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2020年是中国动物学会兽类学分会成立和《兽类学报》创刊40周年。近40年来中国兽类学在各个领域都有了健康快速地发展,特别是分类学与区系演化、种群生态学、生理生态学、行为生态学、保护生态学、保护遗传学、分子进化、栖息地评估等领域。本期有11篇论文,分别对我国这些领域的发展进行了总结,并对未来的发展提出了展望。野生哺乳动物疫病及其传播规律、兽类在生态系统中的地位和作用、保护生理学、保护宏基因组学等是需要加强发展的领域。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The islands of the Caribbean contain habitat of critical importance to a large number of endemic and resident birds, as well as many overwintering Neotropical migrants, and they rank as a globally outstanding conservation priority ecoregion and biodiversity hotspot. Considerable research from the region has focused on the ecology of permanent resident species, and these studies have had particular significance for threatened species management, especially parrot biology and conservation, but also for tropical community ecology in general. Work by ornithologists in the Caribbean has been instrumental in improving our understanding of the ecology of overwintering Neotropical migrants and in developing long‐term monitoring programs. Although Caribbean‐based studies of birds have resulted in significant contributions in many important areas of ecological research, there is a great need for additional research. Especially needed are studies with application to the management of resident species, and studies of how bird populations may be affected by pathogens, parasites, plants, and other types of biotic interactions. Studies focusing on how bird species and populations are affected by global climate change, and cumulative, landscape‐level changes in land use are also needed. Along with additional research, scientists have an important role to play in building capacity to prepare the next generation of biologists in the region who will need to address mounting challenges related to biodiversity protection. As with many conservation efforts, funding is a critical need for almost all organizations and agencies involved in research, conservation action, and capacity building in the West Indies.  相似文献   

张德兴 《生物多样性》2015,23(5):559-31
分子生态学是多学科交叉的整合性研究领域, 是运用进化生物学理论解决宏观生物学问题的科学。经过半个多世纪的发展, 本学科已日趋成熟, 它不仅已经广泛渗透到宏观生物学的众多学科领域, 而且已经成为连接和融合很多不同学科的桥梁, 是目前最具活力的研究领域之一。其研究的范畴, 从最基础的理论和方法技术, 到格局和模式的发现和描述, 到对过程和机制的深入探讨, 再到付诸于实践的行动和规划指导等各个层次。分子生态学的兴起给宏观生物学带来了若干飞跃性的变化, 使宏观生物学由传统的以观察、测量和推理为主的描述性研究转变为以从生物和种群的遗传构成的变化和历史演化背景上检验、证明科学假设及揭示机制和规律为主的机制性/解释性研究, 因而使得对具有普遍意义的科学规律、生态和进化过程及机制的探索成为可能。分子生态学已经进入组学研究时代, 这使得阐明复杂生态过程、生物地理过程和适应性演化过程的机制性研究由原来难以企及的梦想变成完全可以实现的探求; 它也带来了全新的挑战, 其中最有深远影响的将是对分子生态学研究至关重要的进化生物学基础理论方面的突破, 例如遗传变异理论、种群分化理论、表观遗传因素的作用, 乃至进化生物学的基本知识构架等等。这些方面的进展必将使宏观生物学迎来一场空前的革命, 并对生态学的所有分支学科产生重大影响, 甚至催生诸如生态表观组学这样的新分支学科。对于中国科学家来说, 分子生态学组学时代的开启, 更是一个千载难逢的机遇, 为提出和建立生命科学的新方法、新假说、新思想和新理论提供了莫大的探索空间——此前我们对宏观生物学方法、理论和思想的发展贡献很小。然而, 限制组学时代重大突破的关键因素是理论、概念、理念、实验方法或分析方法方面的创新和突破, 这正是我国分子生态学研究最薄弱的环节。我国教育部门应尽快调整生命科学本科生培养的理念和方法, 以培养具备突出创新潜力的年轻一代后备人才; 同时, 科研项目资助部门和研究人员不仅应清醒地认识本学科领域的发展态势, 更要及时调整思路, 树立新的项目管理理念和治学 理念。  相似文献   

