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A recent study filling the gap in the genome sequence in the left arm of chromosome 2 of Schizosaccharomyces pombe revealed a homolog of budding yeast Vba2p, a vacuolar transporter of basic amino acids. GFP-tagged Vba2p in fission yeast was localized to the vacuolar membrane. Upon disruption of vba2, the uptake of several amino acids, including lysine, histidine, and arginine, was impaired. A transient increase in lysine uptake under nitrogen starvation was lowered by this mutation. These findings suggest that Vba2p is involved in basic amino acid transport in S. pombe under diverse conditions.  相似文献   

Macroconidiation in Neurospora crassa is influenced by a number of environmental cues, including the nutritional status of the growing organism. Conidia formation is normally observed when the fungus is exposed to air. However, carbon limitation can induce conidiation in mycelia submerged in an aerated liquid medium. A mutant was previously isolated that could conidiate in submerged culture without imposing nutrient limitation and the gene responsible for this phenotype (rco-3) has now been cloned. RCO3 exhibits sequence similarity to members of the sugar transporter gene superfamily, with greatest similarity to glucose transporters of yeast. Consistent with this structural similarity, we find that glucose transport activity is altered in the mutant. However, growth of the mutant in media containing alternate carbon sources does not suppress conidiation in submerged culture. The properties of the mutant suggest that RCO3 is required for expression of glucose transport activity, glucose regulation of gene expression, and general carbon repression of development.  相似文献   

We have cloned a new gene, pdh1, from genomic DNA of fissionyeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. pdh1 is actively transcribedas 1400-nucleotide mRNA in vegetatively growing cells and cancode for a 226 amino acid polypeptide (pdh1p). Computationalstructural prediction has revealed that the pdh1p is a highlyhydrophobic protein with seven transmembrane domains. The predictionhas also detected a possible C-kinase phosphorylation site withinthe longest hydrophilic loop.  相似文献   

Systems of L-lysine transport in Schizosaccharomyces pombe are not constitutive, as at no phase of growth in a rich medium is lysine taken up. Transport activity appears only after preincubation of harvested cells with glucose or another suitable source of energy. If cycloheximide is added during this preincubation no transport systems are synthesized. After removal of glucose, the activity of the transport system decays with a half-time of 13 min. The transport of L-lysine into S. pombe cells from the stationary phase of growth preincubated for 60 min with 1% D-glucose is mediated by at least two systems, the high-affinity one with a Kt of 26 mumol/l and Jmax of 4.95 nmol/min per mg dry wt., the low-affinity one with a KT of 1.1 mmol/l and Jmax of 11.8 nmol/min per mg dry wt. The transport of lysine mediated by these two systems proceeds uphill. The high-affinity system has a pH optimum at 4.0-4.2, the accumulation ratio is highest at a cell density 2-5 mg dry wt. per ml and decreases with increasing lysine concentrations. Lysine accumulated by this system does not exit from cells. The only potent competitive inhibitors are L-arginine, L-histidine and D-lysine. The other amino acids tested do not behave as competitive inhibitors. Of the various metabolic inhibitors tested, the most potent were proton conductors and antimycin A.  相似文献   

We have identified in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe a MutS homolog that shows highest homology to the Msh2 subgroup. msh2 disruption gives rise to increased mitotic mutation rates and increased levels of postmeiotic segregation of genetic markers. In bandshift assays performed with msh2Δ cell extracts, a general mismatch-binding activity is absent. By complementation assays, we showed that S. pombe msh2 is allelic with the previously identified swi8 and mut3 genes, which are involved in mating-type switching. The swi8-137 mutant has a mutation in the msh2 gene which causes a truncated Msh2 peptide lacking a putative DNA-binding domain. Cytological analysis revealed that during meiotic prophase of msh2-defective cells, chromosomal structures were frequently formed; such structures are rarely found in the wild type. Our data show that besides having a function in mismatch repair, S. pombe msh2 is required for correct termination of copy synthesis during mating-type switching as well as for proper organization of chromosomes during meiosis.  相似文献   

