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腊梅(Chimonanthus praecox)花两性,离心皮雌蕊着生在杯状花托上,柱头线形,干性。花粉经昆虫传播,落在柱头上1 d后萌发,第8d从珠孔进入,第14d左右完成双受精,为珠孔受精。胚乳为核型胚乳;初生胚乳核经短暂休眠进行核分裂,位于合点端的游离核首先形成细胞,并从合点向珠孔端细胞化,第37d胚乳充满整个囊腔。合子经过近2周的休眠后开始分裂,随着胚的发育,大部分胚乳降解,为胚的发育提供营养。合点端的胚乳细胞则侵入合点珠心组织,为胚进一步发育提供营养。其胚胎发生为柳叶菜型。  相似文献   

掌叶大黄胚胎学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
掌叶大黄(Rheum palmatum L.)的花药4室,单或复孢原。药壁发育为单子叶型。腺质绒毡层发育后期出现双核。小孢子四分体为四面体型,胞质分裂为同时型。成熟花粉为3细胞,表面具3条沟。子房1室,单胚珠,直生,两层珠被,由内珠被形成珠孔,厚珠心。单孢原,位于珠心表皮下。直线形或T形大孢子四分体。合点端的大孢子发育为蓼型胚囊。2个极核在受精前合并为次生核。3个反足细胞宿存。胚乳发育为核型,在球形胚末期开始形成细胞。合点端的胚乳核一直不形成细胞,而为游离核的胚乳吸器。在胚乳吸器和其它部位都发现胚乳核融合现象。胚的发育属于紫菀型。胚具小胚柄。成熟胚囊时期出现承珠盘,且存留时间很长,成熟胚期尚存痕迹。  相似文献   

长豇豆胚和胚乳的发育及营养物质积累   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长豇豆(Vigna sesquipedalis (L.)Fruwirth)开花前7—10小时传粉,开花后8—10小时完成双受精。合子期珠孔端及合点部位胚囊的周界壁有壁内突。胚发育属柳叶菜型。胚柄的基部细胞及基部区域外层细胞的外切向壁发生壁内突。成熟胚中胚柄宿存。开花后9—16天为子叶细胞中淀粉积累期,开花后12—18天为蛋白质积累期。胚乳发育为核型,珠孔端胚乳细胞化,合点端保持游离核状态。胚乳外层细胞为传递型细胞,珠孔端的胚乳细胞形成折叠细胞群,亦有壁内突。心形胚期胚乳开始退化解体,成熟胚期胚乳完全消失。  相似文献   

何首乌胚和胚乳的发育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何首乌为直生胚珠,双珠被。胚发育属于柳叶菜型。心形胚柄最为发达,鱼雷形胚期胚柄奶化。早期胚胎发育营养的主要来源可能是合了中积累的淀粉和胚柄吸收来的营养。成熟胚中积累了大量的蛋白质和淀粉粒。胚乳发育属核型。从球形胚期起,胚乳细胞化过程由珠孔端向合点端逐渐推进。初始垂周壁源于姊妹核间的细胞反或非姊妹核间由次生成膜生的细胞板。初始平周壁源于有丝分裂所产生的细胞板。心形胚期,除合点端保持游离核胚乳吸器外,  相似文献   

采用透射电镜技术对大车前(Plantago major L.)胚乳发育的超微结构进行了研究。结果表明:(1)大车前为细胞型胚乳;初生胚乳核经一次横分裂产生1个珠孔室细胞和1个合点室细胞;珠孔室两次纵向分裂一次横向分裂形成2层8个细胞,位于上层的4个细胞发育为4个珠孔吸器,位于下层的4个细胞发育为胚乳本体;合点室细胞进行一次核分裂,发育为两核的合点吸器。(2)珠孔吸器呈管状插入珠被组织,珠孔端细胞壁加厚呈现少量分支并具有壁内突,壁内突周围细胞质里分布着大量线粒体、粗面内质网、高尔基体、质体等,细胞核与核仁明显,细胞质浓厚,代谢活动旺盛;球胚期,珠孔吸器的体积呈现最大值,珠孔吸器周围的珠被组织均被水解,形成明显的空腔。珠孔吸器从珠被组织吸收并转运营养物质至胚乳本体,参与胚乳的构建与营养物质的贮藏。球胚后期,珠孔吸器逐渐退化。(3)4个胚乳本体原始细胞具旺盛的分生能力,经不断的平周与垂周分裂增加胚乳细胞数目,使胚乳本体呈现圆球体状,并将胚包围其中;珠孔吸器、合点吸器以及珠被绒毡层吸收转运的营养物质贮存在胚乳本体;球胚后期,随着胚柄的退化,胚体周围的胚乳细胞被水解,为发育的胚所利用。(4)合点吸器的2个细胞核与核仁巨大,线粒体、质体、高尔基体、内质网主要绕核分布,液泡化明显;胚体与胚乳本体的体积增大,逐渐将合点吸器向胚珠合点部位挤压,合点吸器周围的合点组织逐渐被水解,形成巨大空腔。合点吸器自珠心组织吸收并转运营养物质至胚乳本体,参与胚乳的结构构建与营养物质的贮藏。球胚后期,合点吸器逐渐失去功能,呈现退化状态。  相似文献   

