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Ultrasound-guided vacuum-assisted breast biopsy technology is extremely useful for diagnostic biopsy of suspicious breast lesions and for attempted complete excision of appropriately selected presumed benign breast lesions.

Case presentation

A female patient presented with 16 breast lesions (eight within each breast), documented on ultrasound and all presumed to be fibroadenomas. Over a ten and one-half month period of time, 14 of these 16 breast lesions were removed under ultrasound guidance during a total of 11 separate 8-gauge Mammotome® excision procedures performed during seven separate sessions. Additionally, two of these 16 breast lesions were removed by open surgical excision. A histopathologic diagnosis of fibroadenoma and/or fibroadenomatous changes was confirmed at all lesion excision sites. Interval follow-up ultrasound imaging revealed no evidence of a residual lesion at the site of any of the 16 original breast lesions.


This report describes an innovative approach of utilizing ultrasound-guided 8-gauge vacuum-assisted breast biopsy technology for assisting in achieving complete eradication of multiple bilateral fibroadenomas in a patient who presented with 16 documented breast lesions. As such, this innovative approach is highly recommended in similar appropriately selected patients.  相似文献   

Shabaik A 《Acta cytologica》2003,47(4):657-662
BACKGROUND: Intraductal papillary mucinous tumor (IPMT) of the pancreas is a recently proposed pancreatic tumor entity with a peculiar clinical and pathologic profile. It presents with symptoms that are mostly attributed to the mass effect of the tumor. However, a long history of diabetes mellitus and/or chronic pancreatitis is usually noted. It is thought that IPMT has better prognosis than the usual pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma and its early identification is important. On imaging studies these neoplasms appear usually as multiloculated, cystic tumors that cannot be easily differentiated from other cystic pancreatic neoplasms. CASE: A 73-year-old, white woman with recent symptoms related to bile duct obstruction and diabetes mellitus and a long history of "chronic pancreatitis" was found to have a pancreatic mass on computed tomography. Endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration of the pancreatic mass and dilated pancreatic duct was performed. Cytopathologic examination of the aspirated material revealed large cells with abundant, eosinophilic cytoplasm arranged singly or occasionally in large sheets with complex papillary fragments. Occasional goblet cells or cells with cytoplasmic mucin-containing vacuoles were also noted within the tumor tissue fragments. The nuclei were large, with nuclear size variability and prominent nucleoli. Copious amounts of mucin and numerous muciphages were noted in the background. A diagnosis of "cystic mucinous tumor, cannot rule out invasion," was entertained. The patient underwent partial pancreatectomy. The histologic features of the resected specimen were consistent with IPMT, with focal areas suggestive of early stromal invasion. CONCLUSION: The cytologic features encountered in the aspirate of this tumor are highly suggestive of IPMT and can help differentiate it from other pancreatic tumors with mucin production, such as the classic mucinous cystic neoplasm and the more common ductal carcinoma.  相似文献   

A case of papillary tumor of the pancreas in a young woman is reported in which the nature of the tumor was recognized preoperatively by fine needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy. The larger cell clumps in the aspirate had a branching papillary appearance in which multiple layers of tumor cells surrounded central vascular stalks. This perivascular clustering of tumor cells, resembling bunches of grapes, was reflected in the subsequent histologic material. Of interest was the presence of metachromatic globules in Wright-Giemsa-stained aspiration smears, corresponding to perivascular myxoid material seen in the histologic sections, which has been described so far, among pancreatic tumors, only among papillary-type tumors.  相似文献   

Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma of the pancreas is among the few potentially curable malignancies of this organ; recognition of the differences between this and other pancreatic tumors is thus of paramount importance. A second example of mucinous cystadenocarcinoma of the pancreas diagnosed by fine needle aspiration, performed under ultrasonographic guidance, is presented, emphasizing both the radiographic distinction from other cystic lesions plus cytologic features not previously stressed. In essence, the cytodiagnosis relies less on cell morphology, which is characteristically bland and relatively monomorphic, than on the presence of extracellular mucin, which must be distinguished from amorphous background material and necrotic debris. The possibility of diagnosing benign mucinous and serous cystadenomas by imaging and cytology is addressed.  相似文献   

