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The effect of a naturally occurring plant phenolic constituent (the acylphloroglucinol derivative, jensenone, derived from Eucalyptus jensenii) on the food intake of two folivorous marsupials, the common ringtail (Pseudocheirus peregrinus) and the common brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) was studied. When fed diets containing varying concentrations of jensenone, both species regulated their intake of jensenone so as not to exceed a ceiling intake. This ceiling was about twice as high for common ringtails as for common brushtails from northern Australia. Southern populations of common ringtails showed greatly reduced capacities to tolerate jensenone. When common brushtails were injected (0.5 mg · kg−0.75 body mass) with ondansetron (a selective antagonist of serotonin 5HT3 receptors), they ate significantly more jensenone than animals injected with physiological saline. The same pattern was observed when common ringtails were fed diets containing both jensenone and ondansetron (0.0035 mg · g−1 wet mass of diet). Ondansetron injection had no effect on food intake when the food did not contain jensenone while the addition of higher doses of ondansetron to diets of common ringtails very slightly reduced food intakes of a non-jensenone diet. When common brushtails were given 50 mg of jensenone by gastric lavage, their average subsequent intake of dietary jensenone matched the difference between the daily threshold and the dose given, although the response of individuals was highly variable. Lavage with water alone had no effect on subsequent jensenone intake compared with the pre-dose period. We interpret these results as evidence that the antifeedant effects of jensenone and related compounds are partly mediated by serotonin action on 5HT3 receptors most likely via “nausea” to condition a food aversion. Accepted: 6 August 1998  相似文献   

Aims Key herbivory interaction traits such as plant defensive compounds may differ among populations of a single species due to the spatial variation in herbivore feeding guilds and the strength of the interaction. Moreover, the genealogy of population lineages could represent an additional source of variation interacting with the predominant eco-clinal trends. We tested for the existence of genetically based intraspecific variation in chemical defence profiles across the range of the relict tree Prunus lusitanica L. Additionally, we investigated geographical variation in defence inducibility and tested for the existence of a trade-off between qualitative and quantitative defences.Methods We conducted a greenhouse experiment where 210 plants were grown under a common environment, comprising 10 different populations throughout the distribution range of the species and spanning three separate regions: Iberia, Morocco and Macaronesia. To test for the inducibility of defences, we artificially defoliated plants. Three treatments were established within each population: undamaged, defoliated and sampled after 2 h, and defoliated and sampled after 72 h. The concentration of cyanogenic glycosides (prunasin) and phenolics was determined in leaf samples for all treatments.Important findings Basal levels of cyanogenics and phenolics significantly differed among populations and regions across the range of P. lusitanica, with this variation having a heritable basis. Cyanogenics (prunasin) were significantly higher in ancient Macaronesian populations, while phenolic concentrations were larger in Iberia. The higher cyanogenic levels found in Macaronesia could be a consequence of the known stronger herbivory pressure in the islands than in Iberia or the likely longer coevolutionary history with herbivores in this region. These findings indicate that the geographical variation of key ecological traits such plant chemical defences can be imprinted by phylogeographical signals, particularly in relict species. Regarding defence inducibility, prunasin increased after simulated herbivory whereas phenolics mostly decreased after defoliation. Variation in defence inducibility across populations and regions was evident, although no consistent patterns related to the variation in herbivore feeding guilds were observed, particularly among regions with and without ungulate browsing pressure. Finally, a trade-off among induced levels of qualitative (prunasin) and quantitative (phenolics) defences was detected in one of the defoliated treatments, likely as a result of a stronger resource limitation in damaged plants.  相似文献   

和熟悉选择试验比较了两个种群的情绪、运动能力以及对熟悉鼠和陌生鼠的选择。统计结果表明,程村种群的雌性个体比雄性个体重,而新郑种群的雄性体重比程村种群的重。在旷场实验中,程村种群比新郑种群表现出较多的焦虑样行为。配偶选择实验中,新郑种群不论雌雄都表现出了对陌生异性的喜好。程村种群雄性则更愿意选择熟悉的个体。而且,程村的雌性待在陌生箱攻击陌生鼠的时间远大于熟悉鼠。以上结果表明,两个野生种群在体重、情绪以及对熟悉鼠和陌生鼠选择上都表现出了明显的种群间差异。  相似文献   

