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Forests of the Hawaiian archipelago are a global hotspot for conserving avian diversity and contain among the world's most imperiled species. Demographic studies are necessary to determine primary causes of Hawaiian forest bird population declines. We conducted research on the nesting success of multiple bird families on the island of Kaua‘i, allowing us to investigate the importance of factors related to breeding biology on forest bird declines at a community scale. Our study included two Hawaiian honeycreepers, ‘anianiau Magumma parva and ‘apapane Himatione sanguinea, a native monarch flycatcher, Kaua‘i ‘elepaio Chasiempis sclateri, and one introduced species, Japanese white‐eye Zosterops japonicus. Data from 123 nests showed that nesting success ± SE, estimated using program MARK, was low for ‘apapane (0.23 ± 0.10), but did not vary substantially among our other study species (‘anianiau = 0.56 ± 0.09, Kaua‘i ‘elepaio = 0.63 ± 0.08, Japanese white‐eye = 0.52 ± 0.11). Causes of nest loss for 51 nest failures included nest predation (43%), unknown (25%), empty after termination with no signs of nest predation (e.g. eggshell or chick remains in nest, disheveled nest) (24%), and abandoned clutch or brood (4% each). Kaua‘i ‘elepaio suffered more than twice as many nest losses to predation compared to our other study species, but also had the highest nesting success; and, ‘apapane suffered least to nest predation, but had the lowest nesting success. Further, rates of nesting success derived in our study were relatively high compared to multi‐species studies in mainland tropics. Therefore, although nest predation accounted for the greatest proportion of nest failures, it may not be a cause of forest bird population declines in our system. We suggest that future demographic studies focus on post‐fledgling, juvenile, and adult survival, in addition to the importance of double‐brooding and renesting attempts on annual reproductive success.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation and invasive species are two of the greatest threats to species diversity worldwide. This is particularly relevant for oceanic islands with vulnerable endemics. Here, we examine how habitat fragmentation influences nest predation by Rattus spp. on cup‐nesting birds in Samoan forests. We determined models for predicting predation rates by Rattus on artificial nests at two scales: (i) the position of the bird's nest within the landscape (e.g. proximity to mixed crop plantations, distance to forest edge); and (ii) the microhabitat in the immediate vicinity of the nest (e.g. nest height, ground cover, slope). Nest cameras showed only one mammal predator, the black rat (Rattus rattus), predating artificial nests. The optimal model predicting nest predation rates by black rats included a landscape variable, proximity to plantations and a local nest site variable, the percentage of low (<15 cm) ground cover surrounding the nest tree. Predation rates were 22 ± 13% higher for nests in forest edges near mixed crop plantations than in edges without plantations. In contrast, predation rates did not vary significantly between edge habitat where the matrix did not contain plantations, and interior forest sites (>1 km from the edge). As ground cover reduced, nest predation rates increased. Waxtags containing either coconut or peanut butter were used as a second method for assessing nest predation. The rates at which these were chewed followed patterns similar to the predation of the artificial nests. Rural development in Samoa will increase the proportion of forest edge near plantations. Our results suggest that this will increase the proportion of forest birds that experience nest predation from black rats. Further research is required to determine if rat control is needed to maintain even interior forest sites populations of predator‐sensitive bird species on South Pacific islands.  相似文献   

Wild pigs (Sus scrofa; i.e., feral hogs, feral swine) are considered an invasive species in the United States. Where they occur, they damage agricultural crops and wildlife habitat. Wild pigs also depredate native wildlife, particularly ground-nesting bird species during nesting season. In areas inhabited by wild turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo), nest destruction caused by wild pigs may affect recruitment. There is debate whether wild pigs actively seek ground-nesting bird nests or depredate them opportunistically. To address this debate, in 2016 we examined the movements of wild pigs relative to artificial wild turkey nests (i.e., control [no artificial nests], moderate density [12.5–25 nests/km2], and high density [25–50 nests/km2]) throughout the nesting season (i.e., early, peak, and late) in south-central Texas, USA. We found no evidence that wild pigs learned to seek and depredate wild turkey nests relative to nest density or nesting periods. Despite wild pigs being important nest predators, depredation was not a functional response to a pulsed food resource and can only be associated with overlapping densities of wild pigs and nests. Protecting reproductive success of wild turkeys will require reducing wild pig densities in nesting habitat prior to nesting season. © 2019 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

