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We examined the block of voltage-dependent rat skeletal muscle sodium channels by derivatives of mu-conotoxin GIIIA (muCTX) having either histidine, glutamate, or alanine residues substituted for arginine-13. Toxin binding and dissociation were observed as current fluctuations from single, batrachotoxin-treated sodium channels in planar lipid bilayers. R13X derivatives of muCTX only partially block the single-channel current, enabling us to directly monitor properties of both muCTX-bound and -unbound states under different conditions. The fractional residual current through the bound channel changes with pH according to a single-site titration curve for toxin derivatives R13E and R13H, reflecting the effect of changing the charge on residue 13, in the bound state. Experiments with R13A provided a control reflecting the effects of titration of all residues on toxin and channel other than toxin residue 13. The apparent pKs for the titration of residual conductance are shifted 2-3 pH units positive from the nominal pK values for histidine and glutamate, respectively, and from the values for these specific residues, determined in the toxin molecule in free solution by NMR measurements. Toxin affinity also changes dramatically as a function of pH, almost entirely due to changes in the association rate constant, kon. Interpreted electrostatically, our results suggest that, even in the presence of the bound cationic toxin, the channel vestibule strongly favors cation entry with an equivalent local electrostatic potential more negative than -100 mV at the level of the "outer charged ring" formed by channel residues E403, E758, D1241, and D1532. Association rates are apparently limited at a transition state where the pK of toxin residue 13 is closer to the solution value than in the bound state. The action of these unique peptides can thus be used to sense the local environment in the ligand--receptor complex during individual molecular transitions and defined conformational states.  相似文献   

Probing the outer vestibule of a sodium channel voltage sensor.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
N Yang  A L George  Jr    R Horn 《Biophysical journal》1997,73(5):2260-2268
The second and third basic residues of the S4 segment of domain 4 (D4:R2 and D4:R3) of the human skeletal muscle Na+ channel are known to be translocated from a cytoplasmic to an extracellular position during depolarization. Accessibilities of individual S4 residues were assayed by alteration of inactivation kinetics during modification of cysteine mutants by hydrophilic methanethiosulfonate reagents. The voltage dependences of the reaction rates are identical for extracellular application of cationic methanethiosulfonate-ethyltrimethylammonium (MTSET) and anionic methanethiosulfonate-ethylsulfonate (MTSES), suggesting that D4:R3C is situated outside the membrane electric field at depolarized voltages. The absolute rate of R3C modification is 281-fold greater for MTSET than for MTSES, however, suggesting that at depolarized voltages this S4 thiol resides in a negatively charged hydrophilic crevice. The two hydrophobic residues between D4:R2C and D4:R3C in the primary sequence (L1452 and A1453) are not externally exposed at any voltage. An alpha-helical representation of D4/S4 shows that the basic residues D4:R2 and D4:R3 are on the face opposite that of L1452 and A1453. We propose that in the depolarized conformation, the hydrophobic face of this portion of D4/S4 remains in contact with a hydrophobic region of the extracellular vestibule of the S4 channel.  相似文献   

mu-Conotoxin GIIIA (mu-CTX) is a high-affinity ligand for the outer vestibule of selected isoforms of the voltage-gated Na(+) channel. The detailed bases for the toxin's high affinity binding and isoform selectivity are unclear. The outer vestibule is lined by four pore-forming (P) loops, each with an acidic residue near the mouth of the vestibule. mu-CTX has seven positively charged residues that may interact with these acidic P-loop residues. Using pair-wise alanine replacement of charged toxin and channel residues, in conjunction with double mutant cycle analysis, we determined coupling energies for specific interactions between each P-loop acidic residue and selected toxin residues to systematically establish quantitative restraints on the toxin orientation in the outer vestibule. Xenopus oocytes were injected with the mutant or native Na(+) channel mRNA, and currents measured by two-electrode voltage clamp. Mutant cycle analysis revealed novel, strong, toxin-channel interactions between K9/E403, K11/D1241, K11/D1532, and R19/D1532. Experimentally determined coupling energies for interacting residue pairs provided restraints for molecular dynamics simulations of mu-CTX docking. Our simulations suggest a refined orientation of the toxin in the pore, with toxin basic side-chains playing key roles in high-affinity binding. This modeling also provides a set of testable predictions for toxin-channel interactions, hitherto not described, that may contribute to high-affinity binding and channel isoform selectivity.  相似文献   

