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Gracilaria foliifera (Forsskal) Borgesen and Neoagardhiella bailiyi (Harvey ex Kiitzing) Wynne & Taylor were grown in continuous-flow culture under controlled environmental conditions in 15 liter experimental chambers. Growth rate was related to the source and concentration of nitrogen enrichment supplied to the plants, Growth rate appeared to follow saturation-type nutrient uptake kinetics for plants receiving ammonium, nitrate, urea of sewage effluent enrichments. Ammonium enrichment produced higher growth rates than nitrate of sewage enrichment. The lowest growth rates occurred in the chambers receiving unenriched seawater or urea. The low estimated constants (K) for growth were in the range of 0.2–0.4 (M N for all N enrichments examined. The low estimated values of K compare closely with those found for microalgae and indicate that both species possess the ability to utilize very low concentrations of N.  相似文献   

The competitive ability for N uptake by four intertidal seaweeds, Stictosiphonia arbuscula (Harvey) King et Puttock, Apophlaea lyallii Hook. f. et Harvey, Scytothamnus australis Hook. f. et Harvey, and Xiphophora gladiata (Labillardière) Montagne ex Harvey, from New Zealand is described by the uptake kinetics for NO3?, NH4+, and urea. This is the first study to report uptake kinetics for N uptake by a range of southern hemisphere intertidal seaweeds in relation to season and zonation. Species growing at the highest shore positions had higher NO3? and urea uptake at both high and low concentrations and had unsaturable NH4+ uptake in both summer and winter. Although there was evidence of some feedback inhibition of Vmax for NO3? uptake by Stictosiphonia arbuscula growing at the lower vertical limits of its range, rates were high compared with species growing lower on the shore. Our results highlight the superior competitive ability for N uptake of certain high intertidal seaweeds, and consistent with our previous findings we can conclude that intertidal seaweeds in southeast New Zealand are adapted to maximizing N acquisition in a potentially N‐limiting environment.  相似文献   

Marine phytoplankton and macroalgae acquire important resources, such as inorganic nitrogen, from the surrounding seawater by uptake across their entire surface area. Rates of ammonium and nitrate uptake per unit surface area were remarkably similar for both marine phytoplankton and macroalgae at low external concentrations. At an external concentration of 1 μM, the mean rate of nitrogen uptake was 10±2 nmol·cm?2·h?1 (n=36). There was a strong negative relationship between log surface area:volume (SA:V) quotient and log nitrogen content per cm2 of surface (slope=?0.77), but a positive relationship between log SA:V and log maximum specific growth rate (μmax; slope=0.46). There was a strong negative relationship between log SA:V and log measured rate of ammonium assimilation per cm2 of surface, but the slope (?0.49) was steeper than that required to sustain μmax (?0.31). Calculated rates of ammonium assimilation required to sustain growth rates measured in natural populations were similar for both marine phytoplankton and macroalgae with an overall mean of 6.2±1.4 nmol·cm?2·h?1 (n=15). These values were similar to maximum rates of ammonium assimilation in phytoplankton with high SA:V, but the values for algae with low SA:V were substantially less than the maximum rate of ammonium assimilation. This suggests that the growth rates of both marine phytoplankton and macroalgae in nature are often constrained by rates of uptake and assimilation of nutrients per cm2 surface area.  相似文献   

