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In the first optic neuropile of the housefly Musca, photoreceptor terminals innervate fixed clusters of interneurons, one of which is the monopolar cell L2; L2's synapses in turn feed back upon the terminals. We examined the ultrastructure of these feedback synapses following degeneration of their normal targets, the receptor terminals; this was accomplished by photo-ablating the receptor cells after intraretinal injections of sulforhodamine. Even when all the terminals degenerated, their deafferentated target cells, including L2, remained structurally intact for at least 14 d. Despite this lack of obvious trans-synaptic degeneration, L2's synaptic connections did alter. Presynaptic organelles of the feedback synapses, synaptic ribbons and associated synaptic vesicles, soon appeared in L2's cytoplasm, separating from their site of attachment at the presynaptic membrane by invagination. Similar free-floating organelles and vesicles also occurred in another monopolar cell, L4. They were also occasionally encountered in L2, in normal, newly emerged flies at a time when a naturally occurring loss of feedback synapses is greatest. We interpret the process of internalization that forms these floating ribbons to be the first step in synaptic loss which occurs spontaneously, and that the rate is enhanced in L2 when its main synaptic targets, the receptor terminals, degenerate.  相似文献   

Axon calibre in monopolar cells L1 and L2 of the fly's lamina can change dynamically. Swelling by day, L2 exhibits a daily rhythm of changing size apparntly mediated by wide-field LBO5HT and PDH cells. L1/L2 axon profiles were measured planimetrically in the housefly, Musca domestica, from 1 m cross sections. Four hours after injecting 80–100 nl of 1.25 × 10–4 M 5-HT into the optic lobe, L1's axon swelled but L2's did not, whereas 2.2 × 10–5 M of PDH enlarged both axons. Similar to 5-HT, 1.63 × 10–4 M histamine (the photoreceptor transmitter) enlarged L1 but not L2, mimicking light exposure, while 1.7 × 10–4 M glutamate and 1.94 × 10–4 M GABA both decreased L1 and L2. 2.5 × 10–4 M of 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine decreased L2 and, somewhat, L1, an effect attributable to the loss of LBO5HT neurites. Twenty four hours after cutting LBO5HT and PDH commissural pathways, L1 and L2 both shrank. Apparently, L2's size depends on either LBO5HT or sufficient 5-HT, and L1 and L2 have different response ranges to 5-HT. Responses to PDH imply that daytime PDH release drives a circadian rhythm, enlarging L1 and L2.Abbreviations ERG electroretinogram - GABA -aminobutyric acid - PDH pigment-dispersing hormone - PDF pigment-dispersing factor - 5-HT 5-hydroxytryptamine - EM electron microscopy(ic)  相似文献   

Following photo-ablation of receptor cells in the retina of the housefly's compound eye, their synaptic terminals degenerate with a timecourse which we have followed over 8 d. Degeneration deprives the monopolar interneurons in the first optic neuropile, the lamina, of their main synaptic input. Simultaneously it deprives one monopolar interneuron (L2) of one of its synaptic targets, as L2 makes numerous feedback synaptic contacts at which it is pre-synaptic upon receptor terminals. Because the feedback synapses are dyadic, input still remains available to the second element post-synaptic at the dyad, which does not degenerate. This element is T1, a higher-order interneuron from the next most proximal neuropile (the medulla). Some of the original feedback synaptic sites soon disappear as a consequence of the photo-ablation, but their loss is partly offset by the production of new synaptic contacts. The new pre-synaptic ribbons resemble those at the original sites except for being smaller. The sites are, moreover, monadic, with T1 now the sole post-synaptic partner. These results show that interneurons in the fly's lamina retain a dynamic capacity for synaptogenesis throughout much of adult life, normally a few weeks in Musca, and that during this synaptogenesis they re-enact the same cell preferences expressed earlier in development.  相似文献   

Summary Histological staining of wild-type and sevenless transgenic Drosophila melanogaster bearing Rh3-lacZ fusion genes permits the selective visualization of polarization-sensitive R7 and R8 photoreceptor cells located along the dorsal anterior eye margin. Diffusion of -galactosidase throughout these cells reveals that they project long axons to the two most peripheral synaptic target rows of the dorsal posterior medulla, defining a specialized marginal zone of this optic lobe. Comparison of the staining patterns of marginal and nonmarginal Rh3-lacZ-expressing photoreceptor cells in the same histological preparations suggests that the marginal cells possess morphologically specialized axons and synaptic terminals. These findings are discussed with reference to the neuroanatomy of the corresponding dorsal marginal eye and optic lobe regions of the larger dipterans Musca and Calliphora, and in relation to the ability of Drosophila to orient to polarized light.  相似文献   