Vibrational spectroscopy has become increasingly important as a tool for understanding the mechanisms of photosystem II, phytochrome and terminal oxidases. More general enzymatic or receptor systems have been studied, opening a new field of applications. Femtosecond infrared pump/probe studies of the important amide-I band seem to provide a basis for its molecular and structural interpretation.  相似文献   

In Kv2.1 potassium channels, changes in external [K+] modulate current magnitude as a result of a K+-dependent interconversion between two outer vestibule conformations. Previous evidence indicated that outer vestibule conformation (and thus current magnitude) is regulated by the occupancy of a selectivity filter binding site by K+. In this paper, we used the change in current magnitude as an assay to study how the interconversion between outer vestibule conformations is controlled. With 100 mM internal K+, rapid elevation of external [K+] from 0 to 10 mM while channels were activated produced no change in current magnitude (outer vestibule conformation did not change). When channels were subsequently closed and reopened in the presence of elevated [K+], current magnitude was increased (outer vestibule conformation had changed). When channels were activated in the presence of low internal [K+], or when K+ flow into conducting channels was transiently interrupted by an internal channel blocker, increasing external [K+] during activation did increase current magnitude (channel conformation did change). These data indicate that, when channels are in the activated state under physiological conditions, the outer vestibule conformation remains fixed despite changes in external [K+]. In contrast, when channel occupancy is lowered, (by channel closing, an internal blocker or low internal [K+]), the outer vestibule can interconvert between the two conformations. We discuss evidence that the ability of the outer vestibule conformation to change is regulated by the occupancy of a nonselectivity filter site by K+. Independent of the outer vestibule-based potentiation mechanism, Kv2.1 was remarkably insensitive to K+-dependent processes that influence current magnitude (current magnitude changed by <7% at membrane potentials between -20 and 30 mV). Replacement of two outer vestibule lysines in Kv2.1 by smaller neutral amino acids made current magnitude dramatically more sensitive to the reduction in K+ driving force (current magnitude changed by as much as 40%). When combined, these outer vestibule properties (fixed conformation during activation and the presence of lysines) all but prevent variation in Kv2.1 current magnitude when [K+] changes during activation. Moreover, the insensitivity of Kv2.1 current magnitude to changes in K+ driving force promotes a more uniform modulation of current over a wide range of membrane potentials by the K+-dependent regulation of outer vestibule conformation.  相似文献   

The highly selective sodium channel blocker, tetrodotoxin (TTX) has been instrumental in characterization of voltage-gated sodium channels. TTX occludes the ion-permeation pathway at the outer vestibule of the channel. In addition to a critical guanidinium group, TTX possesses six hydroxyl groups, which appear to be important for toxin block. The nature of their interactions with the outer vestibule remains debatable, however. The C-11 hydroxyl (C-11 OH) has been proposed to interact with the channel through a hydrogen bond to a carboxyl group, possibly from domain IV. On the other hand, previous experiments suggest that TTX interacts most strongly with pore loops of domains I and II. Energetic localization of the C-11 OH was undertaken by thermodynamic mutant cycle analysis assessing the dependence of the effects of mutations of the adult rat skeletal muscle Na(+) channel (rNa(v)1.4) and the presence of C-11 OH on toxin IC(50). Xenopus oocytes were injected with the mutant or native Na(+) channel mRNA, and currents were measured by two-electrode voltage clamp. Toxin blocking efficacy was determined by recording the reduction in current upon toxin exposure. Mutant cycle analysis revealed that the maximum interaction of the C-11 OH was with domain IV residue D1532 (DeltaDeltaG: 1.0 kcal/mol). Furthermore, C-11 OH had significantly less interaction with several domain I, II, and III residues. The pattern of interactions suggested that C-11 was closest to domain IV, probably involved in a hydrogen bond with the domain IV carboxyl group. Incorporating this data, a new molecular model of TTX binding is proposed.  相似文献   