红外相机技术在我国野生动物研究与保护中的应用与前景   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
20年来, 红外相机技术在国内外野生动物研究、监测与保护中得到了广泛应用。基于红外相机技术, 我国在野生动物生态学研究、动物行为学研究、稀有物种的探测与记录、动物本底资源调查、生物多样性监测及保护地管理与保护评价等领域取得了众多成果。目前, 数学模型、统计分析方法和新的概念正在促进红外相机技术在野生动物监测研究与保护管理中的发展和推广应用。同时, 随着红外相机技术的成熟、成本降低和应用普及, 这一技术也将会被更多的野生动物研究人员、管理人员和自然保护区管理者所采用, 并成为全国各级保护地和区域生物多样性监测研究的关键技术和方法。今后, 建立并完善系统化的监测网络和数据共享平台、开发新一代的数据分析方法与模型, 将是此项技术进一步发展和应用的主要方向。  相似文献   

王炜晔  翟大业  刘金龙 《生态学报》2024,44(13):5459-5475
保护科学前沿研究重视克服单一学科的局限而向超越自然科学和社会科学跨学科交叉融合转型。基于世界自然保护联盟-世界保护区委员会(IUCN-WCPA)自然保护地管理有效性框架,从规划制定、执行和评估三个方面系统梳理了我国保护科学的研究进展,分析了保护自然科学和社会科学在研究内容、方法和视角等方面的差异,识别出潜在的跨学科综合研究领域。结果表明,我国保护自然科学与社会科学研究大多相互独立、缺乏融合协作,少有的跨学科研究在整体性、系统性、兼容性、深入性和规范性上有待提高。自然科学家在介入社会科学研究时缺乏对现实制度的科学理解,所提出的保护政策和行动建议偏向理想主义,阻碍保护科学跨学科知识生产;社会科学家则缺乏自然科学方法和数据的知识积累,所提出的政策和行动建议脱离事实和证据,偏向主观主义,不利于保护科学知识进步。为此,构建了基于自然保护地适应性管理逻辑下的保护科学跨学科整合框架,以推动保护科学共同话语的形成,实现社会与生态的耦合协调发展。  相似文献   

中国园林生态学发展综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
于艺婧  马锦义  袁韵珏 《生态学报》2013,33(9):2665-2675
运用文献计量等方法对已有科研成果进行统计分析,结果表明:中国近50年园林生态学科领域科研发展经过了起步探索(1962-1981)、缓慢发展(1982-2001)、快速发展(2002-2011)3个时期,园林生态学作为生态学一个新的分支学科,于20世纪90年代末初见端倪,作为一门新兴独立的应用生态学分支学科于21世纪初已基本形成.中国园林生态学领域的研究包括园林生态系统中生物与环境相互作用关系问题、人与环境相互作用关系问题以及园林生态系统与其他生态系统之间相互作用关系问题.当代园林生态研究主要有生态效益研究、生物与环境研究、人的需求与行为研究、生态规划与生态管理研究4个方面,目前园林生态学研究主要侧重生物与环境研究和生态效益研究,两方面的研究成果占总体研究成果的76.3%.不同研究方面也有各自的侧重点,如生物与环境研究侧重对植物的研究,生态效益研究侧重净化环境、水土保持和防灾减灾,生态规划与生态管理研究则侧重生态规划与设计.对四个研究方面的论文主题词检索和高频主题关键词的分布进行统计,结果显示,研究的热点有多样性、群落、水土保持、防灾避险、净化环境、生态规划与设计等.对CNKI中4个研究方面成果中获基金资助项目论文进行统计(不排重),总体成果中基金项目论文所占比重为10.8%,国家和地方基金是园林生态学科研基金资助的主要来源,基金论文比例之和达到85.4%,且国家和地方基金资助论文较多的是“生态与环境研究”和“生态效益研究”,合计占基金论文79.1%.SCI-E中收录的文献基金论文率为47.1%,是CNKI数据库收录的文献基金论文率的4.3倍,且国际基金是基金论文的主要资助来源之一,说明中国园林生态学领域部分科研成果得到国际学界关注.基于CNKI相关主题词统计,“园林生态学”的研究成果只有“景观生态学”的1%,“城市生态学”的8.3%,“园林生态学”学科系统理论研究在相关生态学科研究中所占比重很低,其理论和方法研究还较薄弱.今后在进一步完善学科理论体系、持续开展生态效益和园林植物研究的同时,为更好地研究和解决人-自然复合生态系统问题,提供更多的科学理论支撑,还需拓展交叉生态心理学或环境心理学等其他相关理论,更多地关注人与环境互相作用关系以及生态规划与生态管理等方面的研究,既使环境更好地满足人的行为需求,也使人认识到改变一些行为能更好地保护环境.  相似文献   

