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Colostrum and milk are natural vehicles for acquiring passive immunity and are valuable tools for decreasing neonatant mortality from diarrheal disease. The effects of recombinant human protein C (rhPC) expression levels on endogenous immunoglobulin and transferrin content of the milk of different lineages of transgenic pigs were studied. The levels of rhPC in the milk ranged from 40 to 1200g/ml. Transgenic pigs with rhPC expression levels less than 500g/ml had no significant differences in milk protein composition with respect to nontransgenic pigs. A line of transgenic pigs having rhPC expression levels of 960–1200g/ml had two- to three-fold higher IgG, IgM, and secretory IgA concentrations compared to other transgenic and nontransgenic pig groups (P<0.05), and four- to five-fold higher transferrin levels than nontransgenic pigs (P<0.05). Changes in milk protein composition were not associated with mastitis or other pathologic disruption of epithelial cell junctions as indicated by normal casein and albumin levels in milk. Since IgG, IgM, secretory IgA, and transferrin are transported into the milk by transcytosis, higher levels of these proteins indicate that transcyctosis in the mammary epithelial cell was likely upregulated in pigs having high rhPC expression levels. This study is the first that shows a statistically significant example that mammary tissue specific expression of a heterologous protein can enhance endogenous phenotypic characteristics of milk.  相似文献   

Rotaviruses are the main cause of infantile viral gastroenteritis worldwide leading to approximately 500,000 deaths each year mostly in the developing world. For unknown reasons, live attenuated viruses used in classical vaccine strategies were shown to be responsible for intussusception (a bowel obstruction). New strategies allowing production of safe recombinant non-replicating rotavirus candidate vaccine are thus clearly needed. In this study we utilized transgenic rabbit milk as a source of rotavirus antigens. Individual transgenic rabbit lines were able to produce several hundreds of micrograms per ml of secreted recombinant VP2 and VP6 proteins in their milk. Viral proteins expressed in our model were immunogenic and were shown to induce a significant reduction in viral antigen shedding after challenge with virulent rotavirus in the adult mouse model. To our knowledge, this is the first report of transgenic mammal bioreactors allowing the rapid co-production of two recombinant viral proteins in milk to be used as a vaccine.  相似文献   

Alkaline phosphatase is a promising therapeutic agent in the Gram-negative bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) mediated acute and chronic diseases. Contrary to other alkaline phosphatase isozymes, purified tissue-nonspecific alkaline phosphatase (TNAP) is not available in large quantities from tissue sources, which would enable to analyse its efficacy in animal sepsis models. Two transgenic rabbit lines were created by pronuclear microinjection with the whey acidic protein promoter-humanTNAP minigene (WAP-hTNAP). Lactating females of both lines produced biologically active human TNAP. As indicated by fractionation of milk samples the recombinant alkaline phosphatase was associated with the membrane of milk fat globules. Alkaline phosphatase enzymatic activity was two orders of magnitude higher compared to normal human serum levels. The demonstration that this TNAP is physiologically active would provide the clue to use transgenic animals as bioreactor for bulk production of the human tissue-nonspecific alkaline phosphatase in milk. This may be a valuable and possibly viable option with important implication in attenuating LPS mediated inflammatory responses.  相似文献   

To determine if the production of recombinant human protein C (rHPC) could be increased in milk, we created two lines of mice homozygous for the mouse whey acidic protein (WAP)/human protein C (HPC) transgene. Females of both lines had normal growth, activity and fertility, but failed to lactate normally and were unable to raise litters. Histological analyses of mammary glands from lactating homozygous females showed barely distended alveoli filled with dense-staining milk. Epithelial cells within these alveoli had distinct, centrally located nuclei and contained intracellular lipid droplets. Hemizygous animals derived from these lines were able to lactate and raised normal sized litters. Northern blot analysis showed that the 6.4 homozygous (6.4H) line expressed the transgene at higher levels then corresponding hemizygous (6.4) animals, but the 4.2 homozygous (4.2H) line expressed the transgene at lower levels than the 4.2 hemizygous line. The 6.4H line also had increased rHPC levels in the milk as revealed by western blot analysis. The 4.2H, 6.4, and 6.4H lines showed decreased and/or delayed expression of WAP, -casein, and -lactalbumin mRNA's compared to wild type animals during lactogenesis. The 4.2 line showed decreased mRNA expression for -casein and -lactalbumin, but normal or higher expression of WAP during lactogenesis. Elevated levels of some proteins were detected in the milk of transgenic mice. From these results, it is concluded that expression of rHPC induced a lactational phenotype that involves abnormal morphological, biochemical, and functional differentiation of mammary epithelial cells. However, the induction of this phenotype does not appear to be directly related to the level of rHPC mRNA expression, thus suggesting that the basis of this phenotype may involve secondary, rather than primary, effects of rHPC on mammary gland development.Deceased.  相似文献   

