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The plasmid of Salmonella typhimurium LT2   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Summary Methods of clonal analysis were applied to the study of heterogeneity of the progeny after crosses of 4 donor strains (Hfr H, Hfr C, KL 16 and KL 99) with 3 recipient strains (PC 0212, AB 712 and ECK 022). Three markers were used in each cross. The distal one was the selective marker. The inheritance of two additional proximal markers characterized the heterogeneity of clones originating from particular zygotes. In most crosses the percentage of heterogeneity exceeded 30. One of the recipient strains, obtained by conjugation of the conventional strain PC 0212 with the donor Hfr H revealed unusual properties in respect to heterogeneity. Exconjugants derived from this recipient (ECK 022) and donor Hfr H and Hfr C had a heterogeneity index of about 5%. It is shown that this unusual behavior reflects a very fast process of segregation of recombinants.In crosses with the donors KL 16 and KL 99 the same recipient revealed normal indices of heterogeneity. All these data are explained assuming that there exists a specific genetic marker which determines the process of decay of merozygotes. Tentatively it is called het. Its approximate localization was deduced from specifically designed experiments, in which the heterogeneity of the progeny was found very different, when the donor KL 16 transmitted different parts of its chromosome to the recipient ECK 022.  相似文献   

Salmonella typhimurium LT2 excreted under certain conditions an antibiotic substance designated typhimuricin. It is suggested that the LT2 “cryptic” plasmid is involved in its production and in the immunity to it. Preliminary characterization of typhimuricin is presented.  相似文献   

Isolation from Salmonella typhimurium of mutants unable to reduce benzyl viologen under anaerobic conditions has allowed the study of the factors involved in the multienzymic formate hydrogenylase system. 1. Depending on the affected activities, different classes of mutants were found: FHL-A mutants have lost formate dehydrogenase 1 and formate dehydrogenase 2 activities; mutations in fdhA (117 min) or fdhB (33 min) lead to such a phenotype. FHL-B and FHL-C mutants have lost formate dehydrogenase 2 activity and part or all of hydrogenase activity, respectively; both types correspond to mutations in the hyd gene (approximately 90 min). FHL-D mutants have lost only formate dehydrogenase 2 activity; fhlD gene maps at 120 min. 2. In some cases, mixtures of extracts from two mutants display formate dehydrogenase 2 and formate hydrogenylase activities. Restoration studies suggest the existence of one factor sensitive to growth conditions and inactivated by oxygen or heating. This factor which is present and active in FHL-C mutants, is probably the one missing in FHL-D mutants. 3. A new scheme for the formate hydrogenylase system is proposed, in which hydrogenase transfers electrons directly to benzyl viologen.  相似文献   

Regulation of the Salmonella typhimurium metJ gene was examined by measuring beta-galactosidase activity in Escherichia coli strains lysogenic for a phage carrying a metJ-lacZ gene fusion. The results indicated that the metJ gene is regulated by its own gene product and by methionine supplementation to the growth medium. This autoregulatory mechanism involved two tandem promoters, pJ1 and pJ2, separated by approximately 65 base pairs. Deletion analysis permitted the assessment of the activity of promoters pJ1 and pJ2 individually. Promoter Pj1 was negatively regulated by the metJ gene product and by methionine. Although Pj2 regulation remained unclear, evidence is presented which suggests that it is not negatively regulated like pJ1.  相似文献   

The umuDC operon of Escherichia coli encodes functions required for mutagenesis induced by radiation and a wide variety of chemicals. The closely related organism Salmonella typhimurium is markedly less mutable than E. coli, but a umu homolog has recently been identified and cloned from the LT2 subline. In this study the nucleotide sequence and structure of the S. typhimurium LT2 umu operon have been determined and its gene products have been identified so that the molecular basis of umu activity might be understood more fully. S. typhimurium LT2 umu consists of a smaller 417-base-pair (bp) umuD gene ending 2 bp upstream of a larger 1,266-bp umuC gene. The only apparent structural difference between the two operons is the lack of gene overlap. An SOS box identical to that found in E. coli is present in the promoter region upstream of umuD. The calculated molecular masses of the umuD and umuC gene products were 15.3 and 47.8 kilodaltons, respectively, which agree with figures determined by transpositional disruption and maxicell analysis. The S. typhimurium and E. coli umuD sequences were 68% homologous and encoded products with 71% amino acid identity; the umuC sequences were 71% homologous and encoded products with 83% amino acid identity. Furthermore, the potential UmuD cleavage site and associated catalytic sites could be identified. Thus the very different mutagenic responses of S. typhimurium LT2 and E. coli cannot be accounted for by gross differences in operon structure or gene products. Rather, the ability of the cloned S. typhimurium umuD gene to give stronger complementation of E. coli umuD77 mutants in the absence of a functional umuC gene suggests that Salmonella UmuC protein normally constrains UmuD protein activity.  相似文献   

