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The oxytrichid ciliate Architricha indica nov. gen., nov. sp., isolated from the river Yamuna, Delhi, shows a new combination of characters. It possesses a flexible body, 18 frontal-ventral-transverse (FVT) cirri, 3 right and 2 left marginal cirral rows, 6 dorsal bristle rows and 3 caudal cirri (CC). The FVT cirri arise from 6 primordia, which utilize 6 parental cirri in their origin as is typical of Oxytricha species. Multiple marginal rows (MMR) develop through 5 independent marginal primordia arising "within-row", 1 in each parental marginal row. All the 5 marginal rows are thus morphogenetically active. Such a mode of formation of MMR has not been recorded among oxytrichids and has necessitated separation of A. indica at the generic level. Histriculus, on the other hand, has well-known characteristics, viz. rigid body, confluent marginal rows and absence of CC. The morphogenesis of Histriculus histrio has been described by Berger and Foissner [1997. Cladistic relationships and generic characterization of oxytrichid hypotrichs (Protozoa, Ciliophora). Arch. Protistenkd. 148, 125-155]. Reinvestigation of very early stages of development revealed that (i) the FVT cirral primordia utilize kinetosomes from 5 parental FVT cirri, (ii) the primordium II of the proter is of a composite origin: kinetosomes from the oral primordium merge with the primordium II that originates from the buccal cirrus II/2 and (iii) the FVT primordia V and VI for the 2 daughter cells arise sequentially from the parental cirrus V/4. Thus, the genus Histriculus exhibits a new combination of characters with respect to the origin of FVT cirri, an additional pattern to be added to the known 6 patterns of FVT development in oxytrichids [Berger and Foissner, 1997; Berger, H., 1999. Monograph of the Oxytrichidae (Ciliophora, Hypotrichida), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/Boston/London].  相似文献   

Summary The unique monoclonal antibody FXXXIX 12G9 obtained againstTetrahymena cortices was used to label cytoskeletal structures related to basal body proliferation inParaurostyla weissei. The antibody binds to an amorphous material interconnecting basal bodies in compound ciliary structures: dorsal units, cirri and membranelles in interfission cells, and filamentous structures supporting the primordia of ciliary structures and fission line in dividing cells. The antibody visualized meridional filaments preceding proliferation of new basal bodies in the oral primordium and structures accompanying all developing ciliary primordia. It congregated in differentiating new procirri and membranelles, whereas another population of transient meridional structures accompanied the final distribution of new structures. A meridional filament connecting transverse cirri with the oral apparatus, marking the future stomatogenic meridian, persisted in both division products until completion of cell elongation. The fission line was found to originate from an anterior extension of the pre-oral filament toward the parental oral structures. It then encircled the cell's midbody demarcating the boundary between daughter cells; two additional circumferential structures bordering the anterior and posterior ends of differentiating division products participate in formation of the new poles. They disappear after separation of daughter cells and completion of resorption of parental ciliature. In the enhanced multi-left-marginal mutant expressing gross hyperduplication of basal bodies, the location of the 12G9 antigen corresponded to that in wild-type cells. The sequence of formation of meridional filaments in the mutant was found to be altered. The filaments in the left lateral domain preceded the formation of the preoral filament, yet the temporal pattern of basal body assembly was not modified. The fission line, as in wild-type cells, originated in connection with the oral primordium. We conclude that the nucleation of the filamentous structures bearing the 12G9 antigen and the basal body assembly occur by independent mechanisms reading the same cell cycle signals. We suggest that the 12G9-antigen-bearing protein might be similar to septins: involved in signaling the position of the oral primordium and the fission line and functioning in establishing and maintaining the asymmetric cortical domain characteristics.Abbrevations AZM zone of adorai membranelles - bb basal bodies - CC caudal cirri - FC frontal cirri - Fmf frontal meridional filament - FTV the primordia of fronto-ventro-transverse cirri - LD, RD dorsal rows of bristle units - LM, RM left or right marginal cirral row - OA oral apparatus - OP primordium of the adoral membranelles - pLM, pRM primordium of the left or right marginal cirri - pLD, pRD primordia of the left or right dorsal bristle rows - pUM primordium of the undulating membranes - TC transverse cirri - UM undulating membranes - VC ventral cirral rows  相似文献   

