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In a recent issue of Cognitive Neurodynamics Farwell (Cogn Neurodyn 6:115–154, 2012) published a comprehensive tutorial review of the use of Event Related Brain Potentials (ERP) in the detection of concealed information. Farwell’s review covered much of his own work employing his “brain fingerprinting” technology. All his work showed a 100 % accuracy rate in detecting concealed information. We argue in this comment that Farwell (Cogn Neurodyn 6:115–154, 2012) is misleading and misrepresents the scientific status of brain fingerprinting technology.  相似文献   

Farwell in Cogn Neurodyn 6:115–154, (2012) reviewed all research on brainwave-based detection of concealed information published in English, including the author’s laboratory and field research. He hypothesized that specific methods are sufficient to obtain less than 1 % error rate and high statistical confidence, and some of them are necessary. Farwell proposed 20 brain fingerprinting scientific standards embodying these methods. He documented the fact that all previous research and data are compatible with these hypotheses and standards. Farwell explained why failure to meet these standards resulted in decrements in performance of other, alternative methods. Meijer et al. criticized Farwell in Cogn Neurodyn 6:115–154, (2012) and Farwell personally. The authors stated their disagreement with Farwell’s hypotheses, but did not cite any data that contradict the three hypotheses, nor did they propose alternative hypotheses or standards. Meijer et al. made demonstrable misstatements of fact, including false ad hominem statements about Farwell, and impugned Farwell’s motives and character. We provide supporting evidence for Farwell’s three hypotheses, clarify several issues, correct Meijer et al.’s misstatements of fact, and propose that the progress of science is best served by practicing science: designing and conducting research to test and as necessary modify the proposed hypotheses and standards that explain the existing data.  相似文献   

Block (Trends Cogn Sci 7:285–286, 2003) and Prinz (PSYCHE 12:1–19, 2006) have defended the idea that SSD perception remains in the substituting modality (auditory or tactile). Hurley and Noë (Biol Philos 18:131–168, 2003) instead argued that after substantial training with the device, the perceptual experience that the SSD user enjoys undergoes a change, switching from tactile/auditory to visual. This debate has unfolded in something like a stalemate where, I will argue, it has become difficult to determine whether the perception acquired through the coupling with an SSD remains in the substituting or the substituted modality. Within this puzzling deadlock two new approaches have been recently suggested. Ward and Meijer (Conscious Cogn 19:492–500, 2010) describe SSD perception as visual-like but characterize it as a kind of artificially induced synaesthesia. Auvray et al. (Perception 36:416–430, 2007) and Auvray and Myin (Cogn Sci 33:1036–1058, 2009) suggest that SSDs let their users experience a new kind of perception. Deroy and Auvray (forthcoming) refine this position, and argue that this new kind of perception depends on pre-existing senses without entirely aligning with any of them. So, they have talked about perceptual experience in SSDs as going "beyond vision". In a similar vein, MacPherson (Oxford University Press, New York, 2011a) claims that “if the subjects (SSD users) have experiences with both vision-like and touch-like representational characteristics then perhaps they have a sense that ordinary humans do not” (MacPherson in Oxford University Press, New York, 2011a, p. 139).  相似文献   