利用石蜡切片技术对百合科植物黄花油点草[Tricyrtis maculata(D.Don)Machride]双受精、胚及胚乳发育进行了研究,以明确其胚胎发育的特征,为百合科植物的系统研究提供生殖生物学资料。结果表明:(1)黄花油点草为珠孔受精;进入胚囊的2枚精子分别与卵细胞和中央细胞进行正常的双受精,其受精作用属有丝分裂前型。(2)受精后的初生胚乳核立即分裂,其发育方式为核型胚乳;早期的游离胚乳核沿胚囊的边缘分布,胚囊中央部位主要为胚乳细胞质,随着游离胚乳核数量的增加,胚乳核慢慢充满整个胚囊;当发育至球形胚早期阶段,在各胚乳核周围产生胚乳细胞壁,形成完整的胚乳细胞。(3)合子有较长的休眠时间,胚的发育方式为茄型;合子第一次有丝分裂为横裂,分裂后形成基细胞和顶细胞;基细胞经过3次横裂,形成一列胚柄细胞;顶细胞经过分裂形成胚体,依次形成球形胚、棒状胚和盾形胚。(4)种子成熟时胚无器官分化;成熟种子由种皮、胚和胚乳三部分组成。  相似文献   

高山红景天胚胎学研究   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
张萍  申家恒 《植物研究》1998,18(1):38-45
高山红景天(Rhodiola sachalinensis A.Bor.)具8个雄蕊,每个雄蕊有4个花粉囊。小孢子母细胞减数分裂时,胞质分裂为同时型。形成的四分体为四面体形。花药壁由表皮、药室内壁、二层中层和绒毡层五层细胞组成,其发育方式为基本型。腺质型绒毡层,有些绒毡层细胞分裂形成不规则双层,少数细胞双核。二细胞型花粉。雌蕊由4心皮组成。边缘胎座,倒生胚珠,双珠被,厚珠心,胚珠发育中形成珠心喙。大孢子四分体线形或T -形,合点大孢子具功能。胚囊发育为蓼型。成熟胚囊中,卵细胞核、助细胞核均位于细胞的合点端,珠孔端具液泡;极核融合为次生核,并位于卵细胞合点端附近; 3个反足细胞退化。双受精属于有丝分裂前配子融合类型。胚的发育为石竹型;基细胞侵入珠孔端,形成囊状吸器。细胞型胚乳;初生胚乳核分裂形成两个细胞,其珠孔端的细胞发育成胚乳本体,合点端的细胞直接发育成具一单核的合点吸器。  相似文献   

本研究对单瓣刺梨胚及胚乳的发育过程进行了观察,获得如下主要结果:1.刺梨胚的发育属于紫菀型的一种变异类型。原胚发育早期,在胚体顶端具有明显的胚芽原细胞。成熟胚为典型的双子叶植物胚的形态,在子叶中贮藏大量的蛋白质粒。2.刺梨的胚乳属核型。经游离核时期以后形成胚乳细胞。紧邻胚囊周界壁的表层胚乳细胞可以进行平周分裂,产生层叠状的胚乳周缘层。此种后形成的胚乳,我们称之为次生胚乳。当次生胚乳形成时,其余的胚乳细胞逐渐解体,最后几乎完全消失。次生胚乳只在合点处解体,其余保留至种子成熟。3.发现了开花后一些胚珠中无胚或胚和胚乳在发育早期退化的现象,可认为是刺梨种子不育的一个重要原因。  相似文献   