Bovine follicle-stimulating hormone (boFSH) is a heterodimeric glycoprotein that belongs to the pituitary gonadotropins. Bioactive FSH is composed of alpha and beta subunits which require extensive N-glycosylation and sialylation. The mammary gland of transgenic livestock is an attractive source for the synthesis of post-translationally modified proteins. Two mammary gland-specific gene constructs with the cDNA for the boFSH alpha (boFSHalpha) and beta (boFSHbeta) subunits controlled by bovine alpha-s1 casein regulatory sequences were co-microinjected into fertilized rabbit oocytes. Two FSHalpha/FSHbeta double transgenic rabbit lines were established. The transgene expression was strictly lactation and mammary gland specific. Protein analysis revealed the presence of the boFSH heterodimer in the milk of transgenic rabbits showing a molecular weight similar to that of purified pituitary gland derived boFSH (boFSH-P). Subunit specific antibodies detected both polypeptides with the expected molecular sizes. Biochemical characterization demonstrated the expected isoelectric points of the recombinant boFSH. The presence of the post-translationally added terminal sialic acid residues was indicated by wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) lectin Western blotting. The biological activity of the recombinant mammary gland produced boFSH was determined using a FSH-dependent reporter cell line. The bioactivity of the recombinant boFSH was comparable to that of purified boFSH-P.  相似文献   

转基因动物乳腺生物反应器位点效应的影响是制备转基因动物乳腺生物反应器过程中的主要问题。酵母人工染色体(YAC)和细菌人工染色体(BAC)具有容量大的特性,可以将乳蛋白的整个基因座包括所有调控序列全部装载进去,有可能克服位点效应的影响,是一种理想的载体。YAC和BAC载体转基因技术可能成为避开基因打靶获得高效表达的转基因动物乳腺生物反应器的另一途径.  相似文献   

The synthesis of foreign proteins can be targeted to the mammary gland of transgenic animals, thus permitting commercial purification of otherwise unavailable proteins from milk. Genetic regulatory elements from the mouse whey acidic protein (WAP) gene have been used successfully to direct expression of transgenes to the mammary gland of mice, goats and pigs. To extend the practical usefulness of WAP promoter-driven fusion genes and further characterize WAP expression in heterologous species, we introduced a 6.8 kb DNA fragment containing the genomic form of the mouse WAP gene into sheep zygotes. Two lines of transgenic sheep were produced. The transgene was expressed in mammary tissue of both lines and intact WAP was secreted into milk at concentrations estimated to range from 100 to 500 mg/litre. Ectopic WAP gene expression was found in salivary gland, spleen, liver, lung, heart muscle, kidney and bone marrow of one founder ewe. WAP RNA was not detected in skeletal muscle and intestine. These data suggest that unlike pigs, sheep may possess nuclear factors in a variety of tissues that interact with WAP regulatory sequences. Though the data presented are based on only two lines, these findings suggest WAP regulatory sequences may not be suitable as control elements for transgenes in sheep bioreactors.  相似文献   