Limited proteolysis is widely used in biochemical and crystallographic studies to determine domain organization, folding properties, and ligand binding activities of proteins. The method has limitations, however, due to the difficulties in obtaining sufficient amounts of correctly folded proteins and in interpreting the results of the proteolysis. A new limited proteolysis method, named protease accessibility laddering (PAL), avoids these complications. In PAL, tagged proteins are purified on magnetic beads in their natively folded state. While attached to the beads, proteins are probed with proteases. Proteolytic fragments are eluted and detected by immunoblotting with antibodies against the tag (e.g., Protein A, GFP, and 6xHis). PAL readily detects domain boundaries and flexible loops within proteins. A combination of PAL and comparative protein structure modeling allows characterization of previously unknown structures (e.g., Sec31, a component of the COPII coated vesicle). PAL's high throughput should greatly facilitate structural genomic and proteomic studies.  相似文献   

The current progression from genomics to proteomics is fueled by the realization that many properties of proteins (e.g., interactions, post-translational modifications) cannot be predicted from DNA sequence. Although it has become feasible to rapidly identify proteins from crude cell extracts using mass spectrometry after two-dimensional electrophoretic separation, it can be difficult to elucidate low-abundance proteins of interest in the presence of a large excess of relatively abundant proteins. Therefore, for effective proteome analysis it becomes critical to enrich the sample to be analyzed in subfractions of interest. For example, the analysis of protein kinase substrates can be greatly enhanced by enriching the sample of phosphorylated proteins. Although enrichment of phosphotyrosine-containing proteins has been achieved through the use of high-affinity anti-phosphotyrosine antibodies, the enrichment of phosphoserine/threonine-containing proteins has not been routinely possible. Here, we describe a method for enriching phosphoserine/threonine-containing proteins from crude cell extracts, and for subsequently identifying the phosphoproteins and sites of phosphorylation. The method, which involves chemical replacement of the phosphate moieties by affinity tags, should be of widespread utility for defining signaling pathways and control mechanisms that involve phosphorylation or dephosphorylation of serine/threonine residues.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis Research - We report the application of NMR dynamic spectral editing for probing the structure and dynamics of molecular constituents in fresh, intact cells and in freshly prepared...  相似文献   

External tetraethylammonium (TEA+) blocked currents through Kv1.1 channels in a voltage-independent manner between 0 and 100 mV. Lowering extracellular pH (pHo) increased the Kd for TEA+ block. A histidine at position 355 in the Kv1.1 channel protein (homologous to Shaker 425) was responsible for this pH-dependent reduction of TEA+ sensitivity, since the TEA+ effect became independent of pHo after chemical modification of the Kv1.1 channel at H355 and in the H355G and H355K mutant Kv1.1 channels. The Kd values for TEA+ block of the two mutant channels (0.34 +/- 0.06 mM, n = 7 and 0.84 +/- 0. 09 mM, n = 13, respectively) were as expected for a vestibule containing either no or a total of four positive charges at position 355. In addition, the pH-dependent TEA+ effect in the wt Kv1.1 channel was sensitive to the ionic strength of the solution. All our observations are consistent with the idea that lowering pHo increased protonation of H355. This increase in positive charge at H355 will repel TEA+ electrostatically, resulting in a reduction of the effective [TEA+]o at the receptor site. From this reduction we can estimate the distance between TEA+ and each of the four histidines at position 355 to be approximately 10 A, assuming fourfold symmetry of the channel and assuming that TEA+ binds in the central axis of the pore. This determination of the dimensions of the outer vestibule of Kv1.1 channels confirms and extends earlier reports on K+ channels using crystal structure data as well as peptide toxin/channel interactions and points out a striking similarity between vestibules of Kv1.1 and KcsA channels.  相似文献   

