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Insect ears contain very different numbers of sensory cells, from only one sensory cell in some moths to thousands of sensory cells, e.g. in cicadas. These differences still await functional explanation and especially the large numbers in cicadas remain puzzling. Insects of the different orders have distinct developmental sequences for the generation of auditory organs. These sensory cells might have different functions depending on the developmental stages. Here we propose that constraints arising during development are also important for the design of insect ears and might influence cell numbers of the adults.

Presentation of the hypothesis

We propose that the functional requirements of the subadult stages determine the adult complement of sensory units in the auditory system of cicadas. The hypothetical larval sensory organ should function as a vibration receiver, representing a functional caenogenesis.

Testing the hypothesis

Experiments at different levels have to be designed to test the hypothesis. Firstly, the neuroanatomy of the larval sense organ should be analyzed to detail. Secondly, the function should be unraveled neurophysiologically and behaviorally. Thirdly, the persistence of the sensory cells and the rebuilding of the sensory organ to the adult should be investigated.

Implications of the hypothesis

Usually, the evolution of insect ears is viewed with respect to physiological and neuronal mechanisms of sound perception. This view should be extended to the development of sense organs. Functional requirements during postembryonic development may act as constraints for the evolution of adult organs, as exemplified with the auditory system of cicadas.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Subitizing involves recognition mechanisms that allow effortless enumeration of up to four visual objects, however despite ample resolution experimental data suggest that only one pitch can be reliably enumerated. This may be due to the grouping of tones according to harmonic relationships by recognition mechanisms prior to fine pitch processing. Poorer frequency resolution of auditory information available to recognition mechanisms may lead to unrelated tones being grouped, resulting in underestimation of pitch number. METHODS, RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: We tested whether pitch enumeration is better for chords of full harmonic complex tones, where grouping errors are less likely, than for complexes with fewer and less accurately tuned harmonics. Chords of low familiarity were used to mitigate the possibility that participants would recognize the chord itself and simply recall the number of pitches. We found that accuracy of pitch enumeration was less than the visual system overall, and underestimation of pitch number increased for stimuli containing fewer harmonics. We conclude that harmonically related tones are first grouped at the poorer frequency resolution of the auditory nerve, leading to poor enumeration of more than one pitch.  相似文献   

The types of echolocation signal and the auditory capacities of echolocating bats are adapted to specific acoustical constraints of the foraging areas. Bats hunting insects above the canopy use low frequencies for echolocation; this is an adaptation to prey detection over long distances. Bats foraging close to and within foliage avoid masking of insect echoes by specializing on 'fluttering target' detection. 'Gleaning' bats are adapted to the auditory detection of very faint noises generated by ground-dwelling prey, and are capable of analysing fine changes in the echo spectrum, which may indicate a stationary prey changing its posture on a substrate. This review of recent research demonstrates that, in bats, foraging ecology and audition are intricately interrelated and interdependent.  相似文献   

The teleost gasbladder is believed to aid in fish audition by transferring pressure components of incoming sound to the inner ears. This idea is primarily based on both anatomical observations of the mechanical connection between the gasbladder and the ear, followed by physiological experiments by various researchers. The gasbladder movement has been modeled mathematically as a pulsating bubble. This study is extending the previous work on fish with a physical coupling of the gasbladder and ear by investigating hearing in two species (the blue gourami Trichogaster trichopterus, and the oyster toadfish Opsanus tau) without a mechanical linkage. An otophysan specialist (the goldfish Carassius auratus) with mechanical coupling, is used as the control. Audiograms were obtained with acoustically evoked potentials (e.g., auditory brainstem response) from intact fish and from the same individuals with their gasbladders deflated. In blue gourami and oyster toadfish, removal of gas did not significantly change thresholds, and evoked potentials had similar waveforms. In goldfish thresholds increased by 33–55 dB (frequency dependent) after deflation, and major changes in evoked potentials were observed. These results suggest that the gasbladder may not serve an auditory enhancement function in teleost fishes that lack mechanical coupling between the gasbladder and the inner ear. Accepted: 28 February 2000  相似文献   

