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Young-of-the-year, predator-naive fathead minnows, Pimephales promelas , from a pikesympatric population did not respond to chemical stimuli from northern pike, Esox Indus , while wild-caught fish of the same age and size did. These results suggest that chemical predator recognition is a result of previous experience and not genetic factors, Wild young-of-the-year minnows responded to pike odour with a response intensity that was similar to that of older fish, demonstrating that the ability to recognize predators is learned within the first year. The intensity of response of wild minnows which had been maintained in a predator free environment for 1 year was similar to that of recently caught minnows of the same age, suggesting that reinforcement was not required for predator recognition to be retained. Naive minnows that were exposed simultaneously to chemical stimuli from pike (a neutral stimulus) and minnow alarm substance exhibited a fright response upon subsequent exposure to the pike stimulus alone. Predator-naive minnows exposed simultaneously to chemical stimuli from pike and glass-distilled water did not exhibit a fright response to the pike stimulus alone. These results demonstrate that fathead minnows can acquire predator recognition through releaserinduced recognition learning, thus confirming a known mechanism through which alarm substance may benefit the receivers of an alarm signal.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that exposure to a conspecific alarmpheromone improves survival of fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas)during staged encounters with an unfamiliar predator (northernpike: Esox luaus). Minnows exposed to the alarm pheromone survived39. 5% longer than controls. This difference in survival timeappeared to result not from direct inhibition of the pike butrather from some aspect of the minnows' antipredator behavior.Minnows exhibited significant increases in both shoaling andshelter use after exposure to the alarm pheromone. For controlminnows, the degree of shoaling was positively correlated withsurvival time, suggesting that increased shoaling is an effectiveantipredator response. This study provides the first directexperimental evidence that chemical alarm signals in fishesimprove survival of receivers.  相似文献   

Ostariophysan fishes have specialized epidermal alarm substance cells (ASCs). In this study, metabolic cost to the production and maintenance of these cells was demonstrated. Fathead minnows Pimephales promelas were maintained on high or low food rations and, to test for the effect of social context on the number of ASCs, they were held with either zero or two shoalmates. Shoalmates were familiar (from the focal fish's shoal), or unfamiliar (from a shoal separated by 1 km from the focal fish's shoal). After 16 days, epidermal thickness, number of mucus cells and number of ASCs were all significantly greater for minnows on the high ration than for those on the low ration. Within the high ration group, physical condition was positively correlated with epidermal thickness and ASC number. The shoalmate treatment had no measurable effect on the epidermis. It was concluded that food availability determines investment into ASCs, inferring a trade-off between the cost of ASCs and the fitness benefits they accrue.  相似文献   

We exposed fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) to water fromone of two distinct habitat types (an open water site or a vegetatedcover site in the same stream) that we mixed with either alarmsubstance or a distilled water control. Upon subsequent exposuresto the habitat waters alone, minnows showed a fright responseto the habitat water that they received in conjunction withalarm substance but not to the other habitat water. These resultsindicate that minnows can learn to recognize high-risk habitatsbased on the association of habitat specific chemical cues withalarm substance. The ability to recognize these habitats couldpotentially lower the minnows' risk of predation. These resultsprovide evidence of a long-term benefit to receivers of a chemicalalarm signal.  相似文献   

Synopis Reproductively developed male fathead minnows, Pimephales promelas, exhibited courtship behaviour in the presence of female conspecifies under laboratory conditions. Male courtship consisted of several distinctive and visually conspicuous behaviours directed toward females, including approach, display, and two contact behaviours, as well as leading behaviour from the female to a suitable spawning site. An ovulated condition in females was not necessary to generate male courtship behaviour; in fact, the amount of courtship exhibited by males may depend inversely on the readiness of females to spawn.  相似文献   

Groups of fathead minnows Pimephales promelas were tested to determine if they avoided areas of a test tank labelled with the faeces of a predator (northern pike, Esox lucius ) which had recently been fed minnows, brook sticklebacks Culaea inconstans , or swordtails Xiphophorus helleri. Minnows exhibited a fright reaction upon presentation of sponges labelled with faeces, when the pike had consumed minnows or sticklebacks, but not swordtails (which lack alarm pheromones). The fright reaction was characterized by increased shoal cohesiveness and increased dashing and freezing behaviour. Minnows avoided the area of the tank containing the faeces from pike on diets of minnows or sticklebacks, but not from pike fed a diet of swordtails. These data demonstrate that: (1) minnows actively avoid the faeces of pike fed minnows or brook sticklebacks, and (2) minnows exhibit a fright reaction to the faeces of a pike fed brook sticklebacks.  相似文献   