This study examines variations in nest placement and its effects on nesting success in the Desert Finch (Rhodospiza obsoleta) and the Linnet (Carduelis cannabina) which coexist in a recently established plantation (novel habitat) in a desert region in Jordan. A comparison with other habitats (old plantation in the desert and native, Mediterranean-type, habitat of the Linnet) showed that each species displayed similarity in nest placement patterns across habitats. Nest concealment predicted nesting outcome in the Linnet, whereas nest height predicted nesting outcome in the Desert Finch. Daily survival rates were significantly higher in Desert Finch nests compared to the Linnet's, perhaps because Desert Finches placed nests higher in the novel habitat, which lacked aerial nest predators. In accordance with predation theories of life history evolution, we provide evidence that variation in nest placement among the two species in a novel habitat resulted from previous exposure to different predation risks.  相似文献   

Summary We studied the nesting success of Evening Grosbeaks (Coccothraustes vespertinus) inhabiting two areas of the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains of Colorado from 1983–1987. Sixty-four nests were followed during building, incubating, brooding, and fledging; 54.7% were successful (young fledged). The largest number of nests failed during incubation. Nests started later were more successful than nests begun earlier in the season. Failure was most likely due to severe weather, abandonment during building, or predation. Specific habitat characteristics of grosbeak nesting sites and where nests were placed in trees were consistently associated with nesting success. Successful nests, when compared with nests that failed, were: (1) built in more open areas characterized by dispersed vegetation and a higher minimum canopy, (2) oriented in more southerly directions, (3) built closer to the main trunk of the nest tree, and (4) built in larger trees. Current ideas about whether or not birds actually select nest-sites are briefly discussed. We conclude that some grosbeaks optimally select nest sites where the likelihood of producing fledglings is higher than in other areas.  相似文献   

There is concern that predation of Lapwing Vanellus vanellus nests may create additional pressure on declining populations of this species in Europe. At seven sites in England and Wales, daily nest predation rates on 1,390 nests were related to variables using Generalised Linear Mixed Models. The strongest predictor was Lapwing nest density (number of nests within 100 m): predation rates declined as nest density increased. Since nocturnal species, probably mammals, have been identified as the major predators of Lapwing nests at these sites, these results suggest that Lapwings are able to deter mammalian predators or may settle to nest at high densities in areas with low predation pressure. At the site level, there was no relationship between Lapwing nesting density and fox density, and a positive relationship with Carrion Crow Corvus corone nesting density. There was a weaker effect of distance to field boundary: nests closer to boundaries were more likely to be predated. Weak interactive effects between crow density and both nest visibility and distance to vantage point were identified in models using a reduced subset of nests. These were counter-intuitive, did not persist in the larger data set, and do not have obvious explanations. If Lapwings nesting at high density are able to deter predators, there are implications for land management. Smaller areas could be managed within potential breeding habitat to encourage Lapwings to nest in dense colonies. Selection of larger fields for such management, where nests could be located far from the field boundary should improve the value of such measures.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Nest predation is a natural component of greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) reproduction, but changes in nesting habitat and predator communities may adversely affect grouse populations. We used a 2-part approach to investigate sage-grouse nest predation. First, we used information criteria to compare nest survival models that included indices of common raven (Corvus corax) abundance with other survival models that consisted of day of incubation, grouse age, and nest microhabitat covariates using measurements from 77 of 87 sage-grouse nests. Second, we used video monitoring at a subsample of 55 of 87 nests to identify predators of depredated nests (n = 16) and evaluated the influence of microhabitat factors on the probability of predation by each predator species. The most parsimonious model for nest survival consisted of an interaction between day of incubation and abundance of common ravens (wravenXincubation day = 0.67). An estimated increase in one raven per 10-km transect survey was associated with a 7.4% increase in the odds of nest failure. Nest survival was relatively lower in early stages of incubation, and this effect was strengthened with increased raven numbers. Using video monitoring, we found the probability of raven predation increased with reduced shrub canopy cover. Also, we found differences in shrub canopy cover and understory visual obstruction between nests depredated by ravens and nests depredated by American badgers (Taxidea taxus). Increased raven numbers have negative effects on sage-grouse nest survival, especially in areas with relatively low shrub canopy cover. We encourage wildlife managers to reduce interactions between ravens and nesting sage-grouse by managing raven populations and restoring and maintaining shrub canopy cover in sage-grouse nesting areas.  相似文献   

