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Previous work has indicated that changes in gibberellin (GA) metabolism may be involved in chilling-induced release from dormancy in somatic embryos of grape (Vitis vinifera L. × V. rupestris Scheele). We have chilled somatic embryos of grape for 2, 4, or 8 weeks, then incubated them with [3H]GA4 (of high specific activity, 4.81 × 1010 becquerel per millimole) for 48 hours at 26°C. Chilling had little effect on the total amount of free [3H]GA-like metabolites formed during incubation at 26°C, but did change the relative proportions of individual metabolites. The amount of highly water-soluble [3H] metabolites formed at 26°C decreased in embryos chilled for 4 or 8 weeks. The concentration of endogenous GA precursors (e.g., GA12 aldehyde-, kaurene-, and kaurenoic acid-like substances) increased in embryos chilled for 4 or 8 weeks. Treatment with abscisic acid (ABA) (known to inhibit germination in grape embryos) concurrent with [3H]GA4 treatment at 26°C, reduced the uptake of [3H] GA4 but had little effect on the qualitative spectrum of metabolites. However, in the embryos chilled for 8 weeks and then treated with ABA for 48 hours at 26°C, there was a higher concentration of GA precursors than in untreated control embryos. Chilled embryos thus have an enhanced potential for an increase in free GAs through synthesis from increased amounts of GA precursors, or through a reduced ability to form highly water-soluble GA metabolites (i.e., GA conjugates or polyhydroxylated free GAs).  相似文献   

A variety of cellular responses is needed to ensure the plants survival during drought, but little is known about the signaling mechanisms involved in this process. Soybean cultivars (EMBRAPA 48 and BR 16, tolerant and sensitive to drought, respectively) were exposed to the following treatments: control conditions (plants in field capacity), drought (20% of available water in the soil), sodium nitroprusside (SNP) treatment (plants irrigated and treated with 100-µM SNP [SNP–nitric oxide (NO) donor molecule], and Drought + SNP (plants subjected to drought and SNP treatment). Plants remained in these conditions until the reproductive stage and were evaluated for physiological (photosynthetic pigments, chlorophyll a fluorescence and gas exchange rates), hydraulic (water potential, osmotic potential and leaf hydraulic conductivity) and morpho-anatomical traits (biomass, venation density and stomatal characterization). Exposure to water deficit considerably reduced water potential in both cultivars and resulted in decrease in photosynthesis and biomass accumulation. The addition of the NO donor attenuated these damaging effects of water deficit and increased the tolerance index of both cultivars. The results showed that NO was able to reduce plant's water loss, while maintaining their biomass production through alteration in stomatal characteristics, hydraulic conductivity and the biomass distribution pattern. These hydraulic and morpho-anatomical alterations allowed the plants to obtain, transport and lose less water to the atmosphere, even in water deficit conditions.  相似文献   

Intrinsic water use efficiency (WUE(intr)), the ratio of photosynthesis to stomatal conductance to water, is often used as an index for crop water use in breeding projects. However, WUE(intr) conflates variation in these two processes, and thus may be less useful as a selection trait than knowledge of both components. The goal of the present study was to determine whether the contribution of photosynthetic capacity and stomatal conductance to WUE(intr) varied independently between soybean genotypes and whether this pattern was interactive with mild drought. Photosynthetic capacity was defined as the variation in WUE(intr) that would occur if genotypes of interest had the same stomatal conductance as a reference genotype and only differed in photosynthesis; similarly, the contribution of stomatal conductance to WUE(intr) was calculated assuming a constant photosynthetic capacity across genotypes. Genotypic differences in stomatal conductance had the greatest effect on WUE(intr) (26% variation when well watered), and was uncorrelated with the effect of photosynthetic capacity on WUE(intr). Thus, photosynthetic advantages of 8.3% were maintained under drought. The maximal rate of Rubisco carboxylation, generally the limiting photosynthetic process for soybeans, was correlated with photosynthetic capacity. As this trait was not interactive with leaf temperature, and photosynthetic capacity differences were maintained under mild drought, the observed patterns of photosynthetic advantage for particular genotypes are likely to be consistent across a range of environmental conditions. This suggests that it is possible to employ a selection strategy of breeding water-saving soybeans with high photosynthetic capacities to compensate for otherwise reduced photosynthesis in genotypes with lower stomatal conductance.  相似文献   

