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Landscape genetics provides a framework for pinpointing environmental features that determine the important exchange of migrants among populations. These studies usually test the significance of environmental variables on gene flow, yet ignore one fundamental driver of genetic variation in small populations, effective population size, Ne. We combined both approaches in evaluating genetic connectivity of a threatened ungulate, woodland caribou. We used least-cost paths to calculate matrices of resistance distance for landscape variables (preferred habitat, anthropogenic features and predation risk) and population-pairwise harmonic means of Ne, and correlated them with genetic distances, FST and Dc. Results showed that spatial configuration of preferred habitat and Ne were the two best predictors of genetic relationships. Additionally, controlling for the effect of Ne increased the strength of correlations of environmental variables with genetic distance, highlighting the significant underlying effect of Ne in modulating genetic drift and perceived spatial connectivity. We therefore have provided empirical support to emphasize preventing increased habitat loss and promoting population growth to ensure metapopulation viability.  相似文献   

生境片断化对濒危植物景东翅子树种群结构与动态的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生境的破坏及其片断化是生物多样性丧失的主要原因, 了解生境片断化对植物种群动态的影响十分必要。本文比较分析了不同大小生境片断(5 ha和15 ha)和连续森林中濒危植物景东翅子树(Pterospermum kingtungense)种群的结构与动态, 目的是明确影响景东翅子树种群动态的关键生活史阶段及其种群保护的目标, 为濒危植物种群保护和管理策略的制定提供科学依据。在上述3种生境中分别设立3个50 m × 100 m的1.5 ha固定样地, 调查景东翅子树所有个体的胸径(其中幼苗和幼树为地径)和高度、个体的存活及幼苗的补充情况。基于上述统计参数, 建立预测种群动态的Lefkovitch矩阵模型, 同时应用矩阵模型的弹性分析方法量化种群统计参数对种群增长率的相对贡献。结果表明: (1)在5 ha和15 ha生境片断及连续森林各1.5 ha的样地中, 2018年首次调查到景东翅子树的个体数分别为34、82和88株, 2019年复查时的个体数分别为33、82和87株。3种生境中景东翅子树种群的年龄结构均以幼树为主, 但5 ha生境片断森林缺乏幼苗和大树(包括成树和亚成树), 而15 ha生境片断森林幼苗较丰富。(2)在3种生境中景东翅子树种群的增长率等于1 (15 ha生境片断)或趋近于1 (5 ha生境片断和连续森林), 说明不同生境中的景东翅子树种群比较稳定, 这主要是因为其各生活史阶段的存活率均较高。(3)景东翅子树成树和亚成树阶段的存活率对种群增长率的贡献最大, 是影响其种群动态的关键生活史阶段。因此对于大树(包括成树和亚成树)的保护是极度濒危植物景东翅子树种群维持的关键。研究结果揭示小生境片断降低了景东翅子树种群的数量, 改变了种群的结构, 但对种群动态的影响效应尚未显现。因此对于这些小生境片断中濒危植物种群的保护和恢复是可行的, 也是有价值的。  相似文献   

Here, we explore the role of habitat spatial structure in the maintenance of metapopulations of Ranunculus nodiflorus. This rare species grows in puddles that can be connected occasionally by flooded corridors. We monitored five locations in the Fontainebleau forest, France, since 2002 and recorded the presence of corridors among puddles and evaluated their impact on puddle demography and plant fitness. We showed that connections increased population size, by increasing both the number of puddles occupied by the species and the density of individuals within puddles, but seemed to have no direct influence on plant fitness. We found no evidence of a large persistent soil seed bank. Natural corridors are likely to decrease the extinction probability of the populations, most probably by allowing recolonization of empty puddles after extinctions. Therefore, the preservation of corridors appears crucial for the conservation of R. nodiflorus in its natural habitat.  相似文献   

Genetic substructuring in plant populations may evolve as a consequence of sampling events that occur when the population is founded or regenerated, or if gene dispersal by pollen and seeds is restricted within a population. Silene tatarica is an endangered, perennial plant species growing along periodically disturbed riverbanks in northern Finland. We investigated the mechanism behind the microspatial genetic structure of S. tatarica in four subpopulations using amplified fragment length polymorphism markers. Spatial autocorrelation revealed clear spatial genetic structure in each subpopulation, even though the pattern diminished in older subpopulations. Parentage analysis in an isolated island subpopulation indicated a very low level of selfing and avoidance of breeding between close relatives. The mean estimated pollen dispersal distance (24.10 m; SD = 10.5) was significantly longer and the mean seed dispersal distance (9.07 m; SD = 9.23) was considerably shorter than the mean distance between the individuals (19.20 m; SD = 13.80). The estimated indirect and direct estimates of neighbourhood sizes in this subpopulation were very similar, 32.1 and 37.6, respectively. Our results suggested that the local spatial genetic structure in S. tatarica was attributed merely to the isolation-by-distance process rather than founder effect, and despite free pollen movement across population, restricted seed dispersal maintains local genetic structure in this species.  相似文献   