Spermatozoa are among the most diversified cells in the animal kingdom, but the underlying evolutionary forces affecting intraspecific variation in sperm morphology are poorly understood. It has been hypothesized that sperm competition is a potent selection pressure on sperm variation within species. Here, we examine intraspecific variation in total sperm length of 22 wild passerine bird species (21 genera, 11 families) in relation to the risk of sperm competition, as expressed by the frequency of extrapair paternity and relative testis size. We demonstrate, by using phylogenetic comparative methods, that between-male variation in sperm length within species is closely and negatively linked to the risk of sperm competition. This relationship was even stronger when only considering species in which data on sperm length and extrapair paternity originated from the same populations. Intramale variation in sperm length within species was also negatively, although nonsignificantly, related to sperm competition risk. Our findings suggest that postcopulatory sexual selection is a powerful evolutionary force reducing the intraspecific phenotypic variation in sperm-size traits, potentially driving the diversification of sperm morphology across populations and species.  相似文献   

Plants deploy various ecological strategies in response to environmental heterogeneity. In many forest ecosystems, plants have been reported to have notable inter- and intra-specific trait variation, as well as clear phylogenetic signals, indicating that these species possess a degree of phenotypic plasticity to cope with habitat variation in the community. Savanna communities, however, grow in an open canopy structure and exhibit little species diversification, likely as a result of strong environmental stress. In this study, we hypothesized that the phylogenetic signals of savanna species would be weak, the intraspecific trait variation (ITV) would be low, and the contribution of intraspecific variation to total trait variance would be reduced, owing to low species richness, multiple stresses and relatively homogenous community structure. To test these hypotheses, we sampled dominant woody species in a dry-hot savanna in southwestern China, focusing on leaf traits related to adaptability of plants to harsh conditions (year-round intense radiation, low soil fertility and seasonal droughts). We found weak phylogenetic signals in leaf traits and low ITV (at both individual and canopy-layer levels). Intraspecific variation (including leaf-, layer- and individual-scales) contributed little to the total trait variance, whereas interspecific variation and variation in leaf phenology explained substantial variance. Our study suggests that intraspecific trait variation is reduced in savanna community. Furthermore, our findings indicate that classifying species by leaf phenology may help better understand how species coexist under similar habitats with strong stresses.  相似文献   

Summary The seasonal and diurnal water relations were investigated within arctic and alpine populations of the dwarf willow Salix arctica. Marked differences that were habitat dependent (e.g. xeric vs. mesic) occured both within and between the populations. The environmental variables that most affected plant water balance and the bulk tissue water relations were soil water potential (soil) and the leafto-air water vapor pressure gradient (w), however, low soil temperature (<4.0° C) also had a marked effect in the wet to mesic habitats. The effects of declining soil and increased w were most pronounced in the plants growing in xiric habitats in both populations. Stomatal response to increased w was two-fold greater in alpine versus arctic plants and is hypothesized to have arisen in response to more frequent exposure to the higher evaporative conditions of alpine existance. Seasonal fluctuations in the osmotic potential closely followed changes in soil, suggesting that these were active rather that passive changes. Additionally, plants from xeric habiats had a lower bulk tissue elastic modulus (more elastic tissues) in both arctic and alpine populations. The osmotic and elastic properties enhanced turgor maintenance over a broad range of leaf water potentials and during periods when w was high. Turgor maintenance also correlated to continued transpiration despite fluctuations in soil and atmospherically induced water deficits. Arctic habitats have a shorter growing season, lower soil temperatures due to the presence of permafrost, but higher soil water potentials and lower leaf-to-air vapor pressure gradients than alpine habitats. The observed variation in patterns of stomatal conductance and in values of tissue water relations characteristics between arctic and alpine populations of S. arctica is hypothesized to have arisen in response to these different environmental regimes which represent different selective regimes that occur along the arctic-alpine environmental continuum inhabited by this wide ranging species.  相似文献   

