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寄生曲霉CICC40365利用木糖产L-苹果酸的发酵条件优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】为提高L-苹果酸产量及木糖利用率,以寄生曲霉(Aspergillus parasiticus CICC40365)为菌种,木糖为碳源,对其发酵工艺及木糖代谢途径进行初步研究。【方法】采用单因素试验和响应曲面法(Box-Behnken设计)对培养基和发酵条件进行优化。【结果】获得最佳培养基配方为:木糖100.0 g/L、硫酸铵2.0 g/L、酵母浸粉3.0 g/L、硫酸镁0.20 g/L、硫酸锰0.15 g/L、硫酸亚铁0.08 g/L、碳酸钙80.00 g/L,L-苹果酸的产量为53.58 g/L,较优化前提高40.5%。发酵条件较好组合为:接种量为8%(体积比)、摇瓶装液量60 mL/250 mL、发酵温度32°C、摇床转速170 r/min、发酵周期8 d,L-苹果酸的产量为55.47 g/L。Mg2+、Mn2+对木糖代谢中相关酶的影响研究结果表明,木酮糖激酶在该菌株代谢木糖过程中起着重要作用。【结论】寄生曲霉CICC40365能够较好地利用木糖发酵产L-苹果酸,其产量及木糖的利用效率均得到提高。  相似文献   

目的转酮酶是非氧化磷酸化戊糖途径中的关键酶。5-磷酸木酮糖是分析测定转酮酶酶活性的底物,然而因该底物难以化学合成,生产成本高,从而导致厂家停止生产,目前市场上无法得到。因此有必要建立起新的转酮酶酶活测定方法。方法(1)将酿酒酵母的木酮糖激酶基因(XKS1)克隆于pET30a载体。(2)纯化木酮糖激酶。(3)建立酶偶联反应,以木酮糖为底物,将其转化为5-磷酸木酮糖,用于转酮酶酶活的测定。结果 (1)成功地将XKS1基因克隆于pET 30a得到质粒pXZ-X004。(2)质粒pXZ-X004诱导表达产生C端His-tag标签的XK,用Ni柱分离得到纯化的木酮糖激酶(XK)。(3)纯化的XK活性为21.0U/mg protein,当用12.5%的甘油保存于-80℃环境1个月,仍有74%的活性。(4)用纯化的XK建立了转酮酶(TK)酶活测定新方法,当TK酶活低至0.008 75U时仍能够利用新方法检测。结论本实验通过克隆和表达XKS1基因,成功地建立了TK酶活性测定的新方法,并应用于木糖代谢工程菌株TK酶活的测定,为医学和生态学领域中TK酶活的分析奠定了基础。  相似文献   

摘要:目的 转酮酶是非氧化磷酸化戊糖途径中的关键酶。5-磷酸木酮糖是分析测定转酮酶酶活性的底物,然而因该底物难以化学合成,生产成本高,从而导致厂家停止生产,目前市场上无法得到。因此有必要建立起新的转酮酶酶活测定方法。方法 (1)将酿酒酵母的木酮糖激酶基因(XKS1)克隆于pET30a载体。(2)纯化木酮糖激酶。(3)建立酶偶联反应,以木酮糖为底物,将其转化为5-磷酸木酮糖,用于转酮酶酶活的测定。结果 (1)成功地将XKS1基因克隆于pET 30a得到质粒pXZ-X004。(2)质粒pXZ-X004诱导表达产生C端His-tag标签的XK,用Ni柱分离得到纯化的木酮糖激酶(XK)。(3)纯化的XK活性为21.0 U/mg protein,当用12.5%的甘油保存于?80 ℃环境1个月,仍有74%的活性。(4)用纯化的XK建立了转酮酶(TK)酶活测定新方法,当TK酶活低至0.00875 U时仍能够利用新方法检测。结论 本实验通过克隆和表达XKS1基因,成功地建立了TK酶活性测定的新方法,并应用于木糖代谢工程菌株TK酶活的测定,为医学和生态学领域中TK酶活的分析奠定了基础。  相似文献   

