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Eye specification in Drosophila is thought be controlled by a set of seven nuclear factors that includes the Pax6 homolog, Eyeless. This group of genes is conserved throughout evolution and has been repeatedly recruited for eye specification. Several of these genes are expressed within the developing eyes of vertebrates and mutations in several mouse and human orthologs are the underlying causes of retinal disease syndromes. Ectopic expression in Drosophila of any one of these genes is capable of inducing retinal development, while loss-of-function mutations delete the developing eye. These nuclear factors comprise a complex regulatory network and it is thought that their combined activities are required for the formation of the eye. We examined the expression patterns of four eye specification genes, eyeless (ey), sine oculis (so), eyes absent (eya), and dachshund (dac) throughout all time points of embryogenesis and show that only eyeless is expressed within the embryonic eye anlagen. This is consistent with a recently proposed model in which the eye primordium acquires its competence to become retinal tissue over several time points of development. We also compare the expression of Ey with that of a putative antennal specifying gene Distal-less (Dll). The expression patterns described here are quite intriguing and raise the possibility that these genes have even earlier and wide ranging roles in establishing the head and visual field.  相似文献   

We have cloned a chick homologue of Drosophila dachshund (dac), termed Dach1. Dach1 is the orthologue of mouse and human Dac/Dach (hereafter referred to as Dach1). We show that chick Dach1 is expressed in a variety of sites during embryonic development, including the eye and ear. Previous work has demonstrated the existence of a functional network and genetic regulatory hierarchy in Drosophila in which eyeless (ey, the Pax6 orthologue), eyes absent (eya), and dac operate together to regulate Drosophila eye development, and that ey regulates the expression of eya and dac. We find that in the developing eye of both chick and mouse, expression domains of Dach1 overlap with those of Pax6, a gene required for normal eye development. Similarly, in the developing ear of both mouse and chick, Dach1 expression overlaps with the expression of another Pax gene, Pax2. In the mouse, Dach1 expression in the developing ear also overlaps with the expression of Eya1 (an eya homologue). Both Pax2 and Eya1 are required for normal ear development. Our expression studies suggest that the Drosophila Pax-eya-dac regulatory network may be evolutionarily conserved such that Pax genes, Eya1, and Dach1 may function together in vertebrates to regulate neural development. To address the further possibility that a regulatory hierarchy exists between Pax, Eya, and Dach genes, we have examined the expression of mouse Dach1 in Pax6, Pax2 and Eya1 mutant backgrounds. Our results indicate that Pax6, Pax2, and Eya1 do not regulate Dach1 expression through a simple linear hierarchy.  相似文献   

In Drosophila, the sine oculis (so) gene is important for the development of the entire visual system, including Bolwig's organ, compound eyes and ocelli. Together with twin of eyeless, eyeless, eyes absent and dachshund, so belongs to a network of genes that by complex interactions initiate eye development. Although much is known about the genetic interactions of the genes belonging to this retinal determination network, only a few such regulatory interactions have been analysed down to the level of DNA-protein interactions. Previous work in our laboratory identified an eye/ocellus specific enhancer of the sine oculis gene that is directly regulated by eyeless and twin of eyeless. We further characterized this regulatory element and identified a minimal enhancer fragment of so that sets up an autoregulatory feedback loop crucial for proper ocelli development. By systematic analysis of the DNA-binding specificity of so we identified the most important nucleotides for this interaction. Using the emerging consensus sequence for SO-DNA binding we performed a genome-wide search and have thereby been able to identify eyeless as well as the signalling gene hedgehog as putative targets of so. Our results strengthen the general assumption that feedback loops among the genes of the retinal determination network are crucial for proper development of eyes and ocelli.  相似文献   

Drosophila eye development is under the control of early eye specifying genes including eyeless (ey), twin of eyeless (toy), eyes absent (eya), dachshund (dac) and sine oculis (so). They are all conserved between vertebrates and insects and they interact in a combinatorial and hierarchical network to regulate each other expression. so has been shown to be directly regulated by ey through an eye-specific enhancer (so10). We further studied the regulation of this element and found that both Drosophila Pax6 proteins namely EY and TOY bind and positively regulate so10 expression through different binding sites. By targeted mutagenesis experiments, we disrupted these EY and TOY binding sites and studied their functional involvement in the so10 enhancer expression in the eye progenitor cells. We show a differential requirement for the EY and TOY binding sites in activating so10 during the different stages of eye development. Additionally, in a rescue experiment performed in the so(1) mutant, we show that the EY and TOY binding sites are required for compound eye and ocellus development respectively. Altogether, these results suggest a differential requirement for EY and TOY to specify the development of the two types of adult visual systems, namely the compound eye and the ocellus.  相似文献   