Individual quaking aspen trees vary greatly in foliar chemistry and susceptibility to defoliation by gypsy moths and forest tent caterpillars. To relate performance of these insects to differences in foliar chemistry, we reared larvac from egg hatch to pupation on leaves from different aspen trees and analyzed leaf samples for water, nitrogen, total nonstructural carbohydrates, phenolic glycosides, and condensed tannins. Larval performance varied markedly among trees. Pupal weights of both species were strongly and inversely related to phenolic glycoside concentrations. In addition, gypsy moth performance was positively related to condensed tannin concentrations, whereas forest tent caterpillar pupal weights were positively associated with leaf nitrogen concentrations. A subsequent study with larvae fed aspen leaves supplemented with the phenolic glycoside tremulacin confirmed that the compound reduces larval performance. Larvae exhibited increased stadium durations and decreased relative growth rates and food conversion efficiencies as dietary levels of tremulacin increased. Differences in performance were more pronounced for gypsy moths than for forest tent caterpillars. These results suggest that intraspecific variation in defensive chemistry may strongly mediate interactions between aspen, gypsy moths and forest tent caterpillars in the Great Lakes region, and may account for differential defoliation of aspen by these two insect species.  相似文献   

For the purpose of phylogeographic study of lucidophyllous (evergreen broad-leaved) forests in Japan, we surveyed intraspecific chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) variation in 41 component species of such forests. Intraspecific cpDNA variations were detected in 14 species. In 15 species and one species group, 16 non-coding cpDNA regions were examined to find intraspecific sequence variation. The extent of variation in these regions was compared. The largest amount of intraspecific variation was detected in the rps16 region. A relatively large amount of intraspecific variation was detected in the petD-rpoA, rpl16, and trnL-F regions. It is suggested that these regions of cpDNA would be useful for detecting intraspecific variation in plant species, and could provide valuable information for various research purposes.  相似文献   

The ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungus Hebeloma cylindrosporum is an appropriate model to study the intraspecific functional diversity of ECM fungi in forest ecosystems. Numerous metabolic genes, specifically genes related to nitrogen assimilation, have been characterised for this species and the spatial and temporal structures of its natural populations have been extensively worked out. In this paper, we reveal the extent to which intraspecific variation exists within this fungus for the ability to use organic nitrogen, an important functional characteristic of ECM fungi. In addition to ammonium and nitrate, H. cylindrosporum can use at least 13 different amino acids out of 21 tested as sole nitrogen source, as well as urea and proteins. By screening 22 genetically different wild type haploid strains we identified obvious differences in use of six nitrogen sources: alanine, glycine, phenylalanine, serine, bovine serum albumin and gelatine. Of the 22 haploid strains, 11 could not use at least one of these six nitrogen sources. The inability of some haploid strains to use a nitrogen source was found to be a recessive character. Nevertheless, obvious differences in use of the four amino acids tested were also measured between wild type dikaryons colonising a common Pinus pinaster root system. This study constitutes the basis for future experiments that will address the consequences of the functional diversity of an ECM fungus on the functioning of the ECM symbiosis under natural conditions.  相似文献   

To select appropriate plant materials for a phylogeography of deciduous broad-leaved forests in Japan, we surveyed intraspecific chloroplast DNA variation in 34 species found in these forests. A relatively large number of intraspecific cpDNA variations were detected in ten species: Carpinus japonica (nucleotide diversity π=0.00083), C. laxiflora (π=0.00221), Magnolia obovata (π=0.00134), Lindera triloba (π=0.00255), L. obtusiloba (π=0.00289), Pourthiaea villosa var. leavis (π=0.00263), Acer japonicum (π=0.00170), A. micranthum (π=0.00237), Euonymus oxyphyllus (π=0.00322) and Styrax obassia (π=0.00100).  相似文献   

Intraspecific variation in physiological traits and the standard metabolic rate (SMR) is common in widely distributed ectotherms since populations at contrasting latitudes experiences different thermal conditions. The climatic variability hypothesis (CVH) states that populations at higher latitudes presents higher acclimation capacity than those at lower latitudes, given the wider range of climatic variability they experience. The endemic four-eyed frog, Pleurodema thaul is widely distributed in Chile. We examined the variation in maximum and minimum critical temperatures (CTmax and CTmin), preferred temperature (TPref), SMR and their acclimatory capacity in two populations from the northern and center of its distribution. All the traits are higher in the warmer population. The capacity for acclimation varies between traits and, with the exception of CTmax and TPref, it is similar between populations. This pattern could be explained by the higher daily thermal variability in desert environments, that increases plasticity to the levels found in the high latitude population. However, we found low acclimatory capacity in all physiological traits, of only about 3% for CTmin, 10% for CTmax and TPref, and 1% for SMR. Thus, despite the fact that Pleurodema thaul possess some ability to adjust thermal tolerances in response to changing thermal conditions, this acclimatory capacity seems to be unable to prevent substantial buffering when body temperatures rise. The low acclimatory capacity found for P. thaul suggests that this species use behavioral rather than physiological adjustments to compensate for environmental variation, by exploiting available micro-environments with more stable thermal conditions.  相似文献   

