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三峡水库秀丽白虾生长与繁殖生物学特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
&#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &# 《水生生物学报》2015,39(5):989-996
2012 年11 月至2013 年10 月逐月对三峡水库木洞江段秀丽白虾的生长和繁殖生物学特征进行了研究。结果显示秀丽白虾是一年生的虾类, 寿命为1214 个月。雌性个体的平均体长(37.727.92) mm 显著大于雄性(37.086.59) mm, 具有明显的雌雄异形现象。秀丽白虾的渐近体长(L)为59.33 mm, 生长系数(K)是1.6/年, 生长方程为:Lt=59.33-e-1.6(t+0.081)。雌虾繁殖季节从4 月上旬持续至9 月下旬, 繁殖高峰期为4 月中旬至6 月中旬, 由越冬虾和当年虾两个世代的繁殖群体组成。抱卵雌虾的体长为27.0753.71 mm, 平均体长(L50)为37.06 mm。雌雄性比月变化为1.112.36, 平均为1.46, 群体中雌性个体数量显著多于雄性(P 0.001)。绝对繁殖力(FA)为31294 粒, 相对繁殖力(FR)为(11522)粒/g。绝对繁殖力与体长呈幂函数关系(FA=0.0031L2.8632, r=0.72, n=106), 而与体重呈直线关系(FA=104.63W+9.9534, r=0.79, n=106)。卵径(D)平均值为(1215102) m。为合理保护和利用三峡水库秀丽白虾种群资源, 建议加强虾类捕捞管理, 繁殖期间(49 月)禁止捕捞虾类或限制捕捞强度。    相似文献   

瓦氏黄颡鱼的繁殖生物学研究   总被引:31,自引:4,他引:27  
研究了长江中游嘉鱼至新滩口江段瓦氏黄颡鱼的繁殖生物学。性腺发育可分为6个时期。4-7月性成熟系数较高,为繁殖季节。雌、雄鱼的肥满度和脂肪系数在繁殖前和繁殖后各出现1个峰值,繁殖期出现最小值。绝对繁殖力为1088-19765(粒),平均7728±4093(粒);相对繁殖力为23-88(粒),平均55±16(粒)。绝对繁殖力与体长、体重和年龄呈显著的正相关,其中体重与绝对繁殖力的关系最密切。群体性比接近1:1。属一次性产卵类型。两性最小性成熟年龄均为2龄。为补充群体占优势的繁殖群体。  相似文献   

布氏田鼠是我国内蒙古草原的主要害鼠之一,具有明显的季节繁殖特征,不同季节出生个体可能具有不同的繁殖策略,但尚缺乏内分泌证据支持。本研究采用标志重捕法,连续监测大型自然围栏中不同年龄雄性布氏田鼠的繁殖状态和应激水平的季节变化,分析各年龄组雄鼠的繁殖发育策略。结果表明,越冬雄鼠可保持较高的睾丸下降率和睾酮水平至8月初;而部分5月生雄鼠的繁殖期睾酮水平较接近越冬鼠,但8月初已降至年内最低水平,而6月及以后出生雄鼠睾酮始终处于较低水平;这说明越冬鼠的繁殖状态可贯穿繁殖期始终,只有部分5月生雄鼠可能参与当年繁殖,而6月及以后出生雄鼠则不能在当年繁殖。越冬鼠皮质醇水平高于当年鼠,繁殖期高于非繁殖期,这可能是越冬鼠由于繁殖需要而保持较高应激状态,从而造成繁殖盛期后死亡率升高。这些结果说明,不同时期出生的雄性布氏田鼠具有不同的出生后性腺发育模式和繁殖策略,反映出生存与繁殖之间的权衡。  相似文献   