Summary Larvae of the tephritid fly Eurosta solidaginis induce ball-shaped galls on the stem of tall goldenrod, Solidago altissima. Survival probability depends on gall size; in small galls the larva is vulnerable to parasitoid oviposition, whereas larvae in large galls are more frequently eaten by avian predators. Fly populations from 20 natural old fields in central Pennsylvania were monitored in 1983 and 1984 to examine the distribution of the selection intensity imposed by natural enemies, the parasitoids Eurytoma gigantea and E. obtusiventris, the inquiline Mordellistena unicolor, and the predatory birds Dendrocopus pubescens and Parus atricapillus. Mordellistena and E. obtusiventris are able to attack galls of all diameters while E. gigantea and the predatory birds preferentially assaulted small and large diameter galls, respectively. Eurosta in intermediate sized galls had the highest survivorship, hence selection had a stabilizing component. However, parasitoid attack was more frequent than bird attack, and the two did not exactly balance, thus there was also a directional component. The mean directional selection intensity on gall size was 0.21 standard deviations of the mean, indicating that larger gall size was favored. Interactions among the insect members of the Eurosta natural enemy guild are complex and frequent.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the role of granivorous mice, Apodemus speciosus Temminck and Apodemus argenteus Temminck, in the regeneration of Pasania edulis (Makino) Makino, an evergreen tree, we conducted field studies examining acorn crops, the population dynamics and hoarding behavior of mice and pre- and postdispersal acorn predation in an evergreen broad-leaved forest dominated by P.edulis in Kagoshima, southern Japan. The study was conducted from 1994 to 2000. Apodemus mice selected sound acorns and hoarded them in the soil after transporting them for distances ranging from 5.4 to 19.9m. This behavior appeared to be beneficial to the establishment of seedlings of P.edulis. However, the positive effects were negated by a high rate of recovery of the acorns hoarded by the mice. A life-table analysis of five cohorts of P.edulis indicated that postdispersal predation of acorns by Apodemus mice was a major contributor to annual variation in the number of new seedlings. A considerable number of acorns germinated only in years with a good acorn crop and a low level of resident mice. These results suggest that Apodemus mice are serious acorn predators rather than important dispersers. After germination, acorns were attacked by the acorn borer at a high rate. From these results, we can conclude that acorn production probably makes a smaller contribution to the regeneration of P.edulis than coppice shoot production at the study site.  相似文献   

Buzz-pollination was observed in three nectariferousBoraginaceae spp.:Onosma gigantea Lam.,Trichodesma africana (L.)R. Br. andT. boissieri Post. An evolutionary pathway from usual nectariferous flowers to typical buzz-pollinated flowers is suggested.  相似文献   

Concentration factors (CF) of 54Mn for three aquatic species: green algae (Protococcoidal chlorella), Daphnia magna, and fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) were determined following direct exposure to the isotope in solution. The maximum accumulation (CF = 911) in P. chlorella was reached at 48 hours of exposure; the maximum uptake (CF = 65) in Daphnia was reached at 8 hours of exposure; and the maximum accumulation (CF = 22.6) in fathead minnows was at 128 hours of exposure. The data indicate that 54Mn accumulation decreases with ascent up a theoretical aquatic food chain when water is the only source of contamination.  相似文献   