The morphology and morphogenesis of a marine ciliate, Epiclintes auricularis rarisetus nov. sspec., collected from Qingdao, northern China were studied on live and protargol-impregnated specimens. This isolate can be recognized by its elongate, contractile and tripartite body with a size of 200-400×20-40 μm in vivo, about 30 ventrally located adoral membranelles, short undulating membranes, 2-3 frontal and 10-18 transverse cirri as well as 8-9 fronto-midventral rows, 22-31 left and 35-54 right marginal cirri, but no caudal cirri, invariably 3 dorsal kineties, of which kineties 1 and 3 link together anteriorly, 24-70 macronuclear nodules, marine habitat, and contribution of almost all frontal-midventral transverse cirral anlagen (FVT anlagen) to the formation of fronto-midventral rows. In its divisional morphogenesis, this species demonstrates some features rarely if ever found in any other urostyloids, e.g. partial replacement of the old adoral zone of membranelles, de novo formation of the oral primordium and the anlagen for marginal rows and dorsal kineties, contribution of almost all FVT anlagen to the transverse cirri, lack of frontoterminal cirri. In addition, its morphogenesis appears to differ in detail from that of E. auricularis auricularis nov. stat., based on published data. These remarkable morphogenetic traits of Epiclintes suggests a questionable systematic position for this genus in the Urostyloidea, therefore, further researches are urgently needed.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The protargol technic was used in a study of the development of oral, cirral, and dorsal primordia of Urostyla weissei fixed during division, reorganization, and regeneration following transection at different levels. While the course of development is similar in all situations, differences were observed in the way in which some primordia are initiaily formed. The primordium of the new AZM always appears posterior to the old AZM. It develops into an entire new membranellar band in dividing cells and in opimers (posterior fragments from equatorial transections), while it eventually joins with a portion of the old AZM in reorganizers, promers (anterior fragments from equatorial transections) and “large opimers” (cells whose anterior tip has been cut off). The UM-primordium of proters is derived from disaggregation of the kinetosomes of the 2 old UM's, that of opisthes and opimers is formed “de novo” to the right of the AZM-primordium, while the UM-primordium of reorganizers, promers, and “large opimers” is of composite origin, partly “de novo” and partly from the old UM's. The UM primordium differentiates into the new UM's and the 1st frontal cirrus. The primordia of the remaining frontal, ventral, transversal (F-V-T) and marginal cirri originate as “streaks” of cilia, most of which are derived from re-alignment of the constituent cilia of certain pre-existing cirri. New cirri differendiate from the streaks, and replace the remaining old cirri. The streaks are formed similarly in all developmental situations, except for the 1st 3 F-V-T streaks. In proters, reorganizers, and promers, these originate from the posterior 3 frontal cirri, while in opisthes and opimers they are formed “de novo” to the right of the UM-primordium. In the “large opimers” these streaks are formed “de novo” behind the 1st 3 frontal cirri, in spite of the continued presence of these cirri at the anterior tip of the fragments. The site of formation of these streaks thus appears to be determined by an anteriorposterior gradient, rather than by any preformed cortical structure. The new dorsal bristle rows I to III develop from the proliferation of portions of the old rows, while rows IV and V originate from short kineties formed “de novo” on the right margin. New caudal cirri differentiate at the posterior ends of the new rows I to III. The numbers of ventral cirral rows and transversal cirri are variable; these variations are correlated, and related to variations in numbers of developing streaks. A survey of hypotrich developmental patterns revealed extensive parallels, especially in the sites of appearance of primordia. The primordium site appears to be a more constant feature of cortical development than is the “source” of ciliary units. It is concluded that sites of primordia are determined by cellular gradients, with competent preformed structures being utilized if they are appropriately positioned within these gradients.  相似文献   