为揭示毛竹(Phyllostachys edulis)种子生长过程中胚、胚乳、果皮及种皮的发育规律,以桂林海洋山一带的开花毛竹为材料,采集并固定不同时期的开花毛竹种子,使用石蜡制片法制片,显微镜观察胚、胚乳、果皮与种皮的结构变化。结果表明:(1)毛竹花后1 d完成受精并形成合子,合子休眠时长约为5 d。经过原胚阶段、胚芽鞘阶段、幼胚生长阶段及成熟胚阶段,花后40 d的胚发育基本成熟,其发育类型为禾本型。(2)胚乳发育早于胚的发育,其发育类型为核型胚乳,历经游离核、细胞化、细胞分化及成熟4个阶段。在细胞分化阶段胚乳细胞分化形成淀粉胚乳细胞以及糊粉层细胞,淀粉胚乳细胞主要积累淀粉粒,糊粉层细胞主要积累矿质元素、脂类及蛋白质等。(3)花后1 d的果皮细胞及珠被细胞形状规则、内含物丰富、结构完整;花后10~20 d,内、外果皮及珠被细胞层数递减,形状发生改变,中果皮细胞开始出现淀粉粒;花后20~60 d,随着胚乳细胞营养物质的积累及体积的增大,向外产生机械压力,中果皮细胞逐步消解仅剩残留的细胞壁;外果皮细胞呈长条形,细胞壁加厚,与残留的中果皮细胞壁组成保护结构;皮层在种子发育过程中主要起到合成...  相似文献   

竹节参雌配子体发育的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文报道了竹节参(Panax japonicus C.A.Mey)雌配子体(胚囊)的发育过程。竹节参大孢子母细胞减数分裂产生线形排列的大孢子四分体。胚囊发育属蓼型,由合点端大孢子发育而成。游离核胚囊时期,胚囊珠孔端的细胞器种类和数量都较胚囊合点端多;胚囊合点端相邻的珠被细胞中有含淀粉粒的小质体,与胚囊珠孔端相邻的退化中的非功能大孢子中则有含淀粉粒的大质体和大类脂体。成熟胚囊中,反足细胞较早退化;极核融合成次生核;卵细胞高度液泡化,细胞器数量较少;助细胞则有丰富的细胞器和发达的丝状器。PAS反应表明,受精前的成熟胚囊中积累淀粉粒。次生核受精后,很快分裂产生胚乳游离核,到几十至数百个核时形成胚乳细胞。卵细胞受精后则要经过较长的休眠期。  相似文献   

The whole process of double fertilization in sugar beet has been observed, the main results are as follows: About 2 hours after pollination, the pollen grains germinate, the sperms in the pollen tube are long-oval. 15 hours after pollination, the pollen tube destroys a synergid and releases two sperms on one side or at the chalazal end of the egg cell. The sperms are spherical each having a cytoplasmic sheath. 17 hours after pollination, one sperm enters the egg cell, and the sperm nucleus fuses with the egg nucleus rapidly. 21 hours after pollination, the zygote is formed. In the meantime, the primary endosperm nucleus has divided into two free endosperm nuclei. 25 hours after pollination, the zygote begins to divide, forming a two-celled proembryo. The dormancy stage of the zygote is about 4 hours. In the meantime the endosperm is at the stage of four free nuclei. 17 hours after pollination, the sperm nucleus comes into contact and fuses with the secondary nucleus. The sperm nucleus fuses with the secondary nucleus, faster than the sperm with the egg. he first division of the primary endosperm nucleus is earlier than that of the zygote, it takes place about 20 hours after pollination, the dormancy stage of the primary endosperm is about 2 hours. The endosperm is free nuclear. The fertilization of sugar beet belongs to premitotic type of syngamy. From the stage of zygote to the two-celled proembryo, it can be seen that addition- al sperms enter the embryo sac, but polyspermy has not been observed yet.  相似文献   

