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Botulinum neurotoxins (BoNTs) are highly potent toxins that inhibit neurotransmitter release from peripheral cholinergic synapses. BoNTs consist of a toxifying light chain (LC; 50 kDa) and a binding-translocating heavy chain (HC; 100 kDa) linked through a disulfide bond. The complete sequence of BoNT/A consists of 1296 amino acid residues. The beta-trefoil domain for BoNT/A to which gangliosides bind starts at Ser 1092 and this fragment represents the C-half of the C-terminus of the heavy chain (C-quarter HC or HCQ). The recombinant HCQ DNA was successfully cloned into an expression vector (pET15b), which was used to transform Escherichia coli strain BL21-Star (DE3) for expression. Expression of HCQ was obtained by an extended post-induction time of 15 h at 30 degrees C. The recombinant histidine tagged HCQ protein was isolated and purified by nickel affinity gel column chromatography and its molecular weight was verified by gel electrophoresis. The HCQ was positively identified by antibodies raised against BoNT/A employing immunological dot-blot and Western blot assays. HCQ was shown to bind with synaptotagmin (a known BoNT/A receptor) and gangliosides, indicating that the expressed and purified HCQ protein retains a functionally active conformation.  相似文献   

Primers designed to conserved regions of botulinum and tetanus clostridial toxins were used to amplify DNA fragments from non-proteolytic Clostridium botulinum type F (202F) DNA using polymerase chain reaction technology. The fragments were cloned and the complete nucleotide sequence of the gene encoding type F toxin determined. Analysis of the nucleotide sequence demonstrated the presence of an open frame encoding a protein of 1274 amino acids, similar to other botulinum neurotoxins. Upstream of the toxin gene is the end of an open reading frame which encodes the C-terminus of a protein with homology to non-toxic-non-hemagglutinin component of type C progenitor toxin.  相似文献   

Botulinum neurotoxins (BoNTs) are highly potent toxins that inhibit neurotransmitter release from peripheral cholinergic synapses. BoNTs consist of a toxifying light chain (LC; 50 kDa) and a binding/translocating heavy chain (HC; 100 kDa) linked through a disulfide bond. A DNA fragment encoding type A Clostridium botulinum heavy chain (BoNT/A HC) was amplified by polymerase chain reaction and cloned into an E. coli PET-15b vector. In vitro translated [35S]BoNT/A HC was identified by anti-BoNT/A polyclonal antibodies, and was used to investigate the binding of the toxin to rat synaptosomes. The binding of [35S]BoNT/A HC to synaptosomes was abolished by 500-fold excess of cold BoNT/A, and by incubation with trypsin. Treatment of BoNT/A HC with anti-BoNT/A or GT1b blocked its binding to synaptosomes. The radioactive BoNT/A HC recognized three proteins corresponding to a molecular mass of 150 (P150), 120 (P120), and 75 (P75) kDa in rat and bovine synaptosomal preparations. These results represent the first successful expression of functional full-length BoNT heavy chain.  相似文献   

Botulinum neurotoxins (BoNTs) are highly potent toxins that inhibit neurotransmitter release from peripheral cholinergic synapses and associate with infant botulism. BoNT is a approximately 150kDa protein, consisting of a binding/translocating heavy chain (HC; 100kDa) and a toxifying light chain (LC; 50kDa) linked through a disulfide bond. C-terminal half of the heavy chain is binding domain, and N-terminal half of the heavy chain is translocation domain that includes transmembrane domain. A functional botulinum neurotoxin type B heavy chain transmembrane and binding domain (Ile 624-Glu 1291) has been cloned into a bacterial expression vector pET 15b and produced as an N-terminally six-histidine-tagged fusion protein (BoNT/B HC TBD). (His(6))-BoNT/B HC TBD was highly expressed in Escherichia coli BL21-CodonPlus (DE3)-RIL and isolated from the E. coli inclusion bodies. After solubilizing the purified inclusion bodies with 6M guanidine-HCl in the presence of 10mM beta-mercaptoethanol, the protein was purified and refolded in a single step on Ni(2+) affinity column by removing beta-mercaptoethanol first, followed by the removal of urea. The purified protein was determined to be 98% pure as assessed by SDS-polyacrylamide gel. (His(6))-BoNT/B HC TBD retained binding to synaptotagmin II, the receptor of BoNT/B, which was confirmed by immunological dot blot assay, also to ganglioside, which was investigated using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.  相似文献   

