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目的:研究依托咪(Etomidate,ET)对大鼠杏仁核点燃发作的抑制及其抗癫痫作用.方法:测定ET对大鼠杏仁核点燃发作的脑电活动及行为变化指标的影响,测定ET对GABAA受体拮抗剂印防己毒素诱发小鼠惊厥的影响.结果:依托咪酯(6~9mg·kg-1)可抑制杏仁核点燃发作,缩短后放电时程,降低Racine's分级(P<0.01);ET对GABAA受体拮抗剂印防己毒素致惊小鼠有抑制作用.结论:依托咪酯对大鼠杏仁核点燃模型和印防己毒素致惊小鼠均具有抑制作用,可能与GABA神经系统抑制作用有关.  相似文献   

杏仁核点燃模型癫痫样放电传播途径研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 :探讨杏仁核点燃模型癫痫样放电的传播途径。方法 :选择健康Wistar大鼠 3 0只以电刺激杏仁核的方式制作杏仁核点燃癫痫模型 ,于右侧杏仁核、左侧海马及右侧额叶皮质埋植电极记录脑电活动 ,观察电刺激杏仁核时在杏仁核、海马及额叶皮质出现癫痫样放电的潜伏期、最低刺激强度及癫痫样放电的持续时间。结果 :杏仁核出现癫痫样放电时 ,海马及皮质均未记录到癫痫样放电。而当杏仁核、海马及皮质三处出现癫痫样放电时的最低刺激强度依次增大 ,潜伏期依次延长 ,海马处癫痫样放电的持续时间最长。结论 :杏仁核点燃模型癫痫样放电可能由杏仁核经海马传至皮层 ,海马可能为癫痫样放电传播的重要结构  相似文献   

幼年大鼠青霉素点燃后慢性认知功能缺陷的分子机制研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在建立发育期大鼠青霉素点燃模型的基础上,探讨点燃后至成年期不同发育阶段空间学习记忆能力改变,以及对海马记忆分子钙/钙调蛋白依赖的蛋白激酶Ⅱα(CaMKⅡα)、突触可塑性相关基因3(PRG-3)、抗惊厥脑肠肽胆囊收缩素(CCK)、锌离子转运体1(ZnT-1)和3(ZnT-3)表达的远期影响.生后29天(P29) 的SD大鼠随机分为青霉素点燃模型组(RS组,n=39)及生理盐水对照组(NS组,n=21).RS组隔日腹腔注射青霉素,按体重5.60×106 U/kg,连续6次,NS组以同样方法腹腔注射生理盐水.于末次惊厥后1.5、3、6和12 h透射电镜观察海马凋亡及自噬,于末次惊厥后1 h进行脑电记录,于末次惊厥后24 h 原位末端标记凋亡法(TUNNEL)检测海马凋亡细胞.分别于P51~P56、P81~P84、 P92~P95 进行3次Morris水迷宫实验,检测大鼠的学习记忆能力.最后,采用Timm染色观察海马苔藓纤维发芽,实时定量RT-PCR测定海马CaMKⅡα、PRG-3、CCK、ZnT-1和ZnT-3的表达.结果如下:a.电镜显示末次惊厥后1.5~12 h可见大鼠海马本部神经元内溶酶体被激活,自噬小体形成,12 h自噬和凋亡同时存在;TUNNEL显示凋亡细胞明显增多(P < 0.05).b.RS组末次惊厥后3~5 min脑电图记录显示额叶丛集放电,棘波和尖波阵发.c.Morris水迷宫实验显示,第1次测试各组逃避潜伏期均呈逐渐下降趋势,但RS组第5天潜伏期明显高于NS组,具有显著性差异(P < 0.05),RS组第2次水迷宫测试中第1天潜伏期明显高于NS组,具有统计学意义,第3次水迷宫第2天的潜伏期仍明显高于NS组,具有统计学意义.d.在Morris水迷宫搜寻策略分析中采用秩和检验,第1次水迷宫对照组在第4天和第5天成绩明显优于RS组,具有统计学意义(P < 0.01),第2次和第3次水迷宫中对照组3天成绩均明显优于RS组,具有统计学意义(P < 0.05).e.Morris记忆实验显示:3次记忆测试平台象限路径与总路径之比,RS组3次记忆测试均明显低于NS组,有显著性差异(P < 0.05).f.Timm染色显示,RS组海马齿状回内分子层和CA3区锥体细胞层可见明显异常增生苔藓纤维,对照组未见发芽.g.在实时定量RT-PCR试验中,方差分析显示RS组海马CaMKⅡα和ZnT-1表达明显低于NS组(P < 0.05),聚类分析和相关分析表明,NS组CaMKⅡα、PRG-3、CCK、ZnT-3这4个基因具有共聚特征,并且各个基因之间具有显著相关性,而RS组仅海马CaMKⅡα和ZnT-1具有明显的共聚现象且呈正相关.本研究表明,幼年大鼠青霉素点燃后不仅能够造成海马神经元早期损伤(包括自噬和凋亡增加),而且产生远期的学习和记忆功能损害,并可能与海马记忆分子CaMKⅡ及ZnT-1表达下调有关.  相似文献   

