to adulthood. On a wet weight basis glutathione peroxidase activity increased 70% during development and glutathione reductase activity increased 160%. On a protein basis glutathione peroxidase declined slightly in activity during the first two weeks of life and then maintained the 14-day activity into adulthood while glutathione reductase showed a 30% increase in activity. While less than the developmental changes in many enzymes involved in aerobic glycolysis or catecholamine metabolism, these increases do suggest a role in CNS metabolism.  相似文献   

The distribution of glutathione reductase (GR), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase (PHGPx) in isolated rat brain mitochondria was investigated. using a fractionation procedure for the separation of inner and outer membranes, contact sites between the two membranes and a soluble fraction mainly originating from the mitochondrial matrix. The data indicate that GR and GPx are concentrated in the soluble fraction, with a minor portion of the two enzymes being associated with the contact sites. PHGPx is localized largely in the inner membrane. The possible functional significance of these findings is discussed.  相似文献   

Evidence for a specific interaction between oncomodulin and glutathione reductase is presented. Glutathione reductase (EC isolated from either the bovine intestinal mucosa or the rat liver was bound in a Ca2(+)-dependent manner to oncomodulin which was covalently attached to Sepharose. In addition, glutathione reductase was able to catalyze the reduction of the disulfide-linked dimer of oncomodulin. The interaction of these proteins could also be indirectly demonstrated by monitoring glutathione reductase activity since oncomodulin was shown to inhibit the enzyme in a dose-dependent manner with an apparent IC50 of approximately 5 microM. The kinetic analysis of the oncomodulin-dependent effects on glutathione reductase activity indicates that oncomodulin interacts at a site other than the active site as the oncomodulin-induced inhibition was of the noncompetitive type. The in vivo inhibition of glutathione reductase appears to be an oncomodulin-specific effect as closely related members of the troponin C superfamily such as rabbit (pI 5.5) or carp (pI 4.25) parvalbumins, as well as calmodulin, failed to affect the activity of this enzyme. The present in vitro study indicating that oncomodulin can regulate the activity of glutathione reductase could be very significant with respect to the elucidation of a physiological role for oncomodulin.  相似文献   

Yeast glutathione reductase exists in a single molecular form which exhibits preferred NADPH and weak NADH linked multifunctional activities. Kinetic parameters for the NADPH and NADH linked reductase, transhydrogenase, electron transferase and diaphorase reactions have been determined. The functional preference for the NADPH linked reductase reaction is kinetically related to the high catalytic efficiency and low dissociation constants for substrates. NADP+ and NAD+ may interact with two different sites or different kinetic forms of the enzyme. The active site disulfide and histidine are required for the reductase activity but are not essential to the transhydrogenase, electron transferase and diaphorase activities. Amidation of carboxyl groups and Co(II) chelation of glutathione reductase facilitate the electron transferase reaction presumably by encouraging the formation of an anionic flavosemiquinone.  相似文献   

Nitrofurans inhibit the oxidation of NADPH by glutathione, catalyzed by yeast glutathione reductase (EC acting as uncompetitive incomplete inhibitors for NADPH and glutathione. The quinoline-substituted nitrofurans were the most effective inhibitors. These compounds increased the turnover numbers of enzyme at fixed concentrations of reduced glutathione, in the reverse reaction of glutathione reductase, but in most cases diminished the affinity of the enzyme for NAD+. Nitrofurans are weak one-electron oxidants of glutathione reductase. Their reactivity is close to that of p-quinones possessing the analoguous one-electron reduction potential (Cénas, N.K., Rakauskiené, G.A. and Kulys, J.J. (1989) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 973, 399-404), and reaction is stimulated by NADP+. It is assumed, that nitrofurans bind to the 'regulative' site of glutathione reductase (Karplus, P.A., Pai, E.F. and Schulz, G.E. (1989) Eur. J. Biochem. 178, 693-703).  相似文献   

The steady-state kinetic studies of yeast glutathione reductase, performed when [GSSG] = 10[NADPH] in the assay mixture, show that at concentrations of GSSG under 450 microM the enzymatic mechanism pathway is ping-pong. Furthermore, in the case of higher values, the enzymatic kinetics follows a sequential pathway. However when the glutathione reductase reaction passes to the ping-pong mechanism, the inhibition effect by excess of NADPH is stronger than when the reaction takes place over the sequential mechanism.  相似文献   