Two lambda gt11 clones of the toxin gene of Clostridium botulinum type B were identified by the monoclonal antibody specific to the heavy chain of type B toxin. Neither of the expressed fusion proteins from the lysates of lysogenic E. coli Y1089 showed any botulinal toxic activity. One of the clones hybridized to the oligonucleotide probe which was synthesized according to the amino acid sequence of N-terminus of heavy chain. The sequence analysis revealed that highly homologous regions in N-terminus of heavy chain exist among botulinum neurotoxins (type A, B) and tetanus toxin on the amino acid sequence level.  相似文献   

Botulism is a neuroparalytic disease caused by Clostridium botulinum, which produces seven (A-G) antigenically diverse neurotoxins (BoNTs). BoNTs are the most poisonous substances known to humans, with a median lethal dose (LD??) of approximately 1 ng/kg of body weight. Owing to their extreme potency and lethality, they have the potential to be used as a bioterrorism agent. The mouse bioassay is the gold standard for the detection of botulinum neurotoxins; however, it requires at least 3-4 days for completion. Attempts have been made to develop an ELISA-based detection system, which is potentially an easier and more rapid method of botulinum neurotoxin detection. The present study was designed using a synthetic gene approach. The synthetic gene encoding the catalytic domain of BoNT serotype B from amino acids 1-450 was constructed with PCR overlapping primers (BoNT/B LC), cloned in a pQE30 UA vector, and expressed in an E. coli M15 host system. Recombinant protein production was optimized at 0.5 mM IPTG final concentration, 4 h post induction, resulting in a maximum yield of recombinant proteins. The immunogenic nature of the recombinant BoNT/B LC protein was evaluated by ELISA. Antibodies were raised in BALB/c mice using various adjuvants. A significant rise in antibody titer (p<0.05) was observed in the Alum group, followed by the Titermax Classic group, Freund's adjuvant, and the Titermax Gold group. These developed high-titer antibodies may prove useful for the detection of botulinum neurotoxins in food and clinical samples.  相似文献   

Botulinum neurotoxins (BoNTs) inhibit neurotransmitter release from peripheral cholinergic synapses. BoNTs consist of a toxifying light chain and a heavy chain (HC) linked through a disulfide bond. In the present study we explored the immunogenicity and protective capability of the most effective part corresponding to 1163-1256 residues of botulinum type E neurotoxin HC gene. DNA encoding the 93 C-terminal amino acid of HC residues was synthesized with optimal codon usage for expression. These DNA fragments were ligated into a pLivSelect vector and subcloned into expression vector pET32a. Recombinant plasmids were then transformed into Escherichia coli strain BL21 DE3. The recombinant protein was purified by nickel affinity gel column chromatography. The HC1163-1256 was identified by antibodies raised against BoNT/E. HC1163-1256 was shown to bind with synaptotagmin and gangliosides, indicating that the expressed and purified HC1163-1256 protein retains a functionally active conformation. The immunization with recombinant protein induced a protection level in mice. The immunization with 2 μg of the recombinant protein induced a significant protection level in mice. In conclusion, availability of the recombinant protein provides an effective system to study the biochemical and physical interactions involved during BoNT binding to nerve cells and protection against its toxicity.  相似文献   

Seventeen monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) were previously established against the heavy chain (Hc) of botulinum type E neurotoxin in BALB/c mice immunized with the type E toxoid. Five MAbs (LE15-5, LE34-6, EK19-7, EK21-4, and AE27-9) showed toxin-neutralizing activity in mice. Two of the five MAbs, EK19-7 and EK21-4, recognized the regions located at amino acid positions 731 to 787 and 811 to 897, respectively. One of the remaining three antibodies (LE34-6) reacted with the amino acid sequence VIKAIN, at amino acid positions 663 to 668, closed by the ion channel-forming domain. It is suggested that the ion channel-forming domain may also be associated with the blocking of acetylcholine release. Furthermore, the amino acid sequence YLTHMRD within 30 residues of the C-terminal region of the Hc component seemed to be recognized by LE15-5. It has been reported that the binding domain of the type E toxin is located on the C-terminal half of the Hc component. Therefore, the neutralizing activity of LE15-5 antibody may be attributed to its ability to block the binding of neurotoxin to the receptor of target cells.  相似文献   

