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Hemozoin (Hz) is a heme crystal produced upon the digestion of hemoglobin (Hb) by blood-feeding organisms as a main mechanism of heme disposal. The structure of Hz consists of heme dimers bound by reciprocal iron-carboxylate interactions and stabilized by hydrogen bonds. We have recently described heme crystals in the blood fluke, Schistosoma mansoni, and in the kissing bug, Rhodnius prolixus. Here, we characterized the structures and morphologies of the heme crystals from those two organisms and compared them to synthetic β-hematin (βH). Synchrotron radiation X-ray powder diffraction showed that all heme crystals share the same unit cell and structure. The heme crystals isolated from S. mansoni and R. prolixus consisted of very regular units assembled in multicrystalline spherical structures exhibiting remarkably distinct surface morphologies compared to βH. In both organisms, Hz formation occurs inside lipid droplet-like particles or in close association to phospholipid membranes. These results show, for the first time, the structural and morphological characterization of natural Hz samples obtained from these two blood-feeding organisms. Moreover, Hz formation occurring in close association to a hydrophobic environment seems to be a common trend for these organisms and may be crucial to produce very regular shaped phases, allowing the formation of multicrystalline assemblies in the guts of S. mansoni and R. prolixus.  相似文献   

Schistosomes are believed to evade complement-mediated damage by expression of complement inhibitory proteins. Our previous results [Deng, J., Gold, D., LoVerde, P.T., Fishelson, Z., 2003. Inhibition of the complement membrane attack complex by Schistosoma mansoni paramyosin. Infect. Immun. 71, 6402-6410.] have demonstrated that paramyosin (Pmy) of the blood fluke S. mansoni binds to the human complement proteins C8 and C9, inhibits complement activation at the terminal stage and protects the parasite from complement-mediated damage. In order to locate the Pmy binding site to C8 and C9, various fragments of Pmy cDNA were PCR-cloned into a pET28a bacterial expression vector. Recombinant His-tagged Pmy fragments were expressed in BL21 Escherichia coli and purified over a nickel-nitrilotriacetic acid column. Binding assays by Western blotting with monoclonal anti-His antibody demonstrated that PmyCC (Pmy amino acids (744)Asp-(866)Met) was the only Pmy fragment that bound to human C8 and C9. Functional analyses demonstrated that PmyCC inhibited hemolysis of rabbit erythrocytes and of antibody-sensitized sheep erythrocytes by human complement. Importantly, PmyCC inhibited in vitro killing of trypsin-sensitized schistosomula of S. mansoni by human complement. In the presence of PmyCC, Zn(2+)-induced C9 polymerization was inhibited. Most of the immunodominant B-cell antigenic epitopes of Pmy are present in the PmyCC region, as antibodies collected from mice immunized with recombinant Pmy bound primarily to PmyCC. Taken together, this study has mapped the complement regulatory domain in Pmy, capable of binding to C8 and C9 and preventing polyC9 formation, to its C-terminal region.  相似文献   

The parasite Schistosoma mansoni lacks the de novo pathway for purine biosynthesis and depends on salvage pathways for its purine requirements. Schistosomiasis is endemic in 76 countries and territories and amongst the parasitic diseases ranks second after malaria in terms of social and economic impact and public health importance. The PNP is an attractive target for drug design and it has been submitted to extensive structure-based design. The atomic coordinates of the complex of human PNP with inosine were used as template for starting the modeling of PNP from S. mansoni complexed with inosine. Here we describe the model for the complex SmPNP-inosine and correlate the structure with differences in the affinity for inosine presented by human and S. mansoni PNPs.  相似文献   

DNA microsatellites were used as molecular markers to analyse the population structure of the laboratory LE strain and of 10 field isolates of Schistosoma mansoni, the aetiologic agent of schistosomiasis. Out of 16,000 DNA sequences analysed in databases, 622 microsatellite loci were identified in 481 sequences (3.0%). The AT repetitions were the most frequent, followed by AAT and AC. Six loci showing perfect repetitions were selected and used in the polymerase chain reaction to evaluate polymorphisms in the number of repeats. Two groups of worms were studied. The first group consisted of 78 individuals, 39 of each sex, of the LE strain. The second group of worms consisted of 10 field isolates: seven from humans and three from snails. Four of the six loci were polymorphic, containing 11-17 alleles per locus. No linkage disequilibrium was observed among loci and none of the loci was sex linked. In both groups of worms, a significant deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was observed. The observed heterozygosity was always lower than the expected one. The polymerase chain reaction primers were S. mansoni specific. The LE strain showed a lower total number of alleles or a lower average number of alleles/polymorphic locus than the field isolates, suggesting that 41 years of laboratory maintenance exerted selective pressure on the LE strain. The S. mansoni populations from the field were most genetically undifferentiated (R(ST)<0.027), suggesting a high gene flow among them. Our results showed the usefulness of microsatellites for population analysis of S. mansoni, offering a new alternative for a better understanding of schistosomiasis epidemiology.  相似文献   