【背景】木霉是广泛分布于自然界中的一类真菌,能产生多种酶类和次生代谢产物,具有促进植物生长、提高土壤肥力、拮抗多种土传病原菌等作用。【目的】优化3株植物根际促生真菌(长枝木霉MD30、桔绿木霉JS84及贵州木霉NJAU4742)的固体发酵条件,探究不同发酵条件对木霉产孢量的影响,为木霉菌的生产提供参考。【方法】采用单因素试验和响应面法,对3种木霉在不同发酵条件下的产孢量进行测定并优化,分析了氮源添加、初始pH、物料厚度、接种量、温度等因子对固体发酵的影响。【结果】单因素试验表明,长枝木霉MD30、桔绿木霉JS84与贵州木霉NJAU4742固体发酵时,最佳发酵温度均为28℃、最优木霉菌液接种量均为10%、物料发酵厚度均为3.0 cm,但最佳的初始物料pH与氨基酸水解液添加量有所不同,其中,长枝木霉MD30与贵州木霉NJAU4742发酵最佳的初始pH值为5.0,而桔绿木霉JS84为3.0;长枝木霉MD30与贵州木霉NJAU4742发酵最佳的氨基酸水解液添加量为10%,而桔绿木霉JS84为5%。通过试验分析,确定初始pH、物料厚度、温度为影响产孢量的3个重要因素。响应面分析得到最佳发酵条件:...  相似文献   

爱尔兰帚霉产低温纤维素酶的酶学性质和发酵工艺   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文旨在对爱尔兰帚霉E71702M菌株产低温纤维素酶的酶学性质进行初步研究,并获得其最优发酵条件,为低温纤维素酶开发利用提供参考。通过单因素试验确定温度、pH及金属离子对纤维素酶活力的影响;以Plackett-Burman试验设计从8个培养条件中筛选出影响产酶的3个主要因素,即麸皮含量、装瓶量和起始pH;运用Box-Behnken试验设计及响应面分析法确定这3个主要因素的最优发酵条件。对酶学性质的初步研究表明,该酶最适pH为3.0,最适反应温度为30℃,在0℃时残余酶活力为最适反应温度时的56.3%。响应面分析得到最优发酵条件为:麸皮含量8.79g/L、装瓶量40.93m L、初始pH 4.01。通过优化,纤维素酶活力由0.6338IU/m L提高到1.7386IU/m L,提高了174%。  相似文献   

研究C、N源对里氏木霉(Trichoderma reesei)生产纤维素酶的影响,采用单因素实验方法和中心复合方法对发酵培养基进行优化。单因素实验表明:黄豆饼粉、玉米芯、玉米浆对纤维素酶的影响显著。通过响应面优化,得到最优培养基C、N源的组成:黄豆饼粉32.21 g/L,玉米芯42.29 g/L,玉米浆4.45 g/L。优化条件下,摇瓶发酵7 d的比酶活达到(10.65±0.50)U/mL。  相似文献   

为了将蛹虫草开发成为便于人们食用的产品形式,本实验以不同的酶对蛹虫草进行水解得到蛹虫草酶解液.以水解度和酶解液中腺苷含量为目标,确定选用木瓜蛋白酶.以水解度为响应指标,应用响应曲面法对蛹虫草酶解条件进行优化,根据Box-Behnken中心组合实验设计原理,选取酶解温度、酶解时间、加酶量三因素三水平进行中心组合实验,响应曲面分析结果表明水解最佳条件为:酶解温度60.92℃,酶解时间11.85 h,加酶量1.02%,此条件下蛹虫草的水解度达到最大.水解度验证值61.27%与预测值60.76%接近,说明建立模型正确.  相似文献   

目的:利用新月弯孢霉对重楼皂苷的转化条件进行优化.方法:采用新月弯孢霉(Curvularia lunata)ATCC3.4381,利用单因素实验对其发酵条件进行优化.采用Plackett-Burman(P-B)方法筛选出对转化率有重要影响的4个因素(蔗糖、酵母膏、(NH4)2SO4和玉米浆的添加量),并采用响应面试验设计(RSM)对重要因素进行优化.结果:最适的培养基条件为:即蔗糖浓度为7.847g/L;酵母膏的浓度为1.969g/L;硫酸铵的浓度为4.824g/L;玉米浆的浓度为11.81g/L.结论:优化后其转化能力得到了明显的提高,转化率为76.80%,并且与拟合值77.18%接近.  相似文献   

对汽爆玉米秸秆同步酶解发酵生产乙醇的条件进行优化。首先利用Fractional Factorial设计法对影响乙醇产量的7个因素进行评价,筛选出具有显著效应的3个因素,即反应温度、酶添加量、总反应时间,再以Box—Behnken设计法及响应面分析法确定主要因素的最佳水平,即反应温度37℃,每g纤维素添加纤维素酶32u,反应时间87h,此时乙醇体积分数达到3.69%。新工艺条件实验结果表明,乙醇体积分数在87h可达到3.76%,和原工艺相比,反应时间缩短了9h,乙醇体积分数提高了13%。  相似文献   