Lipkind GM  Fozzard HA 《Biochemistry》2001,40(23):6786-6794
Using the KcsA bacterial K+ channel crystal structure [Doyle, D. A., et al. (1998) Science 280, 69-74] and the model of the outer vestibule of the Na+ channel [Lipkind, G. M., and Fozzard, H. A. (2000) Biochemistry 39, 8161-8170] as structural templates, we propose a structural model of the outer vestibule and selectivity filter of the pore of the Ca2+ channel (alpha1C or Ca(v)1.2). The Ca2+ channel P loops were modeled by alpha-helix-turn-beta-strand motifs, with the glutamate residues of the EEEE motif located in the turns. P loops were docked in the extracellular part of the inverted teepee structure formed by S5 and S6 alpha-helices with backbone coordinates from the M1 and M2 helices of the KcsA crystal structure. This construction results in a conical outer vestibule that tapers to the selectivity filter at the bottom. The modeled selectivity ring forms a wide open pore ( approximately 6 A) in the absence of Ca2+. When Ca2+ is present ( approximately 1 microM), all four glutamate side chains move to the center and form a cage around the dehydrated Ca2+ ion, blocking the pore. In the millimolar concentration range, Ca2+ also interacts with two low-affinity sites located externally and internally, which were modeled by the same carboxylate groups of the selectivity filter. Calculation of the resulting electrostatic potentials show that the single Ca2+ ion is located in an electrostatic trap. Only when three Ca2+ ions are bound simultaneously in the high- and low-affinity sites of the selectivity filter is Ca2+ able to overcome electrostatic attraction, permitting Ca2+ flux.  相似文献   

The fast-inactivation process in the hERG channel can be affected by mutations in the pore or S6 domain, similar to the C-type inactivation in the Shaker channel. However, differences in the kinetics and voltage dependence of inactivation between these two channels suggest that different structural determinants may be involved. To explore this possibility, we mutated a serine in the outer mouth region of hERG (S631) to residues of different physicochemical properties and compared the resulting changes in the channel's inactivation process with those resulting from mutations of an equivalent position in the Shaker channel (T449). The most dramatic differences are seen when this position is occupied by a charged residue: S631K and S631E disrupted C-type inactivation in hERG, whereas T449K and T449E facilitate C-type inactivation in Shaker. S631K and S631E also disrupted the K selectivity of hERG pore, a change not seen in T449K or T449E of Shaker. To further study why there are such differences, we replaced S631 with cysteine. This allowed us to manipulate the properties of thiol groups at position 631 and correlate side-chain properties here with changes in channel function. S631C behaved like the wild-type channel when the thiol groups were in the reduced state. Oxidizing thiol groups with H2O2 or modifying them with MTSET or MTSES disrupted C-type inactivation and K selectivity, similar to the phenotype of S631K and S631E. The same thiol-modifying maneuvers did not affect the wild-type channel function. Our results suggest differences in the outer mouth structure between hERG and Shaker, and we propose a "molecular spring" hypothesis to explain these differences.  相似文献   

Gating induces a conformational change in the outer vestibule of ENaC   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The epithelial Na(+) channel (ENaC) is comprised of three homologous subunits (alpha, beta, and gamma). The channel forms the pathway for Na(+) absorption in the kidney, and mutations cause disorders of Na(+) homeostasis. However, little is known about the mechanisms that control the gating of ENaC. We investigated the gating mechanism by introducing bulky side chains at a position adjacent to the extracellular end of the second membrane spanning segment (549, 520, and 529 in alpha, beta, and gammaENaC, respectively). Equivalent "DEG" mutations in related DEG/ENaC channels in Caenorhabditis elegans cause swelling neurodegeneration, presumably by increasing channel activity. We found that the Na(+) current was increased by mutagenesis or chemical modification of this residue and adjacent residues in alpha, beta, and gammaENaC. This resulted from a change in the gating of ENaC; modification of a cysteine at position 520 in betaENaC increased the open state probability from 0. 12 to 0.96. Accessibility to this side chain from the extracellular side was state-dependent; modification occurred only when the channel was in the open conformation. Single-channel conductance decreased when the side chain contained a positive, but not a negative charge. However, alterations in the side chain did not alter the selectivity of ENaC. This is consistent with a location for the DEG residue in the outer vestibule. The results suggest that channel gating involves a conformational change in the outer vestibule of ENaC. Disruption of this mechanism could be important clinically since one of the mutations that increased Na(+) current (gamma(N530K)) was identified in a patient with renal disease.  相似文献   

The channels of the mitochondrial outer membrane represent a useful model for studies into the mechanisms underlying phenomena of voltage-dependent gating and ion selectivity.  相似文献   

