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Tyrosine 43 is positioned parallel to the fifth heme axial ligand, His34, of heme 1 in the tetraheme cytochrome c(3). The replacement of tyrosine with leucine increased the redox potential of heme 1 by 44 and 35 mV at the first and last reduction steps, respectively; its effects on the other hemes are small. In contrast, the Y43F mutation hardly changed the potentials. It shows that the aromatic ring at this position contributes to lowering the redox potential of heme 1 locally, although this cannot be the major contribution to the extremely low redox potentials of cytochrome c(3). Furthermore, temperature-dependent line-width broadening in partially reduced samples established that the aromatic ring at position 43 participates in the control of the kinetics of intramolecular electron transfer. The rate of reduction of Y43L cytochrome c(3) by 5-deazariboflavin semiquinone under partially reduced conditions was significantly different from that of the wild type in the last stage of the reduction, supporting the involvement of Tyr43 in regulation of reduction kinetics. The mutation of Y43L, however, did not induce a significant change in the crystal structure.  相似文献   

In Desulfovibrio metabolism, periplasmic hydrogen oxidation is coupled to cytoplasmic sulfate reduction via transmembrane electron transfer complexes. Type II tetraheme cytochrome c3 (TpII-c3), nine-heme cytochrome c (9HcA) and 16-heme cytochrome c (HmcA) are periplasmic proteins associated to these membrane-bound redox complexes and exhibit analogous physiological function. Type I tetraheme cytochrome c3 (TpI-c3) is thought to act as a mediator for electron transfer from hydrogenase to these multihemic cytochromes. In the present work we have investigated Desulfovibrio africanus (Da) and Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough (DvH) TpI-c3/TpII-c3 complexes. Comparative kinetic experiments of Da TpI-c3 and TpII-c3 using electrochemistry confirm that TpI-c3 is much more efficient than TpII-c3 as an electron acceptor from hydrogenase (second order rate constant k = 9 x 10(8) M(-1) s(-1), K(m) = 0.5 microM as compared to k = 1.7 x 10(7) M(-1) s(-1), K(m) = 40 microM, for TpI-c3 and TpII-c3, respectively). The Da TpI-c3/TpII-c3 complex was characterized at low ionic strength by gel filtration, analytical ultracentrifugation and cross-linking experiments. The thermodynamic parameters were determined by isothermal calorimetry titrations. The formation of the complex is mainly driven by a positive entropy change (deltaS = 137(+/-7) J mol(-1) K(-1) and deltaH = 5.1(+/-1.3) kJ mol(-1)) and the value for the association constant is found to be (2.2(+/-0.5)) x 10(6) M(-1) at pH 5.5. Our thermodynamic results reveal that the net increase in enthalpy and entropy is dominantly produced by proton release in combination with water molecule exclusion. Electrostatic forces play an important role in stabilizing the complex between the two proteins, since no complex formation is detected at high ionic strength. The crystal structure of Da TpI-c3 has been solved at 1.5 angstroms resolution and structural models of the complex have been obtained by NMR and docking experiments. Similar experiments have been carried out on the DvH TpI-c3/TpII-c3 complex. In both complexes, heme IV of TpI-c3 faces heme I of TpII-c3 involving basic residues of TpI-c3 and acidic residues of TpII-c3. A secondary interacting site has been observed in the two complexes, involving heme II of Da TpII-c3 and heme III of DvH TpI-c3 giving rise to a TpI-c3/TpII-c3 molar ratio of 2:1 and 1:2 for Da and DvH complexes, respectively. The physiological significance of these alternative sites in multiheme cytochromes c is discussed.  相似文献   

