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化石植物中文名的现状、问题与建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
化石植物的中文名,即化石植物学名的中文译名,在古植物学、植物演化生物学专业领域和科学普及等方面起着重要的作用。然而,长期以来对化石植物中文名重视程度不够且拟订时缺乏统一的标准,导致各种文本中化石植物的中文名比较混乱,不利于古植物学知识的传播及科学普及。本文通过统计中文古植物学综合性文献和教材中的化石植物中文名,梳理出化石植物中文名拟订方面出现的一些包括同物异中文名、中文名重名、音译拗口和存在生僻字的使用等常见问题。针对这些问题,本文提出应尽快制定出一套规范统一的化石植物中文名拟定方案,编写和出版化石植物拉汉词典及相应网络查询系统等,从而统一和规范化石植物的中文名,同时也可为化石动物中文名的拟订方案提供相关参考。  相似文献   

Laser-assisted microdissection (LAM) is a powerful tool for isolating specific tissues, cell types and even organelles from sectioned biological specimen in a manner conducive to the extraction of RNA, DNA or protein. LAM, which is an established technique in many areas of biology, has now been successfully adapted for use with plant tissues. Here, we provide an overview of the processes involved in conducting a successful LAM study in plants and review recent developments that have made this technique even more desirable. We also discuss how the technology might be exploited to answer some pertinent questions in plant biology.  相似文献   

Cabbage family affairs: the evolutionary history of Brassicaceae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Life without the mustard family (Brassicaceae) would be a world without many crop species and the model organism Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) that has revolutionized our knowledge in almost every field of modern plant biology. Despite this importance, research breakthroughs in understanding family-wide evolutionary patterns and processes within this flowering plant family were not achieved until the past few years. In this review, we examine recent outcomes from diverse botanical disciplines (taxonomy, systematics, genomics, paleobotany and other fields) to synthesize for the first time a holistic view on the evolutionary history of the mustard family.  相似文献   

This review focuses on contributions to cytokine biology made by Australians in Australia. It is clearly biased by my own experiences and selective recollections especially related to the colony-stimulating factors in which Australian involvement has been pre-eminent from discovery to clinical use. Nevertheless Australian scientists have also made profound contributions to other areas of cytokine and growth factor biology (including interferons, inflammatory cytokines, chemokines and epidermal, insulin-like and vascular endothelial growth factors) that are briefly described in this review as well as other chapters in this volume.  相似文献   

I had the fortune to start my scientific carrier during the early stages of the development of plant transformation in one of the leading laboratories in the field. Here, I describe my personal experience in the laboratory of Marc van Montagu and Jeff Schell, and some important contributions that the group made to the development of the technology to produce transgenic plants. I also briefly summarize the impact of this technology on the development of modern plant biology and in plant molecular improvement.  相似文献   

The cerrado biome is rich in caterpillar species although the general biology and ecology of most tropical species remains unknown. Three host plant genera (Byrsonima, Erythroxylum and Qualea) were examined for caterpillars in four cerrado sensu stricto areas near Brasi´lia (DF, Brazil), from 1991 to 1995. Altogether, more than 16000 host plants were sampled and less than 20% of them possessed caterpillars. All the caterpillars found were reared under laboratory conditions. We successfully reared 137 species of 24 lepidopteran families. The average number of caterpillar species per host species was 28.3. The faunal similarity among plant genera, as well as among study sites, was low, and not related to the distances between them. The low proportion of host plants with caterpillars and the high incidence of rare species appears to be a general pattern for the cerrado. A large proportion (74%) of the caterpillar species occurred on only one host plant family. The most frequent species were either specialists (restricted to one host plant genus) or generalists. We provide a brief outline of some taxonomic problems, some observations on general biology, and temporal and local patterns of some specific caterpillars species. The methodology used, which included weekly data collection, in restricted study areas of the same habitat, with the same sampling method for recording the caterpillar species on the same host plant species, can be used as a tool to explore biodiversity and to discuss some aspects of the conservation of cerrado insects.  相似文献   