Schistosomiasis leads to structural and functional changes which may result from unbalanced release of some inflammatory mediators. The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of intestinal parasitic infection on nitric oxide release and to evaluate the neural plasticity that leads to motility disturbance. Experiments were performed in Swiss mice 8- and 12-weeks following infection with Schistosoma mansoni compared to untreated controls. Jejunal motility was assessed using a Trendelenburg preparation to study aboral directed peristaltic pressure waves. Histological examination was used to determine the pathological characteristics of inflammation.Parasitic infection produces diffuse inflammatory infiltrate in both 8- and 12-weeks infected animals. Inflammation had significant effect on peristaltic pressure waves amplitude and intervals at 8-weeks compared to control; whereas, in 12-weeks post infection there was a significant decrease in peristaltic pressure waves amplitude and interval compared to 8- weeks and control.Nitric oxide synthase inhibitor (L-NAME 100 μM) induced a significant increase in amplitude and decrease in intervals in control, 8- and 12- weeks infected animals. In conclusion, parasitic infection leads to disturbance in the release of the inflammatory mediators. This study indicated the role of nitric oxide in developing granulomatous inflammation and participating in motility disturbance.  相似文献   

In schistosomiasis, the majority of symptoms of the disease is caused by the eggs that are trapped in the liver. These eggs elicit an immune reaction that leads to the formation of granulomas. The eggshell, which is a rigid insoluble structure built from cross-linked proteins, is the site of direct interaction between the egg and the immune system. However, the exact protein composition of the insoluble eggshell was previously unknown. To identify the proteins of the eggshell of Schistosoma mansoni we performed LC-MS/MS analysis, immunostaining and amino acid analysis on eggshell fragments. For this, eggshell protein skeleton was prepared by thoroughly cleaning eggshells in a four-step stripping procedure of increasing strength including urea and SDS to remove all material that is not covalently linked to the eggshell itself, but is part of the inside of the egg, such as Reynold’s layer, von Lichtenberg’s envelope and the miracidium. We identified 45 proteins of which the majority are non-structural proteins and non-specific for eggs, but are house-keeping proteins that are present in large quantities in worms and miracidia. Some of these proteins are known to be immunogenic, such as HSP70, GST and enolase. In addition, a number of schistosome-specific proteins with unknown function and no homology to any known annotated protein were found to be incorporated in the eggshell. Schistosome-specific glycoconjugates were also shown to be present on the eggshell protein skeleton. This study also confirmed that the putative eggshell protein p14 contributes largely to the eggshell. Together, these results give new insights into eggshell composition as well as eggshell formation. Those proteins that are present at the site and time of eggshell formation are incorporated in the cross-linked eggshell and this cross-linking does no longer occur when the miracidium starts secreting proteins.  相似文献   

The dose of praziquantel required to kill 50% of adult worms in vivo (i.e. the ED50) was estimated for nine different isolates of Schistosoma mansoni in infected mice. Four of the isolates were selected because they had not knowingly been in contact with the drug (i.e. they were putatively praziquantel-susceptible). Five putatively praziquantel-resistant isolates were chosen because they had been selectively bred for drug-resistance in the laboratory and/or had previously been shown to be relatively resistant to praziquantel in the field. The work was performed in three laboratories in different countries using pre-agreed and comparable experimental protocols. All four praziquantel-susceptible isolates had ED50s estimated to be <100 mg/kg (mean=70+/-7 SD; median=68), while all five putatively praziquantel-resistant isolates had estimated ED50s >100 mg/kg (mean=209+/-48 SD; median=192). Thus, the five praziquantel-resistant isolates, including two that had been subjected to drug pressure during more than 20 passages in mice, had drug ED50s that were approximately three times as great as those of the praziquantel-susceptible isolates. Two of the five isolates in the putatively resistant group had previously been passaged 15 or more times in mice without administration of drug-pressure, but had ED50s consistent with the other three isolates in the group, indicating that the trait of praziquantel-resistance did not necessarily impair biological fitness during laboratory passage. The protocols used here to estimate the praziquantel ED50s of S. mansoni isolates should be useful for establishing and monitoring the drug susceptibility/resistance profiles of parasite isolates freshly obtained from endemic areas, particularly those in which increased usage of the drug is likely to occur.  相似文献   