Predation is the leading cause of nest failure for most birds. Thus, for ornithologists interested in the causes and consequences of variation in nest success, knowing the identity and understanding the behavior of dominant nest predators is likely to be important. Video documentation of nests has shown that snakes are frequent predators. Here we reviewed 53 North American studies that used nest cameras and used these data to identify broad patterns in snake predation. Snakes accounted for 26% (range: 0–90%) of recorded predation events, with values exceeding 35% in a third of studies. Snakes were more frequent nest predators at lower latitudes and less frequent in forested habitat relative to other nest predators. Although 12 species of snakes have been identified as nest predators, ratsnakes Elaphe obsoleta, corn snakes E. guttata and fox snakes E. vulpina were the most frequent, accounting for > 70% of all recorded nest predation events by snakes and have been documented preying on nests in 30–65% of studies conducted within their geographic ranges. Endotherm‐specialist snakes (Elaphe and Pituophis genera) were more likely to depredate nests in forests and the canopy relative to other snakes, due to their affinity for edge habitat. Predation by only ratsnakes and corn snakes was predominantly nocturnal and only ratsnakes were more likely to prey on nests during the nestling stage. Snakes were not identified to species in over 30% of predation events, underlining the need for more complete reporting of results. A review of research to date suggests the best approach to investigating factors that bring snakes and nests into contact involves combining nesting studies with radio tracking of locally important snake nest predators.  相似文献   

The loss and degradation of natural habitats in coastal areas worldwide has adversely affected many waterbird species, changing their breeding distribution and reducing their productivity. Anthropogenic habitats such as saltpans can provide alternative or complementary habitats for waterbirds and mitigate the increasing human impact on natural coastal habitats. Unvegetated linear paths between salt ponds are used by ground‐nesting waterbird species to breed but their linear structure may facilitate the detection of nests by predators. This negative effect may, however, be counterbalanced by the advantages of breeding in mixed colonies. To evaluate the importance and the risks of breeding in saltpans we used the Kentish plover Charadrius alexandrinus breeding in coastal saltpans of southern Portugal as a model species. Specifically, we assessed the role of nest‐site characteristics, predation and nesting proximity to species with aggressive antipredator behaviour (black‐winged stilt Himantopus himantopus) on their breeding success. Kentish plovers selected nest‐sites on the edges of paths, with about 20% of water around the nest, and a mean visibility of more than 72%; however nest‐site characteristics were not correlated with nesting success. Predation was the main cause of nest loss in saltpans (42%); carrion crows Corvus corone were responsible for most daylight nest predation (58%) and red fox (Vulpes vulpes; 73%) for night predation. An 8‐yr monitoring plan of a Kentish plover population showed a linear increase in their breeding success as their breeding season increasingly overlapped with that of the black‐winged stilt. An experiment with artificial nests showed a significant increase in the number of exposure days (7 to 12) when these nests were within close distance of black‐winged stilt nests. Overall, our results showed that saltpans are an important alternative breeding habitat for the Kentish plover, especially for the maintenance of mixed species colonies.  相似文献   