The Drosophila eyeless gene plays a central role in fly eye development and controls a subordinate regulatory network consisting of the so, eya and dac genes. All three genes have highly conserved mammalian homologs, suggesting possible conservation of this eye forming regulatory network. sine oculis (so) belongs to the so/Six gene family, and Six3 is prominently expressed in the developing mammalian eye. Eya1 and Dach1 are mammalian homologs of eya and dac, respectively, and although neither Eya1 nor Dach1 knockout mice express prenatal eye defects, possibilities exist for postnatal ocular phenotypes or for functional redundancy between related family members. To examine whether expression relationships analogous to those between ey, so, eya and dac exist in early mammalian oculogenesis, we investigated Pax6, Six3, Eya1 and Dach1 protein expression in murine lens and nasal placode development. Six3 expression in the pre-placode lens ectoderm is initially Pax6-independent, but subsequently both its expression and nuclear localization become Pax6-dependent. Six3, Dach1 and Eya1 nasal expression in pre-placode ectoderm are also initially Pax6-independent, but thereafter become Pax6-dependent. Pax6, Six3, Dach1 and Eya1 are all co-expressed in the developing ciliary marginal zone, a source of retinal stem cells in some vertebrates. An in vitro protein-protein interaction is detected between Six3 and Eya1. Collectively, these findings suggest that the Pax-Eya-Six-Dach network is at best only partly conserved during lens and nasal placode development. However, the findings do not rule out the possibility that such a regulatory network acts at later stages of oculogenesis.  相似文献   

The two Pax6 gene homologs eyeless and twin of eyeless play decisive early roles in Drosophila eye development. Strong mutants of twin of eyeless or of eyeless are headless, which suggests that they are required for the development of all structures derived from eye-antennal discs. The activity of these genes is crucial at the very beginning of eye-antennal development in the primordia of eye-antennal discs when eyeless is first activated by the twin of eyeless gene product. This activation does not strictly depend on the Twin of eyeless protein, but is temperature-dependent in its absence. Twin of eyeless acts also in parallel to the eyeless gene and exerts functions that are partially redundant with those of Eyeless, while Eyeless is mainly required to prevent early cell death and promote eye development in eye-antennal discs.  相似文献   

We have compared Pax6 expression during embryonic development in the eyed surface form (surface fish) and several different eyeless cave forms (cavefish) of the teleost Astyanax mexicanus. Despite lacking functional eyes as adults, cavefish embryos form small optic primordia, which later arrest in development and show various degrees of eye degeneration. The pattern of Pax6 mRNA expression was modified early and late during cavefish development. In early surface fish embryos, two bilateral Pax6 expression domains are present in the anterior neural plate, which extend across the midline and fuse to form the forebrain and optic primordia. In cavefish embryos, these Pax6 domains are diminished in size and remain separated, resulting in an anterior gap in Pax6 expression and presumably the formation of smaller optic primordia. The anterior gap in Pax6 expression was confirmed by double staining for Pax6 and distalless-3 mRNA, which marks the anterior margin of the neural plate and is unaltered in cavefish. Similar anterior gaps in Pax6 expression occurred in independently derived cavefish populations, suggesting that they are important in eye degeneration. Later during surface fish development, Pax6 protein is expressed in the cornea, lens, and ganglion and amacrine cells of the neural retina. Pax6 expression was gradually reduced during cavefish lens development, concomitant with lens arrest and degeneration, and was absent in the corneal epithelium, which does not differentiate in cavefish. In contrast, Pax6 expression in the retinal ganglion and amarcine cells is unmodified in cavefish, despite retarded retinal development. The results suggest that changes in Pax6 expression are involved in the evolution of cavefish eye degeneration.  相似文献   