Fumaric acid production by fermentation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The potential of fumaric acid as a raw material in the polymer industry and the increment of cost of petroleum-based fumaric acid raises interest in fermentation processes for production of this compound from renewable resources. Although the chemical process yields 112% w/w fumaric acid from maleic anhydride and the fermentation process yields only 85% w/w from glucose, the latter raw material is three times cheaper. Besides, the fermentation fixes CO2. Production of fumaric acid by Rhizopus species and the involved metabolic pathways are reviewed. Submerged fermentation systems coupled with product recovery techniques seem to have achieved economically attractive yields and productivities. Future prospects for improvement of fumaric acid production include metabolic engineering approaches to achieve low pH fermentations.  相似文献   

琥珀酸放线杆菌发酵培养基的优化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对琥珀酸放线杆菌(Actinobacillus succinogenes)CGMCC1593发酵产生琥珀酸培养基的主要成分,及其含量进行优化。通过单因素试验,得出发酵培养基中葡萄糖、酵母膏和玉米浆的含量对产生琥珀酸有显著影响;采用响应面法(RSM),得出多元二次回归方程拟合的三种因素与琥珀酸含量间的函数关系,并根据优化结果与实验,CGMCC1593产琥珀酸达到41.69g/L。  相似文献   

A novel fermenter system utilising immobilised Rhizopus oryzae is presented. The impact of dissolved oxygen (20%, 60% and 80%) and pH (4 and 5) was investigated. All fermentations exhibited three distinct phases. Phase A, at the start, was associated with no fumarate production, minimal respiration and ethanol as the major product. Phase B was characterised by the onset of fumarate production and significant ethanol and respiration fluxes. Phase C was associated with zero ethanol flux. Inhibition of fumarate production was more severe at low pH. The DO 20% fermentation (pH 5) had a low respiration flux which resulted in excessive ethanol production. Higher DO levels resulted in less inhibition of fumarate production during phase C. Instantaneous fumarate yields on glucose were at a maximum at the start of phase C, with values in excess of 0.75 g g−1 achieved for the DO 60% and 80% fermentations.  相似文献   

Zhou Z  Du G  Hua Z  Zhou J  Chen J 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(20):9345-9349
The effects of temperature, agitation rate and medium composition, including concentrations of glucose, soybean peptone, and inorganic ions, on pellet formation and pellet diameter of Rhizopus delemar (Rhizopus oryzae) NRRL1526 during pre-culture were studied. Inorganic ions and soybean peptone had negative and positive effects on pellet formation, respectively. The initial glucose and soybean peptone concentrations directly affected pellet diameter. Within a certain range, pellet diameter decreased with increased initial substrate concentrations; however, above this range there was an opposite trend. Thus, optimal concentrations of substrate during pre-culture were beneficial for producing small pellets of R. delemar. Furthermore, dry cell mass and yield of fumaric acid tended to increase with decreased pellet diameter. Based on the pellet morphology optimization, the final fumaric acid concentration was improved by 46.13% when fermented in a flask and 31.82% in stirred bioreactor tank fermentation.  相似文献   

The microbial fermentation of malic acid, which is one of the most important organic acid platforms used widely in food and chemical engineering, has attracted considerable interest. A malate production strain was isolated, a mutation was induced, and regulation of the metabolic network was then conducted. The identification results showed that the malic acid production strain, HF- 119, belonged to Rhizopus delemar. An analysis of the metabolic pathway showed that the malic acid flux of this strain occurred through three main pathways, and many byproducts, such as succinic acid, fumaric acid and ethanol, were produced. Although corn straw hydrolyte was used, the metabolism of xylose was not as rapid as that of glucose. Subsequently, breeding of the strains and regulation of the metabolic network resulted in an increase in malate yield, and the strain HF-121 produced more than 120 g/L malic acid within 60 h. The ability to produce malic acid from biomass hydrolyte highlights the industrial development potential of this strain.  相似文献   