Uptake and assimilation kinetics of nitrate and ammonium were investigated along with inhibition of nitrate uptake by ammonium in the harmful dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum Halim at different nitrogen (N)–limited growth rates. Alexandrium minutum had a strong affinity for nitrate and ammonium (Ks=0.26±0.03 and 0.31±0.04 μmol·L?1, respectively) whatever the degree of N deficiency of the cells. Ammonium was always the preferred form of nitrogen taken up (=0.42–0.50). In the presence of both forms, nitrate uptake was inhibited by ammonium, and inhibition was particularly marked in N‐sufficient cells (Imax~0.9 and Ki=0.31–0.56 μmol·L?1). In the case of N assimilation, ammonium was also the preferred form in N‐deficient cells (=0.54–0.72), whereas in N‐sufficient cells, both N sources were equally preferred (=0.90–1.00). The comparison of uptake and assimilation rates highlighted the ability of A. minutum to significantly store in 1 h nitrate and ammonium in amounts sufficient to supply twice the daily N requirements of the slowest‐growing N‐deficient cells. Nitrogen uptake kinetic parameters of A. minutum and their ecological implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The uptake kinetics of ammonium and phosphate by Gracilaria tikvahiae McLachlan were studied under field conditions. Seaweeds, pulse fed once a week for 6 h over a 4-week period, had maximum uptake rates of 19 μmol·g fwt?1·h?1 for ammonium and 0.28 μmol·g fwt?1·h?1 for phosphate. For both nutrients there was a positive linear correlation between uptake rate (v) and concentration (S) over the entire range of concentration tested. In a nutrient depletion experiment, the phosphate uptake curve determined over a wide range of concentrations consisted of two stages of saturation at low concentrations, and a linear phase at high concentrations. Ash free dry weight, chlorophyll a, phycoerythrin, and protein content were higher in pulse fed plants than in control plants receiving no nutrient additions, while the reverse held true for carbohydrate contents and the C/N ratios. The C/N ratio inversely correlated with ammonium and phosphate uptake rate as well as protein and phycoerythrin content, and positively with carbohydrate content.  相似文献   

Nitrogen uptake rates were measured as a function of time following saturating additions (15 μMg-at N·?1) of 15N-labelid ammonium, urea, and nitrate to N-starved cultures of the picoflagellate Micromonas pusilla Butcher. Uptake rates were estimated from both the accumulation of 15N into the cells and the disappearance of nitrogen from the medium. Transient elevated (surge) uptake rates of NH4+ and urea were observed after enrichment. During the first 5 min the initial urea and NH4+ uptake rates were 2- and 4-fold greater than the maximum growth rate (μMmax)observed prior to No3? depletion in the cultures. The elevated urea uptake rates declined quickly to a relatively constant value, whereas the initial rates of NH4+ uptake declined rapidly but were followed by a subsequent increase prior to remaining roughly constant. Nitrate was not taken up as readily by N-starved M. pusilla as the reduced N forms. Although NO3+ uptake commenced immediately after enrichment (i.e. no lag period) the N-Specific rate over the next 6 h averaged half the μMmax observed during NO3? replete conditions.  相似文献   

Ammonium and nitrate uptake rates in the macroalgae Ulva fenestrata (Postels and Ruprecht) (Chlorophyta) and Gracilaria pacifica (Abbott) (Rhodophyta) were determined by 15N accumulation in algal tissue and by disappearance of nutrient from the medium in long‐term (4–13 days) incubations. Nitrogen‐rich algae (total nitrogen> 4% dry weight [dw]) were used to detect isotope dilution by release of inorganic unlabeled N from algal thalli. Uptake of NH4 + was similar for the two macroalgae, and the highest rates were observed on the first day of incubation (45 μmol N·g dw ? 1·h ? 1 in U. fenestrata and 32 μmol N·g dw ? 1·h ? 1 in G. pacifica). A significant isotope dilution (from 10 to 7.9 atom % enrichment) occurred in U. fenestrata cultures during the first day, corresponding to a NH4 + release rate of 11 μmol N·g dw ? 1·h ? 1. Little isotope dilution occurred in the other algal cultures. Concurrently to net NH4 + uptake, we observed a transient free amino acid (FAA) release on the first day in both macroalgal cultures. The uptake rates estimated by NH4 + disappearance and 15N incorporation in algal tissue compare well (82% agreement, defined as the percentage ratio of the lower to the higher rate) at high NH4 + concentrations, provided that isotope dilution is taken into account. On average, 96% of added 15NH4 + was recovered from the medium and algal tissue at the end of the incubation. Negligible uptake of NO3 ? was observed during the first 2–3 days in both macroalgae. The lag of uptake may have resulted from the need for either some N deprivation (use of NO3 ? pools) or physiological/metabolic changes required before the uptake of NO3 ? . During the subsequent days, NO3 ? uptake rates were similar for the two macroalgae but much lower than NH4 + uptake rates (1.97–3.19 μmol N·g dw ? 1·h ? 1). Very little isotope dilution and FAA release were observed. The agreement between rates calculated with the two different methods averaged 91% in U. fenestrata and 95% in G. pacifica. Recovery of added 15NO3 ? was virtually complete (99%). These tracer incubations show that isotope dilution can be significant in NH4 + uptake experiments conducted with N‐rich macroalgae and that determination of 15N atom % enrichment of the dissolved NH4 + is recommended to avoid poor isotope recovery and underestimation of uptake rates.  相似文献   