A new type of heme-deficient mutant of Salmonella typhimurium LT2 was isolated using neomycin. The mutant, designated as strain SASY74, accumulated uroporphyrin I and coproporphyrin I. Extracts of the mutant converted 5-aminolevulinic acid to uroporphyrin I. Extracts of the mutant SASY74 and of the uroporphyrinogen synthase-deficient mutant SASY32 complemented each other and converted, when incubated together, 5-aminolevulinic acid to protoporphyrin. This finding excludes the possibility that uroporphyrinogen I synthase in strain SASY74 is deficient in its cosynthase-binding ability. Hence, the most probable explanation for the accumulation of uroporphyrin I and coproporphyrin I by the mutant is the lack of the uroporphyrinogen III cosynthase activity. This mutant is the first isolated in bacteria with such deficiency, and the mutation is analogous, as far as porphyrin synthesis is concerned, to human congenital porphyria. Mapping of the corresponding gene (hemD) by conjugation and P22-mediated transduction suggests the following gene order on the chromosome: ilv....hemC, hemD, cya....metE. The hemC and hemD genes are probably adjacent; this is the first case in which two hem genes of Enterobacteriaceae are contiguous on the chromosomal map.  相似文献   

Effects on translation in vivo by modification deficiencies for 2-methylthio-N6-isopentenyladenosine (ms2i6A) (Escherichia coli) or 2-methylthio-N6-(4-hydroxyisopentenyl)adenosine (ms2io6A) (Salmonella typhimurium) in tRNA were studied in mutant strains. These hypermodified nucleosides are present on the 3' side of the anticodon (position 37) in tRNA reading codons starting with uridine. In E. coli, translational error caused by tRNA was strongly reduced in the case of third-position misreading of a tryptophan codon (UGG) in a particular codon context but was not affected in the case of first-position misreading of an arginine codon (CGU) in another codon context. Misreading of UGA nonsense codons at two different positions was codon context dependent. The efficiencies of some tRNA nonsense suppressors were decreased in a tRNA-dependent manner. Suppressor tRNA which lacks ms2i6A-ms2io6A becomes more sensitive to codon context. Our results therefore indicate that, besides improving translational efficiency, ms2i6A37 and ms2io6A37 modifications in tRNA are also involved in decreasing the intrinsic codon reading context sensitivity of tRNA. Possible consequences for regulation of gene expression are discussed.  相似文献   

The imp operon is carried on a transmissible plasmid, ColIa, in original isolates of Salmonella typhimurium LT7. LT2 strain recipients of F' factors from LT7 strains harboring ColIa can acquire ColIa and imp under nonselective conditions. Thus, S. typhimurium LT2 strains that have received plasmids by conjugal transfer from LT7 strains might be inadvertently harboring ColI factors.  相似文献   

A BlnI restriction map of the Salmonella typhimurium LT2 genome.   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
BlnI or AvrII (5'-CCTAGG) sites are very rare in the Salmonella typhimurium LT2 genome. BlnI was used to construct a physical map which was correlated with the genetic map by using three methods. First, Tn10 carries BlnI sites, and the extra restriction sites produced by 34 genetically mapped Tn10 insertions were physically mapped by using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. Second, six genetically mapped Mud-P22 prophage insertions were used to assign BlnI fragments. Integration of Mud-P22 introduces 30 kb of DNA that can easily be detected by a "shift up" in all but the largest BlnI fragments. Finally, induced Mud-P22 insertions package more than 100 kb of genomic DNA adjacent to one side of the insertion. Some of the smaller BlnI fragments were localized by hybridization to a dot blot array of 52 lysates from induced Mud-P22 insertions. Of the 10 BlnI sites mapped, 6 probably occur in or near the 16S rRNA genes at about 55, 71, 83, 86, 88.5, and 89.5 min. There is one BlnI site in the 90-kb pSLT plasmid. Two additional BlnI fragments of about 7 and 4 kb have not been localized. The size of the genome was estimated as 4.78 Mb (+/- 0.1 Mb) excluding pSLT but including prophages Fels-1 and Fels-2. One BlnI fragment that maps between 55 and 59 min showed a 40-kb reduction in size in a strain cured of the approximately 40-kb Fels-2 prophage.  相似文献   