Constant progress in genetic engineering has given rise to a number of promising areas of research that facilitated the expansion of industrial biotechnology. The field of metabolic engineering, which utilizes genetic tools to manipulate microbial metabolism to enhance the production of compounds of interest, has had a particularly strong impact by providing new platforms for chemical production. Recent developments in synthetic biology promise to expand the metabolic engineering toolbox further by creating novel biological components for pathway design. The present review addresses some of the recent advances in synthetic biology and how these have the potential to affect metabolic engineering in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. While S. cerevisiae for years has been a robust industrial organism and the target of multiple metabolic engineering trials, its potential for synthetic biology has remained relatively unexplored and further research in this field could strongly contribute to industrial biotechnology. This review also addresses are general considerations for pathway design, ranging from individual components to regulatory systems, overall pathway considerations and whole-organism engineering, with an emphasis on potential contributions of synthetic biology to these areas. Some examples of applications for yeast synthetic biology and metabolic engineering are also discussed.  相似文献   

Over the last few years research in the area of biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) associated with cereals and grasses has become divided into two areas. On the one hand there have been a large number of reports of responses of field-grown plants to inoculation with N2-fixing bacteria, principallyAzospirillum spp. On the other hand there have been several reports of significant contributions of associated BNF to the nutrition of several crops, including wetland rice, sugar cane and some forage grasses. However, where BNF contributions have definitely been established no certain information is available as to the diazotrophic organisms responsible. Furthermore, certain recent reports indicate that, at least in some cases, responses of plants to inoculation withAzospirillum spp. have been shown not to be due to BNF contributions. In this paper we review some recent progress in this field, particularly at our institute in Rio de Janeiro, concerning specificity of selected Azospirillum strains in the infection of cereal roots and the promotion of responses in the host plants. The possible mechanisms of plant response are discussed including the possibility that plant growth substances or bacterial nitrate reductase are involved. The application of15N and N balance techniques to the quantification of plant associated BNF are considered and the possible strategies that may be adopted to further the understanding of true N2-fixing plant/diazotroph associations. The recent discovery of many more plant-associated N2-fixing bacteria suggests that further research in this area may eventually lead to the development of such associations with applications for agricultural productivity.  相似文献   

Wayne R  Staves MP 《Bioscience》1996,46(5):365-369
The Krogh principle refers to the use of a large number of animals to study the large number of physiological problems, rather than limiting study to a particular organism for all problems. There may be organisms that are more suited to study of a particular problem than others. This same principle applies to plants. The authors are concerned with the recent trend in plant biology of using Arabidopsis thaliana as the "organism of choice." Arabidopsis is an excellent organism for molecular genetic research, but other plants are superior models for other research areas of plant biology. The authors present examples of the successful use of the Krogh principle in plant cell biology research, emphasizing the particular characteristics of the selected research organisms that make them the appropriate choice.  相似文献   

Molecular phylogenetic data have drastically changed the views on the phylogeny of higher plants. All the extant gymnosperms were asserted as a monophyletic group opposed to the highly isolated angiosperms. The 'Anthophyte Theory' was thus rejected. The identification and analysis of gymnosperm orthologues of genes regulating flower development in angiosperms resulted in the formulation of the 'Mostly Male Theory' of the evolutionary origin of flower; this theory does not contradict the concept of monophyly of all the extant gymnosperms. The Mostly Male Theory assumes that the origin of angiosperms was caused by a loss of the Needle family gene that effected ovuliferous (female) organs and the translocation of the ovules onto the adaxial side of some of the (male) leafy microsporangiophores. Having acquired ovules, the former microsporangiophores started evolving into the carpels. The prerequisite bisexual design of the ancestral fructification thus becomes unnecessary. Indeed, this assumption suggests the deriving of Angiosperms from any gymnosperm plant with leafy microsporangiophores. The problem of carpel origin has subsequently changed to some degree into the problem of the origin of the bitegmic anatropous ovule presumably inherent in ancestral Angiosperms. The Mostly Male Theory consideredeither Corystospermataceae (= Umkomasiaceae) or Caytoniaceae to be the forerunners of such an ovule. Yet the capsules of Corystospermataceae distinctly differ from angiosperm ovules in the locations of their adaxial/abaxial sides, while Caytoniaceae had no leafy microsporangiophores. This inconsistency suggests that functions of the Needle family regulatory genes in Gymnosperms should be much better understood to appraise properly both the possibilities and the consequences of their hypothetical loss by the emerging angiosperms. Moreover, the extant gymnosperm groups are actually held as monophyletic and contrasted to Angiosperms on the basis of analysing the unrepresentative scant remnants of these, mostly extinct, taxa. Therefore, traditional botanical and paleobotanical data should not be rejected. In any case, Meyen's idea angiosperms origin from Bennettitales is worth being retained as a hypothesis to be tested with new results of both paleobotany and molecular biology.  相似文献   