The heavy chain of botulinum type A neurotoxin forms channels in planar phospholipid bilayer membranes. Channel activity is confined to the N-terminal half of this chain; the C-terminal half is inactive. Channel activity is stimulated by low pH (4.5-5.5) on the cis side (the side to which protein is added), neutral pH on the opposite (trans) side, and cis positive voltages. These findings are strikingly similar to those previously reported for analogous fragments of diphtheria and tetanus toxins.  相似文献   

Since 1999, large-scale mortalities of fish-eating birds have been observed on the Great Lakes, and more specifically on Lake Erie. Type E botulism has been established as the primary cause of death. The mechanism of type E botulism exposure in fish-eating birds is unclear. Given that these birds are thought to eat live fish exclusively, it seems likely that their prey play a key role in the process, but the role of fish as potential transport vectors of botulinum neurotoxin type E (BoNT/E) to birds has not been adequately investigated. Between June 2003 and April 2004 a methodological model for exposing fish to Clostridium botulinum was developed and used to compare the sensitivity of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), round goby (Neogobius melanostomas), walleye (Stizostedion vitreum), and yellow perch (Perca flavescens) to four doses (0, 800, 1,500, and 4,000 Mouse Lethal Doses) of Clostridium botulinum type E neurotoxin. Each fish species expressed unique changes in both behavior and skin pigmentation prior to death. Yellow perch survived significantly longer (P < 0.05) than the three other species at all toxin treatments. Results of this study suggest that live fish can represent a significant vector for transfer of BoNT/E to birds.  相似文献   

The catalytic activity of the highly potent botulinum neurotoxins are confined to their N-terminal light chains ( approximately 50kDa). A full-length light chain for the type E neurotoxin with a C-terminal 6x His-tag, BoNT/E-LC, has been cloned in a pET-9c vector and over-expressed in BL21 (DE3) cells. BoNT/E-LC was purified to homogeneity by affinity chromatography on Ni-NTA agarose followed by exclusion chromatography using a Superdex-75 sizing column. The purified protein has very good solubility and can be stored stably at -20 degrees C; however, it seems to undergo auto-proteolysis when stored at temperature #10878;4-10 degrees C. BoNT/E-LC is active on its natural substrate, the synaptosomal associated 25kDa protein, SNAP-25, indicating that it retains a native-like conformation and therefore can be considered as a useful tool in studying the structure/function of the catalytic light chain. Recombinant BoNT/E-LC has been crystallized under five different conditions and at various pHs. Crystals diffract to better than 2.1A.  相似文献   

We describe a strategy to identify the clusters of genes encoding components of the botulinum toxin type A (boNT/A) complexes in 57 strains of Clostridium botulinum types A, Ab, and A(B) isolated in Italy and in the United States from different sources. Specifically, we combined the results of PCR for detecting the ha33 and/or p47 genes with those of boNT/A PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. Three different type A toxin gene clusters were revealed; type A1 was predominant among the strains from the United States, whereas type A2 predominated among the Italian strains, suggesting a geographic distinction between strains. By contrast, no relationship between the toxin gene clusters and the clinical or food source of strains was evident. In two C. botulinum type A isolates from the United States, we recognized a third type A toxin gene cluster (designated type A3) which was similar to that previously described only for C. botulinum type A(B) and Ab strains. Total genomic DNA from the strains was subjected to pulsed-filed gel electrophoresis and randomly amplified polymorphic DNA analyses, and the results were consistent with the boNT/A gene clusters obtained.  相似文献   

In Bordetella pertussis virulence-associated genes, including adenylate cyclase toxin (Cya), are coordinately regulated in response to environmental signals by proteins coded by the bvg-locus. We have constructed cya-lac fusions in Escherichia coli and have shown that the cya operon is not expressed in E. coli, neither is it activated by bvg, when introduced in trans. The cya-lac fusion is fully active when returned to B. pertussis by homologous recombination and responds to bvg-dependent activation and environmental regulation. These results indicate that in B. pertussis the activation of the cya operon by bvg is indirect.  相似文献   

