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Schistosomes are considered the most important of the helminth parasites of humans in terms of morbidity and mortality. Schistosomes employ proteolytic enzymes to digest host hemoglobin from ingested human blood, including a cathepsin D-like, aspartic protease that is overexpressed in the gut of the adult female schistosome. Because of its key role in parasite nutrition, this enzyme represents a potential intervention target. To continue exploration of this potential, here we have determined the sequence, structure and genomic organization of the cathepsin D gene locus of Schistosoma mansoni. Using the cDNA encoding S. mansoni cathepsin D as a probe, we isolated several positive bacterial artificial chromosomes (BAC) from a BAC library that represents an approximately 8-fold coverage of the schistosome genome. Sequencing of BAC clone 25-J-24 revealed that the cathepsin D gene locus was approximately 13 kb in length, and included seven exons interrupted by six introns. The exons ranged in length from 49 to 294 bp, and the introns from 30 to 5025 bp. The genomic organization of schistosome cathepsin D was similar in sequence, structure and complexity to human cathepsin D, including to a greater or lesser extent the conservation of all six exon/intron boundaries of the schistosome gene. It was less similar to aspartic protease genes of the nematodes Caenorhabditis elegans and Haemonchus contortus, and dissimilar to those of plasmepsins from malarial parasites. Examination of the introns revealed the presence of endogenous mobile genetic elements including SR2, the ASL-associated retrotransposon, and the SINE-like element, SMalpha. Phylogenetically, schistosome cathepsin D appeared to be more closely related to mammalian cathepsin D than to other sub-families of eukaryotic aspartic proteases known from mammals. Taken together, these features indicated that schistosome cathepsin D is a platyhelminth orthologue of mammalian lysosomal cathepsin D.  相似文献   

Results from previous biochemical and cytochemical studies show that a pepstatin-sensitive hemoglobinase is present in the gastrodermis of adult Schistosoma japonicum. To determine whether there is structural similarity to mammalian cathepsin D in addition to inhibition similarity, an immunocytochemical study was initiated using heterologous antiserum to bovine cathepsin D. With light microscopy, immunostaining was observed in the cecal lumen, the gastrodermis, and on the dorsal tegument and tubercles of male worms. With transmission electron microscopy, immunostaining was observed in gastrodermal autophagosomes and tegumental invaginations of the dorsal tegument of males. Immunostaining was also observed within the tubercles, but the reaction product did not appear to be associated with any definite structure or organelle. Heavy endogenous peroxidase activity in the cecal lumen due to ingested hemoglobin obscured with immunostaining. Assuming that all immunostaining is due to molecules that function in a manner similar to that of cathepsin D, it is suggested that such molecules may regulate some aspect of the host-parasite relationship and/or the parasite's metabolism. Alternatively, the immunostained molecules may be structural proteins with epitopes similar to those of mammalian cathepsin D. Reactions associated with the cecum, however, on the basis of previous studies, are believed to derive from molecules that are proteolytic enzymes.  相似文献   

The N-terminal region of the cathepsin D-like aspartic protease from the human filarial parasite Onchocerca volvulus was expressed as His-tag fusion protein. Light and electron microscopic immunohistology using antibodies against the recombinant protein showed labeling of lysosomes in the hypodermis and epithelia of the intestine and the reproductive organs of Onchocerca. While developing oocytes were negative, mature oocytes and early morulae showed strong labeling. In older embryos and mature microfilariae, stained lysosomes were only found in a few cells. Cell death in degenerating microfilariae of patients untreated and treated with microfilaricidal drugs was associated with strong expression of aspartic protease. IgG1, IgG4, and IgE antibodies reactive with the recombinant protein were demonstrated in sera from onchocerciasis patients indicating exposure and recognition of the enzyme by the host's defence system. The aspartic protease of O. volvulus appears to function in intestinal digestion and tissue degradation of the filaria.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1991,21(2):165-176
A lysosomal aspartic protease with cathepsin D activity, from the mosquito, Aedes aegypti, was purified and characterized. Its isolation involved ammonium sulfate (30–50%) and acid (pH 2.5) precipitations of protein extracts from whole previtellogenic mosquitoes followed by cation exchange chromatography. Purity of the enzyme was monitored by SDS-PAGE and silver staining of the gels. The native molecular weight of the purified enzyme as determined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under nondenaturing conditions was 80,000. SDS-PAGE resolved the enzyme into a single polypeptide with Mr = 40,000 suggesting that it exists as a homodimer in its non-denatured state. The pI of the purified enzyme was 5.4 as determined by isoelectric focusing gel electrophoresis. The purified enzyme exhibits properties characteristic of cathepsin D. It utilizes hemoglobin as a substrate and its activity is completely inhibited by pepstatin-A and 6M urea but not by 10 mM KCN. Optimal activity of the purified mosquito aspartic protease was obtained at pH 3.0 and 45°C. With hemoglobin as a substrate the enzyme had an apparent Km of 4.2 μ M. Polyclonal antibodies to the purified enzyme were raised in rabbits. The specificity of the antibodies to the enzyme was verified by immunoblot analysis of crude mosquito extracts and the enzyme separated by both non-denaturing and SDS-PAGE. Density gradient centrifugation of organelles followed by enzymatic and immunoblot analyses demonstrated the lysosomal nature of the purified enzyme. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of the purified mosquito lysosomal protease (19 amino acids) has 74% identity with N-terminal amino acid sequence of porcine and human cathepsins D.  相似文献   