Morphogenetic events during the division of the marine spirotrichous ciliate, Apokeronopsis crassa (Claparède & Lachmann 1858) n. comb. were investigated. Compared with members of the well-known genera Thigmokeronopsis, Uroleptopsis, and Pseudokeronopsis, A. crassa has one row of buccal cirri, high number of transverse cirri, clearly separated midventral rows, lacks thigmotactic cirri and a gap in adoral zone, its undulating membranes (UMs) anlage forms one cirrus and marginal rows and dorsal kineties form apokinetally during division. All these characteristics indicate that this organism represents a new taxon at the generic level, and hence a new genus is suggested, Apokeronopsis n. g. It is defined as thus: Pseudokeronopsidae with Pseudokeronopsis-like bicorona of frontal cirri and one marginal row on each side; one row of two or more buccal cirri in ordinary position; two midventral rows distinctly separated, hence of cirri that are not in a typical zig-zag pattern; high number of transverse cirri, caudal cirri absent, and frontoterminal cirri present; thigmotactic cirri absent, many macronuclear nodules fuse into many masses as well as marginal and dorsal kineties form apokinetally during morphogenesis. At the same time, the genus ThigmokeronopsisWicklow, 1981 is redefined, and one new combination, Apokeronopsis antarctica (Petz, 1995) n. comb. is proposed. The morphogenetic events of A. crassa are characterized as follows: (1) In the proter, the adoral zone of membranelles and UMs are completely renewed by the oral primordium. The UM anlage is formed apokinetally on the dorsal wall of the buccal cavity and is hence clearly separated from the frontoventral-transverse (FVT) cirral anlagen in the proter. (2) Frontoventral-transverse cirral anlagen are generated de novo in the outermost region of the cortex to the right of the old UMs. (3) A row of buccal cirri arises from FVT cirral streak I. (4) The marginal rows and dorsal kineties originate de novo in both dividers; no caudal cirri are formed. (5) The last FVT-streak contributes two frontoterminal cirri. (6) The many macronuclear nodules fuse into many masses (about 50 segments) during division, unlike a singular or branched mass as described in other urostylids.  相似文献   

The morphology and morphogenesis of Diophrys japonica spec. nov., isolated from the Mie Port, Nagasaki, Japan, were investigated from life and following impregnation with protargol. The new species is recognized by the following characters: Body elliptical in outline and slightly greyish to yellowish in color; size in vivo about 80-120 x 50-70 microm; pellicle flexible, with underlying granules densely arranged in lines; ciliature comprising about 30-46 adoral membranelles, 4-7 frontal, 1-4 ventral and 4-7 transverse cirri, always 1 left marginal and 3 caudal cirri, and 4 dorsal kineties; usually two macronuclear nodules; fragment kinety with 2-5 dikinetids; marine habitat. The main morphogenetic events are: (1) the opisthe's oral primordium develops de novo in a subsurface pouch near the left transverse cirri; (2) the proter retains the parental AZM except for reorganization of some proximal membranelles; (3) cirral anlagen for the frontal, ventral and transverse cirri in both dividers develop separately from the oral primordium or parental cirri, and are derived from the separation of primary primordia that originate de novo; (4) the anlagen for the left marginal cirrus and fragment kinety also form de novo and separately; (5) dorsal kinety anlagen occur within the parental structures at mid-body and posterior end of the cell, of which the right-most one contributes three caudal cirri from its posterior portion. Based on available ontogenetic data, the author proposes that the numbers of left marginal and caudal cirri can be regarded as reliable characters for species identification, while the numbers of frontal, ventral and transverse cirri are not consistent enough for species distinction. A key to the eleven adequately known species of Diophrys is presented.  相似文献   

