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Mutation frequency decline (MFD) is an irreversible loss of newly-induced suppressor mutations occurring in excision-proficient Escherichia coli during a short period of incubation in minimal medium before plating on broth- or Casamino acids-enriched selective agar. It is known that MFD of UV-induced mutations may occur before DNA containing pre-mutagenic lesions is replicated, but we conclude that MFD can also occur after the damaged DNA has been replicated on the basis of the following evidence. (1) Mutation fixation in rich medium (i.e., loss of susceptibility to mutation frequency decline) with ethyl methanesulphonate mutagenesis begins immediately, whereas with UV it is delayed for 20--30 min. (2) The delay in mutation fixation after UV can be explained neither by inhibition of DNA replication nor by a delay in the appearance of error-prone repair activity in the irradiated population. (3) MFD at later times after UV irradiation is more rapid and is less strongly inhibited by caffeine than is MFD immediately after irradiation. (4) Excision is virtually complete 20 min after 3 J m-2 UV but at that time virtually all mutations are still susceptible to MFD. We have presented evidence elsewhere that in bacteria there is an alternative error-free excision-dependent type of post-replication repair of potentially mutagenic daughter strand gaps. We suggest that this process is inhibited at tRNA loci in the presence of nutrient broth or Casamino acids, possibly because of a broth-dependent change in the structure of the single-stranded region including the tRNA locus.  相似文献   

Mutagenic DNA repair in enterobacteria.   总被引:10,自引:7,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
S G Sedgwick  C Ho    R Woodgate 《Journal of bacteriology》1991,173(18):5604-5611
Sixteen species of enterobacteria have been screened for mutagenic DNA repair activity. In Escherichia coli, mutagenic DNA repair is encoded by the umuDC operon. Synthesis of UmuD and UmuC proteins is induced as part of the SOS response to DNA damage, and after induction, the UmuD protein undergoes an autocatalytic cleavage to produce the carboxy-terminal UmuD' fragment needed for induced mutagenesis. The presence of a similar system in other species was examined by using a combined approach of inducible-mutagenesis assays, cross-reactivity to E. coli UmuD and UmuD' antibodies to test for induction and cleavage of UmuD-like proteins, and hybridization with E. coli and Salmonella typhimurium umu DNA probes to map umu-like genes. The results indicate a more widespread distribution of mutagenic DNA repair in other species than was previously thought. They also show that umu loci can be more complex in other species than in E. coli. Differences in UV-induced mutability of more than 200-fold were seen between different species of enteric bacteria and even between multiple natural isolates of E. coli, and yet some of the species which display a poorly mutable phenotype still have umu-like genes and proteins. It is suggested that umDC genes can be curtailed in their mutagenic activities but that they may still participate in some other, unknown process which provides the continued stimulus for their retention.  相似文献   

p21 is a well-established regulator of cell cycle progression. The role of p21 in DNA repair, however, remains poorly characterized. Here, we describe a critical role of p21 in a replication-coupled DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair that is mechanistically distinct from its cell cycle checkpoint function. We demonstrate that p21-deficient cells exhibit elevated chromatid-type aberrations, including gaps and breaks, dicentrics and radial formations, following exposure to several DSB-inducing agents. p21(-/-) cells also exhibit an increased DNA damage-inducible DNA-PK(CS) S2056 phosphorylation, indicative of elevated non-homologous DNA end joining. Concomitantly, p21(-/-) cells are defective in replication-coupled homologous recombination (HR), exhibiting decreased sister chromatid exchanges and HR-dependent repair as determined using a crosslinked GFP reporter assay. Importantly, we establish that the DSB hypersensitivity of p21(-/-) cells is associated with increased cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK)-dependent BRCA2 S3291 phosphorylation and MRE11 nuclear foci formation and can be rescued by inhibition of CDK or MRE11 nuclease activity. Collectively, our results uncover a novel mechanism by which p21 regulates the fidelity of replication-coupled DSB repair and the maintenance of chromosome stability distinct from its role in the G1-S phase checkpoint.  相似文献   

Our previous studies have shown that heat shock and nutritional stress produce an increase in UV resistance and a decrease in UV-induced mutation frequency in DNA repairproficient strains ofEscherichia coli K12. The effect depends on nucleotide excision repair and requires protein synthesis. We now show that comparable changes occur after oxidation stress, exposure to ethanol, or osmotic shock, all in conditions that do not affect the natural mutation frequency. The results support the hypothesis that many unrelated, nonmutagenic treatments elicit a common protective response in these cells that involves induction of an error-free DNA excision repair system.  相似文献   