The relative influence of the photoperiod and of periodic ammonium pulses in entraining the cell division cycle in nitrogen-limited cyclostat cultures differs dramatically in Hymenomonas carterae Braarud and Fagerl, Amphidinium carteri Hulburt and Thalassiosira weissflogii Grun. We examined how each species processes an NH4+ pulse at various times during the cell cycle and the L/D cycle. Rates of NH4+ uptake and changes in cellular concentrations of NH4+, free amino acids, and protein were examined after the addition of an NH4+ pulse. Depletion of NH4+ from the medium occurred earlier when the pulse was given at the beginning of the light period than at the beginning of the dark period in H. carterae and A. carteri. Depletion took longer in the T. weissflogii cultures and the kinetics were similar during both stages of the photocycle in this species. Similarly, the temporal phasing and maximum pool sizes varied with timing of the NH4+ pulse in H. carterae and A. carteri but complete assimilation was relatively rapid. More persistent pools of NH4+ and free amino acids accumulated in T. weissflogii, and the patterns of assimilation varied little as a function of the timing of the pulse with respect to the photocycle. Although nitrogen metabolism occurred rapidly in nitrogen-limited H. carterae and A. carteri, the entrainment of the cell division cycle by the photoperiod resulted in a large degree of uncoupling between completion of nitrogen assimilation and cell division. It is hypothesized that the strong entrainment of the cell division cycle of T. weissflogii by NH4+ pulses results from a relatively slow rate of nitrogen metabolism.  相似文献   

A method for determining rates of ammonium assimilation in marine algae is described. Ammonium assimilation is defined as the decrease in total (medium + cellular) ammonium. The protonophore carbonyl cyanide m- chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP) was used to distinguish between uptake and assimilation of ammonium. Ammonium uptake by nitrogen-replete and nitrogen-starved cells of the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum Bohlin and the green macroalga Enteromorpha sp. was completely (98%–99%) inhibited in the presence of 100 μM CCCP. In addition to inhibiting further uptake of ammonium, CCCP promoted the release of unassimilated ammonium by nitrogen-replete and nitrogen-starved P. tricornutum and Enteromorpha that had been allowed to take up ammonium for a period. Most (97.5%) of preaccumulated 14C-methylammonium was released by nitrogen-starved P. tricornutum in the presence of CCCP. Specific rates of ammonium assimilation in nitrogen-replete cultures of P. tricornutum were identical to the maximum growth rate, but specific rates in nitrogen-starved cultures were fourfold greater. Rates of ammonium assimilation in Enteromorpha during both the surge and the internally controlled uptake phases were the same as the internally controlled rate of uptake, suggesting that the latter is a reliable measure of the maximum rate of assimilation.  相似文献   

Nitrate uptake experiments were conducted at 18 and 25 C on subtropical and temperate isolates of the neritic diatom Biddulphia aurita (Lyngb.) Breb. & Godey. Two clones (STX-88 and B1) were grown in a 12:12 LD cycle in NO3-limited continuous cultures used for uptake experiments. The half-saturation constant (Ks) and the maximum NO3- uptake rate (Vm) were measured under conditions in which external NO3- concentration controlled uptake rate. The kinetic constants for both clones were higher at the higher temperature. The subtropical clone (STX-88) had lower kinetic values than temperate clone (B1) at both temperatures. The differences appear to be of adaptive significance since STX-88 has a NO3- uptake system, described by its lower Ks value, which minimizes the double stress effects of high temperature-low NO3- concentration conditions characteristic of its habitat. Cytoplasmic enzyme electrophoretic analyses were conducted on the clones. Differences in banding patterns and mobilities showed evidence of allelic substitution. The results suggest genetic variation at the intraspecific level.  相似文献   