The morphology and the regulation of cortical pattern associated with the cell size, division, and reorganization of Paraurostyla weissei (Stein, 1859) were investigated. The ranges of variation of the Austrian, Polish, and American strains were compared by biometrical analyses. The Austrian population most frequently shows 4 frontal cirri in the anteriormost and 2 in the posterior row, 4 ventral rows, 8 transverse cirri, and 7 dorsal kineties. The oral primordium originates next to the postoral ventral row. The undulating membrane field and 3 frontal-ventral-transverse(FVT)-streaks for the opisthe develop as a result of the dispersion of the basal bodies of 1 or 2 cirri of the 1st ventral row. The farthest-right ventral row is of composite origin from 2 FVT-streaks. Three short dorsal bristle rows originating beside the right marginal row are a constant feature. In reorganizers the oral primordium characteristically possesses a group of kinetosomes extending toward the anterior right, fusing with the undulating membrane field. The development of dorsal primordia always starts in the 3rd dorsal kinety. These results provide important criteria for future species discrimination, if the examination of non-morphological characters supplies evidence that P. weissei is a complex of sibling species.  相似文献   

Weibo Song  Xiaozhong Hu 《Hydrobiologia》1998,391(1-3):247-255
Morphogenetic events during the division of the marine hypotrichous ciliate, Hemigastrostyla enigmatica (Dragesco & Dragesco-Kernéis, 1986) Song & Wilbert, 1997 are described. The morphogenesis is characterized by:(1) 5 frontoventral-transverse cirral anlagen develop into 8 frontal, 5 ventral and 5 transverse cirri after Oxytricha-pattern;(2) there may be 6 FVT-anlagen in some individuals giving rise to more cirri which, however, will be resorbed after division;(3) anlage of the right marginal row at least in the opisthe occurs de novo right to the parental structures instead of within them;(4) according to the origin, the two extra ventral cirri right to transverse ones are not ventral or transverse cirri, which are from the retained old structure;(5) dorsal kineties originate from one group of DK-anlagen in both dividers with, very uniquely, an additional fragmentation of DK1, and(6) oral primordia will be formed in both dividing parts, from which the newly-built membranelles in the proter replace the posterior part of the parental AZM with a particular 'piecing together mode.Some features during the morphogenesis (e.g. variable number of cirral anlagen, presence of primary primordia, the mode of rebuilding of the proter's adoral zone of membranelles, origin of dorsal kineties and caudal cirri etc.) indicate that the genus Hemigastrostyla might present a intermediate form between oxytrichids and other related higher taxa. Based on our new observations, an improved diagnosis for genus Hemigastrostyla is given: marine or brackish water Oxytrichidae with slightly to conspicuously cephalized body shape; mostly 8–10 frontal, 5 ventral, 5 transverse and two to several extra ventral cirri to the right of the transverse ones, which are from the retained parental structure; caudal cirri present.  相似文献   

The morphology, morphogenesis, and molecular phylogeny of Bakuella (Pseudobakuella) guangdongica n. sp., isolated from southern China, were investigated. The new species is characterized by a body length of 150–225 μm in vivo; 35–42 adoral membranelles; 3–5 buccal, two frontoterminal, 7–12 transverse and two pretransverse ventral cirri; midventral complex comprised of 10–20 pairs and two rows extending to transverse cirri; posterior part of marginal rows slightly overlapping; colorless cortical granules about 1 μm across, arranged in small groups; soil habitat. Its main ontogenetic features are: (1) in the proter, the parental adoral zone of membranelles is completely renewed by new structures; (2) in the opisthe, the oral primordium originates apokinetally, some old midventral cirri join the formation of frontoventral-transverse cirral anlagen; (3) the anlagen for marginal rows and dorsal kineties develop intrakinetally; and (4) the numerous macronuclear nodules fuse into a single mass before dividing. Phylogenetic analyses based on the SSU rDNA sequence suggest the non-monophyly of the genus Bakuella.  相似文献   