The structure of the type I tetraheme cytochrome c(3) from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans G20 was determined to 1.5 Angstrom by X-ray crystallography. In addition to the oxidized form, the structure of the molybdate-bound form of the protein was determined from oxidized crystals soaked in sodium molybdate. Only small structural shifts were obtained with metal binding, consistent with the remarkable structural stability of this protein. In vitro experiments with pure cytochrome showed that molybdate could oxidize the reduced cytochrome, although not as rapidly as U(VI) present as uranyl acetate. Alterations in the overall conformation and thermostability of the metal-oxidized protein were investigated by circular dichroism studies. Again, only small changes in protein structure were documented. The location of the molybdate ion near heme IV in the crystal structure suggested heme IV as the site of electron exit from the reduced cytochrome and implicated Lys14 and Lys56 in binding. Analysis of structurally conserved water molecules in type I cytochrome c(3) crystal structures identified interactions predicted to be important for protein stability and possibly for intramolecular electron transfer among heme molecules.  相似文献   

The cytochrome c domain of subunit II from the Rhodothermus marinus caa(3) HiPIP:oxygen oxidoreductase, a member of the superfamily of heme-copper-containing terminal oxidases, was produced in Escherichia coli and characterised. The recombinant protein, which shows the same optical absorption and redox properties as the corresponding domain in the holo enzyme, was crystallized and its structure was determined to a resolution of 1.3 A by the multiwavelength anomalous dispersion (MAD) technique using the anomalous dispersion of the heme iron atom. The model was refined to final R(cryst) and R(free) values of 13.9% and 16.7%, respectively. The structure reveals the insertion of two short antiparallel beta-strands forming a small beta-sheet, an interesting variation of the classical all alpha-helical cytochrome c fold. This modification appears to be common to all known caa(3)-type terminal oxidases, as judged by comparative modelling and by analyses of the available amino acid sequences for these enzymes. This is the first high-resolution crystal structure reported for a cytochrome c domain of a caa(3)-type terminal oxidase. The R.marinus caa(3) uses HiPIP as the redox partner. The calculation of the electrostatic potential at the molecular surface of this extra C-terminal domain provides insights into the binding to its redox partner on one side and its interaction with the remaining subunit II on the other side.  相似文献   

We report a protein conformational change following carbon monoxide photodetachment from fully reduced bovine cytochrome c oxidase that is hypothesized to be associated with changes in ligand mobility through a dioxygen access channel in the protein. Although not resolved by earlier photoacoustic or optical studies on this adduct, utilization of slightly lower temperatures revealed a process with a kinetic lifetime of about 70 ns at 10 degrees C. We measure an enthalpy change of about 8 kcal/mol in 0.050 M HEPES buffer that becomes less endothermic (DeltaH approximately 2 kcal/mol) at higher ionic strength. The volume contraction of about -0.7 mL/mol associated with the process almost doubles in higher ionic strength buffer systems. Measurements of samples in phosphate buffer systems are similar and appear to display the same subtle ionic strength dependence. Both the isolation of this photoacoustic signal component and the possible dependence on ionic strength of the thermodynamic parameters derived from its analysis appear analogous to and consistent with prior photoacoustic results monitoring CO photodetachment from the camphor complex of cytochrome P-450. Accordingly, we consider a similar model in which a conformational change results in movement of an exposed charged group or groups towards the interior of the protein, out of contact with solvent, as in the closing of a salt bridge.  相似文献   

The folding of cytochrome c(551) from Pseudomonas aeruginosa was previously thought to follow a simple sequential mechanism, consistent with the lack of histidine residues, other than the native His16 heme ligand, that can give rise to mis-coordinated species. However, further kinetic analysis reveals complexities indicative of a folding mechanism involving parallel pathways. Double-jump interrupted refolding experiments at low pH indicate that approximately 50% of the unfolded cytochrome c(551) population can reach the native state via a fast (10 ms) folding track, while the rest follows a slower folding path with populated intermediates. Stopped-flow experiments using absorbance at 695 nm to monitor refolding confirm the presence of a rapidly folding species containing the native methionine-iron bond while measurements on carboxymethylated cytochrome c(551) (which lacks the Met-Fe coordination bond) indicate that methionine ligation occurs late during folding along the fast folding track, which appears to be dominant at physiological pH. Continuous-flow measurements of tryptophan-heme energy transfer, using a capillary mixer with a dead time of about 60 micros, show evidence for a rapid chain collapse within 100 micros preceding the rate-limiting folding phase on the milliseconds time scale. A third process with a time constant in the 10-50 ms time range is consistent with a minor population of molecules folding along a parallel channel, as confirmed by quantitative kinetic modeling. These findings indicate the presence of two or more slowly inter-converting ensembles of denatured states that give rise to pH-dependent partitioning among fast and slow-folding pathways.  相似文献   