NH4+ and NO3? uptake were measured by continuous sampling with an autoanalyzer. For Hypnea musciformis (Wulfen) Lamouroux, NO3?up take followed saturable kinetics (K2=4.9 μg-at N t?1, Vmax= 2.85 μg- at N, g(wet)?1. h?1. The ammonium uptake data fit a trucatd hyperbola, i.e., saturation was not reach at the concentrations used. NO3? uptake was reduced one-half in the presence of NH4+, but presence of NO3? had no effect on NH4+ uptake. Darkness reduced both NO3? and NH4+ uptake by one-third to one-half. For Macrocystis pyrufera (L) C. Agardh, NO3? uptake followed saturable kinetices: K2=13.1 μg-at N. l?1. Vmax=3.05 μg-at N. g(wet)?1. h?1.NH4+ uptake showed saturable kinetics at concentration below 22 μg-at N l -1 (K2=5.3 μg-at N.1–1, Vmax= 2.38 μg-at N G (wet)?1.h?1: at higher concentration uptake increased lincarly with concentrations. NO3?and NH4+ were taken up simulataneously: presence of one form did not affect uptake of the other.  相似文献   

Non-linear time courses of ammonium (NH4+) depletion from the medium and internal accumulation of soluble nitrogen (N) in macroalgae imply that the rate-limiting step for ammonium uptake changes over time. We tested this hypothesis by measuring the time course of N accumulation in N-limited Ulva rigida C. Agardh. Total uptake was measured as removal of NH4+ from medium. Rates for the component processes (transport of NH4+ across the membrane = Rv assimilation of tissure NH4+ into soluble N compounds = Ra, assimilation of tissue NH4+ into soluble N compounds = Ra and incorporation of soluble N compounds into macromolecules = R1) were determined by measuring the rate of labelling of the major tissue N pools after the addition of 15N-ammonium. The results indicate that nitrogen-specific rates (mass N taken up / mass N present / unit time) are ranked in the order of Rt < Ra < R1 Absolute uptake rates (μmol N. mg dry wt?1. h?1) showed a different relationship. Membrane transport appears to be inhibited when NH4+ accumulates in the tissue. Maximum uptake rates occur when assimilation of NH4+ into soluble N compounds begins. Assimilation of NH4+ into soluble N compounds was initially faster than incorporation of soluble N compounds into macromolecules. Implications of rate limitations caused by differences in maximal rates and maximal pool sizes are discussed.  相似文献   

粉绿狐尾藻和凤眼莲对不同形态氮吸收动力学研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用改进常规耗竭法,研究了粉绿狐尾藻(Myriophyllum aquaticum)、凤眼莲(Eichhornia crassipes)在抑菌和非抑菌两种处理中对NO3-、NH4+吸收的动力学特征。结果表明:两种植物对NO3-和NH4+的最大吸收速率(Imax)和亲和力(1/Km)有显著差异,凤眼莲对NO3-、N H4+的吸收速率显著高于狐尾藻,说明凤眼莲更适宜用于污染水体养分的去除;不同植物对NO3-、NH4+表现出吸收偏好性,凤眼莲对NO3-有较高的Imax值和亲和力,而狐尾藻对NH4+有较高的Imax值和亲和力;抑菌处理能显著增加凤眼莲对NH4+的吸收速率,NO3-浓度高于1.00 mmol/L时,抑菌处理能显著减小凤眼莲对NO3-的吸收速率,狐尾藻对NO3-、N H4+的吸收未受到抑菌处理的显著影响。    相似文献   

The effects of molybdenum on photosynthesis and nitrate uptake by two species of freshwater algae, Navicula pelliculosa (Bréd.) Hilse and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Dang. Were examined. Photosynthetic rates in cells of N. Pelliculosa deprived of Mo for 48 h were significantly lower than in nondeprived cells; the rates were 2.6 and 4.5 μg C/106 cells/h, respectively. There was no significant reduction in photosynthetic rates of C. reinhardtii under the 2 treatments, the rates were both ca. 6.0 μg C/106 cells/h. These observed rates in the 2 species were not altered by added Mo concentrations as high as 1.0 ppm. The chlorophyll a values in 48 h Mo-deprived cells were 1.15 μg/106 cells compared to 1.57 μg/106 cells provided with this metal. Molybdenum deficiency did not affect the chlorophyll a concentration in Chlamydomonas; the chlorophyll levels were 2.44μg/106 cells. Nitrate uptake by Mo-deprived cells of N. Pelliculosa was significantly lower than in cells cultured in Mo; the rates were 0.087 and 0.238 μM NOa/106 cells/h, respectively. Uptake rates by C. reinhardtii were similar with or deprived of Mo. The Km values for No3 uptake were 14.9 and 148.0 μM for N. Pelliculosa and C. reinhardtii, respectively.  相似文献   