Schistosoma mansoni is a major causative agent of schistosomiasis, which constitutes a severe health problem in developing countries. We have previously described the SmATPDase1 gene, encoding a protein from the external surface of the parasites. In this work, we describe the cloning and characterization of SmATPDase2, a novel CD39-like ATP diphosphohydrolase gene in S. mansoni. In silico analysis of the protein encoded by SmATPDase2 predicts a single N-terminal transmembrane domain similar to that described for secreted human apyrase isoforms. Immuno-colocalization experiments detected both SmATPDase proteins at the S. mansoni adult worm tegument basal and apical membranes, but only SmATPDase2 in the tegument syncytium. SmATPDase2 but not SmATPDase1 protein was detected by Western blot in culture medium supernatants following incubation of adult worms in vitro, indicating that SmATPDase2 was secreted by the parasite to the medium. Taken together these data suggest a non-redundant role for SmATPDase2 in the parasite-host interplay.  相似文献   

This study was aimed to investigate the effects of both parasitism and environmental stress on the growth, reproduction, and survival of Biomphalaria alexandrina snails. Resource allocation strategies may be influenced by both biotic and abiotic factors. Using the planorbid snail B. alexandrina and Schistosoma mansoni, this hypothesis was examined by raising snails fed the same diet under two stressors (infection and Cd exposure). The snails divided into four groups, uninfected, infected, Cd-exposed uninfected, and Cd-exposed infected snails. Egg production, growth, and survival of the snails were monitored over a 9-week period postinfection. Inhibition of snail reproductive activity by parasitism results in increased snail growth in the first week postinfection, termed gigantism, during which the snail is hypothesized to allocate excess energy normally used for reproduction to somatic growth. Infection status and Cd exposure had significant effects on snail growth and reproduction. The infected and Cd-exposed infected snails exhibiting reduced survival relative to snails of other treatments. It was found that parasite development influenced by Cd exposure. Results of this study suggest that energy allocation patterns are context-dependent in B. alexandrina snails, influenced by infection and Cd exposure.  相似文献   

Schistosoma mansoni infection induces severe gastrointestinal motility disturbances which are characterised by hyperactivity of intestinal muscle, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, vomiting and nausea. During schistosomiasis, the neuropeptide somatostatin is generated within inflammatory granulomas. However, somatostatin is also an important inhibitory modulator of gastrointestinal motility. In the present study, we have investigated the potential of somatostatin to reduce schistosomiasis-induced hyperactivity of gastrointestinal smooth muscle. Organ bath experiments were performed to study the contractility of isolated smooth muscle strips of intestine from control mice and from mice that were infected with S. mansoni for 2, 4, 8 and 16 weeks. Electrical field stimulation (0.5-8 Hz) of enteric nerves induced frequency-dependent neurogenic contractions of cholinergic origin in all regions of the small intestine. Somatostatin (0.1-1 microM) concentration-dependently inhibited the contractions to enteric nerve stimulation in the small intestine from uninfected control mice and from acutely S. mansoni infected mice (2 and 4 weeks of infection). After 8 weeks of infection with S. mansoni, this inhibitory effect of somatostatin was less pronounced and after 16 weeks of infection it was completely abolished. Histology demonstrated that chronic infection of mice with S. mansoni was associated with significant alterations in the musculature of the small intestine. These alterations may be associated with physiological changes in the responsiveness to somatostatin and suggest that the somatostatin neuroregulatory circuit of enteric neurotransmission in the small intestine is disturbed during chronic schistosomiasis mansoni.  相似文献   