Morphogenesis of cell division was investigated in Diophrys scutum, D. oligothrix, and D. appendiculata utilizing both light microscopy of living and stained specimens and SEM of preserved specimens. The cortical morphogenetic pattern of Diophrys is similar to that of other members of the family Euplotidae. The opisthe oral primordium, which develops in a subsurface pouch, forms posterior to the parental buccal cavity. The proter inherits the parental adoral zone of membranelles (AZM) apparently unchanged. The endoral membrane forms to the right of the posterior end of the AZM in the proter, in association with the developing AZM in the opisthe. The paroral cirrus and membrane develop from a single streak that first appears along the right edge of the buccal cavity in the proter to the right of the developing buccal structures of the opisthe. Frontal and transverse cirri develop in both proter and opisthe from five separate cirral primordia that form to the right of the buccal cavity. Left marginal cirri do not develop in association with the corresponding parental structures. Kinetosomes formed within the opisthe oral primordium, or kinetosomes that were part of any parental ciliary structure, do not appear to become part of any developing paroral structures, frontal, transverse, or left marginal cirri. Speciation within the genus Diophrys and evolution of the family Euplotidae as they relate to the morphogenesis of cortical structure are discussed.  相似文献   

It is commonly observed in hypotrichs that new ciliary rudiments arise directly from or in close juxtaposition to certain pre-existing ciliary elements. Oral primordia often are initiated near specific cirri, cirral rudiments frequently arise as a result of the disaggregation of certain old cirri, and new dorsal ciliature is formed within pre-existing ciliary rows. In the first 2 situations it has been demonstrated experimentally that neither the old ciliature in question nor the specific cortical site marked by that ciliature is essential for the appearance of the new cirral rudiment. The experimental analysis done thus far suggests that the positions of oral and cirral primordia are determined by interacting gradients established in relation to certain reference points. The nature of the reference points is not fully elucidated; in some cases at least these points appear to be more closely related to topographic features of the cell than to specific pre-existing cortical structures. In the dorsal ciliary rows of Euplotes new ciliary units are formed usually and perhaps invariably in close proximity to old ones, and are generally oriented along the axis of the pre-existing row. The result is a tendency to perpetuate the preexisting row number across cell generations. Changes in row number, however, can occur as a result of occasional formation of new units at right angles to the row, a process that is much enhanced in certain homozygous segregants (basal body deficient). The optimal row number (stability range) as well as the number of ciliary units are under genic control. In addition, the spatial pattern of distribution of ciliary units among rows is invariant in all of the material examined. This pattern is presumed to result from an underlying field whose geometry is independent of both the number of units and the number of rows.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Cortical morphogenesis during excystment in Histriculus similis has been studied by light microscopy of preparations impregnated with silver proteinate (protargol). This morphogenesis shows clear differences from cortical morphogenesis during division. The oral, paroral, and fronto-ventro-transverse primordia originate from an extensive field of kinetosomes. The marginal cirral primordia and the dorsal bristle primordia appear at an early stage of morphogenesis. The left marginal cirral primordium originates from the oral primordium.  相似文献   

Analysis or the development of microtubular structures in the mirror-image doublet cell lines of a hypotrich ciliate,Paraurostyla weissei, revealed several modifications in standard morphogenesis. Ciliary primordia can be formed without prior disaggregation of the preformed marginal cirri, on the left instead of the right hand side of an old row. Two or more overlapping streak segments may originate from disaggregating old marginal cirri, giving rise to two or three cirral rows. Inverted marginal cirri occasionally develop de novo and can be propagated clonally. Thus the modifications in developmental processes concern the positioning of primordia, the number of forming structures and the polarity of these structures. The microtubular triplets in the basal bodies of normal and inverted cirri do not differ, indicating that the large-scale reversal of the overall pattern has no effect on the assembly of microtubular triplets. The study indicates that the control of cytotactic propagation of compound microtubular structures is either modified or partially suppressed in a morphogenetic field where the positional values along one of the main cellular axes (lateral) have been reversed.  相似文献   

