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S. Scheu 《Oecologia》1987,72(2):197-201
Summary The influence of earthworms (Aporrectodea caliginosa (Savigny) and Lumbricus castaneus (Savigny)) on the rate of nitrogen net mineralization of the soil was studied in the laboratory and in the field. The additional mineralization of nitrogen cause by the burrowing activity of the substrat feeding earthworm A. caliginosa (N L )was directly correlated to the biomass of the lumbricids independently of their number. A rise in temperature caused an exponential increase in N L values. The Q 10 value of this process (2.18) was found to be much higher than that of the nitrogen mineralization without earthworms (Q 10=1.22). At 15°C the N L value caused by A. caliginosa was calculated to be about 250 g N g-1 fresh body wt d-1. Using the experimentally determined exponential relationship between temperature and N L values, the additional nitrogen mineralization caused by a population of A. caliginosa in a beechwood on limestone was calculated to be 4.23 kg ha-1 a-1.In contrast to A. caliginosa the litter dwelling species L. castaneus lost considerable amounts of biomass (56%) during the 4 week incubation period. Only 1/3 of the nitrogen equivalent to the weight loss of the animals was recovered in the mineral nitrogen pool.The addition of litter (old beech leaf litter, freshly fallen beech and ash leaf litter) had a pronounced effect on both nitrogen net mineralization and N L values of the soil. Presence of old beech leaves caused an increase in both values, wheres the other litter types effected a decrease in nitrogen net mineralization. Fragmented ash litter was found to have the most distinct effect on N L values (-69%) and nitrogen net mineralization (-74%).  相似文献   

Carbon storage in aboveground tree biomass and soil organic matter (in depth of A layer development i.e., up to 20 cm) was studied in 22–32 year-old post-mining sites in the northwest of the Czech Republic. Four replicated sites afforested with different tree species (spruce, pine, larch, oak, lime or alder) were compared with sites left to natural regeneration which were dominated by aspen, birch and willow. No topsoil was applied at the sites; hence carbon accumulation resulted from in situ soil development on alkaline tertiary clays that were dumped on the heaps. In aboveground tree biomass, carbon storage ranged from 17.0 ± 5.9 (mean ± SEM) to 67.6 ± 5.9 t ha−1 and the rate of C accumulation increased from 0.60 ± 0.09 to 2.31 ± 0.23 t ha−1 year−1 (natural regeneration < pine < spruce < oak < lime < alder < larch). Carbon storage in soil organic matter varied from 4.5 ± 3.7 to 38.0 ± 7.1 t ha−1 and the rate of C accumulation in soil organic matter increased from 0.15 ± 0.05 to 1.28 ± 0.34 t ha−1 year−1 at sites in the order: natural regeneration < spruce < pine, oak < larch < alder < lime. Carbon storage in the soil was positively correlated with aboveground tree biomass. Soil carbon was equivalent to 98.1% of the carbon found in aboveground tree biomass at lime dominated sites, but only 21.8% at sites with natural regeneration. No significant correlation was found between C storage in soil and aboveground litter input. Total soil carbon storage was correlated positively and significantly with earthworm density, and occurrence of earthworm cast in topsoil, which indicated that bioturbation could play an important role in soil carbon storage. Hence, not only restoring of wood production, but also restoring of soil community is critical for C storage in soil and whole ecosystem.  相似文献   

In order to assess the response of epigeic earthworms to seasonal changes we monitored the population dynamics of Eisenia fetida (Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae) in a manure heap in the field during a year. Earthworms were hand-sorted from five 0.25 x 0.25 x 0.20 m blocks around the heap in November (autumn) 1999 and in January (winter), April (spring) and August (summer) 2000 to determine earthworm population dynamics. Earthworms of each block were classified into different age classes: mature, preclitellate, juvenile, hatchling and cocoon, and afterwards counted and weighed. Seasonality had a strong effect on the density, biomass and reproductive activity of the population. The population of E. fetida was characterized by a high density of individuals and the predominance of mature individuals throughout the year. Maximum density, mating activity and size of cocoons were achieved in spring, but there were not changes in the number of cocoons per mature earthworm throughout the year. Unexpectedly, the smallest cocoons were produced in winter by the largest individuals. These results suggest that E. fetida is able to allocate resources to growth and/or reproduction in response to environmental fluctuations.  相似文献   

