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Cortical interneurons play a crucial role in the functioning of cortical microcircuitry as they provide inhibitory input to projection (pyramidal) neurons. Despite their involvement in various neurological and psychiatric disorders, our knowledge about their development in human cerebral cortex is still incomplete. Here we demonstrate that at the beginning of corticogenesis, at embryonic 5 gestation weeks (gw, Carnegie stage 16) in human, early neurons could be labeled with calretinin, calbindin, and GABA antibodies. These immunolabeled cells show a gradient from the ganglionic eminences (GE) toward the neocortex, suggesting that GE is a well conserved source of early born cortical interneurons from rodents to human. At mid-term (20 gw), however, a subset of calretinin(+) cells proliferates in the cortical subventricular zone (SVZ), suggesting a second set of interneuron progenitors that have neocortical origin. Neuropeptide Y, somatostatin, or parvalbumin cells are sparse in mid-term cerebral cortex. In addition to the early source of cortical interneurons in the GE and later in the neocortical SVZ, other regions, such as the subpial granular layer, may also contribute to the population of human cortical interneurons. In conclusion, our findings from cryosections and previous in vitro results suggest that cortical interneuron progenitor population is more complex in humans relative to rodents. The increased complexity of progenitors is probably evolutionary adaptation necessary for development of the higher brain functions characteristic to humans.  相似文献   

Using immunocytochemical techniques and confocal microscopy we have studied the localization of the vesicular glutamate transporters (VGLUTs) 1 and 2 in the mammalian cerebral cortex. The cardinal observations gathered to date can be summarized as follows: 1) Many VGLUT1-positive puncta coexpressing synaptophysin-1 outline pyramidal cell somata and proximal dendrites; of these, a sizeable fraction coexpress VGAT, the vesicular transporter for GABA; 2) VGLUT2-positive puncta are also present in layers II-III and some of them coexpress VGLUTI. These findings suggest that in the cerebral cortex of adult rats axon terminals expressing VGLUT1 are heterogeneous.  相似文献   

Regulation of gap junction coupling in the developing neocortex   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In the developing mammalian, neocortex gap junctions represent a transient, metabolic, and electrical communication system. These gap junctions may play a crucial role during the formation and refinement of neocortical synaptic circuitries. This article focuses on two major points. First, the influence of gap junctions on electrotonic cell properties will be considered. Both the time-course and the amplitude of synaptic potentials depend,inter alia, on the integration capabilities of the postsynaptic neurons. These capabilities are, to a considerable extent, determined by the electrotonic characteristics of the postsynaptic cell. As a consequence, the efficacy of chemical synaptic inputs may be crucially affected by the presence of gap junctions. The second major topic is the regulation of gap junctional communication by neurotransmitters via second messenger pathways. The monoaminergic neuromodulators dopamine, nordrenaline, and serotonin reduce gap junction coupling via activation of two different intracellular signaling cascades—the cAMP/protein kinase A pathway and the IP3/Ca2+/protein kinase C pathway, 013 respectively. In addition, gap junctional communication seems to be modulated by the nitric oxide (NO)/cGMP system. Since NO production can be stimulated by glutamate-induced calcium influx, the NO/cGMP-dependent modulation of gap junctions might represent a functional link between developing glutamatergic synaptic transmission and the gap junctional network. Thus, it might be of particular importance in view of a role of gap junctions during the process of circuit formation.  相似文献   

The disproportional enlargement of the neocortex through evolution has been instrumental in the success of vertebrates, in particular mammals. The neocortex is a multilayered sheet of neurons generated from a simple proliferative neuroepithelium through a myriad of mechanisms with substantial evolutionary conservation. This developing neuroepithelium is populated by progenitors that can generate additional progenitors as well as post-mitotic neurons. Subtle alterations in the production of progenitors vs. differentiated cells during development can result in dramatic differences in neocortical size. This review article will examine how cadherin adhesion proteins, in particular α-catenin and N-cadherin, function in regulating the neural progenitor microenvironment, cell proliferation, and differentiation in cortical development.  相似文献   

The disproportional enlargement of the neocortex through evolution has been instrumental in the success of vertebrates, in particular mammals. The neocortex is a multilayered sheet of neurons generated from a simple proliferative neuroepithelium through a myriad of mechanisms with substantial evolutionary conservation. This developing neuroepithelium is populated by progenitors that can generate additional progenitors as well as post-mitotic neurons. Subtle alterations in the production of progenitors vs. differentiated cells during development can result in dramatic differences in neocortical size. This review article will examine how cadherin adhesion proteins, in particular α-catenin and N-cadherin, function in regulating the neural progenitor microenvironment, cell proliferation, and differentiation in cortical development.  相似文献   

During embryonic development, gap junctions link cells into functional communication compartments characterized by a common development fate. Increasing evidence for gap junctions between immature neurons suggest that similar mechanisms may also be at work in the developing vertebrate brain, where gap junction-coupled neuronal assemblies often precede synaptically-linked functional networks. Recent experiments in the developing mammalian neocortex demonstrated the presence of gap-junction mediated second messenger waves, similar to those in non-neuronal cells. The primary function of neuronal gap junctions, therefore, might be to coordinate biochemical activity, rather than to act as purely electrical synapses. Thus, gap junctions may serve to amplify neuronal activity produced by weak synaptic stimulation.  相似文献   