L Wu  P Russell 《The EMBO journal》1997,16(6):1342-1350
In Schizosaccharomyces pombe, the activity of the M-phase-inducing Cdc2/Cdc13 cyclin-dependent kinase is inhibited by Wee1 and Mik1 tyrosine kinases, and activated by Cdc25 and Pyp3 tyrosine phosphatases. Cdc2/Cdc13 activity is also indirectly regulated by the approximately 70 kDa Nim1 (Cdrl) serine/threonine kinase, which promotes mitosis by inhibiting Wee1 via direct phosphorylation. To understand better the function and regulation of Nim1, the yeast two-hybrid system was used to isolate S.pombe cDNA clones encoding proteins that interact with Nim1. Sixteen of the 17 cDNA clones were derived from the same gene, named nif1 + (nim1 interacting factor-1). Nif1 is a novel approximately 75 kDa protein containing a leucine zipper motif. The Nif1-Nim1 interaction requires a small region of Nim1 that immediately follows the N-terminal catalytic domain. This region is required for Nim1 activity both in vivo and in vitro. delta nif1 mutants are approximately 10% smaller than wild type, indicating that Nif1 is involved in inhibiting the onset of mitosis. Consistent with this proposal, overproduction of Nif1 was found to cause a cell elongation phenotype that is very similar to delta nim1 mutants. Nif1 overproduction causes cell cycle arrest in cells that are partly defective for Cdc25 activity, but has no effect in delta nim1 or delta wee1 mutants. Nif1 also inhibits Nim1-mediated phosphorylation of Wee1 in an insect cell expression system. These observations strongly suggest that Nif1 negatively regulates the onset of mitosis by a novel mechanism, namely inhibiting Nim1 kinase.  相似文献   

Mutagenic and cytotoxic apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) sites are among the most frequent lesions in DNA. Repair of AP sites is initiated by AP endonucleases and most organisms possess two or more of these enzymes. Saccharomyces cerevisiae has AP endonuclease 1 (Apn1) as the major enzymatic activity with AP endonuclease 2 (Apn2) being an important backup. Schizosaccharomyces pombe also encodes two potential AP endonucleases, and Apn2 has been found to be the main repair activity, while Apn1 has no, or only a limited role in AP site repair. Here we have identified a new 5' exon (exon 1) in the apn1 gene and show that the inactivity of S. pombe Apn1 is due to a nonsense mutation in the fifth codon of this new exon. Reversion of this mutation restored the AP endonuclease activity of S. pombe Apn1. Interestingly, the apn1 nonsense mutation was only found in laboratory strains derived from L972 h(-) and not in unrelated isolates of S. pombe. Since all S. pombe laboratory strains originate from L972 h(-), it appears that all experiments involving S. pombe have been conducted in an apn1(-) mutant strain with a corresponding DNA repair deficiency. These observations have implications both for future research in S. pombe and for the interpretation of previously conducted epistatis analysis.  相似文献   

H Lichtenberg  M Heyer  M H?fer 《FEBS letters》1999,457(3):363-368
The Schizosaccharomyces pombe Tpr1 was isolated as suppressor of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Delta trk1,2 potassium uptake deficient phenotype. Tpr1, for tetratrico peptide repeat, encodes a 1039 amino acid residues protein with several reiterated TPR units displaying significant homology to p150(TSP), a recently identified phosphoprotein of mouse, to S. cerevisiae CTR9 and to related sequences of human, Caenorhabditis elegans, Methanoccocus jannaschii and Arabidopsis thaliana. Expression of Tpr1 restored growth on 0.2 mM K(+) media, induced K(+) transport with a K(T) of 4.6 mM and resumed inward currents of -90 pA at -250 mV (pH 7.2) conducting K(+) and other alkali-metal ions. The tetratrico peptide repeat is a degenerate motif of 34 amino acids that is repeated several times within TPR-containing proteins and has been suggested to mediate protein-protein interactions. The sequence and putative binding properties of Tpr1 suggest the protein unlikely as transporter but involved in the enhancement of K(+) uptake via conventional carriers.  相似文献   