The kinetics of ammonium assimilation were investigated in two seaweeds from northeastern New Zealand, Enteromorpha sp. (Chlorophyceae, Ulvales) and Osmundaria colensoi (Hook. f. et Harvey) R.E. Norris (Rhodophyceae, Ceramiales), with the use of a recently developed method for measuring assimilation. In contrast to ammonium uptake, which was nonsaturable, ammonium assimilation exhibited Michaelis–Menten kinetics in both species. Maximum rates of assimilation (Vmax) were 27 and 12 μmol·(g DW)−1·h−1 for Enteromorpha sp. and O. colensoi, respectively, with half-saturation (Km) constants for assimilation of 18 and 41 μM. At environmentally relevant concentrations, assimilation accounted for all of the ammonium taken up by both species. The maximum rate of assimilation in Enteromorpha sp. resembled very closely that of the ammonium assimilatory enzyme, glutamine synthetase, when activities of the latter were measured in the presence of subsaturating substrate (glutamate and ATP) concentrations. Moreover, the initial rate of glutamine production (measured with HPLC) following ammonium enrichment was almost identical to the rates determined above. The rate of ammonium assimilation was therefore determined by three independent methods, two of which involve in vivo measurements, and it is suggested that the use of assimilation kinetics may be useful when examining the nutrient relations of seaweeds.  相似文献   

The dependence of substrate saturated uptake of 15NH4+, 15NO3?, 32PO43?, and 14CO2 on photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD or photsynthetically active radiation, 400–700 nm) was characterized seasonally in oligotrophic Flathead Lake, Montana. PO43? uptake was not dependent upon PPFD at any time of the year, whereas NH4+, NO3?, and CO2 uptake were consistently dependent on PPFD over all seasons. Maximal rates of NH4+, NO3? and CO2 uptake usually occurred near 40% of surface PPFD, which corresponded to about 5 m in the lake; inhibition was evident at PPFD levels greater than 40%. NH4+, NO3? and PO43? were incorporated in the dark at measurable rates most of the year, whereas dark CO2 uptake was always near 0 relative to light uptake. CO2 and NO3? uptake were more strongly influenced by PPFD than was NH43? uptake. The PPFD dependence of PO43?, NH4+, NO3? and CO2 uptake may affect algal growth and nutrient status by influencing the balance in diel and seasonal C:N:P uptake ratios.  相似文献   

A natural assemblage of freshwater phytoplankton was removed from an oligotrophic lake and grown at N:P supply ratios of 5:1, 15:1 and 45:1 (by atoms) in semicontinuous culture. After a minimum of 31 days at an average daily growth rate of 0.5 d?1, experiments were conducted examining the time-course of saturated ammonium uptake rates. Cultures grown under the two lowest N:P supply ratios demonstrated greatly elevated initial, specific uptake rates for ammonium and were able to sequester between 7 and 21% of their daily N requirement in less than 5 min. The initial rates declined rapidly but were followed by a subsequent increase and decrease over a 120 min period.  相似文献   

Short-term (1–9 min) nitrate uptake kinetics were measured in Thalassiosira pseudonana (Hust.) Hasle & Heimdal grown in nitrate-limited, ammonium-limited, and nitrate-sufficient continuous cultures. For all cultures, maximal nitrate uptake rates did not develop until approximately 3 min after nitrate addition; thereafter, nitrate uptake rates remained constant or declined slightly. The Ks and Vmax for the nitrate-limited cultures were higher at any growth rate than those for the ammonium-limited or nitrate-sufficient cultures. Thus, much higher nitrate concentrations would be required to saturate nitrate uptake in nitrate-limited Thalassiosira pseudonana than is usually considered necessary. The lack of data for other species grown under a range of environmental conditions makes it difficult to generalize about the effect of preconditioning on nitrate uptake kinetics.  相似文献   

Simultaneous assimilation of NH4 and NO3 by Gelidium nudifrons Gardner was observed in culture experiments of 4 possible combinations of NH4 and NO3. The combinations tested were those in which the concentration of both N sources were in the range of 3.0–4.0 μg-atN · l?1; both in the range of 0.5–1.0 μg-atN · l?1; one in the 3.0–4.0 μg-atN · l?1 range and the other in the 0.5–1.0 μg-atN · l?1 range; and, visa versa. The data suggest that the pools of both NH4 and NO3 are simultaneously available for algal assimilation.  相似文献   

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