Fago A  Mathews AJ  Moens L  Dewilde S  Brittain T 《FEBS letters》2006,580(20):4884-4888
Previously identified, potentially neuroprotective reactions of neuroglobin require the existence of yet unknown redox partners. We show here that the reduction of ferric neuroglobin by cytochrome b(5) is relatively slow (k=6 x 10(2)M(-1)s(-1) at pH 7.0) and thus is unlikely to be of physiological significance. In contrast, the reaction between ferrous neuroglobin and ferric cytochrome c is very rapid (k=2 x 10(7)M(-1)s(-1)) with an apparent overall equilibrium constant of 1 microM. Based on this data we propose that ferrous neuroglobin may well play a role in preventing apoptosis.  相似文献   

In an early stage of the growth of Desulfovibrio vulgaris, Miyazaki, a burst of H2 occurred, and lasted for a few hours. The H2S production which paralleled the cell proliferation was very low in the H2 burst period, and began to increase thereafter. Hydrogenase (hydrogen: ferricytochrome c3 oxidoreductase, EC1. 12.2.1), cytochrome c3 and desulfoviridin also increased after the H2 burst. These phenomena were common to all the cultural conditions tested, i.e., the cell growth is always preceded by the initial H2 burst. Hydrogenase of cells harvested in the H2 burst peroid was composed mainly of the high molecular weight species (mol. wt., 180,000), whereas that of the cells harvested later was composed of both the high molecular weight and the low molecular weight (mol. wt., 70,000) species. It was suggested that the former enzyme was acting as a catalyzer in the initial H2 burst to effect the substrate level phosphorylation during the breakdown of lactate to acetate and CO2, whereas the latter was induced by the H2 produced by the cells themselves to recycle H2 in order to supply electrons to the reducing system of sulfur oxy-acids coupled to electron transfer phosphorylation. The amount of cytochrome c3 in cells harvested from an iron-deficient medium was as high as that in cells harvested from an iron-rich medium, suggesting the significance of this electron carrier in the cellular metabolism.  相似文献   

Sulphate-reducing bacteria have a wide variety of periplasmic cytochromes involved in electron transfer from the periplasm to the cytoplasm. HmcA is a high molecular mass cytochrome of 550 amino acid residues that harbours 16 c-type heme groups. We report the crystal structure of HmcA isolated from the periplasm of Desulfovibrio gigas. Crystals were grown using polyethylene glycol 8K and zinc acetate, and diffracted beyond 2.1 A resolution. A multiple-wavelength anomalous dispersion experiment at the iron absorption edge enabled us to obtain good-quality phases for structure solution and model building. DgHmcA has a V-shape architecture, already observed in HmcA isolated from Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough. The presence of an oligosaccharide molecule covalently bound to an Asn residue was observed in the electron density maps of DgHmcA and confirmed by mass spectrometry. Three modified monosaccharides appear at the highly hydrophobic vertex, possibly acting as an anchor of the protein to the cytoplasmic membrane.  相似文献   