Transport of L-glutamic acid into the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe grown to the early stationary phase and preincubated for 60 min with 1% D-glucose is practically unidirectional and is mediated by a single uphill transport system with a KT of 170 microM and Jmax of 4.8 nmol min-1 (mg dry wt.)-1. The system proved to be rather non-specific since all the amino acids transported into the cells acted as potent competitive inhibitors. It has a pH optimum at 3.0-4.0, the accumulation ratio of L-glutamic acid is highest at a suspension density of 0.6-1.0 mg dry wt. per ml and decreases with increasing L-glutamic acid concentrations in the external medium. The system present in the cells after preincubation with D-glucose is unstable and its activity decays after washing the cells with water or after stopping the cytosolic proteinsynthesis with cycloheximide, with a half-time of 24 min in a reaction significantly retarded by phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, a serine proteinase inhibitor. The synthesis of the transport protein appears to be repressible by ammonium ions.  相似文献   

范洁琼  邓小龙  冯碧薇  王继峰  余垚  吕红 《遗传》2013,35(8):1030-1039
丝/苏氨酸特异性钙调磷酸酶(Calcineurin, CN)是一种在真核生物中广泛存在的蛋白, 是参与转录调控的重要分子。裂殖酵母中的CN是由催化亚基Ppb1和调节亚基Cnb1组成的异源二聚体。文章报道了裂殖酵母中cnb1+的缺失引起细胞生长速度缓慢, 产生多隔膜现象, 胞质分裂受阻滞。胞质分裂过程中, Cnb1与Ppb1组成CN复合物, 与收缩环在分裂平面上共定位, 并与收缩环一起收缩。cnb1Δ菌株的隔膜成熟过程存在缺陷, 微管出现纵穿隔膜的现象。上述结果说明Cnb1可能参与隔膜的成熟过程。此外, 还检测了cnb1D菌株中胞裂蛋白的信号。胞裂蛋白包括Spn1、Spn2、Spn3和Spn4, 它们是引导隔膜降解的重要分子。结果显示, 在cnb1D菌株中, 80%左右的细胞在隔膜处缺失Spn2和Spn3的信号, 20%左右的细胞缺失Spn1和Spn4的信号。由于胞裂蛋白的蛋白表达量在cnb1D中没有降低, 因此胞裂蛋白信号的消失不是转录缺陷引起的, 这暗示Cnb1可能采用了不依赖转录的方式来调控胞裂蛋白环的稳定性。以上结果提示, Cnb1可能通过影响隔膜的成熟及胞裂蛋白环的稳定性参与调节裂殖酵母的胞质分裂过程。  相似文献   

The Schizosaccharomyces pombe ORF, SPAC29B12.10c, a predicted member of the oligopeptide transporter (OPT) family, was identified as a gene encoding the S. pombe glutathione transporter ( Pgt1 ) by a genetic strategy that exploited the requirement of the cys1a Δ strain of S. pombe (which is defective in cysteine biosynthesis) for either cysteine or glutathione, for growth. Disruption of the ORF in the cys1a Δ strain led to an inability to grow on glutathione as a source of cysteine. Cloning and subsequent biochemical characterization of the ORF revealed that a high-affinity transporter for glutathione ( K m=63 μM) that was found to be localized to the plasma membrane. The transporter was specific for glutathione, as significant inhibition in glutathione uptake could be observed only by either reduced or oxidized glutathione, or glutathione conjugates, but not by dipeptides or tripeptides. Furthermore, although glu–cys–gly, an analogue of glutathione (γ-glu–cys–gly), could be utilized as a sulphur source, the growth was not Pgt1 dependent. This further underlined the specificity of this transporter for glutathione. The strong repression of pgt1+ expression by cysteine suggested a role in scavenging glutathione from the extracellular environment for the maintenance of sulphur homeostasis in this yeast.  相似文献   

Flocculation in Schizosaccharomyces pombe   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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