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The concept of Müllerian mimicry suggests convergent evolution to an intermediate pattern and does not predict polymorphism in mimicry rings. We examined the evolution of mimicry patterns and the order of divergence of various factors, including the role of aposematic patterns in speciation, in a clade of net-winged beetles with a robust phylogeny that suggests that they dispersed from the Australian to Asian plate. We found strong evidence for the evolution of mimicry via advergence in Metriorrhynchus because older patterns are represented in the Oriental region within more than 100 species of lycids from several lineages. Advergence was likely the cause of the observed intraspecific polymorphism in contrast to the predicted universal monomorphism. Polymorphism was found in populations of two species in Sumatra and Borneo and in populations fine-tuned to subtle variants in various habitats. The advergence is likely to be based on the small population sizes of immigrants. The differences in population sizes result in much higher benefits for dispersing species than native populations. Speciation was trigged by the divergence in aposematic coloration, and the genetic differences accumulated slowly during incomplete isolation. We assumed that the differentiation in genitalia through sexual selection ultimately reinforced speciation initiated by the shift between mimicry patterns.  相似文献   

Generalization is at the heart of many aspects of behavioral ecology; for foragers it can be seen as an essential feature of learning about potential prey, because natural populations of prey are unlikely to be perfectly homogenous. Aposematic signals are considered to aid predators in learning to avoid a class of defended prey. Predators do this by generalizing between the appearance of prey they have previously sampled and the appearance of prey they subsequently encounter. Mimicry arises when such generalization occurs between individuals of different species. Our aim here is to explore whether the specific shape of the generalization curve can be expected to be important for theoretical predictions relating to the evolution of aposematism and mimicry. We do this by a reanalysis and development of the models provided in two recent papers. We argue that the shape of the generalization curve, in combination with the nature of genetic and phenotypic variation in prey traits, can have evolutionary significance under certain delineated circumstances. We also demonstrate that the process of gradual evolution of Müllerian mimicry proposed by Fisher is particularly efficient in populations with a rich supply of standing genetic variation in mimetic traits.  相似文献   

It is argued that groups of similarly coloured species of coccinellids are Müllerian mimicry rings. This is based on a synthesis of the literature about the nature of their biology and aposematic colour patterns, their highly developed chemical defence and the responses of bird predators to them. The system of multiple mimicry ‘rings’ is illustrated for the Dutch coccinellid fauna. Some polymorphic species, including Adalia, exhibit red forms and black melanic forms which are apparently components of different putative mimicry rings. A similar reasoning is put forward with regard to the orange and the black forms of the soldier beetle Cuntharis livida. Hypotheses involving spatial variation in comimics, as have been developed to account for some other cases of polymorphic Miillerian mimicry, predict that sympatric polymorphic species exhibiting similar sets of phenotypes will show parallels in their geographical variation. This is tested for A. bipunctata and A. decempunctata in The Netherlands. On this local scale there is no parallel variation; A. bipunctata exhibits marked geographical differentiation whereas A. decempunctata shows a general uniformity in morph frequency. Observations on their population biology show that only in A. bipunctata is there a major spring period of adult reproduction on shrubs exposed to direct sunshine. Previous work has demonstrated an influence of thermal melanism in this period of the life cycle. It is suggested that local responses in species such as A. bipunctata may reflect a partial ‘escape’ from stabilizing aposematic selection. The basis of a steep cline found in C. livida, which opposes one in A. bipunctata, is unknown and unlikely to be related to mimicry. There is some evidence that the polymorphism is influenced by non-random mating. When species and communities of coccinellids are considered on a wide geographical scale many observations about their colour patterns and spatial variation, especially those of Dobzhansky, support an interaction between selection favouring mimetic resemblance and forms of climatic selection, especially thermal melanism. The polymorphism in Adalia is discussed in relation to a system of multiple mimicry rings and to Thompson's recent theoretical treatment of the maintenance of some polymorphisms for warning coloration by a balance between aposematic and apostatic selection. This becomes more tenable in coccinellids because of evidence that bird predators show a variable response to them. Frequency-independent selection arising from thermal melanism can provide the basis of spatial variation in equilibrium points. An alternative to such a hypothesis is one in which differences in unpalatability between species of coccinellids are emphasized (after experiments of Pasteels and colleagues). Some less unpalatable species such as Adalia may have responded to periods of prolonged disruptive selection acting in a frequency-dependent way to promote polymorphic mimicry associated with different modal colour patterns and intermediate in nature between classical Batesian and Müllerian mimicry. The likely occurrence of a supergene controlling polymorphism in some coccinellids is consistent with such an explanation.  相似文献   