Brown M  Zhu Y  Hemmingsen SM  Xiao W 《DNA Repair》2002,1(11):869-880
DNA postreplication repair (PRR) is a cellular process by which cells survive replication-blocking lesions without removing the lesion. In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, MMS2 plays a key role in the error-free PRR pathway: the mms2 null mutant displays an increased spontaneous mutation rate and sensitivity to a variety of DNA damaging agents. In contrast, its human homologs appear to play a different role. In order to address whether the MMS2-mediated PRR pathway is conserved in eukaryotes, we isolated a Schizosaccharomyces pombe cDNA homologous to MMS2, which we named spm2(+). Using spm2(+) as a bait in a yeast two-hybrid screen, we identified a fission yeast cDNA homologous to UBC13 from various species and named it spu13(+). Two-hybrid analysis confirmed physical interaction between Spm2 and Spu13, and between Spm2 and budding yeast Ubc13. Genetic analysis shows that both spm2(+) and spu13(+) are able to functionally complement the corresponding budding yeast mutants. Furthermore, deletion of either spm2(+), spu13(+) or both genes from fission yeast results in an increased sensitivity to DNA damaging agents, suggesting that spm2(+) and spu13(+) indeed function in PRR. The fact that the spm2(-) spu13(-) double mutant showed sensitivity similar to that of the single mutant indicates that these two gene products act at the same step. Hence, our data strongly support the hypothesis that the PRR function mediated by UBC13-MMS2 is conserved throughout eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Summary Escherichia coli K12 Hfr H Tsxs Strs and F- Pro- Tsxr His- Arg- Strr bacteria were conjugated in the absence of arginine with or without glucose. The efficiency of conjugation, measured by the frequency of Pro+ and His+ recombinants was not affected. Arginine starvation alone did not affect the tsx s gene expression which occurred in all the zygotes which had received the gene. In contrast, argine and glucose starvation allows tsx s expression only in those zygotes in which the donor gene had been integrated in the genome. As the glucose starvation brings on a destabilization of the messenger RNA synthesized by the F- cells in absence of arginine, the results can be interpreted as follows: the transferred tsx s genes are transitorily expressed in all the zygotes at the unintegrated state. After this transient period, only those genes integrated in the chromosomes of the zygotes continue to be expressed.  相似文献   

Summary The photoreversibility of UV-induced mutations to Trp+ in strain Escherichia coli WP2 uvrA trp (unable to excise pyrimidine dimers) was lost at different rates during incubation in different media. In Casamino acids medium after a short initial lag, photoreversibility was lost over about one generation time; in minimal medium with tryptophan, photoreversibility persisted for more than two generations; in Casamino acids medium with pantoyl lactone photoreversibility was lost extremely slowly. The rate of loss of photoreversibility was unaffected by UV dose in either Casamino acids medium or in minimal medium. The same eventual number of induced mutants was obtained when cells were incubated for two generations in any of the three media before being transferred to selective plates supplemented with Casamino acids. Thus in each the proportion of cells capable of giving rise to a mutant was the same and only the rate at which these cells did so during post-irradiation growth varied, suggesting that there might be a specific fraction of pyrimidine dimers at a given site capable of initiating a mutagenic repair event, and that the size of this fraction is dose dependent. Segregation experiments have shown that error-prone repair appears to occur once only and is not repeated in subsequent replication cycles, in contrast to (presumed error-free) recombination repair.The results are discussed in the light of current models of UV mutagenesis.  相似文献   

Starvation as an inducer of error-free DNA repair in Escherichia coli   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
P S Fitt  N Sharma 《Mutation research》1991,262(2):145-150
Previous work in this laboratory has shown that heat shock or vitamin B1 deprivation induces an error-free DNA-repair process in Escherichia coli. The system is absolutely dependent on excision repair, while its induction is delayed in lon- or recA- cells. We have now shown that starvation of E. coli for amino acids, glucose or phosphate, conditions known to induce the stringent response or the glu and pho regulons, respectively, leads to a similar uvrA-dependent increase in UV resistance and decrease in UV-induced mutation frequency. These results support the hypothesis that the effect is a general response to non-mutagenic stress that may play an important role in the survival of cells exposed to harsh environments.  相似文献   

N Sharma  P S Fitt 《Mutation research》1990,243(2):165-171
Incubation of Escherichia coli AB1157 in a thiamine-deficient medium causes a large, time-dependent increase in resistance to UV-radiation (254 nm) and a fall in its UV-induced mutation frequency to histidine prototrophy which are abolished in its uvrA mutant, but only delayed in lon- and recA- cells. The response of the lexA3 mutant resembles that of the parental cells. These effects are very similar to those we have shown to be induced by heat shock and are clearly due to an error-free, DNA-excision repair-dependent process. They may represent a general response to non-mutagenic stress in these cells.  相似文献   