We examined intraspecific chloroplast (cp) DNA variation within Populus deltoides, P. nigra, and P. maximowiczii by restriction fragment analysis using 16 restriction endonucleases and six heterologous probes of cloned Petunia cpDNA fragments. All three Populus species showed intraspecific cpDNA variation, which was intra- and inter-varietal in P. deltoides, intervarietal in P. nigra, and origin-specific in P. maximowiczii. Two varieties of P. deltoides, var deltoides and var occidentalis, showed distinct cp genomes/DNA. Three distinct cp genomes/DNA, separated by a loss or gain of 1 EcoRV restriction site and/or 1 restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), were observed among the individuals of P. deltoides var deltoides. Within P. nigra, cpDNA of var italica was distinct from that of vars nigra and plantierensis by one RFLP and by a loss or gain of one BamHI restriction site. Populus maximowiczii clones of Chinese origin were separated from those of Japanese origin by a gain or loss of one ClaI restriction site in their cpDNA. The estimate of nucleotide substitutions per site in cpDNA was 0.07% between two varieties of P. deltoides, 0.05% between var italica and var nigra or plantierensis of P. nigra, and 0.01% between Japanese and Chinese accessions of P. maximowiczii.  相似文献   

J. Loreti  M. Oesterheld 《Oecologia》1996,108(2):279-284
Many studies have analysed plant responses to flooding or drought separately, without addressing the relations between plant resistance to each of these factors. In this paper, we compare the responses to drought and flooding under glasshouse conditions of three populations of Paspalum dilatatum, a perennial C4 grass dominant at different positions along a topographic gradient in the flooding pampa of Argentina. Our results showed that flooding effects on yield were negative on an upland, null on an intermediate, and positive on a lowland population, whereas drought reduced yield equally across populations, showing that resistance to flooding was not related to resistance to drought at a population level. Drought decreased height and aerenchyma, and increased the proportion of roots, while flooding had opposite effects on these traits. The responses of the single clones that made up each population showed a positive relation between the resistances to both factors: along the ecocline formed by 58 clones, those more resistant to drought were also more resistant to flooding. In addition, the combined resistance of each clone to both factors was negatively related to yield at field capacity, (i.e. the most resistant clones were less productive) and unrelated to the proportion of roots and aerenchyma. This result agrees with predictions of Grime's plant strategy theory and differs from a few previous studies, which showed negative relations between the resistances to flooding and drought among genera and species.  相似文献   

Summary Microscopic examination of the vascular cambium of Eucalyptus globulus, from four trees, at nine height levels, revealed a non-storied cambial structure with both ray and fusiform initials. Average fusiform initial length increased from 443 m at 70% of tree height from the base to a maximum of 484 m at 10% of tree height. At 2.5% of tree height average fusiform initial length sharply declined to 438 m. A strong positive correlation (r = 0.757, df = 7, P <0.05) existed between average fusiform initial length and average fibre length at each height, giving quantitative support to the notion that variation in fusiform initial length is an important mechanism influencing fibre length in hardwoods. However, 62% of the longitudinal variation in average fibre length was explained by the extent of elongation during differentiation, which increased linearly down the stem. At 70% of tree height, the average length of fibres was 1.84 times that of the fusiform initials, compared to 2.11 times at 2.5% of tree height. Concomitant with this longitudinal gradient of elongation was a gradient of increasing tangential area of the cambium occupied by cambial rays. This was accounted for by dimensional increases in the ray initial cells with decreasing height. Possible mechanisms that regulate the elongation of developing fibres and the proportion of cambial rays are discussed.  相似文献   