The evolution of imperfect mimicry   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
Examples of imperfect resemblance between Batesian mimics andtheir models appear widespread in the natural world, but sofar few quantitative models have been proposed to explain thephenomenon. I used a simple signal detection model to showthat the relationship between model—mimic similarity and mimic effectiveness is typically nonlinear. In particular, Ifound that there will be little or no further selection toimprove model—mimic resemblance beyond a certain levelif the model species is costly to attack, if the mimic speciesis not particularly profitable (e.g., hard to catch), or ifthe mimic is relatively rare. When there are two different sympatricmodel species, then mimics should usually evolve a phenotypicsimilarity to one or the other model species, but not to both.In contrast, when several model species occur in differentareas (or emerge at different times) and individual mimicsuse each of these areas, then the optimal phenotype should bea "jack-of-all-trades" intermediate phenotype that does notclosely resemble any particular model species. Somewhat surprisingly,the theory predicts that if mimics spend an equal amount oftime with each model species, then the optimal intermediatephenotype should more closely resemble the least numerous andleast noxious model. This phenomenon arises because a vague similarity to an extremely noxious species is usually sufficientto guarantee significant protection, whereas a much closerresemblance to a mildly noxious model species is necessaryto afford a similar level of benefit.  相似文献   

Biological mimicry has served as a salient example of natural selection for over a century, providing us with a dazzling array of very different examples across many unrelated taxa. We provide a conceptual framework that brings together apparently disparate examples of mimicry in a single model for the purpose of comparing how natural selection affects models, mimics and signal receivers across different interactions. We first analyse how model–mimic resemblance likely affects the fitness of models, mimics and receivers across diverse examples. These include classic Batesian and Müllerian butterfly systems, nectarless orchids that mimic Hymenoptera or nectar‐producing plants, caterpillars that mimic inert objects unlikely to be perceived as food, plants that mimic abiotic objects like carrion or dung and aggressive mimicry where predators mimic food items of their own prey. From this, we construct a conceptual framework of the selective forces that form the basis of all mimetic interactions. These interactions between models, mimics and receivers may follow four possible evolutionary pathways in terms of the direction of selection resulting from model–mimic resemblance. Two of these pathways correspond to the selective pressures associated with what is widely regarded as Batesian and Müllerian mimicry. The other two pathways suggest mimetic interactions underpinned by distinct selective pressures that have largely remained unrecognized. Each pathway is characterized by theoretical differences in how model–mimic resemblance influences the direction of selection acting on mimics, models and signal receivers, and the potential for consequent (co)evolutionary relationships between these three protagonists. The final part of this review describes how selective forces generated through model–mimic resemblance can be opposed by the basic ecology of interacting organisms and how those forces may affect the symmetry, strength and likelihood of (co)evolution between the three protagonists within the confines of the four broad evolutionary possibilities. We provide a clear and pragmatic visualization of selection pressures that portrays how different mimicry types may evolve. This conceptual framework provides clarity on how different selective forces acting on mimics, models and receivers are likely to interact and ultimately shape the evolutionary pathways taken by mimetic interactions, as well as the constraints inherent within these interactions.  相似文献   