S C Dudley  Jr  H Todt  G Lipkind    H A Fozzard 《Biophysical journal》1995,69(5):1657-1665
We describe a mutation in the outer vestibule region of the adult rat skeletal muscle voltage-gated Na+ channel (microliter) that dramatically alters binding of mu-conotoxin GIIIA (mu-CTX). Mutating the glutamate at position 758 to glutamine (E758Q) decreased mu-CTX binding affinity by 48-fold. Because the mutant channel showed both low tetrodotoxin (TTX) and mu-CTX affinities, these results suggested that mu-CTX bound to the outer vestibule and implied that the TTX- and mu-CTX-binding sites partially overlapped in this region. The mutation decreased the association rate of the toxin with little effect on the dissociation rate, suggesting that Glu-758 could be involved in electrostatic guidance of mu-CTX to its binding site. We propose a mechanism for mu-CTX block of the Na+ channel based on the analogy with saxitoxin (STX) and TTX, on the requirement of mu-CTX to have an arginine in position 13 to occlude the channel, and on this experimental result suggesting that mu-CTX binds in the outer vestibule. In this model, the guanidinium group of Arg-13 of the toxin interacts with two carboxyls known to be important for selectivity (Asp-400 and Glu-755), with the association rate of the toxin increased by interaction with Glu-758 of the channel.  相似文献   

The marine guanidinium toxins, saxitoxin (STX) and tetrodotoxin (TTX), have played crucial roles in the study of voltage-gated Na+ channels. Because they have similar actions, sizes, and functional groups, they have been thought to associate with the channel in the same manner, and early mutational studies supported this idea. Recent experiments by. Biophys. J. 67:2305-2315) have suggested that the toxins bind differently to the isoform-specific domain I Phe/Tyr/Cys location. In the adult skeletal muscle Na+ channel isoform (microliter), we compared the effects on both TTX and STX affinities of mutations in eight positions known to influence toxin binding. The results permitted the assignment of energies contributed by each amino acid to the binding reaction. For neutralizing mutations of Asp400, Glu755, and Lys1237, all thought to be part of the selectivity filter of the channel, the loss of binding energy was identical for the two toxins. However, the loss of binding energy was quite different for vestibule residues considered to be more superficial. Specifically, STX affinity was reduced much more by neutralizations of Glu758 and Asp1532. On the other hand, mutation of Tyr401 to Cys reduced TTX binding energy twice as much as it reduced STX binding energy. Kinetic analysis suggested that all outer vestibule residues tested interacted with both toxins early in the binding reaction (consistent with larger changes in the binding than unbinding rates) before the transition state and formation of the final bound complex. We propose a revised model of TTX and STX binding in the Na+ channel outer vestibule in which the toxins have similar interactions at the selectivity filter, TTX has a stronger interaction with Tyr401, and STX interacts more strongly with the more extracellular residues.  相似文献   

The structure of the potassium channel blocker agitoxin 2 was solved by solution NMR methods. The structure consists of a triple-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet and a single helix covering one face of the beta-sheet. The cysteine side chains connecting the beta-sheet and the helix form the core of the molecule. One edge of the beta-sheet and the adjacent face of the helix form the interface with the Shaker K+ channel. The fold of agitoxin is homologous to the previously determined folds of scorpion venom toxins. However, agitoxin 2 differs significantly from the other channel blockers in the specificity of its interactions. This study was thus focused on a precise characterization of the surface residues at the face of the protein interacting with the Shaker K+ channel. The rigid toxin molecule can be used to estimate dimensions of the potassium channel. Surface-exposed residues, Arg24, Lys27, and Arg31 of the beta-sheet, have been identified from mutagenesis studies as functionally important for blocking the Shaker K+ channel. The sequential and spatial locations of Arg24 and Arg31 are not conserved among the homologous toxins. Knowledge on the details of the channel-binding sites of agitoxin 2 formed a basis for site-directed mutagenesis studies of the toxin and the K+ channel sequences. Observed interactions between mutated toxin and channel are being used to elucidate the channel structure and mechanisms of channel-toxin interactions.  相似文献   

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