Fifteen species of earthworm were collected from a reclaimed fen peat soil used for rough hay in County Offaly, Ireland. The most common species were Aporrectodea tuberculata, Allolobophora chlorotica, Eisenia rosea and Octolasion tyrtaeum. A. tuberculata, A. chlorotica and E. rosea formed a significant association. The total numbers of earthworms collected by hand-sorting reached a maximum of 197.1 m−2. Compared with hand-sorting, formalin-expulsion was an inefficient sampling method for most species. Soil moisture varied within the study area. Total densities and biomasses of the earthworms were greater where the soil was drier. A. tuberculata, A. turgida, Satchellius mammale and the pink form of A. chlorotica were more common in the dry soils whilst O. tyrtaeum, Lumbricus rubellus and the green form of A. chlorotica were more common in the wet soils.  相似文献   

Biological activity such as burrowing can alter benthic foraminiferal shell preservation and may also modify benthic foraminiferal assemblages by vertical mixing, inducing sediment homogenization. Here, we analyse benthic foraminiferal assemblages and taphonomy of upper Miocene marine deposits from Conil de la Frontera (Cádiz, south‐western Spain). The deposits consist of marls displaying a pervasive alternation of intensively bioturbated beds dominated by Macaronichnus segregatis traces (ichnofabric index 4–5) and non‐bioturbated beds. Benthic foraminiferal assemblages are dominated by Cibicidoides mundulus and Cibicides refulgens, indicating that the marls were deposited on an oligotrophic, well‐oxygenated upper slope. The impact of burrowing on the preservation of benthic foraminiferal tests was tested using Q‐mode cluster analysis, which found two well‐differentiated groups of samples, one including the non‐bioturbated beds and the other encompassing the bioturbated ones. Fragmentation and recrystallization account for the differentiation of these groups, both being higher in the bioturbated sediments. Aggressive chemical digestion by the Macaronichnus trace‐makers, assumed to be a polychaete worm of the family Opheliidae, etched the microfossil shells, making them more vulnerable to fragmentation. Intense bioturbation favoured the circulation of pore fluids, encouraging recrystallization. Pervasive burrowing resulted in significant vertical reworking of microfossils. As a consequence, benthic foraminiferal assemblages in the bioturbated beds were homogenized in the mixed layer; that is, the uppermost layer of the substrate totally burrowed. The alternation of bioturbated and non‐bioturbated beds reflects episodic transfer of food particles down slope from shallower parts of the shelf as well as from the continent due to storms under otherwise homogeneous oligotrophic marine conditions.  相似文献   

A review of the earthworm fauna of the Carpathian Basin recorded a total of 97 earthworm species of which three: Dendrobaena vladeasa, Octodriloides izanus and Octodrilus parvivesiculatus spp. nov. are new to science. A biogeographic analysis of the earthworm fauna revealed an extraordinarily high rate of endemism (40.21%) which is explained by the special Quaternary and tectonic history of the region.  相似文献   

About 30% of the total area of Lake Batata (Amazon) was impacted by the disposal of bauxite tailings originated from the process of washing bauxite. This effluent, composed by fine particles of clay and water, settled on top of the natural sediment, originating a new substratum with a different physical and chemical composition. This phenomenon created a new distinct habitat (impacted sediment) influencing the benthic community. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of bioturbation by Campsurus notatus (Ephemeroptera: Polymitarcytidae) on potential gas fluxes in the sediment of natural and impacted areas of the lake. The natural sediment had a significantly higher methane concentration when compared to the impacted one. In incubated sediment cores, the presence of C. notatus nymphs resulted in a significant increase in oxygen consumption and methane and carbon dioxide release to the water column. The effect of the presence of nymphs on methane was ambiguous. The C. notatus nymphs strongly decreased methane concentration in natural sediment samples, probably because of the enhancement of the oxic sediment area. However, this effect was not observed in impacted samples. Finally, the new substratum of Lake Batata decreased methane concentration in sediment and water column. C. notatus nymphs demonstrated to have a significant role on gas flux (methane and CO2) from sediment to water column as well as on oxygen consumption in Lake Batata, consequently influencing the carbon cycle in this lake. Handling editor: S. M. Thomaz  相似文献   

