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MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are important and ubiquitous regulators of gene expression in eukaryotes. However, the information about miRNAs population and their regulatory functions involving in soybean seed development remains incomplete. Base on the Dicer-like1-mediated cleavage signals during miRNA processing could be employed for novel miRNA discovery, a genome-wide search for miRNA candidates involved in seed development was carried out. As a result, 17 novel miRNAs, 14 isoforms of miRNA (isomiRs) and 31 previously validated miRNAs were discovered. These novel miRNAs and isomiRs represented tissue-specific expression and the isomiRs showed significantly higher abundance than that of their miRNA counterparts in different tissues. After target prediction and degradome sequencing data-based validation, 13 novel miRNA–target pairs were further identified. Besides, five targets of 22-nt iso-gma-miR393h were found to be triggered to produce secondary trans-acting siRNA (ta-siRNAs). Summarily, our results could expand the repertoire of miRNAs with potentially important functions in soybean.  相似文献   

Global demand for soybean and its products has stimulated research into the production of novel genotypes with higher yields, greater drought and disease tolerance, and shorter growth times. Genetic research may be the most effective way to continue developing high-performing cultivars with desirable agronomic features and improved nutritional content and seed performance. Metabolomics, which predicts the metabolic marker for plant performance under stressful conditions, is rapidly gaining interest in plant breeding and has emerged as a powerful tool for driving crop improvement. The development of increasingly sensitive, automated, and high-throughput analytical technologies, paired with improved bioinformatics and other omics techniques, has paved the way for wide characterization of genetic characteristics for crop improvement. The combination of chromatography (liquid and gas-based) with mass spectrometry has also proven to be an indisputable efficient platform for metabolomic studies, notably plant metabolic fingerprinting investigations. Nevertheless, there has been significant progress in the use of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), capillary electrophoresis, and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), each with its own set of benefits and drawbacks. Furthermore, utilizing multivariate analysis, principal components analysis (PCA), discriminant analysis, and projection to latent structures (PLS), it is possible to identify and differentiate various groups. The researched soybean varieties may be correctly classified by using the PCA and PLS multivariate analyses. As metabolomics is an effective method for evaluating and selecting wild specimens with desirable features for the breeding of improved new cultivars, plant breeders can benefit from the identification of metabolite biomarkers and key metabolic pathways to develop new genotypes with value-added features.  相似文献   

NaCl胁迫下野生和栽培大豆幼苗体内离子的再转运   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
采用NaCl根际处理和叶面饲喂^22Na方法,研究了野生大豆(Glycine soja)——耐盐的BB52、盐敏感的N23232和栽培大豆(Glycine max)——较耐盐的Lee68幼苗在盐胁迫及解除过程中对Na^ 、Cl^-的吸收和再转运。结果表明,在NaCl根际处理12h过程中,BB52和Lee68幼苗根对Na^ 、Cl^-吸收和向茎、叶的运输逐渐增加,10h时趋于稳定,Na^ 、Cl^-含量高低顺序是根>茎>叶。但N23232的Na^ 、Cl^-含量则是茎>根>叶。在用NaCl对根处理10h后再解除NaCl处理的0~36h内,BB52吸收的Na^ 、Cl^-较多地留于根部或转运至根茎过渡区,叶中较少。N23232吸收的Na^ 较多地转运至茎部,而Cl^-含量在幼苗各部分无差异。叶片饲喂^22Na 10h后,BB52吸收^22Na较N23232多,并较多地向根部运输。从离子再转运角度讨论了BB52的耐盐性。  相似文献   