于东  赵文阁 《四川动物》2007,26(2):409-411
2004年4月~2005年6月对哈尔滨地区花背蟾蜍的出蛰情况、繁殖期的活动规律、繁殖行为、繁殖力和繁殖期的食性等进行了观察。结果表明,哈尔滨地区花背蟾蜍最早出蜇日期是4月19日,雄性先于雌性、成体先于亚成体出蛰;繁殖活动受温度影响比较明显,繁殖的最适气温为20℃、水温为15℃,雄体之间争雌现象显著;繁殖高峰后逐渐迁入陆地活动,繁殖期的摄食活动明显受繁殖的影响,表现为繁殖期不积极捕食,空胃率占69.39%。  相似文献   

东海哈氏仿对虾的数量分布和生长特性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据1986-1990年和1997-2001年对东海26°00′- 33°00′N,127°00′E以西海域拖虾调查资料,共测定哈氏仿对虾样品9468尾,对哈氏仿对虾的数量分布和生长特性进行研究。结果表明,东海哈氏仿对虾的平均渔获率为458.7/g•h,其中31°00′- 33°00′N海域最高,达到990.9/g•h,高峰期出现在秋季。主要分布在20-60m水深海域,适温范围10-24℃,适盐范围30-34,为广温广盐性虾类。周年雌虾明显多于雄虾,雌雄性比为1:0.62。雌虾个体也大于雄虾,雌虾周年平均体长和平均体重分别为71.6mm,5.0g;雄虾为57.9mm,2.3g,最大值出现在5-7月,最小值出现在9-10月。繁殖期5-9月,繁殖盛期6-7月。周年出现两次快速生长期,第一次在10-12月,其相对增长率雌虾为9.3%-17.5%,雄虾为7.9%-13.9%,第二次在翌年4-7月,雌、雄虾的相对增长率分别为4.3%-13.8%和6.2%。为合理利用该资源,宜在捕捞群体平均体长、平均体重最小值出现阶段进行保护,以提高其经济效益和生态效益。  相似文献   

布氏田鼠标志种群的社群等级及其季节变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在内蒙古锡林郭勒地区,通过标志重捕、染色标记和直接观测法对布氏田鼠社群等级的季节变化进行了研究。结果表明:在繁殖季节,布氏田鼠洞群内存在明显的社群等级。越冬雄鼠在社群内社群序位最高,其次是越冬雌鼠、当年成体雌鼠、当年成体雄鼠,亚成体鼠和幼鼠的社群地位最低。在繁殖末期,越冬雄鼠的地位明显下降,而当年成体雄鼠的等级序位逐渐上升。在繁殖季节,当年雄鼠在洞群中的等级序位依然很低,很少能有机会进行有效的交配,有效交配主要由越冬雄鼠来完成,因而越冬雄鼠对种群繁殖的贡献较大。本实验倾向于支持该鼠的婚配制度为一雄多雌制的观点。  相似文献   

布氏田鼠标志种群的繁殖参数   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
采用标志重捕和染色观测法跟踪了内蒙古典型草原区布氏田鼠野外种群,按绝对时间年龄研究其种群繁殖参数。结果3表明:4-5月份出生的雄鼠能在当年达到性成熟,性成熟发育历期约为1.5个月,6月后出生的雄鼠当年达不到性成熟。在达到性成熟的当年雄鼠中,多数个体再度转入性休止期,其平均繁殖结束时间要林越冬雄鼠早1个月,而越冬雄鼠则在整个繁殖期保持性活动状态。雌鼠性成熟发育历期约为1个月,首次产仔时间约为2月龄。雌鼠在一年中的产仔窝数与其年龄有关;越冬鼠能产3-4窝,4月份出生的雌鼠能产2-3窝,5月份出生的雌鼠当年能产1-2窝,6月份出生的雌鼠能产0-1窝,7月份之后出生雌鼠当年不参加繁殖,在自然条件下,布氏田鼠一年中最多能产4窝。  相似文献   

