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The flowers of the sexually deceptive orchid Ophrys sphegodes are pollinated by pseudocopulating males of the solitary bee Andrena nigroaenea. We investigated the changes in odor emission and reduced attractiveness that occur after pollination in these plants. We analyzed floral odor of unpollinated and pollinated flowers by gas chromatography and compared relative and absolute amounts of electrophysiologically active compounds. Headspace odor samples of O. sphegodes flowers showed a significant increase in absolute and relative amounts of all-trans-farnesyl hexanoate after pollination. Flower extracts also indicated an increase of farnesyl hexanoate after pollination. The total amount of the other physiologically active odor compounds decreased slightly. Farnesyl hexanoate is a major constituent of the Dufour's gland secretion in females of the pollinator bees, A. nigroaenea, where it functions in the lining of the brood cells. Furthermore, this compound lowers the number of copulation attempts in males. In dual-choice tests, we showed that flowers artificially scented with an amount of farnesyl hexanoate equal to the increased amount after pollination were significantly less attractive than flowers treated with solvent only. We propose that the increased production of farnesyl hexanoate in pollinated flowers is a signal to guide pollinators to unpollinated flowers of the inflorescence, which represents a new mechanism in this pollination system.  相似文献   

Insecticide resistance enhances male reproductive success in a beetle   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Abstract.— Malathion-specific resistance in the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum , is widespread and stable in natural populations even in the absence of pesticide exposure. To understand this stability, both resistant and susceptible males were placed in competition for susceptible female fertilization. Females were then isolated and their progeny was tested for malathion susceptibility. Male reproductive success was estimated for populations originating from different geographic areas and for isogenic strains. In most cases, resistant males had a greater reproductive success rate than susceptibles. The results suggest that male reproductive success is not traded against the selection for malathion resistance, even resistant individuals are at an advantage for this fitness trait. This absence of fitness cost may be the result of postselection of (1) modifier gene which ameliorate the fitness of resistant individuals or (2) nondeleterious resistance gene. Resistant phenotype superiority could be due to increased male mating success, improved ability of resistant males in sperm competition, female mate choice, and/or cryptic female choice of resistance gene(s). The effect of male phenotypic frequency on male reproductive success was also examined. We observed that male fertilization success is frequency dependent and inversely related to their frequency. However, this "rare male" advantage did not counteract the superiority of the resistant males.  相似文献   

Differential male reproductive success in Douglas fir   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary Differential male reproductive success was studied in clones at two seed orchards of Douglas fir, Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco. The performance of tester pollen parents was compared in controlled pollinations with two-parent pollen mixes. Marker pollen homozygous for a rare IDH allele was the genetic marker in each pollen mix. The resulting seeds were analyzed electrophoretically. At both seed orchards, the proportion of seeds sired by tester pollen significantly varied among the tester pollen parents. Tester pollen parents did not perform the same across all seed parents. The significant interaction effect was evidence of male-female complementarity. These results suggest a genetic basis to differential male reproductive success in Douglas fir.  相似文献   

Ritual fights are widespread across human populations. However, the evolutionary advantage associated with this behaviour is unclear because these fights rarely provide direct benefits such as territory, resources or mates. Here, the reproductive success of men competing in a traditional ritual fight, Sereer wrestling, was investigated for the first time. Involvement in wrestling had a significant positive effect on men’s number of offspring and a marginally significant effect on polygyny, controlling for age, body condition and socio‐economic status. These positive effects suggest that being involved in wrestling competition provides prestige, facilitating access to mates and thereby increasing fecundity. However, when women were interviewed on their preference concerning qualities of potential mates, the quality ‘being involved in wrestling competition’ was poorly ranked. This discrepancy may arise either from deceptive reports or from discordance between parents and daughters in the choice of a husband.  相似文献   