A mycoflora has been investigated in 57 nests of 8 free-living birds' species, placed in nest boxes, on 3 localities in Czechoslovakia. The nests have been shown to be densely inhabited by fungi: 476 isolates ofPhycomycetes, Ascomycetes and Fungi Imperfecti have been recorded, the mean number being 8.4 species in a nest. Keratinolytic fungi have been found in 92.8 % of nests, with the most commonly isolated speciesArthroderma ciferrii, Anixiopsis stercoraria, Chrysosporium keratinophilum, C. tropicum, Ctenomyces serratus, Arthroderma tuberculatum, A. quadrifidum andA. curreyi. From present studies results that birds' nests placed in holes or in boxes supposing they are lined with keratinous material could probably be the dominant habitat ofA. ciferrii (stat. con. =Trichophyton georgiae). Cellulolytic fungi have been found in 87.7 % of the nests, most often species of the generaFusarium, Chaetomium, Alternaria, Phoma andCladosporium. Further, fungi potentially zoopathogenic have been isolated (73.7 % of nests and 13.9 % of all isolates), e.g.,Absidia lichtheimii, Aspergillus amstelodami, A. flavus, A. fumigatus, A. nidulans, A. niger, Candida albicans, C. tropicalis, Microsporon cookei andTrichophyton ajelloi. In many cases have also been ascertained fungi causing sooty mildews of various plants (Alternaria alternata, Aureobasidium pullulans, Cladosporium spp.).As factors influencing both qualitative and quantitative composition of the mycoflora in the nests have been established: composition of lining material, its humidity and pH, birds' species, fledging, repeating nesting in a box, and locality.In keratinolytic fungi, the highest competitive saprophytic ability on a given substrate have revealedC. keratinophilum, A. stercoraria, A. ciferrii andC. tropicum, while the lowest oneA. quadrifidum andA. cuniculi.  相似文献   