This paper deals with early embryogenesis of Actinidia chinensis var. chinensis. 1. Ovary superior consists of 34—45 carpels. Each carpel contains 11–45 ovules. The ovule is uni-integument and tenuinucellar. The ovule is anatropous. The archesporium is formed by a single cell, and directly develops into megaspore mother cell. Sometimes the archesporium consists of 2–3 cells, but only one of them develops into megaspore mother cell and the others are degenerated. 2. The mature pollen grain is two-celled and the embryo sac belongs to olygonum type. In most embryo sacs two polar nuclei are fused before fertilization. One of the synergids was destroyed as the pollen tube penetrated into embryo sac the other one disappeared after fertilization. In most cases the antipodal cells became degenerated in fertilization process, only some remained until the first division of primary endosperm nucleus. 3. In Beijing area the double fertilization of Actinidia chinensis occurred 30–72 hours after pollination. In the fertilization one sperm fused with egg nucleus and the other sperm fused with the secondary nucleus as usual. The fusion of the secondary nucleus with sperm was in advance of the fusion of the egg nudeus. 4. The endosperm is cellular type.  相似文献   

黑节草从传粉到受精约需130d,精子在花粉管中形成,胚囊发育属蓼型胚囊,因反足细胞较早退化,故受精前胚囊多只由卵器和中央细胞组成。精卵核融合时,精核染色质进入卵核后凝集成颗粒状,并在原位与卵核的染色质融合,雌、雄性核仁一直维持至合子的第一次分裂期前。双受精作用正常,属于有丝分裂前配子融合类型,初生胚乳核发生2-3次分裂后逐渐退化消失,胚的发育局限于球形胚阶段。  相似文献   

Pollen tube growth from the stigma into the ovule, and the early fruit and seed development following fertilization were examined using fluorescence microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy inPetunia inflata. After growing intercellularly in the transmitting tract for 24–36 hr, the pollen tubes emerged into the top part of the ovary cavity and grew along the surface of the septum to reach the ovule. It grew around the furnicle and penetrated the micropyle to enter the embryo sac for fertilization. After fertilization, the endosperm nucleus divided first before the embryo, and the cell wall formation occurred following the division, exhibiting the pattern of cellular type of endosperm development. The first division of the zygote did not occur until 3 days after pollination. At 6 days after pollination, the seeds grew considerably and the endosperm has gone through multiple rounds of cell division. High starch formation in the integument, especially around the embryo sac, was also observed.  相似文献   

1.The pollen germination of Sorghum vulgate appeared normal on the stigma of the Oryza sativa, but the pollen tubes grew slowly in the style. Some of the pollen tubes may become enlarged in their tips or sometimes bursting, while others have continued to grow and entered the embryo sacs. 2. The growth rate of the pollen tubes varied widely. A few pollen tubes were observed in the embryo sacs of the materials 2 hours after pollination, but most of them entered the embryo sacs much later. 3. The zygote associated with a paucity of endosperm nuclei was observed in the materials 1 day after pollination. The double fertilization and 8–12-celled proembryo associated with a number of the free nuclei of the endosperm appeared with a rather high frequency (10.3%) in the materials 3 days after pollination. Some of them are normal in appearance and others may show more or less abnormalities. 4. No division figure was found except in one single case in which mitoses have occurred in both the proembryo and the endosperm. It is most likely that in such case the proembryo and the endosperm if left intact might develop further. 5. A 80-celled embryo was the biggest one which appeared in the materials 5 days after pollination. In general, no cells were ever formed in the endosperm, except in one instance among the 7 days materials the endosperm became cellular in micropylar end. In all other cases the endosperm either ceased to develop early or disorganized. The disorganized endosperm materials are considered to be utilized by the embryo. 6. In certain instances the free nuclei of the endosperm were not distributed at random. They were not equal in size and might fuse into giant nuclelei. 7. The most striking feature is that in the embryo sacs, in which double fertilization or proembryo and endosperm have occurred, a dark stained pollen tube was commonly present. This fact leads us to the conviction that in general only if a healthy pollen tube entered the embryo sac, double fertilization can take place and further development can proceed. 8. In certain cases the protoplasm of the embryo cells appeared scanty. It is apparently that the normal metabolism of the embryo was disturbed owing to the lack of nutrient, and the death of the embryo ensued. 9. No differentiated embryo was observed and no mature seeds were produced. The materials fixed 12 days after pollination showed a variety of abnormalities and collapses. The authors believe that the failure of seed production of rice X kaoliang was primarily due to the fact that the pollen tubes in the style grew too slowly to reach the embryo sacs in time. The consequence is that the double fertilization took place only in a late stage while the male and female gametes may have already become unhealthy. In addition, in this late stage the stored starch in the maternal tissues having gradually disappeared, the nutrient supply to the embryo sac was therefore limited and the young embryo and endosperm were finally in starvation.  相似文献   