The Drosophila Pax6 genes, eyeless (ey) and twin of eyeless (toy), are expressed in both eyes and the brain. Previous studies have demonstrated that ey plays important roles in axonal outgrowth and differentiation of mushroom bodies (MBs), which are centers for associative learning and memory in flies. However, the functional significance of toy in brain development is poorly understood. Here, we describe the expression patterns of TOY, and show that TOY expression partially overlaps with EY expression in the embryonic, larval and adult brains. Mutations of toy perturb brain neuromere formation in the embryonic stages, and result in severe deformation of the MB lobes in pharate adult brains. Moreover, we also analyzed toy functions by gain-of-function experiments, and show that overexpression of toy results in degeneration of MB lobes. Thus, our results demonstrate the importance of toy in embryonic brain patterning as well as in post-embryonic development of the major brain structures such as MBs.  相似文献   

Pax genes play a pivotal role in development of the vertebrate visual system. Pax6 is the master control gene for eye development: ectopic expression of Pax6 in Xenopus laevis and Drosphila melanogaster leads to the formation of differentiated eyes on the legs or wings. Pax6 is involved in formation of ganglion cells of the retina, as well as cells of the lens, iris and cornea. In addition Pax6 may play a role in axon guidance in the visual system. Pax2 regulates differentiation of the optic disk through which retinal ganglion cell axons exit the eye. Furthermore, Pax2 plays a critical role in development of the optic chiasm and in the guidance of axons along the contralateral or ipsilateral tracts of the optic nerve to visual targets in the brain. During development Pax7 is expressed in neuronal cells of one of the major visual targets in the brain, the optic tectum/superior colliculus. Neurons expressing Pax7 migrate towards the pia and concentrate in the stratum griseum superficiale (SGFS), the target site for retinal axons. Together, expression of Pax2, 6 and 7 may guide axons during formation of functional retinotectal/collicular projections. Highly regulated Pax gene expression is also observed in mature animals. Moreover, evidence suggests that Pax genes are important for regeneration of the visual system. We are currently investigating Pax gene expression in species that display a range of outcomes of optic nerve regeneration. We predict that such information will provide valuable insights for the induction of successful regeneration of the optic nerve and of other regions of the central nervous system in mammals including man.  相似文献   

The Drosophila Pax-6 gene eyeless (ey) plays a key role in eye development. Here we show tht Drosophila contains a second Pax-6 gene, twin of eyeless (toy), due to a duplication during insect evolution. Toy is more similar to vertebrate Pax-6 proteins than Ey with regard to overall sequence conservation, DNA-binding function, and early expression in the embryo, toy and ey share a similar expression pattern in the developing visual system, and targeted expression of Toy, like Ey, induces the formation of ectopic eyes. Genetic and biochemical evidence indicates, however, that Toy functions upstream of ey by directly regulating the eye-specific enhancer of ey. Toy is therefore required for initiation of ey expression in the embryo and acts through Ey to activate the eye developmental program.  相似文献   

The development of visual organs is regulated in Bilateria by a network of genes where members of the Six and Pax gene families play a central role. To investigate the molecular aspects of eye evolution, we analyzed the structure and expression patterns of cognate members of the Six family genes in jellyfish (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa), representatives of a basal, non-bilaterian phylum where complex lens eyes with spherical lens, an epidermal cornea, and a retina appear for the first time in evolution. In the jellyfish Cladonema radiatum, a species with well-developed lens eyes in the tentacle bulbs, Six1/2-Cr and Six3/6-Cr, are expressed in the eye cup. Six4/5-Cr is mainly expressed in the manubrium, the feeding, and sex organ. All three Six genes are expressed in different subsets of epidermal nerve cells, possibly of the RFamide type which are part of a net connecting the different eyes with each other and the effector organs. Furthermore, expression is found in other tissues, notably in the striated muscle. During eye regeneration, expression of Six1/2-Cr and Six3/6-Cr is upregulated, but not of Six4/5-Cr. In Podocoryne carnea, a jellyfish without eyes, Six1/2-Pc and Six3/6-Pc are also expressed in the tentacle bulbs, Six1/2-Pc additionally in the manubrium and striated muscle, and Six3/6-Pc in the mechanosensory nematocytes of the tentacle. The conserved gene structure and expression patterns of all Cladonema Six genes suggest broad conservation of upstream regulatory mechanisms in eye development.  相似文献   

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