A case of the rare solid and cystic papillary tumor of the pancreas in a young woman is described. The diagnosis was made by fine needle aspiration cytology, with electron microscopic examination of the needle washings. The preoperative cytologic diagnosis enabled appropriate surgical treatment to be planned and carried out without undue delay. It is important to distinguish this rare tumor from other pancreatic tumors with similar cytohistologic features since, if diagnosed correctly and managed surgically, this neoplasm is associated with a good prognosis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare endoscopic biopsy and cytology versus biopsy alone in the diagnosis of gastric malignancies. STUDY DESIGN: This prospective study included 229 cases referred for endoscopy for visible gastric lesions during a four-year period (1996-2000). Both biopsy and brush cytology were performed, and all the slides were screened by a cytotechnologist and reviewed by a pathologist. RESULTS: Of the 229 cases, 97 (42.4%) were proven to be malignant and 132 (57.6%) definitely benign. Biopsy was positive in 90 patients (92.7%), while brush cytology was positive in 85 (87.1%). Combined use of biopsy and brush cytology yielded higher diagnostic sensitivity (100%). CONCLUSION: Brush cytology is a safe, easy and rapid method of diagnosing gastric malignancies. Brush cytology is a useful adjunct in the diagnosis of gastric malignancies and should be considered a routine method in combination with biopsy. Multiple repeated endoscopies are recommended in cases of positive cytology and negative biopsy to rule out or confirm malignancy.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the specificity and sensitivity of brush cytology and biopsy in colorectal malignancies. STUDY DESIGN: The study was performed over 3 years, 1998-2000. Seventy-six patients with any colorectal lesion on colonoscopy were selected, and in all of them brush cytology and biopsy were done at the same time. The cytologic smears and biopsies were reviewed separately. The cytologic smears were categorized as negative, suspicious, suggestive or positive for malignancy. The results of cytology and biopsy were compared based on sensitivity and specificity. The gold standard for positive cases was the tissue specimen after surgery; negative cases were followed for at least 1 year. Cases with 1 year of disease-free survival were considered negative. RESULTS: Among 76 cases, 4 were excluded because of unsatisfactory cytologic smears. Of the remaining 72 cases, 31 were male and 41 female. The age range was 19-80 years. Cytology showed 23 positive and 49 negative cases (1 false positive and 3 false negative). Biopsy showed 24 positive and 48 negative cases (no false positives and 1 false negative). There were 47 negative cases, followed for at least 1 year, and after that we considered them definitively negative for malignancy. Sensitivity of cytology and biopsy was 88% and 96%; specificity was 98% and 100%, respectively. Combined use of brush cytology and biopsy had the highest sensitivity, 100%. CONCLUSION: Brush cytology of the colon is a safe, fast and reliable method for the diagnosis of colorectal cancer. We recommend performing it in conjunction with biopsy. It is also reasonable to perform a repeat biopsy in patients with negative biopsy and positive cytology for a definitive diagnosis.  相似文献   

Biliary papillary neoplasm of the liver   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Biliary papillary neoplasia of the liver characterized by intraductal papillary growth of neoplastic biliary epithelia with a fine fibrovascular stalk has been sporadically reported, and includes intraductal growing cholangiocarcinoma and biliary papillomatosis. In addition, biliary papillary dysplasia and in situ and microinvasive carcinoma with papillary configuration reported in hepatolithiasis and in other chronic biliary diseases, could be included in this category. Usually, they arise in the intrahepatic large bile ducts, and the neoplastic and non-neoplastic parts of the intrahepatic biliary tree show saccular and segmental dilatation with mucin hypersecretion. This neoplasia frequently shows intraductal spreading and peribiliary glandular involvement. Acute repeated episodes of cholangitis or obstructive jaundice are a frequent clinical manifestation. Gastroenteric metaplasia with aberrant expression of cytokeratin 20, MUC2, MUC5AC, and/or MUC6, is frequent in the neoplastic parts, and biliary epithelial dysplasia with such metaplasia may give rise to in situ and then invasive carcinoma in hepatolithiasis. Interestingly, this type tends to contain foci of mucinous carcinoma elements, and this element may be predominant (mucinous carcinoma). Some may progress to "mucinous biliary cystadenocarcinoma" without ovarian mesenchymal stroma and with intraluminal continuous growth into the neighboring bile duct lumens. Interestingly, the biliary papillary neoplasm resembles histologically, phenotypically and clinically intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm of the pancreas which is now being established as an infrequent, slow-growing pancreatic neoplasm. Recognition of such biliary papillary neoplasm with respect to the pancreatic equivalent may lead to a better understanding and further studies of the intrahepatic biliary neoplasm.  相似文献   