Drought is a great challenge to agricultural production, and cultivation of drought‐tolerant or water use‐efficient cultivars is important to ensure high biomass yields for bio‐refining and bioenergy. Here, we evaluated drought tolerance of four C3 species, Dactylis glomerata cvs. Sevenop and Amba, Festuca arundinacea cvs. Jordane and Kora, Phalaris arundinacea cvs. Bamse and Chieftain and Festulolium pabulare cv. Hykor, and two C4 species Miscanthus × giganteus and M. lutarioriparius. Control (irrigated) and drought‐treated plants were grown on coarse and loamy sand in 1 m2 lysimeter plots where rain was excluded. Drought periods started after harvest and lasted until 80% of available soil water had been used. Drought caused a decrease in dry matter yield (DM; P < 0.001) for all species and cultivars during the drought period. Cultivars Sevenop, Kora and Jordane produced DM at equal levels and higher than the other C3 cultivars in control and drought‐treated plots both during and after the drought period. Negative correlations were observed between stomatal conductance (gs) and leaf water potential (P < 0.01) and positive correlations between gs and DM (P < 0.05) indicating that gs might be suitable for assessment of drought stress. There were indications of positive associations between plants carbon isotope composition and water use efficiency (WUE) as well as DM under well‐watered conditions. Compared to control, drought‐treated plots showed increased growth in the period after drought stress. Thus, the drought events did not affect total biomass production (DMtotal) of the whole growing season. During drought stress and the whole growing season, WUE was higher in drought‐treated compared to control plots, so it seems possible to save water without loss of biomass. Across soil types, M. lutarioriparius had the highest DMtotal (15.0 t ha?1), WUEtotal (3.6 g L?1) and radiation use efficiency (2.3 g MJ?1) of the evaluated grasses.  相似文献   

Water deficiency is a critical environmental condition that is seriously reducing global plant production. Improved water‐use efficiency (WUE) and drought tolerance are effective strategies to address this problem. In this study, PdEPF1, a member of the EPIDERMAL PATTERNING FACTOR (EPF) family, was isolated from the fast‐growing poplar clone NE‐19 [Populus nigra × (Populus deltoides × Populus nigra)]. Significantly, higher PdEPF1 levels were detected after induction by dehydration and abscisic acid. To explore the biological functions of PdEPF1, transgenic triploid white poplars (Populus tomentosa ‘YiXianCiZhu B385’) overexpressing PdEPF1 were constructed. PdEPF1 overexpression resulted in increased water deficit tolerance and greater WUE. We confirmed that the transgenic lines with greater instantaneous WUE had approximately 30% lower transpiration but equivalent CO2 assimilation. Lower transpiration was associated with a 28% reduction in abaxial stomatal density. PdEPF1 overexpression not only strongly enhanced WUE, but also greatly improved drought tolerance, as measured by the leaf relative water content and water potential, under limited water conditions. In addition, the growth of these oxPdEPF1 plants was less adversely affected by reduced water availability than plants with a higher stomatal density, indicating that plants with a low stomatal density may be well suited to grow in water‐scarce environments. Taken together, our data suggest that PdEPF1 improves WUE and confers drought tolerance in poplar; thus, it could be used to breed drought‐tolerant plants with increased production under conditions of water deficiency.  相似文献   

We examined the relationships among productivity, water use efficiency (WUE) and drought tolerance in 29 genotypes of Populus x euramericana (Populus deltoides x Populus nigra), and investigated whether some leaf traits could be used as predictors for productivity, WUE and drought tolerance. At Orléans, France, drought was induced on one field plot by withholding water, while a second plot remained irrigated and was used as a control. Recorded variables included stem traits (e.g. biomass) and leaf structural (e.g. leaf area) and functional traits [e.g. intrinsic water use efficiency (Wi) and carbon isotope discrimination (Delta)]. Productivity and Delta displayed large genotypic variability and were not correlated. Delta scaled negatively with Wi and positively with stomatal conductance under moderate drought, suggesting that the diversity for Delta was mainly driven by stomatal conductance. Most of the productive genotypes displayed a low level of drought tolerance (i.e. a large reduction of biomass), while the less productive genotypes presented a large range of drought tolerance. The ability to increase WUE in response to water deficit was necessary but not sufficient to explain the genotypic diversity of drought tolerance.  相似文献   

A goal of modern agriculture is to improve plant drought tolerance and production per amount of water used, referred to as water use efficiency (WUE). Although stomatal density has been linked to WUE, the causal molecular mechanisms have yet to be determined. Arabidopsis thaliana GT-2 LIKE 1 (GTL1) loss-of-function mutations result in increased water deficit tolerance and higher integrated WUE by reducing daytime transpiration without a demonstrable reduction in biomass accumulation. gtl1 plants had higher instantaneous WUE that was attributable to ~25% lower transpiration and stomatal conductance but equivalent CO(2) assimilation. Lower transpiration was associated with higher STOMATAL DENSITY AND DISTRIBUTION1 (SDD1) expression and an ~25% reduction in abaxial stomatal density. GTL1 expression occurred in abaxial epidermal cells where the protein was localized to the nucleus, and its expression was downregulated by water stress. Chromatin immunoprecipitation analysis indicated that GTL1 interacts with a region of the SDD1 promoter that contains a GT3 box. An electrophoretic mobility shift assay was used to determine that the GT3 box is necessary for the interaction between GTL1 and the SDD1 promoter. These results establish that GTL1 negatively regulates WUE by modulating stomatal density via transrepression of SDD1.  相似文献   