Antibody against purified bovine cathepsin D was raised in rabbits, and the polyclonal antiserum was tested to determine its ability to inhibit the hemoglobinolytic activity of the crude enzyme preparation (CEP) from adult Schistosoma japonicum and its effect upon in vitro cultured Schistosoma mansoni schistosomules. The 100,000 g supernatant fraction (CEP) from lyophilized adult worms was preincubated with antiserum and subsequently incubated with hemoglobin. Hemoglobinolytic activity was determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic procedures. Five hours of incubation failed to diminish hemoglobin concentration in experimentals, whereas controls treated with preimmune serum displayed hemoglobin degradation. Pepstatin inhibited hemoglobin degradation. Western blot analysis of the CEP revealed a broad band of activity at approximately 45 kDa. Schistosomules incubated in vitro either in the antiserum or pepstatin and subsequently exposed to host erythrocytes showed a marked inhibition of digestive activities. Although structural changes were not evident in the gastrodermis, some perturbation of the tegument was observed. Schistosomules fed host erythrocytes and postincubated in the antiserum displayed increased tegumental perturbation and extensive alteration of the gastrodermis, including dilation of cisternae and membrane disruption. Schistosomules exposed to preimmune serum were normal in all respects.  相似文献   

Cathepsin D is peptidase belonging to the family of aspartic peptidases. Its mostly described function is intracellular catabolism in lysosomal compartments, other physiological effect include hormone and antigen processing. For almost two decades, there have been an increasing number of data describing additional roles imparted by cathepsin D and its pro-enzyme, resulting in cathepsin D being a specific biomarker of some diseases. These roles in pathological conditions, namely elevated levels in certain tumor tissues, seem to be connected to another, yet not fully understood functionality. However, despite numerous studies, the mechanisms of cathepsin D and its precursor's actions are still not completely understood. From results discussed in this article it might be concluded that cathepsin D in its zymogen status has additional function, which is rather dependent on a "ligand-like" function then on proteolytic activity.  相似文献   

Cloning and gene expression of Schistosoma mansoni protease   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Schistosomes utilize proteases (termed hemoglobinases) for degradation of host globin. cDNA clones encoding Schistosoma mansoni protease were isolated by immunologically screening an expression cDNA library with antisera raised against purified hemoglobinase. Confirmation of the identities of the clones was obtained immunologically and biochemically. The bacterially produced fusion protein encoded by one clone, lambda Hb2, degraded hemoglobin in vitro. The sequence of this clone suggested that this S. mansoni protease is synthesized in a precursor form in vivo. Gene titrations indicated that S. mansoni contains multiple genes corresponding to this cDNA. The expression of these genes may be regulated during the organism's life cycle since adult, female worms contained the highest abundances of homologous mRNA and protein compared to other stages.  相似文献   

The protease of human immunodeficiency virus has been expressed in Escherichia coli and purified to apparent homogeneity. Immunoreactivity toward anti-protease peptide sera copurified with an activity that cleaved the structural polyprotein gag p55 and the peptide corresponding to the sequence gag 128-135. The enzyme expressed as a nonfusion protein exhibits proteolytic activity with a pH optimum of 5.5 and is inhibited by the aspartic protease inhibitor pepstatin with a Ki of 1.1 microM. Replacement of the conserved residue Asp-25 with an Asn residue eliminates proteolytic activity. Analysis of the minimal peptide substrate size indicates that 7 amino acids are required for efficient peptide cleavage. Size exclusion chromatography is consistent with a dimeric enzyme and circular dichroism spectra of the purified enzyme are consistent with a proposed structure of the protease (Pearl, L.H., and Taylor, W.R. (1987) Nature 329, 351-354). These data support the classification of the human immunodeficiency virus protease as an aspartic protease, likely to be structurally homologous with the well characterized family that includes pepsin and renin.  相似文献   

The action of three previously isolated electrophoretically homogeneous brain proteinases—cathepsin B (EC, cathepsin D (EC, and high-molecular-weight aspartic proteinase (Mr=90K; EC 3.4.23.−)—on human angiotensins I and II has been investigated. The products of enzymatic hydrolysis have been identified by thin-layer chromatography on Silufol plates using authentic standards and by N-terminal amino acid residue analysis using a dansyl chloride method. Cathepsin D and high-molecular-weight aspartic proteinase did not split angiotensin I or angiotensin II. Cathepsin B hydrolyzed angiotensin I via a dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase mechanism removing His-Leu to form angiotensin II, and it degraded angiotensin II as an endopeptidase at the Val3-Tyr4 bond. Cathepsin B did not split off His-Leu from Z-Phe-His-Leu. Brain cathepsin B may have a role in the generation and degradation of angiotensin II in physiological conditions. Special Issue dedicated to Dr. Eugene Kreps.  相似文献   