邓恩桉林地土壤pH空间变异分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以福建省建阳市7年生邓恩桉(Eucalyptus dunnii Maiden)林地土壤为研究对象,应用地统计学方法分析了不同土层土壤pH的空间变异规律.结果表明:该邓恩桉林地土壤pH随土壤深度的增加而增大,0~20、20~40和40 ~60 cm土层的土壤pH均值分别为pH 3.57、pH 3.62和pH 3.67;土壤pH的变异系数较小,分别为3.90%、3.93%和4.05%.0~20、20~40和40~60 cm土层土壤pH的块金效应值分别为0.389 6、0.430 3和0.604 3,说明该林地土壤pH具有中等空间自相关性;经K-S非参数检验,该林地各层土壤pH服从正态分布.通过不同趋势效应下不同半方差函数模型预测误差的比较,确定该林地0~20、20~40和40~60 cm土层土壤pH空间变异最优模型分别适用0阶高斯模型、1阶指数模型和1阶球状模型.克里格最优插值分析结果表明:该邓恩桉林地各层土壤pH整体空间分布趋势均为由西向东递减,最高值出现在西南部;各层土壤pH插值标准差较小,且标准差分布均呈现以南部和中部为中心、向东北方向逐渐增大的趋势.根据研究结果推测:该邓恩桉林地土壤酸化程度较严重,其土壤pH的空间分布受结构因素和随机因素的共同影响,而土壤pH插值标准差的分布特征可能与采样点的数量和设置有关.  相似文献   

Eucalyptus nitens plantations are generally established for pulpwood production but an increasing area is being managed for solid wood. Genetic variation in, and correlations among, three Kraft pulpwood traits (diameter at breast height, basic density and near-infrared-predicted cellulose content) and three 12-mm wood-core shrinkage traits (recoverable collapse, net shrinkage and gross shrinkage) were examined, utilising data from two 9-year-old first-generation progeny trials in Tasmania. These trials contained approximately 400 open-pollinated families (over 100 of which were sampled for wood properties) representing three central-Victorian E. nitens races. Significant genetic variation at the race and/or within-race level was identified in all traits. Within races, relative levels of additive genetic variation were higher for shrinkage traits, although narrow-sense heritabilities were lower and the expression of genetic variation less stable across sites than for other wood property traits. Heterogeneous intertrait genetic correlations were identified across sites between growth and some wood property traits. However, where significant, genetic correlations indicated that within-race selection for growth would adversely affect core basic density and all core shrinkage traits. Furthermore, results based on cores suggested that within-race selection for higher basic density would favourably impact on cellulose content and collapse but selection for either higher basic density or cellulose content would adversely affect net shrinkage. Most within-race genetic variation in gross shrinkage appeared to be due to genetic variation in collapse. The implications of these results for sawn timber breeding will depend on the strength of genetic correlations between core traits and rotation-age objective traits and objective trait economic weights.  相似文献   

A preliminary morphological study of large, well preserved bolboform populations from the late Miocene section of DSDP Site 593, in the southern Tasman Sea, reveals a relationship between test size and intraspecific morphological variation interpreted as a gradual transformation in test shape and surface ornamentation. The succession begins with small, smooth, thin-walled subspheroidal tests. As test size increases, rudimentary ornaments become more common and the shape more globose. With further size increase, the walls thicken and ornaments become more structured, but specimens still retain a rounded globose shape. In still larger tests, the ornament becomes more prominent and tests develop a squatter shape with flatter aboral surfaces. The transformation generally ends with large, thick-walled, highly ornate forms with squat globose tests, robust ornaments, and relatively flat aboral surfaces. Although the size of the test increases notably through the transformation, there appears to be no corresponding change in the internal chamber size from its initial value, and so the transformation is largely due to the addition of calcite to the outer surface of the test wall. This appears to be an inherent biological feature and does not involve calcite dissolution/reprecipitation or other retrograde processes. The detail of the transformation varies between species and is presented here for Bolboforma subfragoris s.l., B. gruetzmacheri n. sp., and B. metzmacheri s.s., which exhibit different types of ornament — spinose, irregularly ridged, and cancellate, respectively.When different morphological forms of a single species occur in the same sample, they have the potential to be interpreted as different species. Taxonomic confusion is further compounded by the morphological similarity of many small, smooth-walled, and weakly ornamented forms of different species. These features are common in bolboform populations and have contributed to the misinterpretation of some species. Differences in test shape and ornament are most notable in large ornate forms and taxonomic interpretations should be based wherever possible on such forms. Once the taxonomy is clear, the biostratigraphic utility of the late Miocene bolboforms from Site 593 has been in the recognition of single species (or at most two) in a given sample. This provides an excellent biostratigraphic framework for a period of time that lacks significant alternative microfossils for age control in New Zealand sediments.The distribution of bolboforms in (mainly) southern hemisphere marine sediments appears to track the palaeocirculation of Southern Component Intermediate Water (SCIW). Hence addition of calcite to the outer surface of the test wall probably occurred while the bolboforms were entrained in subsurface flows of SCIW. In this respect, the increased complexity of ornamentation may have been a morphological adaptation to counter the loss of buoyancy as calcite was added to the outer surface of the test wall. This would have presumably contributed to the entrainment and dispersal of bolboforms in the flow of subsurface water masses, and it suggests that the tests of some bolboforms at least may represent a dispersal phase in the life cycle of this enigmatic group of microfossils.  相似文献   