Summary The1H NMR signals of the heme methyl, propionate and related chemical groups of cytochromec 3 fromDesulfovibrio vulgaris Miyazaki F (D.v. MF) were site-specifically assigned by means of ID NOE, 2D DQFCOSY and 2D TOCSY spectra. They were consistent with the site-specific assignments of the hemes with the highest and second-lowest redox potentials reported by Fan et al. (Biochemistry,29 (1990) 2257–2263). The site-specific heme assignments were also supported by NOE between the methyl groups of these hemes and the side chain of Val18. All the results contradicted the heme assignments forD.v. MF cytochromec 3 made on the basis of electron spin resonance (Gayda et al. (1987)FEBS Lett.,217 57–61). Based on these assignments, the interaction of cytochromec 3 withD.v. MF ferredoxin I was investigated by NMR. The major interaction site of cytochromec 3 was identified as the heme with the highest redox potential, which is surrounded by the highest density of positive charges. The stoichiometry and association constant were two cytochromec 3 molecules per monomer of ferredoxin I and 108 M–2 (at 53 mM ionic strength and 25°C), respectively.  相似文献   

Steady-state kinetics for the reaction of Rhodobacter capsulatus bacterial cytochrome c peroxidase (BCCP) with its substrate cytochrome c(2) were investigated. The Rb. capsulatus BCCP is dependent on calcium for activation as previously shown for the Pseudomonas aeruginosa BCCP and Paracoccus denitrificans enzymes. Furthermore, the activity shows a bell-shaped pH dependence with optimum at pH 7.0. Enzyme activity is greatest at low ionic strength and drops off steeply as ionic strength increases, resulting in an apparent interaction domain charge product of -13. All cytochromes c(2) show an asymmetric distribution of surface charge, with a concentration of 14 positive charges near the exposed heme edge of Rb. capsulatus c(2) which potentially may interact with approximately 6 negative charges, localized near the edge of the high-potential heme of the Rb. capsulatus BCCP. To test this proposal, we constructed charge reversal mutants of the 14 positively charged residues located on the front face of Rb. capsulatus cytochrome c(2) and examined their effect on steady-state kinetics with BCCP. Mutated residues in Rb. capsulatus cytochrome c(2) that showed the greatest effects on binding and enzyme activity are K12E, K14E, K54E, K84E, K93E, and K99E, which is consistent with the site of electron transfer being located at the heme edge. We conclude that a combination of long-range, nonspecific electrostatic interactions as well as localized salt bridges between, e.g., cytochrome c(2) K12, K14, K54, and K99 with BCCP D194, D241, and D6, account for the observed kinetics.  相似文献   

In F(o)F(1)-ATP synthase, an oligomer ring of F(o)c subunits acts as a rotary proton channel of the F(o)-proton motor. On the basis of the solution structure of the Escherichia coli F(o)c (EF(o)c) monomer, the rotation of the C-terminal helix coupled with the reorientation of the essential Asp61 side-chain on deprotonation was proposed to drive rotation of the whole c-ring. We have determined the NMR structure of F(o)c from thermophilic Bacillus PS3, TF(o)c, in an organic solvent mixture (chloroform/methanol (3:1, v/v)). Our results showed that, independent of pH, the carboxyl group of the essential Glu56 of TF(o)c protrudes toward the outside of the hairpin, a third orientation that differs from either of the two orientations in EF(o)c. Therefore, it would be inappropriate to draw conclusions about the mechanism of c-ring rotation on the basis of the conformations observed only for EF(o)c. The appearance of different hairpin structures shows that there are multiple energy minima for the hairpin structure in terms of helix rotation and axial displacement. The multiple energy minima may also provide a base for the different oligomeric states in the c-ring structure. A rotation mechanism of the F(o) motor coupled with H(+)-translocation is discussed on the basis of these results and the recently reported crystal structure of the c-ring from Ilyobacter tartaricus Na(+)-ATPase.  相似文献   