The romantic notion of crickets singing on a warm summer’s evening is quickly dispelled when one comes ear to ear with a stridulating male. Remarkably, stridulating male crickets are able to hear sounds from the environment despite generating a 100 db song (Heiligenberg 1969; Jones and Dambach 1973). This review summarises recent work examining how they achieve this feat of sensory processing. While the responsiveness of the crickets’ peripheral auditory system (tympanic membrane, tympanic nerve, state of the acoustic spiracle) is maintained during sound production, central auditory neurons are inhibited by a feedforward corollary discharge signal precisely timed to coincide with the auditory neurons’ maximum response to self-generated sound. In this way, the corollary discharge inhibition prevents desensitisation of the crickets’ auditory pathway during sound production.  相似文献   

It is shown that any (ℳ ℛ) has some component which cannot be re-established after it has been inhibited. If there is only one such component, it must be central, that is, its inhibition stops the whole system. These results hold even when it is not assumed that ℳ is connected.  相似文献   

Does our perceptual awareness consist of a continuous stream, or a discrete sequence of perceptual cycles, possibly associated with the rhythmic structure of brain activity? This has been a long-standing question in neuroscience. We review recent psychophysical and electrophysiological studies indicating that part of our visual awareness proceeds in approximately 7–13 Hz cycles rather than continuously. On the other hand, experimental attempts at applying similar tools to demonstrate the discreteness of auditory awareness have been largely unsuccessful. We argue and demonstrate experimentally that visual and auditory perception are not equally affected by temporal subsampling of their respective input streams: video sequences remain intelligible at sampling rates of two to three frames per second, whereas audio inputs lose their fine temporal structure, and thus all significance, below 20–30 samples per second. This does not mean, however, that our auditory perception must proceed continuously. Instead, we propose that audition could still involve perceptual cycles, but the periodic sampling should happen only after the stage of auditory feature extraction. In addition, although visual perceptual cycles can follow one another at a spontaneous pace largely independent of the visual input, auditory cycles may need to sample the input stream more flexibly, by adapting to the temporal structure of the auditory inputs.  相似文献   

In 1958 MacKay showed that a rigidly moving object becomes visually fragmented when part of it is continuously visible but the rest is illuminated intermittently. For example, the glowing tip of a lit cigarette moving under stroboscopic illumination appeared to move ahead of the intermittently lit body. Latterly rediscovered as "the flash-lag effect" (FLE), this illusion now is typically demonstrated on a computer monitor showing two spots of light, one translating across the screen and another briefly flashed in vertical alignment with it. Despite being physically aligned, the brief flash is seen to lag behind the moving spot. This effect has recently motivated much fruitful research, prompting a variety of potential explanations, including those based on motion extrapolation, differential latency, attention, postdiction, and temporal integration (for review, see ). With no consensus on which theory is most plausible, we have broadened the scope of enquiry to include audition and have found that the FLE is not confined to vision. Whether the auditory motion stimulus is a frequency sweep or a translating sound source, briefly presented auditory stimuli lag behind auditory movement. In addition, when we used spatial motion, we found that the FLE can occur cross-modally. Together, these findings challenge several FLE theories and point to a discrepancy between internal brain timing and external stimulus timing.  相似文献   

Normative models of choice in economics and biology usually expect preferences to be consistent across contexts, or “rational” in economic language. Following a large body of literature reporting economically irrational behaviour in humans, breaches of rationality by animals have also been recently described. If proven systematic, these findings would challenge long-standing biological approaches to behavioural theorising, and suggest that cognitive processes similar to those claimed to cause irrationality in humans can also hinder optimality approaches to modelling animal preferences. Critical differences between human and animal experiments have not, however, been sufficiently acknowledged. While humans can be instructed conceptually about the choice problem, animals need to be trained by repeated exposure to all contingencies. This exposure often leads to differences in state between treatments, hence changing choices while preserving rationality. We report experiments with European starlings demonstrating that apparent breaches of rationality can result from state-dependence. We show that adding an inferior alternative to a choice set (a “decoy”) affects choices, an effect previously interpreted as indicating irrationality. However, these effects appear and disappear depending on whether state differences between choice contexts are present or not. These results open the possibility that some expressions of maladaptive behaviour are due to oversights in the migration of ideas between economics and biology, and suggest that key differences between human and nonhuman research must be recognised if ideas are to safely travel between these fields.  相似文献   

G Kampis  V Csányi 《Bio Systems》1987,20(2):143-152
Real reproducing systems are contrasted with cellular automata-based models of self-reproduction. It is argued that the reproduction described by the latter is trivial compared to its biological counterpart. The paper explores a few reasons and consequences of this situation, along with a discussion on different forms of the basic reproduction (and construction) process.  相似文献   