Abstract Cities have a major impact on Australian landscapes, especially in coastal regions, to the detriment of native biodiversity. Areas suitable for urban development often coincide with those areas that support high levels of species diversity and endemism. However, there is a paucity of reliable information available to guide urban conservation planning and management, especially regarding the trade‐off between investing in protecting and restoring habitat at the landscape level, and investing in programmes to maintain the condition of remnant vegetation at the local (site) level. We review the literature on Australian urban ecology, focusing on urban terrestrial and aquatic vertebrate and invertebrate fauna. We identify four main factors limiting our knowledge of urban fauna: (i) a lack of studies focusing at multiple ecological levels; (ii) a lack of multispecies studies; (iii) an almost total absence of long‐term (temporal) studies; and (iv) a need for stronger integration of research outcomes into urban conservation planning and management. We present a set of key principles for the development of a spatially explicit, long‐term approach to urban fauna research. This requires an understanding of the importance of local‐level habitat quality and condition relative to the composition, configuration and connectivity of habitats within the larger urban landscape. These principles will ultimately strengthen urban fauna management and conservation planning by enabling us to prioritize and allocate limited financial resources to maximize the conservation return.  相似文献   

区域生态安全格局构建作为景观生态学的研究热点之一,为区域可持续发展和国土生态屏障建设提供了重要途径,尤其对于灾害频发、生态脆弱的滇中地区,其能够有效规避自然灾害、促进区域生态系统和社会经济系统协调发展.本文以玉溪市为例,针对区域生态环境基底特征,选取水源涵养、固碳释氧、土壤保持和生物多样性等生态系统服务评估自然生境重要性,综合考虑单一类型生态系统服务质量和多功能性识别生态源地;并采用地质灾害敏感性修正基于地类赋值的基本阻力面,运用最小累积阻力模型识别生态廊道,从而构建玉溪市生态安全格局.结果表明: 玉溪市生态源地斑块数量为81个,占玉溪市土地总面积的38.4%,与各级自然保护区重合率达75.2%,主要分布在市域西部的山林地和东部的湖泊湿地区域;玉溪市生态廊道总长度1642.04 km,呈“一横三纵”的空间分布格局,沿河谷、断陷盆地等植被覆盖较好的区域延伸.本文针对滇中山地生态脆弱区地质灾害频发特征,构建山地生态安全格局,对于区域山地开发与生态保护能够提供决策指引.  相似文献   

To truly understand the current status of tropical diversity and to forecast future trends, we need to increase emphasis on the study of biodiversity in rural landscapes that are actively managed or modified by people. We present an integrated landscape approach to promote research in human-modified landscapes that includes the effects of landscape structure and dynamics on conservation of biodiversity, provision of ecosystem services, and sustainability of rural livelihoods. We propose research priorities encompassing three major areas: biodiversity, human–environment interactions, and restoration ecology. We highlight key areas where we lack knowledge and where additional understanding is most urgent for promoting conservation and sustaining rural livelihoods. Finally, we recommend participatory and multidisciplinary approaches in research and management. Lasting conservation efforts demand new alliances among conservation biologists, agroecologists, agronomists, farmers, indigenous peoples, rural social movements, foresters, social scientists, and land managers to collaborate in research, co-design conservation programs and policies, and manage human-modified landscapes in ways that enhance biodiversity conservation and promote sustainable livelihoods.  相似文献   