It has been claimed that connectionist (artificial neural network) models of language processing, which do not appear to employ “rules”, are doing something different in kind from classical symbol processing models, which treat “rules” as atoms (e.g., McClelland and Patterson in Trends Cogn Sci 6(11):465–472, 2002). This claim is hard to assess in the absence of careful, formal comparisons between the two approaches. This paper formally investigates the symbol-processing properties of simple dynamical systems called affine dynamical automata, which are close relatives of several recurrent connectionist models of language processing (e.g., Elman in Cogn Sci 14:179–211, 1990). In line with related work (Moore in Theor Comput Sci 201:99–136, 1998; Siegelmann in Neural networks and analog computation: beyond the Turing limit. Birkhäuser, Boston, 1999), the analysis shows that affine dynamical automata exhibit a range of symbol processing behaviors, some of which can be mirrored by various Turing machine devices, and others of which cannot be. On the assumption that the Turing machine framework is a good way to formalize the “computation” part of our understanding of classical symbol processing, this finding supports the view that there is a fundamental “incompatibility” between connectionist and classical models (see Fodor and Pylyshyn 1988; Smolensky in Behav Brain Sci 11(1):1–74, 1988; beim Graben in Mind Matter 2(2):29--51,2004b). Given the empirical successes of connectionist models, the more general, super-Turing framework is a preferable vantage point from which to consider cognitive phenomena. This vantage may give us insight into ill-formed as well as well-formed language behavior and shed light on important structural properties of learning processes.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of the Atlantic and Eastern Pacific species of Kyphosus is reviewed with K. bosquii (Lacepède 1802), K. incisor (Cuvier 1831), K. analogus (Gill 1862) and K. elegans (Peters 1869) considered valid, and K. atlanticus sp. nov. newly described. Kyphosus bosquii and K. atlanticus are both characterized by 12 dorsal- and 11 anal-fin soft rays, but differ in the number of longitudinal scale rows along the midbody (61–66, mode 63 vs. 50–56, mode 54). Kyphosus incisor and K. analogus, characterized by 14 dorsal- and 13 anal-fin soft rays, similarly differ from each other in midbody longitudinal scale row counts (57–64, mode 60 vs. 68–74, mode 70 or 72). Kyphosus elegans is characterized by 13 dorsal- and 12 anal-fin soft rays, and 51–57 midbody longitudinal scale rows. Kyphosus bosquii, K. atlanticus and K. incisor are distributed in the Atlantic Ocean, K. analogus and K. elegans occurring in the Eastern Pacific. The holotype of Pimelepterus flavolineatus Poey 1866, here regarded as a junior synonym of K. incisor, was located within a collection of Cuban fishes donated to the Smithsonian Institution by Poey in 1873. A neotype is designated here for K. analogus. Pimelepterus gallveii Cunningham 1910, Kyphosus palpebrosus Miranda-Ribeiro 1919 and K. metzelaari Jordan and Evermann 1927 are recognized as junior synonyms of K. bosquii. Pimelepterus sandwicensis Sauvage 1880 is a junior synonym of K. elegans. Perca saltatrix Linnaeus 1758, together with the replacement name Perca sectatrix Linnaeus 1766, is regarded as nomina dubia.  相似文献   

Displaced starburst amacrine cells (SACs) are retinal interneurons that exhibit GABA A receptor-mediated and Cl ? cotransporter-mediated, directionally selective (DS) light responses in the rabbit retina. They depolarize to stimuli that move centrifugally through the receptive field surround and hyperpolarize to stimuli that move centripetally through the surround (Gavrikov et al, PNAS 100(26):16047–16052, 2003, PNAS 103(49):18793–18798, 2006). They also play a key role in the activity of DS ganglion cells (DS GC; Amthor et al, Vis Neurosci 19:495–509 2002; Euler et al, Nature 418:845–852, 2002; Fried et al, Nature 420:411– 414, 2002; Gavrikov et al, PNAS 100(26):16047–16052, 2003, PNAS 103(49):18793–18798, 2006; Lee and Zhou, Neuron 51:787–799 2006; Yoshida et al, Neuron 30:771–780, 2001). In this paper we present a model of strong DS behavior of SACs which relies on the GABA-mediated communication within a tightly interconnected network of these cells and on the glutamate signal that the SACs receive from bipolar cells (a presynaptic cell that receives input from cones). We describe how a moving light stimulus can produce a large, sustained depolarization of the SAC dendritic tips that point in the direction that the stimulus moves (i.e., centrifugal motion), but produce a minimal depolarization of the dendritic tips that point in the opposite direction (i.e., centripetal motion). This DS behavior, which is quantified based on the relative size and duration of the depolarizations evoked by stimulus motion at dendritic tips pointing in opposite directions, is robust to changes of many different parameter values and consistent with experimental data. In addition, the DS behavior is strengthened under the assumptions that the Cl? cotransporters Na?+?-K?+?-Cl?? and K?+?-Cl?? are located in different regions of the SAC dendritic tree (Gavrikov et al, PNAS 103(49):18793–18798, 2006) and that GABA evokes a long-lasting response (Gavrikov et al, PNAS 100(26):16047–16052, 2003, PNAS 103(49):18793–18798, 2006; Lee and Zhou, Neuron 51:787–799, 2006). A possible mechanism is discussed based on the generation of waves of local glutamate and GABA secretion, and their postsynaptic interplay as the waves travel between cell compartments.  相似文献   