Endogenous gibberellin (GA)-like substances were examined in suspension cultures of somatic embryos of a hybrid grape (Vitis vinifera × Vitis rupestris) during embryogenesis, and in mature embryos chilled at 4°C, and subsequently incubated at 26°C with and without abscisic acid (ABA). The extract was separated into a nonpolar fraction (would contain GA-precursors); a fraction that would contain free GAs; and a highly H2O-soluble fraction (would contain GA glucosyl conjugates and very polar free GAs). Quantitation after SiO2 partition chromatography was accomplished by microdrop and immersion dwarf rice bioassays. As embryogenesis developed, the free and highly H2O-soluble GA-like substances, expressed on a dry weight basis, decreased (however, they increased on a per embryo basis). Chilling at 4°C for 1 week greatly increased activity of free GA-like substances (per g dry weight and per embryo), it then declined over the next three weeks of chilling. Activity (per g dry weight and per embryo) in the H2O-soluble fraction declined throughout chilling. Activity in the GA-precursor fraction, however, increased steadily with chilling (per g dry weight and per embryo). Incubation at 26°C after chilling enhanced activity in the free GA and H2O-soluble fractions (per g dry weight and per embryo), but activity in the GA-precursor fraction dropped dramatically. Incubation at 26°C with (±) ABA after chilling prevented germination and maintained high activity for GA precursors and less polar free GAs and low activity in the polar free GA and H2O-soluble fractions.

Kaurene and kaurenoic acid were characterized in the GA-precursor fraction of chilled embryos by gas-liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (GLC-MS). The existence of GA4 and GA9 in ABA-treated, chilled embryos was also confirmed by GLC-MS.


The capability to withstand and to recover from severe summer droughts is becoming an important issue for tree species in central Europe, as dry periods are predicted to occur more frequently over the coming decades. Changes in leaf gas exchange, chlorophyll a fluorescence and leaf compounds related to photoprotection were analysed in young Quercus pubescens trees under field conditions during two summers (2004 and 2005) of progressive drought and subsequent rewatering. Photochemistry was reversibly down-regulated and dissipation of excess energy was enhanced during the stress phase, while contents of leaf pigments and antioxidants were almost unaltered. Plant water status was restored immediately after rewatering. Net photosynthesis (P(n)) measured at ambient CO2 recovered from inhibition by drought within 4 wk. P(n) measured at elevated CO2--to overcome stomatal limitations--was restored after a few days. A network of photoprotective mechanisms acted in preserving the potential functionality of the photosynthetic apparatus during severe drought, leading to a rapid recovery of photosynthetic activity after rewatering. Thus, Q. pubescens seems to be capable of withstanding and surviving extreme drought events.  相似文献   

Plant and Soil - Soils are composed of both fine and coarse materials. Coarse material (&gt; 2&nbsp;mm) is considered to be inert and is usually discarded in models of plant water balance,...  相似文献   

C M Kreike  W J Stiekema 《Génome》1997,40(2):180-187
In this paper we describe the reduced recombination and distorted segregation in an interspecific hybrid between Solanum tuberosum and Solanum spegazzinii. To study these phenomena, a cross was made between a (di)haploid S. tuberosum, used as a female parent, and a diploid wild potato species, S. spegazzinii, used as a male parent. Next, a backcross (BC) population was made with F1 genotype 38 that was backcrossed to S. tuberosum. In the backcross, S. tuberosum was used as the male parent. RFLP linkage maps were made using the F1 and the BC populations, yielding linkage maps of the interspecific hybrid, S. spegazzinii, and S. tuberosum from which male and female linkage maps could be constructed. The computer program JOINMAP was used to construct and combine the separate linkage maps. Subsequently, the separate linkage maps were compared with each other, and reduced recombination was observed in the linkage maps of the male S. tuberosum and the interspecific hybrid. The reason for this reduced recombination is discussed. Another common feature in linkage maps is the observation of distorted segregation. The distorted segregation of alleles from the interspecific hybrid was studied in more detail in the BC population. Most of the distortion was probably caused by gamete selection, but for 3 loci, on chromosomes 2, 3, and 4, we found evidence for the presence of a strong selection force acting at the zygote level against homozygous genotypes.  相似文献   