点燃大鼠海马脑片CA1区电活动的变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
重复间隔地给予阈下致惊厥量的电或化学刺激,能使动物出现进行性增强的痫性活动,最后导致动物出现癫痫大发作而点燃(kindling)。点燃作为一种癫痫模型,较好地模拟了人类癫痫的渐进性发展过程和长期反复的自限性发作形式。Racine用电刺激杏仁核点燃动物时,在脑内不同部位放置记录电极以观察后发放(afterdischarge)的变化,发现点燃能使动物的  相似文献   

耳鸣动物模型的建立及药物对大鼠耳鸣的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
目的:建立耳鸣动物模型并测试药物对动物耳鸣的影响。方法:让动物形成耳内有声音存在是安全的、而耳内无声音感往往伴随着危险因素这样一个条件反射,当动物有耳鸣时把它也作为部分安全的信号,在行为中表现出来。用注射水杨酸钠的造成动物耳鸣,通过不同组别大鼠行为实验的结果判断动物耳鸣的存在与否及药物的作用。结果:大鼠注射水杨酸钠后有鸣产生,抗癫痫药Lamotrigine不能有效地缓解耳鸣,补肾中药复方改善了水杨  相似文献   

目的:为研究乌龙茶生产工艺对其咖啡因含量的影响。方法:利用紫外分光光度法测定各个生产工序的安溪乌龙茶本山品种半成品中咖啡因含量。结果:安溪乌龙茶本山品种成品相对其他工序的半成品而言,咖啡因含量明显增多,比鲜叶提高了16.1%。结论:生产工艺尤其是加热对安溪乌龙茶本山品种中咖啡因含量有较大影响。  相似文献   

Li S  An J  Sun CK  Li ZW 《生理学报》2004,56(3):384-388
应用全细胞膜片钳记录技术,在大鼠新鲜分离背根神经节(dorsal root ganglion,DRG)神经元上,观察预加咖啡因对GABA-激活电流(IGABA)的调制作用。实验中,大部分受检细胞(97.4%,l13/116)对外加GABA敏感。1-1000μmol/L GABA引起一剂量依赖性、有明显上敏感作用的内向电流。在受检的108个DRG细胞中,约有半数(53.7%,58/108)对胞外加咖啡因(0.1-100μmol/L)敏感.产生一幅值很小的内向电流。倾加咖啡因(0.1~100μmol/L)30s后再加GABA能明显抑制GABA(100μmol/L)激活电流的幅值。预加咖啡因后GABA量效曲线明显下移;GABA-激活电流的最人值较之对照下降约57%;而Kd值(30μmol/L)几乎不变,表示此种抑制为非竞争性的。预加安定(diazepam,1μmol/L)对GABA(100μmol/L)激活电流有增强作用,而预加咖啡因(10μmol/L)有拈抗安定增强IGABA的作用。胞内透析H-8后,几乎可以完全消除咖啡因对,IGABA的抑制作用。已知GABA作用于初级感觉神经元能引起初级传入去极化,因而实验结果提示,咖啡因有可能在初级传入末梢产生对抗突触前抑制的效应。  相似文献   

茶叶中咖啡因和茶多酚提取技术研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文研究茶叶品种和质量、提取剂种类和萃取溶剂量对咖啡因和茶多酚提取得率、提取率和纯度的影响,结果表明:茶叶质量高,咖啡因和茶多酚的含量、得率和纯度就高。95%乙醇提取咖啡因和茶多酚的得率、提取率和纯度最高。1%氧化钙水溶液单纯提取咖啡因的得率、提取率和纯度较高。增加萃取次数和萃取溶剂量可提高咖啡因和茶多酚的得率,对产品纯度没有影响。  相似文献   

