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The role of ethnicity, community structure, and folk concepts of mental illness in facilitating the adaptation of long term psychiatric patients to community living has received little attention. This article examines the cultural concepts of mental illness and the community involvement of 30 Puerto Rican psychiatric patients participating in a New York City treatment program. It is shown that many of the attributes usually associated with chronic mental illness do not apply to this population. It is argued that the folk concept of nervios helps to foster the integration of these patients in a wide range of community networks. The impact of gentrification on these patients' community integration is also discussed.  相似文献   

Among Hispanics, the family is viewed as the primary care giver for seriously mentally ill family members. This paper reports on a study of minority families' conceptions of serious mental illness, of their interaction with mental health resources, and on the burdens experienced by families in caring for a seriously mentally ill family member. The focus of this paper is on Hispanic families in New Jersey, with some comparative data from other ethnic group families. Families' conceptions of serious mental illness are explored and analyzed to demonstrate the importance of concepts of nervios and fallo mental in shaping families' responses to their ill family member. Social support systems for families are also explored with particular attention to the role of religious institutions and religious healing as a major source of solace.  相似文献   

This paper is about naming illnesses—about who determines what categories are used and the implications of these determinations. The central concerns of medical/psychiatric anthropology have been to understand popular categories of and systems for classification of illness, to examine the relationship of illness categories to cultural understandings of the body, and to interpret the role of categories of illness in mediating between the personal and social spheres. At the same time, the paper also discusses the interplay of popular categories and psychiatric diagnoses. This paper examines the multiple experiences of nervios among Puerto Ricans in Puerto Rico and New York City. Our contention is that nervios is more than a diffuse idiom of distress, and that there are different categories and experiences of nervios which provide insights into how distress is experienced and expressed by Puerto Ricans and point to different social sources of suffering. The data in this paper come from the responses to a series of open-ended questions which tapped into people's general conceptions of nervios and ataques de nervios. These questions were incorporated into follow-up interviews to an epidemiological study of the mental health of adults in Puerto Rico. The results suggest ways to incorporate these different categories of nervios into future research and clinical work with different Latino groups in the United States and in their home countries.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present contribution is to describe the prevalence ofnervios through self-report, to identify psychological andsomatic symptoms associated with nervios, and to report thecomorbidity of nervios with mood and anxiety disorders amongMexican rural-origin adults. The data reported here were collected aspart of a larger project, whose aims were to determine the prevalence ofselected mental health problems, their sociocultural manifestation andinterpretation, and the utilization of mental health services among theinhabitants of rural communities in Mexico. A multi-stage, stratified,random sample of two regions in Mexico was obtained. The total number ofparticipants used in the analyses was 942 adults: 441 men and 501women. We found a prevalence of nervios of 15.5% in thegeneral population. When analyzed by sex, women had a significantlyhigher prevalence (20.8%) of this condition than men(9.5%). Also, all the somatic and psychological symptomsassociated with nervios had a higher prevalence among womenthan men.  相似文献   

This paper takes the theoretical construct of popular nosology of Latino folk illnesses and combines it with Edward Casey’s concept of bodily remembering in order to more fully describe the role of memory and place in the illness experiences of the Amuzgos Indians of Oaxaca, Mexico. I ethnographically describe, across time, the interrelated links among social events, physical symptoms, and illness narratives of Latino folk illness popular nosologies as they are contextualized in their unique, social topographies. This enlarged theoretical perspective implies a smallest unit of meaning that is ethnographically defined, but that will often encompass more than the individual sufferer and more than one illness. The research objective of this study was to understand Amuzgan illness experiences through the narratives of detailed case histories and ethnographic observations that were gathered during 18 months of qualitative research. The data show that Amuzgos experience Latino folk illnesses as bodily rememberings of illness events combined with negative interpersonal interactions. Healing these Latino folk illnesses implies curing bodies, households, social relationships, and living environments.  相似文献   