Synopsis Because female signal blennies, Emblemaria hypacanthus (Pisces: Chaenopsidae), exhibited a preference for the larger of two males in laboratory mate-choice experiments, male reproductive success was predicted to be positively correlated with male size in field populations. This prediction was met at one field site, but not a second where shelter size, rather than male size, was the primary correlate of male reproductive success. This finding appeared to be the consequence of the relatively small size of shelters (vacant gastropod shells) at the second site. At this site, significantly more males had their shelters filled with eggs and variance in male reproductive success was lower than at the first site. Limited area for deposition of eggs is potentially an important constraint on the short-term reproductive success of paternal males of shelter- or crevice-spawning fishes.  相似文献   

Voice pitch predicts reproductive success in male hunter-gatherers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The validity of evolutionary explanations of vocal sexual dimorphism hinges upon whether or not individuals with more sexually dimorphic voices have higher reproductive success than individuals with less dimorphic voices. However, due to modern birth control methods, these data are rarely described, and mating success is often used as a second-rate proxy. Here, we test whether voice pitch predicts reproductive success, number of children born and child mortality in an evolutionarily relevant population of hunter-gatherers. While we find that voice pitch is not related to reproductive outcomes in women, we find that men with low voice pitch have higher reproductive success and more children born to them. However, voice pitch in men does not predict child mortality. These findings suggest that the association between voice pitch and reproductive success in men is mediated by differential access to fecund women. Furthermore, they show that there is currently selection pressure for low-pitch voices in men.  相似文献   

For animals living in mixed-sex social groups, females who form strong social bonds with other females live longer and have higher offspring survival [1-3]. These bonds are highly nepotistic, but sometimes strong bonds may also occur between unrelated females if kin are rare [2, 3] and even among postdispersal unrelated females in chimpanzees and horses [4, 5]. Because of fundamental differences between the resources that limit reproductive success in females (food and safety) and males (fertilizations), it has been predicted that bonding among males should be rare and found only for kin and among philopatric males [6] like chimpanzees [7-9]. We studied social bonds among dispersing male Assamese macaques (Macaca assamensis) to see whether males in multimale groups form differentiated social bonds and whether and how males derive fitness benefits from close bonds. We found that strong bonds were linked to coalition formation, which in turn predicted future social dominance, which influenced paternity success. The strength of males' social bonds was directly linked to the number of offspring they sired. Our results show that differentiated social relationships exert an important influence on the breeding success of both sexes that transcends contrasts in relatedness.  相似文献   

The life history of the paternal mouthbrooding cardinal fish Apogon doederleini was investigated in the temperate waters of Japan, with particular reference to its growth and reproductive rate. Both males and females almost ceased to grow at age 3 years, although living to 7 years of age. Their growth pattern, represented by the relative size at sexual maturity to the asymptotic size and the von Bertalanffy growth coefficient, was among the most determinate in ectothermic vertebrates. Brood size just before hatching increased in proportion to the second power of the body size of the brooding male, and correlated more positively with the male's than the female's body size, suggesting that it was limited by the male's buccal capacity. The estimated total number of broods hatched in a breeding season showed a weak or no correlation with the body size or age in either sex. Using life-history parameters based on data of A. doederleini, a simulation model of energy allocation without considering sexual interaction revealed that the optimal growth pattern shows an indeterminate growth that differs greatly from the actual growth pattern of A. doederleini. This suggests that there are some brooding constraints to size-advantage of reproductive success in this species. The possible mechanism of such reproductive constraint is discussed.  相似文献   

In semelparous populations, dormant germ banks (e.g. seeds) have been proposed as important in maintaining genotypes that are adaptive at different times in fluctuating environments. Such hidden storage of genetic diversity need not be exclusive to dormant banks. Genotype diversity may be preserved in many iteroparous animals through sperm-storage mechanisms in females. This allows males to reproduce posthumously and increase the effective sizes of seemingly female-biased populations. Although long-term sperm storage has been demonstrated in many organisms, the understanding of its importance in the wild is very poor. We here show the prevalence of male posthumous reproduction in wild Trinidadian guppies, through the combination of mark–recapture and pedigree analyses of a multigenerational individual-based dataset. A significant proportion of the reproductive population consisted of dead males, who could conceive up to 10 months after death (the maximum allowed by the length of the dataset), which is more than twice the estimated generation time. Demographic analysis shows that the fecundity of dead males can play an important role in population growth and selection.  相似文献   