DNA interstrand crosslinks (ICLs) present formidable blocks to DNA metabolic processes and must be repaired for cell survival. ICLs are induced in DNA by intercalating compounds such as the widely used therapeutic agent psoralen. In bacteria, both nucleotide excision repair (NER) and homologous recombination are required for the repair of ICLs. The processing of ICLs in mammalian cells is not clearly understood. However, it is known that processing can occur by NER, which for psoralen ICLs can be an error-generating process conducive to mutagenesis. We show here that another repair pathway, mismatch repair (MMR), is also involved in eliminating psoralen ICLs in human cells. MMR deficiency renders cells hypersensitive to psoralen ICLs without diminishing their mutagenic potential, suggesting that MMR does not contribute to error-generating repair, and that MMR may represent a relatively error-free mechanism for processing these lesions in human cells. Thus, enhancement of MMR relative to NER may reduce the mutagenesis caused by DNA ICLs in humans.  相似文献   

DNA post-replication repair (PRR) functions to bypass replication-blocking lesions and is subdivided into two parallel pathways: error-prone translesion DNA synthesis and error-free PRR. While both pathways are dependent on the ubiquitination of PCNA, error-free PRR utilizes noncanonical K63-linked polyubiquitinated PCNA to signal lesion bypass through template switch, a process thought to be dependent on Mms2-Ubc13 and a RING finger motif of the Rad5 ubiquitin ligase. Previous in vitro studies demonstrated the ability of Rad5 to promote replication fork regression, a function dependent on its helicase activity. To investigate the genetic and mechanistic relationship between fork regression in vitro and template switch in vivo, we created and characterized site-specific mutations defective in the Rad5 RING or helicase activity. Our results indicate that both the Rad5 ubiquitin ligase and the helicase activities are exclusively involved in the same error-free PRR pathway. Surprisingly, the Rad5 helicase mutation abolishes its physical interaction with Ubc13 and the K63-linked PCNA polyubiquitin chain assembly. Indeed, physical fusions of Rad5 with Ubc13 bypass the requirement for either the helicase or the RING finger domain. Since the helicase domain overlaps with the SWI/SNF chromatin-remodelling domain, our findings suggest a structural role of this domain and that the Rad5 helicase activity is dispensable for error-free lesion bypass.  相似文献   

Error-prone SOS repair can be error-free   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Most of the mutagenesis that accompanies the SOS repair of ultraviolet light-induced lesions in the single-stranded DNA of phage S13 is eliminated when the groES or the groEL gene of Escherichia coli is defective. Therefore, this SOS mutagenesis is not a necessary consequence of what is commonly called error-prone repair, but is additionally imposed on the repair system by the GroE heat shock proteins, which are responsible for the assembly of polypeptides into multimeric structures.  相似文献   

Sterilization values were determined forLegionella pneumophila in chlorine-free, chlorine-demand-free water at elevated temperatures. These values were calculated from experimentally determined D values of 2500 min, 380 min, 13.93 min, 0.74 min, and 0.45 min at 45°C, 50°C, 55°C, 60°C, and 66°C, respectively. D values, Z value and temperature coefficient do not indicate unusual thermal resistance. Sterilization values, the minimum time required to eliminate an aquatic population ofL. pneumophila at a given test temperature, indicate that temperatures greater than about 65°C may not be necessary for efficient disinfection of potable quality water. These values and monitoring of time and temperature parameters can help predict the efficacy of in situ heat treatment of potable quality waters harboringL. pneumophila.  相似文献   

Summary Resistance transfer factors are natural conjugative plasmids encoding antibiotic resistance. Some also encode mutagenic DNA repair genes giving resistance to DNA damage and induced mutagenesis. It has been shown that antibiotic resistance has been acquired by recent transposition events; however, we show here that mutagenic repair genes existed much earlier on these types of plasmids. Conjugative plasmids from eight incompatibility groups from the Murray collection of pre-antibiotic era enterobacteria were tested for complementation of mutagenic repair-deficient Escherichia coli umuC36. Although none of these plasmids carry transposon-encoded drug resistance genes, IncI1 and IncB plasmids were identified which restored ultraviolet resistance and induced mutability to umuC36 mutants. Furthermore they increased the UV resistance and induced mutability of wild-type E. coli, Klebsiella aerogenes and Citrobacter intermedius, thus showing that they could confer a general selective advantage to a variety of hosts. Like know mutagenic repair genes, complementation by these plasmid genes required the SOS response of the host cell. Nucleotide hybridisation showed that these plasmids harboured sequences similar to the impCAB locus, the mutagenic repair operon of modern-day IncI1 plasmids. The evolution of mutagenic repair genes is discussed.  相似文献   

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