内源性阿片肽在快速点燃模型的发生和发展过程中的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本实验采用快速点燃大鼠模型,分析了在点燃后不同时间内大鼠大脑皮层、海马和小脑内脑啡肽、强啡肽含量的变化规律,以探讨内源性阿片肽在快速点燃的发生和发展过程中的作用。结果:点燃后即刻,大鼠大脑皮层,海马及小脑内脑啡肽含量明显升高,至第7d回到对照水平;点燃后即刻大鼠大脑皮层内强啡肽含量明显升高,2d后回至对照水平,但至点燃后第7d再次升高;与大脑皮层不同,海马及小脑内强啡肽含量在点燃即刻有显著下降,点燃后2d海马内强啡肽含量开始回升,至第7d已明显高于点燃即刻水平,但仍低于对照水平;而小脑内强啡肽含量至点燃后7d回升至即刻水平。上述结果提示:脑内脑啡肽的变化与快速点燃的发生有关,而强啡肽则可能参与了点燃的发生和发展过程,且在不同时间不同脑区强啡肽的作用可能不同  相似文献   

目的探究内侧杏仁核(Me A)脑区中催产素(OT)对布氏田鼠Lasiopodomys brandtii社会行为的影响。方法在雄性布氏田鼠Me A区注射催产素受体拮抗剂后,采用社会识别实验、中央竞技场实验确定Me A区催产素受体的变化对其社会行为的影响。结果社会识别实验发现在Me A区注射人工脑脊液的布氏田鼠(对照组)对陌生鼠的探索时间显著长于探索熟悉鼠(0.001P0.01),而在Me A区注射催产素受体拮抗剂(实验组)对熟悉鼠和陌生鼠探索时间的差异无统计学意义(P0.05),实验组对空笼、刺激鼠以及陌生鼠的探索时间都显著少于对照组(0.01P0.05);中央竞技场实验中实验组的攻击潜伏期和攻击时长与对照组的差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论 Me A区中OT对布氏田鼠的社会记忆能力有影响,从而造成其社会识别障碍,但是对其社会性偏好和攻击行为都没有影响,说明OT在Me A区的表达是通过影响布氏田鼠的社会记忆进而影响其社会行为,而非改变布氏田鼠的亲社会性。  相似文献   

Effect of Caffeine on DNA Synthesis in Mammalian Cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Alkaline sucrose sedimentation studies of DNA from mouse lymphoma cells (L5178Y) treated with caffeine have demonstrated the following effects. Caffeine (at a concentration of 1.6 mM) does not introduce strand breaks into preformed DNA nor does it inhibit the rejoining of γ-ray-induced strand breaks. Although it does not affect the over-all rate of DNA synthesis, pulse labeling experiments show that the DNA strands synthesized in its presence are smaller than those made in its absence. This could be the result of (a) DNA being made in shorter replicating units or (b) small gaps in the daughter DNA strands within normal-sized replicating units. These two alternative models were indirectly distinguished as follows. After a pulse label with thymidine-3H in the presence of caffeine, cells were incubated without caffeine in bromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd). During this incubation, growing strands are elongated and hypothetical gaps (model b) filled in with bromuracil (BrUra)-substituted DNA. The BrUra-containing DNA segments will now be of different lengths on the two models. With smaller replicating units (a) the “elongation segments” will be somewhat smaller than but the same order of magnitude as those in untreated cells, whereas with small gaps (b) the “filled-in gap segments” would be expected to be at least an order of magnitude smaller. The BrUra-containing regions of DNA can be selectively broken open by exposing the cells to light at 313 nm. The exposure required to break open the BUra-substituted regions is inversely related to, and hence gives a measure of, the size of these regions. In caffeine-treated cells these regions were found to be somewhat smaller than but of comparable size with those in untreated cells; this is consistent with the DNA being synthesized in smaller units and argues against the presence of small gaps in the daughter strands.  相似文献   

目的:探究咖啡因对阿尔茨海默病(AD)的预防作用。方法:乙醇提取茶叶中咖啡因;颈部皮下注射5%D-半乳糖生理盐水溶液,建立小鼠衰老模型;随机分为实验组(高、低剂量咖啡因)、阳性对照组、阴性对照组;另设正常对照组,连续给药4周。检测超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)以及丙二醛(MDA)的水平,取鼠脑海马组织以western blotting检测脑源性神经营养因子(BDNF)和胞外信号调节激酶(p-ERK1/2)表达量,同时制作病理切片,行HE染色。结果:Western blot检测脑海马组织BDNF和p-ERK1/2的表达,阴性对照组的BDNF表达水平明显低于正常组、低剂量组和阳性对照组(P0.01);注射D-半乳糖的各组小鼠p-ERK1/2的表达明显低于正常组,阴性对照组与正常组比较,差异显著(P0.05)。模型组SOD活力明显低于正常对照组、高、低剂量咖啡因组和阳性对照组(P0.01),但MDA含量则相反。结论:咖啡因能提高衰老模型小鼠SOD活力,促进BDNF和p-ERK1/2的表达,延缓衰老进程,对阿尔茨海默病(AD)有预防作用。  相似文献   