Lactating mice were fed either a low fat or a high fat diet. Milk samples were collected and the composition was examined. Triglyceride and free fatty acid contents were greatly reduced in the milks of high fat diet group, while protein and lactose contents were almost the same between both diet groups. Although the energy content of each component was also lower in milk of high fat diet group, there was apparently no significant difference in the growth of the pups raised by either diet group. This discrepancy might be in part explained by a hypothesis that the pups might monitor calorie content in milk and keep suckling until the energy intake reaches their satisfaction. Moreover, nearly the same amounts of major milk fat globule membrane proteins MFG-E8 and butyrophilin were shown to be present in the milks from both diet groups and gene expression of both proteins in the mammary glands were also indistinguishable, suggesting that production of major MFGM components is not simply related to fat production and secretion.  相似文献   

肝细胞生长因子的分子生物学研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
肝细胞生长因子 (HGF)是一种多功能细胞因子 ,其分子为异二聚体糖蛋白 ,有NK1,NK2 ,NK4三个变种。HGF启动子的结构很复杂 ,其表达受多种因素和调控元件的调节。因HGF在体内有重要作用 ,HGF的基因工程表达和基因治疗正在研究中  相似文献   

Insulin-like growth factor I receptor (IGF-1R) signaling is essential for cell, organ, and animal growth. The C-terminal tail of the IGF-1R exhibits regulatory function, but the mechanism is unknown. Here, we show that mutation of Ser-1248 (S1248A) enhances IGF-1R in vitro kinase activity, autophosphorylation, Akt/mammalian target of rapamycin activity, and cell growth. Ser-1248 phosphorylation is mediated by GSK-3β in a mechanism that involves a priming phosphorylation on Ser-1252. GSK-3β knock-out cells exhibit reduced IGF-1R cell surface expression, enhanced IGF-1R kinase activity, and signaling. Examination of crystallographic structures of the IGF-1R kinase domain revealed that the (1248)SFYYS(1252) motif adopts a conformation tightly packed against the kinase C-lobe when Ser-1248 is in the unphosphorylated state that favors kinase activity. S1248A mutation is predicted to lock the motif in this position. In contrast, phosphorylation of Ser-1248 will drive profound structural transition of the sequence, critically affecting connection of the C terminus as well as exposing potential protein docking sites. Decreased kinase activity of a phosphomimetic S1248E mutant and enhanced kinase activity in mutants of its predicted target residue Lys-1081 support this auto-inhibitory model. Thus, the SFYYS motif controls the organization of the IGF-1R C terminus relative to the kinase domain. Its phosphorylation by GSK-3β restrains kinase activity and regulates receptor trafficking and signaling.  相似文献   

IGF-I regulates lactation by stimulating mammary mitogenesis, inhibiting apoptosis, and partially mediating the effects of growth hormone on lactogenesis. Herein, lactation performance during first and second parity was assessed in transgenic swine (TG) that over-expressed human IGF-I in milk under the control of the bovine α-lactalbumin promoter, regulatory regions and signal peptide coding sequence. Milk samples were collected throughout lactation (farrowing to d24) from TG sows and non-transgenic littermates (CON) and IGF-I, IGF-II, and IGFBP determined. Colostral (<24 h postpartum) IGF-I content was 26-fold greater (p < 0.001) in TG sows (949 ± 107 μg/L; range 228–1600 μg/L) than CON (36 ± 17.8 μg/L) and was 50- to 90-fold greater (p < 0.001) in mature milk (d2-24 postpartum). There was no effect of parity on milk IGF-I content. Milk IGF-II concentration was unaffected by IGF-I over-expression. Low molecular weight IGFBP (IGFBP-2 and -5) in the milk of TG sows were higher (p = 0.02) than CON in the early postpartum period, but did not differ in mature milk. Milk yield, determined by weigh-suckle-weigh, was similar in TG and CON as was litter weight gain. Milk nutrient composition was not significantly affected by IGF over-expression. Thus, mammary specific transgenic over-expression of IGF-I significantly increased milk IGF-I and IGFBP content, but did not impact lactation performance in swine.  相似文献   