An official organization responsible for ecological research and nature conservation was formed in 1949. This paper traces its development and vicissitudes, first as an independent Nature Conservancy, then as a part of the Natural Environment Research Council, and finally as the Nature Conservancy Council. Much has been achieved: ecology is now a household word; there is a strong voluntary tide for nature conservation in the country; and there have been notable achievements in practical conservation. But the dangers to nature in Britain have proved to be much greater than anticipated.  相似文献   

M.G. KELSEY 《Ibis》1992,134(S1):109-112
Most research on the behaviour and ecology of wintering migrants has been undertaken in the Neotropics. In Africa, conservation biologists are faced with a comparative paucity of baseline data to assess the significance of environmental change, in contrast to the comparatively well-developed monitoring programmes in place on the breeding grounds. A programme of monitoring, established through international collaboration and matched with further ecological research, is required. Given the 'dispersed' distribution of most passerine migrants, determination of the significance of apparent detrimental effects can be hard to ascertain. However, migrants may provide conservationists with an effective vehicle for the provision of input into region-wide development policy. It is only through influencing regional development policies within the continent that large-scale and long-term conservation of important bird habitats will be achieved.  相似文献   

分子生态学研究与运行多样性保护   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
分子生态学的发展揭开了生物多样性保护研究的新篇章,分子技术的应用克服了传统生态学法中的一些难题,如野外调查周期长,分辨率有限,实验条件不易控制等,应用各种分子标记(如:RFLP,VNTR,RAPD,DNA测序等)可以分析种群地理格局和异质种群动态,确定种群间的基因流,研究瓶颈效应对种群的影响以及确定个体间的亲缘关系等等,所有这些研究都是指导物种保护和淑危种群的恢复所必要的,种或品系特异性的分子标记技术能够解决形态分类中的模糊现象,确定基于遗传物质的谱系关系,还可以用来分析近缘种间杂交问题,这些问题的解决有助于确定物种优先保护顺序,选择保护地工,近年来引起重视的主要组织人性复合体(MHC)NDA异分析可能会在研究种群对疾病的易感性第一系列种群特异性问题方面非常有用,随着分子技术的不断发展,会有更多的保护生物学问题得到解决,尤其是结合野外调查统计数据应用多个分子标记对目标种群进行研究,所得到的结果会更精确,更有说服力。  相似文献   

The diversity of life is ultimately generated by evolution, and much attention has focused on the rapid evolution of ecological traits. Yet, the tendency for many ecological traits to instead remain similar over time [niche conservatism (NC)] has many consequences for the fundamental patterns and processes studied in ecology and conservation biology. Here, we describe the mounting evidence for the importance of NC to major topics in ecology (e.g. species richness, ecosystem function) and conservation (e.g. climate change, invasive species). We also review other areas where it may be important but has generally been overlooked, in both ecology (e.g. food webs, disease ecology, mutualistic interactions) and conservation (e.g. habitat modification). We summarize methods for testing for NC, and suggest that a commonly used and advocated method (involving a test for phylogenetic signal) is potentially problematic, and describe alternative approaches. We suggest that considering NC: (1) focuses attention on the within‐species processes that cause traits to be conserved over time, (2) emphasizes connections between questions and research areas that are not obviously related (e.g. invasives, global warming, tropical richness), and (3) suggests new areas for research (e.g. why are some clades largely nocturnal? why do related species share diseases?).  相似文献   