我国外来植物入侵的特点及入侵的危害*   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
综述了我国外来植物入侵特点和入侵植物的危害。多样化的生态系统容易导致外来植物入侵。外来植物有意或无意的引进之后,已入侵了不同的区域和生境,在我国植被中占很高的比例。植物入侵不但危害经济发展,而且会危害生态安全和社会安定。系统地开展入侵植物学和入侵生态学的研究,探讨外来植物入侵机制,制定和完善防治外来植物入侵的法律法规,已成为当务之急。  相似文献   

Synthetic biology is a recently emerging field that applies engineering formalisms to design and construct new biological parts, devices, and systems for novel functions or life forms that do not exist in nature. Synthetic biology relies on and shares tools from genetic engineering, bioengineering, systems biology and many other engineering disciplines. It is also different from these subjects, in both insights and approach. Applications of synthetic biology have great potential for novel contributions to established fields and for offering opportunities to answer fundamentally new biological questions. This article does not aim at a thorough survey of the literature and detailing progress in all different directions. Instead, it is intended to communicate a way of thinking for synthetic biology in which basic functional elements are defined and assembled into living systems or biomaterials with new properties and behaviors. Four major application areas with a common theme are discussed and a procedure (or "protocol") for a standard synthetic biology work is suggested.  相似文献   

Considering the enormous diversity of living organisms, representing mostly untapped resources for studying ecological, ontogenetic and phylogenetic patterns and processes, why should evolutionary biologists concern themselves with the remains of animals and plants that died out tens or even hundreds of millions of years ago? The reason is that important new insights into some of the most vexing evolutionary questions are being revealed at the interfaces of palaeontology, developmental biology and molecular biology. Attempts to synthesise information from these disciplines, however, often encounter their greatest hurdles in considerations of the radiation of the Metazoa. Ongoing challenges relate to the origins of body plans, the relationships of the metazoan phyla and the timing of major evolutionary radiations. Palaeontology not only has its own unique contributions to the study of evolutionary processes, but provides a lynchpin for many of the emerging techniques.  相似文献   

Prioritizing conservation areas is a central theme in conservation biology. The use of surrogate species and landscape metrics to identify areas with high conservation value is common. However, few studies have examined the relative efficacy of these two surrogates. In this study, we compared the efficacy of the presence/absence (PA) of a top predator (Eastern Marsh Harrier, Circus spilonotus) and wetland patch area on species richness, total abundance, and community composition of birds, plants, and small mammals, but species richness and community composition only for plants, in a fragmented wetland landscape. Although harrier PA was an effective indicator of the distribution of birds, it had no significant efficacy on the distributions of plants and small mammals. Patch area was more effective indicator of the distributions of plants and small mammals. These results suggest that surrogate species can be more effective indicators than landscape surrogates when there are ecological linkages between surrogate species and the focal taxa (e.g., similarity of habitat requirements between surrogate species and focal taxa or hetero-specific attraction). On the other hand, landscape surrogates would be useful when ecological knowledge about the relationships is limited.  相似文献   

Friederich Wilhelm Benedikt Hofmeister (1824-1877) stands as one of the true giants in the history of biology and belongs in the same pantheon as Darwin and Mendel. Yet by comparison, he is virtually unknown. If he is known at all, it is for his early work on flowering plant embryology and his ground-breaking discovery of the alternation of generations in plants, which he published at age 27 in 1851. Remarkable as the latter study was, it was but a prelude to the more fundamental contributions he was to make in the study of plant growth and development expressed in his books on plant cell biology (Die Lehre von der Pfanzenzelle, 1867) and plant morphology (Allgemeine Morphologie der Gewächse, 1868). In this article we review his remarkable life and career, highlighting the fact that his scientific accomplishments were based largely on self-education in all areas of biology, physics, and chemistry. We describe his research accomplishments, including his early embryological studies and their influence on Mendel's genetic studies as well as his elucidation of the alternation of generations, and we review in detail his cell biology and morphology books. It is in the latter two works that Hofmeister the experimentalist and biophysicist is most manifest. Not only did Hofmeister explore the mechanisms of cytoplasmic streaming, plant morphogenesis, and the effects of gravity and light on their development, but in each instance he developed a biophysical model to integrate and interpret his wealth of observational and experimental data. Because of the lack of attention to the cell and morphology books, Hofmeister's true genius has not been recognized. After studying several evaluations of Hofmeister by contemporary and later workers, we conclude that his reputation became eclipsed because he was so far ahead of his contemporaries that no one could understand or appreciate his work. In addition, his basically organismic framework was out of step with the more reductionistic cytogenetic work that later came in vogue. We suggest that the translation of the cell and morphology books in English would help re-establish him as one of the most notable scientists in the history of plant biology.  相似文献   