The population of earthworms has been studied in the main types of old-growth dark coniferous forests of Pechora-Ilych Nature Reserve (Komi Republic) that have not been subject to anthropogeniс impact for a long time. Ten species of earthworms have been identified. The greatest diversity (7 species), abundance, and biomass of earthworms has been revealed in the tall-grass fir–spruce forests. P. diplotetratheca had the greatest abundance. E. nordenskioldi nordenskioldi and E. atlavinyteae had the greatest biomass. The lowest species diversity (3 species), abundance, and biomass of earthworms have been found in the largefern, blueberry–green moss, and sphagnum–horsetail fir–spruce forests. The role of deadwood in maintaining the species diversity of Lumbricidae in dark coniferous forests has been demonstrated. The complexes of Lumbricidae have been considered in anthropogenically disturbed territories, where the following species with a habitat range to the south of the northern and middle taiga have been identified: L. rubellus, A. rosea, A. caliginosa caliginosa, and E. fetida.  相似文献   

The effect of earthworms and snails in a simple plant community   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Snails and earthworms affected the dynamics of a simple, three-species plant community, in the Ecotron controlled environment facility. Earthworms enhanced the establishment, growth and cover of the legume Trifolium dubium, both via the soil and interactions with other plant species. Worms increased soil phosphates, increased root nodulation in T. dubium, and enabled T. dubium seedlings to establish in the presence of grass (Poa annua) litter, by increasing soil heterogeneity. Worms also buried the seeds of Poa annua and Senecio vulgaris, reducing the germination of new seedlings. Snails reduced nitrogen-fixing Trifolium dubium and increased cover of plant litter, thereby reducing ammonia-nitrogen concentrations in the soil. These effects and their interactions demonstrate that the detritivore food chain, and earthworms in particular, cannot be ignored if we are to understand the spatial and temporal dynamics of plant communities.  相似文献   

A total of 161 Musa genotypes were screened for resistant or tolerant reaction to the natural populations of burrowing nematode, Radopholus similis in a field. Among them, 12 genotypes showed resistant and 37 showed tolerant reaction. To confirm their resistance or tolerant reaction, they were challenge inoculated with R. similis population in pots. The results showed that the YKM-5, Manoranjitham, Anaikomban, Pisang Lilin, Pisang Jaribuaya, Rose, Matti, Hatitat and Veneettu Kunnan were consistently resistant to R. similis in both field and pot conditions whereas Gros Michel, Williams, Red Banana (Mutant), Green Red, Agneeswar, Pisang Mas, Tongat and Then Kunnan were found to be tolerant. The pot study also confirmed that the genotypes Naka Bululu, Nattu Poovan, Motta Poovan, Kullan, Kalibow, Kali Red, Co 1, Chinali, Poovan, Myndoli, Malbhog, Big-e-Banga, Sannachenkadali, Ambalakadali, Namari, Culcutta-4, Ney Poovan, Kunnan, Adukkan, Bile Kadali, Chakkiya, Bagner, Nallabotha, Pacha Bontha Batheesa, Ashy Batheesa, Karpooravalli, Nattu Peyan, M.B.Sawai, FHIA-1, FHIA-3, FHIA-17 and FHIA-23 were susceptible to R. similis though they showed resistant or tolerance reaction under field conditions.  相似文献   

The semi-aquatic freshwater earthworm genus Glyphidrilus Horst, 1889 from Thailand was investigated based on extensive recent collecting. The species in this genus were characterized by their external and internal morphological characters of the location of wings, genital openings, genital organ structures and their locations, as well as the dimensions of body length and number of segments. Several type specimens were compared with both previous and newly collected materials. Ten new species are described from several river systems in Thailand; as Glyphidrilus borealis sp. n., Glyphidrilus chaophraya sp. n., Glyphidrilus chiensis sp. n., Glyphidrilus huailuangensis sp. n., Glyphidrilus kratuensis sp. n., Glyphidrilus quadratus sp. n., Glyphidrilus trangensis sp. n., Glyphidrilus wararamensis sp. n., Glyphidrilus vangthongensis sp. n. and Glyphidrilus vesper sp. n. Each species is endemic to a single river system. All 26 previously described species are re-described, and eight lectotypes have been designated. An identification key and a morphological comparison summary are provided.  相似文献   