The view that mirror self-recognition (MSR) is a definitive demonstration of self-awareness is far from universally accepted, and those who do support the view need a more robust argument than the mere assumption that self-recognition implies a self-concept (e.g. Gallup in Socioecology and Psychology of Primates, Mouton, Hague, 1975; Gallup and Suarez in Psychological Perspectives on the Self, vol 3, Erlbaum, Hillsdale, 1986). In this paper I offer a new argument in favour of the view that MSR shows self-awareness by examining the nature of the mirror image itself. I argue, using the results of ‘symbol-mindedness’ experiments by Deloache (Trends Cogn Sci 8(2):66–70, 2004), that where self-recognition exists, the mirror image must be functioning as a symbol from the perspective of the subject and the subject must therefore be ‘symbol-minded’ and hence concept possessing. Further to this, according to the Concept Possession Hypothesis of Self-Consciousness (Savanah in Conscious Cogn 2011), concept possession alone is sufficient to demonstrate the existence of self-awareness. Thus MSR as a demonstration of symbol-mindedness implies the existence of self-awareness. I begin by defending the ‘mark test’ protocol as a robust methodology for determining self-recognition. Then follows a critical examination of the extreme views both for and against the interpretation of MSR as an indication of self-awareness: although the non-mentalistic interpretation of MSR is unconvincing, the argument presented by Gallup is also inadequate. I then present the symbol-mindedness argument to fill in the gaps in the Gallup approach.  相似文献   

Following a strategy similar to that used in baker’s yeast (Herrgård et al. Nat Biotechnol 26:1155–1160, 2008). A consensus yeast metabolic network obtained from a community approach to systems biology (Herrgård et al. 2008; Dobson et al. BMC Syst Biol 4:145, 2010). Further developments towards a genome-scale metabolic model of yeast (Dobson et al. 2010; Heavner et al. BMC Syst Biol 6:55, 2012). Yeast 5—an expanded reconstruction of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolic network (Heavner et al. 2012) and in Salmonella typhimurium (Thiele et al. BMC Syst Biol 5:8, 2011). A community effort towards a knowledge-base and mathematical model of the human pathogen Salmonella typhimurium LT2 (Thiele et al. 2011), a recent paper (Thiele et al. Nat Biotechnol 31:419–425, 2013). A community-driven global reconstruction of human metabolism (Thiele et al. 2013) described a much improved ‘community consensus’ reconstruction of the human metabolic network, called Recon 2, and the authors (that include the present ones) have made it freely available via a database at http://humanmetabolism.org/ and in SBML format at Biomodels (http://identifiers.org/biomodels.db/MODEL1109130000). This short analysis summarises the main findings, and suggests some approaches that will be able to exploit the availability of this model to advantage.  相似文献   