大豆重复序列的克隆,特性分析及在染色体上的定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
惠东威  刘凤华 《遗传学报》1995,22(6):455-462
从大豆栽培品种Union(G.max)基因组pUC18质粒文库中,以基因组DNA为探针,筛选出一个重复序列家族。序列分析表明,此重复序列的重复单位为91bp,拷贝数约为10 ̄5,其序列约占基因组DNA的0.9%。基因组DNA不同限制酶片段Southern杂交分析和染色体原位杂交分析表明此重复序列主要以串联方式集中分布在M2和M11号染色体的臂上,而另外一些则散布于整个M12和Sm7号染色体上。以该序列为探针片大豆属不同亚属13个种的18个品系的Southern杂交结果表明,此重复序列为Soja亚属所特有。这一Soia亚属特异重复序列的发现,从另一个角度支持应把Soja亚属的3个种G.soja、G.gracillis、G.max划分为一个种的观点。  相似文献   

线粒体ATP酶 (mtATPase)复合体在高等植物生命活动中起重要作用。从栽培大豆 (Glycinemax (L .)Merr.)中分离鉴定了一个新的mtATPase第六亚基 (EC 3.6 .1.34 )基因 (atp6 ) ,它编码具 2 2 3个氨基酸的ATP6亚基 ,是所有已克隆的atp6基因中最短的一个 ,并把它命名为atp6copy3(atp6_3)。通过对 9种栽培大豆的PCR分析及序列分析表明atp6_3广泛存在于栽培大豆中。以atp6_3为探针对大豆重组近交系的RFLP分析初步表明栽培大豆线粒体有父性遗传的可能性。水杨酸处理明显抑制atp6的表达 ,并对其可能作用进行了讨论  相似文献   

氯化钠胁迫下野生和栽培大豆幼苗体内的多胺水平变化   总被引:23,自引:6,他引:23  
以通用的较耐盐的栽培大豆Lee68品种和对盐敏感的野生大豆N23232种群为参照,研究了盐胁迫下耐盐野生大豆BB52种群幼苗体内多胺(PAs)组分、含量及多胺氧化酶(PAO)活性的变化。结果表明,盐胁迫下BB52幼苗根PAs中Put和Spm含量下降较Lee68和N23232显著,但Spd含量下降较少.BB52叶片PAs中Put含量下降,Spd上升,(Spd+Spin)/Put值增加和Put/PAs值降低幅度与耐盐性呈正相关趋势.盐胁迫下,各材料根和叶中PAO活性上升,N23232上升最明显.探讨了多胺水平与BB52耐盐性的关系。  相似文献   

Abstract A purified glutamine synthetase was prepared from bacteroids of Rhizobium japonicum from nodules of Glycine max . For the biosynthetic assay the K m values (mM) were l -glutamate 12.9, NH4Cl 8.9 and ATP 14.3. When the enzyme was assayed by the γ-glutamyltransferase reaction the K m values (mM) were l -glutamine 11.1 and hydroxylamine 3.3 compared with 7.7 and 1.2, respectively, for the purified enzyme from Rhizobium japonicum grown in culture. The enzyme prepared from bacteroids of Glycine max was 80% adenylylated.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial ATPase (mtATPase) complex plays vital roles in higher plants. It consists of a few subunits. In the present study, a new copy of the mtATPase subunit 6 (EC gene (atp6) was cloned and characterized from Glycine max (L.) Merr., which has the shortest opening reading frame of 223 amino acids in all organisms examined and designated as the atp6 copy3 (atp6 -3). PCR amplifications of the atp6-3 from 9 soybean cultivars combined with sequencing analysis suggested its wide occurrence in G. max. RFLP analysis of a RILs population implied that paternal inheritance of the atp6 -3 might occur in G. max at undetermined frequency. Under salicylic acid (SA)-treated condition, the expression of the atp6 gene was significantly inhibited. The possible role of this inhibition was discussed.  相似文献   

从大豆品种‘垦农18’中克隆了一个CONSTANS—like基因,命名为GmCOL8。进化树分析表明它属于CONSTANS—like亚家族1的成员。mRNA表达分析显示,GmCOL8在短日下具有明显的生物钟节律性表达特性,其表达高峰出现在凌晨。GmCOL8主要在复叶中表达,表达高峰出现在开花时期。  相似文献   