Dinoflagellates include noxious microalgae responsible for the formation of toxic red tides and the poisoning of molluscs and crustaceans, resulting in important economic losses. As a consequence, the life cycle of these algae has been extensively studied, but the dormancy phase (cyst) in the sediment record is little known. In the intertidal zone, bioturbation, an important biological process resulting from the activities of benthic fauna, significantly influences the movement of particles in the sediments. Laboratory experiments have allowed comparing and quantifying the movements of fluorescent microspheres resulting from the activity of two polychaetes annelidae, Nereis virens and Nephtys caeca. The particles, which simulate 45 µm diameter dinoflagellate cysts, are deposited in flat aquaria at the surface or deep in the sediment. Photographs of the aquaria were taken at regular intervals, to observe, in a non-destructive manner, the movement of the particles and to calculate, using adapted software, the optical reworking coefficient (ORC) over time. A difference appears between the movements of the particles generated by both species of polychaetes. Nereis virens create “permanent” galleries that carry the microspheres deeply in the sediment during the digging, bioirrigation and feeding, and Nephtys caeca homogenize the particles in the first centimetres of sediment during its erratic movements. The study shows that the bioturbation generated by these organisms can modify the distribution of the 45 µm diameter dinoflagellate cysts in the sedimentary column, burying them or raising them back to the water-sediment interface.  相似文献   

Yoldia hyperborea (Lovén) is a protobranch bivalve of circumboreal distribution and an important bioturbator of muddy sediments of cold-water embayments in Newfoundland, Canada, where it is exposed to a strong seasonal input of sinking phytoplankton during spring, sporadic events of sediment resuspension, and sediment of low nutritional value during winter. To explain field-observed patterns of population dynamics, we quantified the behavioural response of Y. hyperborea to pulses of settling algae and sediment resuspension events, and hypothesised that Y. hyperborea behaviour is modified during settling of nutrient-rich organic matter. Yoldia hyperborea responded rapidly to the arrival of settling microalgae by extending its siphons into the water column. Once the pulse of algal material reached the sediment the animals partially emerged, extended the palp proboscides over the sediment surface and maintained close contact with the area of highest algal concentration. In contrast, the activity of animals not exposed to settling algae or to resuspended sediment was primarily restricted to strata below the sediment surface. Thus the predominant subsurface feeding behaviour of Yoldia hyperborea is switched to surface deposit-feeding as a response to cues contained in microalgae. Results suggest active suspension-feeding during algal sedimentation events, although deposit-feeding resumes once the algae are no longer in suspension, and suspension-feeding is probably of little nutritional significance. The rapid behavioural response of Y. hyperborea to the influx of high quality food, such as fresh microalgae, is probably an adaptive foraging strategy to a food-limited environment and suggests higher bioturbation rates of surface sediments during spring, a key role being played by the protobranch in redistribution of labile phytodetritus within the benthos.  相似文献   

Annually, over 18 million disease cases and half a million deaths worldwide are estimated to be caused by Group A Streptococcus. ScpA (or C5a peptidase) is a well characterised member of the cell enveleope protease family, which possess a S8 subtilisin-like catalytic domain and a shared multi-domain architecture. ScpA cleaves complement factors C5a and C3a, impairing the function of these critical anaphylatoxins and disrupts complement-mediated innate immunity. Although the high resolution structure of ScpA is known, the details of how it recognises its substrate are only just emerging. Previous studies have identified a distant exosite on the 2nd fibronectin domain that plays an important role in recruitment via an interaction with the substrate core. Here, using a combination of solution NMR spectroscopy, mutagenesis with functional assays and computational approaches we identify a second exosite within the protease-associated (PA) domain. We propose a model in which the PA domain assists optimal delivery of the substrate's C terminus to the active site for cleavage.  相似文献   