McCallum and Bury (Biodiv Conserv 22:1355–1367, 2013) used internet search analysis to reveal the public’s falling interest in the environment. Ficetola (Biodiv Conserv 81.1:117–142, 2013) challenged these findings. He argued that “even though the proportion of queries went down, the absolute number went up”, interest may be growing, and the apparent changes in interest were artifacts of expanded use of the internet. We demonstrate why the proportion of the public, not the numbers of individuals drives policy, discuss the implications of proportional shares of interest for environmental policy, and address the concerns discussed by Ficetola (2013). Considering the growing evidence of fading public interest in the environment, and the devastating repercussions that this could have; it is clear that we must rapidly develop strategies to counter this alarming trend.  相似文献   

Joseph G. Meert 《Evolution》2012,5(4):547-554
During the voyage of the H.M.S. Beagle, Charles Darwin quickly realized that geographic isolation led to significant changes in the adaptation of local flora and fauna (Darwin 1859). Genetic isolation is one of the well-known mechanisms by which adaptation (allopatric speciation) can occur (Palumbi, Annu Rev Ecol Syst 25:547?C72, 1994; Ricklefs, J Avian Biol 33:207?C11, 2002; Burns et al., Evolution 56:1240?C52, 2002; Hendry et al., Science 290:516?C8, 2009). Evolutionary changes can also occur when landmasses converge or are ??bridged.?? An important and relatively recent (Pliocene Epoch) example known as the ??Great American Biotic Interchange?? allowed for the migration of previously isolated species into new ecological niches between North and South America (Webb 1985, Ann Mo Bot Gard 93:245?C57, 2006; Kirby and MacFadden, Palaeogeogr Palaeoclimatol Palaeoecol 228:193?C202, 2005). Geographic isolation (vicariance) or geographic merging (geodispersal) can occur for a variety of reasons (sea level rise, splitting of continents, mountain building). In addition, the growth of a large supercontinent (or breakup) may change the climatic zonation on the globe and form a different type of barrier for species migration. This short review paper focuses on changing paleogeography throughout the Phanerozoic and the close ties between paleogeography and the evolutionary history of life on Earth.  相似文献   

The occurrence of two alien alpheid shrimps of the genus Athanas Leach, 1814 [in Leach 1813–1814], the Indo-West Pacific A. dimorphus Ortmann, 1894 and the Eastern Atlantic A. nitescens (Leach, 1813 [in Leach 1813–1814]), on the coast of the state of S?o Paulo, Brazil, is reported. The presence of A. dimorphus extends the range of this species in the western Atlantic farther to the south in Brazil, whereas A. nitescens is reported for the first time in the western Atlantic, representing the second alien alpheid species on this side of the Atlantic and the twenty-first decapod crustacean introduced in Brazil. We provide morphological accounts of the material examined and illustrate the most important diagnostic characters of both species. An overview of the possible mechanisms of their introduction on the coast of S?o Paulo is also provided.  相似文献   

Yuan Wu  Li Guo  Wentao Li  Xihong Cui  Jin Chen 《Plant and Soil》2014,380(1-2):441-444


In a recent paper, Tanikawa et al. Plant Soil 373:317–327, (2013) reported a considerable impact of root orientation on the accuracy of root detection and root diameter estimation by ground-penetrating radar (GPR).


In Tanikawa et al. Plant Soil 373:317–327, (2013), buried root samples in a sand box were scanned from multiple cross angles between root orientation and GPR transecting line under controlled conditions. Changes in radar waveform parameter of roots to different cross angles were investigated.


Tanikawa et al. Plant Soil 373:317–327, (2013) clarified that 1) the variation in amplitude area (a signal strength related waveform parameter) to different cross angles fitted a sinusoidal waveform; and 2) the impact of root orientation on root diameter estimation by GPR could be mathematically corrected by applying a grid transect survey. However, we found that the quantitative relationship established in Tanikawa et al. Plant Soil 373:317–327, (2013) between amplitude area and cross angle was incorrect, and the application of a grid transect survey still underestimated root diameter.