Snowy plover (Charadrius nivosus) populations have declined throughout their range, in part because of habitat degradation and poor nest success, making information regarding regionally specific nest site selection and spatial patterns important when considering habitat conservation and management guidelines. We determined nest site selection characteristics (n = 180) and examined spatial patterns (n = 215) of snowy plover nests in saline lakes in the Southern High Plains (SHP) of Texas. At 104 nests, we examined the influence of substrate type on nest temperatures and heat mitigation. Snowy plover nests were more likely to be found near an object, on pebble substrate, and with fewer plants than random sites. High use areas were generally located in areas with pebble substrate and on human-made or natural islands, berms, and peninsulas. Overall, nests placed on pebble substrate had lower temperatures during the day than nests placed on sand substrates. Nest placement on pebble substrate may be valuable to nesting snowy plovers, providing thermal advantages to incubating adults and depressing potentially high nest predation rates. Management guidelines for this region should emphasize the importance of addressing key elements of snowy plover nesting habitat including the presence of pebble substrate and reducing vegetation encroachment. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Habitat selection by animals is influenced by and mitigates the effects of predation and environmental extremes. For birds, nest site selection is crucial to offspring production because nests are exposed to extreme weather and predation pressure. Predators that forage using olfaction often dominate nest predator communities; therefore, factors that influence olfactory detection (e.g., airflow and weather variables, including turbulence and moisture) should influence nest site selection and survival. However, few studies have assessed the importance of olfactory cover for habitat selection and survival. We assessed whether ground‐nesting birds select nest sites based on visual and/or olfactory cover. Additionally, we assessed the importance of visual cover and airflow and weather variables associated with olfactory cover in influencing nest survival. In managed grasslands in Oklahoma, USA, we monitored nests of Northern Bobwhite (Colinus virginianus), Eastern Meadowlark (Sturnella magna), and Grasshopper Sparrow (Ammodramus savannarum) during 2015 and 2016. To assess nest site selection, we compared cover variables between nests and random points. To assess factors influencing nest survival, we used visual cover and olfactory‐related measurements (i.e., airflow and weather variables) to model daily nest survival. For nest site selection, nest sites had greater overhead visual cover than random points, but no other significant differences were found. Weather variables hypothesized to influence olfactory detection, specifically precipitation and relative humidity, were the best predictors of and were positively related to daily nest survival. Selection for overhead cover likely contributed to mitigation of thermal extremes and possibly reduced detectability of nests. For daily nest survival, we hypothesize that major nest predators focused on prey other than the monitored species’ nests during high moisture conditions, thus increasing nest survival on these days. Our study highlights how mechanistic approaches to studying cover informs which dimensions are perceived and selected by animals and which dimensions confer fitness‐related benefits.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Nest predation is the primary cause of nest failure in most passerine birds, and increases in nest predation associated with anthropogenic habitat disturbance are invoked as explanations for population declines of some bird species. In most cases, however, the identity of the nest predators is not known with certainty. We monitored active bird nests with infrared time-lapse video cameras to determine which nest predators were responsible for depredating bird nests in northern New Hampshire. We monitored 64 nests of 11 bird species during three breeding seasons, and identified seven species of predators during 14 predation events. In addition, we recorded two instances of birds defending nests from predators and, in both cases, these nests were ultimately lost to predation. These results contrast with other studies in terms of the relatively high proportion of nests depredated by raptors and mice, as well as the absence of any predation by snakes. The diverse suite of predators in this and other studies is likely to confound our understanding of patterns of nest predation relative to fragmentation and habitat structure.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Apparent competition (i.e., a mutually negative indient rect interaction between prey species through shared predation) arises when predator abundance or foraging effort increases with spetotal prey availability. We review and formalize several patch-use models from which we derive predictions for how the degree of coupling (from the predators' perspective) between nesting guilds (defined as species nesting within a vegetation stratum) affects the outcome of shared predation. We then determine which model best applies to nest predation on woodland songbirds and artificial nests by a natural population of raccoons. Using artificial nests, we showed that increasing the density of nests placed either in shrubs or on the ground increased overall predation (i.e., proportion of nests) on both types. We also tested for apparent competition between American robin and wood thrush, two coexisting woodland songbirds that commonly nest within the shrub stratum. Nest predation increased for wood thrushes but not robins as the combined density of robin and thrush nests within two individual substrate types, Lonicera and Rhamnus, increased. Thus, we documented apparent competition both within and among nesting guilds. We discuss the possible relevance of this interaction in determining species diversity, particularly in the light of increasing generalist nest predators through anthropogenically driven changes in human-altered landscapes.  相似文献   

Examination of spatial and temporal factors that influence nest survival can provide insight into habitat selection, reproductive decisions (e.g., clutch size), population dynamics, and conservation requirements for species. We used nest survival data for the Dusky Flycatcher Empidonax oberholseri to examine several factors that may influence nesting success. Our prediction was that the number of nest initiations would be positively associated with period nest survival. We used a model selection framework and found that nesting success was a function of clutch size and a cubic effect of age. Clutches with one, two, three, and four eggs had period survival rates of 0, 0.05, 0.33, and 0.49, respectively. Daily survival rates decreased from the onset of egg-laying and increased during the later stages of incubation before remaining relatively constant through the later portions of the nestling stage. Model-selection criterion provided support for a date effect on daily survival (i.e., daily nest survival declined across the nesting season) although the 95% confidence interval for the estimate included zero. We found that the majority of nest initiations occurred early in the nest season and declined across the season as period nest survival declined. Our prediction concerning nest survival was partially supported. In addition, we found substantial positive associations between clutch size and nest survival. While low daily survival rates for clutches with one or two eggs suggested that individuals may have reduced reproductive effort in response to nest predation risk, we did not find strong evidence that individuals reduced their clutch sizes in subsequent nest attempts. Alternative predictions, including the preferential settlement of higher quality individuals (e.g., those with the ability to lay full clutches to replace depredated nests) into high-quality habitat and differences in behavior patterns (e.g., number of visits to provision nestlings), may provide more consistent explanations for these patterns.  相似文献   