Abstract The introduced earthworms, Aporrectodea trapezoides and Aporrectodea caliginosa, are common in agricultural soils in southern Australia. The seasonal abundances of these species were monitored in five pastures in the Mount Lofty Ranges, South Australia. Highest numbers occurred from winter to early spring: densities of up to 407 and 446 m?2 were recorded for A. trapezoides and A. caliginosa, respectively. Adults were restricted to winter and spring, when breeding occurred. Subadults and juveniles survived summer. Aporrectodea trapezoides and A. caliginosa were abundant in the surface layers of the soil (0–10 cm depth) for between 3 and 7 months (autumn to spring), when soils were moistest. During summer, most individuals were found > 20 cm below the surface where they were inactive, coiled tightly within sperical chambers. The abundance of A. trapezoides and A. caliginosa varied within and between pastures. Numbers were lowest where the clay content of the soil was low. A dipteran parasite attacked a small proportion of A. trapezoides at one site in spring.  相似文献   

While incubation of soybean lipoxygenase with alpha-linolenic acid resulted in the gradual decrease of lipoxygenase activity, the incubation with linoleic acid had no change. The inactivation of soybean lipoxygenase during incubation with alpha-linolenic acid was markedly observed at pH 6.5, but not at pH 9.0. Among the lipoxygenation products of alpha-linolenic acid, only 9(S)-hydroperoxyoctadecatrienoic acid caused the inactivation of lipoxygenase. 9(S)-Hydroxyoctadecatrienoic acid, 13(S)-hydroperoxyoctadecatrienoic acid or 9,16-dihydroperoxy conjugated trienoic acid was without effect. Accordingly, it is suggested that the epoxide intermediate, one conversion product of 9(S)-hydroperoxyoctadecatrienoic acid, might be involved in the direct inactivation of lipoxygenase.  相似文献   

The uptake of nutrients, including metals, amino acids and peptides are required for many biological processes. Pathogenic bacteria scavenge these essential nutrients from microenvironments to survive within the host. Pathogens must utilize a myriad of mechanisms to acquire these essential nutrients from the host while mediating the effects of toxicity. Bacteria utilize several transport proteins, including ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters to import and expel substrates. ABC transporters, conserved across all organisms, are powered by the energy from ATP to move substrates across cellular membranes. In this review, we will focus on nutrient uptake, the role of ABC importers at the host–pathogen interface, and explore emerging therapies to combat pathogenesis. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Beyond the Structure-Function Horizon of Membrane Proteins edited by Ute Hellmich, Rupak Doshi and Benjamin McIlwain.  相似文献   

Aim  Three species of primitive spiders of the genus Atypus occur in European xerothermic habitats, where they live in burrows. The aim of this study is to explain their distribution by investigating environmental variables at sites where they occur in central Europe.
Location  Over 50 sites in central Europe, Czech Republic.
Methods  Data on climatic, edaphic and vegetational parameters were collected from more than 50 sites. Phytocenological data were processed using Ellenberg's indicator values.
Results  Atypus muralis was found to occur almost exclusively in dry grassland (Festucion valesiacae), exposed to a continental microclimate. Atypus affinis usually occurred in dry sparse forests (Genisto germanicae–Quercion) that provide an Atlantic microclimate. Atypus piceus occurred in dry grassland (Bromion erecti) or forest fringes (Geranion sanguinei) characterized by an intermediate microclimate. Atypus piceus and A. muralis were restricted to agglutinate calcareous soils.
Main conclusions  Our results show that Atypus species colonized sites with different continentality in central Europe. These differences correspond to differences among their probable glacial refugia. Atypus muralis and A. piceus occur in habitats with a markedly continental climate, and are restricted to calcareous agglutinate soils that more efficiently buffer temperature and humidity extremes. Habitats of A. muralis and A. piceus are threatened by overgrowth of vegetation after a recent decline in grazing and by the decalcification of the landscape. However, habitats of A. affinis are stable in the present central European climate.  相似文献   

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