The retro-analogue of glutathione disulfide was bound to the GSSG binding site of crystalline glutathione reductase. The binding mode revealed why the analogue is a very poor substrate in enzyme catalysis. The observed binding mode difference between natural substrate and retro-analogue is explained.  相似文献   

Glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase activities were measured in erythrocytes from control, diabetic and insulin-treated diabetic rats. A significant decrease in the activity of glutathione peroxidase and an increase in the glutathione reductase activity were found with increase in the time of diabetes which may result in the alteration in the activity of the pentose phosphate pathway by the modulation of the levels of NADPH. Insulin administration reverses the change in the activity of glutathione peroxidase but does not reverse the glutathione reductase activity during diabetes. The overall changes may be due to changes in the levels of insulin, triiodothyronine and thyroxine.  相似文献   

A branching reaction mechanism of glutathione reductase   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The steady state kinetics of glutathione reductase have been reviewed, and previous kinetic schemes have been rejected on the basis of information available from the forward and the reverse reactions as well as from product inhibition studies. A kinetic scheme is presented, which involves loops corresponding to one ping pong and one sequential mechanism. The alternative pathways are united by a common step involving addition of NADPH to the free enzyme. This branching mechanism can explain all experimental findings obtained so far. Equivalent mechanisms can be proposed for other enzymes showing “anomalous” ping pong kinetics.  相似文献   

Summary The activity of erythrocyte glutathione reductase (GR) was determined in a group of 87 prisoners from northern Thailand (65 with normal, 22 with deficient erythrocyte G-6-PD) without and with added FAD. The amount of stimulation by FAD was inversely related to the original activity suggesting that FAD stimulation in vivo is one of the main determinants of GR activity. 4 subjects showed insufficient stimulation by FAD. The binding of FAD to GR seemed to be closer to saturation in G-6-PD deficient subjects but the maximal stimulated activity of these subjects was higher than in the group with normal G-6-PD. This suggests that the marked increase of GR activity in G-6-PD deficient erythrocytes is due to increased binding of FAD and to a larger amount of stimulable enzyme. Original GR activity was positively correlated with the socio-economic status, and subjects who had taken riboflavin in the period prior to examination had a higher mean GR activity than those without vitamin intake. GR activity was markedly raised by administration of riboflavin and in G-6-PD deficient subjects glutathione stability was improved. In comparison to central European subjects more than 50 percent of the examined population are GR deficient. This seems to be due to a low dietary supply of riboflavin in most cases. The findings in 4 subjects with insufficient stimulation by added FAD raise the question whether hereditary forms of GR deficiency exist in this population.
Zusammenfassung In einer Gruppe von 87 Strafgefangenen in Nordthailand (65 mit normaler, 22 mit defizienter G-6-PD) wurde die Aktivität der Glutathion-Reductase (GR) mit und ohne Zusatz von FAD bestimmt. Das Ausmaß der Stimulierung des Enzyms durch FAD verhielt sich reziprok zur ausgangsaktivität. Bei 4 Versuchspersonen war die Stimulierung durch FAD insuffizient. Die Bindung von FAD an GR war bei Versuchspersonen mit G-6-PD-Mangel näher am Sättigungspunkt. Aber auch die gesamte stimulierbare Aktivität der GR war bei Versuchspersonen mit G-6-PD-Mangel größer als bei Gesunden. Die deutliche Erhöhung der GR-Aktivität bei G-6-PD-Mangel scheint zwei Ursachen zu haben: vermehrte Bindung von FAD an das Enzym und Vermehrung der Gesamtmenge an stimulierbarem Enzym. In einer weiteren Gruppe war die Ausgangsaktivität der GR vom sozio-ökonomischen Status der Versuchsperson abhängig. Personen, die vor der Untersuchung Riboflavin-haltige Medikamente eingenommen hatten, hatten höhere Aktivitäten. Die GR-Aktivität wurde durch Einnahme von Riboflavin unter Kontrolle stark erhöht, und bei Versuchspersonen mit G-6-PD-Mangel wurde die Glutathion-Stabilität der Erythrocyten verbessert. Im Vergleich zu Mitteleuropäern sind mehr als die Hälfte der thailändischen Versuchspersonen als GR defizient einzustufen. Dies ist wahrscheinlich auf eine geringere Zufuhr an Riboflavin in der Nahrung zurückzuführen. Die Befunde bei 4 Versuchspersonen mit insuffizienter Stimulierung der GR durch FAD könnte durch einen erblichen Mangel an GR verursacht sein.

Established and supported by Stiftung Volkswagenwerk.  相似文献   

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