Fine needle aspiration (FNA) performed on a young woman who presented with a mass in the left hypochondrium yielded fluid. Smears and Cytospin preparations of the fluid showed good cellularity, consisting of relatively monomorphic cells forming a perivascular papillary pattern. FNA cytology thus suggested a diagnosis of papillary cystic neoplasm of the pancreas. Surgical removal of the pancreatic tumor and detailed histologic study confirmed the cytologic diagnosis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Papillary solid cystic neoplasm (PSCN) of the pancreas is a tumor of low malignant potential and has an excellent prognosis. Although the cytologic features are well documented, it can pose a diagnostic problem when it presents as an extrapancreatic mass. CASE: A young woman presented with a retroperitoneal mass. Sonography and computed tomography (CT) showed a partially cystic mass touching the spleen and pancreas but distinct from both organs. The CT-guided aspiration cytologic diagnosis was paraganglioma. At surgery the mass was attached to the tail of the pancreas by a pedicle. The histologic diagnosis was PSCN of the pancreas. CONCLUSION: The cytologic findings in paraganglioma and PSCN may be strikingly similar, with both showing a perivascular pattern, acinar formations, cells with a moderate amount of ill-defined cytoplasm with red granularity on May-Grünwald Giemsa stain and a uniform chromatin pattern. This may be a source of diagnostic error, particularly in a patient presenting with a retroperitoneal, extrapancreatic mass.  相似文献   



A distended, mucous-filled appendix is known as an appendiceal mucocele. They are a rare form of an appendiceal mass and develop from both benign and malignant processes. Mucoceles can develop secondarily to an obstruction, such as from a fecalith, scarring or, rarely, endometriosis. Only 12 cases of non-neoplastic appendiceal mucoceles caused by endometriosis have been previously described. The association between neoplastic appendiceal mucoceles in the presence of endometriosis is described for the first time in this report.

Case presentation

A 57-year-old woman presented with a chief complaint of worsening abdominal pain over the past 3 months. Imaging studies revealed an appendiceal mass. Laparoscopic evaluation confirmed an appendiceal mucocele, and the patient underwent complete appendectomy. No evidence of mucinous or endometrial deposits were present within the abdominal cavity. Pathological diagnosis revealed low-grade appendiceal mucinous neoplasm (LAMN) with evidence of endometriosis within the muscularis propria of the appendix. The patient recovered without complications and her abdominal pain completely resolved.


Endometriosis of the appendix is a rare manifestation and is most often identified as an incidental finding. Endometriosis leading to an obstructive mucocele of the appendix is an exceedingly rare finding, having only been described 12 times in the medical literature. LAMN in the presence of endometriosis of the appendix is described for the first time in this report. The association between appendiceal neoplasms in the presence of endometriosis requires further research in order to optimize operative treatment.

Fine needle aspiration cytology of the pancreas   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A review is presented of 205 fine needle aspirations of the pancreas performed on 149 patients. Clinical follow-up was available for 134 patients (88%). Aspirates from 71 patients (53%) were correctly diagnosed as malignant while those from 43 patients (32%) were correctly diagnosed as negative. Ten patients (7%) were falsely diagnosed as negative, and ten patients (7%) were diagnosed as suspicious. There were no false-positive diagnoses. This resulted in a specificity of 100%, a sensitivity of 87%, a diagnostic efficiency of 92%, a predictive value of a positive test of 100% and a predictive value of a negative test of 80%. The cytologic criteria of malignancy can be easily recognized. The complications are very few. Comparisons with the results of needle and wedge pancreatic biopsies are presented.  相似文献   

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