We have demonstrated that bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients contains higher levels of interferon-gamma compared with controls. Interferon-gamma is a potent inducer of various cathepsins and matrix metalloproteases. Therefore, we postulated that interferon-gamma could induce protease expression by macrophages in acute and chronic lung disease. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients had greater levels of cathepsin S and matrix metalloprotease-12 in their bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. Macrophages incubated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease bronchoalveolar lavage fluid exhibited increased expression of cathepsin S and matrix metalloprotease-12, which was inhibited by the addition of interferon-gamma-neutralizing immunoglobulin. Human secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor is an 11.7-kDa cationic non-glycosylated antiprotease synthesized and secreted by cells at the site of inflammation. We have demonstrated that secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor can inhibit interferon-gamma-induced cathepsin S production by macrophages. Pretreatment of macrophages with secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor inhibited interferon-gamma-induced inhibitor kappaB beta degradation and activation of nuclear factor kappaB. Secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor may prove to be therapeutically important as a potential inhibitor of protease expression in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.  相似文献   

目的研究东方田鼠感染日本血吸虫后肝、肺组织病理改变及相关基因表达差异,为进一步研究东方田鼠抗血吸虫机制提供依据。方法东方田鼠感染日本血吸虫尾蚴(2000条/只),取对照组东方田鼠和感染血吸虫后第6、10、15、20、30天肺、肝组织样品,HE染色后进行病理观察,并提取肺和肝总RNA,对Lyz、RT1-Db1、Cd74、C1qa、Thra、Igf1基因进行实时荧光定量PCR检测,比较其在肝脏和肺脏的动态表达水平。结果东方田鼠感染血吸虫后6~10d,肺部有大量出血点,肝细胞空泡变性,肝窦高度扩张,肺和肝组织内血管周围及管腔均有大量嗜酸性粒细胞及少量中性粒细胞、巨噬细胞等炎性细胞浸润,至第20天逐渐恢复。从感染后第6天开始,Lyz、RT1-Db1、Cd74基因在肺和肝内表达均明显上调,在第20天后逐渐恢复,C1qa基因在肺内表达上调,Thra基因在肺内表达下调,Igf1基因肝内表达下调。结论在东方田鼠抗血吸虫感染的过程中,嗜酸性粒细胞发挥了非常重要的作用,相关基因在东方田鼠抗血吸虫感染的过程中可能发挥一定的作用。  相似文献   

There are approximately 69 genes encoding aspartyl protease homologues in Arabidopsis thaliana, and most of the gene products constitute a novel subfamily of aspartic proteases. However, their physiological roles are largely unknown. As an initial step to shed light on the roles of these nepenthesin-like aspartic proteases (NAPs), a phylogenetic tree was constructed, which indicated that these proteases are classified into several distinct sub-sub-groups. Based on these results, specific primers were designed for genes selected from several of these groups and their tissue expression was investigated using RT-PCR. The results indicated that these genes are widely expressed in several tissues, such as leaves, stems, seeds and pods, suggesting ubiquitous occurrence and multiple functions of the corresponding proteases in the tissues of A. thaliana.  相似文献   

Cyclophilin of Schistosoma japonicum.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A 623-bp cDNA molecule encoding cyclophilin, a specific cyclosporin A-binding protein, has been isolated from Schistosoma japonicum using a heterologous cDNA probe from Echinococcus granulosus. The nucleotide sequence of this molecule has been determined, and the deduced amino acid sequence has revealed extensive homology with homologues of other species. Southern blot analysis suggests that S. japonicum cyclophilin is the product of a single-copy gene. The cloning of this cDNA will allow an investigation of cyclophilin as a possible target of the antischistosome effects of cyclosporin A.  相似文献   

The activity of cathepsin D on hemoglobin and on cytoplasmic tubulin was measured in brain preparations at different ages—in newborn, 10-and 21-day-old, and young adult rats. Enzyme activity increased after birth, reaching a maximum at around 21 days, and then declined. This increase was not parallel with decreased turnover of proteins during development, but was parallel with decreasing level and increasing microheterogeneity and rate of assembly of tubulin during development. The breakdown of tubulin was heterogeneous, with initial fast breakdown of a large portion, followed by breakdown at a lower rate. This heterogeneity in breakdown persisted throughout development. The breakdown of tubulin, unlike that of hemoglobin, was at all ages greater at pH 5.8 than at pH 3.2. The possible role of cathepsin D in tubulin metabolism and the developmental changes under physiological conditions need further exploration.  相似文献   

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