Breeding propensity of tree-cavity nesting bird species are often limited by a shortage of natural nesting sites. Artificial nests can be used to provide alternative nest sites. Cape Parrots Poicephalus robustus are nationally endangered and nest in existing tree-cavities in high-altitude fragmented Afromontane forests in South Africa, assumed to be in short supply due to historic and current logging practices. To increase nest site availability, 179 wooden bird boxes and 28 bee boxes (to ‘pull’ bees) were erected during 2011–2012 in Hogsback, Eastern Cape. In 2016, no bird boxes were occupied by Cape Parrots. A total of 43% were used by other species, 51% were unused and 6% could not be inspected due to tree instability and inaccessibility. Two bird boxes were inspected by two pairs of Cape Parrots, but were never occupied. Occupancy of boxes by birds was not associated with nest, tree or habitat characteristics. However, occupancy of boxes by bees was associated with habitat type and tree species. Future conservation efforts will include locating natural Cape Parrot nesting sites and reforestation efforts to ensure the long-term availability of natural nesting sites.  相似文献   

Schneider NA  Low M  Arlt D  Pärt T 《PloS one》2012,7(2):e31517
Nest predation risk generally increases nearer forest-field edges in agricultural landscapes. However, few studies test whether differences in edge contrast (i.e. hard versus soft edges based on vegetation structure and height) affect edge-related predation patterns and if such patterns are related to changes in nest conspicuousness between incubation and nestling feeding. Using data on 923 nesting attempts we analyse factors influencing nest predation risk at different edge types in an agricultural landscape of a ground-cavity breeding bird species, the Northern Wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe). As for many other bird species, nest predation is a major determinant of reproductive success in this migratory passerine. Nest predation risk was higher closer to woodland and crop field edges, but only when these were hard edges in terms of ground vegetation structure (clear contrast between tall vs short ground vegetation). No such edge effect was observed at soft edges where adjacent habitats had tall ground vegetation (crop, ungrazed grassland). This edge effect on nest predation risk was evident during the incubation stage but not the nestling feeding stage. Since wheatear nests are depredated by ground-living animals our results demonstrate: (i) that edge effects depend on edge contrast, (ii) that edge-related nest predation patterns vary across the breeding period probably resulting from changes in parental activity at the nest between the incubation and nestling feeding stage. Edge effects should be put in the context of the nest predator community as illustrated by the elevated nest predation risk at hard but not soft habitat edges when an edge is defined in terms of ground vegetation. These results thus can potentially explain previously observed variations in edge-related nest predation risk.  相似文献   

Parental behaviour and nest site are supposed to affect nest predation in birds. Few nest visits and high nest attentiveness are assumed to lead to low predation rates. Poorly concealed nests are thought to be more likely to be preyed upon than well concealed nests. Studies on the relationship between parental behaviour, nest site, and nest predation are rare and none have, so far, been conducted in the Afrotropics. We studied the effect of nest site, nest visitation rate, and nest attentiveness on the nest predation rate of the two tropical warblers Sylvia boehmi and Sylvia lugens in Kenya. Parental behaviour and predation on nests of 13 breeding pairs of both species were observed daily in two consecutive breeding seasons. In both species, parental activity at the nest was low [0.9 trips to the nest in 30 min during incubation, maximum 4.6 (S. boehmi) and 5.8 (S. lugens) trips to the nest in the nestling stage]. Predation rates in both species were high (Mayfield nest success 19.4 and 33.2%). Our analysis revealed only weak evidence for an effect of nest site, nest visitation rate, and nest attentiveness on the predation rate. It is suggested that smaller clutches of tropical in comparison to northern temperate birds result from lower feeding rates in tropical ecosystems with high predation rates (Skutchs hypothesis). The underlying mechanism could not be proven in this study.  相似文献   

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