DNA fragments derived from the Clostridium botulinum type A neurotoxin (BoNT/A) gene (botA) were used in DNA-DNA hybridization reactions to derive a restriction map of the region of the C. botulinum type B strain Danish chromosome encoding botB. As the one probe encoded part of the BoNT/A heavy (H) chain and the other encoded part of the light (L) chain, the position and orientation of botB relative to this map were established. The temperature at which hybridization occurred indicated that a higher degree of DNA homology occurred between the two genes in the H-chain-encoding region. By using the derived restriction map data, a 2.1-kb BglII-XbaI fragment encoding the entire BoNT/B L chain and 108 amino acids of the H chain was cloned and characterized by nucleotide sequencing. A contiguous 1.8-kb XbaI fragment encoding a further 623 amino acids of the H chain was also cloned. The 3' end of the gene was obtained by cloning a 1.6-kb fragment amplified from genomic DNA by inverse polymerase chain reaction. Translation of the nucleotide sequence derived from all three clones demonstrated that BoNT/B was composed of 1,291 amino acids. Comparative alignment of its sequence with all currently characterized BoNTs (A, C, D, and E) and tetanus toxin (TeTx) showed that a wide variation in percent homology occurred dependent on which component of the dichain was compared. Thus, the L chain of BoNT/B exhibits the greatest degree of homology (50% identity) with the TeTx L chain, whereas its H chain is most homologous (48% identity) with the BoNT/A H chain. Overall, the six neurotoxins were shown to be composed of highly conserved amino acid domains interceded with amino acid tracts exhibiting little overall similarity. In total, 68 amino acids of an average of 442 are absolutely conserved between L chains and 110 of 845 amino acids are conserved between H chains. Conservation of Trp residues (one in the L chain and nine in the H chain) was particularly striking. The most divergent region corresponds to the extreme carboxy terminus of each toxin, which may reflect differences in specificity of binding to neurone acceptor sites.  相似文献   

Botulinum neurotoxins (BoNTs) cause flaccid paralysis by inhibiting neurotransmission at cholinergic nerve terminals. BoNTs consist of three essential domains for toxicity: the cell binding domain (Hc), the translocation domain (Hn) and the catalytic domain (LC). A functional derivative (LHn) of the parent neurotoxin B composed of Hn and LC domains was recombinantly produced and characterised. LHn/B crystallographic structure at 2.8? resolution is reported. The catalytic activity of LHn/B towards recombinant human VAMP was analysed by substrate cleavage assay and showed a higher specificity for VAMP-1, -2 compared to VAMP-3. LHn/B also showed measurable activity in living spinal cord neurons. Despite lacking the Hc (cell-targeting) domain, LHn/B retained the capacity to internalize and cleave intracellular VAMP-1 and -2 when added to the cells at high concentration. These activities of the LHn/B fragment demonstrate the utility of engineered botulinum neurotoxin fragments as analytical tools to study the mechanisms of action of BoNT neurotoxins and of SNARE proteins.  相似文献   

DNA fragments derived from the Clostridium botulinum type A neurotoxin (BoNT/A) gene (botA) were used in DNA-DNA hybridization reactions to derive a restriction map of the region of the C. botulinum type B strain Danish chromosome encoding botB. As the one probe encoded part of the BoNT/A heavy (H) chain and the other encoded part of the light (L) chain, the position and orientation of botB relative to this map were established. The temperature at which hybridization occurred indicated that a higher degree of DNA homology occurred between the two genes in the H-chain-encoding region. By using the derived restriction map data, a 2.1-kb BglII-XbaI fragment encoding the entire BoNT/B L chain and 108 amino acids of the H chain was cloned and characterized by nucleotide sequencing. A contiguous 1.8-kb XbaI fragment encoding a further 623 amino acids of the H chain was also cloned. The 3' end of the gene was obtained by cloning a 1.6-kb fragment amplified from genomic DNA by inverse polymerase chain reaction. Translation of the nucleotide sequence derived from all three clones demonstrated that BoNT/B was composed of 1,291 amino acids. Comparative alignment of its sequence with all currently characterized BoNTs (A, C, D, and E) and tetanus toxin (TeTx) showed that a wide variation in percent homology occurred dependent on which component of the dichain was compared. Thus, the L chain of BoNT/B exhibits the greatest degree of homology (50% identity) with the TeTx L chain, whereas its H chain is most homologous (48% identity) with the BoNT/A H chain. Overall, the six neurotoxins were shown to be composed of highly conserved amino acid domains interceded with amino acid tracts exhibiting little overall similarity. In total, 68 amino acids of an average of 442 are absolutely conserved between L chains and 110 of 845 amino acids are conserved between H chains. Conservation of Trp residues (one in the L chain and nine in the H chain) was particularly striking. The most divergent region corresponds to the extreme carboxy terminus of each toxin, which may reflect differences in specificity of binding to neurone acceptor sites.  相似文献   

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