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Comparison of coding nucleotide sequences of the paralogous GH1 and GH2 genes, as well as of the growth hormone amino acid sequences, in the species of closely related salmonid genera Salvelinus, Oncorhynchus, and Salmo was performed. It was demonstrated that, in different groups of salmonids, the amino acid substitution rates were considerably different. In some cases, an obvious discrepancy between the divergence of growth hormone genes and phylogenetic schemes based on other methods and approaches was revealed. These findings suggest that the reason may be multidirectional selection at duplicated genes at different stages of evolution.  相似文献   

A very powerful method for detecting functional constraints operative in biological macromolecules is presented. This method entails performing a base permanence analysis of protein coding genes at each codon position simultaneously in different species. It calculates the degree of permanence of subregions of the gene by dividing it into segments,c codons long, counting how many sites remain unchanged in each segment among all species compared. By comparing the base permanence among several sequences with the expectations based on a stochastic evolutionary process, gene regions showing different degrees of conservation can be selected. This means that wherever the permanence deviates significantly from the expected value generated by the simulation, the corresponding regions are considered “constrained” or “hypervariable”. The constrained regions are of two types: α and β. The α regions result from constraints at the amino acid level, whereas the β regions are those probably involved in “control” processing. The method has been applied to mitochondrial genes coding for subunit 6 of the ATPase and subunit 1 of the cytochrome oxidase in four mammalian species: human, rat, mouse, and cow. In the two mitochondrial genes a few regions that are highly conserved in all codon positions have been identified. Among these regions a sequence, common to both genes, that is complementary to a strongly conserved region of 12S rRNA has been found. This method can also be of great help in studying molecular evolution mechanisms.  相似文献   

A K Konopka 《Biochimie》1985,67(5):455-468
The theory of degenerate coding is presented in a way enabling further application to molecular biology. There are two kinds of redundancy of a degenerate code. The first is due to the excess in codon length and the second to the code degeneracy. If the code is asymmetrically degenerate, the second kind of redundancy can be profitable for control of error rate. This control can be performed just by selective synonymous codon usage. Utilisation of the genetic code is partially influenced by this theoretical possibility. In particular the degree of error protectivity is well correlated with deviation from equiprobability in synonymous codon usage. The biological significance of this fact is discussed.  相似文献   

Proteasome inhibitors reduce the budding of human immunodeficiency virus types 1 (HIV-1) and 2, simian immunodeficiency virus, and Rous sarcoma virus. To investigate this effect further, we examined the budding of other retroviruses from proteasome inhibitor-treated cells. The viruses tested differed in their Gag organization, late (L) domain usage, or assembly site from those previously examined. We found that proteasome inhibition decreased the budding of murine leukemia virus (plasma membrane assembly, PPPY L domain) and Mason-Pfizer monkey virus (cytoplasmic assembly, PPPY L domain), similar to the reduction observed for HIV-1. Thus, proteasome inhibitors can affect the budding of a virus that assembles within the cytoplasm. However, the budding of mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV; cytoplasmic assembly, unknown L domain) was unaffected by proteasome inhibitors, similar to the proteasome-independent budding previously observed for equine infectious anemia virus (plasma membrane assembly, YPDL L domain). Examination of MMTV particles detected Gag-ubiquitin conjugates, demonstrating that an interaction with the ubiquitination system occurs during assembly, as previously found for other retroviruses. For all of the cell lines tested, the inhibitor treatment effectively inactivated proteasomes, as measured by the accumulation of polyubiquitinated proteins. The ubiquitination system was also inhibited, as evidenced by the loss of monoubiquitinated histones from treated cells. These results and those from other viruses show that proteasome inhibitors reduce the budding of viruses that utilize either a PPPY- or PTAP-based L domain and that this effect does not depend on the assembly site or the presence of monoubiquitinated Gag in the virion.  相似文献   

Most proteins destined for the extracellular space require disulfide bonds for folding and stability. Disulfide bonds are introduced co- and post-translationally in endoplasmic reticulum (ER) cargo in a redox relay that requires a terminal electron acceptor. Oxygen can serve as the electron acceptor in vitro, but its role in vivo remains unknown. Hypoxia causes ER stress, suggesting a role for oxygen in protein folding. Here we demonstrate the existence of two phases of disulfide bond formation in living mammalian cells, with differential requirements for oxygen. Disulfide bonds introduced rapidly during protein synthesis can occur without oxygen, whereas those introduced during post-translational folding or isomerization are oxygen dependent. Other protein maturation processes in the secretory pathway, including ER-localized N-linked glycosylation, glycan trimming, Golgi-localized complex glycosylation, and protein transport, occur independently of oxygen availability. These results suggest that an alternative electron acceptor is available transiently during an initial phase of disulfide bond formation and that post-translational oxygen-dependent disulfide bond formation causes hypoxia-induced ER stress.  相似文献   