The change in amplitude area to cross angle between transecting line and root orientation fits a sinusoidal waveform but different to that reported in Tanikawa et al. Plant Soil 373:317–327, (2013). The polarization of GPR wave may explain such sinusoidal variation in amplitude area to cross angle. The effect of root orientation on GPR-based root diameter estimation remains to be calibrated.  相似文献   

Production of doubled haploids (DHs) is a convenient tool to obtain pure lines for breeding purposes. Until now, the easiest and most useful approach to obtain pepper DHs is via anther culture. However, this method has an associated possibility of producing calli from anther wall tissues that would be coexisting in the anther locule with embryos derived from microspores. Using two established protocols for anther culture, Dumas de Vaulx et al. (Agronomie 2:983–988, 1981) and Supena et al. (Sci Hort 107:226–232, 2006a; Plant Cell Rep 25:1–10, 2006b) callus and embryo development was assessed in four sweet pepper cultivars. For all genotypes tested, the protocol of Dumas de Vaulx et al. (Agronomie 2:983–988, 1981) promoted both embryo development and callus growth, whereas the protocol of Supena et al. (Sci Hort 107:226–232, 2006a; Plant Cell Rep 25:1–10, 2006b) produced no callus but only embryos. However, differences in embryo production were observed among these genotypes. In parallel, anthers were exposed to a 35 °C inductive heat shock for 4, 8, 12 and 16 days, prior to culture at 25 °C. The duration of the heat shock had significant effects in embryo production, but also in callus generation. Callus generation increased with prolonged exposures to 35 °C. Embryo and callus origin was analyzed by flow cytometry, light microscopy and molecular markers. Tests conducted demonstrated a gametophytic origin for all of the embryos tested, and a sporophytic origin for all of the calli. Together, our results reveal that culture conditions have a significant influence on the presence of calli derived from anther walls, which could be minimized by reducing heat shock exposure and/or using a shed-microspore approach.  相似文献   

The dynamics inherent to the life activity of all living systems presents itself in the form of regular patterns viewed by the observer as taking place in an extended timeline. Routines, rituals and celebrations, each in their own way, are defined by the typical cyclical behavioural patterns exhibited by individuals embedded in specific semiospheres. The particular nature of these semiospheres will determine the distinct patterns of behaviour to be adopted in different life contexts so that existential functions are fulfilled. The restricted and protected family circle normally provides the initial learning environment where the definition of the individual’s Umwelt (von Uexküll 1909, 1934; Ferreira, Biosemiotics 3(1):107–130, 2010, 2011) his/her meaningful world, starts to take shape. This learning process comprehends the progressive identification of distinct physical entities, the development of basic patterns of physical and social behaviour- the incorporation of basic routines and the assignment of meaning to particular events.  相似文献   