The high fibrin specificity of Desmodus rotundus salivary plasminogen activator alpha1 (DSPAalpha1 or desmoteplase (INN)) makes it a promising candidate for the treatment of acute ischemic stroke. In the current study we explored the use of transgenic tobacco plants and BY-2 suspension cells as alternative production platforms for this drug. Four different N-terminal signal peptides, from plants and animals, were used to translocate the recombinant DSPAalpha1 protein to the endomembrane system. Intact recombinant DSPAalpha1 was produced in transgenic plants and BY-2 cells, although a certain degree of degradation was observed in immunoblotted extracts. The choice of signal peptide had no major influence on the degradation pattern or recombinant protein accumulation, which reached a maximum level of 38 microg/g leaf material. N-terminal sequencing of purified, His6-tagged DSPAalpha1 revealed only minor changes in the position of signal peptide cleavage compared to the same protein expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells. However, correctly processed recombinant DSPAalpha1 was also detected. The enzymatic activity of the recombinant protein was confirmed using an in vitro assay with unpurified and purified samples, demonstrating that plants are suitable for the production of functional DSPAalpha1. In contrast to whole plant cell extracts, no recombinant DSPAalpha1 was detected in the culture supernatant of transgenic BY-2 cells. Further analysis showed that recombinant DSPAalpha1 is subject to proteolysis and that endogenous secreted BY-2 proteases are responsible for DSPAalpha1 degradation in the culture medium. The addition of a highly concentrated protease inhibitor mixture or 5 mM EDTA reduced DSPAalpha1 proteolysis, improving the accumulation of intact product in the culture medium. Strategies to improve the plant cell suspension system for the production of secreted recombinant proteins are discussed.  相似文献   

以IGFBP3基因作为秦川牛(Bos taurus)部分屠宰指标的侯选基因,在对60头秦川牛的IGFBP3基因进行PCR-RFLP和序列分析的基础上,对秦川牛群体中IGFBP3基因座等位基因和基因型频率的分布及其与秦川牛部分屠宰性状的关系进行了分析。结果发现,在秦川牛群体中,651 bp的PCR 产物经过限制性内切酶HaeIII消化后,表现出3种基因型,其中等位基因A、B及3种基因型AA、AB、BB的频率分别为0.84、0.16和070、0.28、0.02。经序列分析发现,第299位的C→A颠换(GGCC变成了GGAC)导致了1个HaeIII限制性酶切位点的丢失而产生了该基因座多态性。在所研究的群体中,该多态基因座处于Hardy-Weinberg平衡状态(P>005)。对13头24月龄秦川牛进行屠宰分析,发现不同基因型对秦川牛部分屠宰指标有一定影响,AA、AB及BB型个体的屠宰率、净肉率及西冷、牛柳、眼肉和嫩肩肉的产率逐渐降低,但差异不显著(P>0.05);AA型个体的眼肌面积大于BB型个体(P<0.05),AB型和BB型个体胴体脂肪含量高于AA型个体(P<0.01)。 Abstract:DNA samples from 60 Qinchuan cattle (Bos taurus) were analyzed with PCR-RFLPs and sequencing for insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 (IGFBP3) gene.Fragments of 651 bp were amplified with two primers and the products of PCR were digested with restriction endonuclease HaeIII.The produced fragments showed three genotypes,namely AA,AB and BB after electrophoresis.Frequencies of the genotype AA,AB,BB and allele A,B were 0.7,0.28,0.02,and 0.84,0.16,respectively.Sequence analysis showed that a transversion of C→A at 299 nt resulted in loss of the cleaved site of restriction endonuclease HaeIII and produced this polymorphism.This polymorphic locus of IGFBP3 gene was at Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (P>0.05).The genotypes of AA,AB,BB slightly affected several slaughter and carcass traits of Qinchuan cattle.Dressing percentage,net meat percentage,striplion percentage,tenderloin percentage,ribeye percentage and tender shoulder percentage were decreased with the genotypes of AA,AB and BB in Qinchuan cattle,but it was not significant (P>0.05).Average ribeye area in individuals of AA genotype was significantly higher than that in individuals of BB genotype (P<0.05),and beef fat content in individuals of genotype AB and BB was significantly higher than that in individuals of AA genotype (P<0.01).  相似文献   

Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) signaling system exerts a broad antiapoptotic function and plays a crucial role in resistance to anticancer therapies. Exposure of MCF-7 breast cancer cells to IGF-1 rapidly and transiently induced tyrosine phosphorylation and activation of phosphoinositide-dependent kinase-1 (PDK1). This was paralleled by Akt/protein kinase B and protein kinase C-ζ phosphorylation, at Thr308 and Thr410, respectively. IGF-1 treatment also enhanced PDK1 interaction with IGF-1 receptor (IGF-1R) in intact MCF-7 cells. Pulldown assays revealed that PDK1 bound IGF-1R in vitro and that the region encompassing amino acids 51–359 of PDK1 was necessary for the interaction. Synthetic peptides corresponding to IGF-1R C terminus amino acids 1295–1337 (C43) and to PDK1 amino acids 114–141 reduced in vitro IGF-1R/PDK1 interaction in a concentration-dependent manner. Loading of fluoresceinated-C43 (fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-C43) into MCF-7 cells significantly reduced IGF-1R/PDK1 interaction and phosphorylation of PDK1 substrates. Moreover, FITC-C43 intracellular loading reverted the protective effect of IGF-1 on growth factor deprivation-induced cell death. Finally, the inhibition of IGF-1R/PDK1 interaction and signaling by FITC-C43 was accompanied by 2-fold enhanced killing capacity of cetuximab in human GEO colon adenocarcinoma cells and was sufficient to restore cell death in cetuximab-resistant cell clones. Thus, disruption of PDK1 interaction with IGF-1R reduces IGF-1 survival effects in cancer cells and may enhance cell death by anticancer agents.  相似文献   

Production of recombinant human erythropoietin (rhEPO) for therapeutic purposes relies on its expression in selected clones of transfected mammalian cells. Alternatively, this glycoprotein can be produced by targeted secretion into the body fluid of transgenic mammals. Here, we report on the generation of a transgenic rabbits producing rhEPO in the lactating mammary gland. Transgenic individuals are viable, fertile and transmit the rhEPO gene to the offspring. Northern blot data indicated that the expression of the transgene in the mammary gland is controlled by whey acidic protien (WAP) regulatory sequences during the period of lactation. While the hybridization with total RNA revealed the expression only in the lactating mammary gland, the highly sensitive combinatory approach using RT-PCR/hybridization technique detected a minor ectopic expression. The level of rhEPO secretion in the founder female, measured in the period of lactation, varied in the range of 60–178 and 60–162 mIU/ml in the milk and blood plasma, respectively. Biological activity of the milk rhEPO was confirmed by a standard [3H]-thymidine incorporation test. Thus, we describe the model of a rhEPO-transgenic rabbit, valuable for studies of rhEPO glycosylation and function, which can be useful for the development of transgenic approaches designed for the preparation of recombinant proteins by alternative biopharmaceutical production.  相似文献   

Astrocytes contain glycogen, an energy buffer, which can bridge local short term energy requirements in the brain. Glycogen levels reflect a dynamic equilibrium between glycogen synthesis and glycogenolysis. Many factors that include hormones and neuropeptides, such as insulin and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) likely modulate glycogen stores in astrocytes, but detailed mechanisms at the cellular level are sparse. We used a glucose nanosensor based on Förster resonance energy transfer to monitor cytosolic glucose concentration with high temporal resolution and a cytochemical approach to determine glycogen stores in single cells. The results show that after glucose depletion, glycogen stores are replenished. Insulin and IGF-1 boost the process of glycogen formation. Although astrocytes appear to express glucose transporter GLUT4, glucose entry across the astrocyte plasma membrane is not affected by insulin. Stimulation of cells with insulin and IGF-1 decreased cytosolic glucose concentration, likely because of elevated glucose utilization for glycogen synthesis.  相似文献   