红色角毛虫的形态学和形态发生过程的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
观察并描述了上海采集到的红色角毛虫的形态结构和形态发生过程。发现形态发生时虫体分别于前、后两个区域发生前、后两个口围带原基,并且由同一个体分裂而成的前,后两个仔虫内,额、腹、横棘毛和缘棘毛的分化并不完全相同,以至造成两个仔虫上棘毛的数目和缘棘毛的列数有明显差异。根据红色角毛虫的形态结构及其形态发生中的一些不够稳定的特点,推测它可能是一种还处于分化中的腹毛类纤毛虫。  相似文献   

A terrestrial oxytrichid ciliate Paraparentocirrus sibillinensis n. gen., n. sp., which was found in soil samples of a beech forest stand within the National Park of Sibillini Mountains, Italy, was investigated using live observation and protargol impregnation. The morphology of interphase, morphogenesis, and molecular phylogeny inferred from SSU rDNA sequences of this ciliate were studied. Paraparentocirrus n. gen., is mainly characterized by a semirigid body, an undulating membrane in the Oxytricha pattern, six fronto‐ventral (FV) rows, the absence of transverse cirri, one right and one left row of marginal cirri, four dorsal kineties, two dorsomarginal rows, and caudal cirri at the end of dorsal kinety 4. During morphogenesis, oral primordia develop through the proliferation of basal bodies from some cirri of FV rows 4 and 5, and FV row 6 takes part in the anlagen formation of the proter. The dorsal morphogenesis was typical of oxytrichids, with simple fragmentation of dorsal kinety 3, and the dorsomarginal rows developed from the right marginal row. Phylogenetic analyses based on the SSU rDNA sequences support the classification of this new genus in the stylonychines.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Oxytricha fallax and Stylonychia pustulata possess 6 rows of dorsal bristle units. Each dorsal bristle unit consists of a pair of kinetosomes; the anterior kinetosome has a cilium and the posterior kinetosome a ciliary stub. The kinetosome pair, located at the bottom of a cortical pit surrounding the cilium and ciliary stub, is surrounded by an asymmetrical fibrillar mass. Future rows 1-4 are formed from 2 sets of primordia originating within mature dorsal rows 1-3. Rows 5 and 6 originate from the anterior regions of both right marginal cirral primordia. Old dorsal bristle units utilized in formation of primordia are presumably maintained in the new rows of the proter and opisthe; those outside the primordia are resorbed. The morphogenetic pattern of the Oxytrichidae is similar to those of the Urostylidae and Holostichidae, but quite different from that of the Euplotidae.  相似文献   

Morphology, cirral pattern, and morphogenesis of the new saline soil hypotrich, Gonostomum sinicum nov. spec. collected from Longfeng Wetland in Daqing, north China, were studied, using detailed live observations and protargol‐stained specimens. The new species is characterized as follows: (i) a size in vivo of 100–125 × 30–40 μm, (ii) colorless cortical granules, 0.5 μm across, arranged in short rows, (iii) an adoral zone composed of 28–33 membranelles, (iv) three or four frontoventral rows, one of which extends onto the postoral area, (v) left and right marginal rows composed of 18–27 and 21–35, cirri, respectively, and (vi) usually two transverse cirri. Morphogenesis is as usual for the genus Gonostomum, i.e. the cirral primordia II–VI are primary primordia which split into two sets for proter and opisthe in division middle stages, except for anlage I which develops independently. However, the number of frontoventral transverse anlagen is either five or six not only in different individuals but even in proter and opisthe of the same divider. The phylogenetic analyses based on SSU rDNA sequences showed that the genus Gonostomum is nonmonophyletic, indicating that the patterns of cirri and dorsal kineties are homoplasious characters. The new species G. sinicum nov. spec. is perhaps closely related to Cotterillia bromelicola and two congeners.  相似文献   

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