A new species of Heliconius and a new geographical race of Heliconius melpomene are described from the vicinity of Mocoa, Dpto. Putumayo, Colombia, based on molecular and morphological characters. The new species, H. tristero , is a close relative of H. cydno , a geographically differentiated species which lacks red coloration and engages in Müllerian mimicry with other blue and yellow Heliconius species in Central and northwestern South America. H. tristero has switched mimetic associations, instead mimicking the local, sympatric forms of two widespread mimetic species, H. erato and H. melpomene. This discovery provides evidence that the splinter species H. heurippa, H. tristero and H. timareta represent phenotypically divergent members of the H. cydno group that are endemic to successive river valleys on the eastern slope of the northern Andean Cordillera. The nominal taxon Heliconius amaryllis bellula Stichel, currently misapplied to both H. tristero and H. melpomene populations from the Mocoa region of Colombia, is considered here to represent a hybrid between H. heurippa and H. tristero. The Mocoa melpomene race is formally named Heliconius melpomene mocoa , new subspecies.  相似文献   

Dynamics of mimicry evolution   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We simulated mimicry evolution by allowing three populations to cocvolvc: two populations of senders and one of receivers. Artificial neural networks were used to model receivers, and it was assumed that recognition was inherited. The senders' signals consisted of nine dimensions. Changes to receivers and senders were caused by random mutations during the course of the simulation. Whereas it paid both types of senders to elicit the same response from the receiver, it benefited the receiver to respond in this way only towards one of the sender types. The receiver was thus in conflict with one of the senders, e.g. as in Batesian mimicry. Monotonically increasing response gradients caused the appearance of the model and the mimic to move in the same direction. Mimicry evolved because the mimic approached the model faster than the model moved away. Even after mimicry was established the model and the mimic were constantly changing in appearance. Our results conform with what is known in comparative psychology and ethology about how animals respond to stimuli. Several of our results arc a direct consequence of recognition and have not, to our knowledge, been reported before, showing the importance of considering the recognition mechanism in detail when studying mimicry.  相似文献   

Müllerian mimicry is typically thought to arise as a consequence of defended prey species adopting a similar way of signalling their unprofitability, thereby reducing the costs of predator education. Here we consider subsequent selection on the morphology of prey species, in the potentially lengthy period of time when predators are generally aware of the noxious qualities of their prey (and so no further learning is involved). Using a pair of stochastic dynamic programming equations which describe both the toxin burdens of a predator and its energy level, we identified the optimal state-dependent rules that maximize a predator's long-term survivorship, and examined the implications of this behaviour for the evolution of prey morphologies. When palatable prey are in short supply then those prey species which contain relatively low doses of toxins become profitable to consume by hungry predators. Under these conditions, a weakly defended prey could gain selective advantage in the post educational period by resembling a prey species which contained a higher dose of the same or different toxins, although the precise nature of the ecological relationship between model and mimic could either be mutualistic or parasitic depending on how mimic density increases when favoured by selection. Our work formally demonstrates that one does not always need to invoke educational effects to explain why two or more unpalatable species have evolved a similar appearance, or to explain why mimetic similarity among distasteful species is maintained over time. When two species contain high levels of different toxins then they may gain mutual advantage by resembling one another, not only by educating the predator as to their common unprofitability (classical Müllerian mimicry), but also by increasing predator uncertainty as to the specific kind of toxin a prey item contains.  相似文献   