Fluctuating asymmetry (FA) is believed to reflect developmental stability and thus may serve as a marker of the biologic quality of individuals. To test the hypothesis that degree of FA is related to a woman's potential fertility, we measured finger length together with levels of estradiol in saliva samples collected daily for an entire menstrual cycle in 171 Polish urban and rural women. We show that women who are more symmetrical, as assessed by the degree of inequality in the fourth-digit length of their right and left hands, have 13% higher average levels of estradiol over the menstrual cycle than less symmetrical women (19.4 and 17.1 pmol/l, respectively; p=.0001). Among urban women, mid-cycle levels of estradiol were 28% higher in the symmetrical group than in the asymmetrical group. Because higher hormone levels in women may lead to a substantial rise in the probability of conception, low FA may therefore be associated with increased fertility.  相似文献   

The nature of fish antibodies (concentrating primarily on the most studied species of bony and cartilaginous fishes) is discussed in terms of their immunoglobulin biochemistry and immunobiology. The major serum immunoglobulin (IgM) is described in detail, and structural variants of IgM are discussed in terms of their distribution in different fish species, and different anatomical sites within a fish (e.g. blood, mucus, bile). Structural variation in IgM includes the size of the constituent heavy and light polypeptide chains, and the extent to which they are covalently associated with one another. The intramolecular heterogeneity of binding sites for antigen on IgM is reviewed and possible mechanisms for the phenomenon are presented. The evidence suggests that some, but not all, species of fish possess a detectable J chain in their IgM. The general nature of the fish immune response is that IgM antibody of moderate affinity is produced and prolonged or repeated immunization: (a) fails to produce a switch to production of a non-IgM class of antibody, and (b) fails to induce substantial increases in the affinity of the specific antibodies. Evidence supports a conclusion that fish lack the typical secondary antibody response seen in mammals, and possess antibodies of limited heterogeneity. Our current understanding of the genetic basis for fish antibodies is presented. Fish appear to utilize the same basic genetic elements as mammals to encode and regulate the expression of their immunoglobulins. The teleost heavy chain (IgH) locus resembles that of mammals and amphibia in its organization. The IgH locus of elasmobranchs is arranged in a unique multicluster organization. The light chain loci of elasmobranchs are organized analogously to the heavy chain locus (in multiclusters). The structure of the light chain locus of teleosts is presently unknown. Teleost fish utilize a unique pattern of RNA processing to generate the secreted and membrane receptor forms of the IgM heavy chain. The genes encoding the unique low molecular weight Ig heavy chain found in skates and rays have been cloned and sequenced, and also display the multicluster pattern of organization. Teleost fish appear to have normal numbers of variable regions: it is hypothesized (but as yet unproven) that the failure of their IgM to increase in affinity is due to a deficiency of somatic hypermutational mechanisms in their Ig gene variable regions during B lymphocyte differentiation.  相似文献   

Cultures derived from domestic carrot (Daucus carota L.) inbreds were found to vary with respect to regeneration potential as measured by the production of somatic embryos in suspension cultures. A number of biochemical parameters previously reported to distinguish embryogenic from non-embryogenic cultures of other species were measured in these carrot cell lines. Ethylene production was found to be inversely related to regeneration potential. The cell line producing the greatest number of somatic embryos exhibited the lowest rate of ethylene biosynthesis, even when grown on 2, 4-D-containing maintenance medium. A specific isozyme of acid phosphatase was associated with embryogenic calli. Proteins visualized by SDS-PAGE did not discriminate between embryo-forming and proliferating calli in all inbreds.  相似文献   

In the present report the suggestion (Paech, K. 1950. Biochemie und Physiologie der sekundären Pflanzenstoffe. - Springer, Berlin, pp. 201–203) was tested that the photosynthetic apparatus requires light protection during the early phase of its development and that this is the reason (in a teleonomic sense) for the transient formation of large amounts of juvenile anthocyanin in outer tissue layers of seedlings and young leaves of deciduous trees and shrubs. Seedlings of two species ( Sinapis alba L. and Sesamum indicum L.) which differ in their potential to produce anthocyanin were compared under identical light conditions. The results obtained are compatible with the idea that juvenile anthocyanins are involved in photoprotection. However, the experimental results also indicate that full photostability of the plastid is attained - irrespective of the presence or absence of anthocyanin - once a certain amount of chlorophyll has been accumulated. Thus, photosensitivity of a seedling under natural light conditions is restricted to an early phase of development prior to intense greening.  相似文献   

Papillomaviruses (PVs) infect stratified squamous epithelia in vertebrates. Some PVs are associated with different types of cancer and with certain benign lesions. It has been assumed that PVs coevolved with their hosts. However, recently it has been shown that different regions of the genome have different evolutionary histories. The PV genome has a modular nature and appeared after the addition of pre-existent blocks. This order of appearance in the PV genome is evident today in the different evolutionary rates of the different genes, with new genes--E5, E6 and E7--diverging faster than old genes--E1, E2, L2 and L1. Here, we propose an evolutionary framework aiming to integrate genome evolution, PV biology and epidemiology of PV infections.  相似文献   