作为传统的交叉学科,化学生态学在解决农林生产和人类健康的问题中逐步成为内涵越来越丰富的学科领域;同时,技术进步极大推动着化学生态学的发展,使得我们对于生物之间化学通讯规律的认识更加深入和全面。本“昆虫化学生态学”专辑论文全面反映了我国昆虫化学生态学研究的特色,即以农林生产应用为导向,传统和现代技术并用,研究水平逐步和国际同步。在组学的技术背景下,坚持交叉学科特色,加强合作,化学生态学研究在粮食安全、生态保护、应对全球气候变化等方面会发挥更大作用。  相似文献   

Land snails are an important yet often neglected component of Australia's biological diversity. Despite high levels of diversity within this group and the identification of many narrow range endemic species as being of conservation concern, there have been few detailed studies that document the ecology and conservation requirements of the group. A range of threats has been suggested, yet relatively few have been rigorously assessed. Whilst factors such as land clearing are readily apparent and have resulted in extinctions, other threats such as climate change are not well understood. This paper reviews studies conducted on terrestrial molluscs in Australia and highlights the need for further targeted ecological research, given the likely level of on-going threats. We urge researchers to apply rigorous approaches to data collection that will enable a deeper understanding of the factors governing distribution and abundance. Approaches used in other areas of conservation biology offer considerable scope for application to land snails and for the development of appropriate conservation strategies.  相似文献   

景观结构和空间格局一直是景观生态学的核心问题,图论的应用为景观格局的分析提供了一种研究框架,基于图论的景观图逐渐被应用于生物多样性保护的连通性建模和景观规划的决策支持研究,景观图的表达、分析和应用已成为保护生物学和景观生态学研究的热点。本文首先介绍了景观图的图论基础,在Scopus数据库的基础上,检索了1993—2019年在标题、摘要和关键词中出现 “landscape graph”、“connectivity”和“network”词汇的257篇已发表的期刊论文。从年发文量、来源期刊、研究区域、研究机构、景观类型等方面分析了该领域的研究进展和发展趋势。分析发现,2017年之前,发表的期刊论文数量整体呈上升趋势,2017年之后年发文量逐年下降;主要研究力量集中在美国、西班牙、法国、加拿大和中国,发文量占到86.8%。大部分研究成果发表在“Landscape Ecology”、“Landscape and Urban Planning”和“Biological Conservation”期刊上。在研究内容上,景观图表达主要包括点的定义、边的度量和景观的模拟3方面,景观图分析研究包括分析指数、景观图划分两方面。我们重点关注了景观图在生物多样性保护、景观(生态网络)规划和管理、景观影响评价等科学与实践中的应用。基于图论的景观图通过帮助理解景观连通性变化、动物行为和栖息地保护,影响着保护科学和规划实践者。图论对保护科学和规划的影响来自于丰富的理论基础和成熟的研究方法,基于图论的景观图为景观结构和格局的生态学理解提供了跳板,并将继续成为全球研究人员和实践者的重要工具。  相似文献   

Abstract The ecology of Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis) and their main prey, snowshoe hares (Lepus americanus), is poorly understood in southern Canada and the contiguous United States compared to the boreal forest of Canada and Alaska, USA, where both species are well studied. However, given recent listing of lynx under the Endangered Species Act, accurate understanding of lynx and snowshoe hare ecology and conservation requirements in the United States is a high priority. We critically examined unchallenged perceptions and important research needs related to lynx and hare ecology and conservation at the southern extent of their range. Contrary to popular dogma, lynx do not require old-growth forest for denning, but further research on lynx and hare use of fragmented landscapes at lower latitudes is required. The contention that southern lynx are subject to higher interference or exploitative competition compared to their northern counterparts remains without strong empirical support. Lynx rely more on red squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) and possibly other alternate prey at lower latitudes, but hares are the predominant food type for lynx across their range. Southern lynx and hare populations do not exhibit periodic cyclicity, but harvest statistics suggest that lynx abundance in the southern range is highly variable, implying that numerical fluctuations likely are fueled by immigration from Canada. Southern lynx population viability in the absence of ingress is suspect and thus maintaining connectivity with northern areas of occupancy should be a priority. Successful conservation of lynx populations in the contiguous United States will require 1) improved understanding of lynx population and habitat ecology at lower latitudes, 2) protection and management of large tracts of lynx and snowshoe hare habitat, and 3) ensured connectivity between lynx populations at the core and periphery of the species' range. However, in light of the numerous challenges facing conservation of populations of many species at their southern distributional limit, the long-term prognosis for lynx in the southern range currently is uncertain.  相似文献   