通过剪趾和染毛双重标志的重捕跟踪途径, 结合行为观测研究了栖息于内蒙古农牧交错区草地生境的长爪沙鼠种群繁殖格局。按同生群分组分析的结果显示春季(4~5 月) 出生的雄鼠当年能达到性成熟的个体仅占34.6 % , 性成熟发育历期为3 个月, 其繁殖平均结束时间比越冬鼠早近1 个月。6 月以后出生的雄鼠当年达不到性成熟。达到性成熟的当年雄鼠在繁殖期结束前多数又转入性休止状态。当年雌鼠性成熟历期约2.5 月龄, 初次产仔时间在3.5 月龄左右。6 月份以后出生的雌鼠当年不参加繁殖。各同生群雌鼠1 年中最多产仔次数有差异,越冬鼠可产3~4 窝。4~5 月份出生的雌鼠当年可产1 窝。长爪沙鼠当年生雌、雄鼠非同步发育以及由性成熟的当年鼠与越冬鼠构成的繁殖格局有利于维持家群个体的适合度, 是该鼠生活史对策的重要特征之一。  相似文献   

西施舌的繁殖生物学   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
对福建省长乐沿海的西施舌繁殖生物学研究结果表明,年满一龄的西施舌开始性发育,生物学最小型为壳长46.5mm,壳高37mm,体重18.3g。性比率与个体大小有关,存在雄性先熟和雌雄同体的现象。体长91~132mm,个体绝对平均排卵量为429~317万粒/个,个体相对平均排卵量为2.648~1.210万粒/g。性腺发育丰满度指数(尺)在2~6月间,随着水温上升而递增。成熟期为4月中旬~6月中旬,水温16.5~26.3℃;生殖期为5月上旬~7月下旬,水温21.8~28.6℃。西施舌的禁捕期应确定为4~7月份。  相似文献   

大鳞裂峡鲃繁殖生物学特征   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
2009、2010和2013年在云南省西双版纳自治州勐腊县境内的南腊河共收集大鳞裂峡鲃(Hampala macrolepidota)样本438尾。研究结果表明:大鳞裂峡鲃雌性群体初次性成熟体长228 mm、体重270.3 g,雄性群体初次性成熟体长205 mm、体重172.5 g,对应年龄均为4龄。大鳞裂峡鲃雌、雄繁殖群体的成熟系数年度变化趋势基本一致。成熟系数值在1月、3月、4月呈逐渐增大趋势,5月显著上升,6月达到最高峰,7月急速下降,8月至9月趋于平缓。繁殖活动每年4月开始,一直可持续至10月,主要集中在5~6月。大鳞裂峡鲃雌雄性比为1︰1.19,与鲃亚科其他部分鱼类雌性数量多于雄性的情况相反;繁殖盛期则雌性数量多于雄性。繁殖群体由4~8龄共5个年龄组组成,雌、雄群体均以5龄组所占比例最大。大鳞裂峡鲃属单次产卵鱼类。平均卵径1.18 mm;绝对繁殖力为63 393粒,相对繁殖力为70.04粒/g。与鲃亚科其他部分鱼类比较,大鳞裂峡鲃的卵径相对较小而繁殖力较大。  相似文献   