Characterization of type 1 pili of Salmonella typhimurium LT2.   总被引:20,自引:8,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
Type 1 pili from Salmonella typhimurium LT2 were purified and characterized. The pilus filaments were 6 nm in diameter and over 1 microns long. Estimated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, the molecular weight of the pilin was 21,000. The isoelectric point of the filament was 4.1. Hydrophobic amino acids comprised 40.3% of the total amino acids of the pilin, which contained more proline, serine, and lysine than reported for the type 1 pilin of Escherichia coli. Purified pili agglutinated both horse and chicken erythrocytes and yeast cells but not bovine, sheep, or human erythrocytes. Horse erythrocyte agglutination was inhibited at lower concentrations by alpha-methyl-D-mannoside than by yeast mannane and D-fructose. Agglutination was not affected by D-galactose or sucrose. Results of the present study confirm the role of type 1 pili as Salmonella hemagglutinins and show chemical differences between the type 1 pili of S. typhimurium and E. coli.  相似文献   

Uptake and catabolism of D-xylose in Salmonella typhimurium LT2.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
Salmonella typhimurium LT2 grows on D-xylose as sole carbon source with a generation time of 105 to 110 min. The following activities are induced at the indicated time after the addition of the inducer, D-xylose: D-xylulokinase (5 min), D-xylose isomerase (7 to 8 min), and D-xylose transport (10 min). All other pentoses and pentitols tested failed to induce isomerase or kinase. Synthesis of D-xylose isomerase was subject to catabolite repression, which was reversed by the addition of cyclic adenosine monophosphate. Most of the radioactive counts from D-[14C]xylose were initially accumulated in the cell in the form of D-xylose or D-xylulose. D-Xylose uptake in a mutant which was deficient in D-xylose isomerase was equal to that of the wild type. The apparent Km for D-xylose uptake was 0.41 mM. Some L-arabinose was accumulated in D-xylose-induced cells, and some D-xylose was accumulated in L-arabinose-induced cells. D-Xylitol and L-arabinose competed against C-xylose uptake, but D-arabinose, D-lyxose, and L-lyxose did not. Osmotic shock reduced the uptake of D-xylose by about 50%; by equilibrium dialysis, a D-xylose-binding protein was detected in the supernatant fluid after spheroplasts were formed from D-xylose-induced cells.  相似文献   

Identification of a umuDC locus in Salmonella typhimurium LT2.   总被引:9,自引:8,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The umuDC operon of Escherichia coli is required for efficient mutagenesis by UV light and many other DNA-damaging agents. The existence of a umuDC analog in Salmonella typhimurium has been questioned. With DNA probes to the E. coli umuD and umuC genes, we detected, by Southern blot hybridization, sequences similar to both of these genes in S. typhimurium LT2. We also confirmed that the presence of cloned E. coli umuD enhances the UV mutability and resistance of S. typhimurium. Our data strongly suggest that S. typhimurium contains a functional umuDC operon.  相似文献   

The anthranilate-5-phosphoribosylpyrophosphate phosphoribosyltransferases (PRT), coded by the second structural gene (trpB) of the tryptophan (trp) operon in strains LT2 and LT7 of Salmonella typhimurium, differ from each other in a number of parameters. These include the apparent Km values for their substrates anthranilic acid and 5-phosphoribosylpyrophosphate, thermostability, sensitivity to substrate inhibition by anthranilic acid, as well as end-product inhibition by tryptophan and specific activity. The PRT of strain LT7 further differs from that of strain LT2 in that its apparent Km for 5-phosphoribosylpyrophosphate is three to seven times higher when associated with anthranilate synthase in the enzyme complex which catalyses the first two steps of tryptophan biosynthesis than in its free uncomplexed form, which the PRT of strain LT2 shows the same apparent Km for this substrate in both its free and complexed forms. These results confirm and extend the finding of Stuttard (1975) that strains LT2 and LT7 differ genetically form each other at a single site within region II of the trpB gene.  相似文献   

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