Effect of Caffeine on Postreplication Repair in Human Cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
DNA synthesized shortly after ultraviolet (UV) irradiation of human cells is made in segments that are smaller than normal, but at long times after irradiation the segments made are normal in size. Upon incubation, both the shorter and the normal segments are elongated and joined by the insertion of exogenous nucleotides to form high molecular weight DNA as in nonirradiated cells. These processes occur in normal human cells, where UV-induced pyrimidine dimers are excised, as well as in xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) cells, where dimers are not excised. The effect of caffeine on these processes was determined for both normal human and XP cells. Caffeine, which binds to denatured regions of DNA, inhibited DNA chain elongation and joining in irradiated XP cells but not in irradiated normal human or nonirradiated cells. Caffeine also caused an alteration in the ability to recover synthesis of DNA of normal size at long times after irradiation in XP cells but not in normal cells.  相似文献   

The perceived emotional value of stimuli and, as a consequence the subjective emotional experience with them, can be affected by context-dependent styles of processing. Therefore, the investigation of the neural correlates of emotional experience requires accounting for such a variable, a matter of an experimental challenge. Closing the eyes affects the style of attending to auditory stimuli by modifying the perceptual relationship with the environment without changing the stimulus itself. In the current study, we used fMRI to characterize the neural mediators of such modification on the experience of emotionality in music. We assumed that closed eyes position will reveal interplay between different levels of neural processing of emotions. More specifically, we focused on the amygdala as a central node of the limbic system and on its co-activation with the Locus Ceruleus (LC) and Ventral Prefrontal Cortex (VPFC); regions involved in processing of, respectively, ‘low’, visceral-, and ‘high’, cognitive-related, values of emotional stimuli. Fifteen healthy subjects listened to negative and neutral music excerpts with eyes closed or open. As expected, behavioral results showed that closing the eyes while listening to emotional music resulted in enhanced rating of emotionality, specifically of negative music. In correspondence, fMRI results showed greater activation in the amygdala when subjects listened to the emotional music with eyes closed relative to eyes open. More so, by using voxel-based correlation and a dynamic causal model analyses we demonstrated that increased amygdala activation to negative music with eyes closed led to increased activations in the LC and VPFC. This finding supports a system-based model of perceived emotionality in which the amygdala has a central role in mediating the effect of context-based processing style by recruiting neural operations involved in both visceral (i.e. ‘low’) and cognitive (i.e. ‘high’) related processes of emotions.  相似文献   

咖啡碱是茶树的主要生物碱和特征性物质之一,通过滤纸片法、生长速率法、饲喂称重法对咖啡碱抑菌、抗虫作用的研究,发现咖啡碱对供试细菌和真菌有一定的抑菌能力,对棉铃虫和菜粉蝶、家蚕幼虫具有毒害和抑制生长的影响。咖啡碱作为茶树的次生代谢产物具有抗病抗虫的的生物学功能。  相似文献   

The most prominent brain region evaluating the significance of external stimuli immediately after their onset is the amygdala. Stimuli evaluated as being stressful actuate a number of physiological processes as an immediate stress response. Variation in the serotonin transporter gene has been associated with increased anxiety- and depression-like behavior, altered stress reactivity and adaptation, and pathophysiology of stress-related disorders. In this study the instant reactions to an acute stressor were measured in a serotonin transporter knockout mouse model. Mice lacking the serotonin transporter were verified to be more anxious than their wild-type conspecifics. Genome-wide gene expression changes in the amygdala were measured after the mice were subjected to control condition or to an acute stressor of one minute exposure to water. The dissection of amygdalae and stabilization of RNA was conducted within nine minutes after the onset of the stressor. This extremely short protocol allowed for analysis of first wave primary response genes, typically induced within five to ten minutes of stimulation, and was performed using Affymetrix GeneChip Mouse Gene 1.0 ST Arrays. RNA profiling revealed a largely new set of differentially expressed primary response genes between the conditions acute stress and control that differed distinctly between wild-type and knockout mice. Consequently, functional categorization and pathway analysis indicated genes related to neuroplasticity and adaptation in wild-types whereas knockouts were characterized by impaired plasticity and genes more related to chronic stress and pathophysiology. Our study therefore disclosed different coping styles dependent on serotonin transporter genotype even directly after the onset of stress and accentuates the role of the serotonergic system in processing stressors and threat in the amygdala. Moreover, several of the first wave primary response genes that we found might provide promising targets for future therapeutic interventions of stress-related disorders also in humans.  相似文献   

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