The multicomponent oil gland secretion of Collohmannia gigantea, a middle-derivative mixonomatan oribatid mite, is demonstrated to possess alarm pheromonal and allomonal properties. Four components of the secretion, namely the monoterpenes neryl formate, neral, geranial and the aromatic 2-hydroxy- 6-methyl-benzaldehyde (2,6-HMBD), showed moderate to strong alarm pheromonal activity in adult mites. Naturally elicited response is due to neral (about 50% of the secretion) and probably 2,6-HMBD (only 5% of the secretion, but strong alarm pheromonal activity). This is the second report of an alarm pheromone in Oribatida. Tridecane and pentadecane (=the hydrocarbon fraction of the secretion) did not evoke evident behavioural reactions, and most likely serve as solvents and spreading agents for the pheromonal-active components. Alarm reactions were characterized by a short recognition phase (waving movements with legs I), followed by shrinking back and panic escape from the scent source. In addition, all six components of the oil gland secretion, including the hydrocarbons, exhibited strong allomonal properties against a model oribatid predator, the scydmaenid beetle, Euconnus (Tetramelus) oblongus. Considering the widespread semiochemical properties of oil gland secretions in astigmatid mites (=a highly derivative oribatid group), these results furnish evidence for a phylogenetically early origin of defensive and communicative roles of oil gland secretions in oribatids. These roles include alarm communication, defence and the production of anti-fungal compounds.  相似文献   

The zooplankton off the north-east coast of England has been the subject of a number of studies focusing on its productivity. It has also been shown to be representative of the zooplankton of much of the western North Sea. The community contains a number of predatory species, three of which are widely described as ‘voracious’, the ctenophorePleurobrachia pileus, the chaetognathSagitta elegans and the hyperiid amphipodThemisto compressa (≡ Parathemisto gaudichaudi). This study investigates the role of these planktonic predators in this community, with special reference to the seasonal changes in predation pressure. The functional response ofPleurobrachia pileus feeding onAcartia was determined from laboratory experiments. It was found to be linear at prey densities typical of UK coastal waters, although the linear relationship appeared to break down at low and high prey densities. Feeding rate data forSagitta elegans were obtained from gut content analysis and published laboratory derived estimates of digestion time. Of the 1,789 individuals examined 198 (11.1%) had food remains in the gut. A linear relationship betweenSagitta length and prey size was established and the daily feeding rate ofSagitta elegans was estimated to be 0.4 prey items d−1 ind−1. For comparative purposes, the proportion of the copepod standing stock removed bySagitta elegans, Pleurobrachia pileus andThemisto gaudichaudi was estimated for each month of the year. From this model it was shown thatThemisto applied the most predation pressure, andSagitta elegans applied the least predation pressure of the three planktonic predators considered. The impact ofPleurobrachia will be to a large extent offset due to its peak of seasonal abundance coinciding with the zooplankton peak in the summer.  相似文献   

A strong typhoon, Typhoon 13, which swept through Okinawa on 2 and 3 September 1993, knocked down 57 to 61 of 97Ropalidia fasciata nests. Thirty-five colonies soon reconstructed their nests, and these nests produced 54±46 adults per nest during the remaining two and a half months before winter. The number of females involved in nest reconstruction was 21.3±15.7 per nest. The frequency of foraging activity was significantly higher in nests being reconstructed than in normal nests. As only one out of 205 foundresses marked in spring was found in early September, most cases of nest reconstruction were considered to be made exclusively by females that emerged during the spring and summer of 1993 (progeny females). All of the reconstructed nests but one produced adult females. Many females (31%) collected from the two reconstructed nests were inseminated. As all the reconstructed nests became vacant by early January, indicating completion of the colony cycle, and a large number of nests were established in the spring of 1994, females emerging from reconstructed nests in 1993 probably become foundresses in 1994.Ropalidia fasciata is considered to be, at least partially, bivoltine in Okinawa. The significance of these facts for the evolution of multi-queen social systems in the Polistinae is discussed.  相似文献   