The great scallop is a highly valued marine species. It makes its home on rocky seabeds around the British Isles and has been heavily exploited. Fears that natural stocks are showing signs of over fishing are being remedied by strict enforcement of fisheries legislation and by the development of stock enhancement practices.  相似文献   

遗传多样性与濒危植物保护生物学研究进展   总被引:37,自引:3,他引:37  
尽管对于濒危物种的遗传学人们已经进行了大量研究,但是种群遗传学在植物保护中的实际地位尚存在很大争议。濒危物种的遗传多样性可能会由于遗传漂变、近交的作用而丧失;但这种丧失更可能是濒危的结果而不是濒危的起因。遗传多样性水平与物种生存力之间没有任何必然的联系。但植物种群遗传结构如果由于自交不亲和等位基因的丧失和与亲缘种杂交造成的遗传同化而发生改变,那么它对物种生存力会产生明显负作用。  相似文献   

Resurgent interest in the genetics of population divergence and speciation coincides with recent critical evaluation of species concepts and proposals for species delimitation. An important result of these parallel trends is a slight but important conceptual shift in focus away from species diagnoses based on prior species concepts or definitions, and toward analyses of the processes acting on lineages of metapopulations that eventually lead to differences recognizable as species taxa. An advantage of this approach is that it identifies quantitative metapopulation differences in continuous variables, rather than discrete entities that do or do not conform to a prior species concept, and species taxa are recognized as an emergent property of population-level processes. The tension between species concepts and diagnosis versus emergent recognition of species taxa is at least as old as Darwin, and is unlikely to be resolved soon in favor of either view, because the products of both approaches (discrete utilitarian taxon names for species, process-based understanding of the origins of differentiated metapopulations) continue to have important applications.  相似文献   

Reintroductions are increasingly being used to restore species and ecosystems. However, chances of successful establishment are often low. Key to improving success is careful consideration of threats, threat mitigation, monitoring, and subsequent improvement to management. We demonstrate this planning, implementation, and review process using the reintroduction of an endangered mesopredator, the eastern quoll Dasyurus viverrinus, in the first attempt to reestablish it in the wild on mainland Australia. In March 2018, 20 captive‐bred quolls (10 male, 10 female) were released into Booderee National Park and monitored via telemetry, camera, and cage trapping. There were many unknowns and, despite thorough consideration of threats, there were surprising outcomes. Within 3 months, 80% of animals had died; half due to predation, an expected threat. Other threats were unexpected yet, due to good monitoring and responsive management, were quickly detected and effective mitigation implemented. These learnings have been incorporated into revised translocation procedures. One year later, four founder quolls remained and had successfully bred. We highlight lessons applicable to other reintroductions. These are, the importance of: (1) conducting a thorough review of threats and implementing appropriate mitigation; (2) targeted monitoring and responsive management; (3) effective communication, education, and engagement with the local community and stakeholders; and (4) ensuring learnings are disseminated and incorporated into future translocation plans. Threat assessment is an important step in identifying potential reasons for failure. However, actual threats can be realized only via experimentation and monitoring. Applying this knowledge to future reintroduction attempts can increase their chance of success.  相似文献   

生境破碎导致种群大小的降低,了解种群大小对生殖成功的影响对物种保护具有重要的指导意义.缙云卫矛(Euonymus chloranthoides Yang)为重庆特有濒危植物,目前缙云卫矛种群已遭受了严重的生境破碎,种群小且多处于隔离状态.本文对位于重庆北碚的该物种6个种群的生殖成功进行了研究.结果表明:小种群的自然坐果率低,种群间坐果率差异极显著(P=0.002);种群大小与坐果率之间呈显著相关(r=0.837,P=0.038);种群大小与种群幼苗比例呈显著相关(P=0.045),较小的种群中一龄级幼苗的比例也较小.这表明生境破碎后小种群不利于该物种的生殖成功,导致小种群的坐果率与幼苗比例降低.对该物种的保护要提高小种群的座果率,改善小种群的更新.  相似文献   