Monomeric cytochrome c5 from deep-sea piezophilic Shewanella violacea (SVcytc5) was stable against heat and denaturant compared with the homologous protein from shallow-sea piezo-sensitive Shewanella livingstonensis (SLcytc5). Here, the SVcytc5 crystal structure revealed that the Lys-50 side chain on the flexible loop formed a hydrogen bond with heme whereas that of corresponding hydrophobic Leu-50 could not form such a bond in SLcytc5, which appeared to be one of possible factors responsible for the difference in stability between the two proteins. This structural insight was confirmed by a reciprocal mutagenesis study on the thermal stability of these two proteins. As SVcytc5 was isolated from a deep-sea piezophilic bacterium, the present comparative study indicates that adaptation of monomeric SVcytc5 to high pressure environments results in stabilization against heat.  相似文献   

Periplasmic extract from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans (NCIMB 8372) was found to contain two different c-type cytochromes. One is tetraheme cytochrome c3 and the other is monoheme cytochrome c553. Cytochrome c3 could be purified by a procedure involving only one chromatographic step, whereas cytochrome c553 required several such steps. Cytochrome c3 was found to have a relative molecular mass of 14300 and an isoionic point higher than 9. Analysis of the redox potentials indicated one heme at -260 mV and three hemes around -330 mV. Cytochrome c553 had a relative molecular mass of 7200, an isoionic point higher than 9 and a redox potential of 0 mV.  相似文献   

The chemical denaturation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa cytochrome c(551) variants was examined at pH 5.0 and 3.6. All variants were stabilized at both pHs compared with the wild-type. Remarkably, the variants carrying the F34Y and/or E43Y mutations were more stabilized than those having the F7A/V13M or V78I ones at pH 5.0 compared with at pH 3.6 by ~3.0-4.6 kJ/mol. Structural analyses predicted that the side chains of introduced Tyr-34 and Tyr-43 become hydrogen donors for the hydrogen bond formation with heme 17-propionate at pH 5.0, but less efficiently at pH 3.6, because the propionate is deprotonated at the higher pH. Our results provide an insight into a stabilization strategy for heme proteins involving variation of the heme electronic state and introduction of appropriate mutations.  相似文献   

Lysines 9 and 10 in Desulfuromonas acetoxidans cytochrome c7, which could be involved in the interaction mechanism with the redox partners, have been replaced by alanine residues using site-directed mutagenesis. The solution structure of the fully oxidized form of K9-10A cytochrome c7, which is paramagnetic with three paramagnetic centers, has been determined via 1H NMR. The assignment of the spectra has been performed through an automatic program whose algorithm and strategy are here described. The assignment of the NOESY spectra has been further extended by back calculating the NOESY maps. The final number of meaningful NOE-based upper distance limits was 1186. In the Restrained Energy Minimization calculations, 147 pseudocontact shift constraints were also included, which showed consistency with NOE-based constraints and therefore further contribute to validate the structure quality. A final family of 35 conformers was calculated with RMSD values with respect to the mean structure of 0.69 ± 0.17 Å and 1.05 ± 0.14 Å for the backbone and heavy atoms, respectively. The overall fold of the molecule is maintained with respect to the native protein. The loop present between heme III and heme IV results to be highly disordered also in the present structure although its overall shape mainly resembles that of the oxidized native protein, and the two strands which give rise to the short -sheet present at the N-terminus and connected by a turn containing the mutated residues, are less clearly defined. If this loop is neglected, the RMSD values are 0.52 ± 0.07 Å and 0.92 ± 0.06 Å for the backbone and heavy atoms, respectively, which represent a reasonable resolution. The relative distances and orientations of the three hemes are maintained, as well as the orientation of the imidazole rings of the axial histidine ligands, with the only exception of heme IV. Such difference probably reflects minor conformational changes due to the substitution of the vicinal Lys10 with an Ala. The replacement of the two lysines does not affect the reduction potentials of the three hemes, consistently with the expectations on the basis of the structure and electrostatic calculations. However, the replacement of the two lysines affects the reactivity of the mutant cytochrome c7 with [Fe] hydrogenase, inducing a change in K m. This finding is in agreement with the identification of the protein area around heme IV as the interacting site.  相似文献   