We studied searching behaviour of Diomus sp., a coccinellid predator introduced into Africa as a natural enemy of the cassava mealybug, when searching on cassava leaves, and compared its behaviour with the searching behaviour of Exochomus sp., an African predator of mealybugs (MB's). Female adults of Diomus and Exochomus spent more time searching on cassava leaves previously infested with cassava MB than on clean cassava leaves, in response to substances produced by MB's (wax and/or honeydew) still present on these leaves as kairomones after removal of the MB's. Both species were also arrested by wax and/or honeydew of the citrus mealybug, Planococcus citri. When offered a choice between kairomones of both MB species only experienced Diomus (reared on cassava MB) showed a clear preference for kairomone of cassava MB. Separate influences of wax and honeydew were tested. Wax from cassava MB was an arrestment stimulus for both coccinellid species. Honeydew produced by cassava MB arrested Exochomus and inexperienced Diomus.
Zusammenfassung Das Suchverhalten auf Cassaveblätter des coccinelliden Raübers Diomus, eines aus Süd Amerika importierten natürlichen Feindes der Cassaveschmierlaus wurde studiert und verglichen mit dem Suchverhalten eines afrikanischen Räubers von Schmierläusen, Exochomus sp.. Weiblichen Adulten von Diomus un Exochomus verwendeten mehr Zeit auf Cassaveblätter wenn diese Blätter vorher mit Cassaveschmierläuse infiziert waren als auf uninfizierte Blätter, und gebrauchten Substanzen (Wachs und/oder Honigtau) die von Schmierläuse produziert wurden und nach der Entfernung der Schmierläuse auf die Blätter zugeblieben waren als Kairomonen.Beide Arten wurden auch von Wachs und/oder Honigtau der Citrusschmierlaus, Planococcus citri, auf den Blätter arretiert. Wenn die Tiere wahlen könnten zwischen Kairomone der beiden Schmierlausarten wurden die Kairomonen der Cassaveschmierlaus nur von erfahrenen Diomus-Individuen, die auf Cassaveschmierlaüse aufgezogen wurden, bevorzugt.Die Einflüsse von Wachs und Honigtau wurden separat geprüft. Wachs von Exuvien der Cassaveschmierlaus ist ein Arretierungsstimulus für beide Räuberarten. Von Cassaveschmierläusen produzierten Honigtau arretierte Exochomus-und unerfahrene Diomus-Individuen.

The role of hoplonemerteans in the ecology of seagrass communities   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
Seagrasses of the world harbor a rich and varied fauna, but a review of the literature revealed that little has been done to evaluate the ecological importance of nemerteans in such communities. Monostiliferous hoplonemerteans are common inhabitants of some seagrasses, e.g. eelgrass (Zostera), but generally they are seldom collected or identified or are apparently absent in other species such as schoalgrass (Halodule) or turtlegrass (Thalassia). Nineteen species of hoplonemerteans (four families) have been identified from eelgrass beds around the world; they exist mainly as epifauna, and all except two species are probably suctorial feeders. Some palaeonemerteans (2 species) and heteronemerteans (4 species) are also associated with eelgrass, but mainly as infauna. Suctorial nemerteans (4 species in 3 families) from eelgrass beds located along the mid-Atlantic coast of the United States feed in the laboratory on a variety of amphipod species that inhabit eelgrass. Tubicolous species (e.g. Corophium) seem to be preferred. Zygonemertes virescens feeds on nine species of amphipods belonging to six families, and is the only species to feed on isopods (3 species). Analyses of field studies on the occurrence of hoplonemerteans in eelgrass beds in Virginia and New Jersey, along with available information on the food habits of these worms, were used as a basis for demonstrating their potential importance as predators of peracarids in seagrass systems. More careful methods for collecting and identifying worms, continued studies on food preferences and rates of predation, and emphasis on the population dynamics of worms and prey, are recommended in order to evaluate the role of suctorial hoplonemerteans in the ecology of seagrasses.  相似文献   

Plants can reduce the fitness costs of granivory by satiating seed predators. The most common satiation mechanism is the production of large crops, which ensures that a proportion of the seeds survive predation. Nevertheless, satiation of small granivores at the seed level may also exist. Larger seeds would satiate more efficiently, enhancing the probability of seed survival after having been attacked. However, a larger seed size could compromise the efficiency of satiation by means of large crops if there were a negative relationship between seed size and the number of seeds produced by an individual plant. We analyze both types of satiation in the interaction between the holm oak Quercus ilex and the chestnut weevil Curculio elephas. Both crop size and acorn size differed strongly in a sample of 32 trees. Larger crop sizes satiated weevils, and higher proportions of the seeds were not attacked as crop size increased. Larger seeds also satiated weevil larvae, as a larger acorn size increased the likelihood of embryo survival. Seedling size was strongly related to acorn size and was reduced by weevil attack, but seedlings coming from large weeviled acorns were still larger. The number and the size of the acorns produced by individual trees were negatively related. Larger proportions of the crop were infested in oaks producing less numerous crops of larger acorns. However, contrary to expectations, these trees did not satiate more effectively at the seed level either. Effective satiation by larger acorns was precluded by larger multi-infestation rates associated to smaller seed crops, in such a way that the proportion of attacked seeds that survived did not vary among trees with different acorn sizes. These results highlight the need of considering satiation by means of large crops and large seeds in studies of predispersal seed predation. Long-term monitoring on individual oaks will help to assess whether there is a trade-off between the number and the size of the acorns and, if it existed, how it could condition the fitness consequences of both types of satiation.  相似文献   