Plantlets of Coronopus navasii, an endangered species from SE Spain, were successfully regenerated from shoot and root segments excised from young seedlings. Initiation of multiple buds and development of leaves were obtained in MS modified medium plus l mg/l BAP and 0.1 mg/l NAA. Rooting was achieved by transfer of the isolated shoots to fresh MS medium without plant growth regulators. Plant survival of 47% was obtained six weeks after removal from in vitro culture conditions.Abbreviations BAP 6-benzylaminopurine - NAA naphthaleneacetic acid - MS medium see Murashige and Skoog 1962  相似文献   

珍稀濒危植物蒙古扁桃花生物学特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
方海涛  红雨  那仁  斯琴巴特尔   《广西植物》2007,27(2):167-169,166
蒙古扁桃的植株可分为长花丝植株、短花丝植株和中花丝植株。群落花期约50d,单花花期约8d,分为露粉、微开、盛开、凋谢4个时期。过氧化物法测定4个时期花粉均具活力,可保持30d左右,联苯胺-过氧化氢测定柱头可授性,花粉活力与柱头可授性重叠,长花丝植株为8d左右,而中花丝约为5d。蒙古扁桃花一般在9:00开始泌蜜,11:00分泌量达到高峰,之后产蜜量减少直至停止,日泌蜜和散粉集中在10:00~14:00。蒙古扁桃开花受环境的影响。  相似文献   

濒危植物明党参种群生存过程研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
李伟成  葛滢  盛海燕  常杰 《生态学报》2004,24(6):1187-1193
对中国特有单种属濒危植物明党参杭州种群的生存过程进行了数量分析。针对难以测量明党参个体年龄的问题 ,基于实验数据利用 L ogistic生长模型估算其年龄并得到可估测年龄最高界限为 5 0 a。数量分析表明 ,目前明党参种群表现出衰退趋势 ,种群年龄结构类似于老年型 ,种群的净增殖率、瞬时增长率和周限增长率均较低 ,世代周期较长。运用 L eslie矩阵模型分析预测未来 30 a中种群个体数量将呈现出下降趋势。在所研究的样地中 ,明党参种群种子萌发和幼苗期 (0~ 5 a) ,成熟期 (15~2 5 a)和老年期 (4 5~ 5 0 a)受到了环境筛的强烈作用  相似文献   

AimHabitat loss and fragmentation impose high extinction risk upon endangered plant species globally. For many endangered plant species, as the remnant habitats become smaller and more fragmented, it is vital to estimate the population spread rate of small patches in order to effectively manage and preserve them for potential future range expansion. However, population spread rate has rarely been quantified at the patch level to inform conservation strategies and management decisions. To close this gap, we quantify the patch‐specific seed dispersal and local population dynamics of Minuartia smejkalii, which is a critically endangered plant species endemic in the Czech Republic and is of urgent conservation concern.LocationŽelivka and Hrnčíře, Czechia.MethodsWe conducted demographic analyses using population projection matrices with long‐term demographic data and used an analytic mechanistic dispersal model to simulate seed dispersal. We then used information on local population dynamics and seed dispersal to estimate the population spread rate and compared the relative contributions of seed dispersal and population growth rate to the population spread rate.ResultsWe found that although both seed dispersal and population growth rate in M. smejkalii were critically limited, the population spread rate depended more strongly on the maximal dispersal distance than on the population growth rate.Main conclusionsWe recommend conservationists to largely increase the dispersal distance of M. smejkalii. Generally, efforts made to increase seed dispersal ability could largely raise efficiency and effectiveness of conservation actions for critically endangered plant species.  相似文献   

Conservation measures to preserve critically endangered species aim to maintain healthy and self-sustaining populations and often involve reintroductions. Effective introductions must take into account the genetic structure and diversity remaining in the species to inform choices of germplasm for introduction strategies. Lupinus aridorum (McFarlin ex Beckner; Fabaceae) is an endangered plant found on two disjunct ridge systems in central Florida. All plants are found in areas that are favored for human development and agriculture. Few options exist for introduction locations, so the most informed strategies must be used to preserve this species. We used ten microsatellite loci, developed for this species, to determine genetic diversity and genetic differentiation among populations, and to compare L. aridorum with two closely related congeners. Our results show a low level of diversity remaining in the species in comparison with a more abundant congener and similar levels of variability among each L. aridorum population. At least three L. aridorum populations exhibit a genetic signal of partial selfing. Hybridization with a closely-related congener was not apparent; however, additional crossing trials are needed to fully assess the possibility of hybridization. Although some sources list the taxonomy of L. aridorum as a variety of a Florida panhandle species, L. westianus (Small), the genetic differences revealed by our data support listing these two species as separate entities. Our findings can be used to guide sampling strategies for ex situ conservation such as providing a mixture of source populations to improve the probability of successful introductions.  相似文献   