病毒诱导的基因沉默(virus induced gene silencing,VIGS)技术是近年来发展起来的一种反向遗传学快速研究基因功能的方法,对于植物特别是难于转化的大豆而言尤其适用。本研究采用PCR技术从大豆(Glycine max)基因组中克隆了八氢番茄红素去饱和酶(phytoene desaturase,PDS)基因的部分序列,命名为GmPDS(Glycinemax PDS)。该片段长430bp,序列分析表明,该基因与大豆八氢番茄红素去饱和酶(GenBank登录号:M64704)cDNA序列同源性为99%。双酶切GmPDS片段和烟草脆裂病毒载体(pTRV2),构建了重组载体pTRV2-GmPDS,并将该重组载体分别转化农杆菌C58C1/pMP90、GV3101和LBA4404,为分析pTRV载体是否可以浸染大豆奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Thirty isolates of bacteria and six isolates of Trichoderma were isolated from fertile agricultural soil and evaluated for their antagonistic activity against phytopathogens like Macrophomina phaseolina and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, under in vitro conditions. Different isolates showed varying degrees of antagonism. The three most antagonistic bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa (MBAA1), Bacillus cereus (MBAA2) and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens (MBAA3) and one fungi Trichoderma citrinoviride (MBAAT) were selected as the most effective isolates as biocontrol agents. The present study was undertaken to develop a plant growth promoting microbial consortium to reduce the disease incidence in Glycine max both under in vitro and in vivo conditions. Biocontrol attributes such as ammonia, siderophore, enzymes like β-1,3 glucanase, chitinase and cellulase were more potential in consortia in comparison to single isolates. Plants treated with consortia?+?pathogen showed lower disease incidence in comparison to single antagonist?+?pathogen and pathogen infested control (p?≤?0.05). Maximum disease control was observed in potted plants treated with S. sclerotiorum?+?MBAA1?+?MBAAT showing only 15.8% disease incidence in comparison to Sclerotinia infested control, in which disease incidence was 97%. Seed bacterised with MBAA1?+?MBAAT exhibited enhanced seed germination of G. max up to 68% along with subsequent increase in other plant growth parameters. Considerable increase in seedling vigour index (1863.2) and chlorophyll content (13.518?mg/g) was observed in seeds treated with MBAA1?+?MBAAT in plants infected with M. phaseolina.  相似文献   

铜、砷及其复合污染对黄豆(Glycine max)影响的初步研究   总被引:26,自引:6,他引:26  
通过水培实验研究了Cu、As单一及复合污染对黄豆种子萌发、幼苗生长及部分酶活性的影响,结果表明,Cu、As污染明显抑制黄豆种子萌发、幼苗生长,对黄豆种子萌发时的呼吸强度、蛋白酶活性有显著的抑制作用,且随着Cu、As浓度的增加,抑制作用增强,呈负相关;而OD活性则随污染物浓度的增加而增加,呈正相关,Cu、As污染共同存在时,随二者投加比例不同出现不同程度的拮抗效应,可以降低和缓解单一污染物的毒害作用。  相似文献   

Protoplasts were isolated enzymatically from immature cotyledons of soybean. The protoplasts divided to form calli in the K8P liquid medium. The calli further grew to 2–3 mm on the solid K8 medium and were transferred onto the MSB medium (MS minerals+B5 organic components+0.5–1.0 mg/l 2,4-D+0.2–0.5 mg/l BA) to obtain compact and nodular calli. Shoot formation was initiated on M1 medium (MSB medium with 0.15 mg/1 NAA, and BA, KT and ZT, 0.5 mg/l of each, 500 mg/1 CH). Differentiation frequency was 13.6–24.2%. Plants have been regenerated from protoplasts of immature cotyledons in 2 cultivars, and normal pods were obtained from them.  相似文献   