  1. Semi-arid and arid landscapes (dry-lands) cover 41% of the Earth’s land surface over five continents. These areas are home to 55% of mammal species. Bats have the second highest species richness among mammals, and, although many species are adapted to arid conditions, they are particularly sensitive in these habitats and require conservation priority.
  2. Information on bats in arid and semi-arid landscapes is scattered, patchy and focused on small-scale studies; therefore, we undertook a systematic review using the PRISMA protocol to identify the current knowledge status, detect knowledge gaps and propose future research priorities.
  3. We analysed 346 published articles and evaluated 40 topics within five topic categories (taxa studied, methodologies used, biology, ecology and conservation). The most commonly studied topic categories were ecology and biology. However, we found a gap in the topic category conservation (including topics such as conservation status and roost conservation). Our network analysis of topics within the categories showed that most ecology papers were focused on distribution, species richness and habitat use.
  4. When we analysed keywords, we found that phylogeny, taxonomy and distribution demonstrated relatively high presence. Moreover, comparison of the percentage of studies conducted in dry-lands and the percentage of land surface area covered by dry-lands in the continents revealed that dry-lands in Africa and Australia were especially under-represented. Our review shows that knowledge of bats in semi-arid and arid landscapes is biased towards new records of the distribution of species, as well as covering systematic/taxonomic and morphological aspects of bat biology.
  5. We suggest that research on conservation measures and guidelines to protect the bat species found in semi-arid and arid landscapes should be prioritised, together with the sharing of knowledge with local practitioners and the development of citizen science programmes.

肠道微生物组被誉为动物的“第二套基因组”,与动物的个体发育、营养获取、生理功能、免疫调节等重要活动密切相关。非人灵长类在生态位、社会结构、地理分布以及进化上与人类相近,开展其肠道微生物研究不仅有助于了解灵长类的生态、保护和进化,而且对深入了解肠道微生物在人类进化中所发挥的作用也具有重要的参考价值。本文总结了影响非人灵长类肠道微生物变化的因素,包括系统发育、觅食、栖息地破碎化、年龄和性别、圈养方式以及社群生活,并探讨了肠道微生物研究在非人灵长类生态、行为、保护以及适应性进化方面的应用。未来,非人灵长类肠道微生物研究将为灵长类生态、进化和人类健康的研究提供新的视角,为灵长类的保护提供新的理论基础和研究方法。  相似文献   

Oceanic islands are renowned for the profound scientific insights that their fascinating biotas have provided to biologists during the past two centuries. Research presented at Island Biology 2014—an international conference, held in Honolulu, Hawaii (7–11 July 2014), which attracted 253 presenters and 430 participants from at least 35 countries1—demonstrated that islands are reclaiming a leading role in ecology and evolution, especially for synthetic studies at the intersections of macroecology, evolution, community ecology and applied ecology. New dynamics in island biology are stimulated by four major developments. We are experiencing the emergence of a truly global and comprehensive island research community incorporating previously neglected islands and taxa. Macroecology and big-data analyses yield a wealth of global-scale synthetic studies and detailed multi-island comparisons, while other modern research approaches such as genomics, phylogenetic and functional ecology, and palaeoecology, are also dispersing to islands. And, increasingly tight collaborations between basic research and conservation management make islands places where new conservation solutions for the twenty-first century are being tested. Islands are home to a disproportionate share of the world''s rare (and extinct) species, and there is an urgent need to develop increasingly collaborative and innovative research to address their conservation requirements.  相似文献   

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