针对西北干旱半干旱地区土壤贫瘠与水分缺乏的问题,利用微生物与作物形成互惠互利的共生关系,本研究设置两个水分梯度:干旱胁迫(供试土壤最大持水量的35%)和正常水分(供试土壤最大持水量的75%),两个覆膜方式:无覆膜(NM)和覆膜(FM),4个接种微生物水平:单接AM真菌(AM)、单接解磷细菌(PSB)、联合接种AM真菌与解磷细菌(AM+PSB)以及对照(CK),研究不同水分和覆膜条件下4个接种微生物对玉米生长特性、地上养分吸收与水分利用效率的影响.结果表明: 与正常水分处理相比,干旱胁迫能够显著提高接种AM真菌处理的侵染率,但正常水分处理下土壤根外菌丝密度、总球囊霉素(T-GRSP)与易提取球囊霉素(EE-GRSP)含量明显提高.干旱胁迫下,单接AM真菌处理的促生作用和菌根效应表现最好,能够提高玉米生物量、水分利用效率和土壤有机碳含量,促进土壤N、P、K的吸收与运输,从而增加玉米地上部分N、P、K吸收量;而正常水分下,联合接种AM+PSB处理表现要好于单接AM和PSB处理,且其与覆膜的互作效果最好.相关分析结果表明,玉米生物量、叶片SPAD值和地上部分N、P、K吸收量均与土壤根外菌丝密度呈显著正相关,玉米水分利用效率与其呈显著负相关.  相似文献   

Plant and Soil - Soil water deficits have presented challenges to vegetation restoration in rocky desertification areas. In the field, small volumes of soil resources are present only in...  相似文献   

A. Davies  G. Jenkins  H. Rees 《Genetica》1990,82(2):103-110
The chromosomes of the two closely related diploid species, Gibasis consobrina and G. karwinskyana (Commelinaceae; 2n=2x=10), are morphologically alike, yet form few chiasmate associations at metaphase I in the f1 hybrid. During meiotic prophase, however, synaptonemal complexes join the majority of the chromosomes of the complement in complex multiple pairing configurations. The F1 hybrid between different tetraploid genotypes of the same two species similarly forms multivalents during meiotic prophase, which are subsequently eliminated in favour of strictly homologous bivalents before metaphase I. One quadrivalent comprising interchange chromosomes inherited from one of the parents, usually persists to first metaphase. Evidently the resolution of multivalents to bivalents at first metaphase, which accounts for diploidisation, is not attributable to the elimination of multivalents per se, but of multivalents comprising chromosomes of limited homology.  相似文献   

We examined the interactions of water and nitrogen availability by subjecting two Populus clones. Tristis and Eugenei, to five soil moisture and three soil nitrogen levels. Nitrogen application significantly increased net photosynthesis and stomatal conductance of flooded Eugenei and Tristis. The onset of flooding caused partial stomatal closure. Net photosynthesis significantly declined after a longer flooding period. Emergence of adventitious roots on the submerged portions of stems in both clones seemingly helped net photosynthesis fully recover in Eugenei and partially recover in Tristis. Under the progressive drought conditions, stomatal conductance was more sensitive to drought than net photosynthesis in both clones. Addition of nitrogen to progressively drying soil induced more stomatal closure in both clones. The highest water-use efficiency was found on the high-N/severe drought zone for Eugenei, whereas it was found on the high-N/mild to moderate drought zone for Tristis.  相似文献   

Investigations of regulatory helper and suppressor T cells in the in vitro anti-DNA antibody synthesis in NZB x NZW (B/W) F1 hybrid mice were initiated by the development of an in vitro system in which G10-passed B cells from B/W F1 mice were cocultured with mitomycin C-treated T cells in the presence of Con A and either in the presence or in the absence of LPS. It was revealed that each IgG and IgM anti-DNA antibody synthesis was under the regulation of separate L3T4+ helper and Ly-2+ suppressor T cells. The function of these class-specific regulatory T cells was age-dependent. Although the helper effect of L3T4+ T cells on IgG antibody synthesis increased, the effect of L3T4+ T cells on IgM antibody production decreased in B/W F1 mice with aging. The IgG anti-DNA antibody production in the cocultures of L3T4+ T cells and B cells was suppressed by addition of Ly-2+ T cells from young but not aged B/W F1 mice, whereas the production of IgM anti-DNA antibodies was suppressed by Ly-2+ T cells from aged but not young B/W F1 mice. We also found that although IgM anti-DNA antibody-producing B cells were already present in 2-mo-old mice, B cells producing IgG antibodies under the influence of L3T4+ T cells appeared in mice at 7 mo of age. These data clearly indicate that separate class-specific regulatory T cells are involved in the production of IgM and IgG anti-DNA antibodies and that the total serum level of the antibodies is reflected by both their age-associated changes and the generation of antibody-forming B cells in B/W F1 mice.  相似文献   

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