The aim of this investigation was to establish whether Varroa destructor can play a role in the transmission of Paenibacillus larvae larvae spores from infected to healthy bee colonies. Mites, collected from an Apis mellifera carnica colony heavily infected with American foulbrood and treated with Apistan, were suspended in distilled water and treated in three different ways:homogenizing, shaking and stirring, or sonication. The resulting fluid samples were transferred onto selective agar medium. All culture plates showed colonies that could be identified as P.l. larvae. In view of the numbers of spores they can carry, it is concluded that mites may transmit American foulbrood from infected to healthy bee colonies.  相似文献   

Deveny AJ  Fox LR 《Oecologia》2006,150(1):69-77
Interactions between herbivores and seed predators may have long-term consequences for plant populations that rely on persistent seed banks for recovery after unpredictable fires. We assessed the effects of browsing by deer and seed predation by rodents, ants and birds on the densities of seeds entering the seed bank of Ceanothus cuneatus var. rigidus, a maritime chaparral shrub in coastal California. Ceanothus produced many more seeds when protected from browsers in long-term experimental exclosures than did browsed plants, but the seed densities in the soil beneath browsed and unbrowsed Ceanothus were the same at the start of an intensive one-year study. The density of seeds in the soil initially increased in both treatments following summer seed drop: while densities returned to pre-drop levels within a few weeks under browsed plants, soil seed densities remained high for 5–8 months beneath unbrowsed plants. Rodent abundance (especially deer mice) was higher near unbrowsed plants than >30 m away, and rodents removed Ceanothus seeds from dishes in the experimental plots. At least in the short term, rodent density and rates of seed removal were inversely related to the intensity of browsing. Our data have management implications for maintaining viable Ceanothus populations by regulating the intensity of browsing and the timing, intensity and frequency of fires.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available to authorised users in the online version of this article at .  相似文献   

Protoplasts from two different pea cultivars, Belman and Filby, were stably transformed by direct gene transfer using electroporation. Transgenic calli could be obtained after selection, when hygromycin resistance was used as the selective trait introduced into the protoplasts, while no transformants were obtained when kanamycin resistance was used as selective marker in either of the two pea cultivars tested. The effect of the field strength on survival and division rates of the protoplasts was studied. Two different culture systems and osmotica were compared for induction of sustained divisions in and regeneration of transgenic callus from the protoplasts. The choice of the culture system had a considerable effect on the initial division frequency of the treated protoplasts, as well as on the later growth of the colonies. Transformation efficiency was monitored by histochemical GUS assay, and the transgenic nature of the calli selected for resistance against antibiotics was confirmed by DNA analysis.  相似文献   

Lace bugs of the genus Gargaphia specialize on taxonomically and ecologically diverse host plants. To examine the impact of predation pressure and host phenology on Gargaphia subsocial and reproductive behavior, we compared G. tiliae, a woodland species restricted to riparian trees in the genus Tilia, and G. solani, a specialist on Solanum in early successional habitats. Both lace bug species exhibit maternal care of eggs and nymphs. Predator densities associated with Solanum were higher than those associated with Tilia and were correlated with higher levels of maternal aggression exhibited by G. solani. In both habitats, artificial exclusion of predators significantly increased nymphal survivorship over maternally guarded broods. Both species reduced the costs associated with maternal care by ovipositing into the egg masses of conspecifics. Gargaphia solani and G. tiliae differed most strikingly in voltinism and thus the potential for iteroparity. Leaf age determined the reproductive future of G. tiliae nymphs independent of photoperiod or temperature. Feeding on plants with young foliage was sufficient to trigger oviposition. Constraints imposed by host plants on life-history patterns and maternal options are discussed.  相似文献   

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