Seasonal patterns of growth, lipid deposition and lipid depletion were studied in anadromous Arctic charr from a north Norwegian population. Samples were collected in late May when fish were migrating between fresh water and the sea, and in mid-July when the fish re-entered fresh water. A sample of maturing fish captured in mid-July was held in captivity until late September to assess lipid mobilization linked to the final stages of maturation. The fish increased substantially in weight during their 40–50-day summer residence in sea water (immatures from c . 300 to 600 g; maturing fish from c . 500 to 800 g), and body lipid stores were increased approximately fivefold. The carcass (head, skeleton and skin) was the major lipid depot, accounting for c . 50% of the total lipid content when the fish re-entered fresh water from the sea. The muscle of the ascending charr contained 35–40% of the body lipids, whereas the gut and liver each held 4–5%. Body lipid decreased 30–40% during the period between the re-entry of the fish to fresh water and spawning; although lipids were depleted from all depots the carcass and muscle were quantitatively the most important. By the time of spawning, the gonads of the females held almost 25% of the body lipid, whereas in the males the gonads accounted for <3% of the total lipids. Females lost c . 80% of their body lipid during spawning and overwintering, and, consequently, the lipid depots were severely depleted by the early spring. By contrast, lipid depletion in the males amounted to 50–55% of total lipid in the same period. These data suggest that the combination of spawning and overwintering in fresh water imposes a greater load on the females than on the males. It may be that the severity of the depletion prevents females from spawning in successive years.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. In Lake Agios Vasilios, male perch become sexually mature during their first year of life whereas females become sexually mature during their second year. The mean absolute fecundity was 8080 eggs; values ranged from 2080 to 28488. The mean relative fecundity was 141 eggs/g body wet weight (ranging from 113 to 201). The absolute increase in weight of gonads is related to the age of the fish. The spawning period is from the middle of March to the beginning of April, at a mean water temperature of 8°C.  相似文献   

2012年7月和2013年6月于大渡河流域足木足河日部-足木足段采集黄石爬鮡Euchiloglanis kishinouyei,研究性腺Ⅳ期雌性个体生殖力及其与多项形态学指标的关系。结果显示:黄石爬鮡为一次性产卵鱼类,产卵群体以5~8龄鱼为主;个体绝对生殖力247.77粒±81.37粒,体长相对生殖力17.75粒/cm±5.34粒/cm,体质量相对生殖力6.59粒/g±1.99粒/g,繁殖策略属于典型的K对策者;绝对生殖力、体长相对生殖力和体质量相对生殖力均与成熟系数相关性显著,绝对生殖力与体长、体质量相对生殖力与净体质量和肥满度相关性较显著,可根据成熟系数、体长和体质量预测其种群繁殖能力,进而了解其种群的动态变化。  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that mild winter temperatures are detrimental to the survival and reproductive potential of insects. We measured survival, body size, and potential fecundity of a freeze tolerant insect, the goldenrod gall fly (Eurosta solidaginis), after overwintering in the laboratory for ~3 mo. frozen at -22 degrees C, unfrozen at 0 degrees C, or unfrozen at 12 degrees C. Larvae held at 12 degrees C suffered high mortality (70%) and relatively low potential fecundity as adults (mean+/-SEM=199+/-11 eggs/female), while those held at 0 degrees C had both low mortality (11%) and high potential fecundity (256+/-15 eggs/female). Freezing (-22 degrees C) increased mortality (30% overall) but did not significantly reduce fecundity (245+/-13 eggs/female). Egg length and width were constant regardless of treatment group or female body size. Analysis of covariance indicated that reduced fecundity in the 12 degrees C group was related to reduced larval body weight following treatment. Patterns of larval weight loss in the experimental treatments were generally correlated with previous reports of latitudinal trends in weight loss through the winter. We conclude that mild winter temperatures may be detrimental to some overwintering insects, particularly species that do not feed following winter diapause. Low temperature and even freezing are beneficial, allowing conservation of energy reserves to maintain high survival and potential fecundity.  相似文献   