A large part of repetitive DNA of vertebrate genomes have been identified as transposon elements (TEs) or mobile sequences. Although TEs detected to date in most vertebrates are inactivated, active TEs have been found in fish and a salmonid TE has been successfully reactivated by molecular genetic manipulation from inactive genomic copies (Sleeping Beauty, SB). Progress in the understanding of the dynamics, control and evolution of fish TEs will allow the insertion of selected sequences into the fish genomes of germ cells to obtain transgenics or to identify genes important for growth and/or of somatic cells to improve DNA vaccination. Expectations are high for new possible applications to fish of this well developed technology for mammals. Here, we review the present state of knowledge of inactive and active fish TEs and briefly discuss how their possible future applications might be used to improve fish production in aquaculture.  相似文献   

The ultrastructural properties of microcalluses derived from mesophyll protoplasts of commercial sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) cultivars were investigated by light and electron microscopy. Two culture regimes were chosen: Regime A giving rise to callus formation but of little embryogenic potential and regime B resulting in higher embryogenicity. Bipolar colonies that developed during early stages of regime A were found to be composed of mostly degenerated structures. No differentiation or embryonal organization as suggested by the compactness and shape of the microcalluses could be observed. Amorphous calluses obtained at later stages of the same regime consisted of small groups of meristematic as well as vacuolated cells. Incomplete cellular divisions occurred in almost all colonies grown under the regime A, causing most probably the lack of further callus organization. In contrast calluses of irregular shape, cultivated under regime B, mostly lacked incomplete cell partitioning but showed the formation of organized regions. These structural investigations can give us a tool to identify and characterize the quality of embryogenic calluses.Abbreviations BA 6-benzylaminopurine - 2,4-d 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - V-KM medium of Binding & Nehls (1978)  相似文献   

In ungerminated rice seeds, (Japonica rice variety, CV Tapei 309), the content of free amines (putrescine, spermidine, spermine, tyramine) was higher in seed lots having a low germination frequency compared to those with high germination potential. Conversely, amine conjugates (di-feruloylputrescine, di-feruloylspermidine, diferuloyldiaminopropane and feruloyltyramine) decreased with loss of viability. Thus, these compounds appeared to constitute biochemical markers of seed viability. In seeds with high germination potential, conjugates decreased drastically during germination, with an early and rapid increase in free amines (putrescine, spermidine, tyramine). Arginine decarboxylase (ADC) activity was highest during the germination of high germination potential seeds, its activity gradually declining with loss of viability and being closely correlated with agmatine content. The polyamine biosynthetic inhibitors (-DL-difluoromethylarginine, DFMA, a specific and irreversible inhibitor of ADC; -DL-difluoromethylornithine, DFMO, a specific irreversible inhibitor of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC); cyclohexylammonium sulfate, CHA, inhibitor of spermidine synthase) neither depleted putrescine and spermidine levels nor inhibited germination in high germination potential seeds. In low germination potential seeds, the germination process was inhibited by DFMA or CHA. Application of agmatine resulted in a reversal of inhibition. DFMA inhibited ADC activity in both categories of seeds. In low germination potential seeds treated with CHA no ADC activity was found. These results suggest that amines are involved in the germination process of rice seeds. It appears that amine conjugates may serve as a storage form of amines which, upon enzymatic hydrolysis, could supply the cell with an additional amine reserve and influence cell division and/or cell elongation.Abbreviations ADC arginine decarboxylase - ODC ornithine decarboxylase - DFMA -DL-difluoromethylarginine - DFMO -DL-difluoromethylornithine - CHA cyclohexylammonium sulfate  相似文献   

Cell cycle progression in eukaryotes is controlled by complexes of p34 protein kinases and cyclins. For the first time in plants, we have established the sequence of four yellow lupine mitotic cyclin B1 genes. Their coding regions and expression pattern were also characterised recently. Structure of all the four lupine genes is similar: they consist of nine exons and eight introns, analogously located, except Luplu;CycB1;3 lacking 7th intron. Analysis of 5'-regulatory sequences of two of them showed that both comprise M-specific activators (MSA), common to plant genes induced in late G2 and early M. Putative repressor binding sites CDE/CHR found in animal G2-specific promoters can also be detected in lupine genes. Controlling region of Luplu;CycB1;4 gene that is highly activated by IAA, contains up to 7 auxin response elements, while insensible to IAA Luplu;CycB1;4 gene have no such motifs. Further studies should be undertaken to determine precisely the functions of putative regulatory elements in the expression of lupine mitotic cyclins.  相似文献   

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