Inhibitory synapses comprise only ∼20% of the total synapses in the mammalian brain but play essential roles in controlling neuronal activity. In fact, perturbing inhibitory synapses is associated with complex brain disorders, such as schizophrenia and epilepsy. Although many types of inhibitory synapses exist, these disorders have been strongly linked to defects in inhibitory synapses formed by Parvalbumin-expressing interneurons. Here, we discovered a novel role for an unconventional collagen—collagen XIX—in the formation of Parvalbumin+ inhibitory synapses. Loss of this collagen results not only in decreased inhibitory synapse number, but also in the acquisition of schizophrenia-related behaviors. Mechanistically, these studies reveal that a proteolytically released fragment of this collagen, termed a matricryptin, promotes the assembly of inhibitory nerve terminals through integrin receptors. Collectively, these studies not only identify roles for collagen-derived matricryptins in cortical circuit formation, but they also reveal a novel paracrine mechanism that regulates the assembly of these synapses.  相似文献   

The mammalian brain is estimated to contain about a hundred billion neurons, making it the most complex biological structure on earth. Trying to understand the assembly and function of this elaborate organ is a formidable task. Yet the information to build a brain is encoded by no more than a subset of the 80,000 genes present in the genome, a more manageable number. This review describes the use of SAGE technology (Serial Analysis of Gene Expression) to decode the genetic repertoire of genes that are differentially expressed in time and in space during development of the neocortex, the part of the mammalian brain responsible for complex traits. We demonstrate that SAGE is not only powerful for generating comprehensive molecular portraits from the developing cortex but can also assist in discovering new genes.  相似文献   

Precision of synaptic connections within neural circuits is essential for the accurate processing of sensory information. Specificity is exemplified at cellular and subcellular levels in the chick auditory brainstem, where nucleus magnocellularis (NM) neurons project bilaterally to nucleus laminaris (NL). Dorsal dendrites of NL neurons receive input from ipsilateral, but not contralateral, branches of NM axons whereas ventral dendrites are innervated by contralateral NM axons. This organization is analogous to that of the mammalian medial superior olive (MSO) and represents an important component of the circuitry underlying sound localization. However, the molecular mechanisms that establish segregated inputs to individual regions of NL neurons have not been identified. During synapse formation in NL, the EphA4 receptor is expressed in dorsal, but not ventral NL, neuropil, suggesting a potential role in targeting synapses to appropriate termination zones. Here, we directly tested this role by ectopically expressing EphA4 and disrupting EphA4 signaling using in ovo electroporation. We found that both misexpression of EphA4 and disruption of EphA4 signaling resulted in an increase in the number of NM axons that grow aberrantly across NL cell bodies into inappropriate regions of NL neuropil. EphA4 signaling is thus essential for targeting axons to distinct subsets of dendrites. Moreover, loss of EphA4 function resulted in morphological abnormalities of NL suggestive of errors in cell migration. These results suggest that EphA4 has multiple roles in the formation of auditory brainstem nuclei and their projections.  相似文献   

The effects of the new cytostatic drug cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(II) (cis-platinum) on the developing neocortex of NMRI mouse embryos or fetuses were investigated using light- and electron-microscopic methods. Single doses of 20 mg cis-platinum/kg were applied intraperitoneally on day 10, 11, . . ., or 16 of gestation. After treatment on day 10 or 11-i.e., during the phase of organogenesis-no morphological alterations could be detected in the neuroepithelium. However, after treatment on day 12 or later, the mitotic activity was markedly reduced and a great number of cells had become necrotic within 12-24 h after application of the drug. At the ultrastructural level, the development of necroses began with a condensation of the chromatin, culminating in the formation of large condensation plaques and shrinkage and fragmentation of the cytoplasm. The observed necroses can be classified according to Schweichel and Merker as type I necroses. It is argued that the apparent teratogenic inefficiency of cis-platinum on days 10 and 11 of murine pregnancy is caused by the inability of cis-platinum to pass the placental barrier at this stage of pregnancy.  相似文献   

Sensory neurons in the wing of Drosophila originate locally from epithelial cells and send their axons toward the base of the wing in two major bundles, the L1 and L3 nerves. We have estimated the birth times of a number of identified wing sensory neurons using an X-irradiation technique and have followed the appearance of their somata and axons by means of an immunohistochemical stain. These cells become immunoreactive and begin axon growth in a sequence which mirrors the sequence of their birth times. The earliest ones are born before pupariation and begin axonogenesis within 1 to 2 hr after the onset of metamorphosis; the last are born and differentiate some 12 to 14 hr later. The L1 and L3 nerves are formed in sections, with specific neurons pioneering defined stretches of the pathways during the period between 0 and 4 hr after pupariation (AP), and finally joining together around 12 hr AP. By 16 hr AP the adult complement of neurons is present and the adult peripheral nerve pattern has been established. Pathway establishment appears to be specified by multiple cues. In places where neurons differentiate in close proximity to one another, random filopodial exploration followed by axon growth to a neighboring neuron soma might be the major factor leading to pathway construction. In other locations, filopodial contact between neighboring somata does not appear to occur, and axon pathways joining neural neighbors by the most direct route are not established. We propose that in these cases additional factors, including veins which are already present at the time of axonogenesis, influence the growth of axons through non-neural tissues.  相似文献   

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