Studies of intraspecific genetic diversity of ciliates, such as population genetics and biogeography, are particularly hampered by the lack of suitable DNA markers. For example, sequences of the non-coding ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions are often too conserved for intraspecific analyses. We have therefore identified primers for the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) gene and applied them for intraspecific investigations in Paramecium caudatum and Paramecium multimicronucleatum. Furthermore, we obtained sequences of the ITS regions from the same strains and carried out comparative sequence analyses of both data sets. The mitochondrial sequences revealed substantially higher variation in both Paramecium species, with intraspecific divergences up to 7% in P. caudatum and 9.5% in P. multimicronucleatum. Moreover, an initial survey of the population structure discovered different mitochondrial haplotypes of P. caudatum in one pond, thereby demonstrating the potential of this genetic marker for population genetic analyses. Our primers successfully amplified the COI gene of other Paramecium. This is the first report of intraspecific variation in free-living protozoans based on mitochondrial sequence data. Our results show that the high variation in mitochondrial DNA makes it a suitable marker for intraspecific and population genetic studies.  相似文献   

Isvaran K 《Oecologia》2007,154(2):435-444
The main ecological factors that are hypothesized to explain the striking variation in the size of social groups among large herbivores are habitat structure, predation, and forage abundance and distribution; however, their relative roles in wild populations are not well understood. I combined analyses of ecological correlates of spatial variation in group size with analyses of individual behaviour in groups of different sizes to investigate factors maintaining variation in group size in an Indian antelope, the blackbuck Antilope cervicapra. I measured group size, habitat structure, forage, and the occurrence of predators in ten blackbuck populations, and, at a smaller spatial scale, within an intensively studied population. To examine the processes by which these ecological factors influence group size, I used behavioural observations and an experiment to estimate the shape of the relationship between group size and potential costs and benefits to individuals. Group size varied extensively both among and within populations. Analyses of spatial variation in group size suggested that both forage and habitat structure influence group size: large-scale, among-population variation in group size was primarily related to habitat structure, while small-scale, within-population variation was most closely related to forage abundance. Analyses of individual behaviour suggested that larger groups incur greater travel costs while foraging. However, individuals in larger groups appeared to experience greater benefits, namely the earlier detection of a “predator”, a reduction in vigilance, and an increase in the time spent feeding. Overall, these findings suggest that individuals in groups experience a trade-off between predation-related benefits and costs arising from feeding competition. Habitat structure and forage likely influence the nature of this trade-off; thus, variation in these ecological factors may maintain variation in group size. The role of predation pressure and other factors in explaining the remaining variation needs further exploration. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Understanding the sources of variation in a community's diet is vital for development work, as well as being a source of anthropological and cultural insights. Previous surveys in the South American Andes suggest that nutrient deficiencies may be widespread; however, such interpretations have remained tentative since variance in Andean populations' diet has not been thoroughly examined. In this paper we consider the variation in diet due to variation in age, sex, and socioeconomic status and variation attributed to inter- and intraindividual variation in the diet. One to six days of dietary data (mean = 3.1) were collected via 24 h recalls from 221 residents of a small, rural community in highland Ecuador. The contribution of various food groups to the diet varied with land holdings and age but not sex. For example, animal-derived foods contribute more and tubers contribute less to the diet of the households with ≥5 Ha, and sweets contribute more to the diet of children. The interindividual variation in energy and nutrient intake was low and the intraindividual variation high relative to developed countries. The consequence are twofold. First, because interindividual variability is low, group mean intake can be estimated relatively easily, facilitating group comparisons. Second, because intraindividual variation is high, individual nutrient intake cannot be easily estimated, which will decrease the ability to detect associations between nutrient intake and health measures. This knowledge of the sources of dietary variation can lead to better study and survey designs in the rural Andes and elsewhere in the developing world. Am J Phys Anthropol 105:407–417, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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