The characterisation of individual centres in multihaem proteins is difficult due to the similarities in the redox and spectroscopic properties of the centres. NMR has been used successfully to distinguish redox centres and allow the determination of the microscopic thermodynamic parameters in several multihaem cytochromes c3 isolated from different sulphate-reducing bacteria. In this article we show that it is also possible to discriminate the kinetic properties of individual centres in multihaem proteins, if the complete microscopic thermodynamic characterisation is available and the system displays fast intramolecular equilibration in the time scale of the kinetic experiment. The deconvolution of the kinetic traces using a model of thermodynamic control provides a reference rate constant for each haem that does not depend on driving force and can be related to structural factors. The thermodynamic characterisation of three tetrahaem cytochromes and their kinetics of reduction by sodium dithionite are reported in this paper. Thermodynamic and kinetic data were fitted simultaneously to a model to obtain microscopic reduction potentials, haem-haem and haem-proton interacting potentials, and reference rate constants for the haems. The kinetic information obtained for these cytochromes and recently published data for other multihaem cytochromes is discussed with respect to the structural factors that determine the reference rates. The accessibility for the reducing agent seems to play an important role in controlling the kinetic rates, although is clearly not the only factor.  相似文献   

Multi-step assembly pathway of the cbb3-type cytochrome c oxidase complex   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The cbb3-type cytochrome c oxidases as members of the heme-copper oxidase superfamily are involved in microaerobic respiration in both pathogenic and non-pathogenic proteobacteria. The biogenesis of these multisubunit enzymes, encoded by the ccoNOQP operon, depends on the ccoGHIS gene products, which are proposed to be specifically required for co-factor insertion and maturation of cbb3-type cytochrome c oxidases. Here, the assembly of the cbb3-type cytochrome c oxidase from the facultative photosynthetic model organism Rhodobacter capsulatus was investigated using blue-native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. This process involves the formation of a stable but inactive 210 kDa sub-complex consisting of the subunits CcoNOQ and the assembly proteins CcoH and CcoS. By recruiting monomeric CcoP, this sub-complex is converted into an active 230 kDa CcoNOQP complex. Formation of these complexes and the stability of the monomeric CcoP are impaired drastically upon deletion of ccoGHIS. In a ccoI deletion strain, the 230 kDa complex was absent, although monomeric CcoP was still detectable. In contrast, neither of the complexes nor the monomeric CcoP was found in a ccoH deletion strain. In the absence of CcoS, the 230 kDa complex was assembled. However, it exhibited no enzymatic activity, suggesting that CcoS might be involved in a late step of biogenesis. Based on these data, we propose that CcoN, CcoO and CcoQ assemble first into an inactive 210 kDa sub-complex, which is stabilized via its interactions with CcoH and CcoS. Binding of CcoP, and probably subsequent dissociation of CcoH and CcoS, then generates the active 230 kDa complex. The insertion of the heme cofactors into the c-type cytochromes CcoP and CcoO precedes sub-complex formation, while the cofactor insertion into CcoN could occur either before or after the 210 kDa sub-complex formation during the assembly of the cbb3-type cytochrome c oxidase.  相似文献   

Type I cytochrome c3 is a key protein in the bioenergetic metabolism of Desulfovibrio spp., mediating electron transfer between periplasmic hydrogenase and multihaem cytochromes associated with membrane bound complexes, such as type II cytochrome c3. This work presents the NMR assignment of the haem substituents in type I cytochrome c3 isolated from Desulfovibrio africanus and the thermodynamic and kinetic characterisation of type I and type II cytochromes c3 belonging to the same organism. It is shown that the redox properties of the two proteins allow electrons to be transferred between them in the physiologically relevant direction with the release of energised protons close to the membrane where they can be used by the ATP synthase.  相似文献   

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