Summary Retinal bundles, connecting the retina of the octopus to the ipsilateral optic lobe, contain both retinal photoreceptor axons that terminate in the optic lobe and centrifugal axons whose cell bodies lie within the lobe. Staining axonal elements in proximal stubs of individual retinal bundles by cobalt diffusion and subsequent sulphide treatment reveals the topographic relationship between afferent terminals and centrifugal cell bodies. At the outer border of the plexiform layer, stained terminal bags (photoreceptor axon enlargements), an indicator of photoreceptor terminal spread within this layer, overlap stained centrifugal cell bodies located within the inner granule layer. The details of this overlap indicate a dorsoventral representation of each retinal bundle within the optic lobe cortex.  相似文献   

Summary Intracellular recordings were made in the medullae of intact, restrained females ofCalliphora vicina that faced a hemispherical, minimum-distortion surface upon which moving patterns and spots were projected from the rear (Fig. 2). In the distal medulla, noisy hyperpolarizations to light, most likely recorded in terminals of laminar (L) cells, had flicker-like oscillations to moving gratings of 15° spatial wavelength but not of 2.5° spatial wavelength (Fig. 3). Medullary (M) cells penetrated distally responded to grating movements with similar but depolarizing oscillations, in one cell 180° out of phase with a nearby laminar response (Figs. 4–6).A characteristic movement response recorded from most medullary cells consisted of abrupt, maintained nondirectional depolarizations in response to movements of gratings, often with directional ripple or spikes superimposed. When directions of movement reversed, there were brief repolarizations, but when movements stopped, depolarizations decayed away more slowly (Figs. 7 and 8). Magnitude of responses increased with increasing speeds of both 15° and 2.5° gratings (Figs. 9–11). In some cells, there were delayed decays of responses after stopping (Fig. 12). Still other cells seemed to receive inhibition from other, characteristically responding cells (Fig. 13).Receptive fields tested were simple and usually large, with only a suggestion of surround inhibition (Fig. 14). In general, intensity and position were interchangeable over a cell's receptive field (Figs. 15 and 16). Moving edges and dark spots elicited responses primarily within receptive field centers (Figs. 18–20).It is argued that waveforms of characteristic movement responses can be explained by multiplicative inputs from L- and M-cells to movement detectors (Figs. 21–26).Abbreviations L cells laminar (monopolar) cells - M cells medullary cells  相似文献   

Summary We present a quantitative evaluation of Golgiimpregnated columnar neurons in the optic lobe of wildtype Drosophila melanogaster. This analysis reveals the overall connectivity pattern between the 10 neuropil layers of the medulla and demonstrates the existence of at least three major visual pathways. Pathway 1 connects medulla layer M10 to the lobula plate. Input layers of this pathway are M1 and M5. Pathway 2 connects M9 to shallow layers of the lobula, which in turn are tightly linked to the lobula plate. This pathway gets major input via M2. Pathways 1 and 2 receive input from retinula cells R1-6, either via the lamina monopolar cell L1 (terminating in M1 and M5) or via L2 and T1 (terminating in M2). Neurons of these pathways typically have small dendritic fields. We discuss evidence that pathways 1 and 2 may play a major role in motion detection. Pathway 3 connects M8 to deep layers of the lobula. In M8 information converges that is derived either from M3 (pathway 3a) or from M4 and M6 (pathway 3b), layers that get their major input from L3 and R8 or L4 and R7, respectively. Some neurons of pathway 3 have large dendritic fields. We suggest that they may be involved in the computation of form and colour. Possible analogies to the organization of pathways in the visual system of vertebrates are discussed.During the final editing of this work our friend A.P.M. Dittrich was tragically killed in an accident. Without him this and the previous work would never have been completed  相似文献   

Although it has been known that olfactory and mechanical inputs from the antenna converge in the antennal lobe of the deutocerebrum of the American cockroach, the capacity of antennal lobe neurons to integrate cues from these modalities was never examined. In the present study, neurons responsive to both the odor of lemon oil and to lateral displacement of the antenna were used to compare the effects of unimodal and bimodal stimulation. The combination of olfactory and mechanical stimuli produced increases over unimodal olfactory responses in 61% (30/49) of the neurons. In the remaining neurons the response either decreased (20%; 10/49), or no bimodal interaction was apparent (19%; 9/49). Dye injection (lucifer yellow) following physiological characterization revealed that these bimodal neurons are local neurons or projection neurons. The antennal lobe links the inputs from olfactory and mechanosensory systems and provides a substrate through which olfactory and mechanical stimuli influence one another's effects. Accepted: 29 September 1997  相似文献   