单分子荧光检测技术是利用荧光基团对目的分子标记后,在单分子水平成像并追踪分子的构象变化、动力学特征以及分子之间相互作用的研究方法.相较于传统分子生物学和遗传学的研究手段,单分子检测技术可以对单个分子的动态和特性进行分析,特别是瞬时或偶发性的事件,从而更加深入地挖掘在群体测量中被掩盖的信息.该技术已广泛应用于动物细胞生物...  相似文献   

物种分布模型目前被广泛应用于生物学、生态学和保护生物学的各个领域。该文以肯尼亚茜草科河骨木属(Afrocanthium )为例,利用最大熵模型(MaxEnt)模拟植物在当前气候情景下的潜在分布,并将这些分布图利用于正在编写的《肯尼亚植物志》中。结果显示,基于足够的原始标本记录,模型能够很好地模拟出每种植物的潜在分布区域。相比传统和新一代植物志仅提供标本信息点或是粗略分布图,《肯尼亚植物志》预采用的潜在分布图,将为志书使用者提供更加全面、实用的信息。  相似文献   

F Welsch 《Teratology》1992,46(1):3-14
This article describes some of the contributions that in vitro methods have made to our progress, albeit slow, toward understanding mechanisms of chemical teratogenesis. Emphasis is given to the painstaking and time consuming nature of approaches required to elucidate mechanisms. The examples considered are cyclophosphamide, 2-methoxyethanol, and retinoids. Some of the newer methods that take advantage of the recent advances in molecular biology and analytical chemistry have already been applied to studies on teratogenic mechanisms. Prospects for the 1990s are excellent and promise more rapid progress than during the past decade toward unraveling the mysteries of normal developmental biology. That knowledge in turn should be immediately applicable for investigations on developmental toxicant-induced abnormal development.  相似文献   

《Fungal Biology Reviews》2007,21(2-3):51-66
Fungal endophytes, a diverse group of primarily ascomycetous fungi defined functionally by their occurrence within asymptomatic photosynthetic tissues of plants, occur in all major lineages of land plants and in natural and anthropogenic communities ranging from the arctic to the tropics. Because of the tremendous diversity they encompass, ecological questions regarding the interactions of endophytes with the plants in which they live - and with other organisms that in turn interact with endophyte-plants symbiota – are difficalt to address. The goals of this review are to highlight progress, challenges, and frontiers in the study of foliar endophyte diversity, with the ultimate goal of encouraging research that both bridges the gap between, and advances, research in alpha taxonomy and ecology. I focus on four themes that are reflected in the recent and rapidly expanding literature regarding endophyte biology: (1) the taxonomic and ecological distinctiveness of endophytes relative to other nonpathogenic plant-associated fungi; (2) the insights that can be gained from studies that consider genotypes as the relevant unit of biological organization, especially in the context of traditional species-level taxonomy and robust phylogenetic methods that tie these genotypes and species together in an explicit evolutionary context; (3) the context-dependency of endophyte communities, highlighting the importance of both the identify of host plants and the geographic location in which plants occur; and (4) the complexity of the endophyte-pathogen-saprotroph continuum, and the challeges and exciting frontiers that lie in understanding the evolutionary relationships and ecological lability of fungi that exhibit these ecological modes. I argue that never before has the study of endophytic fungi been more exciting or more tractable, and that the potential for endophyte researchers to inform diverse areas of biology has never been greater.  相似文献   

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