Sexual selection is thought to drive the evolution of sexually dimorphic traits that increase male reproductive success. Despite a large degree of sexual dimorphism among haplorhine primates, phenotypic traits that may influence the reproductive success of males are largely unstudied due to long life spans and the difficulties in quantifying such traits non-invasively. Here we employ digital photogrammetry of body length and crest size, as well as ranking of the gluteal muscle size, to test whether these sexually dimorphic traits are associated with long-term measures of male reproductive success in western gorillas. Among 19 adult male gorillas monitored for up to 12.5 years, we found that all three phenotypic traits were positively correlated with the average number of mates per male, but only crest size and gluteal muscle size were significantly correlated with offspring survival and the annual rate of siring offspring that survive to weaning age. We discuss why such sexually dimorphic traits might be under ongoing selection in gorillas and other species.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that exposure to stress during development can have sustained effects on animal phenotype and performance across life-history stages. For example, developmental stress has been shown to decrease the quality of sexually selected traits (e.g. bird song), and therefore is thought to decrease reproductive success. However, animals exposed to developmental stress may compensate for poor quality sexually selected traits by pursuing alternative reproductive tactics. Here, we examine the effects of developmental stress on adult male reproductive investment and success in the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata). We tested the hypothesis that males exposed to developmental stress sire fewer offspring through extra-pair copulations (EPCs), but invest more in parental care. To test this hypothesis, we fed nestlings corticosterone (CORT; the dominant avian stress hormone) during the nestling period and measured their adult reproductive success using common garden breeding experiments. We found that nestlings reared by CORT-fed fathers received more parental care compared with nestlings reared by control fathers. Consequently, males fed CORT during development reared nestlings in better condition compared with control males. Contrary to the prediction that developmental stress decreases male reproductive success, we found that CORT-fed males also sired more offspring and were less likely to rear non-genetic offspring compared with control males, and thus had greater overall reproductive success. These data are the first to demonstrate that developmental stress can have a positive effect on fitness via changes in reproductive success and provide support for an adaptive role of developmental stress in shaping animal phenotype.  相似文献   

Explanations for the maintenance of variation in reproductive traits influenced by seminal fluid accessory gland proteins (Acps) in male Drosophila melanogaster include nontransitivity in the outcome of sperm competition and/or condition dependence of the traits involved. We investigated the effects of adult male nutrition (five diets) on the expression of Acp- and sperm- mediated traits. We found novel, nonlinear effects, with females showing lower levels of refractoriness to remating after mating with males held on the lowest and highest yeast diets. There were no significant effects of adult male nutrition on male paternity share, but there was a striking, nonlinear effect on second male progeny production, with males kept on intermediate yeast diets fathering the highest number of offspring. Such "bell shaped" responses of life-history traits to nutrition have only previously been reported for longevity. Consistent with previous reports, males maintained on low protein diets had lower premating success and gained fewer rematings with nonvirgins. We show novel and body size independent effects of adult male nutrition on traits influenced by Acps and sperm, which do not fit current condition-dependent handicap models and can affect the strength of sexual selection acting upon such fitness-related traits.  相似文献   