Classical (conventional) Müllerian mimicry theory predicts that two (or more) defended prey sharing the same signal always benefit each other despite the fact that one species can be more toxic than the other. The quasi‐Batesian (unconventional) mimicry theory, instead, predicts that the less defended partner of the mimetic relationship may act as a parasite of the signal, causing a fitness loss to the model. Here we clarify the conditions for parasitic or mutualistic relationships between aposematic prey, and build a model to examine the hypothesis that the availability of alternative prey is crucial to Müllerian and quasi‐Batesian mimicry. Our model is based on optimal behaviour of the predator. We ask if and when it is in the interest of the predator to learn to avoid certain species as prey when there is alternative (cryptic) prey available. Our model clearly shows that the role of alternative prey must be taken into consideration when studying model–mimic dynamics. When food is scarce it pays for the predator to test the models and mimics, whereas if food is abundant predators should leave the mimics and models untouched even if the mimics are quite edible. Dynamics of the mimicry tend to be classically Müllerian if mimics are well defended, while quasi‐Batesian dynamics are more likely when they are relatively edible. However, there is significant overlap: in extreme cases mimics can be harmful to models (a quasi‐Batesian case) even if the species are equally toxic. A crucial parameter explaining this overlap is the search efficiency with which indiscriminating vs. discriminating predators find cryptic prey. Quasi‐Batesian mimicry becomes much more likely if discrimination increases the efficiency with which the specialized predator finds cryptic prey, while the opposite case tends to predict Müllerian mimicry. Our model shows that both mutualistic and parasitic relationship between model and mimic are possible and the availability of alternative prey can easily alter this relationship.  相似文献   

David B. Ritland 《Oecologia》1991,88(1):102-108
Summary Understanding the dynamics of defensive mimicry requires accurately characterizing the comparative palatability of putative models and mimics. The Florida viceroy butterfly (Limenitis archippus floridensis) is traditionally considered a palatable Batesian mimic of the purportedly distasteful Florida queen (Danaus gilippus berenice). I re-evaluated this established hypothesis by directly assessing palatability of viceroys and queens to red-winged blackbirds in a laboratory experiment. Representative Florida viceroys were surprisingly unpalatable to red-wings; only 40% of viceroy abdomens were entirely eaten (compared to 98% of control butterfly abdomens), and nearly one-third were immediately tasterejected after a single peck. In fact, the viceroys were significantly more unpalatable than representative Florida queens, of which 65% were eaten and 14% taste-rejected. Thus, viceroys and queens from the sampled populations exemplify Müllerian rather than Batesian mimicry, and the viceroy appears to be the stronger model. These findings prompt a reassessment of the ecological and evolutionary dynamics of this classic mimicry relationship.  相似文献   

Strong positive density-dependence should lead to a loss of diversity, but warning-colour and Müllerian mimicry systems show extraordinary levels of diversity. Here, we propose an analytical model to explore the dynamics of two forms of a Müllerian mimic in a heterogeneous environment with two alternative model species. Two connected populations of a dimorphic, chemically defended mimic are allowed to evolve and disperse. The proportions of the respective model species vary spatially. We use a nonlinear approximation of Müller's number-dependent equations to model a situation where the mortality for either form of the mimic decreases hyberbolically when its local density increases. A first non-spatial analysis confirms that the positive density-dependence makes coexistence of mimetic forms unstable in a single isolated patch, but shows that mimicry of the rarer model can be stable once established. The two-patch analysis shows that when models have different abundance in different places, local mimetic diversity in the mimic is maintained only if spatial heterogeneity is strong, or, more interestingly, if the mimic is not too strongly distasteful. Therefore, mildly toxic species can become polymorphic in a wider range of ecological settings. Spatial dynamics thus reveal a region of Müllerian polymorphism separating classical Batesian polymorphism and Müllerian monomorphism along the mimic's palatability spectrum. Such polymorphism-palatability relationship in a spatial environment provides a parsimonious hypothesis accounting for the observed Müllerian polymorphism that does not require quasi-Batesian dynamics. While the stability of coexistence depends on all factors, only the migration rate and strength of selection appear to affect the level of diversity at the polymorphic equilibrium. Local adaptation is predicted in most polymorphic cases. These results are in very good accordance with recent empirical findings on the polymorphic butterflies Heliconius numata and H. cydno.  相似文献   