The most studied ecogeographic rule is Bergmann's rule, but aspects of the original paper are often presented incorrectly even though Bergmann (1847) is explicitly cited. The goal of this paper is to 1) summarize the contents of Bergmann's paper, supported by direct translations, and 2) to discuss the main issues surrounding Bergmann's rule based on Bergmann's intentions and early definitions of the rule. Although Bergmann himself never formulated an explicit rule, based on Bergmann's (1847) intentions and early definitions of Bergmann's rule, Bergmann's rule is: “Within species and amongst closely related species of homeothermic animals a larger size is often achieved in colder climates than in warmer ones, which is linked to the temperature budget of these animals.” Bergmann (1847) assumed that the surface area of an animal is a measure for heat dissipation and an animal's volume a measure of its heat production. As body size increases, an animal's surface area increases less than its volume; however, modifications in morphology and behaviour will also influence the temperature budget. Bergmann hypothesized that when everything but size is equal, the smaller animals should live in warmer areas. This was supported by empirical data on > 300 bird species belonging to 86 genera. Recommendations for use of the term Bergmann's rule include 1) inclusion of a thermoregulatory mechanism, 2) application only to homoeothermic animals, 3) but to any taxonomic group, 4) tests of the rule should test the assumption that larger animals have to produce less heat to increase body temperatures, and 5) future authors should either go back to the original publication (Bergmann 1847) when referring to it or simply not cite it at all. Synthesis Based on Bergmann's (1847) intentions and early definitions, Bergmann's rule is: “Within species and amongst closely related species of homeothermic animals a larger size is often achieved in colder climates than in warmer ones, which is linked to the temperature budget of these animals.” Recommendations for use of the term Bergmann's rule include 1) inclusion of a thermoregulatory mechanism, 2) application only to homoeothermic animals, 3) and to any taxonomic group, 4) tests of the rule should examine whether larger animals have to produce less heat to increase body temperatures, and 5) authors should go back to the original publication (Bergmann 1847) when referring to it.  相似文献   

The assessment of animal welfare can include resource-based or animal-based measures. Official animal welfare inspections in Denmark primarily control compliance with animal welfare legislation based on resource measures (e.g. housing system) and usually do not regard animal response parameters (e.g. clinical and behavioural observations). Herds selected for welfare inspections are sampled by a risk-based strategy based on existing register data. The aim of the present study was to evaluate register data variables as predictors of dairy herds with violations of the animal welfare legislation (VoAWL) defined as occurrence of at least one of the two most frequently violated measures found at recent inspections in Denmark, namely (a) presence of injured animals not separated from the rest of the group and/or (b) animals in a condition warranting euthanasia still being present in the herd. A total of 25 variables were extracted from the Danish Cattle Database and assessed as predictors using a multivariable logistic analysis of a data set including 73 Danish dairy herds, which all had more than 100 cows and cubicle loose-housing systems. Univariable screening was used to identify variables associated with VoAWL at a P-value<0.2 for the inclusion in a multivariable logistic regression analysis. Backward selection procedures identified the following variables for the final model predictive of VoAWL: increasing standard deviation of milk yield for first lactation cows, high bulk tank somatic cell count (⩾250 000 cells/ml) and suspiciously low number of recorded veterinary treatments (⩽25 treatments/100 cow years). The identified predictors may be explained by underlying management factors leading to impaired animal welfare in the herd, such as poor hygiene, feeding and management of dry or calving cows and sick animals. However, further investigations are required for causal inferences to be established.  相似文献   

The superordinate mechanism view of emotions predicts that fear should influence perception to carry out the evolved function of overcoming immediate threats. Previous work demonstrates that fear does adaptively influence visual perception. However, there are recurring situations in which auditory perception is used for overcoming immediate threats (e.g., avoiding predators after dark). Some research suggests that the auditory system, independent of fear, is adaptively biased to hear approaching sounds as closer than equidistant receding sounds (a.k.a. the looming bias). The present study investigated whether fear, as a superordinate mechanism, influences auditory perception such that sounds are perceived to be closer, ultimately providing an advantage when avoiding immediate threats. Participants judged whether or not they could reach to an aurally or visually perceived target while either in a fearful or neutral state. The results demonstrated that while in a fearful state, participants judged targets to be closer to them, but only when the target was perceived aurally. This finding extends previous work on adaptive biases in auditory perception to include the influence of fear.  相似文献   

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