Although territorial defense is a common form of reproductivecompetition among male vertebrates, the exact reproductiveconsequences of this behavior are often poorly understood.To explore relationships between territoriality and reproductivesuccess in a nongroup-living mammal, we quantified patterns of space use, mating success, and fertilization success formales in a free-living population of arctic ground squirrels(Spermophilus parryii plesius). Because litters of this speciesare sired almost exclusively by a female's first mate, we predictedthat territory ownership would be associated with first accessto estrous females. During the 2-week period when mating occurred,each male in the study population attempted to defend a distinctportion of the habitat, although the success of this defensevaried among individuals. Twenty-six of 28 females monitoredmated with the male on whose territory they resided. However,the majority of females observed throughout estrus (65%; n= 20) also mated with at least one other male, indicating thatterritory ownership was not associated with exclusive accessto females. In contrast, territory ownership was significantly associated with first access to estrous females; 20 (71.4%)of 28 females mated first with the male on whose territorythey resided. In this regard, the behavior of S. parryii plesiusparallels that of socially monogamous birds in which territorialdefense by males functions to deter extrapair copulations byfemales. Although territorial defense represents an important component of male reproductive success in arctic ground squirrels,other aspects of male behavior (e.g., the ability to dominateagonistic interactions on the day of a female's estrus) arealso critical. We suggest that future studies of vertebratemating systems will benefit by viewing such defense as onlyone of multiple axes along which conspecific males compete foraccess to females.  相似文献   

Sexual selection is potentially stronger than natural selection when the variance in male reproductive fitness exceeds all other components of fitness variance combined. However, measuring the variance in male reproductive fitness is difficult when nonmating males are absent, inconspicuous, or otherwise difficult to find. Omitting the nonmating males inflates estimates of average male reproductive success and diminishes the variance, leading to underestimates of the potential strength of sexual selection. We show that, in theory, the proportion of the total variance in male fitness owing to sexual selection is approximately equal to H, the mean harem size, as long as H is large and females are randomly distributed across mating males (i.e., Vharem=H). In this case, mean harem size not only provides an easy way to estimate the potential strength of sexual selection but also equals the opportunity for sexual selection, I(mates). In nature, however, females may be overdispersed with VharemH. We show that H+(k-1) is a good measure of the opportunity for sexual selection, where k is the ratio Vharem/H. A review of mating system data reveals that in nature the median ratio for Vharem/H is 1.04, but as H increases, females tend to become more aggregated across mating males with V(harem) two to three times larger than H.  相似文献   

Reproductive consequences of male spacing patterns have received relatively little attention in nonterritorial mammals, in particular in group-living species, where most studies have focused on the relation between social rank and reproductive success. We investigated the effects of spacing pattern on male reproductive success within a social, nonterritorial, promiscuous population of stray cats, Felis catus. Male home ranges overlapped home ranges of many females, consistent with a promiscuous mating system. Furthermore, males with the largest home ranges included the most female home ranges; they successfully reproduced with these females and had the highest reproductive success. Home range size predicted male reproductive success even when controlling for the effect of social rank. However, males also reproduced with females whose home range did not overlap their home range, suggesting that males can make quick excursions outside their home range to find new mating opportunities. We conclude that, in group-living situations, a male's ability to maintain a large home range may be one of the principal causes of variation in mating success in the stray cat.  相似文献   

Male sticklebacks display multiple ornaments, and these ornamentshave been shown to be preferred by females in laboratory experiments.However, few field data exist, and it is not known whether thesepreferences are simultaneously or sequentially operative ina single population. We report correlates of reproductive successin two stickleback populations that differ in their ecology,over several periods within their breeding season. In both populationslarger males had higher reproductive success, but not in all periodsof the breeding season. Reproductive success increased withredness of the throat only in the Wohlensee population, andonly in one period that was characterized by low average success.In the Wohlensee population, the parasitic worm Pomphorhynchuslaevis is abundant, and reproductive success decreased withthe presence of the parasite. In the Roche population, maleswith nests concealed in a plant had higher mating success. Thesenests were less likely to fail, suggesting that females preferredto spawn in concealed nests because of higher offspring survivorship.The different sexual traits appear to reveal different aspectsof male quality (multiple message hypothesis): females probablyfind large males attractive because of their higher paternalquality, but it seems more likely that red males are preferred forbetter genetic qualities. Females also discriminate on territoryquality, and male traits may be important in competition forthese territories. The correlates of reproductive success werenot consistent during the season, probably due to changes inthe availability of ripe females. Such fluctuating selectionpressures will contribute to the maintenance of genetic variationin sexual traits.  相似文献   

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