红皮树胚胎发育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文报道红皮树(Styrax suberifoltus Hook.et Arn.)大小孢子发育和早期胚胎发生。子房具胚珠20—23枚,胚珠横生,珠被二层,薄珠心,孢原细胞直接起大孢子母细胞作用。合点端大孢子具功能。胚囊发育为正常型。成熟胚囊具大量淀粉粒。小孢子形成为同时型,成熟花粉为二细胞型。传粉后、受精前两个助细胞在形状和对苏木精着色程度上有显著区别。胚乳发育为细胞型。在合子分裂前,胚乳细胞增至约26个时,暂时停止分裂。苏木精对细胞质不易着色,似解体细胞。有胚乳吸器。  相似文献   

This paper presents detailed report on the process of fertilization and the develop- ment of embryo and endosperm of Basella rubra L. The results obtained are summarized as follows: About 4–6 hours after anthesis a great deal pollen grains germinated on the stig- ma; 6–11 hours, the pollen tube passed through the style; 11–16 hours, the pollen tube reached the ovary cavity. About 16–18 hours, one sperm nucleus entered into the egg and the other one entered into the secondary nucleus. In most cases, after 16–24 hours the double fertilization had completed. After 2–8 days, two-celled proembryo was first shown. Finally, the proembryo gave rise to multicellular globular embryo proper. The development of the embryo of Basella rubra L. conforms to the Asterad type. Whether the Asterad type had a high frequency needs further to be studied. Although the fertilization of the sperm nucleus with the secondary nucleus began later, the fusion of two sexual nuclei and the development of the endosperm proceeded often quickly. After 20 hours, the free nuclei period began, and after 2–4 days the free nuclei of endosperm were rapidly formed. The endosperm of Basella rubra L. is a nuclear type. And at the time When the seed had ripened the endosperm tissues were all absorbed by the developing embryo. The author observed that there are different distributions of the vegetative nucleus and two sperms in the pollen tube, and that two sperms entered a egg or secondary nucleus. The changes of the starch accumulated and distributed et al. in the floral organs are also studied and discussed.  相似文献   

The double fertilization and embryo development of P. lasiocarpa were studied using cytochemical method for DNA, RNA, polysaccharides and proteins. Stigmas were covered by secretion stained positively with PAS and mercuric bromphenol blue at receptive stage. The pollen grains germinated on the stigma in large quantities 6 hours after pollination. Fertilization started at the 6th days after pollination. The sperm nucleus fused with the secondary nucleus faster than the sperm nucleus with the egg nucleus. The syngamy belonged to peremitotic type. A great deal of starch grains in the embryo sac disappeared during fertilization. The endosperm was nuclear type and becomed a cel 31 days after pollination. The endosperm was characterized by a dense cytoplasm rich in protein. No discrete starch grains were observed in endosperm. Afterwards, the endosperm was consumed by the developing embryo, thus the mature seeds were non-endospermous. The zygote was dormant for 6–8 days. During the dormency, many striking changes took place, and then, the zygotes showed more pronounced polarity. These changes included the shinkage of the large vacuole, the reduced size, the reappearance of large vacuole, the enlarging of the size. The embryogenesis conformed to the Solanad type. The ovules matured into seeds successively 44 days after pollination. The mature embryo was straight. Two cotyledons folded each other.  相似文献   

蒙古黄芪的胚胎学   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
蒙古黄芪(Astragaius monghocus Bge.)雄性原为花药表皮下单列细胞,小孢子四分体为四面体型,胞质分裂为同时型。单子叶型花药壁。分泌型绒毡层,其细胞核始终一个,细胞里含有一至多个草酸钙晶体。二细胞型花粉:单室子房,多胚珠,弯生,双珠被,厚珠心。蓼型胚囊。雌性孢原为珠心亚表皮下多细胞。直线形大孢子四分体,合点端第一、或第二、或第三个大孢子有功能。成熟胚囊具有盲囊结构;花粉管通过退化助细胞进入胚囊。双受精属于有丝分裂前配子融合类型;胚的发育为柳叶菜型。核型胚乳。胚乳细胞在球形胚时期开始形成。在胚乳发育过程中,合点端胚乳游离核存在着聚集、合并、无丝分裂和胚乳细胞内多核合并等现象。  相似文献   

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