Past research on idioms of distress among U.S. Latinos has revealed that ataque de nervios and altered perceptions, such as hearing and seeing things when alone, are independent markers of higher morbidity and mental health utilization despite having no one-to-one relationships with any single psychiatric diagnosis. It has been proposed that the idioms exert this effect because they are signs of distressing dissociative capacity associated with traumatic exposure. This study examines the relationships in an ethnically diverse Latino psychiatric outpatient sample (N = 230) among interpersonal trauma, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), major depressive disorder, dissociative capacity and four cultural idioms of distress associated with the popular overall category of nervios. We particularly explore how these relationships change with varied measures of traumatic exposure, including trauma severity and timing or persistence of trauma. A series of adjusted bivariate regressions assessed the matrix of associations between the idioms and the clinical variables. In this highly traumatized population, we identified a strong ‘nexus’ of associations between dissociation and three of the idioms: currently being ill with nerves, ataque de nervios and altered perceptions. These idioms were largely independent from PTSD and depression and were associated with trauma persistence and severity. A fourth idiom, being nervous since childhood, was not associated with any other variable and may represent a personality trait rather than a diagnosable condition. Our results validate the clinical utility of the construct of nervios as a set of specific idioms associated with dissociation that are useful markers of mental health need among Latinos independently of their association with clinical diagnoses.  相似文献   

This article examines a clinicalsample of 66 Dominican and Puerto Ricansubjects who reported ataques de nerviosand also psychiatric disorder, and disentanglesthe phenomenological experiences of ataquede nervios, panic attacks, and panic disorder. In-depth cultural interviews assessed thesymptomatic phenomenology of ataqueepisodes from the local perspective as well asin terms of key panic features, such asrecurrence, rapid peaking of symptoms, and lackof provocation. Independent diagnosticassessments of panic attacks and disorder werealso used to establish the phenomenologicaloverlap between ataque and panic. Ourfindings indicate that 36 percent ofataques de nervios fulfill criteria for panicattacks and between 17 percent and 33 percentfor panic disorder, depending on the overlapmethod used. The main features distinguishingataques that fulfill panic criteria fromataques that do not include whether theepisodes were provoked by an upsetting event inthe person's life and the rapidity of crescendoof the actual attack. A key finding is thatataques often share individualphenomenological features with panic episodes,but that these features usually do not ``runtogether' during the ataque experience.This confirms previous findings thatataque is a more inclusive construct thanpanic disorder. The importance of thesefindings for the clinical diagnosis andtreatment of persons with ataques isdiscussed.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of the cultural category ataques de nervios on responses to the Puerto Rican Diagnostic Interview Schedule (DIS), a Spanish version of structured psychiatric diagnostic interview developed for the NIHM Epidemiologic Catchment Area study. An ataque de nervios scale was created from the Somatization items of the DIS to explore the effect of this culturally meaningful category of distress on responses to a standard psychiatric interview. Analysis of 1,513 cases from a representative sample of the island of Puerto Rico indicated that people reporting ataque symptoms fit the social characteristics described for ataques sufferers in the ethnographic literature. Qualitative data indicated that Puerto Ricans were reporting ataques de nervios in the panic section of the DIS. Questions are raised about the validity of the somatization and panic sections of the DIS in cross-cultural research with Hispanics.  相似文献   


Affective disorders—depression and mania—occurring with no preexisting psychiatric condition, severe physical illness, or recent personal loss can be divided into unipolar (depression only) and bipolar (both manic and depressive episodes) disorders. Bipolar illness is transmitted in some families as an X‐linked dominant factor. In other families, X‐linked transmission does not occur. Hence, bipolar illness may be similar to retinitis pigmentosa. This makes some types of genetic counseling difficult to apply to bipolar families. There is no evidence that unipolar depressive illness is transmitted by an X‐linked factor. Family studies indicate that there might be more than one type of unipolar illness. Limited prediction of risk of depression and other psychiatric conditions in other family members can be based on family studies which show that alcoholism and personality disorder occur frequently in families of early onset depressives but much less frequently in families of late onset depressives (age 40 or older).  相似文献   

In highland Ecuador, pena refers to a state of mind characterized by a mixture of sadness and anxiety as well as to an illness state resembling depression. This paper attempts to illustrate, through an analysis of the discourse on pena, how the ideology in which it is embedded serves to interpret a bodily problem at the same time as it reflects a more global attitude toward life. In essence, the folk theory states that the physical complaints caused by suffering are the result of a disturbance of the heart, the central organ of man, and of the emotional life which it controls. Because this suffering is often attributed to the immediate family group of the victim, the community at large often formulates accusations against one of its members. Though the therapy is limited to a cure of the symptoms through herbal remedies, a formal request can be made to a perceived wrongdoer to amend his behavior. The pena is also a state which can lead to colerin, a dangerous and sometimes lethal illness which is characterized by a sudden explosion of anger or madness and which will follow an unattended state of pena.  相似文献   