In Batesian mimicry, a harmless prey species imitates the warning coloration of an unpalatable model species. A traditional suggestion is that mimicry evolves in a two-step process, in which a large mutation first achieves approximate similarity to the model, after which smaller changes improve the likeness. However, it is not known which aspects of predator psychology cause the initial mutant to be perceived by predators as being similar to the model, leaving open the question of how the crucial first step of mimicry evolution occurs. Using theoretical evolutionary simulations and reconstruction of examples of mimicry evolution, we show that the evolution of Batesian mimicry can be initiated by a mutation that causes prey to acquire a trait that is used by predators as a feature to categorize potential prey as unsuitable. The theory that species gain entry to mimicry through feature saltation allows us to formulate scenarios of the sequence of events during mimicry evolution and to reconstruct an initial mimetic appearance for important examples of Batesian mimicry. Because feature-based categorization by predators entails a qualitative distinction between nonmimics and passable mimics, the theory can explain the occurrence of imperfect mimicry.  相似文献   

The nature of signal mimicry between defended prey (known as Müllerian mimicry) is controversial. Some authors assert that it is always mutualistic and beneficial, whilst others speculate that less well defended prey may be parasitic and degrade the protection of their better defended co-mimics (quasi-Batesian mimicry). Using great tits (Parus major) as predators of artificial prey, we show that mimicry between unequally defended co-mimics is not mutualistic, and can be parasitic and quasi-Batesian. We presented a fixed abundance of a highly defended model and a moderately defended dimorphic (mimic and distinct non-mimetic) species, and varied the relative frequency of the two forms of the moderately defended prey. As the mimic form increased in abundance, per capita predation on the model-mimic pair increased. Furthermore, when mimics were rare they gained protection from predation but imposed no co-evolutionary pressure on models. We found that the feeding decisions of the birds were affected by their individual toxic burdens, consistent with the idea that predators make foraging decisions which trade-off toxicity and nutrition. This result suggests that many prey species that are currently assumed to be in a simple mutualistic mimetic relationship with their co-mimic species may actually be engaged in an antagonistic co-evolutionary process.  相似文献   

Color patterns commonly vary geographically within species, but it is rare that such variation corresponds with divergent antipredator strategies. The polymorphic salamander Ensatina eschscholtzii, however, may represent such a case. In this species, most subspecies are cryptically colored, whereas E. e. xanthoptica, the Yellow eyed ensatina, is hypothesized to be an aposematic mimic of highly toxic Pacific newts (genus Taricha). To test the mimicry hypothesis, we conducted feeding trials using Western Scrub-Jays, Aphelocoma californica. In every feeding trial, we found that jays, following presentation with the presumed model (T. torosa), were more hesitant to contact the presumed mimic (E. e. xanthoptica) than a control subspecies lacking the postulated aposematic colors (E. e. oregonensis). The median time to contact was 315 sec for the mimic and 52 sec for the control. These results support the mimicry hypothesis, and we suggest that E. e. xanthoptica is likely a Batesian mimic, rather a Müllerian or quasi-Batesian mimic, of Pacific newts.  相似文献   

米青山  彩万志  李淑娟 《昆虫知识》2002,39(5):390-396,381
综述了昆虫拟态的常见类型及其研究动态 ,特别对光学拟态、声学拟态、化学拟态和拟态的多型现象及复杂性作了较详细的介绍  相似文献   

The persistence of Müllerian mimicry and geographically distinct wing patterns, as observed in many Heliconius species (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae), is difficult to explain from a predator's perspective: predator selection against locally rare patterns must persist despite avoidance learning. Maintaining spatial color-pattern polymorphism requires local pattern avoidance, fine-scale discrimination among similar wing patterns, and repeated attacks on novel color patterns. I tested for these behaviors by presenting 80 adult rufous-tailed jacamars (Galbula ruficauda) with three morphs of Heliconius butterflies, and then presenting the same suite of butterflies to 46 of these jacamars between four and 429 days later. These trials offer the first direct evidence of the selective predator behavior required to maintain aposematic polymorphism: jacamars avoid local aposematic morphs while repeatedly attacking similar but novel morphs over time.  相似文献   