Human insulin-like growth factor-1 (hIGF-1) is a growth factor with clinical significance in medicine. The therapeutic potential of recombinant hIGF-1 (rthIGF-1) stems from the fact that hIGF-1 resembles insulin in many aspects of physiology. The expression of hIGF-1 in transgenic tobacco and rice plants using different expression cassettes is reported here. In the present study, two coding sequences were tested, one with the original human sequence, but partially optimized for expression in E. coli and the other with a plant-codon-optimized sequence that was expected to give a higher level of expression in plant systems. Three different hIGF-1 recombinant expression constructs were generated. All expression constructs utilized the maize ubiquitin 1 promoter with or without a signal sequence. Analyses conducted using a hIGF-1 specific ELISA kit showed all transgenic plants produced hIGF-1 and the accumulated hIGF-1 increased from the E. coli codon bias to higher levels when the hIGF-1 coding sequence was codon-optimized to match that of the maize zeamatin protein – the most transcribed gene in maize endosperm suspension cells. Further analyses that compared the functionality of the bacterial signal peptide Lam B in plants showed that this leader peptide led to lower expression levels when compared to transgenic plants that did not contain this sequence. This indicated that this expression construct was functional without removal of the bacterial signal sequence. The maize ubiquitin 1 promoter was found to be more active in rice plants than tobacco plants indicating that in this case, there was a class preference that was biased towards a monocot host. Biological analyses conducted using protein extracts from transgenic plants showed that the rthIGF-1 was effective in stimulating the in vitro growth and proliferation of human SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells. This indicated that the plant-produced rthIGF-1 was stable and biologically active. As some plants have been reported to express an endogenous insulin-like protein, we also looked for any effect of the human growth factor in transgenic plants, but no developmental or morphological differences with wild type tobacco or rice plants were detected. Since insulin and hIGF-1 share some overlapping roles, hIGF-1 may become a substitute therapeutic agent in subjects with certain defects in their insulin receptor signaling. Hence, if the full beneficial potential of rthIGF-1 is achieved, it is expected that in the future the demand will likely increase significantly.  相似文献   

利用转基因克隆奶山羊乳腺生物反应器大量生产重组人的抗凝血酶III(rhATIII)蛋白质。其中包括: 筛选出人的抗凝血酶Ⅲ蛋白基因的cDNA序列; 利用山羊的b-酪蛋白基因的启动区, 终止信号和Enterokinase蛋白酶酶切DNA序列, 构建在乳腺中特异表达rhATⅢ的表达载体。同时在转基因载体的末端连接一个新酶素筛选基因(Neomycin)。再以细胞转染、G418筛选和体细胞核移植(动物克隆)等过程, 最后获得含有人的抗凝血酶Ⅲ基因的转基因克隆奶山羊。我们共获得了5个原代转基因公羊。第一只克隆羊在出生后78 d死亡, 解剖表明: 羊的肺部和肾脏等器官有异常。其它克隆公羊经过与崂山种母羊交配, 得到转基因后代, 其中两个原代转基因羊的后代母羊已成熟、所获得的奶经蛋白质电泳证明: 转基因克隆羊后代奶中含有约60 kD大小的rhATⅢ糖蛋白; 经Elisa检测表明: 在奶中含有大量活性的rhATⅢ, 在来源于两个不同克隆公羊的后代母羊奶中的rhATⅢ含量分别为0.4 mg/L和3 g/L。此研究证明: 转基因奶山羊可以大量地生产具有很高活性的rhATⅢ。用这种方法生产的rhATⅢ通过蛋白质提纯, 制成注射针剂, 将可用于人的抗凝血酶III缺乏症的治疗、预防血栓和重大手术过程中的止血的作用等。  相似文献   

优化了重组人血管内皮抑制素的E. coli表达体系的发酵条件。利用E. coli表达体系得到了较高的产量,在9h左右的发酵周期内达到OD600值140,包涵体蛋白产量为3 g/L。主要优化了异丙基-β-D-硫代半乳糖苷(Isopropyl-β-D-thiogalactopyranoside, IPTG)的终浓度、诱导时间、培养温度、补料控制方法等条件,并且在诱导后提高培养温度到40℃,在非常短的培养周期内达到了高密度培养的目的。利用E. coli表达,继而通过复性获得有活性的重组人血管内皮抑制素,成本低、生产过程稳定可控、得到的蛋白性质稳定,符合工业生产的需要。  相似文献   

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