A health diary study was conducted to examine the incidence and nature of health problems and illness behavior among rural residents in Japan. Attention was paid in particular to the utilization of folk medicine or alternative practitioners in the context of illness behavior. One hundred and sixty-one health problems were recorded over a 4-week diary period by 28 housewives aged 35–64 years. Headache, tiredness and gastrointestinal problems were among the most common problems. Emotional/psychological problems, the most frequently recorded problems in the health diary studies conducted in the United States or England, were recorded by only 3 participants. Only 6 problems (3.7 percent) resulted in consulting a doctor. Three women utilized an acupuncturist, shinkyshi, during the diary period. Self-care, such as resting by lying down, using home remedies and self-medication including household drugs, Toyama kusuri and folk medicine, was practiced for 101 problems (62.7 percent). Folk medicine or alternative practitioners played important roles in the health seeking process. The health diary method was shown to be suitable not only to Western communities but also in a rural Japanese context.  相似文献   

Flagellar filament self‐assembles from the component protein, flagellin or FliC, with the aid of the capping protein, HAP2 or FliD. Depending on the helical parameters of filaments, flagella from various species are divided into three groups, family I, II, and III. Each family coincides with the traditional classification of flagella, peritrichous flagella, polar flagella, and lateral flagella, respectively. To elucidate the physico‐chemical properties of flagellin to separate families, we chose family I flagella and family II flagella and examined how well the exchangeability of a combination of FliC and/or FliD from different families is kept in filament formation. FliC or FliD of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (Salty; family I) were exchanged with those of Escherichia coli (Escco; family I) or Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pseae; family II). In a Salty fliC deletion mutant, Escco FliC formed short filaments, but Pseae FliC did not form filaments. In a Salty fliD deletion mutant, both Escco FliD and Pseae FliD allowed Salty FliC to polymerize into short filaments. In conclusion, FliC can be exchanged among the same family but not between different families, while FliD serves as the cap protein even in different families, confirming that FliC is essential for determining families, but FliD plays a subsidiary role in filament formation. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The intragenomic distribution of five retrotransposon families (297, 1731, copia, mdg1 and roo) in the species of the melanogaster complex was studied by comparing results of the Southern blotting technique in males and females with those of in situ hybridization. The degree of structural polymorphism of each family in the different species was also investigated by restriction enzyme analysis. It was found that genomic distribution is a trait that depends on the family and species. The distribution of roo is mainly euchromatic in the four species and 1731 is heterochromatic, but the distribution of families 297, copia and mdg1 is markedly different in the melanogaster and simulans clades. These families were mainly euchromatic in D. melanogaster but heterochromatic in its sibling species. In the simulans clade most copia and mdg1 elements are located on chromosome Y. Differences in genomic distribution are unrelated with structural conservation. The relation of intragenomic distribution to phylogeny, transpositional activity and the role of the host genome are discussed.  相似文献   

Microphthalmia/anophthalmia is a clinically heterogeneous disorder of eye formation, ranging from small size of a single eye to complete bilateral absence of ocular tissues. The genetic defect underlying isolated autosomal recessive microphthalmia/anophthalmia is yet unclear. We studied four families (two of Arab origin, one of Bedouin origin, and one of Persian-Jewish origin) with autosomal recessive microphthalmia/anophthalmia and no associated eye anomalies, and one Syrian–Jewish family with associated colobomas. Assuming a founder effect in each of the families, we performed homozygosity mapping using polymorphic markers adjacent to human homologues of genes known to be associated with eye absence in various species, namely EYA1, EYA2, EYA3, SIX4, SIX6, PAX6 and CHX10. No association was found with EYA1, EYA2, EYA3, SIX6 or PAX6. In two families, linkage analysis was consistent with possible association with SIX4, but no mutations were found in the coding region of the gene or its flanking intron sequences. In three of the five families, linkage analysis followed by sequencing demonstrated that affected individuals in each family were homozygous for a different CHX10 aberration: a mutation in the CVC domain and a deletion of the homeobox domain were found in two Arab families, and a mutation in the donor-acceptor site in the first intron in the Syrian-Jewish family. There was phenotypic variation between families having different mutations, but no significant phenotypic variation within each family. It has been previously shown that mutations in a particular nucleotide in CHX10 are associated with an autosomal recessive syndrome of microphthalmia/anophthalmia with iris colobomas and cataracts in two families. We now show that different mutations in other domains of the same gene underlie isolated microphthalmia/anophthalmia.  相似文献   