A spatially explicit model is studied to analyse the movement of coupled clines in two-species Müllerian mimicry system as exemplified by the comimicking helicoiine butterflies in Central-South America Heliconius erato and Heliconius melpomene. In this system, a pair of comimicking wing patterns of two species (mimicry ring) is found in a geographical region but another pair of wing patterns is found in a different geographical region. The distribution of mimicry rings thus forms a spatial mosaic in a large geographical scale, and the mechanism responsible for their stable maintenance has been a long-standing question in evolutionary biology. We here examine the speed of the movement of boundaries that divide the regions inhabited by different mimetic morphs in each comimicking species, by assuming coupled two-state stochastic cellular automatons where the flipping rate of the site occupied by a mimetic morph depends on the local density of the same morph and of the comimicking morph in the other species. The speed of cline movement shows a complex dependence on the coupling parameter between mimetic species--greater coupling of comimicking morphs between species slows down the cline movement only when the reduction in predation rate exhibits diminishing return to the increase of local mimetic morph density. The analytical predictions are confirmed by the results of Monte Carlo simulations. The speed of advance is quite different from that predicted from the conventional reaction-diffusion model, indicating that demographic stochasticity plays a critical role in determining the speed of cline movement. We also examine if the spatial heterogeneity in migration rate can stably maintain clines.  相似文献   

Batesian mimicry evolves when individuals of a palatable species gain the selective advantage of reduced predation because they resemble a toxic species that predators avoid. Here, we evaluated whether—and in which direction—Batesian mimicry has evolved in a natural population of mimics following extirpation of their model. We specifically asked whether the precision of coral snake mimicry has evolved among kingsnakes from a region where coral snakes recently (1960) went locally extinct. We found that these kingsnakes have evolved more precise mimicry; by contrast, no such change occurred in a sympatric non-mimetic species or in conspecifics from a region where coral snakes remain abundant. Presumably, more precise mimicry has continued to evolve after model extirpation, because relatively few predator generations have passed, and the fitness costs incurred by predators that mistook a deadly coral snake for a kingsnake were historically much greater than those incurred by predators that mistook a kingsnake for a coral snake. Indeed, these results are consistent with prior theoretical and empirical studies, which revealed that only the most precise mimics are favoured as their model becomes increasingly rare. Thus, highly noxious models can generate an ‘evolutionary momentum’ that drives the further evolution of more precise mimicry—even after models go extinct.  相似文献   

Interspecific social dominance mimicry (ISDM) is a proposed form of social parasitism in which a subordinate species evolves to mimic and deceive a dominant ecological competitor in order to avoid attack by the dominant, model species. The evolutionary plausibility of ISDM has been established previously by the Hairy‐Downy game (Prum & Samuelson). Psychophysical models of avian visual acuity support the plausibility of visual ISDM at distances ~>2–3 m for non‐raptorial birds, and ~>20 m for raptors. Fifty phylogenetically independent examples of avian ISDM involving 60 model and 93 mimic species, subspecies, and morphs from 30 families are proposed and reviewed. Patterns of size differences, phylogeny, and coevolutionary radiation generally support the predictions of ISDM. Mimics average 56–58% of the body mass of the proposed model species. Mimics may achieve a large potential deceptive social advantage with <20% reduction in linear body size, which is well within the range of plausible, visual size confusion. Several, multispecies mimicry complexes are proposed (e.g. kiskadee‐type flycatchers) which may coevolve through hierarchical variation in the deceptive benefits, similar to Müllerian mimicry. ISDM in birds should be tested further with phylogenetic, ecological, and experimental investigations of convergent similarity in appearance, ecological competition, and aggressive social interactions between sympatric species. Evolutionary explanations of mimicry must consider the possibility that mimics evolve to deceive model species themselves. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

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