Biomphalaria alexandrina snails play an indispensable role in transmission of schistosomiasis. Infection rates in field populations of snails are routinely determined by cercarial shedding neglecting prepatent snail infections, because of lack of a suitable method for diagnosis. The present study aimed at separation and quantification of oxalic, malic, acetic, pyruvic, and fumaric acids using ion-suppression reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to test the potentiality of these acids to be used as diagnostic and therapeutic biomarkers. The assay was done in both hemolymph and digestive gland-gonad complex (DGG) samples in a total of 300 B. alexandrina snails. All of the studied acids in both the hemolymph and tissue samples except for the fumaric acid in hemolymph appeared to be good diagnostic biomarkers as they provide not only a good discrimination between the infected snails from the control but also between the studied stages of infection from each other. The most sensitive discriminating acid was malic acid in hemolymph samples as it showed the highest F-ratio. Using the Z-score, malic acid was found to be a good potential therapeutic biomarker in the prepatency stage, oxalic acid and acetic acid in the stage of patency, and malic acid and acetic acid at 2 weeks after patency. Quantification of carboxylic acids, using HPLC strategy, was fast, easy, and accurate in prediction of infected and uninfected snails and possibly to detect the stage of infection. It seems also useful for detection of the most suitable acids to be used as drug targets.  相似文献   

Carboxylic acids play an important role in both aerobic and anaerobic metabolic pathways of both the snail and the parasite. Monitoring the effects of infection by schistosome on Biomphalaria alexandrina carboxylic acids metabolic profiles represents a promising additional source of information about the state of metabolic system. We separated and quantified pyruvic, fumaric, malic, oxalic, and acetic acids using ion-suppression reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to detect correlations between these acids in both hemolymph and digestive gland gonad complex (DGG's) samples in a total of 300 B. alexandrina snails (150 infected and 150 controls) at different stages of infection. The results showed that the majority of metabolite pairs did not show significant correlations. However, some high correlations were found between the studied acids within the control group but not in other groups. More striking was the existence of reversed correlations between the same acids at different stages of infection. Some possible explanations of the underlying mechanisms were discussed. Ultimately, however, further data are required for resolving the responsible regulatory events. These findings highlight the potential of metabolomics as a novel approach for fundamental investigations of host-pathogen interactions as well as disease surveillance and control.  相似文献   

Summary The presence and distribution of neuropeptides belonging to the pancreatic polypeptide family have been demonstrated by an indirect immunofluorescence technique in the nervous systems of adult male and female Schistosoma mansoni. Seven antisera of differing regional specificity to pancreatic polypeptide (PP), peptide YY (PYY) and neuropeptide Y (NPY) were employed on both whole-mount and cryostat-sectioned material. Positive immunoreactivity (IR) was obtained with all antisera except an N-terminally-directed antiserum to NPY. In the CNS, immunoreactivity was restricted to cell bodies and nerve fibres in the anterior ganglia, central commissure and dorsal and ventral nerve cords of both sexes, whereas, in the PNS, positive-IR was present in the plexuses innervating the subtegumental musculature and the oral and ventral suckers. Intense immunoreactivity was observed in a plexus of nerve fibres and cell bodies in the lining of the gynaecophoric canal and in fine nerve fibres innervating the dorsal tubercles of the male. In contrast, in the female, strong immunoreactivity was evident in nerve plexuses innervating the lining of the ovovitelline duct and in the wall of the ootype, but most notably in a cluster of cells in the region of Mehlis' gland. Results suggest that molecules with C-terminal homology to the PP-family are present in S. mansoni. These peptides would appear to be important regulatory molecules in the parasite's nervous system and may play a role in the control of egg production.  相似文献   

The effects of exogenous glucose in artificial spring water (ASW) were studied on the survival and infectivity of Schistosoma mansoni cercariae. The mean percent survival of cercariae maintained in 1% glucose in ASW for 36 and 48 hr was significantly greater than that of cercariae maintained identically in ASW. Cercariae maintained in ASW with or without glucose for 24 hr, fixed in neutral buffered formalin, and stained in Oil Red O, showed an accumulation of neutral lipid in the tail. Cercariae maintained as described above and stained in periodic acid-Schiff exhibited depleted glycogen, mainly from the tail. Cercariae maintained in ASW with glucose for 24 hr did not resynthesize glycogen. Cercariae maintained in ASW with glucose for 24 hr were as capable of infecting male FVBN202 mice as were freshly emerged cercariae, and increased the percent of worm recovery. Exogeneous glucose added to ASW prolonged the survival of S. mansoni cercariae and increased infectivity in terms of worm recovery.  相似文献   

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