Computer analysis of the complete genome of Deinococcus radioduransR1 reveals a number of protein families, which are over-represented in this organism, compared to most other bacteria with known genome sequences. These families include both previously characterized and uncharacterized proteins. Most of the families whose functions are known or could be predicted seem to be related to stress-response and elimination of damage products (cell-cleaning). The two most prominent family expansions are the Nudix (MutT) family of pyrophosphohydrolases and a previously unnoticed family of proteins related to Bacillus subtilisDinB that could possess a metal-dependent enzymatic activity whose exact nature remains to be determined. Several proteins of the expanded families, particularly the Nudix family, are fused to other domains and form multidomain proteins that are so far unique for Deinococcus. The domain composition of some of these proteins indicates that they could be involved in novel DNA-repair pathways. Such unique proteins are good targets for knock-out and gene expression studies, which are aimed to shed light on the unusual features of this interesting10.6pt bacterium.  相似文献   

This article explores the relationship among suffering, Islamic moral concepts, subjectivity, and agency within a cohort of middle‐aged women who migrated from Pakistan to Britain in the 1960s and 1970s as the wives or daughters of industrial workers. These women were preoccupied with their ageing bodies and complained about the cumulative assaults on their health they had experienced, and which they felt had been neglected by health professionals and family alike. By examining how these women bear chronic illness through a discourse of sabar (patience or silent forbearance), I show how women were able to transform their illness into a selfless and virtuous consequence of shouldering the burdens of kinship. Sabar suggests passive acceptance or fatalism to some observers, but attending to how women situate their illness in a religious and eschatological frame, we see that they actively appropriate rather than passively imbibe the norm of sabar. Moreover, turning from narratives to everyday contexts of friendship, family, and inter‐generational relations, we see that there are tensions between self‐sublimation and self‐assertion in the practice of sabar. It is argued that ethnographic attention to subjectivity and reflexivity are crucial to understanding sabar as an agential capacity.  相似文献   

The scorpionfly family Holcorpidae (Mecoptera) has been informally discussed since the early 1960’s, but a detailed treatment in accordance with the provisions of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature for naming families was not provided until Willmann did so in 1989; he is recognized as author of the family. The Holcorpidae concept is revised here based on examination of its two specimens of Holcorpa maculosa from the Late Eocene of Florissant, Colorado, and a third, new specimen from the Early Eocene Okanagan Highlands locality at McAbee, British Columbia, Canada. This new specimen belongs to a second, new species, which is described here, Holcorpa dillhoffi n. sp.  相似文献   

Members of three prominent DNA families of Beta procumbens have been isolated as Sau3A repeats. Two families consisting of repeats of about 158 bp and 312 bp are organized as satellite DNAs (Sau3A satellites I and II), whereas the third family with a repeat length of 202 bp is interspersed throughout the genome. Multi-colour fluorescence in situ hybridization was used for physical mapping of the DNA families, and has shown that these tandemly organized families occur in large heterochromatic and DAPI positive blocks. The Sau3A satellite I hybridized exclusively around or near the centromeres of 10, 11 or 12 chromosomes. The Sau3A satellite family I showed high intraspecific variability and high-resolution physical mapping was performed on pachytene chromosomes using differentially labelled repeats. The physical order of satellite subfamily arrays along a chromosome was visualized and provided evidence that large arrays of plant satellite repeats are not contiguous and consist of distinct subfamily domains. Re-hybridization of a heterologous rRNA probe to mitotic metaphase chromosomes revealed that the 18S-5.8S-25S rRNA genes are located at subterminal position on one chromosome pair missing repeat clusters of the Sau3A satellite family I. It is known that arrays of Sau3A satellite I repeats are tightly linked to a nematode (Heterodera schachtii) resistance gene and our results show that the gene might be located close to the centromere. Large arrays of the Sau3A satellite II were found in centromeric regions of 16 chromosomes and, in addition, a considerable interspersion of repeats over all chromosomes was observed. The family of interspersed 202 bp repeats is uniformly distributed over all chromosomes and largely excluded from the rRNA gene cluster but shows local amplification in some regions. Southern hybridization has shown that all three families are specific for genomes of the section Procumbentes of the genus Beta.  相似文献   

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