Traits associated with self-pollination are common features of island plant communities. In this work, we studied the pollination biology and the breeding system of Harrisia portoricensis, an island columnar cactus, to test for the presence of inbreeding and inbreeding depression. For H. portoricensis, which bears flowers with typical outcrossing morphology, the results from 322 h of direct observations and videotaping showed that visits to flowers by animals were uncommon. Controlled pollinations demonstrated that H. portoricensis has a partially self-compatible breeding system that it is not autogamous and thus requires an external mechanism for the movement of pollen to set fruit. We detected differences in seed size, seed mass, germination success, and multiplicative fitness estimates between self- and cross-pollination treatments. We found that progeny resulting from natural and self-pollination treatments showed signs of inbreeding depression compared with progeny resulting from cross-pollination; however, the magnitude of the inbreeding depression was less than 50%. Our combined results suggest that for this species an endogamous breeding system should be favored by natural selection.  相似文献   

Vegetation structure, defined by the height, cover, and types of plants, is an important component of habitat suitability for plant species or communities. The identification of potential habitat is a crucial knowledge gap for endangered Atlantic Coastal Plain Flora (ACPF), a group of taxonomically unrelated plants that share common habitat types and are mostly found on lakeshores and wetlands in the Atlantic coastal region of North America. Our objectives were to assess spatial patterns and relationships of ACPF richness and structural diversity indices at different scales and positions along the lakeshore-to-forest gradient. We sampled 16 sites at 7 lakes in southwestern Nova Scotia using contiguous 20 × 20 cm quadrats along 20 m transects, perpendicular to the waterline, and in 5 × 5 m grids, between the lake and the forest edge. We measured the cover of 19 ACPF species and structural elements at different heights and calculated structural diversity indices using the Shannon index. Spatial patterns were assessed using one- and two-dimensional wavelet variance and covariance. The edge of the zone of high ACPF richness coincided with greater structural diversity at the lakeshore edge. Herbaceous ACPF richness was positively associated with structural diversity at finer scales and on lakeshores, but negatively associated at coarser scales and farther from the waterline. A strong association of structural diversity with ACPF richness suggests it could be used as a habitat indicator for ACPF on lakeshores, which could help the identification and conservation of potential suitable shorelines for ACPF populations in Nova Scotia.  相似文献   

珍稀濒危植物沙冬青花生物学研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
方海涛  王黎元  张晓刚 《广西植物》2004,24(5):478-480,431
沙冬青蝶形花冠,柱头具指状突起,分长柱头和短柱头。群落花期约47 d,单花花期约7 d,分为露黄、微开、盛开、凋谢4个时期。TTC法测定4个时期花粉均具活力,可保持70 d左右,苯胺蓝测定柱头可受性3~4 d。沙冬青花一般在开花前一天就开始泌蜜,开花第2~3 d,分泌量达到高峰,花后4~5 d产蜜量减少直至停止,日泌蜜和散粉集中在10:00-14:00。沙冬青开花受环境的影响。  相似文献   

Preservation of the endangered plant species requires knowledge of the impact of environmental factors on their populations. This study was undertaken to evaluate the potential of a Bayesian network (BN) model to analyze the impact of habitat conditions on the current characteristics of Pulsatilla patens (L.) Mill. population in NE Poland. The model was based on field data collected in 2011–2015 from 47 sites in the four largest forest complexes of NE Poland. The causal network between (1) the biotic and (2) abiotic factors as well as morphological-developmental features of individuals and demographic features of populations (20 attributes, 1573 records) was made using the Bayesian Search Algorithm in GeNIe 2.0. The results indicate that the greatest impact on the population features had the number of competing species in forest undergrowth and exposition of slopes. Diagnostic testing and sensitivity analysis revealed that these factors were the major variables determining the size of the population, developmental phase, and the size of individuals. Tenfold cross-validation revealed that this model was the most effective to analyze the impact of habitat conditions on the presence of generative shoots, developmental phase, and juvenile shoots. The optimal levels of factors following from the BN modeling of the impact of habitat conditions on the characteristics of the population will allow regular growth (size of individuals) and development (life cycle of individuals) of a given endangered species.  相似文献   

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