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The 3' termini of ribosomal RNA precursors from mouse FM3A cultured cells are mapped to eight sites within 625 bp downstream from the 3' terminus of 28 S rRNA. Three additional sites are mapped in liver RNA from C3H/He strain mice. Two of them, the sites at 570 bp and 625 bp are assumed to be termination sites in vivo, because they correspond to in vitro termination sites of RNA polymerase I, and 45 S RNAs having these 3' termini decay with kinetics distinct from others. The amount of 45 S RNA having the 3' terminus at other sites is variable among several mouse strains, despite their having the same DNA sequence in these regions. The ability to produce 3' termini in these sites seems to follow Mendel's law of inheritance. Therefore, we postulate that these nine sites are RNA processing sites which are controlled genetically.  相似文献   

The structure of the maize ribosomal DNA spacer region.   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文

Molecular analysis of the heterogeneity region of the human ribosomal spacer   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
The human ribosomal non-transcribed spacers are 30 X 10(3) base-pairs (or 30 kb) in length with a limited length heterogeneity localized in a specific region downstream from the 3' end of the transcribed region. Total DNA digested with EcoRI and BamHI and hybridized with a probe containing the 3' end of the 28 S ribosomal RNA coding region shows four major bands of 3.9 kb, 4.6 kb, 5.4 kb and 6.2 kb. The 5.4 kb band is the most abundant in every individual, followed by the 4.6 kb band. The longest and the shortest size classes are less well-represented and may even be absent. Every individual shows his own pattern of relative abundance of non-transcribed spacer length classes that can be followed through generations. We decided to investigate the molecular structure of the heterogeneity region, in order to cast light onto the mechanisms underlying the origin and maintenance of this length heterogeneity. Pertinent spacer regions of eight ribosomal clones from two human genomic libraries were subcloned and analyzed by restriction mapping and nucleotide sequencing. In the minimal length class, there is a sequence of 700 base-pairs that appears to be tandemly duplicated once, twice or three times in the other length classes. This repeated DNA module contains a region consisting of repetitions of simple pyrimidine groups like C-T, C-T-T-T or C-C-C-T. DNA module repeats may differ by the length of this pyrimidine-rich region. However, these length variations are not continuous, as revealed by Southern transfer analysis of several individuals and different cloned gene units: instead, the repeated modules fall into two discrete length classes of about 700 base-pairs and 800 base-pairs. An imperfect duplication of a short sequence of 86/89 base-pairs is present at the boundary between the heterogeneity region and the upstream flanking region, representing a very ancient duplication event.  相似文献   

The large EcoRI fragment of mouse ribosomal genes containing parts of the non-transcribed spacer, the external transcribed spacer located at the 5' end of the precursor molecule and about two thirds of the 18S sequence has been cloned in bacteriophage lambda gtWES. A physical map of the DNA was constructed by cleavage with several restriction endonucleases and hybridization of the restriction fragments of the recombinant DNA with labelled 18S and 45S rRNA. The orientation of the inserted fragment as well as the length of the 18S sequence was determined by electron microscopy of R-loop containing molecules. The absence of hybridization of the cloned fragment to other fragments in the genome shows that the non-transcribed spacer does not have a significant length of sequences in common with other sequences in the genome.  相似文献   

A new repetitive DNA region was identified in the non-transcribed spacer of human rDNA, namely a long (4.6 kb) sequence motif (Xbal element) was present in two copies. The repeating unit composed of two parts. One of them consisted of unique nucleotide sequences, interrupted by some simple sequences. The other, about 3.1 kb long one assembled only from highly repeated simple sequences. The unique sequence region contained two, inverted copies of the human AluI type repetitive DNA family. The authors suggest that the XbaI elements may flank the tandem arrays of human rRNA genes as terminal repeats and they might function both as the origin of rDNA replication and/or site of homologous recombination.  相似文献   

The 16S-23S ribosomal DNA spacer region of selected cyanobacterial strains was amplified by the polymerase chain reaction using primers to conserved flanking sequences. Single or multiple rDNA amplification products were generated depending on the strain and primer pair. Species could generally be distinguished on the basis of size heterogeneity of the products. Analysis of restriction digests of the amplified rDNAs indicated polymorphisms useful in identification. Four enzymes (HinfI, DdeI, AluI, TaqI) generated restriction fragment length patterns that could discriminate between the cyanobacteria to the taxonomic levels of genus and species. This approach should prove useful in the rapid identification of cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the sequence organization of the central spacer region of the extrachromosomal ribosomal DNA from two strains of the acellular slime mold Physarum polycephalum. It had been inferred previously from electron microscopy that this region, which comprises about one third of the 60 kb3 palindromic rDNA, contains a complex series of inverted repetitious sequences. By partial digestion of end-labeled fragments isolated from purified rDNA and from rDNA fragments cloned in Escherichia coli, we have constructed a detailed restriction map of this region. The 11 kb of spacer DNA of each half molecule of rDNA contains the following elements: (a) two separate regions, one of 1.1 kb and one of 2.1 kb, composed of many direct repeats of the same 30 base-pair unit; (b) a region of 4.4 kb composed of a complex series of inverted repeats of a 310 base-pair unit; (c) another region of 1.6 kb composed of inverted repeats of the same 310 base-pair unit located directly adjacent to the center of the rDNA; (d) two copies of a unique sequence of 0.85 kb, which probably contains a replication origin. Some of the CpG sequences in the spacer resist cleavage by certain restriction endonucleases and thus appear to be methylated. The lack of perfect symmetry about the central axis and the arrangement of inverted repeated sequences explain the complex pattern of branches and forks of the fold-back molecules previously observed by electron microscopy. Comparison of the rDNA restriction maps from the two strains of Physarum suggests that the repeat units in the spacer are undergoing concerted evolution. We propose a model to explain the evolutionary origin of the several palindromic axes in the Physarum rDNA spacer.  相似文献   

The intergenic spacer (IGS) of the rRNA genes was analyzed from the dermatophyte Trichophyton violaceum isolated from cases of tinea capitis in Taiwan and Iran. T. violaceum strains were cultured from different colonies, from single conidial colonies derived by dilution plating, and from micromanipulation of single conidia from clinical samples. A ribosomal DNA probe hybridizing to multiple EcoRI fragments was used to compare restriction fragment length polymorphisms in different T. violaceum isolates. The arthroconidia of T. violaceum that form in vivo during infection were shown to contain a single nucleus by 4',6'-diamidino-2-phenylindole staining. IGS regions from an isolate cultured from a single conidium were amplified, cloned, and sequenced. The results identified that heterogeneity exists between IGS regions within a single T. violaceum genome due to different copy numbers of a 171-bp tandem repeat. This suggests that the IGS of T. violaceum is partially excluded from the concerted evolution of the rRNA gene locus. The heterogeneous character of the IGS regions in T. violaceum contrasts with the closely related dermatophyte Trichophyton rubrum, posing further questions on the phylogeny and the evolution of dermatophyte fungi.  相似文献   

Human ribosomal RNA intergenic spacer sequence.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文

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