MYH9 has been proposed as a major genetic risk locus for a spectrum of nondiabetic end stage kidney disease (ESKD). We use recently released sequences from the 1000 Genomes Project to identify two western African-specific missense mutations (S342G and I384M) in the neighboring APOL1 gene, and demonstrate that these are more strongly associated with ESKD than previously reported MYH9 variants. The APOL1 gene product, apolipoprotein L-1, has been studied for its roles in trypanosomal lysis, autophagic cell death, lipid metabolism, as well as vascular and other biological activities. We also show that the distribution of these newly identified APOL1 risk variants in African populations is consistent with the pattern of African ancestry ESKD risk previously attributed to MYH9. Mapping by admixture linkage disequilibrium (MALD) localized an interval on chromosome 22, in a region that includes the MYH9 gene, which was shown to contain African ancestry risk variants associated with certain forms of ESKD (Kao et al. 2008; Kopp et al. 2008). MYH9 encodes nonmuscle myosin heavy chain IIa, a major cytoskeletal nanomotor protein expressed in many cell types, including podocyte cells of the renal glomerulus. Moreover, 39 different coding region mutations in MYH9 have been identified in patients with a group of rare syndromes, collectively termed the Giant Platelet Syndromes, with clear autosomal dominant inheritance, and various clinical manifestations, sometimes also including glomerular pathology and chronic kidney disease (Kopp 2010; Sekine et al. 2010). Accordingly, MYH9 was further explored in these studies as the leading candidate gene responsible for the MALD signal. Dense mapping of MYH9 identified individual single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and sets of such SNPs grouped as haplotypes that were found to be highly associated with a large and important group of ESKD risk phenotypes, which as a consequence were designated as MYH9-associated nephropathies (Bostrom and Freedman 2010). These included HIV-associated nephropathy (HIVAN), primary nonmonogenic forms of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, and hypertension affiliated chronic kidney disease not attributed to other etiologies (Bostrom and Freedman 2010). The MYH9 SNP and haplotype associations observed with these forms of ESKD yielded the largest odds ratios (OR) reported to date for the association of common variants with common disease risk (Winkler et al. 2010). Two specific MYH9 variants (rs5750250 of S-haplotype and rs11912763 of F-haplotype) were designated as most strongly predictive on the basis of Receiver Operating Characteristic analysis (Nelson et al. 2010). These MYH9 association studies were then also extended to earlier stage and related kidney disease phenotypes and to population groups with varying degrees of recent African ancestry admixture (Behar et al. 2010; Freedman et al. 2009a, b; Nelson et al. 2010), and led to the expectation of finding a functional African ancestry causative variant within MYH9. However, despite intensive efforts including re-sequencing of the MYH9 gene no suggested functional mutation has been identified (Nelson et al. 2010; Winkler et al. 2010). This led us to re-examine the interval surrounding MYH9 and to the detection of novel missense mutations with predicted functional effects in the neighboring APOL1 gene, which are significantly more associated with ESKD than all previously reported SNPs in MYH9.  相似文献   



Our recent publication (Warren et al., Plant Soil 366:683–693, 2013) described how pulses of deuterium oxide (D2O) or H2O combined with neutron radiography can be used to indicate root water uptake and hydraulic redistribution in maize. This technique depends on the large inherent differences in neutron cross-section between D and H atoms resulting in strong image contrast.

Scope and Conclusions

However, as illustrated by Carminati and Zarebanadkouki (2013) there can be a change in total water content without a change in contrast simply by a change in the relative proportions of D2O and H2O. We agree with their premise and detailed calculations (Zarebanadkouki at al. 2012, 2013), and present further evidence that mixing of D2O and H2O did not confound evidence of hydraulic redistribution in our study.  相似文献   

Motivated by experimental work (Miller et al. in Biomaterials 27(10):2213–2221, 2006, 32(11):2775–2785, 2011) we investigate the effect of growth factor driven haptotaxis and proliferation in a perfusion tissue engineering bioreactor, in which nutrient-rich culture medium is perfused through a 2D porous scaffold impregnated with growth factor and seeded with cells. We model these processes on the timescale of cell proliferation, which typically is of the order of days. While a quantitative representation of these phenomena requires more experimental data than is yet available, qualitative agreement with preliminary experimental studies (Miller et al. in Biomaterials 27(10):2213–2221, 2006) is obtained, and appears promising. The ultimate goal of such modeling is to ascertain initial conditions (growth factor distribution, initial cell seeding, etc.) that will lead to a final desired outcome.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of two species of Pleuronichthys from East Asia was re-examined on the basis of scale characteristics. The lectotype of Pleuronichthys cornutus (Temminck and Schlegel 1846) was shown to be conspecific with Pleuronichthys japonicus Suzuki, Kawashima and Nakabo 2009, being characterized by oval scales, a greater exposed scale area and lower scale counts than a second species, formerly recognized as P. cornutus, but to which Pleuronichthys lighti Wu 1929, formerly considered a junior synonym of P. cornutus, should now be applied. Accordingly, P. japonicus is now considered a junior synonym of P. cornutus.  相似文献   

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