The absolute and relative fecundity of freshwater, anadromous and marine fishes (102 species and subspecies from 33 families) and its dependence on body mass and growth rate were analyzed on the basis of published data. According to the spawning type all studied fishes were divided into species with short-term and single spawning and fishes with extended or long-term spawning. The equations of dependence of absolute fecundity (E) on body mass (W) were calculated: E = 1.033 W0.578 (the first group) and E = 0.792 W0.74 (the second group). If W < 177 g the equations don't differ significantly and one may use the equation E = 1.34(-0.742) for both groups. The body mass of females at age of maturity expressed as a portion of maximal definitive body mass equals 0.22 +/- 0.044 for many different species with 0.95 probability. The relative fecundity (a1) of some species negatively correlates with maximal body mass of adult individuals (Wmax). This dependence is expressed by equations: a1 = 3.033 Wmax-0.549 (for the first group) and a1 = 1.726 Wmax-0.351 (for the second group). Value of ratio Wov/W of different fish species changes irregularly from 0.054 to 0.32 and its average is 0.150 +/- 0.012 for the first group and 0.156 +/- 0.007 for the second one. In such a way, single reproduction effort of fishes is approximately 0.15. Comparison of data on Pisces, Crustacea, Amphibia, Reptilia, and Mammalia revealed that reproduction effort of different aquatic and terrestrial invertebrates and vertebrates varies within rather narrow limits (from 0.05 to 0.44). Average values of this index varies even less--from 0.097 to 0.238, on average 0.162, i.e. approximately 15-18% of animals' body mass falls on their reproduction constituent.  相似文献   

美国白蛾越冬蛹的过冷却能力、体内水分及脂肪含量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对美国白蛾(Hyphantrian cunea)越冬蛹在越冬过程中过冷却能力、体内水分及脂肪含量的变化进行了研究.结果表明:在越冬过程中,美国白蛾雌、雄蛹的抗寒能力呈现出相似的变化趋势, 即其抗寒能力随越冬期温度降低而逐渐增强, 并在冬季过后随温度升高而逐渐减弱.越冬期不同阶段越冬蛹体内水分、脂肪含量及过冷却点(SCP)和结冰点(FP)有所不同.其中,越冬前期和中期的SCP显著低于越冬后期,FP没有显著性差异;越冬中期蛹体内含水量最高,显著高于越冬前期和后期.越冬蛹的SCP和FP均显著低于非越冬蛹,体内水分和总脂肪含量均明显高于非越冬蛹.经回归分析,雌、雄蛹体内含水量与其SCP呈
较好的负相关关系(P<0.05).  相似文献   

This is the first study concerning the features of the reproduction process of the karyologically identified spined loach C. taenia (2n=48). The histology of 71 ovaries, and gonadosomatic index (GSI) of karyologically identified spined loach Cobitis taenia L. from Lake Klawój (Northern Poland) were examined. The absolute and relative fecundity of 25 females was estimated by gravimetric method. The age of fish was determined according to the annual increments of otholits. The spawning of C. taenia from Lake Klawój took place from May to July, at a water temperature exceeding 18.5 degrees C. The GSI values at the beginning of the reproduction period ranged from 7 to 19%. The average absolute fecundity of females was 2078 eggs, with the number ranging from 869 to 3371 eggs. High individual variability in the gonad histology and the GSI values during the reproductive period was observed. Such variability could be the result of beginning the reproduction process in the fish at various times and, probably, due to the various numbers of batches laid and various numbers of eggs per batch.  相似文献   

The occurrence of Marteilioides chungmuensis, a protozoan paramyxean parasite in the reproductive system of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas, was observed at Gosung Bay, Korea. Seasonal variation in gonad development was investigated in a suspended cultured oyster population. Gametogenesis began in February and first-spawning was observed between mid and late June when surface water temperature reached 22 to 25 degrees C. Spawning activity extended from mid June to late September, with 2 marked spawning peaks in June and August. Histological examination indicated that gonad development paralleled seasonal fluctuations in water temperature. Spawning in late June was partly associated with a sudden drop in salinity due to large freshwater inputs to the Bay with the summer monsoon. M. chungmuensis occurred in developing and fully mature eggs of spawning oysters in late June to January, but were not observed from February to May. Monthly mean infection intensity was high in late June when most oysters had their first spawning period. The infection level was also relatively high in late August and November, when oysters were spawning or had completed spawning. Several oysters collected in November (11.4%) and December (16.3%) carried a large quantity of ripe but M. chungmuensis-infected eggs, suggesting that infection also causes spawning failure by delaying spawning and destroying ripe oocytes.  相似文献   

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