Houseflies (Musca domestica) were exposed to pulses of heat (1 h) or cold (several hours) during early pupal life, and the effects were investigated on the development of the first optic neuropile, or lamina, of the visual system. The treatments were designed to perturb the cellular or ganization of the cartridges, the unit synaptic structures of the lamina, so as to provide novel synaptic opportunities amongst the normally fixed composition of these modules, thereby testing the preferences of their component cells during synaptogenesis. Various abnormalities were identified, but these were not always consistent between flies: retinal abnormalities included the loss and fusion of rhabdomeres, especially of the central cells of the ommatidium, whereas in the lamina low frequencies of abnormal cartridges were found. These included seven that were studied with serial sections, which instead of the normal pair of L1 and L2 monopolar interneurons had supernumerary cells of this type. The normal pairing of L1 and L2 at postsynaptic sites of receptor terminal tetrad synapses was preserved in these cases, the cells eschewing pairings of homologous L1/L1 or L2/L2 partners. This meant that more than one L1 could pair with a single L2 and vice versa, even at the same terminal, and appeared to do so opportunistically on the basis of proximity, with cells closer to each other pairing more frequently. Thus the cells behave during synaptogenesis as if they recognize other cells only as cell types (receptor, L1 or L2) and not as individual cells. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The ability of chick retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) to extend neurites on tissue culture substrata of the extra-cellular matrix protein laminin is lost during embryonic development. In order to establish the mechanism responsible for the loss of response, the number of high affinity (KD 10(-9) M) laminin receptors on both the cell bodies and neurites of RGCs were determined throughout this period by a ligand binding assay using radio-labelled laminin. It was found that the loss of response paralleled a decrease in receptor numbers on both the cell bodies and the neurites of the RGCs. Bilateral tectal ablation at embryonic day 6 resulted in the subsequent maintenance of laminin-stimulated neurite outgrowth, together with a partial inhibition of the loss of laminin receptors. Thus, the loss of response of the RGCs to laminin reflects a decrease in the numbers of laminin receptors on these neurons, and furthermore, this down-regulation is in turn dependent on innervation of the target tissue.  相似文献   

High resolution serial photomicrography has been used to plot the axonal projection patterns between retina, lamina and medulla in the optic lobes of various insects with differing ommatidial receptor arrangements. Observations are reported on the cabbage white and skipper butterflies, the bee, locust, fly, backswimmer and waterbug. The patterns of these fibre pathways have previously eluded non-rigorous analyses primarily because of their physical dimensions but are revealed in this study to have striking precision and uniformity between species when examined at the level of individually identifiable cells. Axon bundles of the tracts between retina and lamina or lamina and medulla project between a single ommatidium and its corresponding lamina cartridge or between corresponding lamina and medulla cartridges. Lateral interweaving of axons between adjacent bundles is absent. The bundles preserve the retinotopic order within their total array, so transferring the pattern of retinulae directly upon the lamina and thence after horizontal inversion in the chiasma upon the medulla. Within the lamina neuropile on the other hand the trajectories of the individual terminals from a bundle have patterns which are species-specific, sometimes involving lateral divergences. In species with open-rhabdomere ommatidia the terminals distribute to a group of lamina cartidges with a pattern which resembles the receptor pattern in the overlying ommatidium. In species with fused-rhabdome ommatidia the terminals of a single retinula behave less interestingly and all enter the same cartridge, within which, again, each occupies a position related to its cell body position within the retinula. Long visual fibres in both eye types penetrate the lamina and terminate in the particular medulla cartridge that connects with the lamina cartridge underlying their ommatidium. The perpendicular fibre pathways therefore project the visual field exactly upon the medulla in all species while the lack of interweaving between adjacent fibre bundles precludes their involvement in lateral interactions between pathways with differing visual axes. Uniformity of these projection patterns between cell layers and species differences in retinular terminal locations in the lamina can be correlated with different modes of axon growth between and within neuropile layers during optic lobe neurogenesis. Further discussion surrounds the question of which particular receptors give rise to which type of axon, for which no clear generalization has yet emerged.  相似文献   

Analysis of the light-induced changes of cytosolic Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) in photoreceptor cells has been taken a step further with two recently published studies(1,2). In one, changes in [Ca2+]i were measured in single detached rod outer segments from Gecko in response to various light intensities. The advances of the other(2) are embodied in its employment of transgenic Drosophila, whose photoreceptors express a visual pigment that is insensitive to the wavelength of light used in the fluorescence imaging of [Ca2+]i. These studies provide a better basis for understanding the regulation of Ca2+-mediated events in photoreceptor cells.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2023,33(13):2784-2793.e3
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Cell and Tissue Research - The first optic ganglion of the fly, the lamina ganglionaris, was investigated with the transmission electron microscope for the purpose of demonstrating possible...  相似文献   

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