UV-B辐射对8个大豆品种种子萌发率和 幼苗生长的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在生长房5种(暗处、可见光、低、中、高强度紫外线-B)处理下,研究了8个大豆品种的种子萌发率和萌发后幼苗的生长状况。结果表明,暗处种子萌发率高于自然光和UV-B辐射的种子。UV-B辐射增强对大豆种子的萌发率没有显著影响,仅使部分品种的最大萌发率降低和导致部分品种达到最大萌发率的时间延长。幼苗的生长对增强的UV-B辐射非常敏感。使大部分品种的胚根变短增粗,这可能是植物激素作用的结果。大豆的叶绿素a、叶绿素b和总叶绿素含量明显受到UV-B辐射的抑制。UV-B作用能促进类黄酮在幼苗中的积累,紫外吸收色素的增设有利于提高对UV-B的抵抗力。UV-B辐射的这种效应及大豆品种间的差异在自然情况下会产生深远的生物学和生态学意义  相似文献   

Lee GT  Kim WJ  Cho YD 《Phytochemistry》2002,61(7):781-789
Three-day-old soybean (Glycine max) seedlings were exposed to 0.4 M sorbitol solution for 4 h to induce amidinotransferase activity, with the corresponding enzyme being purified to homogeneity by chromatographic separation on DEAE-Sephacel, Sephacryl S-300 and L-arginine Sepharose 4B. The purified enzyme used L-arginine and L-glycine as the major donor/acceptor of the amidino group, respectively, with formation of guanidinoacetic acid and ornithine products being confirmed by ESI-MS. The enzyme is a tetrameric protein having a molecular mass of 240,000 Da, whose thiol group is needed for enzymatic activity. The K(M)s for arginine and glycine were 3.8 and 0.89 mM, respectively, with optimal temperature and pH being 37 degrees C and 9.5, respectively. The soybean amidinotransferase could be indirectly involved in nitrogen metabolism, as suggested by the observation that arginine:glycine amidinotransferase in soybean axes is indirectly involved in putrescine biosynthesis and displays feedback control at high levels of an endogenous regulator, putrescine.  相似文献   

以发光酶基因luxAB为标记,在根盒缩影条件下研究了费氏中华根瘤菌HN01DL在大豆根圈的定殖动态、分布范围及其结瘤情况.结果表明,HN01DL在根盒.灭菌土壤和非灭菌土壤缩影中的大豆全根系定殖动态与水平明显不同,前者在第12d时达到最高定殖密度(8.65log cfu·g^-1),而后者的早期定殖数量下降较快,且于第15d时达到最高定殖密度(6.88log cfu·g^-1).HN01DL在大豆播种5d后在大豆根部的A(0~4cm)区根段上达到最高定殖密度(7.05log cfu·g^-1),然后开始缓慢下降,至第19d时仍维持相对稳定,在第33d时又开始回升.至播种后第46d时HN01DL可散布至种子下方16cm处的根段部位.HN01DL在A区根段的定殖密度持续较高,所形成的发光根瘤总数(16.3个)及发光比例(68.8%)最高,且发光根瘤主要集中于该区段主根上.发光根瘤比例沿A-E区段逐渐下降,在E区段未检测到发光根瘤.  相似文献   

以发光酶基因luxAB为标记,在根盒缩影条件下研究了费氏中华根瘤菌HN01DL在大豆根圈的定殖动态、分布范围及其结瘤情况.结果表明,HN01DL在根盒灭菌土壤和非灭菌土壤缩影中的大豆全根系定殖动态与水平明显不同,前者在第12d时达到最高定殖密度(8.65logcfu·g-1),而后者的早期定殖数量下降较快,且于第15d时达到最高定殖密度(6.88logcfu·g-1).HN01DL在大豆播种5d后在大豆根部的A(0~4cm)区根段上达到最高定殖密度(7.05logcfu·g-1),然后开始缓慢下降,至第19d时仍维持相对稳定,在第33d时又开始回升.至播种后第46d时HN01DL可散布至种子下方16cm处的根段部位.HN01DL在A区根段的定殖密度持续较高,所形成的发光根瘤总数(16.3个)及发光比例(68.8%)最高,且发光根瘤主要集中于该区段主根上.发光根瘤比例沿A-E区段逐渐下降,在E区段未检测到发光根瘤.  相似文献   

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