Hydrolysate was tested as substrate for hydrogen production by extreme thermophilic mixed culture (70°C) in both batch and continuously fed reactors. Hydrogen was produced at hydrolysate concentrations up to 25% (v/v), while no hydrogen was produced at hydrolysate concentration of 30% (v/v), indicating that hydrolysate at high concentrations was inhibiting the hydrogen fermentation process. In addition, the lag phase for hydrogen production was strongly influenced by the hydrolysate concentration, and was prolonged from approximately 11 h at the hydrolysate concentrations below 20% (v/v) to 38 h at the hydrolysate concentration of 25% (v/v). The maximum hydrogen yield as determined in batch assays was 318.4 ± 5.2 mL‐H2/g‐sugars (14.2 ± 0.2 mmol‐H2/g‐sugars) at the hydrolysate concentration of 5% (v/v). Continuously fed, and the continuously stirred tank reactor (CSTR), operating at 3 day hydraulic retention time (HRT) and fed with 20% (v/v) hydrolysate could successfully produce hydrogen. The hydrogen yield and production rate were 178.0 ± 10.1 mL‐H2/g‐sugars (7.9 ± 0.4 mmol H2/g‐sugars) and 184.0 ± 10.7 mL‐H2/day Lreactor (8.2 ± 0.5 mmol‐H2/day Lreactor), respectively, corresponding to 12% of the chemical oxygen demand (COD) from sugars. Additionally, it was found that toxic compounds, furfural and hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), contained in the hydrolysate were effectively degraded in the CSTR, and their concentrations were reduced from 50 and 28 mg/L, respectively, to undetectable concentrations in the effluent. Phylogenetic analysis of the mixed culture revealed that members involved hydrogen producers in both batch and CSTR reactors were phylogenetically related to the Caldanaerobacter subteraneus, Thermoanaerobacter subteraneus, and Thermoanaerobacterium thermosaccharolyticum. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2010;105: 899–908. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Mycophenolic acid (MPA) can be produced in solid state fermentation. An isolate of Penicillium brevi-compactum ATCC 16024 grown on moist wheat bran produced a titre of 425 mg per kg of wheat bran. Central composite rotatable design and response surface methodology were employed to derive a statistical model for media optimization towards production of mycophenolic acid. Five levels with a five factorial design were adopted. The correlation coefficient was 0.82, ensuring a satisfactory adjustment of the model to the experimental values. This statistical design was very effective in improving the titre of mycophenolic acid up to 3286 mg per kg of wheat bran. Received 24 July 1998/ Accepted in revised form 4 December 1998  相似文献   

To investigate the concept of a xylosidase-based process for the continuous production of xylose from arabinoxylan-containing feedstocks, a beta-xylosidase from Bacillus halodurans C-125 was immobilized and deployed in packed bed reactor (PBR). Among the several immobilization methods tested, glutaraldehyde-mediated immobilization on chitosan was the best both in terms of immobilization and activity yields (91% and 72.9%, respectively). In batch experiments the immobilized enzyme hydrolyzed wheat bran hydrolysates quite efficiently, consuming nearly all xylobiose and xylotriose after 6h. Its reusability showed only a 50% decrease of its activity after 92h. Using the chitosan-immobilized beta-xylosidase in a PBR, xylose productivity was 7.2g xylose l(-1)h(-1) and the conversion factor was 0.55 (derived from initial xylose in the substrate). The operational stability of the PBR was good, because only 25% of productivity was lost after the treatment of three batches of substrate over a 72-h period.  相似文献   

Some parameters of the production of an alkaline protease by Rhizopus oryzae in the solid state fermentation of wheat bran were optimized. Using the optimum parameters of an inoculum age of 7 days, an incubation time of 9 days, an amount of CZAPEK ‐DOX (liquid medium) of 6 ml/g bran and an incubation temperature of 33°C, an activity of 50 U/g bran was achieved. The initial pH of the CZAPEK ‐DOX medium had little effect. Re‐incubation of mouldy bran with only fresh CZAPEK ‐DOX yielded 3 times total activity compared to single‐cycle fermentation. As for the effect of the amount CZAPEK ‐DOX medium, the water constituent contributed more to activity increase than did the salt component. The ARRHENIUS activation energies were 23 and 7.9 kcal/mole below and above the optimum of 33°C, respectively. In all the studies, along with protease production, variation of protein content and specific activity were also observed. Attempts were made to explain the effects and also gauge their implications for large‐scale production.  相似文献   

利用Plackett-Burman设计法(Plackett-Burman,PB),对影响根霉TP-02液态发酵产纤维素酶的8个因子进行了筛选,结果表明,影响该菌发酵产纤维素酶的主要因子为麸皮与稻草的比例、槐糖、Tween 80。利用最陡爬坡试验逼近最大响应区域,在此基础上,采用响应面法(ResponseSurface Methodology,RSM)对这3个因子的影响进行研究,得出纤维素酶产量的数学模型,通过对二次多项回归方程求解,得到3个因子的最优用量:麸皮稻草比例为:3.7:1,槐糖量为:0.62%,Tween 80为0.68 g/L,在优化后的条件下培养96 h,纤维素酶滤纸酶活可达到8.13 IU/mL比优化前提高了38.97%。  相似文献   

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